BOARD OF rIRE COMMISSIOI\ERS DavidHumke, Chairman Bonnie Weber, Vice-Chairman KittyJung Marsha Berkbigler Vaughn Hartung FIRE CHIEF Charles A. Moore ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paul Lipparelli NOTICE OF JOINT MEETING AI\D AGENDA TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT SIERRA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 5:00 p.m. Tuesdav. June 17.2014 Complex, Commission Chambers County Administrative Washoe f001 E. Ninth Street Reno" Nevada NOTB: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; combined with other items; removed from the agenda; moved to the agenda of another meeting; moved to or from the Consent section; or may be voted on in a block. Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time, but may be heard later. The Washoe County Commission Chambers is accessible to the disabled. If you require special armngements for the meeting, call the County Manager's Office, 328-2000,24-hours priorto the meeting. Time Limits. Public comments are welcomed during the Public Comment periods for all matters, whether listed on the agenda or noto and are limited to three minutes psr person. Additionally, public comment of three minutes per person will be heard during individual action items on the agenda. Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on the agenda items and/or attend and make comment on that item at the Board meeting. Persons may not allocate unused time to other speakers. Forum Rstrictions and Orderlv Conduct of Business. The Board conducts the business of the District and its citizens during its meetings. The presiding officer may order the removal of any person whose statement or other conduct disrupts the orderly, effrcielrt or safe conduct of the meeting. Wanrings against disruptive comments or behavior may or may not be given prior to re,moval. The viewpoint of a speaker will not be restricted, but reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech. Irrelevant and unduly repetitious statements and personal attacks which antagonize or incite others are examples of speech that may be reasonably limited. Responses to Public Comments. The Board can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting. During the public comment period, speaken may address matters listed or not listed on the published agenda. The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Board. However, responses from Board members to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public. On the advice of legal counsel and to ensure the public has notice of all matters the Board will consider, the Board members may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, ask for staffaction or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda. The Board may do this either during the public comment item or during the following item: 'o*Commissioners'/Chief s Announcements, Requests for Information, and Statements Relating to ltems Not on the Topics for Future AGEI\DA ITEM 8Y IMFPD - SFPD Joint BOFC Agenda, June 17, 2014 Page 2 of 3 Pursuant to NRS 241.020, the Agenda for the Board of Fire Commissioner Meetings has been posted at the following locations: Washoe County Administration Building (1001 E. 9ft Street, Bldg. A), Washoe County Courthouse-District Court Administrator/Clerk of Court (75 Court Street), Washoe County Central Library (301 South Center Street) and Sparks Justice Court (1675 East PraterWay). Support documentation for the items on the agenda, provided to the Board of Fire Commissioners is available to -.*bo. of the public at the District's Admin Office (1001 E. 9th Street, Bldg. D,2od Floor, Reno, Nevada) Maureen O'Brien Program Assistant, phone (775) 328-3605 and on the County's website at www. washo for possible action as if the words "for possible action" were written next to each item (NRS 241.020). An ite,m listed with asterisk (*) next to it is an itein for which no action will be taken. All ite,ms numbered or lettered below are hereby designated 5:00 p.m. *1. Call to order/roll call for each entify. *2. Public Comment. Comment heard under this ite,m will be limited to three minutes per person and maypertain to matters both on and offthe Board of Fire Commissisners agenda. The District will also hearpublic comment during individual action iterns, with comment limited to three minutes perperson. Comments are to be made to the Board of Fire Commissioners as a whole. 3. Consent Iteins: A) Approval ofminutes from Board of Fire Commissioners meeting of May 13,2014. B) Authorize the renewal of the Property and Liability Insurance Policy for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District with the Nevada Public Agency lnsurance Pool, for one year beginning July 1, 2014 for an annual pre,mium of $110,639.64. *4. Fire Chief Report: A) Report and discussion related to ISO Public Protection Classification B) Review of Automatic Aid offsr to City of Reno. Summary Report 5. Approve Change OrderNumber 2forthe construction of the "Mogul Fire Station #35" locatedat 10201 West Fourth Steet, Reno, NV 89523 [$100,538.00, Funding Source- TMFPD Construction Fund 2801. (Commission Dist'ict 5) 6. Discussion and action on Resolution creating the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Siclg Annual and Comp Be,nefits Fund as of July 1,2014. 7. Recommendation to approve a sole source contract with Bound Tree Medical for Emergency Medical Services supplies and the Operative IQ Software Program for Inventory Asset, and Fleet Maintenance and Manage,ment. following agenda items tl8 and #9 will be heard by the Washoe County Board of Commissionerc who will convene as the Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Fire Commissionersfor the Sierra Fire Protection District and Truckee Meadows Fire Protec'tion Districl The 8. Approval of the Interlocal Agree,ment - RAVEN Fire Training, Monitoring and Suppression Personnel and Equipment between the County of Washoe on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriffs Office, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District [$65,000 and $10,000 respectively] for the provision, whe,n requested of a helicopter or other aircraft TMFPD - SFPD Joint BOFC Agenda, June 17, 2014 Page 3 of3 and personnel and approve reimburssment for services rendered throughout the year by the Washoe County SherifPs Office to be paid in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement to the Washoe County Sheriffs Office Regional Aviation Unit (RAVEN), and if approved, authorize the Finance Division to make the necessarybudget adjustments. (All Commission Disfricts) and possible action on Amended Cooperative Agree,rneirt between Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Storey County to provide for cooperative use of fire protection capital assets and automatic aid service; and possible adoption of a resolution to change the boundary line betwee,n Washoe and Storey Counties in the area of the Truckee River and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Park authorized by SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature and as described in Section 1.5 ofthe 9. Discussion bill. *10. Commissioners'/Fire Chief s announcements, requests for information, topics for future agendas, and state,me,lrts relating to ite,ms not on the Agenda. (No discussion among Commissioners will take place on this ite,m). *11. Public Comment. Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per psrson and maypertain to matters both on and offthe Board of Fire Qsmmissioners agenda. The Commission will also hearpublic comment during individual action ite,ms, with comment limited to three minutes pe,r person. Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole. 12. Adjoumment. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIOII"ERS TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT SIERRA flRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TUESDAY 1l:00 a.m. MAY 13,2014 PRESENT: David Humke. Chairman Bonnie Weber" Vice Chairperson Marsha Berkbigler. Commissioner Yaughn Ilartunq. Commissioner Kittv Jung. Commissioner Nancv Parenl Countv Clerk John Slaughter. CountY Manager Paul Lipparelli" Lesal Counsel l4{3F AGENDA ITEM 2 Asenda Subiect: "Public Comment FgruEnt heard under this item will be limited pertain to matters both on and off the to three minutes per percon "*A Commission agenda. The Di{igtrill-also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment liifttef to three minutes per person. Comments are to tpd be made tfiffi::.',",n" ca, rorpubric comment. agenda item No. 5 will be heard by the Washoe County who will convene as the Board of County Commissioners and Commissioners for the Siena Fire Protection District and the Fire Protection DistricL Board of the Board AGENDA ITEM 5 Aeenda Subiect: "Presentation, discussion and possible action to accept a report from the BIue Ribbon Committee on Regional Fire Services. (All Commission Districts)." Fire Chief Charles Moore stated that the Blue Ribbon Committee @RC) worked tirelessly over the past nine months and noted there were several BRC members present. MAY 13,2014 PAGE 1 Don Givins, Emergency Services Consulting International @SCI) Sr. Associate, and Sarah Chvilicek, BRC Chairperson, conducted a PowerPoint presentation, which was placed on file with the Clerk. The presentation highlighted the tasks of the BRC, the regional agencies involved, and the l0 key furdings which included: fire agency boundaries were efficient; how fiscal constraints impact service; how stafling and risk/cost werc disconnected; how non-standardized response protocols lead to greater expense; how efficiency and effectiveness were sacrificed for local control; volunteers should not be separate and autonomous; personnel and labor agreements could negate efficiencies; grants were a necessary, but unreliable revenue stream; improvements were available; and, miscellaneous issues, opportunities, chal the four regional options, and the BRC recommendations. status Commissioner Berkbigler asked if discussions (REMSA). were occurring with the Regional Emergency Medical Services A Emergency John Slaughter, County Manager, replied that response status Commissioner Medical Services (EMS) information was discussed in the Berkbigler was concerned because the Reno Fire and the Sparks Fire Ds browned-out Deparfinent (SFD) did not participate in the BRC. She if this report was stations could directly impact the County's ftre had not been discussed, being prqvided to the regional partners. Mr. S Berkbigler stated there but the report could be provided to other were safe from fires. was nothing more important than ensuring that Commissioner Hartung u$$gilfcerned about the Legislature forcing regionalization. He said the report out[qlhfry key features that could lead to a greater spirit of cooperation. He asked irt\e$Activity Units (PAUs) compared to the system cunently used by REMSA. It(lpltls-replied that the systems were not significantly different. He said REMSA use\Systems Status Management where locations were statistically identified whe(the Call volumes typically occurred. He commented that EMS was very humanad{@4driven, making it predictable; however, fire was less predictable. He fire service did not lend itself to a pure implementation of a Systems or fixed posting locations. Commissioner Harfung understood how worked with EMS and how fire responded, but he was unclear as to how be applied directly to fire. Mr. Givins stated that PAUs should not the foundational response capability. The foundational response be used to assume the fire risks that existed throughout the Community and the to be deployed in a manner that provided a critical mass for those to arrive in time to affect a change. Commissioner Weber suggested a community-wide meeting to present the reporf and then return to the respective entities to work together and arrive at the recommendations. Chairman Humke commented that many reports had been completed. He said they should all be sent to the Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB) to educate them on the issues since they were not hesitant about delving into local government. He also PAGE 2 MAY 13,2014 hoped to stifle the discussions that all local governments did was fight and bicker. He said he was proud of the County and how the County approached fire services and consolidation. Chairman Humke suggested that the report be presented to the Citizen Advisory Boards (CABs), Neighborhood Advisory Boards (NABs), the Community Advisory Board and Homeowners Associations (HOAs), which he felt would be better than a community-wide meeting. Ms. Chvilicek replied that the BRC was prepared to make presentations to all those associations. Chairman Humke thanked each of the BRC members. Commissioner Jung said Finding No. 3 stated that staffing funo, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1710 compliant andlor sustaiffigsYtre asked what that meant and to what agency did it reference. Mr. Givi that bomment referred to the region and not one particular agency. He explg[fffiat NFPA 1710 was a consensus standard adopted in 2001, which identified response times in intervals and optimum staffing levels by unit. He said in the County were closer than others, but there seemed to be a between the closeness and the lack of sustainability. Commissioner J ing No. 3 also stated a lack of balance between an accepted level of acceptable cost of protection. Mr. Givins explained if an organization decision that it would not ty to achieve aNFPA l7l0 because it was there would have to be some standard that guided the organization$6germiof staffing and deployment of resources. He said there should be an evaluatj( ffihe risk and the cost, which could vary from community-to-community, based {tffitisk and the tax base. It required the elected officials to have a clear understanfffufihe risks in their community and costs of providing service to mitigate those risNffirhfr thag he said the community needed to be educated about the risks *O rffiqrtS*iated with mitigating those risks. commis-sionnlM:9,":-t::t':tty:':111iTl11__Y:9.y.:: stated that was the dupliclQn of'capital assets and infrastructure. Commissioner Jung asked if each of the padfficontributed money to the HazMat Team. Chief Moore replied that theyaraffiiftgdffir funding and contributions of material, faining and ung asked if the contributions were equal and who were the replied that the participants were the Cities of Reno and Sparks proportionate; however, it was an agreement to contribute their Jung asked if the volunteers were a liability for the tarpayers in and financial liabilities. Mr. Givins said there was a gap with the in the volunteer training progr:rms, but by assimilating the volunteer into a combined TMFPD/SFPD, the opportunity would be there to train to the same standard and expect performance to be at the same standard. Commissioner Jung questioned tax equalization that was listed under the challenges. Mr. Givins explained if a regional effort required tax eqtnlization, as in any regional effort some citizens would pay more than others, which would be a subsidy issue and would need to be addressed. Commissioner Jung asked if a dedicated revenue source was discussed for other entities if they regionalized. Ms. Chvilicek replied that was discussed at length. She commented there needed to be transparency so taxpayers knew where their money went in order to make an informed decision on the tlpe of protection they desired. and the expertise. MAY 13,2014 PAGE 3 Commissioner Jung stated that any partners would need to have a dedicated revenue source. She asked how Mutual or Automatic Aid Agreements could be equalized. Mr. Givins replied that automatic aid was discussed, but could potentially hurt other agencies with financial impacts, or if there were wide disparities in automatic aid that an annual true-up could complete. Commissioner Jung inquired how the County could be established as a Fire Adaptive Community and suggested that topic be placed on a future Board agenda. Mr. Givins stated there was a process to establish a Fire Adaptive Communitygltlined on the University of Nevada, Reno (JNR) Cooperative Extension website. fflTh*tne U.S. Forest Service also had information listed on their website on formiffigrYre Adaptive Community. Commissioner Jung commented that incentives p{d#/io be Commissioner Hartung said the NFPA suggested across the nation were understaffed and asked on the agencles ls versus EMS for EMS calls calls. Mr. Givins replied that the average ran between 75 nationally, but he did not have the data for the ion needed to be treated as a system and not as independent silos not cost effective. Commissioner Hartung said a BRC recommendation ine the TMFPD and the SFPD and acknowleagsa that had been attemptfiPhi said that was correct and reear co explained that the TMFPD and the t3fL SFPD operated as one fire department. 1"-::-?:::yJ:fi:r'i p;w s Commissioner Weber that County Legislators would be moving forward with a recommendation in regard to fire services. She believed that a community-wide to be held for all citizens to have the opportunity to hear the information and the the same time. call for public comment, Debra Sheltra thanked the BRC for their wo$< and have a Bill at the last sessi as She suggested the Board take a proactive approach (BDR) ready for the next [rgislative Session since the bill bine the TMFPD and the SFPD never made it to a hearing. AMrrn Steward spoke on combining all public safety mechanisms such REMSA. He said conversations were a big part of the equation and crHE oublic relations to cover nublic safetv- g& @frW%"a fufrWfud ::::#,;;':::;_ed,ha, Mr s,eward, wh. is a firefighter with the TMFPD, attended to an individual who became ill during the National Day of Prayer celebration at the County Complex. He said Chief Moore also coordinated first aid efforts on the individual. J. Edward Parker stated that the TMFPD was an excellent organization. He spoke on the history of fires in the area and a ballot proposition to consolidate fire PAGE 4 MAY 13,2014 services. He urged the Board to move forward with a consolidated fire agency that would be governed by an independent fire service. 12t52 o.m. Commissioner Weber temporarily left the meeting. Chief Moore said he was proud of the BRC and noted they remained independent, nonpartisan and analytical throughout the entire process. On motion by Commissioner Berkbigler, seconded by Comnligsioner Harfirng, which motion duly carried with Commissioner Weber absen! it was dlQred that Agenda Item 5 be accepted {Dt 'f!f**'f,fr**_fr\{r Later in the meeting, Commissioner Weber report. reoort. r4{sF AGEi\rpA rrEM 4A Asenda Subiect: "Fire chief Report "**g$Qotance (\Y of the ftI\t - A) TMFrD dlamp A'v 2014. Captain Scott Stevenson gave an iew of the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) Kids Fire flHe explained that the Camp was a joint effort between Local 3895, the Di ashoe County Parks. He said it was a three-day, two-night camp held at Ca and open to all 1l to 14 year olds who were County residents. He $xpl activities that would be covered and that the application fee may be cov lly reduced by donations and scholarships. 12:58 p.m. Comm There returned. taken or public comment on this item. a ble Closed Session pursuant to NRS 2EE.220 for the purpose management representatives labor matters and negotiations." ffi 16d.mY On motion by Commissioner Weber, seconded by Commissioner Jung, whiclnotion duly carried, it was ordered that the meeting recess to a closed session for the p'urpose of discussing with management representatives labor matters and negotiations. 4:55 p.m. The Board returned with Commissioners Jung and Berkbigler absent. MAY 13,2014 PAGE 5 I44TF AGEITDA ITEM 3A Agenda Subiect: "Approval of minutes from Board of Fire Commissioners meetings of March 25 and April8,2014;' There was no public comment on this item. On motion by Commissioner Weber, seconded by Commissioner Hartung, which motion duly carried with Commissioners Berkbigler and Jung absentait was ordered that Agenda Item 34 be approved. \ 14-6EF AGENpA rrEM Aeenda Subiect: "Fire Chief 48 1or) Report-B) Update on the Mogul Fire Chief Charles Moore submiued and Mogul Fire Station Development costs, which was placed on Chief Moore read an e-mail hogram that stated it was a wonderfi,rl program and m ! Ft."#U]r." ^f \,/ dffi,n"o the Clerk. orthe ict for their Ash Can iated. He noted that the after their use to avoid 5:03 p.m. There was no *,,q1@fYrblic comment on this item. fotlow*gM$n"* The No. 6 will be heard by the Washoe County Board of Commissioners wlqqo wiffonvene as the Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Fire Commffirgrs for the Sierra Fire Protection District and Truchee Meadows Fire 1449F use possible action or direction to staff on a plan for the aid to provide assistance to neighboring fire agencies. @equested Hartung).rr of by Fire Chief Charles Moore explained that a fee schedule was imbedded in the Airnual Operating Plan (AOP) with the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and most of the other neighboring agencies. He indicated when an extended and protracted incident occurred that fee schedule was used to base the costs. Commissioner Hartung clarified that this item was also requested by Chairman Humke. PAGE 6 MAY 13,2014 Chairman Humke said it was difficult to quantiff costs. He indicated that it may not be lawful to grant services to another entity. he received e-mails stating Commissioner Berkbigler felt that automatic aid should be done; however, if it was legal to offer automatic aid to the City of Reno if they did not reciprocate automatic aid back to the County. She asked if the proposal would offer free aid for a six month period. questions had been raised Chairman Humke explained that his intent was for an billing the City for six months. Commissioner Hartung concured. He said important to understand the number of priority medical calls and the overall He suggested maintaining a record on the calls the County responded to slx months as well as a record on the value of the calls. It was incumbent to service that assist the City and ensure that the citizens of Washoe County had could be offered. 5:1.0 p.m. Commissioner Jung returned to the meeting. Fire Districts and the Paul Lipparelli, Legal Counsel, said which they agreed to Cities had fairly broad powers to enter interlocal perform work for one another or exchange that both entities felt were fair and reasonable. However, the property the District would be paying taxes into the District's budget that would to another govemment entity point he said that would become that was not paying those ta:res. After in the Fire District that they were inequitable and potentially cause a claj without the benefit of a mutually, beneficial, subsidizing another govemm the "Public Duty Doctrine" stated once a bilateral agreement. He government agency publically that a certain emergency-type service was had a right to rely on that service. Mr. Lipparelli available from that into an agreement with the City of Reno to provide said if the County period of time to gather datr' rt would be a legally, automatic aid at go not believe the Board would breach the Public Duty enforceable Doctrine. If was left in place for a longer period of time, and then the County to continue the services, it would have to be done carefully so citizens on those services would not miss them when they were no longer Chairman Humke said the General Fund could be used to reimburse the for the six month period for their services, or collect funds from the City's taxpayers since they were being benefitted. Chief Moore explained there were existing provisions in the Mutual Aid Agreement that could virtually produce the same resulq which required a call to dispatch from a Reno Battalion Chief to dispatch a unit from the District; however, that response time would not be as fast as automatic aid. [n order to have automatic aid up and running, he explained there would have to be certain programming changes in dispatch enabling MAY t3,20t4 PAGE 7 the dispatcher the ability to see that two calls had to be made, one to the City and one to the District. Commissioner Berkbigler asked if that mutual aid was already in place. Chief Moore replied that agreement was in place with no restrictions on either entity making those calls. Commissioner Berkbigler remarked since the City was on the verge of browning-out four key stations for wildland fires, she asked if the District had the ability to quickly cover those areas in the event of a large wildland fire. Chief Moore felt that coverage could occur quickly. Commissioner Berkbigler inquired on the dat4glready being collected on calls. Chief Moore clarified that data on mutual aid was\ing collected, as defined by the National Fire tncident Recording System; howerdhilVas different than what the City defined as their mutual aid responses. Qdftrnfdioner Berkbigler questioned if that information on gathering the mutual aid gdffiion could be changed, which would help her determine if automatic aid woul${g{to be further pursued. She said an argument that kept resurfacing stated that th{iytrrovided more mutual aid to the County than the County provided to the City. qffiil6ore felt that was untrue because on a mutual aid basis the number of times had called the City proportional talled the County. was roughly to the number of times the District's firefighters, Commissioner Berkbigler said she had faith in the but if the data were present it would be easier to friture. the Chief to extend automatic -out stations. Commissioner Hartung su and mutual aid directly to the City Council On motion by Berkbigler, which motion dul permission to offer automatic out Fire Stations to include a six The Board of Truckee Hartung, seconded by Commissioner was ordered that Chief Moore be given aid to the Reno City Council for the brownedtimeframe as an initial test period. t item No. 7 will be heard by the Washoe County convene as the Board of Fire Commissionersfor the Distric:L t4-70F "I)iscussion and action on the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Dfln}t[grtative Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 and direct staff to return at the FtYdget Hearing set for May 1.9, 2Ol4;' Fire Chief Charles Moore conducted a PowerPoint presentation, which was placed on file with the Clerk. The presentation highlighted the financial overview, the service level improvements, Sun Valley - Station 15 engine replacement, Water Tenders, Brush Engines and volunteer facility improvements. Commissioner Hartung asked if it would be wise to add an additional reserve firefighter to the Bowers Station. Chief Moore replied that the best use for the reservists would be at the Mogul Station and Hidden Valley. Commissioner Hartung PAGE 8 MAY 13,2014 asked if there were any stations that did not have paramedics. Chief Moore responded that the District had paramedics at all of their stations. 5:40 p.m. Commissioner Hartung temporarily left the meeting. There was no public comment on this item. On motion by Commissioner Berkbigler, seconded by Commissioner Weber, which motion duly carricd with Commissioner Hartung absent, it was4rdered directed. \ The following agenda item No. I wilt be heard by the woqo@ory that Agenda ltem 7 be accepted and Board of Commissionerc who will convene as the Board of Fire Siena Fire Protection Districl t4-7tl AGENpA rrEM I orli:$!r"n Slrrection fu)o Y"tu\>> 2014." Fire Chief Charles Moore said collected their tan revenues and paid the ! (TMFPD) for services within their Distric.Cft- rhere was no n ,s T""tuti"" B,rdg"t for Fiscal Year 2014-15 and direct Budget Hearing set for rllay 19, Commi@rc for the District at the Final ire Protection District (SFPD) Fire Protection District this item. 5:44p.m. commission"r@Y*"0. On motion Weber, which motion directed. Commissioner Berkbigler, seconded by Commissioner was ordered that Agenda Item 8 be accepted and 'd, it t4-72F "Approve the purchase of fifty-four (54) P25 compliant 800 MHz hand* 6fdr Xadios at an estimated cost of $14E,418 from Daily-Wells O@rMtions Inc., 3440 E. Ilouston Street, San Antonio, Texas 7t219. (Alt Asenda f, S Co$ission Districts). " There was no public comment on this item. On motion by Commissioner Weber, seconded by Commissioner Hartung, motion duly carried, it was ordered that Agenda Item 9 be approved. which MAY 13,2014 PAGE 9 t4-73F AGENDA ITEM 10 Agenda Subiect: "Approval and acceptance of a grant award, on behalf of the following (11) Volunteer Fire Departments: Cold Springs, Lemmon Yalley, Palomino Yalley, South Valley, Silver Lake, Wadsworth, Galena, Verdi, Red Rock, Gerlach, and Peavine, from the Nevada Division of Forestry Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program of fifty-frve (55) Digital Handheld Bendix King DPH 5102X radios valued at $881803 to include an in-kind services match of l0"h provided through wildland training hours completcd by Truckec Mcadoys Firc Protection District and direct Finance Department to make any appropriateQget adjustments. (Atl Commission Districts)." ,(Ot There was no public comment on this item. i\ on motion by Commissioner Weber, seconded by Cq&rQn"r r*n*, which motion duly carried, it was ordered that Agenda Item l0 bgffinfied and directed. 14.74F AGENDA ITEM ffi 11 Aeenda Subiect: "Approval of a Cooperative corresponding Annual Operating Plan for between Bureau of Land Management, District Office and Truckee Meadows Fire Agreement and Fire Protection Agreement ty District Office, Winnemucca District." is item would negate the contract with it would not Charles Moore explained that There was no ment on this item. seconded by Commissioner Berkbigler, whiqh%tdhnlr$zcarried, it was ordered that Agenda ltem l1 be approved. fhe Co"operutiufiftMection Agreement for same is attached hereto and made a part of the minutes On mol&n-tf7/Commissioner Weber, t\gf.- of Emergency Management (DEM) in the amount of $291415 for the purpdse of providing a regional Incident Command course in Washoe County and direct Finance Department to make any appropriate budget adjustments. (All Commission Districts)." There was no public comment on this item. PAGE TO MAY 13,2014 On motion by Commissioner Weber, seconded by Commissioner Berkbigler, which motion duly carried, it was ordered that Agenda Item 12 be accepted and directed. 14.:768 AGENDA ITEM 14 Agenda Subiect: "Commissioners'/Chiefs Announcements, requests for information and identilication of topics for future agendas. (No discussion among Commissioners or action will take place on this item.)" There were no Board member comments. t4-7TF AGENDA ITEM 15 Aeenda Subiect: "Public Comment. Comment heard under this to three minutes per percon and may pertain to matters Commission agenda. The District will also hear public action items, with comment limited to three minutes pe1 be made to the District as a whole. " I be limited and off the ring individual Comments are to W" ** before the Board, the meeting DAYID E. HIIMKE, Chairman Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Sierra Fire Protection District NAIICY PARENT, Washoe County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerb Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Sierra Fire Protection District Mimttes Prepared By: Stacy Goruales, Deputy County Clerk MAY 13,2014 PAGE 11 TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (\l_ CM]ACMAI/ FinanceffiB STAFF REPORT Board Meeting Date: June 17,2014 Legal-BC RiskMgt. DT I{RN/A DATE: May 28,2014 TO: Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief Phone: (77 5) 328-6123 Email: [email protected] STJBJECT: Authorize the renewal of the Property and Liability Insurance Policy for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District with the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool, for one year beginning July 1,2014 for an annual premium of $110,639.64. (All Commission Districts) SUMMARY Authorize the renewal of the Property and Liability lnsurance Policy for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Distict with the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool, for one year beginning luly 1,2014 at an annual premium of $110,639.64. Strategic Objective supported by this item: Safe, Secure and Healthy Communities PREVIOUS ACTION In July 2003, the Board approved the membership of the District in the Pool and the Chairman signed an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. At the same time, the Board authorized the Risk Manager to place the District's insurance program with the Pool. The program has been renewed each year. BACKGROT]NI) The Nevada Public Agency lnsurance Pool was formed in 1985 pursuant to the insurance laws of the State of Nevada to allow political subdivisions to pool and jointly administer their insurance programs. This program provides participating members with property, casualty and surety insurance in a reasonable, cost-effective manner. Pool membership currently includes approximately 14 counties,12 cities, 14 school districts and 5 towns and special districts throughout Nevada. The insurance progmm for the District was placed with the Pool in July 2003, following three years of insurance coverage with three different carriers. The Pool has provided a long-term, stable insurance program for the District. It has offered to renew the current program for a premium of $110,639.64, down from $121,945.45, for an overall decrease of approximately 9Yo. The decrease in premium is due to the reduction of an overall Loss Fund Allocation to all Pool members and a slight decline in reinsurance costs. AGENDA ITEM # 38 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners Page 2 of2 FISCAL IMPACT The cost for the one-year insurance policy is $110,639.64 and sufficient funding exists in the FYl4-15 Budget. RECOMMEITDATION It is recommended that the Board of Fire Commissioners authorizethe renewal of the Property and Liability Insurance Policy for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District with the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool, for one year beginning July 1, 2014 at an annual premium of $110,639.64. POSSIBLE MOTION Should the Board agree with staffs recolnmendation a possible motion would be: "I move to authorize the renewal of the Property and Liability Insurance Policyfor the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District with the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool, for one year beginning July 1, 2014 at an annual premium of $110,639.64." Wells Fargo Insurance Services ffiffi Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Proposal of Insurance Property / Casualty and Worker s Compensation NPAIP / PACT Potiey Term: JulA 7, 2074 to July 7'015 Presented by: Gem5'A. Roberts, Senior Vice President Ilrarrdon Lewis, Accpunt Exeeutive Margo L Ma5 Account Executive Wells Fargo Ins Services USA,Inc. (REN) 6o4 W, Moanalane Reno,NV Sgeog-4go3 Office: (llilBzfrySS Fax (866) 6tz-844o nrvrv.rvellsfargo,com/rvf is Mayz& zor4 'Ihis proposl is merely a descriptivesunrmary 9f covgrage pruvided lry the iusuranee quotation .o*puoi"r Ueiug pro#ed and should be used for reference purPlses onlp This is a it i" oot a binder. 'Itris proposal does not arnend or alter the insurance "i"J""*c" ".rty] eontract. ploase refer to the poliry cofiract for sPdffe terns, conditlons, Ilmttaliom and enclusions Trucke Mearbws FlreProtecdotr Dlstdet Propcrty/Casualty and Workere Compensatlon InsurancePro1nEat Wells Fargo Insurance Services MtyzS,zor4 MAIPanilPAG{ o74t't4lo ort'o!-ti PremiumSummary NPAI P (Property/CasualW) PACT (Workers ComPensation) OnA To Be DeterminedonA QuarterlY Basis Quarierly Basis To Be Deterurined g-edffc gudlons on all @iry teros and conditions Tlrs corrrage srrmrna,,, neftbo amonde tr6 olters the lnsurane ggntra+ ivun rrrgo-r*omnee-reprtsentadr,e, anilthepollcytteef shouldbara'let'Yeil Pleae rcfertoihe polioyeontractforspa{ltetenns, sb[ld be relirreil to your condtlons,limltatlonsandocludons. PAGE4 Wells Fargo Instuance Services MayeS,aor4 TruekeeMeadorcs Flrc?rotectioa Disdct Itoperty/Casualty and Wotkers Compensation InsuraneeProPml MAIPANdPACI o7'ab14toc7-ot'15 Coverage Proposal SEE ATTACHED NPAIP/PACT PROPOSAIS x** please note that the NpAIP's proposal was not updated fot Flood and Earthquake Limits' IIffi 'rH'ffifltllHl'l;ii?#[]]]]1[ffi'ffi :ffitaffi nffi for Flood and Earthquake Coverages. CI.AIMS MADEWORDING: Made coverage form with the NPAIP' Some of the attached coverages could be issued on a Claims Listed belorv are some elements of a claims-made form: 1. .,claims-made' form, the policy that in effect at the time that a claim is made Under a i9 claim, regardless of'whether this polic'v asainst you subje$ to any retroactive was in ur"*t iuiJr,'iti" i.Aa*t, i"cii."t, or rnjury gccuued, (the NPAIP attachments in thepolicy)' date. your retroaetive date is p.rioty r, ,o6g, 2. must have occurred If your policy has a "retroactive date", the accident, incident, or injury a claim' tti r"ti*"t[ daiein order forttre policyto respondto dfi;;f.y t#';ii;;p&di;that * "t[* you have the right to purehase an "extended reporting-period (ERP)endoreenenf if the policy is rr,ir endorsement witt proviae .a p.eriod of time to continue to reportcancelled or oot ii"ra""tr, *aa""t",gl *j"iiju that occured after any retroactive claims that uri*u ""rr"i"d, ""*iits pai.y. the Enr-(ofqi calted "tail eoverage") must be date and before the promptly paidwhen due' requested within a specifictime frame andtheadditionalpremium ril;;A;;;6o* be eferred to your contmct. speei{ic qrrestions on all pollcy terms and conddons shorrld Thle colerage srrnruary nether amends nor altens ths Insuran@ ref ie$Ed' a"a tho potlrr itsttehouub iiiiiniidi".*"*'*lreenraifi plesere&rto thepotirycoutract forspecifle terms, conditiotB,llmitations andexclustons. PAGEg MEMBER COVERAGE SUMMARY Prepared For: Truckee Meadows FPD Prepared By: Wells Fargo lnsurance Servlces of Nevada summary ls tntended for reference only, For specific terms, candition, llmitatlons and exclusions, please refer to the POOL Coverage Farm editlon July 7, 2074. Thls Dear POOL Member: Thank you for your renewed commitment to the Nevada Public Agency lnsurance Pool (POOL}..ln 1.987, four counties in Nevada formed their own municipal risk sharing pool and now a quarter of a century later, the vast majority of Nevada's rural public entities remain committed to each other and the mission of this organization. We are pleased to provide this Member Coverage Summary for your review, We continue to excel and provide an unparalleled level of service to our members. Our mission seeks to help members manage their risks so they can sewe the public effectively. The POOVPACT Board is comprised of an impressive group of dedicated, hardworking, and ethical leaders in public sector risk management. They ' continue to do a superb job of representing the interests of the Memberowners of POOL. Our members continue to see great value in being part of POOL/PACT because of the extensive services, thus membership retention remains strong. We encourage you to discuss the services we offer with your insurance agent, a valued partner in the POOL program. Details on the financial performance and the services we offer are available on our website at www.poolpact,com. lf you have any questions, please call us tollfree: (5771883-7665 or (775) 8857475. Sincerely, Wayne Carlson Executlve Director Nevada Public Agency lnsurance Pool Public Agency Compensation Trust The Power of The Pool."' paolpaet,com :4F-*+=^;' *, "" ;+;z*?#i?@|' ., PABUC AGENCr INSURANOE ?OOL (POOL) COVERAGE SAMMARY RENEWAI. COVERAGE PERIOD PROPOSAT NAMED ASSURED 07 lotlzot4 - 07laLl2a15 Standard Tlme Truckee Meadows FPD MAINTENANCE DEDUCTIBTE $s,ooo all perils each and every loss PROPERTY LIMITS Blanket Limit per schedule of locations on file with POOL subject to a maximum lirnit of $aOO,OOO,OO0 per loss. The following sub-limits apply to Section V, C. Extensions of Property Coverage: Accounts Receivable Arson Reward Earthquake Flood Equipment Breakdown Loss of lncome & Extra S5,00o,ooo per loss L0% up to 525,000 per loss Sloo,ooo,ooo aggregate $1oo,ooo,ooo aggregate 510,000,000 aggregate - Flood Zone A 560,000,0oo per loss included Expense a^-^ -^$zsu,uuu per loss Hazardous Substance Coverage Spoilage Coverage Data Restoration Expediting Expenses Unintentional Errors and Omissions Money and Securities 5500,000 per loss Transmission Facilities Vehicle Replacement $1.00,000 Ber loss Per Attaehment E, if applicable $25o,ooo per loss SX00,000 per loss Szs,ooo per loss 55,000,000 per loss LIAB!LITY LIMITS The Limits of Liability are as follows: Each Event/Each Member Combined Sinele Limit Slo,ooo,ooo Limits and AnnualAggregate Llability Limits are further subject to sub-limits, Member 6rouo Annua! Agsresate limits. CYBER SECURITY EVENTAND PRIVACY RESPONSE EXPENSE COVERAGE LIMITS The Limits of Llabillty are as follows: Per Cyber Security Event $z,ooo,ooo Each MemberfAnnual Aggregate Prlvacy Response Expense Coverage Ssoo,ooo MEMBER CONTRIBUT]ON (Not lncluding Critical lnfrastructure or Track and Roadbed): 5103,404.64 TOTALCOST: S7,235,00 AGENT COMMISSION: s110,539.64 TOTAT PROGRAM COST: This summary ls tntended for reference only, For specific termt conditions, limltotions and excluslans, please refer to the POOL Coverage From edition tuly 7, 2A74. TIie Powe r af ThePool.o" poolpdct,Eorh .€:f'::.=;----. . **=+=Z?,fji.{W*-- : TOTAL POOL EXPERIENCE The clalms count per year averaged 391for the ten year period. Claims activity overall appears to be fairly stable. POOL CLAIMS SEVERITY 18,000,000 14000,000 14000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 grooo,o00 6,000,000 4000,000 2,000,000 0 Severlty, based on total loss costs incurred without deduction for excess/reinsurance or member deductibles, has averaged 54834136 with the worst year (2007-81 at$!7,622,531comprising 36.5% of total costs for all years. Net of member deductibles and of excess/reinsurance payments, ZOAT-8 also was the worst year at L7.4%.The PoOL's retained Incurred claims averaged$2,640,225 for the period. Large losses in 2007-08 were from one catastrophic property and one class actlon liability loss. ThePower Af The Pool.'o' paolpdct,cory j..'i -t ' :' 'i:1' '':' '- 'i{ '- ' NPAIP Membership Countles: Churchill County Douglas County Elko County , - Esmeralda County Eureka County Humboldt county Lander County Llncoln County Lyon County Mlneral County Nye County Pershlng County Speclal Dlstricts: Cltles: Boulder City Qlty of Caliente City of carlin City of Elko Qty of .City of City of City of Alamo Water &Sewer Dlstflct Amargosa LJbrary District BeatU Library District Eeatty Water & Sanltation District Cbnyon 6eneral lmprovement Dlstrlct Carson-Truckee Water Conservancy Dlstrict Carson Water Subconsenancy Distrlct Churchlll County Mosquito, Vector'and Weed Control Ely Fernley Lovelock Mesquite City of Wells District Cityof WestWendover Cityof Winnemucca City ofYeringion Coyote Springs General lmprovement District Douglas County Mosquito Distrlct East Storey County White Plne county Townsr Town of Gardnerville Town of Genoa Town of Minden Town of Pahrump Town of Round Mountaln Town ofTonopah School Districts: Fire Dlstricts: North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection Dlstrict Pahranagat Valtey FIre Dlstrict Sierra Fire Protection District Tahoe Douglas Fire Protectlon Dlstrict Truckee Meadows Fire Proteciion Distrlct Washoe County FIre Suppresiion White Pine Fire District Carson City School District Churchlll County School District Douglas County School Dlstrict Elko County Schoot Dlstrlct Esmeralda County School District Eureka County School Distrlct Humboldt County School Districl Lander County School District Lincoln County School District Lyon County School Distrlct Mineral County School Dlstrlct Nye County School District Pershing County School District Storey Counry School District White Pine CountySchool District Forkswimming Pool Distrlct Elko CountyAgricultural Assoclation Fernley Swimming Pool Dlstrict Othersi Central Nevada Regional Water Authority County Fiscal Offlcers Association !. Nevada Douglas County Redevelopment Agency Elko Central Dispatch Elko Convention & Vlsltors Authority Humboldt Rlver Basin Water Authority Nevada Association of Counties Nevada Commission for the Reconstructlon of the V &T RallwaY Nevada League ofCities Nevada Rural Housing Authority Truckee Meadows Regional Planning of Agdncy U.S. Board of W?ter Commlssloners Virginia Clty Convention &Tourism Authority Western Nevada Regional Youth Center White Pine County Tourism The Power Of The Pool.'n' poolpdct.codl Gardnervllle Ranchos General lmprovement District Gerlach General lmprovement District lncline Village General lmprovement District lndian Hills General lmprovement Dlstrict Ktngsbury General lmprovement District Lakeridge General lmprovement Dlstrict Lincoln County Water District logan Creek Estates General lmprovement Distrlct love]ock Meadows Water District Marla Bay General lmprovement Dlstrlct Mason Valley Swlmming Pqdl Dlstrlct Minden GardneMlle Sanilatio; Distrlct Moapa Valley Water District Nevada Tahoe Coiiservatioil District Pahrump l-ibrary District Palomlno Valley General lmprovement Distrlct Pershing County Water Conservation District Slerra Estates General [mprovement Dlstrict Sllver Springs General lmprovement District Skyland General tmprovement District Smoky Valley [tbrary Dlstrlct Stagecoach General lmprovement Dlstrict Sun Valiey General lmprovement Distrlct Tahoe Douglas District TRI General tmprovement Dlst.ict Tonopah Library District Virgin Valley Water District Walker River lrrlgatlon Disirlct Washoe County Water Conservation District West Wefidover Becreatlon District Western Nevada Development Dlstrict ,,'4 Truckee Meadows Flre Protection Dlstrlct Payroll s12,000,000 $1o,ooo,oo0 $8,000,000 $6,000,ofi) fi,000,000 $2,0m,000 $- ?003 2a04 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 zAfi zlp 2013 2014 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Dlstrlct Total lnsured Value $35,ooo,ooo $30,0o0,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $- 2003 20a4 2005 2006 2AO7 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Dlstrict Aritos 1N 124 100 80 60 40 20 2003 2W4 2005 2006 2AO7 2008 2oO9 2010 2011 2012 2o1g 2014 2014 Truclree Meadows Fire Proteciion Dlstrict Clalms 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 ll*";l 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20'11 2012 i2013 Truckee Meadows Flre Protectlon Dlstrict Annual Premlum $160,000 $140,000 $12o,ooo $100,000 t@ $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $- 2003 2A04 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2A12 2013 2014 Tnrckee tr{eadowa Fire Proteetion Dtstrlct rrYells Fargo Insurance Seryices Pmpcrtylesualty and Wor&ers Coqrcnsation Maya8,2or4 Insurance ProPosal NPAIP anilPACf 07-or'r4 toorc1-15 Client Autho rization to Bind Coverage To: Re: I{ells Fargo InsServices USA, Inc. Truekee Meatlsnn Firc Protection District - PolicyTerm of.oZ-avl4ltS NPAIP/PACf,Renewal proposal contains pnopr{etarycpnfidential infomadon concemingWells Fargo Insuranee Service,s USA Inc. reproduced without the expres prlor rvritten l"Weits iargo Insuranceo) and our Clients. It may not be distributed or proposal shall be made withouttLe exprss prior thls concernlng consent of *ells Fargo Insurance. No disclosure Itis \vrltte[ colsent ofl{ells Fargo Insuraucre. program, aud is not meant The lntent of this proposal is to provide a htg$ight of the coverage offered in our insurance limitatlons anil conditions, terms, including details comptete policy(ies) your Ior a&ual to be a1-inclusive. Read exclusions. used in the E:rposure information, including but not Iimited to pmperty values, auto sctedules, payroll and reveuues, adequacy' for and/or appraieed ro,iewed you be care&rlly and should proposal rvere those presented by t//ells Fargo I hereby acknorvledge that, upon the renerval of the coverage described herein, tnless I o&envise ilirect with coverage my renelv to intends Insurance Fargo Wells me, Insuance or Well, tr'u,go inrr*nce othenvise notifies sollcit will not Insurance Wells Fargo thus and my coverage underwrites the insurer that, at the time of such renewal, any quotes or propoaals from insulers on my behalfin connection rvlthsuch rener+al' Fargo Insurauce I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this proposal and the ompensation Wells questions and concerns All proposal. in this selices describetl may receive in connection ryith ttrells Fargo Insurance's Insurance' Fargo Wells rvl& addresetl and discussed have been t had regaraling any ofthe terms outlined above Please cheekone; tr tr your proPosal as presented. After careful review of yorr proposal dateil May 28, 2tr14, l{e have decided to aecept your proposal with the After careful revierv of your proposal tlated May a8, zol.4, rve have decided to aeept follorving changes: Pollry dellvery fulease dreck all that appry)t tr tr Electronicallyviaemail O Electrcnically posted on ClterSure El ViaCD Papercopy iu3-ringbinder Please have bioders and your lnvoice prepareil for the agrced-upon coverage Client signature Name Cornpany f itle pollcy Thls turera6e summary. neither ameirds nor alters the ltsilrtr[€ oontract sp.ecific guestions on all ive[s r".gq"tnru.ance'rqrrtsentathe, and the poUry itcelfshould be reslegted' Pleaee refer Date terrx and conilltlons shoulil be rderrcd to lour tothepollcycotrtract forspetfic terms, conixtlons, Ilmltations and exclusiolts, PAGts6 Truckee Meadov,E Flre Protectlon Dlstrid Prouertv/CasualB anrl Worlars Courpensation InsuranceProDosal Wells Fargo Insurance Services - Maya&.zp.U NPAIPandPAgr o7-ot'4too,,7'ot'15 Market Security Letter for NPAIPIPACT Mayz8,*t4 DoteenaasleY ftud<ee Meadows Flre Protectlon Dtstdet roolEast NinthStre€t Reno Neratla8gsP farDoren: we haveofferedyouinsurmceoveragewithNevada publieAgercylrosurancePool (NPATP) arrd PublcAgencycornpensatlonTrust lracl). Ilrel+/ellsFargonlark€tseeuritycommlttechasauthorlzedthegeneraluseofthcsemarkets''rhesecurltycomDittee's corcraSe' functbnls to reviewtheffnancialstabilltyof tnsurersn{thwhtetrneplace These marketsare notrated weldsntyoutounilcrstandthatMArpanilpACTdiffersinslgrrtflentnraysfromatraditionalinsurer. anrl cmmon qharacterisilcs of non-trailftional markas areJolnt byAM Best Grride an inrtependent lnsure-rafirg organlzation. several liabllltyof membem andmembcrassc.esmentsforfunildefrdts,oftenbqrondtheenilofyour polcy' pAcr beqomes irlsolvenl the providons of the state lnsurance guaxanty aesoclatlons wlll not In the event that NpAIp anil orderto r*tu"p"prent ofcovereddairmuoder cerhin insurancepoliclesin stateinsuranaeguarantyassodations prcvidea animurer' loss to clalmantsqpollcyholiters becauseoftheinsohenctrof avold ercessircdelayln pyment, andto lessen flnancial apply' -".,, andPACL If 1ou dedde commit to bavlng us placeyurrinzuraucewith MAIP Werbcommendthatyou exerc,lsecautlonbeforelou rJrnowldgemeatbelow' we mtlstreceirre' a signeilcopy havelourlnsuranceplaceallr,iththislnsrrcr, pleasedgnthe thatyounantto effect. Thnkpu foryourcar&lconddcrationof thls matter' of thbletterpgoreyourinsuanceenbeptacedtnto and PAC[' me lf you oant aililitional irrformatlon about MAIP Pleasecoutac:t Sincrely, U&rAo Margo L t.^iflY Ma]r, CIC-CISR-ACSR AcconntExeorth'e 715427'2289 ACKNOWLEDCMEI{T orrrageutdr hxuance servicesto placeinsurance Theundenlgned hereby ae.krowledges that helshehas instructedwellsFaryp protection and the insurance coreraSe written is not subJect to the NpAlp/pacr deetire o7-or-r4.,lhe un<lerslgned understands that berefrt of tho sfiatc insurane guaranty assoclations' Bn Tttle: spectffeqw*lontonallpollcytermeandcontlftiomsbouldbareferrdtoyour Thisoverngesummaryneitherameadrnoralterstheir$urancecontract. b rEvletrtiL iii,us r"Eiir"rrr*" r"precr,frii,i, *o-ihC'poltcvtself drould Plearerefertothepollcycontractforspecifictgnqcorrttfttons,lludtetlolsandexclugiolts. PAGET Wells Fargo Insurance Services Maye&gor4 Truckee Meadoss Ftre Protection District Property/Casualty aud Worlars Compensadon ,Tffi",Ti,# o7-o1-r4 to O7-O1-15 Notice of Surplus Lines Placement MayzS,zot4 DoreenTeasley Truckee Meadows Fire Protec{ion Disbict roor EastNinthStreet Reno,Nevada 8g5tz Dear Doreen: (for Property Terrorism We have offered you inzurance coverage with tloyds Underwriters t9 zors' l've want 1, 2.0.14 t-errlo{Julf for thg Caiualty Temorism Covlrage) C""r"S" financial strength the meet it does and that ti"es i"-ioier, tfrut tfti.-is u "urpi"s place customer's risks' our whom we with iequiremotr tftat we usually require of insurers ;a i;--fi; il; il tfre event this We exercise caution in placing insurance with a surplus lines insurer, because will not guaranty agsociatlons tf,u provisions of the state insurance insurer becomes irr#"t, covered uppfy. if," ttate insurance guaranty associations Piorlde for the payment of cq{ain is pmtection this f"p to u .".tui" aoui" u*"oml when a cariier becomes iniolvent, but "ifi"! not available for surplus linm insurers. organization Lloyds Underwriters is rated A XV byAe[ Best Guide, an independent insurer-rating rating, and a tqoblain not required that evaluatesthefiaa""iJrt"""gthtf insurers. Insurers are insolvent who became iniurers ratings are not a Sour;r"u of anLsurer's financial status. Some an objeetrve make us f,aa trish mtings; however, ratings are a tootr &at helps -h;;fi,G;;it evaluation of an insurer. to we want you to have this information so you can make_an informed decision about n'hether questions regarding have your insurance p1aged *tth iloyas Underwriters. If you should have any dircetly' this sirrylushnes placement, please eontact me Thankyou for 1'our careful consideration of this matter' Sincerely, tvlargo L, frlay Margo t. May, CIC-CISR-ACSR Account Executive nS-8zT-2289 spec.tflcquestlonsonallpolirytermsandconditlorrsshoulilbe Thiscor.eragesummoryndtheramenitsnotalterstheinsurameggntra{. ricls ra.girmu"ancs-rcpr€s"ndve, andtbe polleyitself should be rsvlerved' please refertothepotlcycuntract rofenedtopur fors@flctennq, condttions,lftdtaHoruanrlexeluslons. PAGBS Truckee Meadows FireProtedion Distrlct Prop€trty/Cssualty and Workers Conrpensation Wells Fargo Insurance Services - Maye8,eor4 Insr.uanceProPml NPAIPailPACT s14l't4tosl-ol-t' Service Team SERVICETEAIVI LEAI}ER Ifyou have Narnet GertYA. Roberts Title: a questlon about coverage prbvided by your current inEurance prognm or vou neeil io discuss present or foture changes in protection, please contad: Ssnio,rfrcePresident DireetDial*: 775-8e7-z3ot HomePhonez 775-8263695 Email address: Gerr,v.Roberts@WellsfurEo'com Name: Margo L' Man CIGCISR'ACSR POLICYCHANGES/ BILTJNGQUESTIONS/ CERflFIC.ATES OF INSI]RA}ICE Title: Ace,attntExecutive z75'827-2289 Direct Dial Bmail address: Margo.May@- I{ellsfargo'com *: If vou need to make a change during the policy teim or have questions about invoices or charges on your affount, Please contact: Namet Brandon Lerris, CPCU Tttle: AccountBxeeutiue Direct Dial 75-827-2278 Email addrcss: ilrandon.I+r"is@We[sfargo'com #: CIAIMS If vou need to report a claim, find out the status of a claim' or need Workers' Compensation tr'irct Report of Injury forms' please contact: BONDS Ifvou have any questions aboutlicense or suietybonds anii rvhat is requiredto get ttem, ontaet: TELEPHONE NTJMBER.S OfEcePhonet (22il827r55,5 (866)6rz-8qqo Fax: OFFICE HOURS 8:oo r.l{scorerages,mmrynclthera$rendsnoraltersthsrnsursffecontract - S:oo PST ]4qg!g.jridql- $pm'tflcqresdonsonallpollcytermsandconditlonsshouldbercferredtolour WellsFargoInsurencetupt."rtuiio,u,iathepolicl'ftselfstoulilberelewed' please refer tothspolicyconEact for qleci{ic terms, conditiou* llrnltadqx and orelusions' EAGEs Ttuc.kee Meadows Flre Protection Dlstriet rroperty/Casualty and Wot*ers Compamtion Wells Fargo Insurance Services Maya&eore Insrranehoposal NPAIPandPACT o7-or-14 to o7-o1-r5 Transparency and Disclosure highly regulated, competitive industry that fuels the US economyand protects individuals anil to l{ells Fargo *J*r-.r.lntinfitiuif*rn totres. fn"r" is nothing more important to our industry rvith the utmost business coaducting and of ouriustomers trust the maintaining ttran surricur insu*ocu ourcorevalues.Among role on disclosureshould tiedirectlyto i;G;ty.I4r;b"it"* 1i[t Insurance is a thesewe statethatwe: r r . r ""rioae.Inip Yalue and rervard open, honet, two-waycommunication Dorvhat is right forthe customer Talk and act rciththe sustomer in mind Exceed our customerc' expectations Wells Bargo Insutance Services is proact-ivelyproviding ;e;.;ifi;"t **"9ppl"l: lTsparengoq standard a leadership role uslng the ;r-Gili""ooi.o. wuus tr'aigo rnsutbg:I:*iory is takinE UuU"&lAssociation of fnsurance Commiisioners (NAIC) model act. placing-your insurance' Our We reefire compensation from the insurance companies we represent rvhen (a of the premium you pa.y fo_" yoyr insurance policy or boncl ;.rilrr[iior;1, nt i.t, i" lu:ia io Bv the insurance compinies foi placing and servicing your insurance or ."rvholwle broters, may sometimes be used to access certain bonds rvith thenr. rntegifrLJ*, ",i.ii inroo"." *mpanies. Co"[ i"t"ri.t"aiaries will allocate a portion of the compensation fipm the insurance companies to uls and ma1', iu some cases, be an affrliated eompany' iofulj,1*fi ti'*r.[y; il;;t"g" * provided for them, including We receive payments from insurance eompanies to defray the cost of services oryenses. other and compensation, adve*ising,training, certain employee through our We earn interest on premiurns received frcm you and fonvarded to the insuranee companies bankaccounts. sometimes referred to Some of the insu116ce companies rve reptesent maytay gs addttional commissions, rve sell for them, business of volume the on total *rii.h may u6 6aiud o" uon* our considering factors "o-inisrions, or other ratio, loss rate, claims retenti6n oi inut Uusin6"s, iii?er"."rh ;;;;tirg""t *ii* *t" entilre Uoot"otbusiness rvith an insurance company for a designated period of time. policy. Forexample, your The amount of premium you pay for a policy may-change over thg terg of the change, the any of plemium-for p"*mid*. otla tne St 15g iuih-"d..i endorsement r&o*t "ioo*i"f *r"p&*n"r, yourp p"ia to ust'ythe irisurance companyrvould change accordingly. spedficqueelonsooallBolic,lrtermsandconditionsshouldbareferrdtol'om rlriscoverageunrmarynoltheraorendsnoraltesthelnsurancecontraet. i'iiiirrreo ru,*nce-tepresentatfu'e, and&e pollcyttself shouldbe rettsY'ed' please refer to the potlcy contraet for spedfic terrns, conditlons, limltauons anil exclusiotrs. PAGEIo TnnkeeMeailors FIre Protectlon District Property/Casualty and Workets Compensation Wells Fargo Insurance Services MayeSeor4 'ffi"f;'m q7-obl4toorl'or't' Important Disclosures products and services are offercd through Wells Fargo Insurance Services US.\ Inc. and-Wellslargo ilr.*dd*ic". orwe"i vireinia roi, non-bank insurance agency affiliates of wells Fargo & company' products and services are underrvritten by unaffiliated insutance comPaqes CIrceptjrop and flood affiliate, Rural Commrrnity-Insurance Co,mpanv.!9." Bankingand *rr#;d;d;Adift;;iT;;a;t"d;tr"..ddirectly-throughtliidlpartyproviders. other' influence each not do and ateisions are made indepeniently i;;;;;";"hilh ;t6;d;;ift&bian i*or*o the respective insurance The coverage and. limits presented in this prrrposal arc asimplified oufline of piovided, and should be coverage gJv-ern the comqany ir"urao"e ;;ii-t";. a"n itio* at'a cdn&uons pertaining to your specific insurance ril".r,r"6;ltf6*,;;$ read for coverage t""ro*iitI*iruuiritiiy, program. p:''ovided bythe customer This proposal is based on e:(posures to loss and otherundenrriting information a1l additions or eorrections report and made kuorvn to wells rar[o i*o*nce services usA, Inc. You-must to these orposurerl so lve may arrange the proper covetage' revierved All property values used in this proposal rvere ptovide{ by the eustomer and should be earefully request. availableqron ftiifi."ii*itr uird additioiat co\rerase maybe lifiiiffii*rila*i";;;;t. your business insurance rvith markets that 1{ells Fargo Insurance Serviees usA, Inc, has attempte! t9 place ttU"iog p-perly manage{-loa $"ttong financial condition' For more n""" aitBTuy"a "ria""." Farg; ftiorir.i s.*idiuse, !c. ingqranceerrierselection and monitor{ng, informationaboutwils Markets' In the pi.i* ,"i"r to tU" .*"tio" oo'p*f""ii"g Financial Streigth and Capacity 9f Insurance or surplus Non-admitted as g,ur"--iytr ateideniified th"t fr"m;ilpa"iL pi"p"ritr pages that follo*, th" i*o*o"u company ts not licensed to do business in vour state tn"factsyoi snoUa"onsilteruerore placinscorciagervith aNon-admitted insurancecompany ffi; #ffi:ii,t[";h;td"';;; a;.dll". "f are as follorvs: . . any claims. rf the Insurance Company becomes insolven! the state insolvency fund rvill not cover not have to file theif rates rvith the state and therefore their rates are not Non-admitted carrierrs do lqulated. Flatilon Capital, ffiu." a premium finance company, is-an affrliate.of olfia*ion W.F Fargo Insurance Serviees USA Ine Capital is nota requirlmint for the purchase of insurance' Fargo Bank, N.A', or its The extension of credit or the provision of bank products or servicesthrough Wells ii ,ot conttitioiea b-"-*a ao.. not reqriire the purchase of insurance through wells Fargo "mri"ii. Insuranee Serviees USA, Inc. speificqlestlonsonallpollrytermsandeonditlonsshoulilboreferrcdtoyour Tliscoverageounrmaryneitheramendsnoraltersthelnsurancecontraq. iv.G rurgil*r*nee'rcpre.entafre, and the pllcyitself shurlil be rerietrtil Pleasc refcrto thepolleyeontract fort?elllc terms, condltions,limltatlons andexchtsions PAGE11 Trud<e Meailons Flre Mectlon Dlslrict Property/Casualty and l{orkers oompensation Wells Faryo Insurance Services - MayzS,zot4 InsuraneProPosal NPAIPandPACT o7-or-14 !o o7-o1-$ lVhen to Notify Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. It is important that you advise Wells Fargo Insurance Service USA, Inc, of any material changes in-your operatiions which miy have a bearing on your insumnce pro$ary. Y. our insurers have evaluated and aicepted the r.isks on-the basis of the-information given. Any-variafion of these details could leail to complication in the went of a loss. These c.hanges may includq but arc not limited to: u . . . Changes of personnel affecting responsibility for insurance decislons. personnel traveling werseas/on temporary assignment overseasfworking on militarybases. Acquisition or cueation of nerv comtrxmies or subsidiaries and/or merger:s in rvhich you are involved or anylegal change in the coraorate structure. Purshase, sale, Iease, constrtrction, or (rccupancy of nerv premises; real estate alteration, vacating the premises or ternporary unoccupancy; extension or demolition of existing premises. This applies for both domestis and foreign locations. n Increase in values ofbuilding, business personal property, or inventoty forboth scheduled and unnamedlocations. n . , , . . ' " Removal of business personal property or stock to nelv ortemporarylocations. Addition of nery locations, equipment or vehicles, rvhether hired, purchased, leased or borrorved. Changesinprocesses, occupamy, products,revenue,sales, orbusiness operations. Adrlition, alteration or tomporary disconnection of fire orburglary proteetion systems. Use of ormed or non-olthed aircraft orwatercraft' Major changes in value or nature of goods being shipped. Ernployment of personnel in states iu rvhich you rvere previously not doing business' Elestion or appointment of a nery C.E.O. or C.O.O., or change in control of either the Board of Dilectons or the stock ownership of the company. . . Changes in BRISAPlanAssets. Any nnitten contracts executed with contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, or others. .1tris coemgo smmary nelther amends nor alters the insuranco pntmg Speelflc questlons on all pollcy lgelh Fartso-Insurailee-reptsentathq anil tho policyltselfshould be reYletrcA please rcfer to the Bollcy eomract for speclf,c terms, condlltlo[s, limlhtions terme and conilldons should be referred to lour and exeluslons. PAGDT2 Truckee Meadows Fite Prolc'ctton Distdct Pronertv/Casualtv and Workers Compensadon Wells Fargo Insurance Services - May28,2014 tn.srrancePro@l NPAIPmdPACT o7-o1'14 to o7'o1-r5 Coverage to Consider to [oss, rve-hav_ebeen dependentupon t{or9at!91,pry9qPYou'fffhereareother In evaluadngyourexpo!,ures -ervaluated prior to blnding of coveragg please brint these areas to our at1enuon' areas that ndgd to be SpectEcally, we ask that you revierv the follorvlng iterns: In todarls litidous societlr, many businmses have found it uecessary to increase the. the limits of llabillty to eisure they are adeguate to^pr-oteet thelr ao"F,P revterv event of a loss. Higfier limits of liabtlity maybe-available. Please caretully Hults' with the of your omfo* level .nsuri to tnulimtts IllgfterLimle: EmployrnentPracdees Ltabflityc The relationship betrveen the employer and employee has become- increasiugty comulex. and tfis has eiven rise to nerv insurance coverage to pToted tfie i"a"ao n*"gfu1 termiuation, Jexual larassment, and ililf"G.Tr"r imFoftaat that you understand your exposures to loss ln 11is *"*"ft othLr 6over*s. these q'itical areas. Clber Llabllltyfiletr'vork Securlty: Inadvertent trausmiseiou of a comDuter virus, trojan horse, keyloggeq etc. Sending an email thit crashes another Parfs network. Failure to prerent unauthorized access to Conrputer sYstems bYa third party or an unauthorized employee Disclocure of or misuse of onfidential lnforrnatlon Alleeations of infringement of coffi gtrt, trademar*, tmde name, title, orslogan Allegations of defamation as a result of errails, web content, blog or forum Postiugs priuaw Llsbilttu, covers llability ofthe eompany arisingorrt of the . perco-nal unintenEonal and unauthorized disclomne or loss ot non-publlc corporation informadon in auv formal' This tufi;6;;;;1ia;ili"1 ri""fi.jri"i".tion asai;i iiffnCg e.t, 6PAA,-GLBA aviolation ofany privacyregulations-includiugthe and Massachusetts 2o1 CMR r7 or the tailure to complywith itre company's orm privacy polleies' Inte'l,rctl,lglbilftW goes Damages arislng when youl. internet service provider down orishaeked. Damages and defense eosts arising from claims of or uua"d""t infriigement, or defamation; damages to a rvebsite Web Content Liabitita: lffi;fifuch, byahaclier or disgruntled employee Damages and defense eosts arising as a result such as briach of confidence or inftingenent of Ele@,onlc communicationsl fiae.1,,onf" "o*-uoica6ns, inteuectual property rigbts or any-statutory duty (Example: ;;Eil; ilvaey, -norv notification to those afifucted by a loss of private rdquire itates soire iii"r."il* ""a pr6viston of credlt monitoring services at your cost). IntsngibteAssetsl Damages to coilg data, etc' Nea/oot* Extot tian Tll,reolt std Biewgr,|d Pogments t ;;ilr;6;;rextortion Reimburses &e orpense, and reward paiauythe company as adirect resuit of netrvork extortion threat. Dlreetors &Officers Llablltty: of This cova'age agreement provides protectiorr.for the dir:ectors and/ol officerc of duty, th"il;r.d;;ilir"tioo aiai*t cl"i*s resulting from alleged breach or omi"r'io" *me acting in their capacities as directors and/or iiiriii"i*, ".16r officers. qtresions on all polity twns ard condltlone shoulil te rsferred to This cowrase silmmaty mlther amends Bor atten the insurance cgrt@. s1rdfic and the po1l9' itself should bo re!d€$cd' iGt ]our ;;;i;;il*pi*tntatire, please rcfer to the pollcyontract for sPcrific tenn& coBditiolt& llrnitadons anil excludons. PAGS,g Ituikee Medons Fire Protection Dlstrl€t Propertf/CasualtyanilWorkers Compensatlon Wells Fargo Insurance Services May28, aot4 Insurmce ProPosal NPAIPandPACT 0741-14 to O7€1-r5 Evaluating Financial Strength and Capacity of Insurance Markets plaf ., Wells Fargo Insurance Services is not a guarantor of the solve-ncy of carriers rvith rrhich our agents {inancially are that reinsurers and is to plice customer risks btrsiness. rro1ever, o* "Ujuctio" iarriursihat we believe, at the time of placement, havelfre financial ability to sound. We autho.ire ooty n fAU tnufrcf"i, pul*itotligations to ourcustomers. Webaseourrecommendations on in-depth o-tLe" ruierrant information that ls avallable at the time of $acement. ii""11"lut "oaty,str^aid plofession{s to serve on a Wells Fargo Insurance Services has appointed a group of-experienced insurance ncu*"t s,iiirr.ity comnitte". rt i" codilittee ls ri.poi"iut" f9r es.tablishing and utilizing guidelines for the utilize selection of insurers u"e;fi;;iA;tw;ifi-nurgo tnsu.*"" services team members in theireffortsto the upon relies the.committee insurers, of strength tfiu finincial nr^r"iaUy rrura in rrurr. iri *r*!iog i"a .5.5-eoir oi recogliz& rating agencies anal other cartier revierv compauies. "pi"io* be referrtd to amenda mr alters the insurance gntraq. spscific questlons on all potiq tenns snd eorditions shoulil This coverage cummaD, fVen" fargoiosurance-oeprcsentatice, aud the e[cyttself shsuld be revie$d' 6tre Please refer to the lpllcy contraet for Eecifrc terms, condftlong limlMions and lour exclusions. PAGET4 Truclcee Meailo,rs Flre Protedon Dtstrict Property/Casualty anrl Workers Compensation Wells Fargo Insurance Services btayzS,zst4 IDsuranoeProPosal NPAIPandPACI orl'o!'l4tsa7-ot't' Insurance Cornpany Financial Information ffi Hdassessments Hffi .3y!:T,r,*;H;ilffi1"?ff ff fi #r.#i;tr#f #'f':ff undenvriting vour eoverase, currentlv insurers the of stability r"i[.r* tr," ;;dfijfiAf,, ;ti"g ir of tnote "g;;6"ti recommend you aonsider' ih"urstt tie Tlre A,M. Best ratlng for the lnsurarxce companles represented in thts proposal are as follor,vsl Ftnanclal $trength Ratings to adverse conditions c.c- aDIe or raues F Ftnancial Size Radngs indicate levels of stahtory surplup and related A.M. Be$t also assigns categorles to insurance compranie to funds. x_--- -$aoq:$oqg $sqo: JzEg- x --$rpqg:$t,aos -:3zlq--n!eqq- vIII $reop:$rroqg $loqgi$zrqqq _4boue$g,q!g_ - - -_ sg-eefrequatonsonallpolirytermsandcondftionsshouldberefrredtoyour Ttiscorrr:4esummaryneitheramendsnorBltersthcJmtanqcoDtract, iffrr;Elr-ii*r"e'r;ir;--rtt=.titt'aadthopolievikdf shouldlereylered' please refertothe polirycontmct fur qrettlc terms, condltions,Ilmltadons and exclusiorB. PAGBT5 Tluctrce Meadows Fire Protection Distrist Property/Asualty and Workers Compansation Wells Fargo Insuranee Services MayzS,zot4 InsuranceProposal NPAIPanilPACT o7-o1-r4 to o7-o1'15 Claims instructions lvill oeur, Wells Fargo Insuranceis here to assist you in properly r.p"fii",ims. Report all accidents promptly-and accurately to protectyour'3-TP:ly^:r^-",^ Is not delay or withhold reporting an-a-ceident or loss because you trfnl( the lnqoent jeopardize your coverage' not insured or too trivial to re1rcrt. A delay could o Be sure to designate a contact person. This should be the individual having the most knowledge of the incident. Ree.ognizing that accidents o o o Do not hold up a claim notice while obtaining repair estimates, police reports, etc. Retain copies of all original documents for your records' Catastrophicclaims: Immediatelynetifi,y^oulWellsFargofnsuranceAcmuntTeaqifyou6ifu6', noJphattzatlon, mgltiplg irfuries, or if the loss is . tt i.t"al disastii such as a fire, earthquake or flood' have a loss t6at invotves; o n "u*"a *"* with a Summons and Complaint, please immediately contact Wells Fargo fax to Insurance. AII Sum;ons [Co*ptuints shoirld be ient by email, overnight mail, or by WeIIs Fargo Insurance. (See Iawsuit Guidelines.) to report Some policies are written on a "Claims Made and Rep*orted" form. It is im-perative "may give ingilg"nt1hat anf these matters i*r""ai"t"ty to protect your coveraS-e. fir a{dilion, Fargo Wells contact ; ari*' rrro n-""aito UL promftly reported. If in doubt, ffyou are served ;di" Insurance, o A1l EE0C iut" c notifieations/charges should be reported immediately so coverage is not denied for even if you feel there is no merit to the notifieation. ".po.ting, Workers' Compensation claims shouldbe reported directlyto the insurance cau'ier. your Do not engage in discussions about any claim with anlone encept representatives of lnsurance carrier or'I{ells Fargo fnsurance' on all Thls rrl,erage zumma5, neither amendr nor atteN ths lnsuralcs corfia€t spdc Eresdons iv"nJrargo"lot".ancu'.ep.**rrttv., andthepdlcy itself shoulrlbe rwlorved' pleaso rcferto the pollcycontradfor speci8c temls, plicy terms alil condlttons shanld ba rcfeEad to lour .lndltlons,llmiudons and o<cluslons. PAGE16 . Truckee Meadors Fire Protection Dlstrict Propertly'Casualty and Workers Conrpensation Insurance ProPosat Wells Fatgo Insurance Services MayzS,zor4 NPAIPandPACT b7-or-r4 to o7-or-l5 Claims reporting reference guide Your claims contact infolmation is listed below: .rhiscoveragesunrmarynei&eramendsnoraltcrs.theinsurancecontract Sp-ecificguestionsonaltpolicyternrsandconditionsshouldbcrefen'etltolour iiati'G;i;Gnc'ehpreseniatire, and tlre policy itself should be reile$'etl' Pleasc refer to the policy contract forspecific tenns, conditions, linriatlons lnil exdusions' ! 1? *AOE T:uckee Meadows Flre Protection Digrict Prqperty/Casualty and Workers CompensaHon Insurance Propsal Wells Fargo Insurance Serices MayzS,zor4 MAIPandPACT o7-or-14 to o7-o1'r5 Claims reporting tips Be sure to always keep copies of all correspondence for your file. General Liability Any occurrence involving Bodily Injury 9r Property- Damage to members of the-public and not a as possible, regardless of how minor rorirtt of an automobile iccidenl shiuia Ue .eportea as "oon the accident may appear. e *f"ir"" i"X""'ft"ai"**t should be received from the carrier on all reported claims. A11 correspondence should be sent to the as'signed adjuster. Automobile tiability fuiy accident involving Bodily Injury or Property Damage involving: r . . Company-ownedvehicles, Company-leased/rentedvehicles, Non-ownedvehicles driven by employees regardles of howminor, shouldbe reported as soon as possible. A claims acknowlefuement should be received from the carrier on ali repo$ed claims. correspond.enee should be sent to the assigned adjuster. All Workers'Compensation On the job iniuries should be reported wi&in z4 hours flum the timg of rrjury. . . n A.t*" .6r*tedgement shoiU U* received &om the carrier on all reported claims. All conespondence should be sent to the assigned-adjuster. Repoitrtng tlre Workers' Cornpensation Claim The success of the claims-handling process depends largely on the person who handles the transaction at the time of receivin[ irotice of an injury. In most cases there is an immediate aspecific p"ooo asslgnedtheduties ofcoordinatlngthevarieryof legally-required foims, pape*vori. and informartionbetween the employer andthe insurance carrier. should always take an aetive role wfen an employee advises thathe/she has been job. The supirrisor |sJhg mgst effective perso.q in the initial handling of the *irt"rr;.o*p"nsation claim as he/she is the main person with whom thejnjurgd emplo-yee communieates. Encourage the dirict line supervisoi to always act promptly andpositiveh to the gmp6';I report of rnjuiy. irll information-alteging an employee injqry slgld,be reported imiediatelv. Do norniake decisions with regard to compensability. Any delay in reporting could result in fines being imposed. *p;*igo;rr i6;p"i,i.or i"jr*f ;th" amnds no,. alters ths tnsumnce conba8t, Specific questlons on alt poltry tems and eondhlons should be rcferred to lour IfdlsFargo-Irnurancrerepregertathe, and'hepollcyitself should be r€vielted' Ttrls oremge sumnrary nelther Please refs to the pEry contnct for speci Ic ternrs, condltions, limitatioru and seluslons. PAGBTS Ttuekee Madotrs Fire Protestlon Dlstrtct Prqerty/Casualty and Wmkcrs Compensatlon Wells Fargo lnsurance Services MayeQ zor4 'ffiTiffiffffi o741-t4too7-o7'ts The supervisor is encoumged to do the following: 1. Take time to handle the injury properly - listen closely to the employee's complaints. z. If- the employee needs emergencycare, take limA_er to the nearest medical provider for Oonotleavehim,/heraloneatthetreatmentcenter. Take i**,itiu:trleatment nidnerho*u or bac& to the job site.- The employee should frori *re panel of physicians for any follorv-up g. then choose a provider eare' Investigate the aceident using open-ended questions and make notes of any pertinent information, such as: (a) HowdidithaPPen? &) \ryho saw it haPPen? (c) How could it have been avoided? 4. If you suspect fraud - dont publicize it. Immed-iately notiffyour insurance carrier and corporate office that the claim needs to be closely investigated. S. Report the claim to your carrier as soofl as possible 6. t Check on the injured employee periodically during.the recovery period t"-*ryF ry/\"t checking Weekly andconcern' your;interest progress 16 Gi ifieiiplbyee know of ;e wouldbeitleal. T. Upon the employee's returtr to work, prompfly notifr your insurance carrier or self;f6g; In mostdases iori wiU t<hbw if an employee is released back to adjuster. A ieturning employee must have a wriften release wo1.1 before tt u ir""*"d.ifi*r i"*r** fromtheirPhYsician. to Timely reporting of claims can greatly reduce the cost of each claim aud the time period it takes close a claim. injuries requiring medical or surgical treatment or causin-g o-ver ole days' absence fircm work of udury ;r"t"brr.e#.d to"Vour i"surancelarrier a! logn as pgible fromthetime of "notice if daims arc may also be entitled to aiiditional indemnitybenefits rn" i" all that employees "*ptoy"" to "*pioyJr;. aiutu Urus in"rL"irrg th* .ost of the claim. It is vital to strss ,upo"t incidents should be reported, no matter how minor. A1l lm!rynq -cgnliacl, stredfc ques{oru m all policy terms anil conditions shordd thepolie,yitself shouldbe revlelr'ed' This coverage srruaary udther ammib uor altos the ifAt ru.gitnonane-represenlatire, aurd be refentd to lour pleasereferto thepolicyomractforspetifrc terms, conditlons,llmhatiors and qclusions. PAOETg Truclae Meadows Firc Protetlon District Property/Casualty and Workers Compensadou Insurance PmPosal Wells Fargo Insulance Services MayzS,zot{ MAIPanilPACI o7-o1-14 to orcr-Is lanvsuit guidelines AII claims-relatedlawsuits filed againstyou with&e exception of a Workers'Compensation lawsuit should be immediatelyforwarded by email, fax and/or overnight rnail to Wglls Fargo Insurance. Please call us as soon as you are 'served' or receive a 'murtesy cop/ so that we may i", i" uroidiog th" pitfalls that can be associated with litigation. (Note: overnight mail ""rGi cannot go to a post office box,) lawsuits come in three parts: A. The *summons' - this can tell us when the suit was liled, holv long a defendant has to answer and may include information as to the exact service date; "Complaint'' - this is the body of the lawsuit that eontains the allegations of wrongdoing. - . Ihe T[ir t rtA;t with the Summo-ns is the most critical pa{ toge! into the hands of vour so they may enter a timely defense; as B insurance cauier as soon C. - lnssible The "Interrogatories", "Requests for Admission", and "Requests for Production of "discoverypleadings". When attaehed to the Summons and D;;rril;Gf- tfr."" "i=;li,rd to asivell as Ihe Answer fiIed prior to the deadline (whiel ;esponded muJbe uy Co*piaint, tt If they are lengthy, you may lYant to mail these along with a is di*erent f."ri, riaie i" Complairyvia ovenr:ielii inal. Wnatever the case, please galyo-ur ;;py;atlr; suarmffi and"t"t"l. rcif" frrg" lo.uru"." [up.&"i.t"tir," as soon is you have any indication you are a defendant inalawsuil Subpoenas personnel Whenever a subpoena is received requesting the examina{o1 or-ry-Production of througlr routed be should requested r"" or othericorporate data, the i-nformition andlor youl human resoutces department for screening. If a administration, *r1ioot" "ourrsel, ;bp;;;;ilr"Li""imnc"rningaclaim alieadyfiledwith an insurance carrier,thesubpoena U. promptly forwarded f,irectly !o the clLims representative ass_igned by the insurance th" ;k;. bo not release any info-rmation until you are authorized to d"6[ifi"r, legal counsel and/or your insurance carr{er's deslgnated representative. "["iia ;,iur i; f,*dlA When forwarding any subpoenaed information to your insurance catrier, always include ad.dition to the subpoenaed records, the following; r e in The date and time the subpoena was served; The method and place of the reproduc'tion of the records. Investigation of claims is necessary that all insurance carriers' representatives and investigators be giv€n fulI statements, hororever, should be made loopurutioo io properly eonduct an investig[tion. It to .No identified repGentatives. All persons requesting information should boasked to first properly identis themseh'es. ;;y"il;6U[" p*i"rly policy tcrms antl condhlons should be This overage ounmary ndther arnends nor atters the Insrrance g-onbaqt Spec'lftc grrestlonr on all libttr ra.go lo.otu"." *prtsentatire, anrt the Bdicy ltsetsshould be revlewd' Please refer to the poliry contract for specffic terms, condltions, llmitadons and €t reftrd to 5'our c[$ions. PAGE20 Trudae Meadorrs FfueProtedon Distrkt PropertylCasualty and Workec Cornpercadon Wells Fargo Insumnce Services Mayg8,eo4 InsurancePmpul NPAIPandPACI o7-ot-t4toa7-o1-15 Demands to d.dend and/or indemnify Any notice or correspondence demanding defense and indemnificadon must be reported ffii i"i"ot*" a new matter,-it sh;uH be treated as a finrt rcport to your insurer. If it uri existing claim, it should be sent to the clgm adjuster and,lor the attorney defending "on"u6 your interest". If yo'u are uneertain as to how to handle, contact your Wells Fargo fnsurance Reprmentative. il;;di;irly. This manual is offered as hightights af couerage only and does not hrchrde detaik af aI ;;";;;;;r;r*ihiacrnaiiori. itiii ,*ni vout pi6, ytin" . For rcampl;tuwtderstanding oftheterms and.canditions, h.ereurith ,ru an{-differcnees bearcen coaerage-conditions stated and {Iu aiual-policV language, the poliq langtnge usill preuail. neithr amends nor alters the inqF?ncg _cgntraqt specilic iieflsfargirnsurancs'Ilpsertdve, anttthe lrllcyltself shostilbsrevlerr€d' This coverage ormmary questlons m all policy terms auil conditlons should be tsfeEd to ]our Pleae rrfer to tia poltcy eorsmct for speeilic tenns, condltlorx, Iimitadons and exclusions' PAGE2T ACORD- NEVADA AUTO SUPPLEMENT AGENfr ApPUCAilItilAnisO n{SURED Truokes lis8dofla Ffe Prolecuon Dtsfilol Wolls F6rgo lnsrlrarce8orlces lI$A S04W.liloamLans Rsro, llerada 89S09 @ffiefiY, Hevada PustloAge{ay lmuranco Pool I EffecTffEoATE MANDATORY OFFER OF MEDIGAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE AND UNINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE Nevada lnsurane Law requires that all automobllo llabillty policles contaln Medical Payments Coverage and Unlnsured Motorists Coverage unless you relect these @v€rages. Medlcal Pavments Goveraqe (Not Appllcable to Umbrella Coverage) Medical Payrnents Coverage provldes protection t'!,itttorlt regard to tegal liabllity for rsasonablo and necessary medical expenses resulfirg from accidental bodlly lnjury whlle operating or occupylng an lnsured vehicls, or being stuck as a ped*trian by a motor vehlde or trailer. You have the right to purciase llmits of at least $1000 per accldenl Hlgher limits may be avallable. Plaase consult your agent- You also have the rlght to rejec.t this @verage entirely. lsslect Medical Payments Coverage at the limits sholun ln the applieUon. (inftlals) I reJect Medical Payments Coverage entlrely. (lnillals) Unlneured Motorlsts Goveraqe (lncludins Un{erlnEursd Motorlsts Coverase} Unlnsured and Underinsured Motor Vehicle Coverage protrcts the named hrsured, the named insured's resldent relatives and occupants ln the lnswed vehicle tf ihey sustain bodily injwy in an aeldent for which the osrner or oporator of a motor vehlde ls tegdly liable and doos not have insiranco (unlnsured), or doos not have enough lnsurance (underinsured). You have the right to purchase llmits egual to your Bodily lnJury Llabillty llrnlts unless you selec{ lower ltmts for allvehlcles on your policy or you reJect this coverage ontirely. (lnltlals) I understand and acknowledge that Uninsured Motorlsts Coverage has been offered lo me up to lhe Bodily lnJury Llablllty llmits of my pollcy. I have lnstead selected the limlls shown in ihe application for al! vehicles on my policy. I reject Unlnsured Motorists Cwerage entlrelp (nltlals) Coverage ls generally described here. Only the policy provides a complete descripilon of the coverages and tholr llmitatiorn. I understand lhese coverage s€lectlons witl apply to all future renewals, conlinualions and changes ln my pollcl unless I notifu you othenrvise in writing. Appllcanfs Slgnature ACORD O Date @ ACORD CORPORATION 1994 MEMORANDUM June 6,2014 To: Board of Fire Commissioners Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Disrrict Fm: Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief Re: A. Fire Chiefs Repoft Report and discussion related to the ISO Public Protection Classificarion Summary The Disrrict has received its updated raring from Insurance Service Office (ISO). The full survey report is attached to the end of this memo. It is rypical for ISO to rate properries in one of rwo ratings: 1. 2. Properties that are within five road miles from a fire station and 1000 feet of a hydrant. Properties that exceed five road miles to a fire starion. The Insurance Services Office evaluates communiry fire protection capabilities throughout most of the narion. Through this process the ISO establishes the communiry's Public Protection Classification (PPC) which is used by many (though not all) properry insurance providers to set the cost of fire casualry insurance for buildings and personal properry. ISO evaluates fire suppression capabiJity using its Fire Suppression Raring Schedule. The raring schedule evaluates fire suppression capability based on a three-part review: rating) Results: For both Sierra Fire Protection Disrrict and Truckee Meadows Fire hotection Disrrict, the raring has improved which means property owners may experience a drop in their premium for insurance and personal property. For all properries within the boundaries of TM and SF that are within five road miles of a fire station a rating of 3 will apply. This includes properties that may not be within a 1000 feet of hydrant or have a fire hydrant at all. In the old raring, properties in excess of 1000 feet of a hydrant received an 8B rating. For the reason that TM demonstrated its capabiliry to operate a tender shuttle in an effecrive manner, ISO gave a "hauled water crefit". In lapnan's terms, this means the Disrrict brings the hydrant (or wated to the fire in an effecrive and timely manner and can supply the firefighring operation with a sufficient water supply. The rating improvement (from 8B to 3) *ill save some properties owners a significant amount on insurance premiums. I am not able to quanrify that in dollars as rates are usually proprietary infonnation and vary berween insurance companies. The Districfs hauled water credit will also improve the rating for properties that are berween 5 road miles but not more than 7 miles to a fire station. These properties will receive a 10W class. ISO recommends a 5o/o discount in these cases from the previous classificarion of 10. For properties exceedin.g 7 road miles to a fire starion, properties are classed at 10. Staff is anticipating receiving a map from ISO that shows the overlay. Item B: Review of Automaric Aid offer to City of Reno. I will provide a verbal presentation and maps regarding the Boards direction to offer Automaric Aid to the Ciry of Reno. The maps will indicate where I believe TM is best positioned to assist the City. Public Protection Classification Summary Report Truckee Meadows FD NEVADA Prepared by lnsurance Seruices Office, lnc. 48 Eves Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 961 Marlton, New Jersey 08053-3112 (856) 985-5600 May 15,2014 @f SO Pmpeilie ,lnc., 2014 ISO collects and evaluates infornation from communities in the United States on their structure lire suppression capabilities. The data is analyzed using our Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRSTM) and then a Public Protecfion Classification (PPCru) number is assigned to the community. The surveys are conducted whenever it appears that there is a possibility of a classification change. As sucfr, the PPC program provides important, upto date information about fire protedion seMces throughout the country. The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) reogn2es fire protection features only as they relate to suppression of first alarm structure fires. ln many communities, fire suppression may be only a smal! part of the fire departments overal! responsibillty. ISO recogn2es the dynamic and comprehensive duties of a communitt's fire seMce, and understands the complex decisions a community must make in planning and delivering emergenry seMces. However, in developing a communitt's Public Protection Classification, only features related to reducing property losses from sfucturalfires are evaluated. Multiple alarms, simultaneous incidents and life safety are not considered in this evaluation. The PPC program evaluates the fire protection for smallto average size buildings. Specific properties with a Needed Fire FIow in excess of 3,500 gpm are evaluated separately and assigned an indMdual classification. A community's investment in fire mitigation is a proven and reliable predictor of ftrture fire losses. Statistical data on insurance losses bears out the relationship between excellent fire protection as measured by the PPC program and low fire losses. So, insurance companies use PPC information for marketing, underwriting, and to help establish fair premiums for homeowners and commercial lire insurance. In general, the price of lire - - insurance in a community with a good PPC is substantially lower than in a community with a poor PPC, assuming allotherfactors are equal. ISO is an independent company that serves insurance companies, communities, fire departments, insurance regulators, and others by providing information abut risk. ISO's expert stafi colleds information about municipal fire suppression efforts in communities throughout the United States. ln each of those communities, ISO anallzes the relevant data and assigns a Public Protec.tion Classification - a numberfrom 1 to 10. Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression program, and Class 10 indicates that the area's fire suppression program does not met ISO's minimum criteria. ISO's PPC progrcm evaluates communities according to a unilorn set of criteria, incorporating nationally recognized standards developed by the National Fire Protec{ion Association and the American WaterWorks Association. A communitt's PPC depends on: the theoretical amount of water necesaryforfire suppression purposes. and dispatching systems. fire companies, operational considerations, and community risk reduction. supply operations, and a careful evaluation of the amount of compared wtth the amount needed to suppress fires up to 3,500 gpm. @SO Propeflies, lnc, 2014 Page 1 available water p.eE_q"lrea"n ISO has evaluated and classifted over 48,000 fire protection areas across the Unitd States using its Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). A combination of meetings between trained ISO field representatives and the dispatch center coordinatol community fire offcial, and water superintendent is used in conjunction with a comprehensive questionnaire to colled the data necessary to determine the PPC number. ln order for a community to obtain a classification better then a Class 9, three elements of fire suppression features are reviewed. These three elements are Emergency Communications, Fire Department, and Water Supply. A review of the Emergency Communications accounts for 10o/o of the total classification. This section is weighted at 10 points, as follows: . . . Emergency Reporting 3 points Telecommunicatorc 4 points Dispatch Circuits 3 pints A review of the Fire Depar0nent accounts for 50% of the total classiftcation. ISO focuses on a fire departments first alarm response and initial attack to minim2e potential loss. The fire department sedion is weighted at 50 pints, as follows: . . . . . . . r . . Engine Companies 6 points Reserve Pumpers 0.5 points Pump Capacity 3 points Ladder/SeMceCompanies 4 points Reserye Ladder/SeMce Trucks 0.5 points DeploymentAnalysis 10 points Company Personnel 15 points Training 9 points Operationalconsiderations 2 points Community Risk Reduc{ion 5.5 points (in addition to the 50 points above) A review of the Water Supply system accounts tor 4oo/o of the total classification. ISO reviews the water supply a community uses to determine the adequacy for fire suppression purposes. The water supply system is weighted at 40 points, as follows: . . . Creditfor Supply System Hydrant Size, Type & 30 points lnstallation 3 points lnspection & Flow Testing of Hydrants 7 points @SO Properties, lnc., 2O14 Page2 There is one additional factor considered in calculating the final score - Divergence. Even the best fire department wil! be less han fully effdive if it has an inadequate water supply. Similarly, even a superior water supply will be less than fully effective if the fire department lacks the quipmeril or personnelto use the water. The FSRS score is subjed to modification by a divergence fac{or, which recogn2es disparity between the effediveness of the lire department and the water supply. fhe Divergence factor mathematically reduces the score based upon the relative difference between the fire departnent and water supply scores. The factor is introduced in the final equation. pu-tl i" p-i"".ti"" Gl"r$m""ti"n N"-bd The PPC number assigned to the community will depend on the community's score on a 1O0-point scale: PPC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 Points 90.00 or more 80.00 to 89.99 70.00 to 79.99 60.00 to 69.99 50.00 to 59.99 40.00 to 49.99 30.00 to 39.99 20.00 to 29.99 10.00 to 19.99 0.00 to 9.99 The classification numbers are interpreted as follows: . . Class 1 through (and including) Class I represents a fire suppression system that includes an FSRS creditable dispatch @nter, fire department, and water supply. a special classification that recogn2es a superior leve! of fire protection in othenrvise Class 9 areas. lt is designed to represent a fire protection Class 8B is delivery system that is superior except for a lack of a water supply system capable of the minimum FSRS fire flow criteria of 250 gpm for 2 hours. . . Class 9 is a fire suppression system that includes a creditable dispatch center, fire department but no FSRS creditable water supply. Class 10 does not meet minimum FSRS criteria for recognition, including areas fle road miles of a recognized fire station. that are beyond @SO Proredies, lnc., 2O'l 4 Page 3 l{"* P"t|i" Pr"t" We have revised our Public Protedion Classifications (PPCru) to capture the effects of enhanced fire protrc-tion capabilities that reduce fire loss and fire severtty in Split Class 9 and Split Class 8B areas (as outlined below). This new structure benefits the fire servi@, community, and property owner. New classifications Through ongoing research and loss experience analysis, we idenffied additional differentiation in fire loss experience within our PPC program, which resulted in the revised classifications. We based the differing fire loss experience on thefire suppression capabilities of each community. The new classifications will improve the predidive value for insurers while benefiting both commercial and residentia! propefi owners. Here are the new dassifications and what they mean. Split classifications \A/hen we develop a split classification for a community for example 519 the first number is the class that applies to properties within 5 road miles of the responding fire station and 1,000 feet of a creditable water supply, such as a fire hydrant, suction point, or dry hydrant. - - The second number is the class that applies to properties within 5 road miles of a fire station but beyond 1,000 feet of a creditable water suppty. We have revised the classification to reflec't more precisely the risk of loss in a community, replacing Class 9 and 88 in the seond part of a split classification with revised designations. Whafs changed with the new classifications? We've published the new classifications as "X and the split dassification, respec{ively. For example: . . . Y -formerly the "9" and "8B" portion of A community cunently displayed as a split 6/9 classification will now be a split 6/6X classification; with the "6X" denoting what was formerly classified as "9". Similarly, a community cunently graded as a split 6/88 classification will now be a split 6/6Y classification, the "6Y" denoting what was formerly classified as "88". u9'or "8B'classifications will remain intact. Communities graded with single Prior flew Classification C!assffica'tiEn Flew Prior Classification Classffieathm Lle atx LlsB r/rv 2le 4a 2188 ry?Y 3le 3f3X ?.i8,8 313rY 4te qex 4lts etw sle sy'sr s/88 slSY 6le 6fffi 6IEB 6rt 7le 8le v[fi tlaB t17t 8IEH 8/88 El&T 9 I 8B 8F @SO Pmperties, lnc., 201 4 Page 4 Whafs changed? As you can see, we're still maintaining split classes, but ffs how we represent them to insurers thafs changed. The new designations reflect a redudion in fire severity and loss and have the potenUalto reduce property insurance premiums. . . . Benefib of the revised splitclass designations To the fire service, the revised designations identify enhanced fire suppression capabilities used throughout the fire protection area To the community, the new classes reward a community's fire suppression efforts by showing a more reflective designation To the individual property owner, the revisions offer the potential for decreased property insurance premiums Newwater class Our data also shows that risks located more than 5 but less than 7 road miles from a responding fire station with a creditable water source within 1,000 feet had better loss experience than those fartherthan 5 road miles from a responding fire station with no creditable water source. We've introduced a new classiflcation -10W-to recqnize the reduced loss potentialof such properties. llYhafs changedwith Class lOW? Class 10W is propefi-specific. Not all properties in the S-to7-mile area around the responding fire station will qualiff. The difference between Class 10 and 10W is thatthe l0Wgraded risk or property is within 1,000 feet of a creditable water supply. Creditable water supplies include fire protwtion systems using hauled water in any of the split classification areas. Whafs the benefitof Class 10W? 0W gives credit to risks within 5 to 7 road miles of the responding fire station and within 1,000 feet of a creditable water supply. That's reflecfive of the potential for reduced property insurance premiums. 1 What does the fire chief have to do? Fire chiefs dont have to do anything at al!. The revised classifications wil! change automatically effective July 1, 2014*. What if I have additonal'questions? Feelfree to contad ISO at 800.444.4554. or email us at [email protected]. *The new classifications do not apply in Texas. @SO Proertes, lnc., 2O1 4 Page 5 The 2O14 published countrywide distribution of communities by the Public Protection Classification number is as follows: Countywide r4000 12,0m 10,000 8,000 6,000 4000 2.000 0 Glase Cke Class Clace Gle*e Cla*e Clme Cl.sB Claee Clase Cltsg 121tlS67EtB910 Eass-FtrlnG The PPC pr€ram offers help to communities, fire departments and other public officials as they plan for, budget, and justiff improvements. ISO is also available to assist in the understanding of the details of this evaluation. ISO Public Proteclion representatMes can be reached by telephone at (800) 44445il. The technical specialists at this telephone number have access to the details of this evaluation and can effectively speak wtth you about your PPG questions. \Nhat's more, we can be reached via the intemet at unnnry. isomitiqatio n. comltalU. We also have a website dedicated to our Community Hazard Mitigation Classification progams at Here, fire chiefs, building code ofiicials, community leaders and other interested citizens can access a wealth of dda describing he criteria used in evaluating hou, ciUes and towns are protecting residents from fire and other natural hazards. This website will allow you to leam more about !SO's Public Protection Classification program. The website provides important background informatlon, insights about the PPC grading processes and technical documents. ISO is also pleased to offer Fire a special secured website wtth information and features that can help Chiefs Online improve your IEO Public Protedion Classification, including a list of the Needed Fire Flows for allthe commercial occupancies ISO has on file for your community. Msitors to the site can download information, see statisticalresults and also contact ISO for assistance. - ln addition, on-line a@ess to the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule and its commentaries is anailable to registered customers for a fee. However, fire chiefs and community chief adminisfrative offcials are given access prMleges to this information wtthout charge. To become a registered fire chief or @mmunity chief administrative offcial, register at www. isomitio ation. com. @SO Propilies, lnc., 2O1 4 Page 6 Protection ISO concluded its review of the fire suppression features being provided for Truckee Meadows FD. The resulting community classification is Class 03/{0. lf the classffication is a single class, the classification applies to properties with a Needed Fire Flow of 3,500 gpm or less in the community. lf the classlfication is a split class (e.9., 6DOQ: recognized fire station and within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant or altemate water supply. butwithin 5 road mihs of a recognized fire station. within 5 road miles of a recognized fire station with no hydrant distance requirement. with a recognized water suppty within 1,000 feet. separately and assigned an indMdual classification. Eamed Credit FSRS Feature Crcdlt Avallable Emergency Gommunications 414. Credit for Emergency Reporting 422. Crdit tor Telecomm unicators 432. Creditfor Dispatch Circuits '14{t. Gredit for Receiving and Handllng Fire Alanns 3.00 3.56 1.74 4 8.30 10 5.62 0.50 3.00 0.98 0.00 6 0.50 3 3 3 Firc tlepartnent 513. 523. 532. 349. 553. 561. 571. 581. Credit for Engine Companies Creditfor Reserve Pumpers Creditfor Pump Capacrty Credit for Ladder SeMce Credit Credit Credit Credlt 730. Credit for Reserve Ladder and SeMce Trucks for Deploynent Analpis for Company Personnel for Training for Operational Considerations 590. Credit for Firc Departnent 3.51 5.00 8.18 2.OO 4 0.50 10 15 I 2 n.79 50 xt.97 30 3.00 4.91 3 7 37.88 N WaterSupply 6. Credit for Supply System 621. Credit for Hydrants 61 631. Creditfor lnspection and FlowTesting 640. Credit for \lUater Supply :742 Diveryence 1050. Community Risk Reduction 9.32 TotalGredit @SO Propertie, lnc., 201 4 Page 7 70.87 5_50 105.50 Ten peroent of a communitt's overall score is based on how well the communications center receives and dispatches ftre alarms. Ourfield representative evaluated: . Communications facilities provided for the general public to report structure fires . Enhanced 9-1-1 Telephone Service including wireless . Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) facilities . Alarm receipt and processing at the communication center . Training and certification of telecommunicators . Facilities used to dispatch fire department companies to reported structure fires Eamed Credit Credit Available 414. Credit Emeryency Reporting 3.00 3 422. Credtt for Telecommunicators 3.56 4 432. Creditfor Dispatch Circuits 1.74 3 Item 440. Credit for Emergency Communications: 8.30 l0 Item 414 - Creditfor Emergency Reporting (3 points) The first item reviewed is ltem 414 "Credit for Emergenry Reporting (CER)". This item reviews the emergency communication center facilities provided for the public to report fires including 911 systems (Basic or Enhanced), \Mreless Phase I and Phase ll, Voice over lntemet Protocol, Computer Aided Dispatch and Geographic lnformation Systems for automatic vehicle location. ISO uses National Fire Protec*ion Association (NFPA) 1221, Standard for the lnstallation, Maintenane and Use of Emergency Serwes Communications Sysfems as the reference for this section. @SO Popedies, lnc., 2O14 Page 8 lEni 410. Emerge-ncy Reporting (CERI AJB. Basic 9-{-1, Enhanced 9-1-1 or No 9-1-1 Eamed Credit Credit Available 20.00 20 25.00 25 25.00 25 15.00 15 15.00 15 100.00 100 For maximum credit, there should be an Enhanced S1-1 system, Basic 91-1 and No S1-1 willreceive partialcredil 1. E9-1-i Wreless Wreless Phase I using StaticALl(automatic location identiftcation) Functionalrty (10 points); Wireless Phase ll using Dynamic ALI Functionality (15 points); Both available willbe 25 points 2.E*1-l Voice over lntemet Protocol (VolP) StaticVolP using StraticALl Fundionality (10 points); NomadicVolP using DynamicALl Fundionahty (15 points); Both available will be 25 points 3. Computer Aided Dispatch Basic CAD (5 points); CAD with Management lnformation System (5 points); CADwith Interoperability (5 points) 4. Geographic lnformation System (GIS/AVL) The PSAP uses a fully integrated CAD/GIS management system with automatic vehicle location (AVL) integrated with a CAD system providing dispatch assignments. Review of Emeryency Reporting tota!: Item 422- Credit for Telecom mun i cators (4 poi nb ) smnd item reviewed is ltem 422 "Crdit for Telecommunicators OCf. This item reviews the number of Telecommunicators on duty at the center to handle fire calls and other The emergencies. Al! emergency calls including those calls that do not require ftre department action are reviewed to determine the proper staffing to answer emergency calls and dispatdr the appropriate emergency response. NFPA 1221, Standardforthe lndallation, Maintenane aN Use of Emergency Senaices Communiations Sysfems, recommends that ninety-five percent of emergency calls shall be ansrnered within 15 seconds and ninety-nine percent of emergency calls shall be ansrrrered within 40 seconds. ln addition, NFPA recommends that ninety percent of emergenry alann processing shall be completed within 60 seconds and ninety-nine percent of alarm processing shall be completed within 90 seconds of answering the call. @SO Popeilies, lnc., 201 4 Page 9 To receive full credit for operators on duty, lSO must review documentation to show that the communication center meets NFPA 1221 crrll anwrrering and dispatch time performance measurement standards. This documentation may be in the fonn of performance statistics or other perfornan@ measurements compiled by the $1-1 soflirare or other sofiware progams that are cunentf in use such as ComputerAided Dispatch (CAD) or Management lnformation System (MlS). Item'*20. Tglecommunicators (CTC) A1. Alarm Receipt (AR) Eamed Credit Credit Available 20.00 20 11,76 20 20.00 20 19.20 20 18.00 20 88.96 ,t00 Receipt of alarms shall meet the requirements in accordance with the criteria of NFPA 1221 A2. Alarm Processing (AP) Processing of alarms shall meet the requirements in accordance with the criteria of NFPA 1221 B. Emergency Dispatch Protocols (EDP) Telecommunicators have emergency dispatch protocols (EDP) containing questions and a decision-support process to facilitate conect callcategor2ation and prioritization. C. Telecomm un icator Trai ni n g and Certifi cation fiTC) Telecommunicators meet the qualifi cation requ irements referenced in NFPA 1061, Standard for Professiona/ Q u a I iticatio n s fo r P u bl ic S afety Te I e com m u n icator, and/or the Association of Public-Safety Communications fficials - lnternational (APCO) Project 33. Telecommunicators are certified in the knowledge, skills, and abilities conespondino to their iob functions. D. Telecommunicator Continuing Education and Quality Assurance fiAA) Telecommunicators participate in contin uing education and/or in-service training and quality-assurance programs as appropriate for their positions Review of Telecommunicators total @|SO Properties, lnc., 201 4 : Page 10 Item 432 - Greditfor Dispatch Circuitrs (3 poinb) The third item reviewed is ltem 432 "Credit for Dispatch Circuits (CDC[. This item reviews the dispatch circuit faciliUe used to transmit alarms to fire department members. A "Dispatch Circuit' is defined in NFPA 1221 as circuit over which an alarm is transmitted from the communications center to an emergency response facility (ERF) or emergency response units (ERUs) to notiff ERUs to respond to an emergenqf. Allfire deparfrnents (except single fire station departments with full-time firefighter personnel receMng alanns directly at the fire station) need adequate means of notiffing all firefighter personnel of the location of reported structure fnes. The dispatch circuit facilities should be in accordance with the general criteria of NFPA 1221. "Narms" are defined in this Standard as ? signal or message from a percion or device indicating the existence of an emergency or other situdion that requires action by an emergency response agenq/. ? There are two different levels of dispatch circuit facilities provided for in the Standard - a primary dispatch circuit and a secondary dispatch circuit. In jurisdictions that rmeive 730 alarms or more per year (average of two alarms per 24-hour period), two separate and dedicated dispatch circuits, a primary and a secondary, are neded. ln jurisdidions receiving fewer than 730 alarms per year, a second dedicated dispatch circuit is not needed. Dispatch circuit facilities installed but not used or tested (in accordance wtth the NFPA Standard) receive no credit. The score for Credit for Dispatch Circuits (CDC) is influenced by monitoring for integrity of the primary dispatch circuit. There are up to 0.90 points available for this ltem. Monitoring for integnty involves installing automatic systems that will detect faults and failures and send visual and audible indications to appropriate communications center (or dispatch center) personnel. ISO uses NFPA 1?21 to guide the evaluation of this item. ISO's evaluation also includes a review of the communication system's emergency power supplies. Item 432 "Creditfor Dispatch Circuits (CDC)" = 1.74 points @SO Pmperties, lnc., 201 4 Page 11 Fifty percent of a community's overal! score is based upon the fire department's structure fire suppression system. ISO's fi eld representative evaluated: . ' . . . . Engine and ladder/service vehicles including reserve apparatus Equipment canied Response to reported strudure fires Deployment analysis of companies Available and/or responding firefighters Training Eamed Credit Credit Available 513. Creditfor Engine Companies 5.62 6 523. Creditfor Reserve Pumpers 0.50 0.5 532. Credit for Pumper Capacity 3.00 3 549. Creditfor Ladder SeMce 0.98 4 553. Credit for Reserve Ladder and SeMce Trucks 0.00 0.5 561. Credit for Deployment Analysis 3.51 10 571. Creditfor Company Personnel 5.00 15 581. Credit for Training 8.f I I 581. Credit for Operational Considerations 2.00 2 Item 590. Credit for Fire Department: 28.79 50 Basic Fire Flow The Basic Fire Flow for the community is determined by the reMew of the Needed Fire FIows for selected buildings in the community. The largest Needed Fire Flow is determined to be the Basic Fire Flow. The Basic Fire Flow has been determined to be 2250 gpm. ffi @SO Poperlies, lnc, 2O14 Page12 Item 5{3 - Greditfor Engine Companies (6 poinG) The first item reviewed is ltem 513 "Credit for Engine Companies (CEC)". This item reviews the number of engine companies, their pump capacity, hose testing, pump testing and the equipment canied on the in-seMce pumpers. To be recognized, pumper apparatus must meet the genera! criteria of NFPA 1901, Standad for Automotive Fire Appanfus which include a minimum 250 gpm pump, an emergencyraraming system, a 300 gallon watertank, and hose. At least 1 apparatus must have a permanently mounted pump rated at 750 gpm or more at 150 psi. The review of the number of needed pumpers considers the response distance to buih-upon areas; the Basic Fire Flow; and the method of operation. Muftiple alarms, simultaneous incidents, and life safety are not considered. The greatest value of A, B, or C below is needed in the fire disffict to suppress fires in struc{ures with a Needed Fire Floar of 3,500 gpm or less: 23 engine companies a) 23 engine companies to provide fire suppression seMces to areas to meet NFPA 1710 criteria orwithin 1/zmil*. b) 2 engine companies to support a Basic Fire Flow of 2250 gpm. c) 23 engine companies based upon the fire department's method of operation to provide a minimum two engine response to al!ftrst alarm struc'ture fires. The FSRS recognizes thatthere are23 engine companies in seMce. The FSRS also reviews Automatic Aid. Automatic Aid is considered in the review as assistance dispatched automatically by contractual agreement between two communities or fire districts. That differs from mutua! aid or assistance arranged case by case. ISO will recognize an Automatic Aid plan underthe following conditions: . . . lt must be prearranged for first alarm response according to a definite plan. lt is preferable to have a written agreement, but ISO may recognize demonstrated performance. The aid must be dispatched to all reported structure fires on the initialalarm. The aid must be provided 24 hours a day, 365 days ayear. FSRS ltem 512.D 'Automatic Aid Engine Companies" responding on first alarm and meeting the needs of the ctty for basic fire flow and/or distribution of companies are factored based upon the value of the Automatic Aid plan (up to 1.00 can be used as the fador). The Automatic Aid factor is determined by a review of the Automatic Aid provide/s communication facilities, how they receive alarms from the graded area, interdepartment training between fire departments, and the fire ground communications capability between departments. For each engine company, the credited Pump Capacity (PC), the Hose Canied (HC), the Equipment Canid (EC) all contribute to the calculation for the percent of credit the FSRS provides to that engine ermpany. Item 5l3 "Greditfor Engine Companies (CEC)" @SO Properlies, lnc,, 2014 Page 13 = 5.62 points Item 523 - Creditfor Rserve Pumpers (0.50 poin6) The item is ltem 523 "Creditfor Reserve Pumpers (CRP[. This item reviewsthe numberand adequacy of the pumpers and their equipment. The number of needed reserve pumpers is 1 for each I needed engine companies detennind in ltem 5f 3, or any fradion thereof. Item 523 "Greditfor Reserve Pumperc (CRP)" = 0.50 points Item 532 - Creditfor Pumper Gapacity (3 points) The next item reviewed is ltem 532 "Credit for Pumper Capacity (CPC[. The total pump capactty available should be sfficient for the Basic Fire Flow of 2250 gpm. The maximum needed pump capacity credited isthe Basic Fire Flow of the community. Item 532 "Creditfor Pumper Gapacity (CPC)" = 3.00 Item 549 poinb - Creditfor Ladder Service (4 points) The next item reviewed is Item 549 'Credit for Ladder SeMce (CLS[. This item reviews the number of response areas within the city wtth 5 buildings that are 3 or more stories or 35 feet or more in height, or with 5 buildings that have a Needed Fire Flow greater than 3,500 gpm, or any combination of these criteria. The height of all buildings in the city, including those protectd by automatic sprinklers, is considered when determining the number of needed ladder companies. Response areas not needing a ladder company should have a service company. Ladders, tools and equipment nonnally canied on ladder trucks are needed not only for ladder operations but also for forcible entry, ventilation, salvage, overhaul, lighting and utility control. The number of Iadder or service companies, the height of the aerial ladder, aerial ladder testing and the equipment canied on the in-seMce ladder trucks and seMce trucks is compared with the number of needed ladder trucks and seMce trucks and an FSRS equipment list Ladder trucks must meet the general crtteria of NFPA 1901, Standand for Automotive Fire Apparafusto h recognized. The number of needed ladder-seMce trucks is dependent upon the number of buildings 3 stories or 35 feet or more in height, buildings with a Needed Fire Flow greater than 3,500 gpm, and the method of operation. The FSRS recognizes that there are 0 ladder companies in seMce. These companies are needed to proMde fire suppression seMces to areas to meet NFPA 171 0 criteria or vdthin 2Y. miles and the number of buildings with a Needed Fire Flow over 3,500 gpm or 3 stories or more in height, or the method of operation. The FSRS recognizes that there are 6 service companies in seMce. Item 849 "Gredit for Ladder Seryice (CLS)" = 0.98 points @lSO Pmpeilies, lnc., fr14 Page14 Item 553 - Credit for Reserve Ladder and Service Trucks (0.50 points) The next item reviewed is ltem 553 "Credit for Reserve Ladder and SeMce Trucks (CRLS)". This item considers the adequary of ladder and seMce apparatus when one (or more in larger communities) of these apparatus are out of seMce. The number of needed reserve ladder and seMce trucks is 1 for each needed ladder and seMce companies that were detennined to be nded in ltem 540, or any fraction thereof. I Item 553 "Creditfor Item 561 Rserve Ladder and Service Trucks (CRLSI" = 0.00 poinE - tleploymentAnalysis (10 points) Next, ltem 561 'Deployment Analysis (DA)' is reviewed. This ltem examines the number and adequacy of existing engine and ladder-seMce companies to cover built-upon areas of the city. To determine the Credit for Distribution, first the Existing Engine Company (EC) points and the Existing Engine Companies (EE) determined in ltem 513 are considered along with Ladder Company Equipment (LCE) points, SeMce Company Equipment (SCE) points, Engine-Ladder Company Equipment (ELCE) points, and EngineSeMce Company Equipment (ESCE) points determined in ltem 549. Secondly, as an alternative to determining the number of needed engine and ladder/service companies through the road-mile analysis, a fire protection area may use the results of a systematic performance evaluation. This type of evaluation analyzes computer-aided dispatch (CAD) history to demonstrate that, with its cunent deployment of companies, the fire department meets the time constraints for initia! arriving engine and initialfullalarm assignment in accordance with the general criteria of in NFPA 1710, Standard forthe Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments. v,trthin 1% miles of a firSdue engine company and within Z1/rmiles of a first-due ladder-seMce company. A deternination is made of the percentage of built upon area Item 561 "Credit DeploymentAnalysis (DA)" = 3.51 points @SO Properties, lnc., fr1 4 Page 15 Item 571 - Creditfor Gompany Perconnel (15 points) Item 571 "Credit for Company Personnel (CCP[ reviews the average number of existing firefighters and company ofiicers available to respond to reported first alarm structure fires in the city. The onduty strength is determined by the yearly average of total lirefighters and company officers onduty considering vacations, sick leave, holidays, "Kelle/ days and other absences. \y'fhen a fire department operates under a minimum staffing poliry, this may be usd in lieu of determining the yearly average of on{uty company personnel. Firefighters on apparatus not credited under ltems 513 and 549 that regularly respond to reported first alarms to aid engine, ladder, and seMce companies are included in this item as increasing the total company strength. Firefighters staffing ambulances or other units seMng the general public are credited if they participate in firefighting operations, the number depending upon the extent to which they are available and are used for response to first alarms of fire. On-Cal! members are credited on the basis of the average number stafiing apparatus on first alarms. Off-shift career firefighterc and company officers rsponding on first alarms are considered on the same basis as on-call personnel. For personnel not normally at the fire station, the number of responding firefighters and company officers is dMded by 3 to reflect the time needed to assemble at the fire scene and the reduced ability to ad as a team due to the various anivaltimes at the fire location when compared to the personnel onduty at the fire station during the receipt of an alarn. The number of Public Safety fficers who are positioned in emergenry vehicles within the jurisdiction boundaries may be credited based on availability to respond to first alarm structure 'lires. ln recognition of this increased response capability the number of responding Public Safety fficers is dMded by 2. The average number of firefighters and company offcers responding with those companies credited as Automatic Aid under ltems 513 and 549 are considered for either on-duty or oncall company prsonnel as is appropriate. The adual number is calculated as the average number of company personnel responding multiplied by the value of AA Plan determined in Item 512.D. The maximum creditable response of on{uty and oncll firefighters is 12, including company officers, for each existing engine and ladder company and 6 for each existing service company. Chief fficers are not creditable except when more than one chief ofiicer responds to alarms; then extra chief officers may be credited asfirefighters if they perform company duties. The FSRS recognizes 40.00 onduty perconnel and an average of 36.00 on-call perconnd responding on first alarm strudure fires. Item 571 "Creditfor Company Perconnel (CGP)" = 5.00 points @SO Pmperties, lnc., 201 4 Page 16 Item 5Ei - Credit for Training (9 points) Tqining E" Faclltdes, aird Use Crcdit Eamed Credit Avallable 28.71 35 For maximurn oedit, each lirefighter should receive 18 hours per month in stucture fire related subjeds as ouflined in NFPA 1001. B.GompanyTralnlng 25.00 25 5.16 12 3.06 5 5.00 5 1.00 1 5.00 5 For maximum credit, each firefighter should receive 16 hours per month in sbucture fire related subjects as outlined in NFPA 1001. C.ClasSFfor (lftcers For maximum credit, each offcer should be certified in accordance with the general criteria of NFPA 1021. Addltionally, each officer should receive 12 hours of continuing education on or offisite. D. Nerru Driver and Qperator Tninlng For maximum credit, each new driver and operator should receive 60 hours of driver/operator training per year in accordance wtth NFPA 1002 and NFPA 1451. E Edsffng Driver and OpentorTr:alnlng For maximum credit, each existing driverand operatorshould receive 12 hours of driver/operator training per year in accordance with NFPA 1002 and NFPA 1451. F. Tralning on tlazadoub l$aterials For maximum credit, ach firefighter should receMe 6 hours of taining for incidents involving hazardous materials in accordance with NFPA 472. Q. RcruitTnlnlng For maximum credit, each firefighter should receive 240 hours of sfrudure fire related taining in accordance wth NFPA 1001 within the firstyear of employnent ortenure. H. PeFlrc Plannlng lnspbefions 12.01 For maximum credit pre-fire planning inspections of each commercial, industoial, instiMional, and other similar type building (all buildings except 14 family dwellings) should be made annually by cornpany mernbers. Records of inspeclions should include upto date notes and sketches. Item SS0 "CreditforTraining (CT1" = 8.18 poinb @SO Pmperlies, lnc., 2O1 4 Page17 12 Item 730 - Operational Gonsiderations (2 points) Item 730'Creditfor OperaUonalConsiderations (COC)" evaluates fire department standard operating procedures and incident management systems for emergency operations involving structure fi res. Eamed Credit Operationil Goirsidera,tions Stanilefrt Ot EEfing Prcrcedures Credit Available 50 50 50 50 100 100 The department should have established SOPs for fire department general emergency operations lncident Management Systems The department should use an established incident management system (lMS) Operational Considerations total : Item 730 "Creditfor Operational Considerations (COC)" =2.00 points Forty percent of a communitt's overall score is based on the adquacy of the water supply system. The ISO field representative evaluated: . . . the capability of the water distilbution system to meet the Needed Fire Flows at selected locations up to 3,500 gpm. size, type and installation of fire hydrants. inspection and flow testing of fire hydrants. Eamed Gredit 6. Credit for Supply System Credit Available 29.97 30 621 . Credit for Hydrants 3.00 3 631. Credit for lnspection and Flow Testing 4.91 7 Item B{0. Credit forWater Supply: 37,88 40 61 @SO Propeflies, lnc., 201 4 Page 18 Item 6{6 - Credit for Supply System (30 poinb) The first item reviewed is ltem 616 "Credit for Supply System (CSS)'. This item reviews the rate of flow that can be credited at each of the Needed Fire Flow test locations considering the supply works capacity, the main capacity and the hydrant distribution. The lowest flow rate of these items is credited for each representative location. A water system capable of delivering 250 gpm or more for a period of two hours plus consumption at the maximum daily rate atthefire location is considered minimum in the ISO review. \Mtere there are 2 or more systems or seMces distributing water at the same location, credit is given on the basis of the joint protection provided by all systems and seMces available. The supply works capacity is elculated for each representative Needed Fire Flow test location, considering a variety of water supply sour@s. These include public water supplies, emergency supplies (usually accessed fom neighboring water systems), suction supplies (usually evidenced by dry hydrant installations near a river, lake or other body of water), and supplies developed by a fire department using large diameter hose or vehicles to shuttle water from a sour@ of supply to a fire site. The result is expressed in gallons per minute (gpm). The normal ability of the distribution system to deliver Needed Fire Flows at the seleded building locations is reviewed. The results of a flow test at a representative test location will indicate the ability of the water mains (or fire department in the case of fire departnent supplies) to carry waterto that location. The hydrant distribution is reviewed within 1,000 feet of representative test locations measured as hose can be laid by apparatus. For maximum credit, the Needed Fire Flows should be available at each location in the distrid. Needed Fire Flows of 2,500 gpm or less should be available for 2 hours; and Needed Fire Flows of 3,000 and 3,500 gpm should be obtainable for 3 hours. ltem 616 "Creditfor Supply System (CSS)" = 29.97 points @SO Pmpeilies,lnc,2014 Page 19 Item 621 - Gredit for Hydrants (3 points) The second item reviewed is ltem 621 "Credit for Hydrants (CH)'. This item reMews the number of fire hydrants of each type compared with the total number of hydrants. There are a tota! of 2601 hydrants in the graded area. Numberof F20- Hydranb, -_Stse, T,yE_and lnstallafion A" t,Uth a 6 Hydrants Jnch or hryer bFanch and a pumper outlet wiBr orufithout 2'l - 26A1 inch outldb B. !,Hft a I -ingh or lagqr prhnch and no pumper outle-t but two or more l/"4nch oufleb, orwiih a small foot valve, orwith CJD. Urlth only a t/z.ilnch outlet orwith lss than a 6 -inch brahch E-lF. Flush Tyrpe, Glstem, 0 a sma!! barrel orSuction Polnt 0 0 Item 621 "Greditfor Hydrants (CH)" = 3.00 points Item 630-Creditforlnspection and FlowTesting (7 points) The third item reviewed is ltem 630 'Credit for Inspection and Flow Testing (ClT)'. This item reviews the fire hydrant inspection ftequenry, and the completeness of the inspec{ions. lnspection of hydrants should be in accordance wittt A\MruA M-17, lnstallation, Field Testing and Maintenane of Fire Hydrants. Frequency of lnspection (Fl): Average interval between the 3 most recent inspections. Points Frequency year 30 2 years 20 3 years 10 4 years 5 1 5 years or more No Credil Note: The points for inspection frequency are reduced by 10 points if the inspections are incomplete or do not include a flushing program. An additional reduction of 10 points are made if hydrants are not subjecled to full system pressure during inspeclions. lf fie inspeclion of cistems or suction pints does not indude actual drafring with a pumper, or back-flushing for dry hydrants, 20 points are deducted. Total points for lnspections = 3.07 points @SO Properlies, lnc., 2O'l 4 Page 20 Frequency of Fire FlowTeslind (FFI: Average interval between the 3 most recent inspections. Frequency 5 years 40 6 years 30 7 years 20 8 years 10 9 years 5 No Credit 10 years or more Total poinb for Fire Flow Testing = {.84 poinb Item 631 "Creditfor lnspecton and Fire FlowTesting (ClT)" = 4.91 points EiverqenG-+7.+z The Divergence facfor mathematically reduces the score based upon the relative difference between the fire department and water supply s@res. The factor is introduced in the flnal equation. Eamed Credit GreditAvailable 1025. Credit for Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement (CPCE) 1.35 2.2 1033. Credit for Public Fire Safety Education (CFSE) 1.03 2.2 1M4. Credit for Fire lnvestigation Programs (ClP) 0.94 1.1 Item {050. Greditfor Gommunity Risk Reduction 3.32 5.50 @SO Propeilies, lnc., 201 4 Page21 Item 1025 - Credit for Fire Preventon Enforcement 12.2 Gode Adoption and points) FIre Prevenfibn Gode Rqulatrqnq (PCRI Earnd Ctedlt Credit Available 10.00 10 0.00 I 2.O2 6 12.60 {6 Evaluation of fire prevention code regulations in effect. Fire Prevgnfiglr gtemng PSt Evaluation of staffng for fire prevention activities. Flre Prevgnfon C6:ffrcaton an{ Tralnlng {PCTI Evaluation of the certification and training of fire prevention code enforcement personnel. Flre Prevdntlon Programs (PgP| Evaluation of fire prevention programs. Revlew of Firc Preventlon Code and Enforcement (CPCE) subtotal: Item 1033 - Credit for Public Fire Safety Education (2.2 points) 24.62 Eamed Gredit 40 Credit Avallable Publlc Flre Safety Educatorc Glualfficdlons and Trralpirr! FS{IT) Evaluation of public fire safety education personnel training and qualification as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. 5.00 10 Public Firc Safety EduCdon Programp (FSPI Evaluation of programs for public fire safety education. 13.75 30 Reviewof Public Safety Educatlon Prcgrams (CFSE) subtotal: Item 1044 - Credit for Fire lnvestigation Programs (1.1 poinb) Flre lnvesffgafion Oqantsafion and SQffir.ig (lOSl 18.75 Eamed Credit 40 Crcdit Available 8.00 I 3.00 6 6.00 6 Evaluation of organization and staffing for fire investigations. FIrc lnvdlgator GerffEcafion and Trajning 0GIl Evaluation of fire investigator certification and training. Use of N{flonal Fire lncldent Repofiing $ysfiem (IftSl Evaluation of the use of the National Fire lncident Reporting Svstem NFIRS) for the 3 vears before the evaluation. Revlew of Firc Prevention Code and Enforcement (GPCE) subtohl: @SO Properties, lnc', 2O14 Page22 17.00 20 Fm{frJedbvlsd ffi ffi Eamed Credit FSRS ltem Credit Available Emeryency Repordng 414. Credit for Emergency Reporting 422. Cr edit lor Telecom m unicators 432. Crditfor Dispatch Circuits 3.00 3.56 1.74 4 3 440. Crcditfor Receivlng and Handling Fire Alanns 8.30 {0 3 Flre Departnent 513. Creditfor Engine Companies 523. Creditfor Reserve Pumpers 532. Credit for Pumper Capacity 549. Crdit for Ladder SeMce 553. Credit for Reserve Ladder and Service Trucks 561. Credit for Deployment Analysis 571. Crdit for Company Personnel 581. Credit for Training 730. Credit for Operational Considerations 5.62 0.50 3.00 0.98 0.00 6 0.5 3 4 0.5 3.51 l0 5.00 8.18 2.00 15 9 2 28.79 50 6. Credit for Supply System 621. Credit for Hydrants 631. Creditfor lnspection and FlowTesting 29.97 4.91 30 3 7 840. Gledit for Water Supply 37.88 /t0 590. Credit for Flre Deparbnent YllaterSupply 6'1 3.00 -7.42 Diveryence 1050. Community Risk Reducfion Total C!€dit 3.32 5.50 70.87 105.5 Final Gommunity Glassification = 03/10 @SO Properties, lnc., frl 4 Page,/I3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT crr,,/ACIvF& STAFF REPORT rinancefrvn LegalBC RiskMgt. N/A Board Meeting Date: June 17,2014 HR-N/A DATE: Jvre2,2014 TO: Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief (77 5) 328-6123 Email: [email protected] Phone: SUBJECT: Approve Change Order Number 2 for the construction of the "Mogul Fire Station #35" located atl020l West Fourth Street, Reno, NV 89523 [$100,538.00, Funding Source TMFPD Construction Fund 4801. (Commission District 5) - ST]MMARY This item requests approval of change order number two to Building Solutions General Contracting, for the "Mogul Fire Station#35" project. Change Order # 2 is for $100,538.00 and is specifically for design related items, unforeseen conditions, and public agency requirements. Strategic Objective supported by this item: Safe, secure and healthy communities. PREYIOUS ACTION September 24,2013, the Board of Fire Commissioners awarded a bid to Building Solutions General Contracting for the construction of the Mogul Fire Station #35 project in the amount of $2,139,001. May 20,2013, the Board of Fire Commissioners approved the District's FY l3ll4 Budget and adopted the Capital Improvements Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 which included the construction of a new Mogul fire station. Jnne26,20l2, the Board of Fire Commissioners approved the acquisition by the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District of a S-acre Mogul-area parcel of improved land (APN 038-800-11) located at 10201 W. 4a' Street, upon which to relocate the career crew from Sierra Fire Protection District Fire Station No. 35 (Boomtown). March 27,201,2, the Board of Fire Commissioners approved the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Service between Sierra Fire Protection District (SFPD) and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) which provided for the administrative and operational consolidation of the two fire Districts. BACKGROT'ND A project to construct a new fire station to replace the existing Verdi Fire Station located at 100 South Garson Rd., Verdi was approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners in the current fiscal year Capital AGENDA ITEM # 5 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners Page 2 of j Improvements Plan. With the consolidation of the Sierra Fire Protection District and the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, staffcompleted a comprehensive analysis of response time to all portions of the two Districts and deterrrined that it was in the best interest of service to the citizens to relocate the career crew from the SFPD Station 35 (Boomtown) to a location that would serve the areas of Verdi, Mogul and Caughlin Ranch within the performance objectives set by the Board(s). ln addition during the review of all Disfict facilities, staffconfirmed that to maintain a career crew at the existing Station 35, the station would need a fairly extensive remodel and or replacement as it is a former NDF facility that includes an antiquated NDF garage over 30 years old and old manufactured housing. The new Mogul station will meet the performance objectives, and will provide excellent access to I-80 and Mayberry Drive as well as being directly on W. 4m Street provides a clean path to Verdi and the outlying area residents who are in the District's fire service delivery areas. Work is nearly complete on the project; however, during construction there have been atotal of two change orders. Change Order #1 in the amount of $76,618.00 was due to unforeseen site conditions (specifically bedrock and an undocumented septic tank) and the addition of an apparatus bay exhaust system. Change order #2inthe amount of $100,538 includes design related changes, unforeseen conditions, and public agency requirements. Design changes include additional keypads, changes to door specifications and hardware, apparafus bay vents, water truck filling station, and carbon filter vault for apparatus bay trench drains. Some unforeseen conditions include not being able to reuse a fransfer switch from the Garson Road location so a new automatic transfer switch is necessary, and the offset of a fire service water line to avoid existing storm drain pipe which was not shown on existing drawings. Additionally, during the permitting phase ofthe project, public agency requirement changes required the detention pond size to be increased and the overly patch at Fourth Street water tap to be increased. The initial estimated budget for this work included a $100,105.20 construction contingency, which is the amount of authority given to the contract administrator on construction projects or 5% whichever is greater. Five percent of the construction amount is $106,950.05. The Board is required to approve all change orders exceeding the 5o/o or $106,950.05 amount, and change order number two will exceed the $106,950.05 limit by $70,205.95. Funding is available within the construction fund to cover this change order. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this project is budgeted in the TMFPD Construction Fund 480. There are sufficient funds available in the Construction Fund for this change order. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of Fire Commissioners approve Change Order Number 2 for the construction of the "Mogul Fire Station #35" located at 10201 West Fourth Steet, Reno, NV 89523 [$100,538.00, Funding Source - TMFPD Construction Fund 480]. Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners Page 3 of 3 POSSIBLE MOTION Should the Board accept stafPs recommendation, a possible motion would be: "Move to approve Change Order Number 2 for the construction of the "Mogul Fire Station #35" located at 10201 West Fourth Street, Reno, NV 89523 [$100,538.00, Funding Source - TMFPD Construction Fund 480J." @AIA Document c7o1- - 2tlo1 Change Order od PROIECT (Name ad&ess): Tnrckee Meadows Fire Protertion Mogul Fire Stdion #35 1M50 West Forth Stre€f RenqNermda 89523 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and - Verdi April 29,2014 ARCHITECT:EI CONTRACTOR:EX HELD: addras): ARCHffiCT'S PROJECT NUTUBER: I 2-06s Stret fI OTHER:EI CONTRACI DATE: October 28, 2014 COi{TRACT FOR: General Constnrction Building Solutions Inc. 338 Rylanil DATE: RenqNenada 89501 THE oolifiNAgf (S C}IAHGM A8 FOL"LOSF: llnehde, wh*erydtcablq uut uadispwd awwratihtabletopraiowty bOR0a n6,is"d Etmtion Pon& $4'138 se8{6. COn ro lnrr ozol Provids lisht FotCI coii i rwurilat o$ to0Jn6or ted{rsre rwisious s3p96 ioR qecuedcowtructionchangeDbectives) bS ii i2R(RFPol)Ptovider-€qrcledlumberforsiding 93"385, ! -!- 6r t ,6, sorm drain pipe $l 1,794 ;oil i3li il*'-rmin omet to iccorunodsre uofofs€ro water filling station$l1,072 2" for to ;Ot i;-C,f.Fdbjhgp6q;tEp-t"t" rnain upsizea insulated doors -$ I ro non-&ermally am. stooetoit tffior *fu '415 E6i i ; ffi 6i COniotnflos{tpmsf*srvitcbto6emp$7'794 ^p6*iit zu increised orcrlay requirments $7,689 -1 aoa n"fa At a1i* COil ie i,n:Of cOii ig inn ffi$ Ad@ itrfill tanring d shorrer walls S42 cori ib inne+l Intrwe bart ptegaugs &icknes $298 dstfu;f";i"c'ara foiie ror-nilahc gr 9'1 g1lydinc $s'eee ;6i / coR 22 Oilp 0lo) pfurids erd install caltm ,ilBr vaolt / utilrtres trijo,o6 iltnn cOn 23 inn mtinovtdu and iustatl lockset S8ts elmic hardlr@ at main entr $1'ee5 ;ffi ;; tiii'i Cri Filbh uoa insutpipes in Aper*rs BEy $2'384 iOii ie it*ia" 6rdog 8rrnfitd vurr coR 27 Fumisb ard z' ildiJ E6il ei inrp ool it*uron - Disposal -808 . Srorage and SCBA^Rooms $1'729 r*n ctt poto. &ant 6nd add tor"rGarbge increasedbythis Chsnp G&r in theamout of fle ues, &ntmct Sum inctudiog rhis Chonge Gds will The Contact Time will be increased by Four (4) days' is May 14' 2014 of Sghanri"f C"iJ"ti", *""itfr".i"fu oittit Cn"og. Ordertherefore it" C*ru*t Su*will k $ 2,139,001.00 76.618.00 $ 2,215,619,N $ 100.538.00 $ The origiml C@trart Surn was The net-chsnge by prwioxly urftoriad Change Ordsrs Tbe C-onEact Suru priu to thb Cbage &dcr$'as $ k -2"316,157.00 The date Price which have contract sum, conract Tirne or Grmranteed Maxinnrm NOIE: This Change order does not include changes io the and owner the byboth agreedupon been have *a tl" been authorized by constnrction chaoge Directir. chango Directive' construction the to supersede conmdor, in vrhich case *til afiilAA.;executed *tt ti-. !**%?#mmffi qra.*"qffirw& ur pt*"ut"o t" ttt" narlnrum exlsnt trn r" :gmm*nffiffitf$der&a I cor{l$t Lau,, 1 .8. coPyrigsl bv 1r.8. Eoortrrsnt to Fm!o5*ad Eoourrsnt Fmlot*ad by lay Itls IyI{cr?I** pu"A1gi,'iJ Eortlotr o, il. may !c$uh r" *reri-Ef,ri"JO orf-n* ;roduc€x, by ArA Us€r Notss: Bsnn*" "r ofr16;; oi/2sda'f,u[,i' citlii[--s$i;Ail}-i-d,o "'pr'* * smam1' Eoaslhls d\dh rol fs &orm€nr was Ttde doojm€tt rder &a lxs. THe tda (amTx2514l NOT VALID UNNL SGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRASfOR AND OIflI.IER Tate Srl/der Kimsey Architects Building Solutions Truckee Meadosrs Fire Protection Dishict ARCHITECI (Firmname) CONIRA0IOR (Ftrmnane) ru\4FPD) 0I'lrNER (Firmrumc) 225 S. Arlingtu Ave., Renq NV 89501 338 Ry'and Steet ADDRffi l00l East gth Stre€t, Building D, Second Floor, Renq Nerada 89520 ADDRESS BY $rgndure) Pathtsich CharlesMoore (Ilpednmp) Q\tpedname) a/*rl tu . DATE I DATE AtA Docum€nt c?01E -2001. CopyilSht @ 1975. 1987,2@o and 200'1 by The Amerlcan lnE[h,ts of Archltecb. Al rlghts reserved. WARNING: This AlAp Document is proteeted by U.S. Copyright Law and lntemational Troatles. Unauthorized reproductlon or dlstribution of thls A!A6 Documsnt, or any portion of It, may rssult tn severa clvil and crlrninal penalties, and wlll ba prosecuted to the maxlmum ext€nt posslble und6r th€ law. Thls doflmgnturas produoed by AIA soft#are at 09:29:Od onMD92O14 under Order No.939539:1785_1 wtrloh explres on 07/182014, and ls not for r€salo. (852734514) iJserNotei: Summary Change Order No. 2 Mogul Fire Station #35 PWP-WA-2011-322 Change Order # 2 is for a net increase of $100,538 to the construction contract. This change order oovers the following items: Desisn Team Related ($15,491 or 15.4% of change order) COR 10: Electriel Plans did not show light pole base details for three light poles. $2,856 1. 2. COR 15: Specifications inadvertently called for the interior storefront doors to be thermally insulated. Changing interior storefront doors to be non-insulated results in a credit. $-1,415 3. COR '19: Space for showers were wider than the shower units. lnfill framing was required forthe shower units to be installed. $842 4. COR 20: Bent plate for the fascia at the roof eaves needed to be increased for the structural metaldeck to be fastened to. $298 5. COR 21R: Civil plans did not detail the footing or reinforcing for the retaining wall on the east side of the building. $5,999. 6. COR 23: Storefront door to Physical Training is off of the main entry and required a classroom style lockset. Hardware Specification did not specifiT a lock for this door. $803 7. COR 25: Hardware specification did not include an electric strike for the main entry doors so the door can be unlocked from the Captain's Office. $1,995 8. COR 26: Four vent pipes in the Apparatus bay were too large to be encapsulated by the masonry wall furring. Cost is to provide furing around vent pipes in four locations. $2,384 9. COR 27: Cost is to provide masonry wallfuning at exteriorwalls in Storage Room 103 and SCBA Room 1O2. $1,729. TMFPD / Washoe County Requested (50,247 or 50.0% of chanqe order) COR 11R: At the request of TMFPD, provide electronic keypads at five (5) doors. = 3,296 1. l\12@ r*gdrneStuS (:@6tuM 2. COR 14: Washoe County requested a water truck filling station be installed at the site. TMWA reguired the irrigation line (water line filling station would tap into) be up sized from 1 Yr" to2". = 11,072 3. COR 22: NDEP required a carbon filter vault to treat the water from the Apparatus Bay trench drains. During pennitting the drains were removed to avoid this cost. TMFPD required that the Apparatus Bay have trench drains installed so the fire engines could be washed inside the building during winter and periods of inclement weather. $36,687 4. COR 28: Plans specified a Trash Compactor to be included in the contract. Owner mentioned that the trash compactor in other Fire Stations is seldom used but that a garbage disposalwould be need. $-808 Unforeseen Conditions ($22.973 or (22.80/o of chanoe order) COR 12R: Provide recycled lumber for accents to replace recycled lumber from existing site buildings that was stolen after demolition phas6. =$3,385. 1. 2. COR 13R: Fire service water line had to be offset near the point of connection at Fourth Street to avoid existing storm drain pipe which was not shown on existing asbuilt drawirgs. = $11,794 3. COR 16: Transfer switch that was to be relocated from the Garson Rd Fire Station is only rated for 200 amps. Transfer switch is to be removed and provided to TMFPD for use elsewhere. Contractor was directed to provide a new 600-amp automatic transfer switch for Mogul Fire Station #35. = 7,794 Public Aoencv Requirements ($11.827 or (11.8% of chanoe order) COR 4: Bids were received prior to building permit issuance. During permitting phase NDEP required the east detention pond size to be increased. $4,138 1. 2. COR 't8: NDOT required the overlay patch at the Fourth Street water tap be increased. $7,689 @AIA Document c7tl1* - 2rltll Change Order PROJECT (Name ond ad&ess): CHA}IGE ORDER NUMBER: OOI Truckee Meadovrs Fire Protection DATE: Febnrary OWNER 4,2014 ARCHITEGT:E Distict -Mogul Fire Stdim#35 10201 Wqst Fqrth Str€et CONIRACToR: Reno, Nerrada 89523 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address) : X E OTHER: E HELD: ARCH]TECTS PROJECT NUIIBER: 12-065 2& 2013 Building Sohlions tnc. O0NTRACT DATE: October 338 Ryland Street Renq Nevada S)501 CONIRACT FO"R General Constmction Xl THE CONTRACT tS CHANGED AS FOL"LOWE: (Inchdq where applicable any wdisputed amouat anrlbwable to previottsly a.wtsed Construction Change Ditectives) COR 0l (CCD #l) Remwe Additional Unforseen Septic Tark - $6326 COR O3R Additioml Redi Wall Blocks and 3,000 S.F. of Rip Rap Behind Wall - $10,879 COR 05R (ASI 0l) Change of Apparatus Bay Exharct S]4stems - $25,011 COR 05 (RFI027) Removal of Granite Bedrock to install Redi Block Wall and Driveway -$24,742 COR 07 (RFI 044) Remonat of Granite at Storage Olbuilding - $5,%7 COR 08 (RFI 0l 5) Provide rebar reinforcing at plaoter retaining wall - $874 COR 09 EFI 028) Provide NV Energy Platform - $2,839 The original ContraEt Sum was The net change bypreviously authuized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contrac't Sum will be inseased by this Change Order in the amount The new Conhact Sum including this Change Orderwill be $ i o.oo 2,139,001.00 76,618.00 2,215,619.00 g of e139,00t $ $ The ConuactTime will be inereased byNine (9) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is lday 8, 2014 NOTE: This Change Order does not include clranges in the Confiact Sum, Conrast Time or Guaranteed N{axiruum Price which have been authorized by Constnrction Change Dkective ufiil the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is exeqtredto zupenedethe Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHIIECT, CON]TRAGTOR AND OIUNER Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects ARCHITECI (Firmnate) 338 225 S. Arlington Ave., Reno.NV 89501 AffiSS /| @ BuildinB Solutions Inc. CONTRACTOR (Firmname) TMIvF P OWNER (Firmnorc) R/and Sreet I {'Wg"''DaaJ sAy-J " a2.M.l4 (u Fypediane) (IlPedname) DArE oArE z-5-t4 _ e' -^' 2l; { | ?il4/,( of ArchitEcts. All rlghb r6srvod. WARNING: Thls AA' Document ts protected by U.S. CopynEht Law and lnternational Treatiss. Unauthorlzed reproduction or distribriion ofthis AJAo Oocumont. or any prosecutBd to tha maxlmum extent possible ,undor the law- Thls documenl was ;rortlon ol rt, may rasult ,n ,"reru civillnd criminal penalties, and wlll be andls not for ressle. iroduceU Uy aA ioft\A,are al 14:.17::il on O2tO4f414 uttdar Order No.9395393785-1 whlch e:pires on 0711812f)14, AA Document G201il -200{. Copyrbm@ 1979, 1987, 2000 and 2OOl byThe Amerlcan lnsttute ItBerNotea: 18252503751 kA* 2ooal5o52 a/ilr rb Summary Ghange Order No. 1 Mogul Fire Station #35 PWP-WA-2011-322 Change Order # 1 is for a net increase of $76,618 to the construction contract. This change order covers the following items: Site Conditions COR 01: Upon commencement of Site Work an undocumented septic tank was encountered and needed to be removed. = $6,326 1. 2. COR 03R: Additional Redi-Wall Blocks were needed to increasethewall heightand Rip Rap behind wall was required to stabilize the slope and to intercept existing grade behind the wall. = $5,828.72 3. COR 06: During excavation activities a large outcropping of bedrock was encountered north of the fire station that was not documented in the geotechnical report. ln order for the site to drain efficiently and to get the road sub-base laid a portion of the granite bedrock needed to be removed. = $24,742 4. COR 07: At the Storage / Generator "out-building" bedrock granite was encountered that was not documented in the geotechnical report and was needed to be removed in order for the out-building footings to be built. = $5,947 Desisn Deficiencies COR 08: The masonry planter retaining wall along the walkway west of the fire station was shown on the architecturalplans. The Structuraland Civil Engineering plans did hot detail any steel reinforcement in the masonry. = $874 1. TMFPD Requested COR OsR: Owner requested the Apparatus Bay exhaust system to be changed from the Plymovent System to Neederman System. = 25,011 1. Government Levied COR 09: NV Energy required a 30' wide pad be leveled along the power lines on the hil! north of the retaining walls. =$2,839 '1. C@o{ircnoe TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT C.U/ACI\fu FinancelwB STAFF REPORT Board Meeting Date: June 17,2014 Legat-nC RiskMgt._DT HR N/A DATE: May 28,2014 TO: Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief Phone: (77 5) 328-6123 Email: [email protected] SUBJECT: Discussion and action on Resolution creating the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund as of July 1,2014. (All Commission Districts) STIMMARY Discussion and action on Resolution creating the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund as of July 1,2014. Strategic Objective supported by this item: Sustainability of ourfinancial, social and natural resources. PREVIOUS ACTION On May 19,2014, the Board of Fire Commissioners approved the FY14-15 Budget which included the establishment of a new fund called the Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund. BACKGROT]ND The FYl4-15 Budget included the establishment of a new fund called the Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund which will fund employees' termination benefits when they retire or leave service. The establishment of this fund is necessary due to the several retirements the District is anticipating in the next few years. The establishment of the fund will enhance the District's long term financial sustainabilrty by beginning to pre-fund the District's termination benefits liability which was estimated at $1,049,313 as of June 30,2013. This fund is funded by a $589,769 tansfer from the Health Benefits Fund which is being eliminated since it is no longer needed. The anticipated expenditure for FY14-15 is $255,000. The remaining monies will be carried forward to future years in order to pay this large liability. FISCAL IMPACT The FY14-15 Budget includes the establishment of the Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund to be funded by a $589,769 nansfer from the Health Benefits Fund. In the future, the fund will be replenished from the District's General Fund operating funds. AGENDA ITEM # 6 Truckpe Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners Page 2 of2 RECOMMENDATION To approve the Resolution creating the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund as of July 1,2014. POSSIBLE.MOTION Should the Board agree with staffs recommendation a possible motion would be: "I move to approve the Resolution creating the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Sich Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund as of July l, 2014." RESOLUTION ----- Creating the Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District as of July 1,2014 WHEREAS, the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners desire to create a fund forthe Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District's employees' termination benefits; and WHEREAS, NRS 354.604 provides that the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Dishict Board of Fire Commissioners may establish pension and other employee benefits funds according to its own needs; and WHEREAS, NRS 354.612 provides that the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners may establish a fund by resolution which describes the purpose of the fund, the resourges to be used to establish the fund, the sources to be used to replenish the fund and the method for controlling the expensos and revenues of the fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The object and purpose ofthis fund is to account for employees' termination benefits expenditures incurred by the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District for the payment of sick, annual and comp benefits upon employees' termination; and 2. The resources being used to establish the fund are in the Health Benefits Fund which will be transferred to the Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund. 3. The source to be used for future replenishment of the fund is operating funds from the District's General Fund to the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District's Sick, Annual, and Comp Benefits Fund. 4. The method for which a determination will be made as to whether the firnd balance is reasonable and necessary to carry out the purpose of the fund and for controlling expenses and revenues of the fund is the budgeting and financial accounting policies administered by the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection f)istrict. 5. Any interest earned on the monies in the fund, after deducting applicable bank charges, must be credited to the fund. ADOPTED this _ day of June,2014. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: David Humke, Chairman ATTEST: Nancy Parent, Washoe County Clerk TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CMJ^CM(V STAFF REPORT Board Meeting l)ate: June l7r20l4 Finance iffi Legal Ee RiskMgt.U HRN/A DATE: Mlay 23,2014 TO: Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: Alex Kukulus, Battalion Chief TIIROUGH: Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief Phone: (77 5) 328-6123 Email: [email protected]& ST]BJECT: Recommendation to approve a sole source contract with Bound Tree Medical for Emergency Medical Services supplies and the Operative IQ Software Program for Inventory, Asset, and Fleet Maintenance and Management. ST'MMARY Recommendation to approve a sole source contract with Bound Tree Medical for Emergency Medical Services supplies and the Operative IQ Software Program for Inventory, Asset, and Fleet Maintenance and Management. Strategic Objective supported by this item: Safe, Secure and Healtlry Comrnunities PREVIOUS ACTION On February 26,2013, the Board of Fire Commissioners approved an enhancement in the EMS service level to ALS within the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District. BACKGROI]ND As a result of the District's transition from an Intennediate Life Support (ILS) Agency to an Advanced Life Support (ALS) Agency, the utilization for Emergency Medical Supplies (EMS) is expected to increase. The District curently has an agreement with REMSA for reimbursement of supplies used on those District EMS calls that REMSA tansports and subsequently bills the patient for. Under the preceding reimbursement arrangement, Bound Tree Medical offers REMSA's volume discount pricing to the District for all items purchased, not just those that are reimbursed. Many of the items covered under the agreement are a standardized inventory of supplies compatible with the equipment used in Advanced Life Support efforts by both REMSA and the Distict. In addition to these volume discounts, Bound Tree offers software licensing for Operative IQ's lnventory, Asset, and Fleet Maintenance and Management Software. The software is provided to the District in the fonn of a rebate so long as the District meets specific purchasing thresholds, including those pass-through costs reimbursed by REMSA. The District needs an inventory management system to replenish, inventory, and reconcile EMS supplies. As part of this agreement, Bound Tree Medical will AGEI\IDA ITEM # 7 provide set up and licensing for an inventory management system to replenish, inventory, and reconcile EMS supplies, in addition to other modules that are available at the District's option at no additional cost to the District. Implementation of this software solution fulfitls Goal I of the District's Snategic Plan, Objective l-B; to develop an inventory management system for EMS supplies to ensure required equipment and supplies axe up to date and available for resupply. The District is recommending Board approval under the sole source exemption for this agreement for the inventory of supplies compatible with the District's ALS equipment, and which includes software offered by Operative IQ that will provide efficiencies and automated workflow solutions that reach far beyond the scope of EMS supplies. In addition to the efficiency gained by automating the ordering and replenishment process for EMS supplies and ensuring that the District receives these volume discounts from Bound Tree, the District has also elected to load the price lists offered by the other two primary EMS suppliers in the market; Henry Schein, and Life-Assist. The software system will provide the best price for each item requested based on these price lists. This effort will ensure due diligence is exercised by the Disfiict while providing sales opportunities to the best supplier across the board as we expect utilization to increase. This arangement also ensures that a spirit of competition and faimess remains in effect with atl suppliers, where local suppliers are utilized whenever in the best interest of the District, all while rcaliztng savings and efficiencies that could not be gained otherwise. Along with profiding an inventory management system for EMS supplies, the system has modules available (at no additional cost) that automate many industry practices that are currently archaic and inefficient, but vital to crew safety, which include many safety checks, such as SCBA safety checks, ALS safety checks, Generator checks, and a variety of logs such as Fuel logs, Narcotics logs, etc. Automating these efforts by using the Operative IQ Software App on a mobile device provides the same granularity of inspection, but automates the record keeping and maintenance requests in real time. FISCAL IMPACT There are no additional costs as EMS supplies are already included in the current year budget which is sufficient for the Disfiict's requirements. The value of the software is S16,212; this cost is waived so long as the Dishict meets the annual purchasing threshold of $40,000 for EMS Supplies. Approximately $18,800 of these annual purchases are pass-through costs reimbursed by REMSA. RECOMMENDATION Recommendation to approve a sole source contract with Bound Tree Medical for Emergency Medical Services supplies and the Operative IQ Software Program for Inventory, Asset, and Fleet Maintenance and Management. POSSIBLE MOTION Should the Board agree with staffs recorlmendation a possible motion could be: ooMove to approve a sole solrce contract with Bound Tree Medical for Emergency Medical Services supplies and the Operative IQ Sofiware Program for Inventory, Asset, and Fleet Maintenance and Management." WASHOE COI]NTY TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CIr4/AcI\Ah STAFF REPORT Board Meeting Date: June 17,2014 RiskMgt.N/A TR}UA DATE: May 08,2014 TO: Board of County Commissioners and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: FinanceVUB Legal BC-- Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief : (7 7 5) 328-6123, Email : CMoore@tm$ Michael Haley, Sheriff Telephone : (7 7 5) 7 42-3010 Email: [email protected] Telephone SUBJECT: Approval of the Interlocal Agreement - RAVEN Fire Training, Monitoring and Suppression Personnel and Equipment between the County of Washoe on behalf of the Washoe County SherifPs Offrce, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District [$65,000 and $10,000 respectively] for the provision, when requested of a helicopter or other aircraft and personnel and approve reimbursement for services rendered throughout the year by the Washoe County ShenifPs Office to be paid in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement to the Washoe County SherifPs Office Regional Aviation Unit (RAVEI$, and if approved, authorizethe Finance Division to make the necessary budget adjustments. (All Commission Districts) ST'MMARY Approval of the Interlocal Agreement - RAVEN Fire Training, Monitoring and Suppression Personnel and Equipment between the County of Washoe on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriffs Office (WCSO), Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) andNorth Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District (NLTFPD) [$65,000 and $10,000 respectively] for the provision, when requested of a helicopter or other aircraft and personnel and approve reimbursement for services rendered throughout the year by the Washoe County Sherriffs Office to be paid in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement to the Washoe County Sheriffs Office Regional Aviation Unit EAVEN), and if approved, authorize the Finance Division to make the necessary budget adjustments. Strategic Objective supported by this item: Safe, secure andhealtlry communities PREYIOUS ACTION The Board of Fire Commissioners approved the Interlocal Agreement- RAVEN Fire Training, Monitoring and suppression Personnel and Equipment on June 11,2013. The Board of County Commissioners approved the lnterlocal Agreement - RAVEN Fire Training, Monitoring and suppression Personnel and Equipment on May 28,2A13. This Agreement expires on June 30, 2014; this is a renewal of the Agreement. BCC AGENDA ITEM # BOFC AGENDA ITB,D.{# -E BCC and BOFC Meeting June 17, 2014 Page 2 of 2 BACKGROT]I\D 1n2007, the need for an airbome firefighting asset dedicated to the protection of Washoe County citizens and property was identified. Because the WCSO already owned an aircraft, the HH-IH "Huey''which was capable of fulfilling this mission, the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners and Board of Fire Commissioners appropriated the needed funds to purchase a belly mounted tank. The intent and desired outcome of that purchase was the development of a program in which the Huey could be employed as an initial attack asset on wildland fires within Washoe County and TMFPD. Since that time, RAVEN has participated in combating over 40 wildland fires. It has supported firefrghting efforts for local as wel1as federal agencies, ensuring the safety, well-being and quality of life for all resident of the District. The acceptance of this Agreement continues this parbrership with our local fire districts ensuring they have a dedicated initial attachasset available to them for fre season. T.ISCAL IMPACT Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District - The FY l4l15 budget for TMFPD includes the $50,000 cost of the Raven Interlocal Agreement under the Emergency Fund and the remaining $15,000 is being funded through Sierra Fire Protection Distict also included in their FY l4ll5 budget under the Emergency Fund. The total $65,000 payment of the Interlocal Agreement will be made from these respective funds. Washoe County Sherriffs Office - The money received with this Interlocal will be used for the operation of the RAVEN program and reimburse the Sheriffs Offrce for the costs incurred supporting these Fire Dishicts. The FY l4ll5 budget already reflects this Interlocal Agreement under RAVEN cost Center 15072A, GL Account 460162 RECOMMEI\IDATION It is recommended that the Boards approve the Interlocal Agreement - RAVEN Fire Training, Monitoring and Suppression Personnel and Equipment between the County of Washoe on behalf of the Washoe County SherifPs Office, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District [$65,000 and $10,000 respectively] for the provision, when requested of a helicopter or other aircraft and personnel and approve reimbursement for services rendered throughout the year by the Washoe County Sherriffs Office to be paid in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement to the Washoe County Sheriffs Office Regional Aviation Unit (RAYEN), and if approved, authorizethe Finance Division to make the necessary budget adjustrrents. POSSIBLE MOTION Should the Boards agree with staffs recoilrmendation a possible motion would be: "f move to approve the Interlocal Agreement - MVEN Fire Training Monitoring and Suppression Personnel and Equipment between the County of Washoe on behalf of the Waslne County Sheriffs Office, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District [$65,000 and $10,000 respectivefl for the provision, when requested of a helicopter or other aircrafi and personnel and approve reimbursementfor services rendered throughout the year by the Washoe County Sheniffs Office to be paid in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement to the Washoe County Sheriffs Office Regional Aviation Unit (RAVEN), and if approved, authorize the Finance Division to make the necessary budget adjustments." X'IRE TRAII\IN AND STIPPRESSION PERSONIIEL AI\D EOTIIPMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, hereinafter tefetred to as "Agteement'', is made and entered by and between the County of STashoe, a political subdivision of the State of Nevada, on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriffs Office, gTTPanBoulevard, Reno, NV 89512, hereinafter the'"U7CSO", the Ttuckee Mezdows Fire Protection District, 1001 E. 96 St., Reno, NV 89520, heteinafter'T\[EPD", and the North Lake Tahoe Fire Ptotection Distric\866 Oriole I7ay, Incline Village, NV 89451, heteinafter the'NLTFPD". TMFPD, and NLTFPD, may be collectively refered to as the'Tite Distdcrc." The parties to this 4greemeot also may be refered to as "participating agerif' or "participating agencies." WHEREAS, each of the parties ate public agencies ard political subdivisions of the State of Nevada; and ITHEREAS, NRS 277.180(1) ptovides that any one or mote public agencies may conttact with ary ore or mote ottret public agencies to perfor:n any goveflrmental semice, activity ot undetakingwhich any of the contrac {g 4gencies is authorized by law to perform; and WHEREAS, the WCSO owns and opetates an HH1-H helicopter oo which awater tank for fire suppression can be affixed, as well as two OH-58 helicopters $rhich anqaftare suitable fot use for aeial observatioc pu4>oses; and WHEREAS, the Fite Districts are responsible forwildland fire monitodng afld supptession areas ef uninc6rpotated Washoe Couoty; and withh theit tespecdve WHEREAS, aerial fire monitoring and suppression instituted by the Fire Districts can be mote done cost-effectively using the aedal resources of the !7CSO; and WHEREAS, the parties desire that the WCSO tespond for the pu{poses of rcialwildland fire monitoring and suppression fot the Fire Distticts, which resporse shall include such mutual ftaidry exetcises as the parties to this Agteement shall agee are necessary to provide the level of service and margio of safety appropriate for such pu4roses; and WHEREAS, the Fire Distticts'tespective lands all pose fire dangerc at ':nes and, therefore, the Fire Distticts agtee to patticipate in portions of the administration and costs of the duties and obligatioos to the !7CSO as set forth in this Agreemenq NOW, THEREFORE, based on the foregoing premises and the following coveflants, terms and conditioos, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: 1.. TERM: This Agreement shall commence upon acceptance by all paties aod shall tetrrinate onJune 30,2015. 2. TERMINATION: Any pafiy m^y tetminate this Agreementwithout cause, soleh as to its duty and obligation hereunder, upon 90 days wtitten notice to all othet paties. Any patty may INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page I of 12 tetminate this Ageement for cause, solely as to its duty and obligation hereuoder, after 30 days wtitten ootice to the defaulting prrry' (i"r) only if the defaulting paty [es) fails to cure the default within those 30 days. The notice shall specifr the cause alleged as the basis for said tetmination. In the event any pafiy tefinioates this Agteement for cause, the Agreement shall temain in force aod effect with othet parties who have oot taketr action to terminate. 3. AGREEMENT AS TO PERSONNELAND EOUIPMENT A}.[D OPERATING PROTOCOLS AND PROCEDURES: A. Aircrafi and Equipment: 7. The ITCSO shall ptovide, when requested, the FIRE DISTRICTS a helicopter, and possibly othet aitctaft if made available by !7CSO, (hereinafter collectively tefered to as 'telicopter') for the use of FIRE DISTRICTS for monitoring and fite suppression pulposes duting fire season. For purposes, of this Agreemeng "fi.te seasofl" shall be defined as commencing as of Apdl 1 211d snding as of October 31 dudng the applicable calendar year. Except as specifically otherwise ptovided in this Agreemen! the duties and obligations of FIRE DISTRICTS and WCSO in regard to said Airuaft and Equipment only apply during the 6re season as so defined. WCSO as ownet of helicopter and shall maifltaifl the helicopter to standards applicable to the allowed uses established by this Agreemeng including standatds referenced hetein, and assure its availability to the Fite Distticts dudng the Fite Season. 2. The helicopter provided shall be configuted as follows: A Type which axeaft shall be configured to meet ICS 420-1, ^. minimum2 helicopter, standards for a Type 2 helicopter, including but not limited to: o 10 seats, including piloq . 2,500 pound card weight capacity; and o 300 gallons of water capaaty. b. Include a fixed water tanL capable of two (2) &ops per sortie and equipped with a self-filling snorkel device. 3. The helicopter and any other aircruftprovided pursuart to this Agreement shall be equipped, maintained and opetated undet all applicable Fedetal Aviation Ag"o"y (FAA) tegulations. 4. The helicopter provided pusuant to this Agreement shall be opetated, maintained and secured within the guidelines of the Federal Excess Perconal Propety (FEPP) Progtam and its sponsors, the United States Forest Service, hereinaftet refered to as the "[JSFS" and the Bureau of Land Managemeng heteinafter referred to as the 'BLI\4." 5. The WCSO shall provide pilots fot any helicoptet and all othet aircraft provided pursuant to the teffis of this Agreement and shall be rcsponsibly to assure that such pilots have ptoper training and adequate supetvision to accomplish the allowed uses established by this Agreement. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page2 of 12 6. All pilots ptovided by the WCSO shall have curent commercial licenses. For fircfuhting missions tlat involve federal lands, the pilots shall also have curent petmits and apptovals (carrlind ftom USFS and BLM for firefightingmissions. 7. The ITCSO shall notiS FIRE DISTRICTS of the schedule fot inspections of any of the helicoptet, including other airctaft made avallable, as ptovided by the WCSO to the FIRE DISTRICTS during the term of this Agteement and allow each FIRE DISTRICTS representative to attend the catd tevierr procedures. This inspection is for infotmational pulposes and does not impose any form of duty or liability on Fire Distticts to ascertain fitness fot pulpose or to confiffi adequate maintenance has been 8. The !7CSO shall also supply necessary supporting equipment for the helicopter, including but not limited to, ao approved fuel-servicing vehicle sufficient 16 sustain eight (8) houts of helicoptet flight under ftefuhting conditions. The fuel-servicing vehicle shall be inspected by the FIRE DISTRICTS and WCSO shall comply with all fire, vehicle and other applicable codes rclated thereto. This inspection is fot informational Puq)oses aod does not impose any fotm of duty or liability on Fire Distticts to ascertain fitness for pr,?ose or to confirm adequate mainte1211ge has been petfotmed. 9. Any helicoptet supplied pursuant to this Agreement shall be opetated in accotdance with the "Intetagency Helicopter Opetations Guide" (IHOG). 10. The FIRE DISTRICT rhat requests use of Helicopter shall provide a helicopter eithet a FIRE DISTRICTS employee ot thtough a cooperative agteementwith another 4geocy, anytime a helicoptet is rcquested from the !7CSO under the terms of this Ageement If the requesting FIRE DISTRICT is unable to provide a helicopter frarlage\ the !7CSO shall ptovide one. The cost fot the helicopter Manager, if provided by !7CSO, shall be bome by FIRE DISTRICT. W, Operaions 1. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall appoint 2 dssifated helicopter rnanager for all opetations for which a helicopter is rcquested pursuant to this Agreement. If no FIRE DISTRICT helicopter m4nager is available for response, the ITCSO shall ptovide the helicoptet mqrager. The helicopter managff shall $s tesponsible for the administtative and tactical functions of the akcraft Although the FIRE DISTRICTS *y select a helicoptet rnanaget based on its ourn selection citena, the FIRE DISTRICTS will consultwith the WCSO regarding the Selection. 2. The helicopters subiect to this Agteement will be based at the Reno-Stead Aiqpot. The FIRE DISTRICTS may,atits, option designate altetnate bases for temporary operation. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall be tesponsible for the cost of flight time to and ftom the altefnate base so dssignated. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND STIPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page 3 of 12 3. The FIRE DISTRICTS *y have inteagency and cooperative-agreements with other local state and federal agencies and may dispatch the helicopter to supply automatic and mutual aid pursuant to contracts with those agencies. The ITCSO cotrsents to the use by the FIRE DISTRICTS of the WCSO personnel and equipment desiglated in this Agteement pursuart to those 4greements for wildland fire monitoring and supptession activities u/ithin the County of I7ashoe. Opemtions for such puq)oses outside of l7ashoe County may rot be undetaken without the prior approval by the !7CSO Assistant Sheriff of Opetations - or a higher member of the WCSO Cot"mand Staff - which approval or denial shall be at the sole disctetion of the WCSO. Io *y event such operations shall not exceed twenty (20) nautical miles beyond the lTashoe County boundary lines. 4. In the event thrtaWCSO helicoptet is not zvaiTable for a tesponse to a FIRE DISTRICTS'tequest fot a firc monitodng or supptession mission due to b"iog utilized by a another ageocy for fire monitori.g or suppression, it will be the responsibility of the FIRE DISTRICTS and the Incident Commandet of the fire in which the helicopter is akeady wotking, to determine which firc should receive ptiotity for ait support. 5. Furthet opetational and related det-ils coflcemiflg the parties'performance under this Agreement in tegard to said Airctaft and Equipment are set forth in the parties' Aviation Ffue Suppression Ptogram Operational Plaa2010 ('Operating Plro') executed cofltemporaneously hetevdth. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall govem and tesolve any conflicts between the Opetating Plan and this Agteement. C. Auailabilig 1. Asfollows: Du'ing the Fite Season and during the dutation of this Agreement the helicopter shall be available: L. Immediate Response: The helicoptet shall be available for immediate resporse dudry dssifated'T.ed Flag" days. 'T.ed Flag" days shall be defined as those days that the National lTeather Service has issued a "Red Flag" warning fot rry area undet the FIRE DISTRICTS'responsibility. For the pulposes of this Agteemeng the phmse "immediate response" shall mean the helicoptet is in flight within fifteen (5) minutes of receipt of the contact by the \VCSO ftom the FIRE DISTRICTS requesting such equipment's disparch. b. Standby Tims The helicoptet will be available fout (4) days per week, ten (10) houts per day. The duty hours will be cootdinated with the FIRE DISTRICTS to maximize covetage for the cdtical bum hows. Sunset will be taken into coosideration fot opetational houts as the WCSO will not be qualified to fight fircs at night dudng the period of this Agreement The "designated dryr" of the week will be at the disctetion of the WCSO. The response time shall be oo more than thirty (30) minutes ftom notification of the WCSO by the FIRE DISTRICTS tequesting such dispatch. For'Red Fla,g" days thztfalT outside of a designated four $) d"y work week, the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page 4 of 12 WCSO shall sgff 16e helicoptet fot immediate response if requested and for an additional cost as hereinafter set forth. c. The helicoptet may be made available erch day for rccall fot houts that fall outside of the ITCSO's designated wotk week hours. This rccall status will be available fot an additional cost. For the pulposes of 'his Agreemeng "rec1ll" shall mean the pilot is being recalled ftom an off-duty status and will respond to the hanger. The helicopter will be staffed and in flight within one (1) hour of notification of the designated recall pilot. d. Time Schedules: The FIRE DISTRICTS and the I7CSO, in cooperation with the other involved fue departnents and districts will meet and mutually agree on duty hours ptior to the start of the fire season. 2. The !7CSO shall ptovide immediate notification to the FIRE DISTRICTS' Chief Operations of any inability of the ITCSO to provide the designated personnel and equipment putsuant to the tems and conditions of this Ag1ss6sn1 of 3. The !7CSO shall ptovide all necessary support for continuous, uninterupted opetation of the helicoptet whenever required pursuant to the terms of this Agreement This support shall include, but not be limited to, a staffed fuel tnrck and other serrices as tequited. 4. The ITCSO may,atits sole discetion, when so requested by the FIRE DISTRICTS, make an additional helicoptet (OH-58) *ailable to the FIRE DISTRICTS fot aeial obserration. Such additional arrcraftis subject to the immediate dfuection of the WCSO. The FIRE DISTRICTS mly, at their disctetion, request such additional arcraft on a callwhen-needed basis when the FIRE DISTRICTS'incident commanders request additional fitefuhting resources. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall reimburse the !fCSO for such call-when-needed atcraftin accotdance with the tenns of this Agteement. A qualified helicopter tr'a",zget will be assigned to call-when-needed arcraftwhen available, but shall not delay a response. 5. When the FIRE DISTRICTS request the availability of an observatioo helicopter and it is made;ble by the I7CSO, the FIRE DISTRICTS acknowledges that such OH-58 helicoptets opetated by the I(CSO ale flot ard will flot be "carded" by the USFS ot the BLM and therefote its costs do not qualify for reimbusement by FEMA. 6. Except as provided in Section 3 of this Agreemeng in the eveflt that other agencies rcquest the use of the !7CSO'S attcrafg the use of those a:rrraft shall be govemed by the tetms of use established by the WCSO with those agencies. D. Training 7. All pilots assigned to aruaftunder this Agreement shall be tained in the policies, ftequency plans and special safety issues of the FIRE DISTRICTS and Federal INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page 5 of 12 ftefightirrg avtaion assets. This knowledg" -ry, in the alternative, be gained by attending NDF/USFS/BLM Aviation safety meetings, pre-season inter-agency operations meetings and othet such oppotunities. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall make such opportunities available to the !7CSO's pilots at no charge, cost or fees for such atteodance and participation. 2. WCSO shall tain the helicoptermanagetin the duties and tesponsibilities of the chief at no additiotalchatge, cost ot fee for such training othet than assessment of the chatges and fees dgsignated fot use of the ITCSO personnel and equipment for such training and opetational usage by the FIRE DISTRICTS of such personnel and equipment cterxr 3. The WCSO'S Aviation Unit managet s1 his dssignee and all pilots (based upon availabitty) assigned to atttaftunder this Agreement shall attend a FIRE DISTRICTS' approved pre-seasor workshop. 4. The ITCSO shall make its helicoptets teasonably available,at the agteed hourly fligh1 tate, for fitefightiry coordination training of flying crervs and helicopter rnanagers. E. Corzmunications: 7. A morning rcport shall be tansmitted to the on-duty Battalion Chiefs for the FIRE DISTRICTS as well as the Incline, and Minden Dispatch centers within 30 minutes of commencement of daily operations. 2. This teport shall include: o o o o o o Status of RAVEN 3 (FIH-lH, Ho.y) Response posture, immediate or statrd-by Pilot name Special status changes; ie., location if not Reno-Stead Aiqport Othet available helicopters Name of Helicoptet Maflager 3. The helicoptel manager ot the pilot shall ensure the following minimutn information is obtained before liftoff on a fue t'rission:' o o o . o Location and name of incident patitude and Longitude if available) Command radio ftequency ICS gtound cotrtact Call-up ftequency if different ftom command ftequency Ait-to-air ftequency if other atrctaftate opetanng 4. At the FIRE DISTRICTS' rcques! the WCSO personnel who paricipate in, a respoose will attend any FIRE DISTRICTS'meetings to discuss tle rcsponse to the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page 6 of 12 incident subject to said attendance occuring dudng such penonnelis regular duties days and hous. F. Funding and Reirnbursenent: 1,. As and fot advaace firnding fot the availabtltty dudng a fire season of designated !trCSO equipment and personnel at rimes constituting the WCSO's dssignated wotk week and houts, the FIRE DISTRICTS will provide advaoce fundi'''g to the WCSO as follows: ^. The TMFPD shall ptovide to the !7CSO 965,000 uiithin 30 days acceptarce by all parties to this Agteement b. The NLTFPD shall ptovide to the !7CSO 910,000 within 30 days acceptance by all parties to 'his Agreement. of of The pu4rose of the advance fundirrg by each of the FIRE DISTRICTS is to ensure the ability of each district to rcquest a WCSO helicoptet for wildland firc monitoring atd,/ot suppression pursuart to the terms of this Agreement. The advanss funding shalt be utilized at the discretion of the \VCSO in its sole and absolute discretion. 2. Reimbusement for Flight Time: The FIRE DISTRICTS do not guarantee a maximum ot minimutrr aumbet of flighl hours thatmay be utilized for training and the monitodng and supptession of wildland fires dudng the term of this Agreemeng such usage being subiect to the trature and extent of such incident during the tetm of this Agteement. When the airuaft of the WCSO coveted by this Agteement are operaingat the tequest of a FIRE DISTRICT, that FIRE DISTRICT is solely rcsponsible to teimburse the !7CSO as follours: $1,190 per flight hout for the HH-1H Huey helicopter. Flight time shall be accrued and teimbused in tenths of an hour based upon a batteryactivated hout meter and shdl include fueL $525 pet fligh1[6ur for the OH-58 helicopter. Ffuht time shall be acctued and teimbursed in tenths of an hour based upon a batteryactivated hour meter afld shall include fuel. 3. Personnel Surchatges: Anytime a ![CSO pilot is opetating on behalf of a FIRE DISTRICT, ot is requested by the FIRE DISTRICTS to be available for an immediate response ot to be on standby, outside of the WCSO designated work week houn, the FIRE DISTRICTS shall pay a sutchatge. a. A tequest to be availabls f6l immsdiate tesponse shall generate a surchatge of $100 per hour ($152 per hout on a holiday) to be paid to the ITCSO by the FIRE DISTRICTS. The rcquesting FIRE DISTRICT shall pay $100 per hout of this suchatge. The temaioing quarter shall be paid by the lTashoe INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MOMTORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT PageT of12 County Firc Suppression Budget. Holidays will be defined in accordance with the ITashoe County Deputies Association conftact with the County. b. When \[/CSO personnel operate arqaftat the request of a FIRE DISTRICT, then that FIRE DISTIRCT is solely responsible for the swchatge of $100 pet hour ($152 per hour on a holiday). Holidays will be defined in accotdance with the ITashoe County Deputies Association conttact with the County. c. When any one or more of the FIRE DISTRICTS request the \UTCSO to .',nes guxoafiee avathbilrty of a pilot at outside of the ITCSO's dssignated wotk week hours (i.e, "immediate availability" not desired but rather on "standby''with a pger, e.g.), the FIRE DISTRICTS shall pay to the \VCSO a sutchatge of $9.25 pet hour per person ($14.00 on a holiday). This surchatge is mandated in accordance with Washoe County Deputies Association contract with the I7CSO, specifically Ynhoratpzy per hour of "stand-by dme." The FIRE DISTRICTS must notify the WCSO Aviation Unit menager 8 hours priot to the desired tecdl pedod to determine pilot avulabitty and ptovide propet prior notice and crew rest to the designated pilot. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall eachpay t/z of this surchatge. The remainhg quafiff is to be paid by the lTashoe County Fire Suppression Budget. When said pilot is then requested for immediate availability, or requested to operate arrcraft, then this standby status is ternrinated along with this surcharge and the sutchatge rutein patag:aiph 3.F.3.b immediately above applies. d. The FIRE DISTRICTS tury request a pilot to respond outside of the ITCSO's dssignated work week hous but without designating a pilot for standby; however the !7CSO will not goaxaritee a response in such event e. If a fueI truck is requested by a FIRE DISTRICT to tespond to a fire, the requesting FIRE DISTRICT is solely responsible fot and shall pay $37 per hour ($55 pet hout on a holiday) for the drivet. The requesting FIRE DISTRICT 5hall pay - in addition - $1.00 per mile ftom the Reno-Stead Airyort to and ftom any staging atea. Fot any ftaining activities provided to the FIRE DISTRICTS in which the fuel tnrck is requested the rates in this patagaph apply and shall be equally shated by the FIRE DISTRICTS participating in the ftaining. These rates include fueL f. If the requesting FIRE DISTRICT is unable to provide a helicoptet rn^nager and !7CSO provides one, the requesting FIRE DISTRICT shall pay $37 per hout ($55 on a holiday) fot the helicopter n?nageL g. The ITCSO Aviation Unit Managet or his designee shall ptepare, during each month during the tetm of this Agteement when a teimbursement is due, a month-end invoice detailing services tendered and the assooated costs in INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page 8 of 12 accordance with this Agreement. A copy of any backup documentation will be ptovided to the FIRE DISTRICTS when tequested of the wcso Finance Tiais611Officer. h. The FIRE DISTRICTS shall temit to the WCSO full payment within 30 days of teceipt of the invoice, which paymert shall be by a check made out to the lTashoe County Sheriffs Office, RAVEN program. 4. ADMINISTRATION: The FIRE DISTRICTS'Chiefs and the Washoe County Shedff shall fg rcsponsible fot the administration of this Agreement. Each party to this Agreement tepreseots to the othet that it has sufficient resoutces aridf ot otler agreements to perfotm the govsnAnts, tetms and conditions set-forth heter:nder. The terms of this Agreement may be modified only by wdtten agreement of the parties hereto. 5. EMPLOYMENT STATUS: The WCSO and the FIRE DISTRICTS individually shalt duing the entire tetm of this Agreemen! be construed to be independent cofltractots and nothing irt this Agreement is intended not shall be construed to cteate 2n employer-emFloyee dationship between emFloyees of arry of the parties hereto. Except as expressly provided in this Agreemeng the WCSO shall be tesponsible for management of and costs associated with the !7CSO employees, and the FIRE DISTRICTS shall be responsible for management of and FIRE DISTRICTS' employees. tle costs associated with the 6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT & SEYERABILITY: This Agreement contains all of the commitments and agreemeots of the parties. Otal and written commitments not cootained herein shall be of no fotce or effect to alter any term of this Agteement. In the event any one or more of tle tetms, sentences, paragaphs, ot ptovisions contained herein shall for any reasoo be held invalid, i[.Srl, or unenfotceable in any rcspec! such invalidity illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other tetms, sefltences, paragaphs or provisions, and this Agreement shall be constued as if such invalid, ilLgal, ot unenfotceable provision had never been contained hetein. 7. NOTICE. All notices or othet communications tequired or petmitted to be given undet this Agreement shell be in wdting and shall be deemed to have been duly given if deliveted perconally i" h."4 by telephonic facsimile with simultaneous regular mail, or mailed certified mail, retum receipt requested postage ptepaid on the date posted, and addtessed to the other patty at the addtess set forth above. INSPECTION & AUDIT. A Books andRecords. Eachparty agrees to keep aliJrnaintain undet genetally accepted accounring pdnciples fult tue and complete tecotds, agreements, books, and documeflts as afe flecessary to fully disclose to the other party, the State or United States Govemmeng or their aathoizedrepresentatives, upoo audits ot teviews, sufficient information to detetmine gemFliarce with any applicable regulations and statutes. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page9 of12 B. InEection dvAudit Eachpatty agtees that the relevant books, tecotds (wdtten, electronic, computer telated or otherwise), inclu.ling but not limited to relevant accounting procedures and practices of the pafty,frr'ardr.l statements and supporting documentation, and documentation related to the wotk product shall be subjecg at arry rcasonable time, to inspection, examinatiotl review, audig aod copying office ot location where such rccords may ^taay be found, with ot without notice by the othet party, the State Auditor, F.mFloyment Security, the Department of Adrninistradon, Budget Division, the Nevada State Attotney Genenl's Offi.ce ot its Fraud Conuol Units, the State Legislative Auditor, and with regard to any federal fundin& the relevant fedetal ageocy, the Comptroller General, the General Accounting Office, the Office of the Inspectot Genetal, or any of theit auf}iorized teptesentadves. C. Pniod of Rennilon. All books, tecords, repofts, and statements televant to this Agreement must be tetained by each patty fot a minimum of tbree years and for f,ve yeats if any federal firnds are used in this Agreement. The rctention pedod runs ftom the date of termination of Agreement. Retention time shall be extended when an audit is scheduled ot in progtess fot a pedod reasonably necessary to complete an audit and/ot to complete any administrative and judicid litigation which rury ensue. 9. LIABILITY OF PARTICIPATING AGENCIES A. To the extent limited in accordance with NRS 41.0305 to NRS 41,.039, each participating ryerLq agrees to indemnifr, hold hatmless and defend the other participating ageocies, theit officets, employees and agents ftom and against dl liability, claims, acdons, damages, losses, and exposes, including but not limited to teasonable attotneys' fees and costs, adsing out of aoy alleged oegligent ot willful a;ct or omissions of the participating agencfr its offi.cets, employees and agents -iriog out of the performance of this Agreement. Each ryency may assefr all available defenses, including but not limited to the defense of sovereign immunity as appropriate io all cases. Each agenqy's obligation fot aclions s6qrnding in tort is limited in accotdance with the provisions of NRS 41.035. B. Each participaingagetq shall be tesponsible for, and the othet agencies shall have no obligations with tespect to the following 1. 2. 3. Withholding income taxes, FICA or any other taxes ot fees Industial insutance Participation in any Soup insurance plans availablg 16 smployees or employing agerliq or Participation 5. participating agencies to the Public Employees Retirement System Accumulation of vacation leave ot sick leave Unemploymert compeosation coyerage ptovided by the participating agencies 6. contribution by either the 4. TNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page l0 of 12 the C. To the extent limited in accordance with NRS 41.0305 to NRS 47.l3g-participating agencies shall indemni& and hold other participating agencies hatmless &om liability for damages, costs, penalties, liabilities, and expenses arising or incured because of, incident to, or otherwise with rcspect to any such taxes or fees. The employing ageocy's employees, agents, or representatives shall not be consideted employees, ageots or tepresentatives of othet patticipating agencies. Each agetcy will assert the defense of sovereign immunity as apptopriate in all cases. Each agency's obligation fot actions s616ding in tort is limited in accordance with the provisions of NRS 41.035. D. To the extent limited in accordance with NRS 41.0305 to NRS 41.039-participating agencies shall iodemnifr afld hold othet participating agencies ha.mless for damage, s1 ftom liability for damages, tesulting ftom the use of anothet agencies'equipment or vehicle while acting in official czipaaty in firtherance of this agreemeflt. This excludes Iiability fot d'mages arising ftom mechanical ot other defects with the equipment or vehicles, fot which the owning agency shall be responsible. Each ryerrq will asset the defense of soveteign immunity as apptoptiate in all cases. F;zch agen$s obligation for acd.ons s661ding in tort is limited in accotdance urith the provisions of NRS 41,.035. 10. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. For the limited pu4)ose of the exclusive remedy set forth in NRS 6164.020, parties shall be deemed to employ jointly a person who is an employee of ^17 eithet party aod sustains an iniury by accident ot occupational disease while participating in the mattff fot which assistance was requested. However, for the pqpose of providing insurance benefits pursuant to NRS 616A through NRS 616D aod NRS 677 each party shall provide such benefits to its own employees at its own expense. The patties waive any indemnification provision with tespect to such industral infuties or occupational diseases. 71,. GOYERNING LAW;IURISDICTION. This Agreement and the dghls and obligations of the patties hereto shell be govemed by, and construed agselding to, ttre laurs of the State of Nevada. The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the SecondJudicial Disttict Court of the State of Nevada for inteqpretation and enforcement of this Agteement. 1,2. ASSIGNMENT. Neithet party shall assign, ftansfer or delegate any dgh6, obligations or duties undet this Agteement urithout the prior wdtten conseo.t of the other party. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties heteto have approved this Agteement ard have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers on tle date next to the signatufes. ITASHOE COUNTY COARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Byt Date: David Humke, Chaitman ATTEST: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page ll of12 County Clerk BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS TRUCKEE MEADOITS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Byt David Humke, Chaitrnar:; ATTEST: County Clerk FIRE CHIEF NORTH I-AKE TAHOE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT By, Michael Brown ATTEST: Administtative Clerk INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. RAVEN FIRE TRAINING, MONITORING AND SUPPRESSION PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT Page 12 of 12 WASHOE COUNTY "Dedicated To Excellence in Public Seruice" CIWACMFinance IIUA Srlrr Rrponr DA- BOARD MEETING DATE: Jane 17,20L4 DATE: RiskMgt. N/A HR N/A Other N/A Jvrre 6,2014 TO: Board of County Commissioners/Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: John Slaughter, County Manager j slauglrter @ Charles A. Moore, Fire Chief cmoore@tmfpd SIIBJECT: Discussion and possible action on amended cooperative agreement between Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Storey County to provide for cooperative use protection capital assets and automaiic aid service; and possible adoption of a resolution to change the boundary line between Washoe and Storey Counties in the area of the Truckee River and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Park authorized by SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature and as described in Section 1.5 of the bill. SI]MMARY If approved, this agenda item implements Section 1.5 of SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature, specifically to change the boundary line between Washoe and Storey Counties in the area of the Truckee River and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center; additionally, if approved this agenda item amends the current cooperative agreement between the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) and the Storey County Fire Protection District (SCFPD) to provide, among other items that the SCFPD will provide automatic aid assistance in an area of Washoe County within the East Truckee Canyon from the Vista Exit of I-80 on the west to the Lyon County boundary line on the east, including all areas of Wadsworth within TMFPD territory. Separate provisions of SB 272rclate to a boundary line change from Storey County to Washoe County of a property commonly known as Sunny Hills. The bill allows the Board to consider the two proposed boundary line changes separate and independently; this agenda item does not include consideration of the Sunny Hills boundary line change. PREVIOUS ACTION The Board provided direction to staff in January, 2014 to discuss with their counterparts in Storey County the advisability and feasibility of implementing the boundary line change between the counties provided in Section 1.5 of Senate Bill272 of the 2013 Session of the Nevada State Legislature, with the intent that Washoe County staff report back to the Board with recommendations on approval or disapproval and any terms, conditions or agreements advisable or necessary. BACKGROI]ND AGENDA ITEM # T/O T\VIF? D +q Washoe County Commission Meeting Page 3 of 3 operating costs for the TMFPD to provide service to the area. No decision to jointly staff the station is implied; further, the decision to provide TMFPD personnel to Storey County's Station **75 for the purpose of joint staffing is entirely TMFPD's decision. 3. Communications. Storey County will provide the necessary equipment and facilities to improve communications between Storey County Fire and TMFPD. Such equipment is intended to facilitate communications within and along the lnterstate 80 corridor. The additional equipment will be provided by Storey County at no cost to TMFPD, including all ongoing operational costs. FISCAL IMPACT The subject area is currently within the boundaries of Washoe County and therefore any current property taxes collected are revenue to the State of Nevada, Washoe County and other jurisdictions within Washoe County. In FY14, the subject parcels generated $27,455.80 in property tax revenue; if the County boundary lines are changed as proposed, this revenue will no longer be collected by Washoe County, and therefore is a direct, ongoing fiscal impact to Washoe County, the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and the Washoe County School District. Based on tax rates, the FY14 property tax revenue was distributed to the following entities: Jurisdiction FY 2014 Property Tax Revenue State of Nevada $ 1,441.18 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District $ 4,564.57 Washoe County $11,798.34 Washoe County School District $ 9,651.71 Total $27,455.80 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board discuss, and if approve amend the cooperative agreement between Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Storey County to provide for cooperative use of fire protection capital assets and automatic aid service; and adopt a resolution to change the boundary line between Washoe and Storey Counties in the area of the Truckee River and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Park authorized by SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature and as described in Section 1.5 of the bill. POSSIBLE MOTION After discussion, the Commission may wish to consider a motion as follows: I move to amend the cooperative agreement between Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and Storey County to provide for cooperative use of fire protection capital assets and automatic aid service; and further, move to adopt a resolution to chan$e the boundary line between Washoe and Storey Counties in the area of the Truckee River and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Park authorized by SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature and as described in Section 1.5 of the bill. AMENDMENT TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TI{IS AMENDMENT ("Amendmenf') amends that certain Cooperative Agreement between TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CIMFPD) and STOREY COfIIITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (SCFPD) dated July 1, 2012 ("Agreemenf'). The defined terms in the Agreement shall have the same meanings when used herein. Except as amended hereby all provisions of the Agreement re,main in fuIl force and ef[ect. The parties agree to amend, modifu and supplement the Agree,ment as follows. to l. Special Service Teritory. SCFPD agrees provide assistance, including Advanced Life Support, on an automatic aid basis, to TMFPD in an area of Washoe County within the East Truckee Canyon from the Vista Exit of I-80 on the west to the Lyon County boundary line on the east, including all areas of Wadsworth within TMFPD territory. No assistance provided by SCFPD to TMFPD in this area shall be considered Assistance by Hire, regardless of the extent or duration of the assistance provided. 2. SCFPD Station #75, 1705 Peru Drive, McCarran, Nevada 89434 has jointly stafted in the future bypersonnel of SCFPD and TMFPD. Joint staff will delay or eliminate the need for TMFPD to build a fire station in the area specified in Section 1 above, and reduce operating costs for TMFPD to provide Station #75. capacity to be service to said area. TMFPD, at its election in its sole discretion, shall have the right to provide personnel to occupy with SCFPD personnel Station #75. SCFPD shall not charge rent for TMFPD's use of Station #75 and SCFPD shall pay all other costs of station operation (e.e., utilities, maintenance, repair, etc.). SCFPD shall supply all work vehicles, equipment and materials required for personnel from both SCFPD and TMFPD at Station #75. SCFPD shall have supervision and control of its personnel, and TMFPD shall have supervision and control of its personnel. TMFPD and SCFPD shall have equal input on Station #75 operation issues. J. No Termination. The provisions of this Amendment cannot be modified or terminated without the agreement of TMPFD, in its sole discretion, the provisions of Section 24 of the Agreement notwithstanding. 4. Communications. The Storey County Communications Departrnent will provide the necessary equipment and facilities to improve communications between SCFPD and TMFPD which may include 800 MHz or VHF repeaters or other such equipment deerred necessary on Pond Peak. Such equipment intended to facilitate communications within and along the Interstate 80 corridor. The additional equipment will be provided by Storey County Communications Department at no cost to TMFPD, including all ongoing operational costs. The Parties will meet to dete,r:nine the most cost efficient means and methods in which to facilitate joint emergency communications. is s:Marn\TRl\Amend to Coop Agrmt sc-TM Fire IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the agencies hereto have caused this Amendment To Cooperative Agreernent to be executed as of the day and year herein below written. Dated this day of TRUCKEE MEADOWS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DAVID HUMKE, Chair 2014. STOREY COT]NTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Board of Fire MARSHALL MCBRIDE, Char Storey County Fire Protection District Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ATTEST: Washoe County Clerk Storey County Clerk District Commissioners S:Main\TRl\Amend to Coop AgmtSC-TM Frre RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF TIM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CHANGE TFIE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN WASHOE AND STOREY COUNTIES IN TI{E AREA OF TIIE TRUCKEE RIVER AND TIIE TAHOE RENO INDUSTRIAL PARK AS AUTHORZED BY SB 272 OF TTM 2013 NEVADA LEGISLATURE AND AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1.5 OF TIIE BILL AND OTI{ER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED TIIERETO WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Nevada provides the Nevada Legislature shall establish a system of county and township government (Art. 4, Sec. 25) and through Chapter 243 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, the Legislature established Washoe and Storey Counties and set their boundaries; WHEREAS, the 2013 Nevada Legislature passed SB 272 which allows the changing of the boundary between Washoe and Storey Counties in two specific locations as described in the bill, and also authorizes Washoe and Storey Counties to effectuate the changes in the boundaries upon the adoption of resolutions by the respective boards of county commissioners before June 30,2015; WHEREAS, the sponsor of the SB 272 introduced an exhibit depicting the potential boundary line changes the bill authorizes and a copy is attached as Exhibit A; WHEREAS, the exhibit shows that one of the boundary changes authorized would move into Storey County an area made up of 18 parcels north of the Truckee River and generally south of Interstate 80 corridor and near Storey County's Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRI); WFIEREAS, Section 1.5 of SB 272 contains a precise legal description of the portion of the Washoe County Boundary that is authorized to be changed; WHEREAS, the 9 parcels are owned by the owners of the Tahoe-Reno lndustrial Center, 7 parcels are owned by the Union Pacific Railway Company, Nature Conservancy; 1 ard2 parcels are owned by the WHEREAS, the above-referenced 18 parcels are presently within the jurisdiction of the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District; WHEREAS, in tostimony given to the Nevada Senate Committee on Government Affairs on April 3, 20L3 , an agent of the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRD 167-square mile industrial center with $50 established that TRI is a million in infrastructure improvements including: paved roads and related structures, a $4M sewer plant with al.2M gallon daily capacity, 4 water tanks with 5M gallon capacity, and a municipal services center including facilities for police and fire services; WHEREAS, no similar such infrastructure improvements are presently and proximately available from Washoe County and its related government services districts for those parcels; WI{EREAS, cooperative and interlocal agreements between Storey County and Washoe County (and its related govemment services districts) whereby Storey County provides certain primary public safety services would be of benefit to the citizens and taxpayers of the Washoe County and its districts; and WHEREAS, Paragraph? of Section 2 of SB 272 provides all taxes and pledged revenue in existence before July 1, 2013, must not be directly or indirectly modified in such a manner as to impair adversely any outstanding obligations of Washoe County, until all those obligations have been discharged in full or provision for their payment and redemption has been fully made and no such obligations exist; NOW TIIEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Washoe County as follows: 1. Section 1.5 of SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature changing the legal description of the boundary of Washoe County is made effective by the adoption of this Resolution. 2. Section 1 of SB 272 of the 2013 Nevada Legislature changing the legal description of the boundary of Washoe County is not made effective by the adoption of this Resolution. [Business Impact Note: The Board of County Commissioners hereby finds that this resolution does not impose a direct and significant economic burden upon a business, nor does it directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a business.] ADOPTED this _ day of _,201.4, vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: David Humke, Chairman ATTEST: NANCY PARENT, County Clerk by the following EXHIBIT A Era 6EE Hit 19.61 SPri Stis rids :;i$ iE.E 6!q; E:61 i:9Y g_;E; !:EE EEiP o ul o Er UE -E 0tr 9f Out zo I ui 0()6 b (g ! c = o @ o "1, oooi! ! o '.i E o N (, Erz o; (\ !, tr !r6 lE; m g e.6 :E ET JE o =E o^s o; ot Oe. o o o o o= (E3 o !ra =; o; o9 o? o3 (LE !t o o o CL e o- Senate Committee on Government 4-3-ZOl3 (\ Page: I of I a
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