Consejería de Empleo y Seguridad Social ----------------- --------------------------- Ejemplo de documento de The Pension Service que puede utilizarse para acreditar la condición de pensionista: 11!4 Peñslon Sfnfk:e Pi! llf 1 p.. · a(oJ H1 fltiWOI W bslta; www.thepénSionsetvíce.go\/.\Jk. EJEMPLO Este- documento. expedido por The Pension Sen~ice, demuestra.que . utilular retine la condicion de Pensionista a efecto~ de pres1a<:íones de asistencia sanjtaria en sus desplazamientos a España. Debe mostrarse al medico, a fin de queJe expida recela medica como peruionisla. lf you get n touch Wllh IJS, E!lil US th is refereoce number 11M Penslon S.rvice PO Box 1005 Our addtess NeWC4a1le Upon Tlln• NE981WZ Our phOne o moor 0845 6060265 Uyou haw a textphone Oe45 60«1285 Dale Oear Abou1 your Pehslon Credlt we .are wr t1ng to te!! you that the rat&S of Penslon Credit. and Socia l Security beoett s are lncreasing. tt:Nn you w l l l gel a. wee We have al~ IOOked at other changes affe(.11ng yaur Pension Cre<l it n ttie same week. Th l s becausc of a changa In yo r circ mstances . We hJNe sent you two sh.eets called How Pen•lon Credlt h•a b.en wo[ked out. One shows your P.ens on Credl1 •m t itlemant , aM the other shows hoW yollr Penston Credlt ls aflected bV he yearly change tn rates to benéfít:S In Aprll . weel< Pens1on Credi t . Th ls is But from 6 March 2006, we wlll contlnue to pay your because the cnange in your cJrcurostances does not affecT the amoun of Penslon Credlt payable to you. Due to a further cba nge from 10 Aprll 2006you will get witl be . . change to your Pooslon Credi t rates. How to get your money We wl ll pay your Pension Cred lt lnto the acoount shown below. The money wlll be In the account requested ~ry week by the day Penslon Cred ft s due. Bank or Building Soclaty: Account or reterence number; What should i do U my ctrcumsúul'Ce• change?
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