東京工業大学バイオ研究基盤支援総合センター 助教 公募

東京工業大学バイオ研究基盤支援総合センター 助教 公募
1. 募集人員: 助教 1名
2. 所属:東京工業大学バイオ研究基盤支援総合センター
3. 研究教育分野:
4. 応募資格:
博士の学位を有し、上記の研究教育を行うとともに、センターが所有する MALDI-TOF-MS や LC-MS、共
5. 着任時期:4月以降の決定後できるだけ早い時期
6. 任期・給与:任期5年(審査の後、5年任期の再任が1回可能)。給与は本学年俸制適用職員賃金規
7. 提出書類
(1) 履歴書(様式任意、顔写真貼付のこと、受賞歴やその他特記事項を含む)
(2) 研究業績目録(原著論文、著書・総説、その他に分け査読の有無を明記し、被引用件数*を付記す
績目録の末尾にh-index*を記載すること)*原則としてWeb of Science によるデータとする。そ
(3) 主要論文の別刷またはコピー1部(3編、総説も可)
(4) これまでに行ってきた研究の概要と今後の研究に対する抱負(A4用紙、2頁程度)
(5) その他の資料(外部研究費獲得状況(代表/分担の別を明記)、招待講演、特許など)
(6) 応募者について参考意見を述べることのできる人2名の氏名および連絡先(電話番号、e-mailアド
(7) 上記(1)~(6)をA4用紙に印刷したもの、および、その全ての内容をPDFファイルとし
8. 応募書類提出期限 平成29年3月3日 必着
9. 書類送付先
〒226-8501 横浜市緑区長津田町4259 B-62
東京工業大学バイオ研究基盤支援総合センター・助教選考委員会 宛
注:封筒に「バイオ研究基盤支援総合センター・助教 応募書類」と朱書きし、簡易書留又はそれに準
10. 問い合わせ先
バイオ研究基盤支援総合センター 助教選考委員会 宛とし、電子メール
([email protected]) で問い合わせて下さい。
11. その他
(1) 東京工業大学では、多彩な人材を確保し、大学力・組織力を高めるため、外国人や女性の積極的な
(2) 東京工業大学では、新規採用者に対してスタートアップの為の資金について学内支
(3) 選考の過程で面接(英語による講演などを含む)を実施しますが、このときの来訪旅費は自己負担
Faculty position, Assistant Professor
Center for Biological Resources and Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Position Title
Assistant Professor (one person) at Center for Biological Resources and
Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Area of Specialization
Life Science and Technology area particularly related to those of two professors, Junji Hirota
(Molecular Neuroscience) and Shinji Masuda (Plant Molecular Biology) who belong to
Department of Biological Resources in this center.
Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. or doctoral degree, and to have teaching ability both in
Japanese and English. Applicants are expected to have research achievements in a cuttingedge Life Science field. He/She is expected to collaborate with professors in Department of
Biological Resources with making full use of facilities such as LC-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF MS and
confocal and super-resolution microscopes in this center. Applicants are also expected to take
care of these facilities.
Employment Status
Appointment will be for five years. Reappointment is possible after review, but limited to a maximum
of ten years from the original date of employment. Salary will be determined according to the
National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology Salary Regulations for Employees with
Annual Salary.
Expected Start Date
April 1st, 2017 or the earliest date thereafter.
Documents to Be Submitted
(1) Curriculum vitae (with photograph, telephone number, and e-mail and mailing address)
including educational records, professional career records, activity records in academic
society and awards.
(2) A list of research publications categorized into refereed (peer-reviewed) original articles,
review articles, and other papers. The number of citations for each paper and the
applicant’s h-index* should be provided in the list. The impact factor* of journals should
also be included in the list if possible.
*The citation index and h-index should be based on Web of Science; in the case Web of
Science is not available, indicate which database or system was used. In addition, the
impact factor should be based on the publication year of each paper.
(3) Reprints or copies of three significant articles (original papers and/or review articles).
(4) Statement of applicant’s research interests and appealing points, including the summary
of applicant’s past and present research. Brief perspectives for future research should be
also included (2 page in A4-size sheet).
(5) Other appealing points including list of research funds the applicant acquired (including
the names of the funds, project titles, amounts, periods of research, and allotted amounts
if not the principal researcher), invited lectures, patents.
(6) Contact information of two reference persons (affiliation, telephone number and e-mail
(7) CD-ROM including electronic data of the above documents.
March 3, 2017
Mailing Address and Notice
To Selection Committee for an Assistant Professor, Center for Biological Resources and
Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology. 4259 B-62 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama
226-8501, JAPAN
Note: Applicants must indicate “Application Documents for Assistant Professor of Center for
Biological Resources and Informatics” in red on the front page of the envelope. Applicants
should send all of the application documents by a registered post mail or express courier
service with a tracking system. We will not accept the application by e-mail or internet file
attachment. The documents will not be returned. Submitted documents are strictly protected
under the Privacy Policy of Tokyo Institute of Technology.
To Selection Committee
e-mail:[email protected]
10. Others
1) Tokyo Institute of Technology values a diverse workforce and welcomes applications from
all sections of the community.
2) The university provides start-up funding through an internal support system, and successful
applicants may have access to such a system.
3) Interview including a research seminar will be carried out in the process of selection. The
candidate will be asked to self-pay the travel expenses of the visit at this time.