Advertising & Information Service STAY INFORMED SEPTEMBER 2016 GONDWANA - DAS PRÄHISTORIUM444See Page 8 365 Your Authorized Service in the Spangdahlem Area SUNDAY - THURSDAY 9 AM - 4 AM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9 AM - 5 AM BEFORE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 9 AM - 5 AM WE SPEAK NEARLY ALL LANGUAGES #CLUBPEARLS | @CLUB.PEARLS +49 651 966 8900 TRIER á RUDOLF-DIESEL-STR. 12 á D-54292 Trier TRIER IS EASY TO REACH BY CAR AND IN RANGE FROM 30 MINUTES TO 2 HOURS FROM SPANGDAHLEM, BAUMHOLDER, RAMSTEIN, KAISERSLAUTERN, LANDSTUHL, MANNHEIM, WIESBADEN, MAINZ US Warranty Repairs - Body & Paint Repairs Replacement Parts - Tune ups 54516 Wittlich Edisonstr. 1 (industrial area) · Phone 06571 969256 • [email protected] English spoken • VAT-form & Credit cards accepted 2 7 4 1 9 2 6 5 5 6 8 9 7 3 2 1 4 7 8 3 5 4 3 8 1 5 2 9 7 6 6 7 1 8 4 9 3 2 5 9 5 2 3 6 7 1 4 8 8 6 7 9 3 5 4 1 2 1 2 9 4 7 6 8 5 3 5 4 3 2 1 8 6 9 7 1 2 6 4 8 9 7 5 9 5 5 3 2 2 4 5 6 8 3 1 7 3 9 8 9 3 4 4 6 8 7 4 4 4 8 1 5 6 6 7 9 4 3 1 SUDOKU 2 © Touristinfo Kaiserslautern 3 Tabledance, Nightclub & Bar Opening times: Monday - Thrusday: 12am - 02pm Friday - Saturday: 3pm - Open End Sunday: 3pm - 02pm We accept all major Credit Cards KAISERSLAUTERN The Fritz Walter Stadion at Night Kaiserslautern is a city full of history: Emperor Barbarossa had his Imperial Palace (Kaiserpfalz) erected here, ‘The Huntsman from the Electoral Palatinate’ lived here; Napoleon even had breakfast here, once... Many of the sights in Kaiserslautern are only accessible on guided tours; others could be visited on your own, but without the interesting background information offered on our tours. Whatever you would like - a visit to the former Casimir Castle including the subterranean passages dating from the Hohenstaufen period, a tour of the famous occer stadium, or a city bus tour - the tourist information office in Kaiserslautern arranges guided tours for groups all year round. Our tour guides will enjoy sharing their expertise with you. If you need a bus for a city tour, we’ll be glad to assist you. The price for the bus rental depends on the time, location, and group size. Stadtverwaltung Kaiserslautern Tourist Information Fruchthallstraße 14 · 67655 Kaiserslautern Phone 0631 365-4564 · Open: thursday to friday from 09.00 to 17.00 saturday from 10.00 to 14.00 h No deja vu - No party! Deja Vu Bar Separee Club Brandnew in Bitburg Ottostr. 1a, 54634 Bitburg +49 6561 / 948 39 09 26 th BUNGERT OKTOBERFEST 23rd September to 31st October 2016 Enjo y a su pe r Part y! BAVARIAN SPIRIT IN THE BIG BEER TENT TOP LIVE BANDS SUNDAY IS FAMILY DAY BAVARIAN BEER TICKETS D N A O F N I E MOR e tlich.d it w ts e f r e b to ok 4 Pfiff !!! it m e t k r ä M SUPER FLEAMARKETS IN THE TRIER AREA ! Sat/Sun 03./04.09.2016 Sun Sat/Sun 11.09.2016 24./25.09.2016 Thu 06.10.2016 Sat/Sun 08./09.10.2016 Sun Sat/Sun 09.10.2016 15./16.10.2016 Sun Sun 23.10.2016 06.11.2016 Bitburg Südring, Auktionshalle + Festplatz Speicher Jakobstraße, Innenstadt Irrel Festplatz an der Prüm Speicher Bauern- und Flohmarkt, Innenstadt Bitburg Südring, Auktionshalle + Festplatz Lissendorf Burgstraße Irrel Festplatz an der Prüm Speicher Schulhof, ehem. Hauptschule Speicher Jakobstraße, Innenstadt For more info call 0170-8053835 US Citiziens can participate as Vendors. Just bring your merchandise and pay the fee. 2-3-4 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR RENT IN SPEICHER AND BINSFELD Vehicle Maintenance including LongLife 24 hour Road Side Service. For selected VW models 2006 and older as well as Golf VI (2009-2013) and Tiguan (20082010). The LongLife 24 hour Road Side Service (Excerpt from the wide range of services): Replacement car for up to 3 days or Hotel accommodations for you and your travel companions, road side service at home or out of town, vehicle recovery and towing to the next VW dealership without price limitations. Contact us. We are happy to help! (1) Price without any additional labor, plus parts. 89 EUR (1) We are garan autorized a tie n U.S. S d to work d o pec v ehicu n les Range from 855 EUR until 1308 EUR a month, depending on the size of the house (including utilities) - Living Room - Dining Room - Kitchen - Laundry Room - 2.5 Bathrooms - Garage - Patio-Backyard - Dual Voltage 110/220 - Built in closet in each Bedroom - Gas Heating - 24 hrs. Hausmeister Service - Bus stop for School - Pets allowed (no pet fee) - 5 minutes from Spangdahlem Air Base - House was build in 1989 - Energie Ausweis liegt vor - Energieverbrauchskennwert 147,4 kWh(m2a) Contact: Helmut Schwert Verwaltung & Hausmeisterservice Miss Silvia King, Phone 0177-4208854 5 WE WELCOME YOU IN GERMANY! ADAC Mittelrhein Mo-Fr 10-18 hrs, Admittance till 17 o'clock & Sa 10-14 hrs (like Triple AAA) Hardrock Cafe in Europe Harley Davidson Gladiators Trier GondwanaDas Praehistorium Bildstockstrasse 66578 Schiffweiler, OT Landsweiler-Reden And who would like to find out to begin with already once on-line, should rummage on From now on you can pay also with credit card. Irish Pub Kirchstr. 17 54662 Speicher 06562/2696 Tel.: 06561-945804www.antik-theis.dH[email protected] Dinopark 54668 Ernzen/Südeifel Welcome to the Megafest on the Mosel! Member of From the 21 of Oct. till the 19 of Nov. 2016 Bayerische Livebands, ice cold beer on tap, typical Bayerische country cooking and a whole bunch of famliy fun! Runs from Friday,Saturday, and Sunday. Entrence starts at 18:00 hrs. Programmes go from 19:00 hrs till 01:00 hrs. Go to to find out more. Your Boeing is waiting for you! Die Mega-Wiesn-Gaudi VOM 21. OKTOBER BIS 21. NOVEMBER R Veranstalter Vera lter: AVL Projektentwicklungs GmbH Zur Talstation 1 | 54340 Riol/Mosel le vailab kets a n. All tic po as cou Fly a Boeing 737 in real-time. Wheter as enjoy flying amateur or proofessional. Our simulation givs you the feeling: YOU FLY! One day to be pilot in our simulation. We adapt the difficulity level to suit you needs, even if you have no previous knowledge.You want fly over the alps? Start in Tokyo? Your ticket for your rl-ankerl rische Schm ye a b ezapftes Livebands, ich, Frisch G Bayerische re e -B ip V r e ve! Küche, groß nge Gaudi li und jede Me Ready for take off. Welcome on board! Infos & Termine: FlightSimulationCenter im BurgStadt-Hotel Südstraße 34 56288 Kastellaun T 06762 4080-0 F 06762 4080-100 Tickethotline: 0651- 97 90 777 oder… de… de … R: SFE hweich N A -TR ng-Sc BUSier-Ehra z-Tr Kon 6 7 Der Streetfood Market Trier bittet zum dritten Mal zu Tisch Die dritte Ausgabe des Streetfood Market Trier findet von Freitag, dem 09. September, bis Sonntag, dem 11. September, im ExHaus statt. Der gemütliche Innenhof und der sich anschließende Parkplatz des ExHauses in der Zurmaiener Straße 114 verwandelt sich in eine Genuss-Oase und zieht auch dieses Mal drei Tage lang wieder zahlreiche Food Artists von nah und fern an. Bei entspannter Atmosphäre lässt es sich in aller Ruhe genießen – und anschließend auch relaxen, denn genügend Sitzplätze unter den Schatten spendenden Bäume laden die Besucher zum Chillen ein. Hier trifft Ess- auf Trinkkultur, treffen saftige Burger auf köstliche Falafel, leckerer Fisch auf delikates Fleisch und Herzhaftes auf Süßes. Neben bewährten Ständen und Foodtrucks sind auch einige neue mit dabei. Bei insgesamt mehr als 20 regionalen, überregionalen und auch internationalen Anbietern, welche die größte Speisekarte Triers präsentieren, fällt die Auswahl nicht leicht. Streetfood ist seit mehreren Jahren im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes in aller Munde, der Hype vom „Essen auf der Straße“ und dessen Begeisterung weltweit ungebrochen: Die frischen Zutaten, die kreativen Köstlichkeiten sowie das vielfältige Angebot aus klassischen und exotischen Speisen lassen einem das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen. Beim Streetfood Market Trier wird außerdem ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm geboten. So stehen verschiedene DJs an den Plattentellern und sorgen für die passende musikalische Untermalung. Als besondere Aktion wird es eine spezielle, künstlerisch wertvolle Fotobooth geben, bei der sich die Besucher mit Kartoons und Kartoon-Gegenständen, die der Belichta gezeichnet hat, fotografieren lassen können. Die Gäste können sich also auf die einmalige Kombination aus gutem Essen, guter Atmosphäre und guter Musik freuen. Veranstalter: jung.frisch.wild Event&Catering Ali Haidar Mozartstraße 10 • 54294 Trier Tel.: 01603834520 Facebook: E-Mail: [email protected] Location: ExHaus Zurmaiener Straße 114 • 54292 Trier Öffnungszeiten: Freitag ab 16 Uhr Samstag, Sonntag ab 12 Uhr Preise: Tageskarte 3,- Euro Kombikarte 5,- Euro Kinder bis zwölf Jahre erhalten freien Eintritt. Attention Newcomers: This sign stands for „Dead end with tip for cyclists and pedestrians“ 4. TRIERER TATTOO CONVENTION September 17 & 18 2016 at Messehalle Trier Trier Tattoo Convention has developed to a quite spectacular event of the southwest and is celebrating its fourth anniversary. The city of Trier recognizes this event as a get together for some of the best, national and international, Tattoo Artists and Piercers to show off their work and get quite literally under your skin. More than 80 different artists and merchandisers had signed up to attend this event early this year to reserve a spot. So if you are looking to modify yourself or just want to see what all the hype is about, this is the place to be. Between getting a new tattoo or piercing, check out one of the many jewelry and accessory stands, live entertainment, tattoo contests, magic shows and more which make this a true family event. One of the highlights this weekend will be the competition for ‘Miss Tattoo Trier’ and nationwide preliminary decision for ‘Miss Tattoo Germany’. Saturday, September 17 at 10pm wear your kilts and attend our After Show Party with this year’s theme “Scottish Night”. Tickets are available as followed: Day Pass - 8.50€ presale or 10.00€ at the door Weekend Pass – 13.50 presale or 15.00€ at the door Children under the age of 12 and Special Needs attendees with 1 guardian may enter at no charge. Event hours: Saturday 12pm – 11pm (after show party starts at 10pm) Sunday 10am – 8pm Tickets are available for purchase at the following locations: Color Vision Tattoo in Trier Shorty´s Tattoo in Speicher & Wittlich Call of Colors Tattoo in Ulmen Black7Germany Shop in Konz Clubhaus Harley Club in Konz-Könen For up to date information, chances to win free tickets and more follow us on Facebook at Trier Tattoo Convention 8 %LOGVWRFNVWUDH'6FKLIIZHLOHU6DDUODQG 7HOLQIR#SUDHKLVWRULXPGHZZZSUDHKLVWRULXPGH 9 Mainz TTime-travell to LLost Worlds! l GONDWANA-Das Praehistorium offers its visitors a different kind of entertainment. Since 2008, hundreds of thousands of fans of giant dinosaurs and other spectacular ancient creatures have come to GONDWANA-Das Praehistorium to travel back through 4.5 billion years of Earth history. The vast (100,000 square feet) indoor experience brings visitors into the rich habitats of the largest of all dinosaurs, Argentinosaurus, and the terrifying T.Rex. These and dozens of other mysterious creatures are recreated with state-of-the art robotics and special effects. Life-like landscapes put the visitors of GONDWANA-Das Praehistorium deep into ancient worlds as they wander through misty 400 million year-old swamps and dodge roaring waterfalls through desert canyons of giant reptiles long before dinosaurs. Huge dragonflies, giant centipedes, sail-backed reptiles and, of course, enormous dinosaurs are all part of GONDWANA-Das Praehistoriums unique, dramatic tour of prehistoric life. © picture: Daniel Alles, The latest addition to GONDWANA-Das Praehistorium is the time-machine of Time Express Travel Agency, which guides visitors through the development of human life, from cavemen to Ice Age warriors in a land of giant mammoths and saber-toothed cats. Visitors enter into key scenes in human civilization, from the Egypt of the pharaohs to the dawn of the Industrial Age. GONDWANA-Das Praehistorium saves the best for last -- two jaw-dropping, hair-raising shows unlike any ever shown. In Patagonia, 100 million years ago, robot giant dinosaurs up to 100 feet long roar, walk, and battle ferociously. It‘s the most elaborate robotic dinosaur stage-show ever produced. One last unique drama awaits visitors as they journey back toward modern times. In a huge aquarium tank, the 100-ton Megalodon, the deadliest of prehistoric sharks, comes to life through vivid 3D animation, Visitors will stand eye-to-eye with the most frightening killer of the ancient seas. It‘s a floor-shaking, water-spraying encounter like no other. Visitors needing refreshments after their 5 billion-year tour visit Gondi’s Restaurant. Children looking to play can romp around Gondi’s Dinowelt, a vast indoor activity area. Go back in time and forward to the future of entertainment at GONDWANA-Das Praehistorium, Bildstockstrasse,66578 Landsweiler-Reden. For more information please check or e-mail ([email protected]) or phone (+49 (0)6821 93163-10). Mainz is the capital of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. It was the capital of the Electorate of Mainz at the time of the Holy Roman Empire. In antiquity Mainz was a Roman fort city which commanded the west bank of the Rhine and formed part of the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire; it was founded as a military post by the Romans in the late 1st century BC and became the provincial capital of Germania Superior. The city is located on the river Rhine at its con•uence with the Mainopposite Wiesbaden, in the western part of the Frankfurt Rhine-Main; in the modern age,Frankfurt shares much of its regional importance. The city is famous as the home of the invention of the movable-type printing press, as the •rst books printed using movable type were manufactured in Mainz by Gutenberg in the early 1450s. Until the twentieth century, Mainz was usually referred to in English asMayence. 365 SUNDAY - THURSDAY 9 AM - 4 AM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9 AM - 5 AM BEFORE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 9 AM - 5 AM WE SPEAK NEARLY ALL LANGUAGES #CLUBPEARLS | @CLUB.PEARLS +49 651 966 8900 TRIER á RUDOLF-DIESEL-STR. 12 á D-54292 Trier TRIER IS EASY TO REACH BY CAR AND IN RANGE FROM 30 MINUTES TO 2 HOURS FROM SPANGDAHLEM, BAUMHOLDER, RAMSTEIN, KAISERSLAUTERN, LANDSTUHL, MANNHEIM, WIESBADEN, MAINZ 10 Camp Baumholder, 1945 (Source: Author‘s private collection) View of Barracks at Camp Baumholder - a German airborne infantry division was quartered here and later it was used as a POW camp housing many French, Russians, and other Allied Forces. The 12th Armored Division of Third US Army occupied this sector in early 1945. © 11 SHIP AHOY , ON BOARD THE STELLA NOVIOMAGI... BACKGROUND The great attraction of Neumagen-drone is the Stella Noviomagi, the series replica of the famous Neumagener wine ship monument. The Stella Noviomagi was rebuilt in the Kostantinjahr 2007 in Trier and set sail again so after. The ship reconstructed based on antique models offers up to 40 passengers. Companies can fully Charter the Stella. For singles, there is a ride on weekends (from Easter to October and during the summer holidays) on „Kultufahrten“. It was built with subsidies from the European Union and of the Rheinland-Pfalz of the Handwerkskammer Trier. NeumagenDhron brought the wood from the forest and a large volunteer engagement in the project. ... ON CULTURE - OR CHARTER CRUISE... Supported by companies from the media, Universities, sponsors, authorities, On this „cultural tours“ a tour guide will explain about the 2000 year old history of the vineyard landscape. Neumagen - drone is one of the „oldest wine Towns of in Germany. Thank you very much! The Stella is powered by 2 quiet, 55 HP e strong diesel engines. A loving welcome to all guests who want to visit Neumagendrone and her Stella. More information: SALVETE-GREETS YOU!!!! ... IS ALWAYS WINE IN YOUR LUGGAGE! There is always wine aboard! Because the everyday life on the river Moselle. Tourist-Information Neumagen-Dhron Römerstr. 137 • 54347 Neumagen-Dhron Phone 06507-6555 Fax 06507-6550 email [email protected] For Charter guests, there is the possibility to book a wine tasting or a guest accompaniment. The guided tours through the archaeological round or covered wagon or wine express rides are popular for groups in the port. SUDOKU 9 8 4 1 7 8 6 7 6 HARLEY DAVIDSON in World War II One of only two American cycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression, Harley-Davidson again produced large numbers of motorcycles for the US Army in World War II and resumed civilian production afterwards, producing a range of large V-twin motorcycles that were successful both on racetracks and for private buyers. 2 3 Harley-Davidson, on the eve of World War II, was already supplying the Army with a military-specific version of its 45 cubic inches (740 cc) WL line, called the WLA. The A in this case stood for „Army“. Upon the outbreak of war, the company, along with most other manufacturing enterprises, shifted to war work. More than 90,000 military motorcycles, mostly WLAs and WLCs (the Canadian version) were produced, many to be provided to allies. Harley-Davidson received twoArmy-Navy ‘E’ Awards, one in 1943 and the other in 1945, which were awarded for Excellence in Production. Shipments to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease program numbered at least 30,000.[38]The WLAs produced during all four years of war production generally have 1942 serial numbers. Production of the WLA stopped at the end of World War II, but was resumed from 1950 to 1952 for use in the Korean War. 1 9 8 4 5 1 4 4 6 7 5 9 8 3 1 6 2 1 5 4 8 9 9 6 4 2 7 3 2 3 7 5 4 8 1 1 4 6 9 3 2 5 4 3 5 1 2 8 9 6 7 2 9 3 8 5 6 1 7 4 1 5 7 2 3 4 8 9 6 6 4 8 9 1 7 5 3 2 6 8 PIESPORT 1 7 4 6 5 9 3 1 9 4 8 3 2 6 5 7 7 3 3 9 The U.S. Army also asked Harley-Davidson to produce a new motorcycle with many of the features of BMW‘s side-valve and shaft-drivenR71. Harley largely copied the BMW engine and drive train and produced the shaft-driven 750 cc 1942 Harley-Davidson XA. This shared no dimensions, no parts and no design concepts (except side valves) with any prior Harley-Davidson engine. Due to the superior cooling of the flat-twin engine with the cylinders across the frame, Harley‘s XA cylinder heads ran 100 °F (56 °C) cooler than its V-twins.The XA never entered full production: the motorcycle by that time had been eclipsed by the Jeep as the Army‘s general purpose vehicle, and the WLA—already in production—was sufficient for its limited police, escort, and courier roles. Only 1,000 were made and the XA never went into full production. It remains the only shaft-driven HarleyDavidson ever made. • HOME OF THE GOLDTRÖPFCHEN • Piesport (2,200 inhabitants) is men•oned for the first •me in the year 776/777 in the golden book of the Benedic•ne Abbey of Prüm as „postage pigon•o“ (Port of Bigon•us - a local Roman deity to whom the site was consecrated) in connec•on with a vineyard aliena•on. However, this place experienced a centralized vi•cultural significance much earlier. This is made clear especially through discoveries that have been made at the boundary of the famous wine facility „Piesporter Goldtröpfchen“. During land clearing work, workers came across remnants of Roman period wine presses (from the 4th century and 2nd century CE) whose size could infer an already-significant wine-growing area at the •me. The wine press from the 4th century has been faithfully restored. Overall, this wine plant included seven pools and several cellars. The size of the mash tank and the storage capacity of the basement suggests that the former was used for at least 60 hectares of vineyards. For the roman wine fes•val, a yearly event in the beginning of october, freshly picked grapes are vinified on two days, according to the Roman model, with a reconstructed tree press. VISIT US AT OUR WINE- & VACATION RESORT PIESPORT and get to know our world famous Piesporterr ds wines from the vineyards Goldtröpfchen, Domherr, Günterslay, Falkenberg, Grafenberg and Treppchen! We would be pleased to welcome you at our Kelterfest from 30 september to 2 october! Local Government & Touristinformation Piesport at the river Moselle 54498 Piesport/Germany · Heinrich-Schmitt-Platz 1 · Phone: 0049 6507-2027 / 2028 Fax: 0049 6507 / 2026 · Net: · Mail: [email protected] 12 SPANGDAHLEM CHRISTIAN SERVICEMEN‘S CENTER 9 Hill Strasse • 54529 Spangdahlem, Germany Equipping and Empowering the Body of Christ to Live a Victorious Life through Corporate Worship and Biblical Teaching Sunday School Sunday Worship Service Intercessory Prayer Men‘s Bible Study Women‘s Bible Study Wednesday Bible Study [email protected] SCSC Cell: 0175-875-9621 Shopping Guide Germ. Agency Simon Bademerstr. 8 D-54634 Bitburg Phone 0175 0175 5268706 5268706 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 17:30 p.m. 1st Monday of the Month 18:30 p.m. 3rd Monday of the Month 17:30 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month 18:30 p.m 2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Sunday School for all ages - 1000 Sunday Evening Service - 1800 Sunday Morning Service - 1100 Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 1900 PastorRustyPilalas 14Kirchstraße 54622Beilingen,Germany Pastor'sPhone:06562Ͳ9666Ͳ444Cell 0151Ͳ5101Ͳ4337Email:[email protected] EifelBaptistChurchis7minutesfromSpangdahlemABͼ Phone: 0175 5268706 Mail: anzeigen@shopping-guide-w Wednesday Evening Bible Studies for all ages: 18:00 Pastor Philip‘s Phone: 0171 365 4950 <#-(;%!56<= ;46%!87492'=%96=<;8;7<+2=$+ 7<964;28;5=.=+ )&&11=<28<;28<6< 92<;<=(-%<;+;<99<;= ;7<+#<9 7278<9!-;8<9 &)1=;7<+#<9 05:::=-;8<9 5 5 5 5 <( (7*!%68"9/ '8+-626 *</73<8;894: 04;::+.<1/::=3 094-21<$&):1.<.0/&1=3 5 5 5 5 #<<##<33 (7(!%68"9/ 8',-26,#*</73<36:: 04;::+.<0,/*:=3 094-21<$&):1.<))/.*=3 "<;= =4"6<; 5 5 5 5 **<< *<33 <);9:;4<09,-;2%1. 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Zisterzienserabtei Himmerod Himmeroder Kloster Gaststätte Himmerod 3 54534 Großlittgen Call: 0 65 75 – 95 13 44 Fax: 0 65 75 – 95 13 47 [email protected] eiern feiern, Geburtstagsfeste, F amilien- und Firmenf achts n h i gaststätte Himmerod We r Kloster willkommen e d in Open: thuesday - sunday and holiday from 11:00 to 21:00 h, kitchen opens from 11:30 - 20:00 h monday: rest day With pleasure we open Monday rest day- under advance order (at least 8 days before) for groups from 40 people. Heuschreckenbrunnen Zucchini Pancakes Total Time: 24 min · Prep: 20 min · Cook: 4 min Yield: 10 (3-inch) pancakes · Level: Easy Ingredients 2 medium zucchini (about 3/4 pound) 2 tablespoons grated red onion 2 extra-large eggs, lightly beaten 6 to 8 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Unsalted butter and vegetable oil Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Directions Grate the zucchini into a bowl using the large grating side of a box grater. Immediately stir in the onion and eggs. Stir in 6 tablespoons of the flour, the baking powder, salt, and pepper. (If the batter gets too thin from the liquid in the zucchini, add the remaining 2 tablespoons of flour.) Heat a large (10 to 12-inch) saute pan over medium heat and melt 1/2 tablespoon butter and 1/2 tablespoon oil together in the pan. When the butter is hot but not smoking, lower the heat to medium-low and drop heaping soup spoons of batter into the pan. Cook the pancakes about 2 minutes on each side, until browned. Place the pancakes on a sheet pan and keep warm in the oven. Wipe out the pan with a dry paper towel, add more butter and oil to the pan, and continue to fry the pancakes until all the batter is used. The pancakes can stay warm in the oven for up to 30 minutes. Serve hot. 2006, Barefoot Contessa at Home, All Rights Reserved 15 Do you want at clean come to the scene. 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