Curriculum Vitae - MySBfiles

Erik M. Muller
Address: Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University,
Stony Brook, NY 11794
Phone: (631) 344-8112
Email: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae
May 2014
1998 B.S. Physics
University of California, San Diego
2002 M.S. Physics Cornell University
Advisor: Prof. John Marohn
2005 Ph.D. Physics Cornell University
Advisor: Prof. John Marohn
Research Assistant Professor, August 2012 to Present
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Adjunct Professor, September 2009 to Present
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Research Scientist, August 2010 to June 2012
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Postdoctoral Researcher, January 2009 to July 2010
Advisor: Dr. John Smedley and Dr. Ilan Ben-Zvi
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Postdoctoral Researcher, August 2005 to August 2008
Advisor: Dr. Peter Sutter
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Career Summary
Strong background in experimental surface science utilizing both high-resolution microscopy
techniques (vacuum AFM and STM), X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction. I also have a strong
background in radiation detector physics with emphasis on measurement techiques and instrumentation. Although recently focus on development of diamond x-ray beam position monitors, I have broad interests studying the physics of radiation detectors and electron emittors.
Refereed research papers
1. Muller, Erik M., M. Gaowei, I. Ben-Zvi, D. A. Dimitrov, and J. Smedley (2014). Carbon edge
response of diamond devices. Applied Physics Letters 104(10).
2. Ravel, B., K. Attenkofer, J. Bohon, Muller, E., and J. Smedley (2013). Diamond sensors
and polycapillary lenses for X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments
Curriculum Vitae: Erik M. Muller
3. Schubert, S., M. Ruiz-Os´es, I. Ben-Zvi, T. Kamps, X. Liang, Muller, E., K. Muller,
H. Padmore, T. Rao, X. Tong, T. Vecchione, and J. Smedley (2013). Bi-alkali antimonide photocathodes for high brightness accelerators. APL Materials 1(3).
4. Gaowei, M., Muller, E. M., A. K. Rumaiz, C. Weiland, E. Cockayne, J. Jordan-Sweet, J.
Smedley, and J. C. Woicik (2012). Annealing dependence of diamond-metal Schottky
barrier heights probed by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters
5. Al-Mahboob, A., Muller, Erik, A. Karim, J. T. Muckerman, C. V. Ciobanu, and P. Sutter
(2012). Site-Dependent Activity of Atomic Ti Catalysts in Al-Based Hydrogen Storage Materials. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(25), 10381–10384.
6. Muller, Erik M., J. Smedley, J. Bohon, X. Yang, M. Gaowei, J. Skinner, G. De Geronimo, M.
Sullivan, M. Allaire, J. W. Keister, L. Berman, and A. H´eroux (2012). Transmission-mode
diamond white-beam position monitor at NSLS. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19, 381–
7. Keister, J. W., J. Smedley, Muller, E. M., J. Bohon, and A. H´eroux (2011). Diamond X-ray
photodiode for white and monochromatic SR beams. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
649(1), 91–93.
8. Rameau, J. D., J. Smedley, Muller, E. M., T. E. Kidd, and P. D. Johnson (2011). Properties of
Hydrogen Terminated Diamond as a Photocathode. Physical Review Letters 106(13).
9. Bohon, J., Muller, E., and J. Smedley (2010). Development of diamond-based X-ray detection for high-flux beamline diagnostics. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 17, 711–718.
10. Bohon, J., Muller, E., and J. Smedley (2010). Development of diamond-based X-ray detection for high-flux beamline diagnostics. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 17, 711–718.
11. Chang, X. Y., Q. O. Wu, I. Ben-Zvi, A. Burrill, J. Kewisch, T. Rao, J. Smedley, E. D. Wang,
Muller, E. M., R. Busby, and D. Dimitrov (2010). Electron Beam Emission from a DiamondAmplifier Cathode. Physical Review Letters 105(16).
12. Chang, X. Y., Q. Wu, I. Ben-Zvi, A. Burrill, J. Kewisch, T. Rao, J. Smedley, E. Wang, Muller,
E. M., R. Busby, and D. Dimitrov (2010). Electron Beam Emission from a DiamondAmplifier Cathode. Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 13(10).
13. Dimitrov, D. A., R. Busby, J. R. Cary, I. Ben-Zvi, T. Rao, J. Smedley, X. Chang, J. W. Keister,
Q. Wu, and Muller, E. (2010). Multiscale three-dimensional simulations of charge gain and
transport in diamond. Journal of Applied Physics 108(7).
14. Stacchiola, D., J. B. Park, P. Liu, S. Ma, F. Yang, D. E. Starr, Muller, E., P. Sutter, and J. Hrbek
(2009). Water Nucleation on Gold: Existence of a Unique Double Bilayer. Journal of Physical
Chemistry C 113(34), 15102–15105.
15. Jaquith, M., Muller, E. M., and J. A. Marohn (2007). Time-resolved electric force microscopy of charge trapping in polycrystalline pentacene. Journal of Physical Chemistry B
111(27), 7711–7714.
16. Muller, E., E. Sutter, P. Zahl, C. V. Ciobanu, and P. Sutter (2007). Short-range order of lowcoverage Ti/Al(111): Implications for hydrogen storage in complex metal hydrides. Applied
Physics Letters 90(15).
17. Muller, E. M. and J. A. Marohn (2005). Microscopic evidence for spatially inhomogeneous
charge trapping in pentacene. Advanced Materials 17(11), 1410–1414.
Papers in conference proceedings
1. Dimitrov, D. A., R. Busby, J. Smedley, J. Keister, T. Rao, I. Ben-Zvi, and Muller, E. Modeling
of Diamond Based Devices for Beam Diagnostics. In: PAC 2011, pp. WEP162.
Curriculum Vitae: Erik M. Muller
2. Smedley, J., K. Attenkofer, S. Schubert, T. Vecchione, J. Wong, T. Forrest, H. A. Padmore,
Muller, E. M., X. Liang, M. Ruiz Os´es, I. Ben-Zvi, and J. Xie. Correlating Structure and
Function - In Situ X-Ray Analysis of High QE Alkali-Antimonide Photocathodes. In: IPAC
2013, pp. MOPFI081.
3. Smedley, J., A. H´eroux, J. W. Keister, M. Gaowei, Muller, E., J. Bohon, K. Attenkofer, and J.
Distel. Diamond X-Ray Beam Position Monitors. In: PAC 2011, pp. MOP207.
4. Smedley, J., K. Muller,
T. Rao, I. Ben-Zvi, M. Ruiz-Os´es, X. Liang, Muller, E. M., S. Lee, K.
Attenkofer, H. Padmore, and T. Vecchione. High Efficiency Visible Photocathode Development. In: IPAC 2011, pp. THPC136.
5. Wang, E., X. Chang, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Kewisch, T. Rao, J. Smedley, Q. Wu, T. Xin, and Muller,
Erik. Progress on Diamond Amplified Photo-Cathode. In: PAC 2011, pp. MOP155.
6. Keister, J. W., J. Smedley, Muller, E. M., and J. Bohon (2010). Responsivity of Diamond Xray Photodiodes Calibrated at NSLS. AIP Conference Proceedings 1234. Ed. by R. Garrett,
I. Gentle, K. Nugent, and S. Wilkins, 93–96.
7. Bohon, J., J. Smedley, Muller, Erik M., and J. W. Keister (2009). Development of DiamondBased X-ray Detection for High Flux Beamline Diagnostics. MRS Proceedings 1203.
8. Dimitrov, D. A., R. Busby, J. R. Cary, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Smedley, X. Chang, T. Rao, J. W. Keister, Muller, Erik M., and A. Burrill (2009). Simulations of Charge Gain and Collection Efficiency from Diamond Amplifiers. MRS Proceedings 1203.
9. Muller, Erik M., J. Smedley, B. Raghothamachar, M. Gaowei, J. W. Keister, I. Ben-Zvi, M.
Dudley, and Q. Wu (2009). Electronic Impact of Inclusions in Diamond. MRS Proceedings
10. Smedley, J., J. W. Keister, Muller, Erik M., J. Jordan-Sweet, J. Bohon, J. Distel, and B. Dong
(2009). Diamond Photodiodes for X-ray Applications. MRS Proceedings 1203.
Synergistic Activities
General member of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials Users Executive Committee. The
purpose of this committee is to represent the interests of CFN General Users to the CFN management and provide a channel for communication with the Department of Energy, other Federal Funding Agencies and the White House.
Teaching Experience
ESG 281 - Introduction to the Solid State
Adjunct Professor
Stony Brook University
Spring 2011, Spring 2012
General Physics I
Teaching Assistant
Cornell University
1998 2000
General Physics II
Teaching Assistant
Cornell University
1998 2000
Electricity, Magnetism, Waves and Optics Lab
Teaching Assistant
University of California, San Diego
1997 1998
Modern Physics Lab
Teaching Assistant
University of California, San Diego
1997 1998
Honors and Recongitions
• Best Poster Award Nomination (Materials Research Society, 2010)
Curriculum Vitae: Erik M. Muller
Best Poster Award Nomination (Materials Research Society, 2009)
Best Poster Award (National Synchrotron Light Source User Meeting, 2010)
Best Poster Award Nomination (Materials Research Society, 2006)
Sokol Fellowship (2004)
Franz Roessler Fellowship (2003)
GAANN Fellowship (2002)
Best Physics 121 Project (1997)
Physics 121 is a projects-based course; student conceive, design, and build a
microprocessor-based gizmo of their choice, with support from faculty and staff.
The only constraints imposed are that the gizmo should measure something in the
real world, process this information, and control some- thing in the real world.
Grants and Other Funding
• DOE High Energy Physics grant (Co-PI)
DE-FG02-12ER41837, Study of Electron Transport and Amplification in Diamond
July 2012 to March 2014, $316k
• NSF Grant (PI)
DBI-1254804, Collaborative Research: IDBR: Instrumented Diamond Window for Synchrotron Beam-lines
September 2013 to August 2015, $245k.
• Subcontract w/ Sydor Instruments (PI)
Beam Position, Timing and Flux Monitors
June 2013 to April 2015, $30k