Maintaining adequate nutrition in DOC - Slides

Maintaining Adequate Nutrition for
People with Disorders of
Challenges for Dietitians
Laura Collett
Neurosciences Dietitian
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Nutrition in Traumatic Brain Injury
Nutrition in Traumatic Brain Injury
The metabolic alterations that occur are multifactorial
consisting of:
- Hormonal changes
- Abnormal cellular metabolism
- Cerebral and systemic inflammatory response
Subsequently contributing to:
- Systemic catabolism
- Hyperglycaemia
- Protein catabolism
- Increased energy requirements
(Cook et al., 2008)
Acute Injury- dietetic challenges
Early Enteral Nutrition (within 24-48hours)
Research suggests that it:
- Reduces the breakdown of protein and fat stores
- Reduce the inflammatory response
- Promotes immune competence
- Results in fewer infective complications (Perel et al., 2006;
Taylor et al., 1999)
- Improved neurological outcome at 3 months (Taylor et al.,
- Trend towards better outcomes in terms of survival
(Hartl et al., 2008; Perel et al., 2006)
- Consider Guidelines (McClave et al., 2009; Kreyman et al.,
Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Factors which increase energy
Factors which reduce energy expenditure
Weaning from mechanical ventilation
Loss of body weight reduces resting
energy expenditure
Decerebrate rigidity
Increased activity
Paralysis (due to neuromuscular blocking
(Thomas and Bishop 2007)
Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
- Impaired organ function
- Poor wound healing
- Altered immunological status
- Increased mortality in traumatic brain injury
- 797 patients with a GCS < 9 across 22 trauma centres
- Significant improvement in mortality associated with every
10kcal/kg increase in intake, up to 25kcal/kg.
- Conferred the most benefit in those with elevated intracranial
(Hartl et al., 2008)
Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
- Hypercapnia
- Hyperglycaemia
- Increased requirement for mechanical ventilation
- Azotemia
- metabolic acidosis
- Hepatic steatosis
- hypertriglyceridemia
(Klein et al., 1998)
Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Feed Tolerance
Impaired gastrointestinal function has been reported in
80% of TBI patients with GCS < 12 (Kao et al., 1998)
- sedation
- metabolic state
- raised intracranial pressure
Gastroparesis  aspirates of > 250ml increased risk of
vomiting, aspiration, infection.
- However, evidence is lacking from prospective RCT’s
- No standard definition on what a large aspirate is
(DeLegge 2011)
Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Feed Tolerance
- Aspirate stomach contents 4 hourly
- Monitor abdominal distension
- Monitor emesis
- Head of bed elevation 30-45degrees
- Prokinetic agents – ? Metaclopramide + Erythromycin
(Dickerson et al., 2009)
- Concentrated feed formulas (>1.5kcal/ml)
- Post pyloric feeding – Nasojejunal tubes, jejunostomy
- Parenteral Nutrition
Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Nutrition and Dietetic Care Process (British Dietetic Association, 2009)
Post Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Ward Based Care
Post Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Energy Requirements
- Expenditure during this phase is unknown and
hyper-metabolism can persist
Patient A
Week 1 67.6kg
Week 2 68.4kg
Week 3 67.0kg
Week 4 68.8kg
Week 5 66.3kg
Week 6 66.1kg
Week 7 61.8kg ? anomaly
Week 8 65.8kg
- Basal metabolic rate estimated 1527
- Fed 3,200kcals – (48kcals/kg )47% above
Patient B
Week 1 46.7kg ? anomaly
Week 2 51.1kg
Week 3 50.8kg
Week 4 50.9kg
Week 5 49.6kg
Week 6 48.4kg
Week 7 47.8kg
Week 8 47.2kg
- Basal metabolic rate estimated 1446kcals
- Fed 2880kcals (61kcals/kg) – 50% above
Post Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Autonomic Storming
- Excessive uncontrolled activation of sympathetic nervous
system characterised by
Excessive sweating
- Increase Energy Expenditure young males can require in excess
of 3,000kcals/day to maintain weight
- Weekly monitoring of weight is essential to determine whether
nutritional requirements are being met
Post Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
- Obtain accurate body weight
- Liaise with family members regarding weight
- Plan and agree realistic goals for weight, e.g.
gain, maintenance or weight loss as
Post-acute injury – Dietetic Challenges
Fluid and Sodium Disturbances
Syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone secretion
 Fluid restriction  high energy/low volume feed
Diabetes Insipidus  intravenous glucose/water,
desmopressin  additional fluids (flushes/IV) some cases
low sodium feed if persistently raised Na.
Cerebral Salt Wasting  intravenous saline replacement
 medical management little change to nutrition
Post Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Bowel Dysfunction
- Neurogenic Bowel
- Consider fibre content of feeds
- Adequate hydration
- Bowel management plans
Post Acute Injury – Considerations
Long-term enteral feeding
Considered > 4weeks after Nasogastric feeding
Discussion with MDT, Family, Carers
Facilitation of movement to rehabilitation
RCP guidelines (2013) – Enteral nutrition and hydration via
gastrostomy or jejunostomy with adequate nutritional
support to meet dietary requirements. Including hypercatabolic state
Post Acute Injury – Dietetic Challenges
Nutrition and Dietetic Care Process (British Dietetic Association, 2009)
Rehabilitation – Dietetic Challenges
Rehabilitation – Dietetic Challenges
- Many patients enter the rehabilitation phase in a
malnourished state
- Average weight loss during ITU 11 ± 6kg in 38days (Crenn et
al., 2014)
Severe malnutrition (body mass index of <15kg/m2) in
brain injury has been shown to:
- increase length of rehabilitation stay
- contribute to more serious complications such as
pressure ulcers, pneumonia, urinary tract infections
(Denes, 2004)
Rehabilitation – Dietetic Challenges
Energy Requirements
- Changes in metabolic demand
- Patients who previously required 3000kcals may now gain
weight on 1000kcals
- Requires ongoing monitoring and adjustment
Fig. 1. Time course of body mass index in 107 adult traumatic brain injured patients. P+: weight gain group, Pweight loss group, P= weight stabilization group, T1: before traumatic brain injury, T2: end of intensive care, T3:
discharge from rehabilitation, T4: end of follow-up, BMI body mass index.
(Crenn et al., 2014)
- Nutrition support in disorders of
consciousness plays a vital role through all
three phases of the patient journey form
acute admission to rehabilitation.
- Several challenges associated with nutrition in
brain injury
- dietetic assessment monitoring and
evaluation is essential.
British Dietetic Association (2009). Nutrition and Dietetic Care Process. Available from,d.ZGU
Borzotta AP, Pennings J, Papsadero B, et al. Enteral versus parenteral nutrition after severe closed head injury. J
Trauma. 1994;37:459-468.
Cook, A. M., Peppard, A and Magnuson, B. (2008). Nutrition considerations in traumatic brain injury. Nutrition in
Clinical Practise. 23(6), 608-620
Crenn, P., Hamchaoui, S., Bourget-Massari, A., Hanachi, M., Melchoir, Jean-Claude and Azouvi, P. (2014). Changes
in weight after traumatic brain injury in adult patients: A longitudinal study. Clinical Nutrition, 33, 348-353
Denes, Z (2004). Influence of severe malnutrition on rehabilitation in patients with severe head injury. Disability
and Rehabilitation, 26(19), 1163-1165
DeLegge, M. H. (2011) Managing gastric residual volumes in the critically ill patient: an update. Current opinion in
clinical nutrition and critical care. 14, 193-196
Dickerson, R. N., Mitchell, J. N, Morgan, L. M, Maish, G. O, Croce, M. A., Minard, G., and Brown, R. O. (2009)
Disparate repsponse to metaclopramide therapy for gastric feeding intolerance in trauma patients with and
without traumatic brain injury. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutritoin, 33(6), 646-65
Hartl., R., Gerber, L. M., Ni, Q and Ghajar, J. (2008) Effect of early nutrition on deaths due to severe traumatic
brain in jury. Jounral of Neurosurgery, 109, 50-56
Kao, C. H., Chang Lai, S. P., Chieng, P. U., Yen, T. C. Gastric emptying in head injured patients. American Journal of
Gastroenterology, 93 1108-1112
Klein, C. J., Stanek, G. S and Wiles, C. E. (1998). Overfeeding macronutrients to critically ill adults: Metabolic
complications. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 98, 795-806
Kreyman, K. G., Berger, M. M., Deutz, N. E. P., Hiesmayr M et al., (2006). ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition:
Intensive Care. Clinical Nutrition, 25, 210-223
McClave, S. A., Martinadle, V. W. Mccarthy , M., Roberts, P et al., (2009). Guidelines for the provision and
assessment of nutrition support therapy in the adult critically ill patient. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition, 33(3), 277-316
Perel, P., Yanagawa, T., Bunn, F., Roberts, I., Wentz, R and Pierro, A (2006). Nutritional support for head-injured
patients. Cochrange Database Systematic Reviews. 18(4)
Royal College of Physicians (2013). Prolonged Disorders of Conciousness. National Clinical Guidelines. London
Taylor S. J., Fettes S. B., Jewkes C, and Nelson R. J. (1999). Prospective, randomized, controlled trial to determine
the effect of early enhanced enteral nutrition on clinical outcome in mechanically ventilated patients suffering
head injury. Critical care Medicine 27, 2525-2531.
Thomas and Bishop (2007) Manual of dietetic practise. 4th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. P. 808