2015年度 高 総合学力テスト・11月 80分/ 100点満点 模擬試験の問題および解答解説は著作物です。著作権法で許容される範囲を超えて,それらの掲載内容 を無断でコピーするなどの行為は違法であり,これを固く禁じます。 受験上の注意 1.試験開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 2.解答用紙は,この冊子の間にはさんであります。 3.大問構成は下表のとおりです。選択問題は,学校から指示がある場合は,それに従って いずれか1題を選択し,解答してください。2題を解答してはいけません。 選択問題 英 語 (6題解答) リスニング問題 会話表現問題 ※いずれか1題を選択 必答問題 ・ ・ ・ ・ 4.解答用紙には,学校名・受験番号・名前・フリガナを必ず記入してください。 5.解答は,必ず解答用紙の所定の解答欄の枠内に収まるように記入してください。 6.字数制限のあるものは,原則として句読点も一字に数えます(指示のあるものは除く) 。 受験番号 51110530 名前 *この冊子は再生紙を使用しています。 英 語 問 題 (80分) 【注意】次の1は選択問題である。 1:リスニング問題 2題から1題を選んで解答 2:会話表現問題 【選択問題】 1 放送を聞いて,次の Part 1 ∼ Part 3 の問題に答えよ。なお,すべての問題でメモをとっ てもかまわない。 (配点 18) Part 1 次に放送される二人の人物による会話(No. 1∼ No. 4)を聞いて,それに関する 質問の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号 で答えよ。なお,No. 1・No. 2では,会話とそれに関する質問は一回ずつ読まれる。一 回しか読まれないので,注意して聞くこと。No. 3・No. 4では,会話とそれに関する質 問は二回ずつ読まれる。 No. 1・No. 2では,会話とそれに関する質問が一回ずつ読まれる。 No. 1 ア At a bus station. イ At a stationery store. ウ At a toy store. エ At an ice-cream parlor. No. 2 ア Booking hotel rooms. イ Buying airline tickets. ウ Making a restaurant reservation. エ Making plans for a party. − − 2 No. 3・No. 4では,会話とそれに関する質問が二回ずつ読まれる。 No. 3 No. 4 ア One. イ Two. ウ Three. − − 3 エ Four. Part 2 次に放送される二人の人物による会話を聞いて,それに関する質問(Question No. 1∼ No. 3)の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つず つ選び,記号で答えよ。なお,会話とそれに関する質問は二回ずつ読まれる。 Question No. 1 ア What the man will bring home for dinner. イ What the woman will make for dinner. ウ What they will cook for dinner. エ What they will have for lunch next day. Question No. 2 ア She just had pizza for lunch. イ She thinks sushi is cheaper. ウ She thinks sushi is healthier. エ She thinks sushi is more convenient. Question No. 3 ア Buy pizza for his wife. イ Buy sushi for himself. ウ Eat pizza at a restaurant. エ Get both pizza and sushi. − − 4 Part 3 次に放送される英文(No. 1・No. 2)を聞いて,それに関する質問の答えとして 最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。なお, 英文とそれに関する質問は二回ずつ読まれる。 No. 1 ア It will be cloudy in the afternoon. イ It will be cloudy in the morning. ウ It will be mostly sunny. エ It will rain heavily. No. 2 ア Ask the librarian a question. イ Get familiar with the main library. ウ Join a special guided tour. エ Use the lending service. − − 5 【注意】次の2は選択問題である。 1:リスニング問題 2題から1題を選んで解答 2:会話表現問題 【選択問題】 2 次の A・B の問いに答えよ。 (配点 18) A 次の1∼4の会話文中の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのう ちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 John : How’s your new house, Mika ? Mika: It’s wonderful ! I love it ! John :( ) Mika: Well, it has two bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a swimming pool outside ! ア Please allow me to go. イ Please show me the inside. ウ Tell me how to get there. エ Tell me what it’s like. 2 Cathy : The man at the front desk said we’d have to check out by 9 a.m. Hiroki: So we’ll have to get up at 7 a.m. Cathy : Why don’t we pack now ? ( ) Hiroki: Yes, I suppose that would be easier. ア Then we can catch our flight. イ Then we can get up earlier. ウ Then we can get up later. エ Then we can take the train. − − 6 3 Yuki : This water tastes a little strange, doesn’t it ? Peter: Don’t you know ? The water in this area is desalinated. Yuki : Desalinated ? ( ) Peter: It is seawater without salt. Yuki : Oh, I see. That’s why it tastes strange. ア How terrible ! イ They should not do that ! ウ What does that mean ? エ Why do they do that ? 4 Keiko: They said on TV that it will snow tonight. Bob : Then we will have to clear the snow from the sidewalk in the morning. Keiko:( ) I have an important exam tomorrow. I won’t have time to clear away the snow. Bob : Well, at least this year we’re ready and have shovels. ア I hope the forecast is wrong. イ I hope they are right this time. ウ I hope we can get our TV fixed at last. エ I hope you do well in school this year. − − 7 B 会話文中の空所( 1 )∼( 4 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ア∼クのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。ただし,同じ記号を二度以上用いてはな らない。 Mai: Do you have a minute ? Jim : Yeah, sure, Mai. ( 1 ) Mai: Well, I got an interesting e-mail message this morning. Jim : OK. Go on. Tell me what it was about. Mai: Do you remember the camp I used to go to in summer ? Jim : The one up north ? Mai:( 2 ) Jim : We felt all alone every summer when you left us to go to that camp. Mai:( 3 ) You know that. Jim : I know. Anyway, what was the e-mail about ? Mai: They are looking for a camp counselor this summer. Jim : And they are offering you the job ? Mai: Yes, they are. ( 4 ) I am so excited ! Jim : So you’ll be leaving us again this summer ? ア Can you believe it ? イ I have no time. ウ I missed you guys, too. エ I think it’s here. オ I’m on time. カ Last year ! キ That’s it. ク What’s on your mind ? − − 8 【注意】以下はすべて必答問題である。 3・4・5・6・7 5題ともすべて解答 【必答問題】 3 次の A・B の問いに答えよ。 (配点 4) A 次の1,2の各組で,下線部の発音が他の三つと異なるものを,それぞれ下のア∼エの うちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 ア bridge イ driven ウ primary エ wisdom 2 ア check イ chemistry ウ cherry エ chicken B 次の1,2の各組で,最も強いアクセント(第一強勢)のある位置が他の三つと異なる ものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 ア oc-cur イ pat-tern ウ re-fer エ tech-nique 2 ア av-er-age イ del-i-cate ウ dif-fi-cult エ i-mag-ine − − 9 【必答問題】 4 次の A・B の問いに答えよ。 (配点 10) A 次の1∼6の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちか ら一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 1 It was surprising that he won the match because( )people expected him to win. ア any イ few ウ many エ some ウ for エ in 2 “How soon does our bus leave ?” “It will leave( )five minutes.” ア about イ by 3 We must save energy, so don’t forget( )the lights before going out. ア to turn off イ to turn on ウ turning off エ turning on 4 “Mom, may I have another piece of cake ?” “ ( ) You’ve already had two !” ア No excuses. イ No problem. ウ No thanks. エ No way. 5 Yesterday I was really tired. This morning I woke up and found myself( )on the sofa. ア laying ウ to lay イ lying エ to lie 6 The teacher( )our school now is from Australia. ア visit イ visited ウ visiting − − 10 エ visits B 次の英文は,食事について述べたエッセイの一部である。空所( 1 )∼( 4 ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答 えよ。 There are people who live to eat and those who eat to live. Take lunch, for example. Some people are willing to drop by a fast-food restaurant and eat a quick hamburger. Others,( 1 ) , look for a good restaurant( 2 )they can enjoy a fine meal there. For dinner, some people choose to warm something up in the microwave oven. Others will ( 3 )a meal by using fresh *ingredients like fish and vegetables. As for drinks, some people will carefully choose a wine to go with the meal. Others are( 4 )to wash the meal down with a glass of water. 注) *ingredient =(料理などの)材料 1 ア however イ moreover ウ therefore エ while 2 ア even if イ every time ウ so that エ unless 3 ア have イ keep ウ prepare エ take 4 ア careful イ familiar ウ happy エ possible − − 11 【必答問題】 5 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えよ。(配点 24) Hospital nurses thought that 73-year-old James Wathen had reached the end of his road. He stopped eating, he could hardly speak, and he was weak. But that all changed one day when he gathered all his strength to whisper to a nurse that he missed his dog. James hadn’t seen his Chihuahua named Bubba since *paramedics rushed him away from his home and into the hospital weeks before. One sweet nurse, Kimberly Probus, told her co-workers that one of their social workers realized that feeling sad from the loss of his dog was making James even worse and emotionally unhealthy. So a wonderful team of nurses got together to find James’ companion, Bubba. They all held on to the hope that bringing Bubba to James would make their patient come alive again, and they were willing to break the hospital rules to make it happen. They successfully tracked Bubba down and found that he had been taken to a *shelter and placed with a caring family. But after Bubba was separated from James, he also became sick. “The dog stopped eating a week ago, which is very strange,” said the shelter’s president Mary-Ann Smyth. “The dog didn’t know where James was and James didn’t know where the dog was, and believe it or not,( 1 )at about the same time.” The team of nurses and shelter workers worked hard and scheduled a very special visitor for James that weekend. They brought Bubba in. “He was so sad at first. We had him wrapped in a baby blanket and he was shaking,” Mary-Ann said. “As soon as we got about 20 steps from the guy’s room, his little head went up. His eyes got real bright and he was like a different dog.” In their 30-minute visit James also became very bright, and he became a different man, too. “They didn’t think James was going to get better at first,” Mary-Ann remembered. “I was 10 feet from his bed and I could hardly understand him because he was so hard to hear. The nurse had to lean up right against his face to hear what he was saying.” But with continued visits, both the man and his best friend have come back to life. “He’s made a complete recovery. He’s speaking, he’s sitting up, he’s eating. He − − 12 doesn’t look like the same guy,” Mary-Ann said. “And the dog is eating and doing better now, too.” Mary-Ann is not surprised by how strong James and Bubba’s bond is. “I hope this story will show people the great( 2 )that animals can make in people’s lives,” she said. Mary-Ann encourages us with this advice: “One of the biggest problems we face is the way some people think of animals. Some people just don’t see animals as living creatures and beings. They only see them as things. I hope people understand they’re not ‘things’ ― they’re ‘beings.’ ” From James and Bubba’s story we can see that our friendships are more important than we can ever imagine. Your smiling face can bring life to a friend who’s feeling down. So never forget that you are an important part of someone’s life. Someone needs you today ! 注) *paramedic =特別救急医療士 *shelter =保護施設 問1 次の Question に対する Answer となるように,空所に当てはまる適当な 10 語程度の 英語を補え。 Question: Why did the hospital nurses think that James was going to die ? Answer : They thought so because( ). 問2 James の世話をしているソーシャルワーカーの1人は,James と Bubba の関係から, James は何が原因で,どのような状態になっていると気づいたか。次の空所①・②に当 てはまる言葉を日本語で答えよ。 James は( ① )が原因で,( ② )こと。 問3 本文中の空所( 1 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次のア∼エのうちから一つ選 び,記号で答えよ。 ア both of them started to eat again イ both of them were very tired from looking for each other ウ they both finally got an idea about where they were エ they both stopped eating − − 13 問4 本文中の空所( 2 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次のア∼エのうちから一つ選 び,記号で答えよ。 ア difference イ effort ウ fun エ sense 問5 Mary-Ann が,動物に対する人間の考え方で指摘している問題点は何か,日本語で答え よ。 問6 本文の内容と一致するものを,次のア∼カのうちから二つ選び,記号で答えよ。ただし, 解答の順序は問わない。 ア One day James happened to be strong enough to ask a nurse to bring him his dog. イ The nursing team was ready to break the rules in order to help James get better. ウ Mary-Ann lived with Bubba after he arrived at the shelter. エ When Bubba met James, he felt so happy that he was shaking in a warm blanket. オ Though James and Bubba continued to meet, they couldn’t renew their old friendship. カ This story teaches us how important our friendships are. − − 14 【必答問題】 6 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えよ。(配点 22) Can you die from a cultural difference ? That is the question that a filmmaker wanted to explore. So she made a movie about the true story of a doctor, his patient, and their two very different cultures. The doctor in the movie is an American. The patient in the movie is from Afghanistan. In 1988, this Afghan man came to the United States with his wife and ten children. In 2000, he started to feel sick. When he went to the hospital, the doctors found a serious problem. He had stomach cancer. He needed an operation. After he had the operation, he felt much better. So when his doctor told him he needed more treatment, he said no. But did he understand his American doctor ? Did his doctor understand him ? Was the patient’s life in danger because he and his doctor were from different cultures ? ⑴ That is what the filmmaker wanted to find out. Religion was one difference between the patient and the doctor in the movie. The patient refused the treatment for religious reasons. However, according to the movie, the doctor didn’t ask him why his religion did not allow it. That was a big mistake. Actually, the patient’s religion does allow the treatment. The problem was how the doctor planned to give him the medicine, through a needle in his arm. There were other ways to give the medicine, for example in a *pill. But the doctor never told him that. Why not ? The doctor thought that the medicine was the problem. Another difference was language. The patient did not speak English, but his daughters did. The doctor thought that the daughters told their father everything. But they didn’t. They never told him he had cancer. In the movie, a family friend explained that in Afghan culture the doctor does not speak to the patient directly. He speaks to the family. And often the family does not tell the patient the truth. So did this patient know that he was dying ? It is not clear in the movie. The Afghan man died from cancer before the movie was finished. The filmmaker makes it very clear in the movie that the doctor gave the patient excellent medical care. She also makes it clear that the doctor respected and cared about his patient very much. But was the patient’s life shorter because he and his doctor came from different cultures ? ( 2 )That is why the filmmaker made the movie. She wants both patients and doctors − − 15 to think about how important culture might be in medical treatment. じょう 注) *pill = 錠剤 問1 下線部⑴の内容を次のようにまとめたい。次の空所に当てはまる言葉を日本語で答えよ。 医者と患者は相互理解ができたのか,あるいは( )ということ。 問2 次の Question に対する Answer となるように,空所に当てはまる適当な英語を補え。 Question: Why did the patient refuse the treatment ? Answer : Because the doctor was going to( ). 問3 本文の内容に合うように,次の空所①・②に当てはまる言葉を日本語で答えよ。 アフガニスタンの文化では,医師は( ① )ことはせず,家族の人 は( ② )場合が多い。 問4 本文中の空所( 2 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次のア∼エのうちから一つ選 び,記号で答えよ。 ア We can believe that. イ We don’t care. ウ We will never know. エ We’ve already seen that. − − 16 問5 次の英文は,本文に関する感想文である。空所( 1 )∼( 3 )に入れるのに最 も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア∼エのうちから一つずつ選び,記号で答えよ。 After reading this article I realized it is very important to be aware of cultural differences when dealing with other people. Sometimes we are( 1 )that other people share our ideas. So when communicating with people from other cultures we must make sure that we understand each other clearly. This is especially true in situations like the one described in the article that are related to( 2 ) . I would like to make use of this lesson in my daily life when talking with( 3 ) . 1 ア afraid of learning イ impressed to know ウ mistaken in thinking エ surprised to find 2 ア family problems イ family traditions ウ making films エ medical treatments 3 ア injured people イ people from developing countries ウ people from other cultures エ serious people − − 17 【必答問題】 7 次の A ∼ C の問いに答えよ。 (配点 22) A 次の1∼3の英文が自然な文になるように, ( )内の語(句)を並べかえて,英文 を完成せよ。 1 Can you pick me up at the station ? It’s( rain / way / going / on / home / to / my )from the office this evening. 2 Mary( wanted to / where / idea / go / she / no / had )during the holidays. So she just stayed at home. 3 I heard you had a nice time in Tokyo. Please( see / took / you / me / let / the photos ) . B 次の日本文中の下線部⑴・⑵を英語になおせ。 ポール:冬休みにニューヨークに行くんだって? モモコ:ええ,そうなの。 私は海外に一度も行ったことがないから,心配だわ。 ⑴ ポール:大丈夫だよ。 向こうに着けば,わくわくしてくるよ。 ⑵ C 車の購買意欲について調べるため,20 代の学生 30 名と 50 代の大人 30 名に ,「車を買 いたいかどうか」のアンケートを取った。次のアンケート結果から読み取れることを, 10 ∼ 15 語の英語で書け。ただし,学生と大人を比較しながら答えること。 学生(20 代) ●●●●● 大人(50 代) ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●● ●●●●●●●●● 車を買いたく ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●● ない ●●●●●●●●● ● 車を買いたい − − 18 無断転載・無断使用をお断りいたします。 ©Benesse Corporation 2015 Printed in Japan 2015年度11月実施 高1学力テスト 英語 解答用紙(80分) 英語 《ここから上には解答を記入しないでください。採点の対象となりません。 》 【選択問題】1・2のうちから1題を解答せよ。 1 18点 2 18点 3 Part 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Part 2 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Part 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 A 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 【以下はすべて必答問題】3∼7は5題ともすべて解答せよ。 4点 4 10点 A 1 2 A 1 2 3 4 B 1 2 3 4 問1 5 B 1 2 5 They … because( 6 . ) 問2 ① 問4 問3 問5 問6 ② 24点 問1 問2 …あるいは( 問3 6 ① )ということ。 Because … to( . ) 問5 問4 ② 22点 7 1 2 3 1 It’s( )from the office … . A 2 Mary( )during the holidays. 3 Please( B . ) ⑴ ⑵ C 内容点 22点 《ここから下には解答を記入しないでください。採点の対象となりません。》 高校 1年 受 験 番 号 フリガナ 英語 組 クラス番号 名前 出席番号 ※すべての記入は鉛筆等を用いて必ず黒色を使用してください。受験番号は受験カードと同じ番号を記入してください。 フリガナは姓と名の間を1マスあけて記入してください( , は1マス分とること)。 英 語
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