One Day Field Excursion: November 12 (Sat)

One Day Field Excursion: November 12 (Sat)
Learning agriculture, foods and environment of Japan
in Kawatabi Field Center
 To learn agriculture, food and environment in Japan, one day field excursion for foreign students in
Tohoku University will be held in Kawatabi Field Center.
 Kawatabi Field Center is located in Naruko-Onsen area which is famous as hot springs, about 70 km north
of Sendai.
 While enjoying the nature and autumn leaves in the countryside, why don’t you participate this event to
see, touch, taste, smell and feel the characteristics of agriculture, foods and environment in Tohoku,
Date & Schedule
November 12 (Saturday)
9:00 Departure:
Kawauchi Campus (North), Tohoku University
(Bus will be chartered)
10:30 Arrival: Kawatabi Field Center
10:30-15:00 Field Tour:
Agricultural fields, cows and foods in Kawatabi
Field Center will be guided by Prof. Masanori
Saito and experienced staffs.
Some agricultural products will be tasted.
15:30 Departure
17:00 Arrival: Kawauchi Campus
Fee: Free
Participants are requested to bring their lunch and to
wear suitable for activities in field.
Maximum Participants: 25 including several Japanese
students. Japanese students who wish to learn
together with foreign students are welcome.
Registration and inquiry:
Please E-mail to [email protected]
with name, student ID, faculty, e-mail address and
mobile phone number of the participant. In case
capacity overrun, selection will be made by First-comefirst-served basis. Deadline of registration is November
7 (Mon). The detailed information will be notified to
the applicant by e-mai, immediately after the deadline.
This program is organized by Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate
School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University. Kawatabi Field
Center is approved as Joint Usage/Education Center by MEXT.
 川渡フィールドセンター(教育関係共同利用
 プログラムはすべて英語で行われますが、留
 仙台から北に約70キロ、温泉と紅葉で有名