early diagnosis of acute diffuse pulpitis, treatment success

Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Vol. 6, No. 1, January - March 2014
V. Chetruș, I. Roman, S. Ciobanu
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemitanu” - Chisinau, Rep. Moldova,
The Department of Stomatological Therapy
Corresponding authors:
V. Chetruș, S. Ciobanu, DMD, PhD
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemitanu” Chisinau, Rep. Moldova
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Roman, DMD, PhD
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemitanu” Chisinau, Rep. Moldova
e-mail: [email protected]
Purpose of the work: The efficacy of early diagnosis of acute diffuse pulpitis, errors and complications that may
occur during treatment. Acute diffuse pulpitis as a result of etiologic factors remains one of the most common
dental emergencies that are not diagnosed and treated in time lead to an increased risk in the development of
periodontal complications. The study was conducted on a group of 35 patients who were sent for treatment at
the Department USMF dentistry, Nicolae Testemiţanu'', of which 12 (34.28%) were female, 23 (65.71% ) males,
16 smokers (45.71%) and 19 smoking (54.28%), 1 patient (2.85%) during orthodontic treatment, aged 19-42
years. The methods of treatment used vital extirpation 32 cases (91.42%), and in 3 cases (8.57%) non vital
extirpation. In this study-positive results were achieved demonstrating the success of treatment as a result of an
earlier diagnosis of disease data. In this study it can be stated with certainty that diffuse acute pulpitis is a severe
clinical evolution, requiring immediate therapeutic treatment to prevent complications.
Keywords: acute diffuse pulpitis, diagnosis, treatment, pain, vital extirpation, non-vital extirpation
Even if the development of the area of
dentistry the last period is very advanced in
regards to the biocompatibility of materials
for dental tissues, modern equipment reduces
the working time of the medical practitioner,
dental pulp inflammation is particularly
important in emergency of dental pathologies.
Sometimes simple steps failure of treatment
of dental diseases as:
- use strong antiseptics (solution of 3%
chloramine, solution of 96% alcohol
solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide) in the
processing of treatment of deep caries,
applying permanent fillings without
curative liner in treatment of deep caries,
use of materials and drugs which are toxic
and allergic (acrylate, zinc eugenol
pastes, sulfonamides), [2]
lead to the appearance of complaints of
the patient as:
patient astringent suffering with stabbing
pain from 2 to 3 hours,
pain that occurs spontaneously and
gradually increase,
pain that some authors are not shy to call
this pain ”rabid tooth",
pain that may radiate to the trigeminal
nerve tract (a very important element in
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Vol. 6, No. 1, January - March 2014
the diagnosis of acute diffuse pulpitis
diffuse). [1, 2, 6, 7, 8]
The study was performed on a group of 35
Zone of irradiations when there is acute
patients diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis,
diffuse pulpitis in canines and in incisors in
selected according to how they were
the upper jaw irradiation of pain can be in
addressed for medical care dentistry at USMF
nose, in the suborbital and supraorbital
Department ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu'', of which
region, in temporal region as well. From the
12 (34.28% ) females, 23 (65.71%) males, 16
molar of the upper jaw irradiation of pain is
smokers (45.71%) and 19 smoking (54.28%),
in the temporal temporal region, supraorbital,
1 patient (2.85%) during orthodontic
zigomatic, in healthy teeth, and sometimes in
treatment, aged 19-42 years.
the lower jaw.
For hygienisation, removal of soft and
In case of mandibule teeth pulpitis,
hard deposits gingival and supra gingival by
irradiation of pain is felt in the occipital, ear,
scaling, was used ultrasound in all 35 cases
submandibular and in the teeth of the upper
(100%). For removal of dental plaque have
jaw region, the incisors on the lower jaw, the
been used Air flow with sodium bicarbonate
pain may radiate to the opposite part. The
pownder in 20 cases (57.14%), in 15 cases
patient can’t specify the aching tooth in
(42.85%) was used in professional brushing
irradiates pain, and in this case can appear
with paste,,Polident nr.1, 2, 3''.
some problems and errors in diagnosis. In this
For appreciation of dental pulp vitality was
case analgesics help a little, for a short time,
used warm and cold test, for 30 patients
and can not completely to eliminate the pain
(85.71%) and the laboratory tests (EOD- Digi
test II) 7 patients (20.0%) and simple local
radiography in all patients (100%),
confirming diagnosis. The methods of
treatment used, vital extirpation 32 cases
(91.42%), and in 3 cases (8.57%) non vital
extirpation using the paraformaldehyde-based
paste, ”Devit - C ".
For mechanical treatment was used Step
Back and Crown Down methods with
protaper from Dentsply, 20 cases (57.71%)
with mechanically action ”Morita ZXI" and
15 cases (42.85%) manual, drug processing
using sol. 3% Na hypochlorite and sol. H2O2
3%, the estimated working length with apex
locator ”Bingo 1020". For the filling it was
Figure 1. Zone of irradiations pain by
used technique using a single cone,
Borovski (A – upper teeth, B – lower teeth)
containing master 22 cases (62.85%), and 14
Therefore knowledge of etiologic factors
patients (37.14%) by the technique of lateral
lead to early diagnosis, the use of modern and
condensation of gutta percha, with the epoxy
well performed by leading dental practitioner
resin material ”AH plus”. When applying
to minimize treatment failure and the
permanent fillings with photopolymerizable
development of post-treatment complications.
nanocomposite material used from the
[9, 10].
company ”Nuritake Kuraray”. [1, 3, 4, 5]
In the endodontic treatment have been
subjected as lower teeth 68.57% and the
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Vol. 6, No. 1, January - March 2014
upper 32.43%, 65.71% of them molars, 20%
determining working length of the roots
premolars and 11.42% incisors, canines
2.85%. During the treatment there were no
5. Mechanical
errors that: fracture of instrument, passage of
endoengine ”Morita ZXI” and medicamentos.
material after the apex, the root wall
6. Drying canals with paper points.
perforation. Only in one case 2.85%. has did
7. Root canal obturation with epoxy
an incomplete obturation of 36 tooth MV
resin AH-plus and gutta-percha with lateral
channel where we did re-obturation in the
condensation at cold method.
same visit.
8. Making control radiograph
9. Application of provisional fillings
”Dentin paste" that after two days is replaced
Clinical case:
Patient P.I. asked dental care in the
by the permanent Nuritake Kuraray restoring
University Clinic, Department of Therapy at
47 tooth morphology.
USMF ”Nicolae Testemiţanu ", accusing
10. Control radiograph after 6 months,
spontaneous acute pain, pulsating which
which proves the correctness of therapeutic
intensifies during the night and the heat
stimuli, pain is long, around of 2 -3 hours.
Pain radiating to the ear and the body of the
mandible on the left side. After examining
As a result of earlier diagnosis and proper
patient was diagnosed with acute diffuse
treatment was very impressive results as for
pulpitis in tooth 47. Planned treatment of
the medical practitioner and for the patient as
disease by vital extirpation vital and
obturation with cold lateral condensation
1. Spina Spix anesthesia with sol.
This study given us the opportunity to
Ubistesin 4%, 1.7 ml.
implement fully the research and practical
2. Carious cavity preparation
mastery of dentist, our results demonstrating
3. Achieving accessibility to the three
certaint, that the acute diffuse pulpitis is a
endodontic levels
desease with severe clinical evolution
A. Access to the pulp chamber (A1)
requiring immediate therapeutic treatment to
B. Access to root orifices (A2)
prevent complications. Early diagnosis
C. Acces to dentino-cementing area
correct and complete offers treatment success.
constriction (A3)
4. At the same time watching coronary
respecting all the steps of diagnosis and
pulp amputation and pulp extirpation,
treatment leads to a successful treatment with
minimization of complications.
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2. Stomatologie terapeuctica E.Borovski 1990 p.175-178
3. Radlinschi V.N., Radlinschi S.V., Tehnologiii moderne de restaurari dentare. Indicatii metodice.
Chisinau 2003 p.1-10
4. Eni Ana. Paradontologie. Chisinau 2003
5. John I. Ingle, DDS, MSD, Leif K.Bakland, DDS. Endodontics, Fifth Edition. // BC Decker Inc.,
2002,p. 748-762.
6. Ingle's Endodontics 6, John I Ingle, DDSLecturer 2008, p.157
7. Endodontics: Principles and Practice Richard E. Walton 2009 p.380
Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Vol. 6, No. 1, January - March 2014
8. Sjogren U, Haggalund B, Sundqvist G, Wing K. Factors affecting the long-term results of
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9. Textbook of Endodontics Nisha Garg, Amit Garg, 2010 p.366
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