Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Trust Assumptions ´ ´ Veronique Cortier, David Galindo, Stephane Glondu, and ` Malika Izabachene ESORICS 2014 September 9th, Wroclaw, Poland D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Conventional/electronic voting Conventional voting relies on a combination of tangible physical components and established voters’ habits Electronic voting introduces a technological component, demands new voters’ habits and thus trustworthiness must be built from scratch D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Electronic voting D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Anonymity in Electronic Voting Ballot privacy none should learn how an honest voter voted Receipt-freeness a voter should not be able to produce a receipt proving how she voted Vote-buying resistance a vote buyer shall not be convinced about whether a voter has voted as she was asked for Coercion-resistance a voter can, without detection, cheat a coercer Everlasting privacy ballot privacy is guaranteed in the long term D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Integrity in Electronic Voting Individual verifiability a voter can be certain that his vote has been counted Universal verifiability any observer is convinced that the result published corresponds to the ballots recorded Elegibility verifiability any observer is convinced that only legitimate voters have cast a vote Accountability in case any of the above properties fail, a responsible can certainly be found D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios : overview Based on [Cramer, Gennaro, Schoenmakers] and [Benaloh] and adapted and implemented by Ben Adida, Olivier Pereira, et al. D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios voting system D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios voting system D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios voting system D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios voting system D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios voting system (homomorphic tallying) pk(S) : public key. The corresponding private key is split into n shares, distributed among n electoral authorities D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Security of Helios Verifiability proved by [Kremer, Ryan, Smyth] in a symbolic model Accountability analyzed by [KuestersTruderung,Vogt] ¨ from a systems level point of view Ballot secrecy proved by [Delaune, Kremer, Ryan] in a symbolic model and then [Bernhard, Cortier, Pereira, Smyth, Warinschi] in a cryptographic model. Practical everlasting privacy Helios w/o identifiers – proved by [Arapinis,Cortier,Kremer,Ryan] in a symbolic model D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions A known limitation of Helios A corrupted dishonest bulletin board may add ballots (e.g. voting on behalf of absentees) A few ballots may easily change the outcome of the election Mitigated when the bulletin board publishes voters identities However Publishing voters identities is forbidden/discouraged in some countries (e.g. France) Not a perfect solution (e.g. the BB may not be caught) Not suitable for a formal analysis of accountability D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Goal : protection against ballot stuffing Verifiability The election result should correspond to : votes of all honest and careful voters votes of a subset of honest but not careful voters at most k dishonest (but valid) votes where k is the number of dishonest voters. We provide an adaptation of definition from [Juels, Catalano, Jakobsson] for a dishonest bulletin board D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Adding credentials allowing public authentication list of voters Election Administrator list of voters Registrar upk login/pwd upk,usk Voter Bulletin Box ballot Sign(usk,ballot) D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Adding credentials allowing public authentication We add a new authority, the Credential issuer Sends a credential cred (a random seed) for each voter Computes a signature key pair (sk(cred), vk(cred)) Publishes the list of public keys vk(cred1 ), . . . , vk(credn ) Voter’s client Computes the key pair (sk(cred), vk(cred)) out of cred Signs the Helios’ ballot with sk(cred) Advantages Requires little additional infrastructure pwd created by user when registering at server’s side cred sent by snail mail, SMS (15-alphanumeric) Inherits the security of Helios (or the underlying voting protocol) D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Helios-C protocol [{vD }pk(S) ]sk(credD ) Alice Bob Chris ... Bulletin Board [{vA }pk(S) , ZKP(vA = 0 or 1)]sk(credA ) [{vB }pk(S) , ZKP(vB = 0 or 1)]sk(credB ) [{vC }pk(S) , ZKP(vC = 0 or 1)]sk(credC ) ... Each voter posts his ballot + a signature of the ballot D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions A generic transformation for verifiability More generally, we define a generic transformation : P 7→ P cred Theorem If P satisfies verifiability assuming an honest BB, then P cred satisfies verifiability assuming that Registrar and BB are not both dishonest It preserves existing properties : Theorem If P satisfies privacy, then P cred satisfies privacy against a dishonest BB. The above also applies to receipt-freeness and everlasting privacy D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Security assumptions Existentially unforgeable signature scheme The original voting protocol satisfies verifiability against an honest BB Partial tally : ρ(S1 ∪ S2 ) = ρ(S1 ) ∗ ρ(S2 ) (necessary to define verifiability) D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Security of Helios-C Corollary Helios-C satisfies privacy, individual and universal verifiability if Bulletin Board and Registrar are not simultaneously dishonest Proof : Privacy : Privacy of Helios [Bernhard, Pereira, Warinschi, AsiaCrypt 2012] + Theorem 2 Verifiability : Verifiability of Helios + Theorem 1 D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions How to prove verifiability ? Two simple criteria : Correctness : An honest execution of the voting protocol yields the expected outcome Accuracy : If a (dishonest) ballot b is accepted, it is an admissible ballot (Tally(b) is valid) Theorem Let P be a an accurate and correct voting protocol, then P satisfies verifiability (for an honest BB). Theorem Helios is verifiable in the Random-Oracle Model under the Discrete Log assumption D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Implementation of Helios-C We have implemented Helios-C, based on Helios’ code stephane.glondu.net/helios/ belenios.gforge.inria.fr Includes : Addition of credentials/signing to client’s code Threshold decryption (Pedersen-based) Implementation of server-side in Ocaml D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Benchmarks Unsurprisingly, the overhead of the signature is small. number of candidates encryption+proofs time (ms) signature time (ms) ballot verification time (ms) signature verification time 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 600 1197 2138 4059 6061 7789 9617 196 110 215 210 248 390 301 720 358 1070 423 1380 484 1730 < 10 ms < 10 ms < 10 ms < 10 ms < 10 ms < 10 ms < 10 ms D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions Conclusion Theoretical contributions We provide a generic use of credentials provides verifiability under weaker trust assumptions preserves privacy (and receipt-freeness, everlasting privacy) A generic criteria for verifiability (correctness, accuracy, partial tallying) On-going work Our use of credentials helps proving accountability Everlasting privacy of Helios-C A variant of Helios-C with receipt-freeness A question for you Does your country allow/forbid or advise/discourage to disclose the list of people who actually voted ? D. Galindo Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Assumptions
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