特邀买家计划 Hosted Buyer Program 2015广州国际旅游展览会 GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL FAIR 2015 2015年3月6-8日 中国进出口商品交易会展馆C区 6 – 8 Mar. 2015 China Import and Export Fair Complex, Area C 展会简介 ABOUT GITF 经过22年的发展,广州国际旅游展览会(GITF) 已成为海内外旅游同业最为关注的,涵盖 出境旅游、入境旅游和会奖旅游的国际性专业 (B2B) 展览会。GITF立足于中国最大的客 源市场——广东,既为海外的旅游机构和企业提供拓展中国市场的平台,也为国内旅游 同业提供开拓国际市场的机遇。 As one of the most influential B2B fairs focusing on outbound travel, inbound travel and M.I.C.E., GITF receives wide attention among the tourism industry since its first session 22 years ago. It is recognized as a best way to get into the vast China market as well as a gate to diversified international markets by rooting in Guangdong, the largest tourist-source market of China. 2015广州国际旅游展览会 GITF2015 日期: Date: 2015年3月6-8日 6 - 8 Mar. 2015 地点: Venue: 中国进出口商品交易会展览馆C区 Area C, China Import and Export Fair Complex 展馆 Halls: 北京 Beijing 14.2 本地旅行社展示馆 Local Travel Agent 15.2 国内旅游展示馆 Domestic Travel 16.2 国际旅游暨会奖旅游展示馆 International Travel & M.I.C.E. 上海 Shanghai 广州 Guangzhou 2015展望 Forecast 2015 730+ 780+ 21,900+ 特邀买家 Hosted Buyers 参展商 Exhibitors 商业洽谈 Business Contacts 特邀买家资格 HOSTED BUYER QUALIFICATION 如果您是来自以下领域的决策者,即有可能成为我们的特邀买家: You could be our Hosted Buyer if you are decision-maker from following categories: 休闲旅游 Leisure Travel 主题旅游 Theme Tour 奖励旅游 Incentive Travel 高端旅游 High-end Tour 会议和展览 Conference & Exhibition 个性化定制旅游 Personalized Tour 活动策划 Event Planning 企业差旅管理 Business Travel 特邀买家礼遇 HOSTED BUYER PRIVILEGES 如果您成功通过申请成为特邀买家,您可以获得: Approved as a Hosted Buyer, you'll receive complementary services as below: 1. 指定目的地往返广州的经济舱机票 Round-trip flights of economy class from selected destination to Guangzhou 2. 两晚大会指定星级酒店的住宿安排 Up to 2 nights' accommodations in GITF official hotel 3. 通过展前预约系统(PSA)安排和管理与会日程 Access to meeting arrangement through the pre-scheduled appointment (PSA) system 4. 优先参与展会期间的推介会,高端论坛,教育讲座和社交宴会等 Priority passes to exhibitor presentations, forums, seminars and social networking functions 5. 展前或展后考察游 Pre-tour or post-tour 6. 往返酒店和展馆穿梭巴士 Shuttle bus between official hotel and GITF fair ground 7. 享受买家休息室内的免费茶歇与小型会议室 Refreshment and mini conference room at Hosted Buyer lounge at GITF fair ground 特邀买家义务 HOSTED BUYER OBLIGATIONS 作为特邀买家,您必须履行以下义务: As a Hosted Buyer, you should fulfill the obligations as below: 1. 通过展前预约系统(PSA)预约至少每天15个洽谈 Participate in at least 15 appointments with exhibitors made through the pre-scheduled appointment (PSA) system per day 2. 通过展前预约系统(PSA)预约每天不少于2场展商推介会,教育讲座或 行业论坛 Participate in at least 2 exhibitor presentations, seminars or forums made through the pre-scheduled appointment (PSA) system per day 3. 特邀买家的参会日程安排需提交大会,并接受大会监督 Hand in the meeting diary of Hosted Buyer at the show 同期活动 CONCURRENT ACTIVITIES 成为我们的特邀买家可以参加以下丰富多彩的同期活动: As a Hosted Buyer, you could participate in various concurrent activities as shown below: 开幕式 Opening Ceremony 买家之夜 Buyer Night 高端论坛 High-end Forum 教育讲座 Seminar 推介会 Exhibitor Presentation 展前或展后考察 Pre-tour or Post-tour 参展范围 EXHIBITING CATEGORY 国家及各省市旅游局 National & Regional Tourist Board 组团社 / 地接社 / 旅游批发商 Travel Agent 航空公司 / 航空联盟 / 航空代理 Airline Company / Airline Alliance / Air Agent 个性化旅游定制 Personalized Tour 酒店 / 酒店集团 / 度假村 / 温泉度假村 Hotel / Hotel Group / Resort / SPA Resort 旅游在线预订 On-line Reservation 邮轮 / 游艇会 / 游艇俱乐部 Cruise / Yacht & Yacht Club 旅游地产 Tourism Real Estate 高尔夫球场 / 高尔夫俱乐部 Golf & Golf Club 城市规划 / 景观设计 City Planning / Landscape Design 景区 / 景点 / 主题公园 Scenic Spot / Theme Park 其他旅游相关领域 Others 2014回顾 2014 REVIEW 主宾国 Partner Country 巴 西 Brazil 展示面积 Exhibiting space 22,000 业内观众 Trade visitors 25,104 参展企业 Exhibitors 753 特邀买家 Hosted buyers 700 参展国家和地区 Countries & regions 42 参展商推介会 Presentations 16 配对会晤 Match making meeting 1 特邀买家之声 HOSTED BUYER TESTIMONIAL 在这一届GITF上,寻找到新的产品, 尤其是新创意的产品,也寻找到了新的合作伙伴,尤其 是新市场的合作伙伴。会奖旅游有着极大的发展潜力,GITF为这项业务的发展提供了一个很 好 的 平 台 , 相 信 随 着 会 奖 业 务 的 发 展 , GITF将 吸 引 越 来 越 多 的 参 展 商 和 买 家 前 来 。 I found some new products in GITF2014, especially the one containing innovative ideas. In the meanwhile, I met new partners for the fresh market. Incentive tourism is potential to be a big business. GITF offers a platform to carry it out. 香港中国旅行社有限公司商务会奖中心,总经理,计宪 George Kai, General Manager, China Travel Service (HK) Ltd. 每一年的GITF都给人感受深刻。主办方安排周到,各项展会内容详实充分,使卖家和买家 有比较充分的机会交流和沟通。 Every year I felt very welcomed. The organizer is hospitable and arranged everything well. Furthermore, exhibition and seminars are substantial, offering chances for buyers and wholesalers to communicate fully. 江西长青国际旅行社有限公司,总经理,卢立珉 Lu Limin, General Manager, Jiangxi Evergreen International Service Co, Ltd. 我感觉展会组织良好,接待不错。同时,推介会环节帮助我更加好地了解每一个新的产品。 The fair is organized well and I did get good reception. Seminars are the perfect choice to know a new product in depth. Maressa Antonino, General Manager, Trend’ Olot Groppoparisi Italy 这是一个非常好的展会,展会中我们能够从同行身上得到更多的行业资源,这些资源种类丰 富,有假日旅游的,有会展业的,它们对我们公司未来的发展是十分有帮助的。 It was a great and well done fair, from here we knew a lot of helpful resources for leisure & M.I.C.E. We will introduce new and fresh destinations to our clients. Daniel Tam , General Manager, Tour East (HK) Ltd 高质量的参展商给我留下了深刻的印象。我在今天早上遇到了不少合适的卖家并且和他们相谈 甚欢。这是一次愉快的经历。 The high-quality exhibitors did impress me a lot. I met lots of applicable partners during the fair. It was nice. I will attend again next year. Goh Hock Gin, Managing Director, Bel Travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd 展馆与场地 HALL & VENUE GITF所在展馆: 中国进出口商品交易会展览馆 C 区展厅 14.2号馆 / 15.2号馆 / 16.2号馆 Venue of GITF : Hall 14.2 / 15.2 / 16.2 Area C, China Import & Export Fair Complex 如何到达 Traffic: 到达琶洲展馆C区最便捷方法是乘坐地铁,在“昌岗”站换乘地铁8号线到达“琶洲”站, C出口直达琶洲展馆C区 The most convenient way to get to exhibition hall is by metro. Transfer to line 8 at Changgang station and get off at Pazhou station. Exit C is the most easy way to get to Area C. 联系GITF服务团队 CONTACTS 参展及广告赞助 Exhibition, Advertising, Sponsorship 特邀买家计划及媒体合作 Hosted Buyer Program & Media Cooperation 苏泳敏 女士 Ms. Clair Su Tel : +86-20-86266696 ext. 8005 Fax: +86-20-86266690 Email: [email protected] 张伟亮 先生 Mr. William Zhang Tel : +86-20-86266696 ext. 8003 Fax: +86-20-86266690 Email: [email protected] 郎兆元 先生 Mr. Roger Lang Tel : +86-20-86266696 ext. 8004 Fax: +86-20-86266690 Email: [email protected] 李艳婷 女士 Ms. Vicko Li Tel : +86-20-86266696 ext. 8000 Fax: +86-20-86266690 Email: [email protected] 韩霭文 女士 Ms. Iris Han Tel : +86-20-86266696 ext. 8008 Fax: +86-20-86266690 Email: [email protected] @GITF 广州国际旅游展 有关GITF最新动态,请关注GITF官方微博,微信和官方网站 More GITF updates on Microblog, WeChat and website. www.gitf.com.cn
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