• Thursday April 25, 1W6 The Meade County Messenger, Brandenburg, Ky. Page 8 ^ Mr. and Mrs. Stoy Bratcher and Martin, Mr. and Mrs. A l e x Martin and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John FRYERS—Frying chickens for Evelyn and Francine Martin vis- Hobbs and children dined with son of Louisville. Mr. and lira. sale at MRS. S. A. BUNGER'8 ited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kasey Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Redmon Sun- James Hager of Rogenvllle were Route 1, Brandenburg, on HighMr. and Mrs. T. H. Bennett enweek end guests of Mr. and Mrs, fee ALLOTS GOAL S**YIC« way 60 near Doe Run Hotel road. tertained the following to Easter and family of Irvington last Sun- day. Mrs. Ella Mae Mitchell received John Payne and their guests Sunday. dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Luther a letter from her son, Pvt. Albert day were Miss Maude Ritchie of FOR SALE—One 9x12 Axminister Lyons .Mr. and Mrs. Oatley All caret* blocks, Lee Mitchell of N e w Jersey Sat- Flaherty, Mr and Mrs. Bernard 15 TO BE GRADUATED rug: one rollaway bed; 5-burner good, Mr. and Mrs. Oryille Ward, urday stating h e would spend Ritchie and children. Mr. a n a FROM FLAHERTY HIGH Savoil keronsene stove with built- all of Custer, Mr. and Mrs. MarEaster on t h e Atlantic Ocean on Mrs. W. A . King and Mrs. Jodie in oven. MRS. H. B. MILLER. tin Miller and family, Mr. and Continued from page his w a y to Europe. Thompson of Brandenburg. lowing little children will receive TOR SALE—Orchard Irvington, K y . It Mrs. Brunei and daughter. their First Holy Communion at • » * » » ^ » » # » ^ # i # » » # > » » » » » » # I » » » # » # ^ # » » » # # » # ^ » # I » » » * I * I # » « * « » I # # # I » # » » » # » # # # ^ I # , racleaned, free «f Mrs. Ethel Lyons of High St. Martin's Church: Shirley Rose dateie. HOMBR RICHARD- FOR SALE—Baby buggy, almost Plains spent a few days last week Ritchie, Elizabeth Brown, Barbara new, in perfect condition, price with Mrs. A. L. Barnes. SON. Braadenburf. Ky. tf Vowels, Mary M. Padgett, Mary $17.00. Write MRS. EARL LUCAS Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp en- F. -Mills. Najet Whelan, Shirley It tertained Easter Sunday, Mr. and Raley, Catherine Mills, Louise If you have •omethinf l a need of Brandenburg, Ky. R. 1. repair, i e e Frankie Miller, PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Mrs. Willie Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Crutcher, Mary R. Seymour, K e n Sharp, Jimmie Sharp, Whelan, Gene Corbett, James £.' Brandenburg, Ky. He fixea Wash- IF YOU WANT BABY CHICKS Wilbur Mrs. Howard Pyles, all of Louis- Peake, David Crutcher, Ernest I plan now to close my hatch- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haynes ing Machines, Refrigerators and ing season the last week in May. and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Ray, Leo Whelan, David Lancasmoat anything that need* fixing. All my orders ar,e booked up toMcCamish of High Plains, Mr. ter, Kenneth Thompson, Robert Hobbs, Raymond Pike, Frances and including May 15th. Anyone and Mrs. Fred Kaelin and son, Thompson, Joseph Lancaster. ' — a a — - • • i — n i" i ii H i i ••• wanting chicks after that date, and Mrs. Arthur Carman and Sunday evenmg before BeneATTENTION 'REAL ESTATE please send your orders in at Mr. family, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sharp diction service, they will b e e n OWNERS-r-Do you wish to sell once. Thanks. „ and family of Corners, Mr. androlled in the Scapular of Mount your farmpr house and lot? We HILLTOP FARM HATCHERY, Mrs. Ollie Nolon. Carmel. have cash ^buyers for farms and Betty A. Woolfolk, Brandenburg, Rev. Cooper held sunrise serFollowing Benediction, the > vice Easter morning at the Meth- Flaherty School Music class will houses. We handle all details on Ky. give a recital in t h e Community auction^ sales. LAMKIN & FOR SALE—An extra good violin odist Church. iby Hall. Saxophone duets will be Mrs. Mary E. Stone and bab; in first class shape, Adler vicMILLER, Ekron, Ky., or Louisplayed by Bobby Hamilton and] < ville, MA. 1361. 16-4t trola with about 100 records. Cecelia spent Wednesday w iith Sidney Clarkson. The rhythm orMRS. JIM WOOLFOLK, Bran- her sister Mrs. Russell Barnes, Mr. Shelby Best has purchased chestra with the following perIt i INTERIOR A N D EXTERIOR denburg, K y . S t a r Route sonnel will play several seleca new school bus. Painting, Kern-toning, Special FOR SALE—I have five nice lots Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Kasey and tions: Mary A. Rhodes, Lois Care on roofs and guttering. See in the town of Brandenburg for family of Irvington visited Mr. Wathen, Rodney Clarkson, Billy or write FLAHERTY & CAL- sale, and will sell them in 50-foot and Mrs. Alex Martin Sunday af- Shacklette, Rose Wathen, Jane Shacklette. Instrumental solos VERT, Rhodejia, Ky. 10-lSt lots or will sell the entire plat of ternoon. five lots as a whole. Anyone inMr. and Mrs. Julian Hardaway, will be played b y Mary Redmon, terested i n one or more of these Mrs. B e n Clarkson Hardaway Bertha Shircliffe, Louise Redmon, FOR SALE—Hybrid seed corn, lots please s e e m e at my home. and son of Louisville spent Sun- Shelly Hager, Jean Mills, Jean U. S. 13, grown by Ralph Myers MRS. W. R. HEAVRIN, Branden- day with Dr. and Mrs. A. M Har- Pike, Clementine Clark, Joan 1 Electric Radio (Radiola) Redmon, Martha Burnett, Patsy It daway and Clarkson. and P. R. Parr, $6.25 per bushel. burg, Ky. 1 Electric Washer (Easy) Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Berry Seymour, Dorothy Wathen, MilEight years experience. S e e or 3 Electric Table Lamps dred Powers. This same group write THOMAS B. CUNNING- FOR SALE—1 upright piano, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert will take part in a Daisy Dance, 1 Electric Toaster (Toastmaalet) cherry case; 1 coal oil stove; 1 Berry, all of Vine Grove visited HAM, Wolf Creekl Ky. 10-8t Warm 1 Bottle Gas Rang* Morning stove; 2 beds Mr. and Mrs. John Rothlesburger an artistic arrangement b y Janet Monaghan. with springs and mattresses, DR. Sunday. 1 Electric Refrigerator i BABY CHICKS—Place your or- S. H. STITH, Brandenburg, Ky. It Mr, and Mrs, Oval Haynes and i der now. Will close soon. All daughter of Valley Station, Mr. > heavy breeds $10.50 per hundred. NOTICE—Notice is hereby given and Mrs. Paul Carter were SunLeghorns $10.25. NATURAL GAS to all parties having any claim day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Wanda Gerkins of Fort HATCHERY at Flaherty, P, Oragains the estate of Mrs; Ethel David Lucas and family. 1 Trailer Miss Eunice Lucas of Louisville Knox* spent the w e e k e n d with Ekron, Ky. 12-8t B. Ashcraft, deceased, to file the ent the week end with Mr. and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. same verified as required by law, spei Gerkins. s. Lewis Lucas. Mrs FOR SALE—About 400 bushels with me, or with m y Attorney Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Henry, Mr. Mrs. James Clarkson of Indiaof Black Wilson soy beans at W. D. Ashcraft on or before the napolis, is spending some time June Haynes and daughter Verna 1 4 year old Mara Mule 15V4 hands Ugh *2.65 per bushel and you furnish 1st day of June 1946. WILBUR with her sister, Mrs. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Henry spent 1 Good Aged Mule your o w n sacks. MACK ASHCRAFT, Executor of estate Board and Mr. Board, who isSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haynes and family. Mr. and Mrs. gradually getting worse. JOHNSTON Wolf Creek, Ky. 13-8 of Mrs. Ethel B. Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Huffines Bertrand Kennedy and family of i FOR SALE—1937 Ford dump NOTICE FOR CLAIMS—All per- and daughter of Custer, Mrs. W. Louisville were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. F . C. Clements truck, good tires, in fair shape. sons having claims against the P. Huffines of Corners spent Fri! HOMER RICHARDSON, Bran- estate of Mark Hardin, deceased, day with Mr. and Mr. Vernon and son went to Frankfort Saturday t o spend Easter S u n d a y with denburg, Ky., Route 1. 14-tf will please present same properly Huffines and son. r » « y » « « « « * * 4M>0>0 »*»++++++++»*>++0 »<«« m W H N * « » » » « W » » # » # # » Mr. and Mrs. John Bandy spent relatives. proven as required by law t o the the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Bunger and Petey BLACKSMTTHING—I will do undersigned executrix on or be-Wilbur Weikel of Louisville. left Monday for Illinois t o spend general blacksmithing at m y fore June 1, 1946V BERTHA HARMrs. W. E. Bruner and daugh- a week with Mrs. Ruth Bunger. Mr. and Mrs. P . K. Shumate farm 2 miles from Brandenburg DIN, Executrix o f estate of Mark ter of Garfield spent last week •fS 1 on Battletown road. R. V . CLAY- Hardin, deceased. with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bennett entertained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Shumate and son Stephand family. COMB, Brandenburg, K y . 14-4t CARD OF THANKS—I will take Mr. and Mrs. Elby Tate and en of Urbanay 111., Mr. and Mrs. WANTED—Married man for ten- this oppotunity to thank each family of ShepherdsviUe spent Eard Edlen o f Louisville, Miss ant or sharecropper, with or with- one that sent m e cards while I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gil- Dorothy Jared, X J. Stith, Ralph Stith and Bill Kitchen. out equipment; 6-room house, was in the hospital. Also* the Bap- bert Wortham and family. Miss Minnie R. Simpson of Miss Katherine Johnson of Loubarn and all necessary outbuild- tist Church and m y school class Louisville and Mr. asad Mrs. Harings; 2.6 acres tobacco base, for the fruit, and the girls for the isville spent the week end with old Stith spent Easter Sunday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen plenty of farming land. Can give box of ehocolates. NELSON COX. Johnson ana family. with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Simpson possession at once See DOUGLAS Eugene Jones arrived here and family. FRENCH or ROY BERRY at CARD OF THANKS—l wish to Wednesday from Alaska. He re- Mr. and Mrs. W T. G«rkins and Midway, or write Brandenburg, take this opportunity to express ceived his discharge having been family spent the day Sunday Ky., Route 1. 15-tf a sincere thanks to all w h o sent in the army more than two years. with Mr. and Mrs. W. JL- Gerkins me cards and letters during m y He and Mrs. Jones and Barbara and Lois. The W. M S. has been seeetin, WANTED—Cream Station Oper- illness and stay in the hospital. visited Mrs. LiLUe Jones of Welin the homes for t h e past sever; don last week, ator m-Brandenburg or nearby Especially do I thank the Deacons .15 Yearling Heifers, 25 two-year-old Heifers, that are bred and Mrs. Wilbur Reardon of Owens- months but will meet at the towns. Experience or investment of Buck Grove Church for their ^ ^ " g p ^ . S a t u r d a y ^ Sunday church May 16th. H e a v y Springers, 15 Bulls ready lor sendee. Lot of choice HERD Mrs. Anna Montgomery who is unnecessary. Write or call, special prayer services. CURTIS w i t n Mr. and Mrs, George GrifB u l l prospects. 25 cows and caJeea and Heavy Springers, 4;to€ fith and son. Mr. and Mrs. Roy in a hospital in Louisville i s imWALTER WILBORN, Cloverport, ALLGOOD. y e a r s old. Second Annual Farm Prodroetion Sale LANCASTER, proving from an operation;. Johnson of High Plains were also i. .Ky., Phone 2101. 15-tt IN MEMORY—-In CpL and Mrs. Curtis Allgood of loving memory their guests. GARRARD COUNTY, Kentucky. A S o f t h e above Cattle are , of my husband * Jake McMahan, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Huffines New York arrived Sunday for a Registered and Bred in the Purple; they are out of fashionable FOR SALE—Korean s e e d, who departed this life April 24, had for their dinner guests Sun- thirty day visit w i t h h i s parents bred d s m i and feature the get of Z SONS of EILEENMERE 85 yellow soybean seed, see W. L. day: Mi*, and Mrs. Robert Berry Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allgood. 1945: and QUEENMERE 333, grandson of PRIZEMERE 32 All cattle MATTINGLY, Rhodelia, Ky. 16-2 and son, Mr. and Mrs. Letter HufOne year—now t w o we've been fines, all of Louisville. a r e X B\ and Bang tested with a HBHep Farm guarantee back FOR SALE—Two-row Hoosier parted oteacJs Mrs. J. W . Moorman w a s i n e v e r y animal. corn planter. See SIM DOWNS My lonely heart holds all theElizabethtown, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John P a y n e w e r » Vine Grove, Ky., Route 1 Vh. tears Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin, Edd in Elizabethtown,' Monday. miles north of Buck Grove That swift to m y eyelids have Mr. and Mrs. Fonnie Snelling church. 16-2t started were in Louisville, Monday. For softly your voice it hears Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hobbs and HOGAM fc J. L. TEATEM. Omsscs TOR SALE—2-horse check row "Time passes, soon w e l l b e unchildren spent Sunday a t Mt. S t . l a v a s Association Hap. of corn planter. R. L. FACKLER, Joseph with relatives. ited 16 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Powera^spent) Sirocco, Ky. "2t Be brave and serve God for SWIUBORD, GEORGE Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. C. awhile 1 STRAYED—An Airdale pup, tan Powers who was ill. ^ * * ^ W W W O I I » W I » t » > | K l l K m <m W00+ » # * » 0++06W0Om0O090O0+6OOO*0O6i In Heaven all grief will be Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wathen and white, long hair, named righted and daughters were callers Saturi "Skippy", gone since April 11th. In the unending . bliss of His day night of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Anyone seeing please notify Hobbs. smile." n Ml RUTH CORUM Brandenburg, Ky. Miss Anna Frances Snelling Sadly missed by WIFE AND spent Tuesday night w i t h Miss FOR SALE—Have a f e w O.I.C. CHILDREN. Rita Lockard of Vine Grove. , boars ready for service headed i Mrs. W. H. Edelen and children by L. B. Silver Co., originators of HONOR ROLL. WELDON spent Sunday afternoon with her aunt, Mrs. Katie Hager famous O.I.C. swine. Also a few SCHOOL. SIXTH MONTH gilts. All to be registered free in and children w « r , .dinner j r o - t . ^ ^ * ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m 0J. First grade: Wayne Adams, purchasers name. Yours for better Easter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bur p.LC. J. A. LANCASTER, Janice Benham, Peggy Jupin, nett of Brandenburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hamilton Vine Grove, Ky. 16-2t Lonnie Lawson, Loyd Reesor, Jr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. . m — Larry Trent. Clarence Jenkins of Rineyville, Second grade: David Howard FOR SALE—3 cows with calves Sunday. _ „ ,», , j at Pete Robinson farm. ARVIN Benham, Dorothy Benham, Harry Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hicks and ROBINSON. 16-2t Jones, Albert Lawson. children visited Mr. and Mrs. Fourth grade: Roberta Lawson. FOR SALE—1 buffet, 1 tabel James Farrow of Louisville, SunEighth grade: Martha Louisa model battery radio and other E d w a r d Hobbs spent*Sunday Wardrip. pieces of furniture. LOTTIE with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. WILSON, Brandenburg, Ky. 16-2MR. ALLEN JUPIN DIES H. Hobbs of Flaherty. Weldon—Mr. Allen Jupin of Mr and Mrs. Paul Hager and FOR SALE—McCormick Deering Valley Station passed away April daughters were Sunday afternoon binder, cheap if taken at once. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lauren 17th and services were held at W. A. LAMKIN, Ekron, Ky. It Miller. _ _ .» the Methodist Church here FriMr and Mrs. S. J. Bunger, Mr. FOR SALE—Large feather bed. day, conducted by Rev. E. C. and Mrs. R. F . Hamilton and Can be seen at.MRS. H. O.Peters, assisted by Rev. D. A. Sammy were dinner guests of Mr. DUTSCHKE'S, Brandenburg, Ky. Payton. and Mrs. Wm. Dooley of BrandenCrop Peat Insecticides, Livestock Spray and Phenothias.no 17-lt burg Easter. , __ _ products. Special price* to quanity users. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wathen MALE HELP W A N T E D - OpThis is only a f e w of the many items necessary on e r e r f portunity of a lifetime supplyI WILL D O } i farm that w e carry « i stock. Feel free to coma in and make ing DDT and other profitable prorFlIPD Al McGeh«N»'« your headquarters while in town. ducts to farmers . in Meade Will B e Observed On County. No experience or capital MAY 5, 1948 at BIG SPRING required. Must have auto .and BAPTIST CHURCH 50 is our goal. Can w e have good references. Permanent. Write or wire McNESS COM- them? Yes, b y prayer and work P A N Y , Dept. T, Freeport, Illinois. for success of our Sunday School and Church. B y each of you un^ T Y T S W S . C S L i i - -JLCU4Baaa) MeOEHEE MAURY McCEHEE tiring folks on Go-To-Sunday ULLENVSEA VICE STATION School Day taking it upon your\ PHONE 43 OR SEE ME A T IMPLEMENTS DUO THERM OIL HEATERS ¥QR SALE—Pair of bed springs self. Art ~ar if-the- success &t t h e XVEBXTARM habv bed aim mattress, Daoy" BRANDENBURG STATION WATER PUMPS HOME WATER SUPPLY SUPPLY PUMPS entire program depended on you. hich '-hair, 3-pieco bed pimli/r ni n stroller, S : irpci MINNIE The Baptist Church extpnds a to all.—REV. J.. C. room s u i t e , S e e MRS. J ^ g J J l welcome THOMPSON or MISS PAULiWh STONE, Pastor; PAUL JOHNMANNING at Miss Manning s SON, Sunday School Supt. residence in Brandenburg u BIG SPRING Classified Ads | Community Auction tt SATURDAY, APRIL 27 1:30 P. M. At L. L. Trent & Son's of Irvington HOUSEHOLD GOODS HILL GROVE FARM IMPLEMENTS LIVESTOCK Next Sale Saturday May 4lh Head of Choice Angus Cattle at Auction Wednesday, Nay 1,1946, at 1 p. - T ~ — i —ii H — ii." HI i HALL HILL TOP HA' GEoavas At Your Service Think of ow store as a p ^ of your farmMr. "a^if'Sirl "Ralph Burnett J I. jjjg operation. H ever you ha*ve a problem, or I drop in. We'll be happy to help you get things straightened out Helping you to keep going and to get your work done on time is the job of our Service De- i partment. While the Sun Shines is the time to fix that leaky roof. ASPHALT ROOF COATING 5 gal. can, per gal .....40e WE HANDLE Go-To-Sunday School Day WS«™F„ McGehee's Farm Sto SALES H W. Berryman & SERVICE. BRANDENBURG, KENTUCKY \ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ->, .
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