MARCH 2015 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Tiny Tots 9:30 am –11 am Little Rascals 9:30 am –11 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm Thursday 5 6 Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am “Cuddle Up & Read” (Nahant Library) 10:30 am Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm 9 10 “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am 11 Tiny Tots 9:30 am –11 am Little Rascals 9:30 am –11 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm 12 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm 17 Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Wee Folks Playgroup at Abbott Library (Marblehead, MA.) Kids birth to 18 months old 10:00 am “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am 18 Tiny Tots 9:30 am –11 am Little Rascals 9:30 am –11 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm 13 Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm 16 Friday 19 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm “Cuddle Up & Read” (Nahant Library) 10:30 am 20 Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am “Time for Tots” NEW Playgroup (Swampscott Library) 1:30 pm 23 24 Tiny Tots 9:30 am –11 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm 25 Little Rascals 9:30 am –11 am I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Pajama Time Stories” (Swampscott Library) 6:00pm 30 31 “Strike it Up!” (Lucky Strike Bowling) 10:00am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm 26 27 Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am Family & Children’s Service of Greater Lynn Early Childhood Family Resource Center 111 North Common Street, Lynn, MA 01902 CFCE (Lynn Family Network-PCHP):781-595-2870 x242 Family & Children’s Service: 781-598-5517 Fax: 781-581-6614 Francie Sudak Lynn Public Schools; Lead Program Teacher COORDINATED FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (CFCE) “LYNN FAMILY NETWORK HAPPENINGS” MARCH 2015 **Remember, if the Lynn Public Schools are closed (DUE TO BAD WEATHER) then the Lynn Family Network programs are also cancelled.** In doubt, call ahead to check! “Tiny Tots” Playgroup extended Monday March 2nd, 9th , 16th & 23rd at 9:30-11:00 am -This playgroup is for parents with children birth to 5 years old. Bring the baby, bring the toddler, bring the pre schooler! Come and meet other families, play with your child and engage in fun activities. There is limited space for this group so please call CFCE to register at (781) 595-2870 x242. “Little Rascals” Playgroup extended Tuesday March 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th at 9:30-11:00 am -This playgroup is for parents with 3-5 year old children. This playgroup helps prepare you and your child for school through fun activities which focus on literacy, socialization, and developmental skills. Call CFCE staff to register (781) 595-2870 x242. “Story Time” at the Lynn Library March. 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th at 9:30am - .We are Back at the Lynn Library!! Stop in the Lynn Library for some stories and more! Please call and let us know you are coming (781) 595-2870 x 242. “Wee Folks Playgroup” at the Abbott Library (Marblehead, MA) March 13th at 10:00am - For children birth to 18 months old. An early introduction to the love of reading, songs and play. Limited space. Call Francie to register at 781 595-2870 x242 . “Cuddle Up & Read” Story times March 4th & 18th at 10:30am - Join us at the Nahant Public Library as we sing, dance, do finger plays and of course, READ!. Parents this is a program you WILL NOT want to miss in providing your child a jumpstart to their love of reading. For more information call CFCE staff at (781) 595-2870 x242. **NEW** “Little Folks Drop-In” Playgroup March. 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th at 10:00am to 11:00am - Follow Maureen, Chrissy, Debbie and Francie to the Gregg Neighborhood House 106 Broad St. Drop in and spend time with your child and the CFCE/Gregg House Staff. There is So MUCH to see and do here during these cold winter months! Please call for more details! (781) 595-2870 x242. **NEW** “Time For Tots” Playgroup March 19th at 1:30 pm Meet Chrissy and Maureen at the Swampscott Public Library 61 Burrill St.. It’s never too early to start! This playgroup is for parents with children birth to 18 months. Please call the CFCE staff for more info. (781) 595-2870 x242. "Strike it Up!" March 30 at 10:00 am Join us at Lucky Strike Bowling on Buffum St. for some fun with your child. Call CFCE staff for details to let us know if you will be coming. (781) 595-2870 x242 “Pajama Time Stories” March 24 at 6:00 pm - Presented by storyteller Mark Binder. Join us at the Swampscott Library as Mark Binder Transmits Joy to your children with stories and songs! Space is limited so please RSVP by March 17th. Call CFCE staff at (781) 595-2870 x242. Want to learn if your child is on track in development? The Ages and Stages Screening tool is available. Call CFCE staff for more information. All Coordinated Family & Community Engagement activities are for families residing in Lynn, Nahant, Marblehead and now servicing Swampscott. Grandparents!!! Call Francie Sudak 781 595-2870 X242 for information on support groups!!! Parent Child Home Program! Call Kathy Westin for info at 781 595-2870 x242 FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER HAPPENINGS - MARCH 2015 Incredible Years Parenting Classes 0 – 12 years old; These classes are designed to help families understand the developmental stages of their children, identify and address their children’s behavior and develop effective discipline strategies. Call for more information at 781 598-5517 x221 Incredible Years School Readiness - Help Your Child Prepare for School - (298 Union St. 1st Floor) Thursdays at 10:00am to 12:00pm. This group is for parents of children ages 3-5 yrs. old. We will explore child-directed play concepts that will help promote social, emotional and academic competencies. This is followed by teaching ways to strengthen children's pre-literacy and reading skills. Child care will be provided. Call to register at 781 598-5517 x221 Incredible Years Khmer Parenting Classes for parents with children 3 to 6 years old. Tuesday’s from 10:00am-12:30pm. Classes are designed to help families understand the developmental stages of their children, identify and address their children’s behavior and develop effective discipline strategies. Call for registration 781 598-5517 x236 or x221. The class is in Khmer. Grupo de Apoyo para Mujeres Latinas – **Todos los “VIERNES** de 10am – 12:00pm. Es un grupo maravilloso donde tendrás la libertad de expresarte, de aprender y de hacer amistades nuevas. Vamos a compartir y divertirnos juntas pero solo entre mujeres Latinas. Todas las mujeres Latinas están invitadas. ¡Le ofrecemos cuidado de niños GRATIS durante el grupo. Para más información favor llamar a Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Grupo de Apoyo para Nuevas Mamás - Los días “JUEVES** de 10am – 12:00pm. Nueva Dirección! Tienes un bebé menor de 12 meses? es tu primer bebé? este grupo es para ti! Ven a compartir con otras mamás que tienen niños de la misma edad. Aprenderás como apreciar a tu bebé y a saber que esperar de su comportamiento.Para más información favor llamar a Liza al 781 598-5517 x235.El grupo se reúne en 298 Union St, 1er piso, Lynn. ក្រុមគាំក្ររមាតាខ្មែរ: រមែវិធីននេះមិនគិតថ្លៃចាំន េះមាតាខ្ែលមានបាំណងចង់សិរានិងខ្សែងយល់អាំពីការរាំនារ់រាំនងរនុងធនធានសហគម៌សាំខាន់ៗ។រមែវិធីននេះ មាន នរៀងរាល់ថ្លៃក្ពហសបត៏នវលានមា៉ោង១០ក្ពឹរែល់១២ថ្លៃក្តង់ពត៌មានបខ្នែមសូមទារ់រង ខ្រវ សាំណាង 781 598-5517 នលមបនតរ 236៕ Cambodian Women Support Group – CLASES EN ESPANOL Clases para padres con niños entre 0 a 12 años de edad; Horarios en la mañana y en la noche. En estas clases aprenderá a cómo en forma positiva y a tener una buena comunicación con ellos. Ven y aprende a jugar con sus hijos. **NUEVA CLASE DE PADRES: Clases para padres con niños de edad escolar entre 6 a 12 años; en esta clase usted aprenderá a mejorar la relación con su hijo, como reducir la necesidad de usar castigos muy fuertes y dañinos. Usted como padre será capaz de promover el desarrollo social, emocional y académico de su hijo. Otros temas del curso incluyen: la importancia de monitorear las actividades después de la escuela, cómo establecer reglas acerca del tiempo que su hijo puede pasar frente al televisor o la computadora. Ofrecemos cuidado de niños. Para registrarse llame a Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Clase Avanzada para padres que tengan niños entre 3 a 12 años, y que ya hayan tomado la clase de Padres con niños de 3 a 6 años; (AM) Las clases empiezan el Miércoles 11 de Marzo, 2015 10-12 pm. Para registrarse comuníquese con Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Clase para padres con hijos de 1- 3 Años de Edad: AM) Martes de 10:00 am – 12:00pm. Se provee cuidado de niños. Para registrarse comuníquese con Liza al 781 598-5517 x235. . Clases para padres con niños de 3 a 6 años; (AM) Lunes 9 de Marzo de 10am-12pm Se provee cuidado de niños. Para registrarse comuníquese con Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Para registrarse a las clases de Padres llamar al 781 598-5517 Ext. 221 Le ofrecemos cuidado de niños gratis durante la clase de padres. APRIL 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm “Easter Egg Hunt” 10:00 am Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am 6 7 8 I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm 9 10 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm “Cuddle Up & Read” (Nahant Library) 10:30 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm Wee Folks Playgroup at Abbott Library (Marblehead, MA.) Kids birth to 18 months old 10:00 am Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am 13 14 15 Tiny Tots 9:30 am –11 am Little Rascals 9:30 am –11 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm 16 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm 17 I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am “Time for Tots” NEW Playgroup (Swampscott Library) 1:30 pm 20 21 AGENCY CLOSED PATRIOTS DAY 27 22 I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm 23 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm 28 Little Rascals 9:30 am –11 am Clase para Padres con Niños de 3-6 años (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12:30 pm I.Y. Khmer Parenting Class 3-6 yr. olds (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12:30 pm Clase para Padres con Niños de 1-3 años (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Mujeres 10 am -12 pm “Story Time” (Lynn Library) 9:30 am I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm 29 Tiny Tots 9:30 am –11 am 24 Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm 30 I.Y. Clase Avanzada para Padres con Niños de 3-12 años 10 am - 12 pm “Cuddle Up & Read” (Nahant Library) 10:30 am Cambodian Women Support Group 10 am - 12 pm I.Y. School Readiness (298 Union St.) 10 am - 12 pm Grupo de Apoyo Para Nuevas Mamas (298 Union Street) 10 am - 12 pm “Little Folks Drop-In” NEW Playgroup (Gregg House) 10:00 am - 11:00am Children’s Day May 1, 2015 Family & Children’s Service of Greater Lynn Early Childhood Family Resource Center 111 North Common Street, Lynn, MA 01902 CFCE (Lynn Family Network-PCHP):781-595-2870 x242 Family & Children’s Service: 781-598-5517 Fax: 781-581-6614 Francie Sudak Lynn Public Schools; Lead Program Teacher COORDINATED FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (CFCE) “LYNN FAMILY NETWORK HAPPENINGS” APRIL 2015 “Tiny Tots” Playgroup Monday, April 13th & 27th at 9:30-11:00 am This playgroup is for parents with children birth to 5 years old. Bring the baby, bring the toddler, bring the pre schooler! Come and meet other families, play with your child and engage in fun activities. There is limited space for this 6 week group. Please call CFCE staff to register:(781) 595-2870 x242. “Little Rascals” Playgroup Tuesday, April 14th & 28th at 9:30-11:00 am This playgroup is for parents with 3-5 year old children. This playgroup helps prepare you and your child for school through fun activities which focus on literacy, socialization, and developmental skills. This group meets weekly and fills up fast! There is limited space. Please call CFCE staff to register. (781) 595-2870 x242. “Story Time” at the Lynn Library April. 10th, 17th, & 24th at 9:30am - .We are Back at the Lynn Library!! Stop in the Lynn Library for some stories and more! Please call and let us know you are coming (781) 595-2870 x 242. “Wee Folks Playgroup” at the Abbott Library (Marblehead, MA) April 10th at 10:00am - For children birth to 18 months old. An early introduction to the love of reading, songs and play. Limited space. Call Francie to register at (781) 595-2870 x242 . “Cuddle Up & Read” Story times April 8th & 29th at 10:30am - Join us at the Nahant Public Library as we sing, dance, do finger plays and of course, READ!. Parents this is a program you WILL NOT want to miss in providing your child a jumpstart to their love of reading. For more information call CFCE staff at (781) 595-2870 x242. “Little Folks Drop-In” Playgroup April 2nd, 9th, 16th & 30th at 10:00am to 11:00am - Follow Maureen, Chrissy, Debbie and Francie to the Gregg Neighborhood House 106 Broad St. Drop in and spend time with your child and the CFCE/Gregg House Staff. There is So MUCH to see and do here. Please call for more details! (781) 595-2870 x242. “Time For Tots” Playgroup April 16th at 1:30 pm Meet Chrissy and Maureen at the Swampscott Public Library 61 Burrill St.. It’s never too early to start! This playgroup is for parents with children birth to 18 months. Please call the CFCE staff for more info. (781) 595-2870 x242. Want to learn if your child is on track in development? The Ages and Stages Screening tool is available. Call CFCE staff for more information. All Coordinated Family & Community Engagement activities are for families residing in Lynn, Nahant, Marblehead and now servicing Swampscott. Grandparents!!! Call Francie Sudak 781 595-2870 X242 for information on support groups!!! Parent Child Home Program! Call Kathy Westin for info at 781 595-2870 x242 FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER HAPPENINGS - APRIL 2015 Incredible Years Parenting Classes 0 – 12 years old; These classes are designed to help families understand the developmental stages of their children, identify and address their children’s behavior and develop effective discipline strategies. Call for more information at 781 598-5517 x221 Incredible Years School Readiness - Help Your Child Prepare for School - (298 Union St. 1st floor) Thursdays at 10:00am to 12:00pm. This group is for parents of children ages 3-5 yrs. old. We will explore child-directed play concepts that will help promote social, emotional and academic competencies. This is followed by teaching ways to strengthen children's pre-literacy and reading skills. Child care will be provided. Call to register at 781 598-5517 x221 Incredible Years Khmer Parenting Classes for parents with children 3 to 6 years old. Tuesday’s from 10:00am-12:30pm. Classes are designed to help families understand the developmental stages of their children, identify and address their children’s behavior and develop effective discipline strategies. Call for registration 781 598-5517 x236 or x221. The class is in Khmer. Grupo de Apoyo para Mujeres Latinas – **Todos los “VIERNES** de 10am – 12:00pm. Es un grupo maravilloso donde tendrás la libertad de expresarte, de aprender y de hacer amistades nuevas. Vamos a compartir y divertirnos juntas pero solo entre mujeres Latinas. Todas las mujeres Latinas están invitadas. ¡Le ofrecemos cuidado de niños GRATIS durante el grupo. Para más información favor llamar a Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Grupo de Apoyo para Nuevas Mamás - Los días “JUEVES** de 10am – 12:00pm. Nueva Dirección! Tienes un bebé menor de 12 meses? es tu primer bebé? este grupo es para ti! Ven a compartir con otras mamás que tienen niños de la misma edad. Aprenderás como apreciar a tu bebé y a saber que esperar de su comportamiento.Para más información favor llamar a Liza al 781 598-5517 x235.El grupo se reúne en 298 Union St, 1er piso, Lynn. ក្រុមគាំក្ររមាតាខ្មែរ: រមែវិធីននេះមិនគិតថ្លៃចាំន េះមាតាខ្ែលមានបាំណងចង់សិរានិងខ្សែងយល់អាំពីការរាំនារ់រាំនងរនងុ ធនធានសហគម៌សាំខាន់ៗ។រមែវិធីននេះ មាន នរៀងរាល់ថ្លៃក្ពហសបត៏នវលានមា៉ោង១០ក្ពឹរែល់១២ថ្លៃក្តង់ពត៌មានបខ្នែមសូមទារ់រង ខ្រវ សាំណាង 781 598-5517 នលមបនតរ 236៕ Cambodian Women Support Group – Easter Egg Hunt April 3rd at 10:00am- (Registration is Required) - The Easter Bunny is coming to town. If you would like to join us for a craft and Easter Egg Hunt come on down. Bring your camera for a photo opportunity. SPACE IS LIMITED.YOU MUST CALL AND REGISTER. To register please call Mariana 781 598-5517 x247. Children’s Day May 1st from 3-5pm-. Join us in celebrating the children of the world. Let’s celebrate with them the joy of being children. Various interactive stations will be part of the experience for the children and their families. Arts & Crafts, Music, Games, Programs Information and more. To register please call Mariana 781 598-5517 x247 or x221. CLASES EN ESPANOL Clases para padres con niños entre 0 a 12 años de edad; Horarios en la mañana y en la noche. En estas clases aprenderá a cómo en forma positiva y a tener una buena comunicación con ellos. Ven y aprende a jugar con sus hijos. **NUEVA CLASE DE PADRES: Clases para padres con niños de edad escolar entre 6 a 12 años; en esta clase usted aprenderá a mejorar la relación con su hijo, como reducir la necesidad de usar castigos muy fuertes y dañinos. Usted como padre será capaz de promover el desarrollo social, emocional y académico de su hijo. Otros temas del curso incluyen: la importancia de monitorear las actividades después de la escuela, cómo establecer reglas acerca del tiempo que su hijo puede pasar frente al televisor o la computadora. Ofrecemos cuidado de niños. Para registrarse llame a Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Clase Avanzada para padres que tengan niños entre 3 a 12 años, y que ya hayan tomado la clase de Padres con niños de 3 a 6 años; (AM) Las clases empiezan el Miércoles 11 de Marzo, 2015 10-12 pm. Para registrarse comuníquese con Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Clase para padres con hijos de 1- 3 Años de Edad: AM) Martes de 10:00 am – 12:00pm. Se provee cuidado de niños. Para registrarse comuníquese con Liza al 781 598-5517 x235. . Clases para padres con niños de 3 a 6 años; (AM) Lunes 9 de Marzo de 10am-12pm Se provee cuidado de niños. Para registrarse comuníquese con Mariana al 781 598-5517 x247. Para registrarse a las clases de Padres llamar al 781 598-5517 Ext. 221 Le ofrecemos cuidado de niños gratis durante la clase de padres.
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