NATURE VANCOUVER Vancouver Natural History Society 96th Annual General Meeting For the Year ended December 31, 2013 April 24th, 2014 Nature Vancouver was founded as the Vancouver Natural History Society in 1918 by Professor John Davidson with the following objectives: To promote the enjoyment of nature To foster public interest and education in the appreciation and study of nature To encourage the wise use and conservation of natural resources To work for the complete protection of endangered species and Ecosystems To promote access to, and maintenance of, nature areas in the vicinity of Vancouver Directors serving during 2013-2014 term Daphne Nagorsen Bill Kinkaid Jeremy McCall Elena Klein Bev Ramey Cynthia Crampton Dan Overmyer David Cook Joan Lopez Jude Grass Nigel Peck Viveka Ohman NATURE VANCOUVER Vancouver Natural History Society 95th Annual General Meeting, April 24th, 2014 Year ended December 31, 2013 FROM THE PRESIDENT 2013 sped by for Nature Vancouver, with our usual plethora of speakers, field trips, nature walks, backpacking trips, camp, workshops, bird surveys and other activities. I would like to thank the 2013-2014 Board of Directors: Bill Kinkaid (Vice President), Jeremy McCall (Treasurer, Conservation Chair), Elena Klein (Secretary, Weekly Email), Dan Overmyer (Past President), Cynthia Crampton (Field Trip Coordinator, BC Nature Representative), Bev Ramey (BC Nature Representative), David Cook (Botany Chair, Geology Chair), Jude Grass (Birding Chair, General Evening Programs), Joan Lopez (Marine Biology Chair), Viveka Ohman (Director at Large), and Nigel Peck (Camp Chair, Outreach Chair). Special thanks to Dan Overmyer and Viveka Ohman who have both stepped down from the Board. For all those who are interested in details of the Board meetings, the minutes can be found on the Nature Vancouver website in the Members Forum. Website John Dale, our Website Administrator, has done a terrific job with our website over the past year. There have been some challenges, including a server crash that disrupted access to our website, but we were able to recover and move on. Our website still attracts many new visitors, as well as members. The home page, events page and birding pages still see the greatest number of visitors but our entire website is used by members and non-members. Facebook Our Facebook page is growing with over 300 “likes” and provides a great way for members to hear about upcoming events and other Nature Vancouver information. I look forward to another year of fantastic programs and activities with Nature Vancouver. Daphne Nagorsen President, Nature Vancouver Marine Biology Section – 2013/2014 Coordinated by Joan Lopez The Marine Biology Section of Nature Vancouver has celebrated another successful season of raising awareness of marine-related topics. Evening presentations were offered on a diverse range of subjects including grey whales, fish research in Howe Sound, seaweed ecology, sailing across the Atlantic, barnacle adhesion, Canada’s Arctic and Steller sea lions. Several field trips were offered including beach walks at Stanley Park’s shores and at Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen. The beach walks examined different ecosystems, and demonstrated ecological sampling methods. We are looking forward to leading several low-tide beach walks throughout the spring and summer. Members of the Marine Biology Committee once again took part in our annual outreach event – Diver’s Weekend at the Vancouver Aquarium. This provides a unique opportunity to connect with the Aquarium’s audience and to enhance Nature Vancouver’s liaison with this popular attraction and scientific research facility. We also maintain links with the Marine Life Sanctuaries Society, an important marine conservation initiative. The Marine Biology Committee currently consists of 9 dedicated members. I would like to thank them all for the generous contributions of their time and expertise. Geology Section Annual Report—2013/2014 Coordinated by David L. Cook Geology Section has two areas of focus as follows: 1. Interpretive field trips year round some of which may also have a botanical/ecological component. 2. Postings on the Nature Vancouver website of self-guiding geological field trips. The following summarizes the activities of the Section for the period April 2013 to March 2014. (There is no Geology Section evening programme.) Field trips: In brackets - total number of participants/number of current Nature Vancouver members. 2013: April 30: Geology of some buildings and monuments in downtown Vancouver. By registration. Oversubscribed. Trip leader David Cook (10/8). May 27: A Stroll through 30 Million Years of Stanley Park’s Geological History (13/7). July 28: Ascent of Mt Strachan, Cypress Provincial Park, West Vancouver (9/4). August 18: Yew Lake, Cypress Provincial Park (16/11). October 19,: Geology of Stanley Park. Trip leaders John Clague & David Cook (23/13). November 24: Lynn Canyon Park geology and forest ecology. Trip leader David Cook (17/7) 2014: January 19, 2014: Geology of some buildings and monuments in downtown Vancouver. By registration. Oversubscribed. Trip leader David Cook (15/9) Summary: For the 12 month period there were 7 field trips given for the Geology Section with total attendance of 103 persons of which 59 (57%) are currently NV members. Compliance with the 3 field trip limit was/is closely monitored. Photography Workshops 2013 - Coordinated by Jude Grass Ron Long gave two Digital Photography Workshops (1) Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Delta March 24-Digital Photography: April 7- Composition Seminar (cancelled due to low registration): April 21-Lighting Seminar (2) Burnaby Lake Regional Park Nature House September 28-Digital Photography: October 26-Composition Seminar: November 16 Lighting Seminar These workshops continue to be popular with our members and also attract nonmembers who then become members of Nature Vancouver. YNC Vancouver: Leader Eva Nagy Our members were able to participate in an amazing variety of Explorer Days this past year: 1. The Bald Eagle – A Success Story presented by David Hancock to a joint group of Vancouver area YNCs. For this program SPECS generously let us use the Pavilion free of charge. 2. Bird Banding at the Vancouver Avian Research Centre, Colony Farm Banding Station. 3. Map, compass and outdoor skills with Adria Hussain, from Metro Vancouver Parks. 4. Spider Hunt with Al Grass at Maplewood Flats Conservation area. 5. Geology at Locarno Beach with Dr. John Clague, a professor at Simon Fraser University. 6. Plants that Stink took place at the Botany Department of UBC, led by Shona Ellis, Associate Head of Biology Camping with Nature Vancouver: A generous donation of a past Nature Vancouver camp participant and matching funds from Nature Vancouver allowed the participation of two Young Naturalist Club families at the Nature Vancouver camp at Blowdown Pass. Reports by two YNC members were printed in the Vancouver Naturalist. Two comments are worth repeating. “Overall everything was amazing about the camp and we had a monumental time.” (Cole). “Our camp became like a community, where everyone was encouraged and supported. It was beautiful to see how the people who were specialists and accomplished mountaineers and naturalists were so generous with their knowledge and accommodating with the young members of the group.” (Emma). Thank you: As always, my sincere thanks go to all the trip mentors and guides for donating their time and sharing their knowledge, teaching our members to open their eyes to the beauty of nature and the importance of preserving it. News: After12 enjoyable years as Leader of the Vancouver YNC I am preparing to step down. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful families and many budding young naturalists who will be our leaders of the future. We are most fortunate that Melanie Grant, a teacher who has a degree in biology (her mother is a member of Nature Vancouver), has volunteered to take over the leadership role. For the next little while, she and I will continue to work together as I introduce Melanie to the amazing roster of mentors that we can call upon to lead our Explorer Days. For current information on YNC activities please visit our website Birding Section Report 2013 – Jude Grass, Chair, Birding Section Evening Programs 2013: Coordinated by Jude Grass Birder’s Night was held on the first Thursday of the month January to May and September to December. The outdoor May meeting was held at Everett Crowley Park in Vancouver and included an evening walk around the area led by Bill Kinkaid. The December meeting was, as usual, the planning session for the Vancouver Christmas Bird Count. Other monthly meetings have speakers on a variety of birding topics including current research done by scientists or students and talks by birders who have travelled to interesting places to bird. NB: the average attendance at Birders Night is around 100 plus. The General Evening Programs are held on the fourth Thursday of the month January through April and September through November and include the December Christmas social. The Birding Section Committee held meetings on January 15, April 16, and October 29. In October the following were elected for the 2014-2015 term: Jude Grass, chair, Adrian Grant Duff, Julian Hudson, Martin McNicholl, June Ryder, David Boyd, Colin Clasen and Marguerite Mousseau. Minutes of the Birding Section Committee are published in the Birder’s Newsletter – The Wandering Tattler. The Wandering Tattler is published 8 times a year (September to April) and is sold at Birder’s Night for $2.00 a copy and via mail out subscription for $22.00 per year. Older copies are put on the Nature Vancouver website under the Birding Section. The newsletter (16 pages) serves to update birders on various birding event, trips, courses, and general information about birds and birding. Field Trips—the Birding Section also put on a variety of birding field trips throughout the year – too numerous to list in this report. The Vancouver Christmas Bird Count – this popular event held in late December. Coordinated by Peter Candido and Adrian Grant Duff, and compiled by Danny Tyson, the count involves over 100 Birders. The day finishes off with a post count dinner and tally, and the fun event of the Birders’ quiz using photos, bird songs and a series of bird or birding type questions. The winners, who have the highest score, on the quiz, receive a gift certificate. The revision of the Seasonal Checklist Birds of Greater Vancouver BC was completed March 2013. Thanks to Larry Cowan, Brian Self and Wayne Weber for their work on the new checklist. Checklists are available at Birder’s Night and General Evening programs and are posted on the Nature Vancouver website. Monthly surveys of the three Vancouver City Golf Courses are continuing. These surveys have been ongoing on since 2002 and recently the UBC Golf Course has also been added to the list. Thanks to David Boyd, June Ryder and Colin Clark for the ongoing work this project, and to their team of volunteers. During the year there was a change with our Bird Alert operator; Julian Hudson took over from Wayne Weber who has been running the line for many years. Julian is updating the phone-in line, the Nature Vancouver website, and local Bird Chat lines on a regular basis, as well leading birding field trips and serving as the editor of the Vancouver Naturalist magazine. Thanks Julian. Programs included: January – Daryl Thompson: Liking Lichens. Daryl explained how lichens work, their various relationships and what lichens can tell us about the air quality and health of our environment. February –Conservation Night. Update on current environmental concerns of concern to Nature Vancouver such as Deltaport expansion, Pink Mountain. March –Annual Nature Vancouver Photography Competition showcased our members’ photographic skills. Members from the Young Naturalists’ Cub were recognized with their own competition. April – Annual General Meeting, followed by a social. September – Simon Donner: Climate Change .The latest findings about climate change and some implications. October – Ron Long: Botswana. Ron described his recent trip to Botswana, showing wonderful photos of various species of wildlife and habitats. November – Bernie Fandrich: Thompson River. A very interesting presentation about the majestic Thompson River and the natural and human history of the area. December - Annual Christmas Social organized by Elly Brok. It was a good time to socialize and mix with folks – something that we don’t often get time to do at our regular meetings and programs. Thanks to all those who assisted in coordinating the event and those who brought refreshments. Weekly E-mail Bulletins 2013/2014 – Coordinated by Elena Klein Weekly E-mails are sent out on Monday evenings; approximately 600 Nature Vancouver members receive these bulletins. These weekly mass e-mails update and remind members of the coming week’s activities meetings, field trips and other events of interest. Many outside organizations reach out to Nature Vancouver to have their events included. This year Judy Sullivan had to step down as the alternative email editor to pursue other volunteer opportunities. Adele Liu has graciously stepped up to the plate. Elena also relies on the expertise of John Dale and Murat Gungora for the occasional technical issues. Botany Section 2013/2014— Coordinated by David L. Cook Botany Section talks are held from January through April and September through November on the third Thursday of the month. Numerous field trips with a botanical focus are held throughout the year. The following summarizes the activities of the Section and field trips with a botanical focus led by the Botany Section Coordinator for the period April 2013 to March 2014. TALKS (with number of attendees in brackets). 2013: April 18: Seeing beyond the obvious - Leona Isaak (45). September 19: A return to stewardship: The problem of maintaining deer populations and native plant communities in the absence of native predators - Dr Peter Arcese (51). October 17: Moving up or moving out. Predicting species distribution in a warming world - Dr Amy Angert (31). November 21: Changing climate, changing forests – Dr Sally Aitken (31). 2014: January 16: Nitrogen fixation in the boreal: Putting the “N” in nature - Nicole Linfoot (50). February 20: A walk on the wild side: Exploring the ethno-botanical riches of Wreck Beach and human wellness - Judy Williams (36). March 20: To flower or not to flower: Evolution of delayed flowering in a long-lived orchid – Dr. J Williams (16). OF BC: Daphne Solecki, Honorary President YOUNG NATURALISTS’ CLUB AGM 2013: We had a wonderful AGM hosted by the Chilliwack Club. We met at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve, Chilliwack. Eastern Fraser Valley YNC members joined us and shared some of their projects with us. Ian Davidson, Nature Canada CEO, also joined us for the meeting and for a walk around the Reserve. Award: We are proud that YNC participated in the WetlandsLIVE program in Boundary Bay, a great project for students in the United States, Canada and Mexico, which was awarded the 2013 National Blue-Winged Teal Award from the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. The NAWMP felt that the WetlandsLIVE programs represented a powerful educational tool for wetlands conservation at an international level. The National Blue-winged Teal Award recognizes partners whose activities at the national or regional level result in substantial benefits to waterfowl, other wetland-associated migratory bird populations or wetlands habitats, at the national scale as a one-time, periodic or ongoing effort. Analysis of numbers attending: The number attending has no relationship to the quality of the speakers’ presentations. The numbers are more likely related to how the notices are worded (therefore the reader’s perception of what they may expect), weather and the extent of advertising. Summary of activities for all YNCs in 2013: 48 Nature Clubs (family & school). 518 Family memberships, representing 1206 children. 108 Club leaders and nature mentors; 257 Explorer days with a total of 5140 participants. 4 issues of NatureWILD – 4800 copies. Botanical Field Trips 2013/1014— Coordinated by Coordinator David L. Cook Finances: YNC has been fortunate in receiving the Gaming Grant and other grants from the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, New Horizons for Seniors, and others and also some very generous donations from individuals. (In brackets - total number of participants/number of current Nature Vancouver members.) 2013: June 29: Cypress Falls Park: Old-growth trees & falls: A joint event between Nature Vancouver and the Old Growth Conservancy Society (23/12) August 16: Black bear feeding area, Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve: A joint field trip between Nature Vancouver and the North Shore Black Bear Society. (19/6) August 18: Yew Lake wetland, Yew Lake old growth and Bowen Lookout, Cypress Provincial Park: A joint field trip between Nature Vancouver and Friends of Cypress Provincial Park Society (16/11). October 26:: A hike into the Mosquito Creek old-growth forest (18/7). November 24: Lynn Canyon Park geology & forest ecology 17/8) 2014: February 23: Climate change past, present & future using Lighthouse Park as our class room (65). March 23: Ecology of a Coastal Temperate Rainforest, UBC Botanical Gardens. (33/12) Analysis of numbers attending: Participation was directly related to weather. Summary: For the 12 month period there were 7 talks given for the Botany Section with a total attendance of 280. For the same period there were 7 field trips with a botany focus led by the Botany Section Coordinator with a total attendance of 138, of which 61 were NV members. Compliance with the 3 field trip limit was/is closely monitored. People: We have all our wonderful YNC leaders who have organized the Explorer Days mentioned above, plus an excellent and talented Board of Directors to take us forward in 2014, when we will be updating our Strategic Plan. Our thanks to Kristine Webber, Executive Director and Tammy Keetch, Clubs Coordinator – both of them contribute far more than their job descriptions encompass. They are the backbone of our organization and we thank them for their invaluable contribution. Our Membership and oOfice coordinator, Leslie Ritchie, left to take full time employment, and we welcomed Rebecca Baker in her place. We would particularly like to thank Betty Davidson, BC Nature Manager with whom we share the office, for the many, many ways in which she assists the YNC. “Young Naturalists Observe and Conserve” ************************************************************** NATURE VANCOUVER TREASURER’S REPORT is presented separately. Conservation Section 2013/2014 – Coordinated by Jeremy McCall Overview During the past year the Conservation Section has undergone changes in its organization and practices. During the spring of 2013 the Section was meeting as it had done for many years, with an established meeting place, a formal agenda and regular publication of its meeting minutes. As the year progressed a combination of circumstances, including the loss of its regular meeting room and reduced attendance by members, led to procedures becoming less formal. At the time of writing a small group of Section members continue to meet during most months of the year in the home of a member. However there is still a large group of Nature Vancouver members who form the Conservation e-mail list and continue to receive regular e-mails about issues of conservation concern. Members on that list can and do contribute to the discussion by e-mail. The current set-up is not perfect but it is less demanding on the core group. If and when there is sufficient interest, the Section may resume formal meetings. In any event there is absolutely no doubt that conservation will continue to be a vital part of Nature Vancouver`s activities. Some issues addressed during the past year Hastings Park Governance After a new management plan was approved for Hastings Park by Vancouver City Council, Section members and other Society members supported Vancouver Park Board`s bid to be appointed the governing body of the Park. We believe this structure would have resulted in less commercialization and a greener park. After participating in several public meetings and media appearances with the Friends of Hastings Park and the Hastings Park Conservancy the City approved a structure which continues to give the Pacific National Exhibition the leading role in the Park`s governance. Surrey Bend Habitat Enhancement The Conservation Section once played a leading role in the setting aside of Surrey Bend as a natural area as well as the more recent development of its management plan. So when a habitat enhancement project was announced as compensation for the Highway 1 improvement project the Section criticized it because it seemed neither necessary nor fitting in with the management plan. West Vancouver`s Upper Lands Nature Vancouver has contributed to the identification of ecologically significant areas and species on the mountain slopes above West Vancouver so that they can be protected if necessary as part of the ongoing planning by the District of West Vancouver and British Pacific Properties for the latter`s desired developments above the 1,200 foot level. Conservation Section 2013/2014—continued Block F Development in Pacific Spirit Park Section members are working with the Pacific Spirit Park Society with respect to the proposed development of this forested area at the entrance to the UBC campus by the Musqueam Band, with the objective of maintaining it in as natural a state as possible. Deltaport Expansion - The proposed Terminal 2 at Roberts Bank Of the several major projects now proposed for the Lower Mainland, including the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline by Kinder Morgan and the Woodfibre LNG Plant, the further expansion proposed by Port Metro Vancouver (PMV) for Deltaport is considered by many to be the most egregious. The project will require the construction of an entire new island on Roberts Bank with a three berth container terminal. The farmlands of Delta have already been degraded by the construction of the South Fraser Perimeter Road and large greenhouses and they are now the site for two mega shopping malls on land granted to the Tsawwassen First Nation near Brunswick Point. The growth in truck traffic has already reached crisis levels. The levels of noise and air pollution from train and truck traffic reach unacceptable levels at times. This project will inevitably result in a further drastic impact on the vital shorebird habitat on Roberts Bank, with its critical areas of biofilm used by Western Sandpipers. Nature Vancouver has always played an important role in this area through participation by its members in Coastal Waterbird Surveys and the Christmas Bird Counts. We have featured this project at Conservation Nights for the past two years and will continue to do whatever we can to try and convince PMV that this project should not proceed. The scope of PMV`s impact on this and other waterfront projects, such as the Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation`s plan to deliver gasoline by barge to a terminal in Richmond on the South Arm of the Fraser, requires Section members to spend an inordinate amount of time at PMV land planning and public information meetings just to keep abreast of what is being planned. Climate change In the spring of 2013 Fred Bass focussed our attention on the prospective impact of climate change on nature. In the June issue of Vancouver Naturalist he published a thoughtful article on this topic in the Conservation Matters column. In the article he related climate change to the Society`s objectives and its past accomplishments. The Section also organized the speaker for the general meeting in September, when Simon Donner, a UBC professor, reviewed some of the implications of the latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Field Trips 2013/2014—Coordinated by Cynthia Crampton, Field trips are a major feature of Nature Vancouver, and we aim to offer a variety of trips both on weekends and weekdays. This year, we have offered birding trips to Reifel, Iona, Jericho, Colony Farm, Hastings Conservancy, Maplewood, Minnekhada, the North Shore Mountains and the Sea to Sky Highway, amongst other areas. Annual visits are made to Galiano Island, Mayne Island, Horth Hill and the Hope Tunnels, with lists kept of what flora and fauna is seen. These lists provide valuable data, all provided by “citizen scientists”. In December, we organized a float on the Squamish River, to see the activity as a result of the chum salmon spawn. Forty of us floated down the river on a cold but (mostly) dry day, and were rewarded with eagles, a sea lion and seals made curious by our rafts, and Barrows’ Goldeneye galore. A great day in nature. The speed with which this float filled up encourages us to offer more of this sort of field trip, and in fact, the field trip to Vancouver Island in March filled up in similar jig time. Many thanks to the field trip leaders for their enthusiasm and knowledge. Being in nature with these leaders is a highlight of my life, and of many others in the Society. Camp Summer 2013—Coordinated by Nigel Peck The 2013 Nature Vancouver summer camps returned to the 2007 site of Blowdown Lake to the east of Lillooet. Two superb, sold out camps were led by Peg Neilon in the first week and Don Griffiths in the second. Of particular note were two fabulous new camp cooks, Mim and Cat, who have set a new standard of culinary skill, energy and all around spirit! Highlights included superb weather, wonderful hikes, star gazing with a fifteen inch telescope in the second week, and then a grizzly ambling through the general area for campers’ appreciation. The truly memorable event though had to be the second camp breaking down and flying out to discover the road out had been covered by three separate mudslides. With phenomenal action by the provincial emergency measures and Ministry of Lands along with a handy available bulldozer, the road was cleared within 18 hours and campers only had to contend with one extra day of relaxation, ample food, wine and good company. On top of that Nature Vancouver ended up on the front page of the Vancouver Sun and with a fantastic Global TV news report. Couldn’t have been a better ending to the camps! The generous donation of a past Nature Vancouver camp participant and the matching funds from Nature Vancouver allowed the participation of two Young Naturalist Club families which added a nice family feel to Camp 2. Nature Vancouver Outreach 2013/2014—Coordinated by Nigel Peck Nature Vancouver outreach in 2013 saw a series of events including the Wildlife Rescue Earth Day event in May, Stanley Park's 100th birthday weekend celebration, Terra Nova Raptor festival in August, September Coho festival as well as displays at MEC and the Vancouver Public Library. Outreach continues to be a vibrant, fun way of connecting to and promoting the society to the public at large. It is an important pillar of NV so please join Nellie, Nigel and the other volunteers in promoting Nature Vancouver. THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERS! On behalf of the Board of Directors and all members of Nature Vancouver, thank you to all our volunteers! The first and most important thank you goes to any volunteer whose name we have accidentally missed while compiling this list. Many Nature Vancouver volunteers work unobtrusively, with little opportunity for recognition. However, without our volunteers, there would be no hikes, no communication, no evening programs, no camp, no conservation work, no outreach, no workshops and no Nature Vancouver. Thank you everyone for all you have done for Nature Vancouver over the past year! Abby Schwarz Adele Liu Adrian Grant Duff Al Grass Alan McKenzie Alexander Milner Anne Leathem Art Winckers Bengul Kurtar Bill Ramey Bill Merilees Bill Ng Bob Holden Bob Dyer Bruce Bohm Carol Mitchner Carolyn Varah Catherine Aitchison Cathy Walker Christine Adkins Colin Clasen Colin Clark Daniel Mosquin Daphne Solecki David Boyd David Foreman Deborah Simpson Dennis Nelson Diane Fast Don Griffiths Donna McKenzie Dorothy Nelson Elly Brok Elspeth Bradbury Eva Nagy Fred Bass Gail Ross George Bangham Greg Ferguson Harry Crosby Harvey Dueck Helen Gowans Hugh Hamilton Ian McAskill Irmgard Dommel Jacqui Lee Janet McIntosh Jennifer Getsinger Jennifer Ingram John Dale John Morton John Clague John Chandler John Coope Judy Sullivan Julian Hudson June Ryder Katharine Steig Kelly Sekhon Kevin Bell Kitty Castle Larry Cowan Laura Fauth Laurel Trebilco Lee Finch Leo Eutsler Lesley Bohm Linda Koch Louise Irwin Maggie Holland Margaret Ostrowski Marguerite Mousseau Marian Coope Marion Shikaze Martin McNicholl Meg Brown Mike Gagel Mike McNulty Murat Gungoraydinoglu Nancy Prober Naomi Ross Nellie Bacou Nigel Cornwall Noriko Nakaya Pam Dicer Pat Wilson Paul Vasicek Peg Neilon Poh Yu Chan Rick Gee Rob Butler Rob Leeson Robyn Thornley Ron Long Rosemary Taylor Roy Klein Sally McDermott Sandra Booth Sheila Byers Susan Garber Terry Taylor Tom Plath Ursula Easterbrook Victoria Otton Victoria Harrison Wally Kiel Wayne Weber
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