CUT FLOWERS Collection 2015/2016 Creating the futureTM Editorial 社説 Creating the future not just a claim! Breeding is an important part of how we support our industry in creating the future. At the same time, breeding is becoming more than ever high tech. This has been a fact for some time in food and field crops. Now it is becoming a growing reality in the ornamental segment too. To continue our mission, we have invested several million Euros in new state of the art lab and research facilities, which we finalized this summer. Nonetheless, there will always be an important distinction in food and field crops: quality aspects that express themselves in characteristics like color, scent, and shape are important and set our work apart from the selection approach in food and field crops, mainly driven by quantitative parameters. In the ornamental segments, both aspects are important: technically highly qualified breeders that also have an eye for and understanding of the value of “ornamental traits” – in other words the beauty our products can add to the world – as well as cutting-edge infrastructure to apply advanced breeding methods. Thank you for your business and hope to see you soon. Creando el futuro – Mucho más que una aspiración! La hibridación es una parte muy importante para ayudar a nuestra industria a crear un futuro próspero. Al mismo tiempo, hibridar se está convirtiendo más que nunca en un ejercicio de alta tecnología. Esto ya es un hecho desde hace algún tiempo en los cultivos de comestibles. Ahora se está convirtiendo en una realidad cada vez mayor en los cultivos de las plantas ornamentales también. Para continuar con nuestra misión hemos invertido varios millones de euros en nuevo laboratorio y centro de investigación. Estas instalaciones quedaran acabadas este verano. Sin embargo, siempre habrá una distinción importante respecto los cultivos de comestibles: aspectos cualitativos que se expresan en características como el color, el olor y la forma son muy importantes para nuestros productos, por tanto adaptamos nuestro trabajo para no solo considerar parámetros cuantitativos e industriales que son los que principalmente se utilizan en la selección de cultivos de comestibles. En los segmentos ornamentales, ambos aspectos son importantes: los técnicos hibridadores altamente cualificados que también se preocupan por los "rasgos ornamentales" - en otras palabras, por la belleza que nuestros productos pueden aportar al mundo, así como una infraestructura de vanguardia para aplicar métodos avanzados de mejoramiento genetic. Gracias por confiar en nuestra empresa y esperamos verle pronto. 未来を創造する - おける選択法を除き、色、香り、形のように特徴となって表 れる品質面は非常に重要であり、それらによって弊社製品は 設定されます。また、「観葉植物の特徴」に眼識、知識があ る高い技術能力をもった育種家、ならびに高度な品種改良法 を適用するための最先端の施設、これらは観葉植物の分野に おいて重要な側面となっています。言い換えれば、弊社製品 の美しさは世界を広げる可能性があります。 お取り引きありがとうございます。近々お目にかかれますよ うに。 要求するだけではなく! 未来を創造する際、品種改良は我々がこの業界をどのように サポートしているかという重要な要素です。それと同時に、 品種改良はより先端技術となってきています。これは兼ねて 食物と農作物において、すでに明らかなこととなっており、 今日、それは観葉植物の分野においても発展する現実となっ ています。 我々のミッションを継続するために、最新の技術研究施設に 数百万ユーロを投資し、今夏、その施設は完成しました。 それでもなお、食物と農作物には常に重大な違いが存在しま す。主に量的パラメータによって推進される食物と農作物に Sincerely, Nils Klemm President & CEO 3 This striking lineup gives you a top-rated variety of excellently performing carnations, gerbera, gypsophila, and solidago, selected by our customers around the world. If you see varieties highlighted with this logo, count on quality and reliability. These noteworthy varieties will set your cut flowers program apart. Felipe Gomez Product Manager at Selecta l Randa Hava レヴ ィ na ル ランダ ar livグロ Boリオネ ea m ア r Oオーメ Gob ゴブ リン lin ブ sa Teレrイeクダンス 4 5 Carnation André Lek Area Sales Manager at Selecta ョン World-Class Carnations カーネーシ "My father was a carnation breeder, and he started to teach me about this crop before I could even walk. What I learned from him is to listen to the customers. Every year I am more and more impressed by their commitment; their drive and passion are an extra motivation for us to develop better genetics. Thanks to our innovative and dynamic breeding program, we maintain our position as a worldwide market leader, offering new customer-proved varieties every year with improvements on production, vase life, resistance, and flower shape. We know that a grower’s success is our success." André Lek "Mi padre era propagador de clavel, me enseñó sobre este cultivo incluso antes de dar mis primeros pasos. Una de las cosas que aprendí de él es escuchar a los clientes. Cada año estoy más y más impresionado con el compromiso de los clientes. Su dinamismo y pasión es una motivación extra para nosotros y así desarrollar mejores genéticas. Gracias a nuestro innovador y dinámico programa de hibridación, mantenemos nuestra posición como líder del mercado mundial, ofreciendo cada año novedades con mejoras en la producción, duración, resistencia y forma de la flor. Sabemos que el éxito del cultivador es nuestro éxito." André Lek Standard Carnation: Everest, Kleos, Mandalay ` Mini Carnation: Ramaya 6 私の父はカーネーションの育種家でした。私が歩き 始める前に、彼は私にこの植物について教え始めま した。私が彼から学んだことは、顧客の話を聞くとい うことです。毎年、彼らの公約に更に感動されられま す。というのも、彼らの意欲と情熱は、我々がより良 い遺伝学を開発するための更なるモチベーションとな るからです。革新的でダイナミックな育種プログラム のおかげで、毎年、生産量、花持ち、抵抗力、そして 花形が進歩したことを取引先に証明された新品種を提 供しながら、我々は世界的なマーケット・リーダーと しての地位を維持しています。生産者の成功が我々の 成功であるということを我々は確信しています。 7 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Standard Carnation GOLDL MEDxpAo 2013 Bred for high tolerance to fusarium and very good field performance. Selecta gives you a full range of choices to build your carnations program. sE Flower Russia Don Pedro is growers’ choice for productivity and consistent quality. sel® Walker ウォーカー 3 R R R 3 On right: Johana Garcia, Teo Farms (Colombia) Above: Gabriel Arevalo, Serrezuela (Colombia). 3 ngr Francesco フランセスコ 3 R 3 3 hyb Ormea オーメア hyb Americano アメリカーノ 1 R R R 3 3 sel® Rodolfo ロドルフォ 3 R R R 3 3 BESTION T CARNAra 2007 ProFlo mbia Colo sel® Don Pedro ドン ペドロ 8 2 R R 2 3 2 R R R 2 3 sel® Baron バロン 2 R 3 3 9 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Standard Ivgr Kléos クレオス hyb Fortune フォーチュン sel® Candy Pink キャンディ ピンク 10 3 R R 3 2 2 Ivgr Jodie ジョディー 3 R R R R R 3 3 3 3 Ivgr Bicocca ビコッカ ngr Pink Francesco ピンク フランセスコ R R 3 3 R R R 2 3 3 3 sel® Cinderella シンデレラ 3 R hyb Montreal モントリオール 3 3 hyb Suri スリ R R R 3 1 R R 2 2 3 hyb Mandalay マンダレイ 3 2 R R 3 2 hyb Vogue ヴォーグ 3 R R 3 2 3 R R 3 3 11 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Standard BEST UCTION INTROD f 2012 ho KeukeNnetherlands The sel® Randal ランダル R R R 3 2 3 wes Everest エベレスト 2 R 3 2 sel® Victoria ヴィクトリア 2 R R 3 3 sel® Hermes エルメス R R R 2 3 3 1st CEEST PLLITA Y CONT QUA 012 IFTEX 2obi Nair sel® Snow Storm スノー ストーム 2 R R R 3 3 BOOST YOUR SALES By Felipe Gomez Selecta Product Manager 12 wes Madame Colette マダム コレット 2 R R 3 3 Differentiation today in all levels of the chains is a key to increasing your market share. The cut flowers industry is constantly seeking different ways of innovation. There is a program for the U.S. market of a Chrysanthemum named “Crazy Daisies.” It was developed for a specific market niche some years ago. If you study the market carefully, there is still a room for tinted carnations. Therefore we decided to test our varieties to determine how good they are for this program. The results were amazing. Using varieties that are originally white, yellow, and orange in combination with the inks, you can get great results and a wide range of colors. To tint our varieties, we followed a procedure developed by Colorquímica, a producer of inks for cut flowers. For our test we used the following varieties: Randal (white), Hermes (yellow), and Hermes Orange (orange) as standard carnations, and Caesar (yellow) as a mini carnation. The cutting stage of these varieties was straight petal, and the ink colors were: orange, blue, red, yellow, green, and violet. To archive these results shown on our images, we used 10 grams of ink per liter of water. The colored water was absorbed by the stems for about 20 minutes. hyb Led Led 2 R R R 3 3 sel® Goblin ゴブリン 2 R R 2 3 Flowers are fun, and every time I work with them, I amuse myself with the results. It is about exploring the possibilities and understanding the variables of the process. The variables for tinted flowers are: variety, cutting stage, ink, time of absorption, color of the ink, temperature, and ink dose. If you are able to control these variables, it is possible to achieve good results constantly and boost your sales year round. For more tips and info, check our FloralNews magazine, available as a digital version on Tinted mini carnation Caesar (on left) and tinted Randal, a standard carnation (on right). 13 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Standard sel® Olympia Orange オリンピア オレンジ sel® Hermes Orange エルメス オレンジ 3 R R R 3 3 sel® Tamarind タマリンド 3 R R 3 3 Fast, economical, and easy – these are the key features of Hermes Orange. Diego Rincon, Flores Sagaro (Colombia) 14 Ivgr Mirella ミレッラ hyb Sinai シナイ R R R 2 3 R R R 2 3 3 3 Ivgr Caronte カロンテ 3 R R Ivgr Grace グレース 3 3 wes Dustin ダスティン 3 3 R R 2 R R 3 R R 3 2 3 sel® Bacarat Purple バカラ パープル 3 3 sel® Bacarat バカラ 3 sel® Bacarat Pink バカラ ピンク R R R R 3 3 3 R R 3 3 3 3 3 15 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Standard hyb Creola クレオラ hyb Viper Wine ヴァイパー ワイン 16 2 1 R R R 2 3 3 2 hyb Viper バイパー 1 R 3 2 Ivgr Ali Baba アリババ 2 R 3 3 sel® Belle Epoque ベル エポック 3 R R R 2 3 Ivgr Felice フェリス 3 R R 3 3 hyb Hurricane ハリケーン 2 R R 3 3 sel® Olympia オリンピア 2 R R 3 2 Choosing the best varieties maximizes your profit and satisfies your customers. That's our goal too. sel® Soraya ソラヤ wes Navidad ナヴィダード R R R 3 2 R R 3 3 3 3 17 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン GOLDL MEDxpAo 2008 sE Flower Russia A collection of unique, fast-growing, and highly productive varieties. The one-of-kind flowers make colorific color splash and add a more upscale look to any floral arrangement. Nobbio® varieties, due to their unique color range, are getting more and more florists’ attention. hyb Nobbio® Burgundy バーガンディー 18 4 R 2 4 hyb Nobbio® Striato ノビオ ストリアート ピンク 4 R 3 3 hyb Nobbio® Cabaret ノビオ キャバレー ピンク 4 R 3 3 4 hyb Nobbio® Pink Delight ピンク デライト 4 R 3 3 hyb Nobbio® Lavender Chic ラベンダー シック 4 R R 2 3 3 hyb Nobbio® Watermelon ウォーターメロン 4 R 2 3 hyb Nobbio® Sweet ノビオ スィート 4 R 2 3 hyb Nobbio® Black Heart ブラック ハート 4 R 3 3 hyb Nobbio® Violet ヴァイオレット 4 R 2 hyb Nobbio® Spotlight スポットライト 4 R 3 19 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Mini Carnation Grower-proven varieties in a wide range of colors and use. Selecta carnations deliver excellent performance in lower production-cost systems. sel® Weekend ウィークエンド hyb Cayenne カイエン sel® Sebas セバス 20 2 3 R R R R R 3 3 3 3 sel® Dracula ドラキュラ sel® Kiss キス 2 2 R R R R R 3 3 3 2 R 3 3 sel® Cerise Rosella セリス ロゼラ 1 R R 3 3 3 hyb Picasso ピカソ 2 R R 3 3 Our carnation trial in Germany offers ideal conditions for the selection of heat and cold tolerant varieties . 21 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Mini Carnation sel® Rosella ロゼラ Athena has a very balanced spray with a high number of flowers. R R 1 3 3 sel® Artemis アルテミス 2 R R 3 3 Wakaki san with Athena at Shin Hakodate, Japan 22 wes Athena アテネ 2 R R 3 3 wes Westdiamond ウェスト ダイアモンド 2 R R R 3 3 sel® Nirvana ニルヴァーナ sel® Milkana ミルカナ 3 R R R 3 3 wes Westcrystal ウェストクリスタル 3 R R 3 3 sel® Ramaya ラマヤ 2 R R R 3 3 sel® Blanquita ブランキータ 3 R R R 3 3 wes Bagatel バガテル R R 3 3 R R R 3 3 2 3 23 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Mini Carnation wes Guernseyellow ガンジーイエロー 3 R R 3 3 sel® Hamada ハマダ 3 R R R 3 3 Tune is a remarkable peach variety with high number of flowers per stem. Mitsuharu Nagaska, Bikouen (Japan) Caesar is a reliable variety in many aspects: quality, productivity, and earliness. BROEDSUCTTION INT 6 hof 200 KeukeNnetherlands The nd 2 CEEST PLA Y CONT QUALIT 4 hof 201 Keuken erlands th The Ne sel® Skadi スカディ 24 2 R R R 3 2 wes Caesar シーザー 3 R R 3 3 wes Romany ロマニー sel® Jade ジェード 2 R R R 3 3 sel® Ivana Dark Orange イヴァナ ダーク オレンジ 3 R R 3 3 2 R R R 3 2 sel® Tune チューン 2 R R 3 2 25 Carnation カー ネ ー シ ョン Mini Carnation 1st CNETEST PLA C Y O QUALIT 4 hof 201 Keuken erlands th The Ne sel® Kana カナ sel® Kingfisher Special キングフィッシャー スペシャル sel® Paso Doble パソ ドブレ 26 2 R R R 3 3 R 3 3 2 R R 3 3 3 wes Carrera カレラ wes Knight ナイト sel® Tango タンゴ 2 R R R 3 3 R R R 3 3 2 R 3 2 3 sel® Fantasy Peppermint ファンタジー ペパーミント sel® Kazuki カズキ 3 R 3 3 sel® Springfield スプリングフィールド 2 R R 3 2 sel® Bolero ボレロ sel® Ivana Orange イヴァナ オレンジ 2 R R 3 3 hyb U2 U2 2 R R 3 3 3 R R R 3 3 2 R R R 3 2 27 Investing in the future Crowny™ Collection Fast to produce, early to flower! This unique focal flower is excellent for mixed bouquets. By Dr. Andrea Dohm Director of Selecta’s Breeding and Research Department uipped s are eq ms in e re room All cultuD lightning syst% on energy. with LE save about 60 order to wes CrownyTM Crystal Ice クリスタル アイス 4 R R 3 4 wes CrownyTM Cherry Red チェリー レッド 4 R R 3 4 Selecta has a long tradition in the breeding of cut flowers, back to the 1960s when carnation breeding was started in Stuttgart, Germany. It is obvious that breeding and research are main drivers to stay competitive for the future. O ur breeding work is mainly managed and organized at our headquarters in Stuttgart, where most of our breeders are based. However, the different breeding activities are performed all around the world. With carnations, crosses are done in Tenerife, and later harvested seeds are shipped to Germany where they are germinated. The small seedlings travel to Kenya, where they are grown to flowering plants. Only the best-performing ones are then selected for further trials. In order to make sure that we provide to our worldwide customers varieties that are perfectly adapted to their respective growing conditions, we perform trials in own trial facilities located in Kenya, Colombia, Japan, and Germany. In addition Dianthini Mini spray carnations with exotic, bi-color blooms. Selected for fast growth and high productivity. to that all our promising candidates are trialed at customers’ locations worldwide at a very early stage. The production and supply of healthy plant material is based on a reliable and potent laboratory. Selecta has invested several million Euros in a new laboratory of about 360 square meters of work space for diagnostics, tissue culture, and biotechnology, completed in almost 250 square meters of culture rooms. In the new diagnostic lab, every year more than half a million ELISA tests and several thousand bacteria detections take place. The tissue culture lab and the appertaining culture rooms host more than 10,000 different varieties and breeding lines of the Selecta assortment. Tissue culture enables the fast production of healthy plant material. It also enables virus elimination through thermo therapy or the production of interspecific hybrids by use of embryo rescue and other methods, since the new biotechnology lab facilitates the application of new breeding techniques such as Molecular Marker assisted selection. The new facilities are further completed by modern rooms for microscopy, vase life testing, and seed storage. Besides efficiency and reliability, Selecta ascribes more and more importance to sustainability. For example, the new culture rooms are equipped with LED lightning systems in order to save about 60% on energy, compared to standard fluorescent tubes. The new laboratory is controlled by a high-tech, energy-efficient airflow system, which supplies and controls absolutely clean and fresh air in all rooms. In breeding, one major goal is still the creation of new colors, flower shapes, and plant features. Although the focus differs slightly, in all cut flower crops, flower quality is mainly determined by the long-lasting quality during storage, transport and trading as well as by the following vase life. Our new biotechnology lab and the new facilities for professional vase life testing have enabled us to initiate a research project with the aim of developing Molecular Markers that are linked to flower longevity. These markers shall help us in the future to select varieties with improved vase life. d by ontrolle cility is crgy-efficient fa w e n ene The h-tech, this hig system. airflow wes Tropic Butterfly トロピック バタフライ 4 R 3 4 wes Barbados バルバドス 4 R 3 For more tips and info, check our FloralNews magazine, available as a digital version on 4 uare s 360 sq contain gnostics, ry to ra o ia rd lab The newof work space fotechnology. meters ulture, and bio tissue c 28 ional d profess New an testing rooms. vase life g breedin ility for cta’s fac ermany. le e S w G Ne arch in and rese 29 GypsophilA Paul Pepping Managing Director, Selecta Japan ラ Pearls® Value-added Gyposophila ジプソフィ "There is nothing I enjoy more than listening to my customers while walking their crops with them. At Selecta we make our decisions in the fields, side-by-side with growers. We also look downstream, talking to the buyers and marketers of cut flowers worldwide. We want our partners to succeed by providing value. Pearls® varieties are the perfect examples of products with added value. These modern genetics not only last long but offer superior quality and more volume in floral arrangements." Paul Pepping Gypsophila Pearls® Petite "No hay nada que me guste más que escuchar a mis clientes mientras caminamos por sus cultivos. En Selecta tomamos las decisiones en los campos, mano a mano con los cultivadores. También buscamos las necesidades, hablando con los compradores y comercializadores de flor cortada de todo el mundo. Queremos que nuestros socios tengan éxito proporcionándoles valor. Las variedades Pearls® son ejemplos perfectos de productos con valor añadido. Ésta genética moderna no sólo dura más sino que ofrece una calidad superior y un mayor volumen en arreglos florales." Paul Pepping 取引先と栽培地を歩く際、彼らの話を聞くことは何よ りの楽しみです。セレクタでは、栽培地で栽培者と共 に決断を下します。また、我々はユーザーにも目を向 け、世界中の切り花のバイヤー、そしてマーケター と会話をします。我々は、価値を提供することによっ て、パートナーが成功することをも望んでいます。当 社のパールズ®種は付加価値を与える製品の完全な実例 です。この現代的な遺伝学は長持ちするだけでなく、 アレンジメントの中に優れた品質とより多くのボリュ ームをも提供します。 30 31 ジプ ソ フ ィ ラ NEW Gypsophila Pearls® Petite Gypsophila PEARLS® PEARLS® PEARLS® Flowers size (Ecuador): 8 mm Flower color: bright white Foliage: dark green Productivity: very high Flowers size (Ecuador): 6-7 mm Flower color: pure white Foliage: green Productivity: high Flowers size (Ecuador): 10 mm Flower color: pure white Foliage: green Productivity: high Tamaño de las flores (Ecuador): 8 mm Color de la flor: blanco brillante Follaje: verde oscuro Productividad: muy alta Tamaño de las flores (Ecuador): 6-7 mm Color de la flor: blanco puro Follaje: verde Productividad: alta Tamaño de las flores (Ecuador): 10 mm Color de la flor: blanco puro Follaje: verde Productividad: alta 花サイズ(エクアドル): 8 mm 花色:光沢白 葉:濃グリーン 生産性:非常に高 花サイズ(エクアドル): 6-7 mm 花色:純白 葉:グリーン 生産性:高 花サイズ(エクアドル): 10 mm 花色:純白 葉:グリーン 生産性:高 Less scent, more enjoyment! Ideal for the bouquet production. PEARLS® -way Terrific display value and superior quality. Flowers size (Ecuador): 10 mm Flower color: pure white Foliage: green Productivity: high A bunch of 10 Pearls® Petite stems. "In the last 3 years we tested most of the known gypso varieties that are on the market. For the next year we decided to go 100% for Pearls Blossom because of its easy way of growing and excellent vase life. " Giovanni Alfano owner of Giovanni Alfano Farm (Ethiopia) and Misal Flor Societa’ Agricola (Italy) 32 T D E T ES ), by ed lombia TA t s e O T (Co nd trol (NL), a . n o c ) Flor olland (Japan H kyo a r d Flo To ove s pr ife t l u res vase l s. r ie test All uperio® variet s s l a ear of P Tamaño de las flores (Ecuador): 10 mm Color de la flor: blanco puro Follaje: verde Productividad: alta 花サイズ(エクアドル): 10 mm 花色:純白 葉:グリーン 生産性:高 Rich inflorescence with large flowers. Bred by Menachem Bornstein 33 SOLIDAGO Traude Mundiger-Flad Selecta’s Breeder Heavyweight Champions! ソリダゴ "All of our new varieties pass through several years of comprehensive tests before the best are included into the assortment. Our solidago varieties have shown superior performance, fulfilling market’s needs. eVita, Solana, and Estelle are modern genetics with improved productivity, vigor, and speed. Through intensive years of breeding, we have succeeded with Estelle to renew the solidago market and to show that customers are looking for unique products." Traude Mundiger-Flad Durante varios años todas nuestras variedades pasan pruebas exhaustivas antes que la mejor se incluya en el surtido de productos. Nuestras variedades de solidago han demostrado un rendimiento superior, cumpliendo con las necesidades del mercado. eVita, Solana, y Estelle son modernas genéticas con mejoras en la productividad, vigor y velocidad. A través de intensos años de hibridación, hemos tenido éxito con Estelle renovando el mercado de solidago y mostrando que los clientes buscan productos únicos. Traude Mundiger-Flad 当社のすべての新品種は数年に渡る広範囲の試験を通過 し、最高のものとしてアソートメントに加えられます。 当社のソリダゴは優れた成果を示し、市場のニーズを満 たしました。エヴィータ、ソラナ、エステルは改善され た生産性、生長力とスピードを兼ね添えた現代的な遺伝 学です。我々は育種に徹底的な年月をかけ、ソリダゴ市 場を刷新し、顧客がユニークな製品を探していることを 示したエステルで成功をつかみました。 34 Estelle™ Solidago 35 Solidago ソリ ダ ゴ Estelle eVita Flower color: cream white P roductivity: high Velocity: fast Flower color: yellow Productivity: high Velocity: fast Color de la flor: blanco creama Productividad: alta Velocidad: rápido Color de la flor: amarillo Productividad: alta Velocidad: rápido 花色:クリームホワイト 生産性:高 速度: 速い 花色:イエロー 生産性:高 速度: 速い V-shape=Value=eVita Endless Possibilities Top-flowering and V-shaped spray makes eVita a perfect choice for bouquets. A musthave solidago variety! eVita spray (left) compared to Tara (right). Due its cream color and perfect color absorption Estelle is excellent for tinting. EstelleTM Solidago Solana* Flower color: yellow Productivity: high Velocity: fast SOLANA High Volume Color de la flor: amarillo Productividad: alta Velocidad: rápido And for those who prefer 100% natural products, its natural tone is what makes an arrangement outstand vs. others in a similar composition. 花色:イエロー 生産性:高 速度: 速い Voluminous with a strong presence. *Sales for Japan only 36 37 Richard Buis GERBERA Area Sales Manager at Selecta The Winning Team ガーベラ "Often we compare our product selection to the selection of players for the World Cup team. It takes time to select the perfect player who fits into the team. It takes time to work on his skills and improve them. It is the same when selecting gerbera – from thousands of candidates, only the best one can play on our team. Our reliable varieties give you the chance to produce high-quality gerberas under different growing conditions. A real winning team!" Richard Buis "A menudo comparamos nuestra selección de productos con la elección de los jugadores para jugar el mundial. Se necesita tiempo para escoger el jugador perfecto que encaje en el equipo, y también para trabajar en sus habilidades y mejorarlas. Pasa lo mismo cuando seleccionamos nuestras variedades de gerbera – entre miles de candidatas, solamente la mejor puede unirse a nuestro equipo. Nuestras fiables variedades le dan la oportunidad de producir gerberas de alta calidad en diferentes condiciones de crecimiento. El verdadero equipo ganador!" Richard Buis 時折、我々は弊社製品選択をワールドカップチームの プレーヤー選択と比較します。チームに相応しい完璧 なプレーヤーを選ぶことは時間を要します。その技術 を改良、改善するためにも時間が必要とされます。ガ ーベラを選ぶときも同じです – 何千もの候補の中か ら、最高のものだけが、我々のチームとしてプレイす ることができます。当社の信頼できる品種は、異なる 栽培条件下で高品質のガーベラを生産する機会を与え ます。正真正銘の勝者のチームなのです! 38 Gerbera Bolivar and Macondo 39 Gerbera ガーベラ Standard Gerbera High productive varieties in a wide range of colors. Our program includes special varieties that work for subtropical and tropical climates as well. Growing Natasha count on quality and high productivity. real® Amlet アムレット Oscar Cuartas, Selecta Colombia real® Natasha ナターシャ 40 65 3 12 65 3 shb Julia ジュリア 12 70 2 shb Sonata ソナタ 12 70 3 shb Marinilla マリニラ shb Lorca ロルカ 12 12.5 65 70 3 3 70 3 real® Kabu カブ 12 70 3 real® Elite エリート 12 65 3 real® Kyllian キリアン 13 65 3 real® Natan ナタン 11 12 41 Gerbera ガーベラ Standard sel® Pasto パスト 42 12 65 60 3 3 real® Levi レヴィ 12 70 3 sel® Tweety Bird トゥイーティー バード 11.5 65 3 real® Solange ソロンジュ 13 65 2 shb Pia ピア 12 70 2 real® Tecla テクラ 12 65 2 shb Vilassar ヴィラサー 12.5 65 3 real® Black Jack ブラック ジャック 13 70 2 real® Febe フェベ 11 70 3 real® Havana ハヴァナ 11 43 Gerbera ガー ベ ラ Standard Monti Fredi フレディ sel® Bolivar ボリバー 44 65 3 12 65 3 shb Loriana ロリアナ 13 70 3 11.5 70 3 sel® Morelia モレイラ 11 60 2 real® Ambeta アムベタ 13 60 3 real® Breakdance ブレイクダンス 12 70 3 sel® Macondo マコンド 12 65 2 sel® Amelie アメリー 12 65 3 shb Carmina カルミナ 11 75 3 shb Teresa テレサ 13 65 3 sel® Rionegro リオネグロ 11 45 Gerbera ガー ベ ラ Spider Gerbera Mini Gerbera in rich colors. A spectacular way to celebrate every occasion. selected for very high productivity. These top-rated varieties give you the chance to produce the high-quality products under different growing conditions. sel® Red Trip レッド トリップ 13 sel® Sancho サンチョ 12.5 65 2 sel® Anacleto アナクレート 12 60 3 70 2 Satomi produces high-quality flowers and has a very good vase life. real® Trilli トゥリリー 7 60 3 Spiders achieve a unique look in any bouquet and floral arrangement. 46 11 65 2 8 70 3 real® Mila ミラ 7 60 3 am Cotti Creme コッティ クリーム 7 60 3 am Cotti Orange コッティ オレンジ 7 60 3 shb Rodrigo ロドリゴ real® Satomi サトミ 47 Optimizing Gerbera Production How long is it advisable for a gerbera grower to keep his plants in the containers’ media and still harvest an economical production? This issue is important for the producers too, as they are interested in producing, selling, and keeping the reputation of their products. We are presenting here some morphological information that might describe the possible reasons for the significant decrease in flower production that starts 1.5 to 2 years after planting. A ll along the growth cycle of a gerbera, it continues to produce branches, leaves, and roots. Toward the period of a year and a half after planting, the plant already holds numerous branches and leaves and many roots that fill up the container volume almost totally. This situation is encouraging leaf elongation above the efficient length, it reduces the aeration and the light intensity at the plant surroundings, it delays the growth-rate, and decreases gradually the flower production and their quality. Along its growth, horizontal branches are continuously developed below the media surface, from the container center towards the container margins. (Pic. 1 A) This kind of growth leaves behind “Nonproductive horizontal-branches”; in other words, branches that already produced leaves and flowers in the past. (Pic. 1 B) At this stage the old branches are covered with many scars of historical flowers, stems, and leaves (Pic. 2). Furthermore, in many cases when the plants are kept longer than 3 years in the same container, and the horizontal branches are reaching the container margins, the branches change their Carnation Variety Name Dr. Yoseph Shoub Agronomist and gerbera breeder. horizontal-growth habit toward vertical growth in open air above the media. It means that the newly emerged roots are not able to elongate anymore; they will not grow into the media, and they will not function as normal active roots (Picture 3). Picture 4 shows an extreme state, but quite common situation in Colombian gerbera farms. It shows a gerbera plant kept longer than 3 years in a plastic bag. This nonproductive plant lost its production potential some time ago. Actually the production of gerbera plants at this age comes from only few branches per square meter, and this is not economical. A branch Media surface Flower-stem scars Adventitious root Picture 2: An old crown of 2.5-year-old gerbera plant. A container’s center Horizontal branch above the media Media surface Growth direction All images © Dr. Yoseph Shoub Picture 3: Roots of a 3-year-old gerbera are not able to reach the growing media. B Flower-stems scars Picture 1: A branch of 2.5-year-old of gerbera plant grown in container. Many nonproductive old crowns Picture 4: An “old” nonproductive split-up gerbera plant. For more tips and info, check our FloralNews magazine, available as a digital version on Page Flower ColorRemarks Standard Leaf scar 48 Product overview 製品一覧 ガー ベ ラ Don Pedro 8 red 2 RR 2 3 �–�TOP-RATED Americano 8 red 1 RRR 3 3 – – – Francesco 8 red 3 R 3 3 – – – Walker 8 red 3 RRR 3 3 � – –TOP-RATED Rodolfo 9 red 2 RRR 2 3 � Ormea 9 red 3 RRR 3 3 – – – TOP-RATED Baron (DCS 08-1509) 9 red 2 R 3 3 – – – NEW Kléos 10 pink 3 RR 3 3 � – –TOP-RATED Fortune 10 pink 2 RRR 3 3 – – Candy Pink 10 pink 2 RR 3 3 – – – Pink Francesco 10 pink 3 R 3 3 – – – Bicocca 10 pink 3 RRR 2 3 � – –TOP-RATED Jodie (PV 9277) 10 pink 3 RR 3 3 – – – NEW Montreal 11 cherry 3 RRR 2 3 – – – TOP-RATED Cinderella 11 cherry 1 RR 2 3 �–� Mandalay 11 cherry 3 RR 3 2 – – – TOP-RATED Suri 11 lavender 2 RR 3 2 – – – TOP-RATED Vogue 11 violet 3 RR 3 3 – – – TOP-RATED Randal 12 white 3 RRR 2 3 – – – TOP-RATED Snow Storm 12 white 2 RRR 3 3 � –– Madame Colette 12 white 2 RR 3 3 – � � Everest 12 white 2 R 3 2 – – – Victoria 13 yellow 2 RR 3 3 – – – Led 13 yellow 2 RRR 3 3 – – – TOP-RATED Hermes 13 yellow 2 RRR 3 3 – – – TOP-RATED Goblin 13 green 2 RR 2 3 – � �TOP-RATED Hermes Orange 14 orange 3 RRR 3 3 – – – Tamarind 14 orange 3 RR 3 3 – – – Olympia Orange 14 orange 2 RRR 3 3 � �– Mirella 14 orange 3 RRR 3 3 � –– Sinai 14 peach 2 RR 3 3 – Caronte 15 burgundy 3 RR 3 3 � –– Dustin 15 purple 2 RR 3 3 – – Grace 15 burgundy 3 RR 3 2 – – – TOP-RATED Bacarat 15 bi-color 3 RR 3 3 – – – TOP-RATED Bacarat Purple 15 bi-color 3 RR 3 3 – – – NEW Bacarat Pink 15 bi-color 3 RR 3 3 – – – NEW Creola 16 bi-color 2 RR 2 3 – – – TOP-RATED Viper Wine 16 bi-color 1 R 3 2 – – – TOP-RATED Viper 16 bi-color 1 R 3 2 – – – TOP-RATED Belle Epoque 16 bi-color 3 RRR 2 3 – – – Hurricane 16 bi-color 2 RR 3 3 – – – Ali Baba 17 bi-color 2 R 3 3 – – – Felice 17 bi-color 3 RR 3 3 – – – Soraya 17 bi-color 3 RRR 3 3 – – – Olympia 17 bi-color 2 RR 3 2 � –– Navidad 17 bi-color 2 RR 3 3 – – � Nobbio® Black Heart 18 bi-color 4 R 3 3 – – – Nobbio® Burgundy 18 bi-color 4 R 2 4 – – – Nobbio® Violet 18 bi-color 4 R 2 4 – – – Nobbio® Spotlight 18 bi-color 4 R 3 3 – – – Nobbio® Pink Delight 19 bi-color 4 R 3 3 – – – Nobbio® Lavender Chic 19 bi-color 4 RR 2 3 – – – �– – – TOP-RATED TOP-RATED TOP-RATED – – TOP-RATED Nobbio® Collection Nobbio® Striato 19 bi-color 4 R 3 3 – – – NEW Nobbio® Cabaret 19 bi-color 4 R 3 3 – – – NEW 49 49 Contact 連絡先 We think globally but act locally. Selecta research station Customer trial station y German al u t r Po g Italy Spain o Marocc USA Turkey orea South K Israel India ala Guatem Japan China Vietnam ia r Ecuado Colomb Kenya Brazil frica South A lia Austra Chile rch lecta's resea e S t u o b a e r : To find mo , please visit s n o ti a c lo l and tria om cutflowers.c www.selecta Selecta Area Managers: Design & Grafik: anoka DESIGNSTUDIO, Africa, Europe, Armenia, Oceania, Middle East André Lek [email protected] Mobile: +34 639 814 326 Asia, Spain, Italy, Portugal Richard Buis [email protected] Mobile: +34 609 336 918 Japan, Taiwan Paul Pepping ポール ペッピン [email protected] Mobile: +81 906 329 1255 North, Central and South America, Colombia, Ecuador Oscar Cuartas [email protected] Mobile: +57 317 431 6313 Product Manager Felipe Gomez [email protected] Mobile: +57 318 261 5993 General Manager Jordi Caballeria [email protected] Mobile: +34 639 393 043 Selecta Cut Flowers S.A.U. Av Beniamino Farina 135 1er pis Mercat de Flor i Planta Ornamental de Catalunya 08340 Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona) Spain Phone: +34 93 750 6656 Fax: +34 93 750 6576 E-mail: [email protected] Selecta Colombia LTDA Carrera 21 # 100-20 Of 403 Bogota DC Colombia Phone: +57 317 431 6313 TM TM Creatingthe thefuture future Creating Selecta Japan Ltd. Kyoto 606-8404, Sakyo-ku, Jodoji, Shimominamida cho 110-2 Japan Phone: +81 906 329 1255 セレクタ ジャパン株式会社 〒606-8404 京都市左京区浄土寺下南田町110番地2 電話:+81 906 329 1255 Scan the QR code with your mobile device to get directly connected to our homepage.
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