Proyecto docente
Oferta sin docencia (a extinguir)
Plan 239 Lic. en Filología Inglesa
Estudio diacrónico de la lengua inglesa a partir del inglés medio.
Programa Básico
Esta asignatura presenta fundamentalmente 3 objetivos; en primer lugar, comprender y analizar la evolución de la
lengua inglesa, tomando como punto de referencia patrones lingüísticos y extralingüísticos. En segundo lugar, deducir
y describir los principales fenómenos relacionados con la evolución de la lengua inglesa, así como los motivos que
llevaron a esta evolución. En tercer lugar, analizar las principales irregularidades del Inglés actual, teniendo en cuenta
el proceso histórico de esta lengua. La asignatura pretende estudiar de forma diacrónica la Lengua Inglesa desde el
periodo denominado Middle English hasta la actualidad. En cada uno de los bloques analizados (Middle English,
Modern English y Present-day English) se estudiarán elementos fonético-fonológicos, morfológicos, sintácticos y
léxico-semánticos. La aplicación práctica por medio de textos desempeñará un papel fundamental
Conocimiento de la evolución de la Lengua Inglesa desde el inglés medio hasta el inglés contemporáneo. Aptitud para
comprender, comentar y analizar la Lengua Inglesa de los períodos mencionados
Programa de Teoría
I. Middle English
1. The Norman invasion and its influence on the development of English
2. Middle English phonology and spelling
3. The decay of inflections in Middle English
4. Middle English syntax
5. Middle English lexicon and semantics
6. Text analysis
II. Modern English
1. Political, cultural and social changes from the Renaissance. The role of linguistic and rhetorical reflections and
2. Modern English phonology and spelling
3. Modern English morphology
4. Modern English syntax
5. Modern English lexicon and semantics
6. Text analysis
III. Present-day English
1. Introduction: linguistic fixation
2. Present-day English dialectal variation
3. World English varieties
6. Text Analysis
Programa Práctico
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Students will be evaluated on the basis of DIFFERENT CRITERIA, which will account for both the theoretical and
practical progress of the student’s knowledge of the English language. First of all, they must pass a final exam (60%)
which will have theoretical and practical parts. Secondly, they must submit and present in class a project based on
team work (20% of the grade) and a personal project (20%). They will be explained in class by the teacher.
BARBER, CH. (1993), The English Language: A Historical Introduction, Cambridge: CUP.
BAUGH, A. & T. CABLE. (1978), A History of the English Language, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul.
BROOK, G.L. (1958), A History of the English Language, London: André Deutsch.
BURNLEY, D. (2000), The history of the English Language. A source book, Harlow: Longman.
FERNÁNDEZ, F. (1982), Historia de la Lengua Inglesa, Madrid: Gredos.
LEITH, D. (1983), A Social History of English, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
PYLES, T. & ALGEO, J. (1982), The Origins and Development of the English Language, New York: Harcourt Brace
SMITH, J. (1999), Essentials of Early English, London: Ruotledge.
WILLIAMS, J.M. (1975), Origins of the English Language, New York: The Free Press
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Estudio diacrónico de la lengua inglesa a partir del inglés medio.
Programa Básico
Conocimiento de la evolución de la Lengua Inglesa desde el inglés medio hasta el inglés contemporáneo. Aptitud para
comprender, comentar y analizar la Lengua Inglesa de los períodos mencionados
Programa de Teoría
I. Middle English
1. The Norman invasion and its influence on the development of English
2. Middle English phonology and spelling
3. The decay of inflections in Middle English
4. Middle English syntax
5. Middle English lexicon and semantics
6. Text analysis
II. Modern English
1. Political, cultural and social changes from the Renaissance. The role of linguistic and rhetorical reflections and
2. Modern English phonology and spelling
3. Modern English morphology
4. Modern English syntax
5. Modern English lexicon and semantics
6. Text analysis
III. Present-day English
1. Introduction: linguistic fixation
2. Present-day English dialectal variation
3. World English varieties
6. Text Analysis
Programa Práctico
Students will be evaluated on the basis of DIFFERENT CRITERIA, which will account for both the theoretical and
practical progress of the student’s knowledge of the English language. First of all, they must pass a final exam (60%)
which will have theoretical and practical parts. Secondly, they must submit and present in class a project based on
team work (20% of the grade) and a personal project (20%). They will be explained in class by the teacher.
*Bailey, R.W. & M. Görlach, English as a World Language, Cambridge, CUP, 1984.
*Bailey, R.W., Images of English. A Cultural History of the Language, Cambridge, CUP, 1992.
*Barber, C., Linguistic Change in Present-day English, Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1964.
*Barber, Charles, The English Language: A Historical Introduction, Cambridge, CUP, 1993.
*Barber, C., Early Modern English, London, André Deutsch, 1976.
*Baugh, A.C., & T. Cable, A History of English Language, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.
*Burnley, D. The History of the English Language. A Source Book, Harlow, Longman, 2000.
*Burrow, J.A. & T. Turville-Petre, A Book of Middle English, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991.
*Ekwall, E., A History of Modern English Sound and Morphology, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1980.
*Fernández, Francisco, Historia de la lengua inglesa, Madrid, Gredos, 1982.
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*Görlach, Manfred, Introduction to Early Modern English, Cambridge, CUP, 1991.
*Horobin, S. & J. Smith, An Introduction to Middle English, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2002.
*Mossé, F., A Handbook of Middle English, Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1952.
*Partridge, A. C., A Companion to Old and Middle English Studies, London, André Deutsch, 1982.
*VV.AA., The Cambridge History of the English Language, Cambridge, CUP, 1992-.
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