Module Product Families and Generic Developments by Gerrit Muller HBV-NISE e-mail: [email protected] Abstract This module addresses product families and generic developments. Distribution This article or presentation is written as part of the Gaudí project. The Gaudí project philosophy is to improve by obtaining frequent feedback. Frequent feedback is pursued by an open creation process. This document is published as intermediate or nearly mature version to get feedback. Further distribution is allowed as long as the document remains complete and unchanged. October 19, 2014 status: preliminary draft version: 1.2 Product Families and Generic Aspects by Gerrit Muller Buskerud University College e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Most products fit in a larger family of products. The members of such a product family share a lot of functionality and features. It is attractive to share implementations, designs et cetera between those members to increase the efficiency of the entire company. In practice many difficulties pop up when product developments become coupled, due to the partial developments which are shared. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a family approach based on shared developments and provides some methods to increase the chance on success. $$ logistics support order product information sales production service $$ e Product related processes Va lu k Needs Technical product Documentation Customer-Oriented Process Feand edb feedback ac product roadmap budget, plan people Technology Process people Technology Process Shared Assets Creation Process people Technology Process generics Needs & feedback budget, plan presales material Product Creation Process Needs & feedback October 19, 2014 status: concept version: 2.3 Budgets This article or presentation is written as part of the Gaudí project. The Gaudí project philosophy is to improve by obtaining frequent feedback. Frequent feedback is pursued by an open creation process. This document is published as intermediate or nearly mature version to get feedback. Further distribution is allowed as long as the document remains complete and unchanged. Technology, Process and People roadmaps Distribution product, generics roadmap Policy and Planning Process Product Needs and feedback Business drivers Customer roadmap customer People, Process, and Technology Management Process Typical Examples of Generic Developments Platform Common components Standard design Framework Family architecture Generic aspects, functions, or features Reuse Products (in project environment) Product Families and Generic Aspects 3 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDnames Claimed Advantages of Generic Developments Reduced time to market building on shared components Reduced cost per function build every function only once Improved quality maturing realization Improved reliability Improved predictability Easier diversity management modularity Increases uniformity less learning Employees only have to understand one base system Larger purchasing power economy of scale Means to consolidate knowledge Increase added value not reinventing existing functionality Enables parallel developments of multiple products “Free” feature propagation product-to-product or project-to-project Product Families and Generic Aspects 4 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDclaims Experiences with reuse, from counterproductive to effective bad good longer time to market high investments lots of maintenance poor quality poor reliability diversity is opposed lot of know how required predictable too late dependability knowledge dilution lack of market focus interference but integration required Product Families and Generic Aspects 5 Gerrit Muller reduced time to market reduced investment reduced (shared) maintenance cost improved quality improved reliability easier diversity management understanding of one base system improved predictability larger purchasing power means to consolidate knowledge increase added value enables parallel developments free feature propagation version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 SWRexperiences Successful examples of reuse homogeneous domain cath lab MRI television waferstepper hardware dominated car airplane shaver television limited scope audio codec compression library streaming library Product Families and Generic Aspects 6 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 SWRsuccessful Limits of successful reuse struggle with integration/convergence with other domains ho TV: digital networks and media cath lab: US imaging, MRI w to poor/slow response on paradigm shifts in no TV: LCD screens cath lab: image based acquisition control va ? te software maintenance, configurations, integration, release MRI: integration and test wafersteppers: number of configurations Product Families and Generic Aspects 7 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 SWRlimits Drivers for Generic Developments application adaptability availability of accumulated feature set availability variations Customer value v Extro e ver rt d ri new features originating from different products design for configurability timely availability shared architectural framework reliability quality increase maturity asset creation Internal benefits er v i r d e rt v o r t In increase economy of scale Product Families and Generic Aspects 8 Gerrit Muller predictability availability integrated base product version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDdrivers Granularity of generic developments shown in 2 dimensions system Delegated integration module intended integration level platform subsystem EV R/F CV MIP EVM Generator flat detector component CCD Shared integration Product Families and Generic Aspects 9 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDgranularity system platform subsystem module component actual integration level Product Families and Generic Aspects 10 Gerrit Muller Shared Assets Creation Process People Technology Process Productrelated processes Technical Product Doc. Needs & Feedback Product needs and feedback Product roadmap Budget, plan material People Technology Process generic assets Needs & Feedback Budget, plan Generic assets roadmap Policy and Planning Process People Technology Process Needs & Feedback Budgets Technology, Process, and People roadmaps October 19, 2014 GDprocessDecompositionFamily version: 2.3 Support $$ Product Order Info Business Drivers Customer Roadmap Modified Process Decomposition customer Customer-Oriented Process Product Creation Process People, Process, and Technology Management Process $$ Product Families and Generic Aspects 11 Gerrit Muller et s s A c i Strateg tion Genera Cashfl flow h s a C orrow's People Technology Process sales Product related processes material Technical Product Documentation Needs and Feedback Product Needs and feedback presales People Technology Process Tom generics Product roadmap Budget, plan Budget, plan Product generics roadmap Ma n nt a g e me People Technology Process Budgets Technology, Process and People roadmaps Assets October 19, 2014 GDprocessDecompositionFamilyByValue version: 2.3 Support $$ Product Order Information Business Drivers Customer Roadmap Financial Viewpoint on Process Decomposition customer productionion service t a r e n ow ge logistics $$ Product Families and Generic Aspects 12 Gerrit Muller people Technology Process Needs k Shared Assets Creation Process e Product related processes sales Va lu Technical product Documentation Feand edb feedback ac Product Needs and feedback presales people Technology Process generics Needs & feedback Policy and Planning Process people Technology Process Needs & feedback product roadmap budget, plan budget, plan product, generics roadmap Budgets Technology, Process and People roadmaps October 19, 2014 GDprocessDecompositionFamilyPlusFlow version: 2.3 support logistics $$ product order information Business drivers Customer roadmap Value and Feedback Flow customer material production service Customer-Oriented Process $$ Product Creation Process People, Process, and Technology Management Process Modified Operational Organization PCP entire portfolio operational portfolio subsystem component single product platform project leader component subsystem project leader project leader Product Families and Generic Aspects 13 Gerrit Muller family marketing manager architect platform product architect architect component subsystem architect architect module component developers marketing manager family operational manager project leader portfolio architect family single product commercial portfolio operational manager product family platform technical subsystem developers version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDoperationalOrganization platform manager component manager product manager Propagation Delay Platform Feature to Market Rel eas e product feature 2 product feature 1 test Rel eas e Product integration Platform integration test feature 1 feature 2 Product Families and Generic Aspects 14 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDpropagationDelay Sources of Failure in Generic Developments Technical Process/People/Organization • Too generic • Innovation stops (stable interfaces) • Vulnerability • Forced cooperation • Time platform feature to market • Unrealistic expectations • Distance platform developer to customer • No marketing ownership • Bureaucratic process (no flexibility) • New employees, knowledge dilution • Underestimation of platform support • Overstretching of product scope • Nonmanagement, organizational scope increase • Underestimation of integration • Component/platform determines business policy • Subcritical investment Product Families and Generic Aspects 15 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDpitfalls Models for Generic Development customer supplying business policy and planning customer oriented process (sales, service, production) Product Creation Process create generic components people and technology management process Product Families and Generic Aspects 16 Gerrit Muller lead customer direct feedback too specific? carrier product product feedback product specific? platform feedback problem too generic technology push version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 GDmodels no feedback Exercise Generic Developments What are the top 3 benefits for your product family or generic development? What are the top 3 disadvantages? Exercise Product Families and Generic Developments 17 Gerrit Muller version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 MPFexercise Roadmap Creation Contradicting Experiences Drivers application adaptability bad good reduced time to market reduced investment reduced (shared) maintenance cost improved quality improved reliability easier diversity management understanding of one base system improved predictability larger purchasing power means to consolidate knowledge increase added value enables parallel developments free feature propagation availability variations Customer value ve Extro er rt driv timely availability shared architectural framework reliability quality increase asset creation predictability maturity Internal benefits r drive vert Intro increase economy of scale People, Process, and Technology Management Process Exercise Product Families and Generic Developments 18 Gerrit Muller support logistics $$ product order information sales production service $$ e Product related processes Va lu Needs Technical product Documentation k Customer-Oriented Process Feand edb feedback ac product roadmap Needs & feedback people Technology Process people Technology Process Shared Assets Creation Process people Technology Process Needs & feedback budget, plan product, generics roadmap Budgets presales material Product Creation Process People Technology Process Needs & Feedback Shared Assets Creation Process Technology, Process and People roadmaps People Technology Process People Technology Process generic assets Needs & Feedback Product Creation Process budget, plan Policy and Planning Process Product Needs and feedback Business drivers Customer roadmap $$ Product Order Support $$ Productrelated processes Technical Product Doc. Customer-Oriented Process Needs & Feedback Product needs and feedback Product roadmap Budget, plan Budget, plan Generic assets roadmap Budgets Technology, Process, and People roadmaps customer Info Business Drivers Customer Roadmap customer material availability integrated base product Longer Chains Shared Asset Creation Process Policy and Planning Process design for configurability new features originating from different products generics longer time to market high investments lots of maintenance poor quality poor reliability diversity is opposed lot of know how required predictable too late dependability knowledge dilution lack of market focus interference but integration required availability of accumulated feature set People, Process, and Technology Management Process version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 Some Architecting Means Delay to Market Organizational Complexity family subsystem component project leader single product platform project leader component subsystem project leader project leader marketing manager architect platform product architect Product integration platform manager product manager Platform integration component subsystem architect architect component manager feature 2 subsystem developers Pitfalls Technical Process/People/Organization • Too generic • Innovation stops (stable interfaces) • Vulnerability • Forced cooperation • Time platform feature to market • Unrealistic expectations • Distance platform developer to customer • No marketing ownership • Bureaucratic process (no flexibility) • New employees, knowledge dilution • Underestimation of platform support • Overstretching of product scope • Nonmanagement, organizational scope increase • Underestimation of integration • Component/platform determines business policy • Subcritical investment test feature 1 module component developers test marketing manager architect architect product feature 1 family family operational manager product feature 2 portfolio portfolio operational manager single product commercial Rel eas e portfolio product family platform technical Rel eas e operational entire portfolio Successful and Failing Models customer Exercise Product Families and Generic Developments 19 Gerrit Muller supplying business policy and planning customer oriented process (sales, service, production) Product Creation Process create generic components people and technology management process version: 2.3 October 19, 2014 lead customer direct feedback too specific? carrier product product feedback product specific? platform feedback problem too generic technology push no feedback
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