Practice Guide_EWM_ManualWave

ASUG EWM Practice Guide
ASUG EWM Practice Guide
Manual wave Creation
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ASUG EWM Practice Guide
Practice Guide: Manual wave Creation
About This Guide ............................................................................................................................ - 3 -
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... - 3 -
ECC System instructions .............................................................................................................. - 4 3.1
Create Sales Order ................................................................................................................ - 5 -
EWM System instructions ............................................................................................................. - 8 4.1
Create Wave Manually .......................................................................................................... - 8 -
Release the Wave ................................................................................................................ - 10 -
Confirm Warehouse Tasks ................................................................................................. - 10 -
Verify Stock Movement ....................................................................................................... - 13 -
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
Support........................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
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ASUG EWM Practice Guide
1. About This Guide
This document will guide you through a simple Manual Wave scenario. In this scenario, you
will create a Sales Order (Rush Order) in the ECC system. Since the Sales Order is created as
a Rush Order, ECC automatically creates the Outbound Delivery in ECC, which is immediately
distributed to SAP SCM-EWM. Since we will use SCM-EWM system which runs independently
of ECC, you will be asked to log into the EWM system separately. In EWM system, you will be
guided through series of steps that include the following;
In this scenario, we have configured the system to not automatically assign the EWM Outbound
Delivery to a wave, so you will have the opportunity to do it yourself manually.
Create Wave manually – Create a manual Wave and assign the appropriate Warehouse
Request to it. When the Wave is released, system will automatically create Warehouse
Task(s) and Warehouse Order(s).
Confirm Warehouse Task (Picking)
Check physical stock to verify the Goods Issue.
We have intentionally kept many of the steps manual. In a more realistic setting, the warehouse
team may utilize advanced EWM configuration techniques to automate most of these
processes, as well as pick and put-away tasks that can be initiated and confirmed using Radio
Frequency (RF) devices.
2. Introduction
Wave management is the process of grouping orders to meet warehouse requirements in a cost
effective and efficient manner. It also allows warehouse management to optimize labor
utilization and productivity, making it an integral part of the outbound process in warehouse
A Wave generally contains items that are similar in nature, for example, items from similar
areas, or items that are similar in shape or size (see Fig. 1). Once the Wave is released, the
system creates Warehouse Tasks and subsequent Warehouse Orders.
Items can either be assigned to a Wave automatically, using Wave templates, or manually with
the “Maintain Wave” transaction in EWM. Fig.1 below highlights the Wave Management
functionality. Each Outbound Delivery item can be independently assigned to a Wave
regardless of the other items in the same Outbound Delivery.
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Fig. 1: ODO items assignment to Waves
To demonstrate how information flows between ECC and EWM, we have created a simple
manual wave creation scenario for practice. The next chapters will guide you through each step
in this scenario and give you an opportunity to experience the robustness of EWM‟s functionality
3. ECC System instructions
Log onto the SAP ECC Demo system with the User ID and Password provided and follow the
instruction below. For your convenience, we have simplified the Easy Access Menu to show
“demo-friendly” transactions. For consistency, this document gives the actual full path of each
transaction. Users can toggle between the SAP Standard and User Menus by clicking the
relevant icons.
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3.1 Create Sales Order
The first step is to create a Sales Order of type Rush Order, so that Outbound Delivery is
created immediately. To create a Sales Order use either of the two options listed below:
Transaction: VA01
Menu Path: User Menu  Create Sales Order
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Menu Path:
Once in the “Create Sales Order” screen, enter the appropriate values shown below:
Organizational Data:
Order Type:
Sales Org:
Distribution Channel:
ZRA (Rush Order)
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Note: For this scenario we are using Order Type ZRA, Rush Order. A rush order automatically
creates an Outbound Delivery in the system.
Press Enter to continue. You will be directed to the “Create Rush Order (ASUG)” screen as
shown below:
Master data: A separate set of master data has been created for each user.
The „X‟ value matches the one in your User ID. For example, User ASUG_EWM001 will use
Customer: ASUG_CUS1 and Product: ASUG_MAN1. Both the Storage Location and Plant
are the same for all Users.
Storage location:
Enter Sold to Party (Customer), and Ship to Party (Customer), then hit Enter.
Next, enter the “Material ID” in the first row of the column titled “Material”. Enter a desired
quantity under Order Quantity”, “ZFS1” under “Storage Location”, and “Z340” under the
“Plant” field. The Plant and Storage Location master data are critical for distributing the Sales
Order and its Outbound Delivery to EWM. When done press enter.
Save the Sales Order by pressing the
button. A message will appear on the bottom of
the Sales Order creation screen indicating that Sales Order has been successfully created. Note
down the Sales Order number (In this example 15973) and delivery document number (in
this example 80019427), either of which can be used to initiate EWM‟s Outbound Delivery
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4. EWM System instructions
We have now created the necessary transactional data in ECC needed to start the outbound
process in SAP EWM.
Use the same User ID and Password. Once logged on, follow the instructions below to complete
the manual wave scenario in EWM.
The EWM welcome screen has many options to navigate to different functionalities. Since the
system is configured to automatically create Outbound Delivery in EWM, we‟ll start by manually
creating a new wave to which we‟ll assign the Outbound Delivery Order.
4.1 Create Wave Manually
To create a new wave, double click on “Maintain Wave” from main User Menu.
Transaction: /N/SCWM/WAVE
Menu Path: User Menu for EWM ASUG Maintain Wave
The Maintain Wave screen that appears will be used to initiate this process.
Click on the “Create”
button (shown above) to initiate creation of a new Wave, as seen
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Follow the steps below to complete the Wave creation:
Enter 1 for Wave “Template” as shown above. In this example, Template 1 indicates this
is a manual wave. Template creation simplifies the Wave Management task by
automatically configuring behaviors. Template behaviors can also be modified by setting
up a series of options.
Enter 1 for “Option”. Options are a way of controling Wave Cut Off and Release Time,
Staging Areas Movement, Capacity Limits, and Work Task management. To keep things
simple, we have defined a single option set that allows all of these options to be entered
Click on the
Select “Sales Order” instead of “Document Number” and enter the Sales Order number
tab in the item detail section.
from ECC (step 3.1 in this example), then click the Execute
button. This action
locates the Warehouse Request created in the previous step, and displays its contents
in the lower half of the screen.
To manually assign the document to the newly created Wave, select the document row
and click the “Assign”
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The following message will be displayed in the bottom of the screen indicating the Warehouse
Request was successfully assigned to the Wave.
It is important to note down the four digit document number (in this example 6259), as we will
use it to confirm the Warehouse Task.
4.2 Release the Wave
To release the Wave, from the previous screen select the Wave row, then click the
button, as shown below:
Once the Wave is successfully released, a new Warehouse Task(s) is created. This is indicated
by the following message:
4.3 Confirm Warehouse Tasks
Confirming the Warehouse Task represents the goods movement completion from point A to
point B. In more realistic settings, Warehouse Tasks are confirmed using Radio Frequency User
Interface (RFUI). In this scenario, the Warehouse Task will be confirmed using the Warehouse
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Management Monitor. The Warehouse Management Monitor menu path is found on the Easy
Access – User menu screen. Double click on “Warehouse Management Monitor”.
Transaction: /N/SCWM/MON
Menu Path: User Menu for EWM ASUGWarehouse Management Monitor
Menu Path
If you are prompted with a pop up screen, enter the following data:
Warehouse Number: ZA01
Monitor: ASUG
Click the Execute button
to continue.
On the warehouse monitor screen, expand the menu by clicking Outbound  Documents ,
then double click “Outbound Delivery Order”. A pop up screen will appear where you will enter
the four digit document number captured in the previous section (in this example 6259). When
done, press the Execute
button to proceed. Please see below:
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To check the Warehouse Task, select the document record and click the “Warehouse Task”
button to display Warehouse Tasks assigned to this document number.
As seen below, all Warehouse task details are displayed. Notice that the status field is blank,
before the Warehouse Task in confirmed. The Warehouse Task screen also indicates the item
will be picked from source bin (0010-01-03), and its destination bin is (GI-ZONE).
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To confirm the task, select it, and click on the “More Methods”
“Confirm Backgr.”
button. Then choose
The following popup screen displays the Confirmation Log.
Now follow the process for displaying the Warehouse Task. You will notice the Status column
for our Warehouse Task has been updated with the value “C”, indicating that the task is
4.4 Verify Stock Movement
Now that the Warehouse Task is completed, our system should indicate that our inventory for
ASUG_MANX has reduced by a quantity of 1. To check the physical stock, go to the
Warehouse Monitor Menu, choose the “Stock and Bin” folder, and double click the
“Physical Stock” folder.
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A pop-up menu appears that allows you to search your inventory, using either Storage Bin or
Stock attribute data. Since we are interested in seeing the effect of our work on a specific
product, enter the same Product number used when creating the Sales Order (ASUG_MANX) in
the Product field, in the lower half of your screen. Click on the Execute button, in the lower left
corner of your screen.
Note: Due to the limited amount of data we are providing you may get the following warning
message that your search may take a long time.
Click “Yes” to continue.
Your query will display its result in the Physical Stock screen. As indicated, a new entry for GIZONE exist with product ASUG_MAN1 and quantity 1. This confirms that the goods have
moved from the picking area to the goods issue zone, where they are ready to be shipped.
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5. Conclusion
EWM Wave Management is comprised of a robust set of features which facilitate the
implementation of “best in breed” warehouse processes. The exercise you have just completed
was an example of an extremely simple form of Manual Wave Management. Waves whether
created automatically or manually can be modified by the warehouse operator as long as they
have not been released.
6. Support
For Functional Support please email [email protected]
For Technical Support please email [email protected]
For more information please visit us at
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