Analysis of Difficult Matrices with a New QuEChERs Product • E. Barrey, K. Stenerson, O.Shimelis M.Ye, J. Claus, and D. Vitkuske Supelco, Div. of Sigma-Aldrich Bellefonte, PA 16823 USA T412162 Introduction • QuEChERS stands for Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, Safe • The method is used for extraction and cleanup of samples for pesticide analysis in fruits, vegetables, processed food and animal feeds • The extraction step uses acetonitrile and a salting out effect (with MgSO4) • The cleanup step is accomplished by using dispersive SPE • Cleanup sorbents include: – PSA – for removal of polar pigments, sugars and acids – Graphitized carbon Black – for removal of chlorofill and carotenoids – C18 – for removal of lipids and non-polar components Reference: M. Anastassiades, S.J. Lehotay, et al., J. AOAC Int. 86, 412–431 (2003) 2 • Most fruits and vegetables contain less than 1% with the exception of: – Avocado, 10-15% fat – Olives, 15% fat – Nuts, ex: almonds – 49% fat • Animal products contain varying amounts of fat: – Beef Kidney, 5% fat – Whole cow’s milk, 3-4% fat – Salmon, 12% fat • Researchers have used methods in addition to C18 dSPE to improve the removal of fatty components prior to analysis: – Freezing out the fats – Using hexane for liquid-liquid extraction of fats • Another way to remove fatty components – use of new sorbents – Z-Sep and Z-Sep+ 3 What are Z-Sep/C18 and Z-Sep+ Particles? • Supel™ QuE Z-Sep/C18 • Supel QuE Z-Sep+ • 50 mg of Discovery® DSC-18 and 20 mg of Z-Sep (Proprietary HybridSPE® zirconia-coated silica) • Sold in 2 mL centrifuge tubes; 100 tubes/pack (catalog # 55284-U) • Use for cleanup of LC-MS samples ZrO C18 ZrO ZrO ZrO ZrO ZrO ZrO + • Sold in 12 mL centrifuge tubes, 500 mg – 50 tubes/pack (catalog # 55296-U) – Sample pack 5 tubes/pack – Bulk, 20 g (catalog # 55299-U) ZrO C18 ZrO • Dual Bonded C18 and Z-Sep C18 C18 ZrO C18 C18 C18 ZrO C18 C18 C18 C18 ZrO C18 4 Why Z-Sep/C18 and Z-Sep+? Removal of Oleins from Solution by Using Various Sorbents 25 mg of sorbent was mixed with 1 mL solution of oleins (400 mg/mL total concentration) in acetonitrile. The remaining mono-, di- and trioleins were quantified by LC-ELSD and retention was calculated. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Z-Sep+ ZSep/C18 C18 PSA NH2 alumina LRA Silica 5 Experimental - Veterinary Drugs in Kidney & Milk Extraction & Cleanup Place 1 g kidney sample into 50 mL centrifuge tube Place 2 mL (g) milk sample into 50 mL centrifuge tube Add 2 mL 50 mM phosphate buffer, mix Add 8 mL acetonitrile, mix for 1 min and centrifuge Add 8 mL acetonitrile, mix Keep sample at 60 oC for 45 min, mix periodically Cool down in cold water, then centrifuge Separate the supernatant into 15 mL centrifuge tube Add 0.1 mL conc. formic acid and 500 mg Z-Sep+ Add 500 mg DSC-18 Shake for 1 min, centrifuge Evaporate supernatant to 0.75 mL at 50 ºC. Add 0.15 mL acetonitrile, and adjust to FV= 1 mL with water. Filter prior to LC-MS analysis 6 LC-MS Conditions instrument: AB QTRAP 3200, Agilent 1100-1200 Stack column: Ascentis® Express RPA, 5 cm x 2.1 mm, 2.7 µm •mobile phase : (A) 5 mM 10 mM ammonium acetate buffer pH 7 (B) 5 mM acetonitrile • flow rate: 0.5 mL/min • temp.: 35 °C • det.: MS-MS via MRMs • injection 5 µL Both C18 and RPA columns were tested for this separation. The RPA column was used because it provided better retention for more polar analytes, such as salbutamol and sulfanilamide. 7 Results Recoveries of veterinary drugs spiked into the matrix samples at the indicated levels (n=3). Spike level (µg/kg) Recoveries milk (%RSD) Recoveries kidney (%RSD) milk kidney Z-Sep+ C18 Z-Sep+ C18 Abamectin 25 50 61%(10) 3%(100) 44%(8) 4%(86) Amoxicillin 15 30 31%(7) 40%(16) 63%(3) 19%(98) 1.25 2.5 106%(4) 100%(6) 95%(3) 110%(6) 5 10 22%(26) 73%(5) 57%(22) 54%(22) 12.5 25 98%(13) 90%(3) 73%(15) 70%(21) Levamisol 5 10 98%(7) 95%(9) 82%(4) 64%(6) Lincomycin 5 10 63%(11) 75%(9) 128%(11) 132%(12) Salbutamol 5 10 37%(17) 80%(13) 79%(9) 88%(9) Sulfanilamide 20 40 62%(6) 77%(8) 58%(5) 47%(9) Compounds Chloramphenicol Ciprofloxacine Furazolidone Quantified against calibration curve standards made in solvent. 8 Discussion • In milk, C18 cleanup yielded better recoveries for most drugs. In beef kidney, Z-Sep+ generally yielded better recoveries. • Abamectin recovery was poor in both matrices with C18 cleanup. Detection was probably affected by ion supression due to coeluting phospholipids. Recovery was improved with Z-Sep+ cleanup. • Z-Sep+ cleanup removed more color from beef kidney extracts than C18 (not shown). • Z-Sep+ cleanup required the use of formic acid to avoid retention of more acidic and chelating compounds (e.g.ciprofloxacine). 9 Experimental - Pesticides in Olives Extraction & Cleanup Weigh 10 g olive sample into 50 mL centrifuge tube Add 10 mL acetonitrile, mix Add citrate extraction tube (55227-U) and shake for 1 min Centrifuge at 3200 rpm for 5 min Aliquot 0.7 mL of supernatant to QuEChERS tubes: PSA (55287-U), PSA/C18 (55288-U), Z-Sep/C18 (55284-U) Shake for 1 min and centrifuge at 5000 rpm for 5 min Dilute as necessary and analyze 10 LC-MS Conditions instrument: AB QTRAP 3200, Agilent 1100 column: Ascentis Express C18, 5 cm x 2.1 mm , 2.7 µm (53822-U) mobile phase: (A) 10 mM ammonium acetate buffer pH 7, (B) 5 mM ammonium acetate in acetonitrile • temp.: 30 °C • det.: MS-MS via MRMs • injection: 5 µL • sample: olives spiked with a mixture of 38 pesticides at 50 ppb, most amenable to LC-MS 11 Results Recoveries of selected pesticides spiked into the matrix samples at 50 ppb (n=3). Quantified against calibration curve standards made in solvent. 12 Discussion • Pesticide recoveries were better using Z-Sep/C18 cleanup than PSA/C18 or PSA alone. • For fenhexamid, anilazine, and sethoxydim, ion suppression was not observed for the Z-Sep/C18 mix but was evident for PSA and PSA/C18. 13 Experimental - Pesticides in Avocado Extraction & Cleanup Place 3 g homogenized avocado sample into 50 mL centrifuge tube (55248-U) Add 25 mL acetonitrile, mix for 1 min Add Supel QuE Acetate tube (55234-U), mix for 1 min Centrifuge samples for 5 min Add the following cleanup sorbents to 3 mL extract: Supel QuE Z-Sep+ (55296-U), PSA/C18 mix, or PSA/Z-Sep+ mix Separate 1 mL supernatant Proceed with GC-MS analysis 14 GC-MS Conditions instrument: Agilent 7890/5975 GC/MS GC column: (1) SLB®-5ms 20 m x 0.18 mm I.D., 0.18 µm (2) SLB-5ms 20 m x 0.18 mm I.D., 0.36 µm oven: 70 °C (2 min.), 15 °C/min. to 325 °C (5 min.) inj.: programmed, (1) 75 °C (0.89 min.), 600 °C/min. to 325 °C (5 min.) (2) 60 °C (0.28 min.), 600 °C/min. to 325°C (5 min.) carrier gas: helium, 1 mL/min. constant flow injection: (1) 25 µL LVI, PTV solvent vent, variable injection speed (2) 10 µL LVI, PTV solvent vent, rapid injection speed split vent flow: 100 mL/min, (5 psi) until 0.28 min., 60 mL/min. at 2.78 min. liner: 4 mm ID focus liner w/taper MS conditions: SIM 15 Results Total residue remaining and GC-MS background after cleanup Avocado (15% fats) From 1.44 g avocado Residue remaining after cleanup of avocado extracts A total of 200 mg of sorbent or sorbent mix per mL of extract used in cleanup Z-Sep+ cleanup 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (min) C18/PSA cleanup GC-MS Analysis of avocado extracts (scan mode) in the same y-scale 16 12 14 16 18 Time (min) 20 22 24 Recoveries and (RSDs) of pesticides from avocado using different cleanup methods. 140 120 C18/PSA Z-Sep(+)/PSA Z-Sep+ 100 80 60 40 20 Deltamethrin Cypermethrin Cyfluthrin isomers Coumaphos Methoxychlor 4,4'-DDT Endosulfan I Chloropyrifos Metolachlor Malathion Heptachlor gamma-BHC Qunitozene Simazine Dimethoate 0 Hexachlorobenzene Z-Sep+ 20 ng/g 98 (1) 92 (2) 58 (1) 97 (7) 92 (2) 86 (1) 91 (1) 78 (1) 104 (2) 94 (0.4) 93 (1) 79 (2) 78 (6) 97 (6) 121 (5) 133 (10) 114 (2) 124 (2) alpha-BHC Z-Sep+/PSA 20 ng/g 87 (17) 84 (14) 39 (15) 91 (18) 85 (12) 71 (7) 78 (10) 78 (12) 89 (8) 86 (6) 102 (5) 94 (6) 69 (2) 82 (4) 95 (5) 88 (11) 87 (31) 42 (87) Trifluralin Spike level Trifluralin α-BHC Hexachlorobenzene Dimethoate Simazine Qunitozene γ-BHC Heptachlor Malathion Metolachlor Chloropyrifos Endosulfan I 4,4'-DDT Methoxychlor Coumaphos Cyfluthrin isomers Cypermethrin isomers Deltamethrin C18/PSA 20 ng/g 71 (5) 91 (17) 44 (10) 0 74 (7) 62 (15) 75 (13) 58 (4) 74 (14) 74 (7) 72 (10) 68 (9) 60 (56) 42 (27) 68 (10) 0 matrix matrix Best recoveries and least matrix interference with Z-Sep+ only cleanup. C18/PSA samples analyzed using GC/MS conditions (1) 17 Discussion • Using Z-Sep+ and Z-Sep+/PSA improved cleanup vs. C18/PSA, as evidenced by GC-MS scan data and the measured total extractables (not shown). • Z-Sep+ removed more residue than other cleanups. The addition of PSA did not remove any additional residue. Z-Sep+ can be used as a single cleanup sorbent for this application. • Permethrin pesticides could not be seen in the C18 cleaned extract due to the presence of high amounts of sample matrix. • Lower recoveries were observed for hexachlorobenzene, deltamethrin and other lipophilic pesticides using C18/PSA cleanup. • For selected pesticides, the method sensitivity decreased as more injections into the GC system were performed (data not shown). Modifications to the GC-MS systems may be necessary for running fatty samples, such as installation of back-flashing capability. 18 Conclusions • Zirconia-based Z-Sep and Z-Sep+ sorbents retain more oleins than traditional cleanup sorbents. • In beef kidney and avocado, Z-Sep+ cleanup removed more background than PSA/C-18. • In beef kidney and avocado, extracts cleaned with Z-Sep+ exhibited comparable or better analyte recoveries than PSA/C-18. • In olives, Z-Sep/C18 cleaned extracts exhibited better pesticide recoveries than PSA and PSA/C18. This is possibly due to ion supression effects from the presence of phospholipids in the PSA and PSA/C18 cleaned extracts. 19 Trademarks Ascentis, Discovery, HybridSPE, and SLB are registered trademarks of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. Supel is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. 20
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