2016 年 第 18 回 CHUO 国際教育フォーラム 2016 The 18th CHUO International Education Forum Handbook For Guests CONTENTS ① MCHS information and SCHOOL MAP ② Japanese Culture and Language Information ③ Schedule of the FORUM WEEK ④ List of guests ⑤ Accommodation and map ⑥ Party Information ⑦ Who to contact in case of emergencies ⑧ Excelsior Vol.18:Request for all participants teachers and students Connecting as a guest to the CHUO Wireless Network 【chuo-sj_20110930】 Connect your PC or mobile phones to this network:【CHUO-SJWAP1】 Your guest password is: There is wifi in the meeting rooms on both the 1st and 2nd floor. WELCOME TO MORIOKA CHUO HIGH SCHOOL Morioka Chuo High School (MCHS) was established in 1963, and has become one of the preeminent private high schools in northeast Japan, offering its 1,100 students a diverse, cultured educational curriculum including academics, extracurricular activities, and international exchange. The international education program requires that students go abroad at least once during their high school career. Students also attend the annual Chuo International Education Forum as well as participate in goodwill visits with our many sister schools around the world. Address: 4-26-1 Mitake MORIOKA, IWATE 020-0121 Phone: +81-19-641-0458 F a x: +81-19-641-5533 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.chuo-hs.jp Japanese Culture and Language Information for Guests from Sister Schools Protocols When entering a building, take off shoes and step up onto the platform. Don’t step on lower floor. Likewise when putting on your shoes. Change slippers in bathrooms. Don’t wear slippers in straw-mat “tatami” rooms. Presentation of business cards. Look at person, look carefully at their business card, present own card with 2 hands. Pour drinks for other people, not for yourself. Hold your glass up with 2 hands as they pour for you. At the hot spring. Shower before entering the baths. Don’t put the small towel in the water. (very dangerous). Use small towel to cover up. Don’t take a bath after drinking alcohol Wear the Japanese gown (yukata) with the left side on the top. Don’t leave chopsticks in a bowl of rice (because similar to funerals) Ask someone (or look at the pictures to see) which basket to throw garbage in. There are different ones for plastic bottles, cans, burnable garbage, etc. Key Words Hello Konnichi wa Thank you Arigato gozaimasu (“mas”) Good morning Ohayo gozaimasu (“mas”) Good evening Konban wa I’m sorry Sumimasen Nice to meet you My name is … Hajimemashite Watashi no namae wa …. desu (“des”) Places to Visit Bus 13 to “Minami Aeon” Shopping mall. Bus 10 to “Maegata Aeon” Shopping mall. You can get both buses in front of Morioka station. Morioka Castle. Walk across the bridge and down the street, or take the “Dendenmushi” bus, which has pictures of a snail on it. Shopping at Morioka Station – 1st floor of the station and Fesan department store. Visit a 100 yen shop. Across the bridge and at the mall. Local outdoor market “yoichi” on Saturday from 3-6 Schedule for Techers. DATE A.M. P.M. 22 AUG Mon ARRIVAL Arrival in Morioka Stay at Hotel Ruiz *Buffet style Dinner will be prepared on the 3rd Floor 23 AUG Tue Meet at the Hotel Lobby at 7:50am Arrive at School(MCHS) at 8:20am Welcome Ceremony Japanese Culture Lesson Leave MCHS at 11:40 for Lunch 24 AUG Wed 25 AUG Thu 26 AUG Fri 27 AUG Sat Meet at the Hotel Lobby at 7:50am Homeroom Visit (Intercultural Exchange) 11:00 Wanco-Soba noodle Competition(Lunch) 14:00-16:00 Japanese Tea Ceremony Go back to Hotel at 16:30pm Semi-Formal 18:00 Welcome Dinner at Hotel Ruiz 3rd floor Official Visit to Iwate prefectural government/ IBC TV Broad Cast, Iwate Nippo Newspaper Publisher 18-20 Dinner (at Hotel Ruiz in your own time) 11:30 Leave the Luggage at the Hotel Reception and go to MCHS. ( As you stay a different Hotel for this night.) 12 :00 noon – 14:00 Japanese Cookery Class & Lunch Leave MCHS 14:30pm to Hotel Mori no Kaze. 18:00 Dinner Party 10am Check out the Hotel Visit Morioka Handi-Works Sq. Lunch at the Japanese Restaurant Dress Code Go to MCHS 14:30- 16:00 Round Table Discussion 16:00 Visit MCHS teachers’ home and Dinner Meet at the Hotel Lobby at 9:00am Tour in the Iwate Region till 17:00 (Ryusendo Cave and Kitayamazaki National Park) Semi-Formal Casual Casual Casual 18-20 Dinner (at Hotel Ruiz in your own time) Meet at the Hotel Lobby at 9:00a.m. 28 AUG Sun 29 AUG Mon 30 AUG Tue The 18th Chuo International Education Forum 16:30 Farewell Party at Hotel Metropolitan New Wing Semi-Formal Spend the day on your own Casual 18:00 Welcome Dinner at Hotel Ruiz 14th floor Semi-Formal Leave Morioka Station for home See schedule on p. Schedule for Students. DATE A.M. 22 AUG Mon ARRIVAL 23 AUG Tue (Go to school with your host Student) Welcome Ceremony Japanese Culture Lesson Join the Class Japanese Traditional Tea Ceremony 24 AUG Wed (Go to school with your host Student) Homeroom Visit(Intercultural Exchange) 11:00 Wanco-Soba noodle Competition(Lunch) Official Visit to Iwate prefectural government/ IBC TV Broad Cast, Iwate Nippo Newspaper Publisher 25 AUG Thu (Go to school with your host Student) Discussion of the forum theme / Prepare Presentation Visit to Junior High school Discussion of the forum theme / Prepare Presentation Arrival in Morioka Meet your homestay families (Go to school with your host Student) One Day Study Tour 26 AUG Fri 27 AUG Sat P.M. Go to school with your host student Forum Rehearsal Go back to School Leave school at 15:30 Please tell one of CHUO teachers if you want to go home straight from Malios *実行委員生徒の場合は一緒に 9:00 マリオス集合 9:00 Arrive at Malios with your host student The 18th Chuo International Education Forum 28 AUG Sun 16:30 Farewell Party at Hotel Metropolitan New Wing 29 AUG Mon 30 AUG Tue Spend the day with your host family Leave Morioka Station for home See schedule on p. Meals for Guest Students * Your homestay family will provide you with all the meals. * They will prepare “BENTO” lunchboxes for you. You can also buy some snacks at the school canteen at lunchtime. homestay buddy. If you want to buy something there, please ask your List of Guests Country School Name Name Position Australia 1 オーストラリア Davidson High School デイビッドソン・ ハイスクール 1 Jillian Chalker F Teacher 2 Jasmin Hill F Student 3 Tara Walsh F Student Vietnam 2 ベトナム Bui Thi Xuan High School ブイ・ティ・シャン ハイスクール 4 Le Duc Tai M Teacher 5 Thang Quoc Phan M Student 6 Bui Quoc Duy M Student 7 Jian Wu 呉堅 (8/27-8/29滞在) M Principal 8 Yijie Huang 黄祎杰 M Teacher 9 Xuebin Gui 桂雪斌 M Student 10 Yizheng Zhang 张怡筝 F Student Taylor's International School Kuala 11 Sandhi Jeremiah Arul F Teacher Lumpur テイラーズ・インターナショナル・ 12 Chong Jia Hui F Student スクール- クアラルンプール 13 Chanelle Gan F Student 14 Dave Randell M Principal 15 Jude Randell F Assistant to Principal 16 Marnie Hunter F Student 17 McKenna Armstrong F Student 18 Damien Potts M Student 19 Adam Harrington M Student 20 Suphakij Jitklongsub M Principal 21 Phaophong Tiranarata M Teacher 22 Poom Chuanromanee M Student 23 Thepaksorn Sompoprungroj M Student 24 Aris Moelyono M Teacher 25 Muhammad Belva Al Kautsar M Student 26 Safirah Nurfabirra Dwiyanti F Student 27 Syarifah Azahra Yuliyono F Student 28 Muhammad Faiz Abdurrahman M Student 29 Dilla Lutfiani Waluyo F Student 30 Ratri Galimarta Retno Palupi F Student 31 Isabelle Senécal (8/26から参加) F Director 3 China 中国(上海市) Malaysia 4 マレーシア 5 6 New Zealand ニュージーランド Thailand タイ Indonesia 7 インドネシア Canada 8 カナダ (ケベック州) FRANCE 9 フランス High School Affiliated to Fudan University 復旦大学附属中学 Otumoetai College オツモエタイ・カレッジ Bangkok Christian College バンコク・クリスチャン・ カレッジ SMA Dwiwarna SMAドウィワーナ高校 Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine 32 Manon Hurtubise コレージュ・セイント・アン・ド・ラ 33 Vincent Eveleigh シーヌ 34 Jeremy Azar Blanche de Castille ブランシュ・ド・カスティーユ F Teacher M Student M Student 35 Sybille Marie-]osée Le Bellour F Teacher 36 Armand Crouïgneau M Student 37 Hugo Gerbet M Student 38 Lou Phượng Farjon F Student 39 Montaine Marie Talbot F Student Country Senegal 10 セネガル Argentina 11 アルゼンチン Belgium 12 ベルギー 13 Finland フィンランド Taiwan 14 台湾(台南市) 15 Russia ロシア School Name Cours Sainte Marie de Hann Colegio Ward Institut Sainte Ursule Rajamaki Secondary School Chang-Jung Senior High School 長栄高級中学 International Linguistic School インターナショナル・リングイスティック・スクール Japan 16 日本 Okayama Gakugeikan 岡山学芸館高等学校 Japan 17 日本 Okinawa Shogaku HS 沖縄尚学高校 Name Position 40 Alain Jacques Diasso M Teacher 41 Albert Diatta M Teacher 42 Mohamed Yade M Student 43 Gregory Anatole Olade d'Almeida M Student 44 Raissa Diane Rozita Ayina Cumbi F Student 45 Raquel Inés Martínez F Teacher 46 Agostina Tossini F Student 47 Alexa Romina Cagel F Student 48 Fabien Claude Patrick Lisart M Teacher 49 Nawal Mahat F Student 50 Sélim Denis Pascal Clérin M Student 51 Varp Kujala F Teacher 52 Kia Patricia Johanna Vasarainen F Student 53 Otto Joonas Ahvenainen M Student 54 Pihla Katariina Pavas F Student 55 Hsin-Yu Liang 梁馨予 F Teacher 56 Yi-Xuan Liu 劉翊暄 F Student 57 Yun-Ni Lu 盧昀妮 M Student 58 Olga Shevchenko F Principal 59 Svetlana Feshchenko F Teacher 60 Sofia Samoilenko F Student 61 Ekaterina Dorozdova F Student 62 James Christopher Nichol M Teacher 63 Christian Snow Esteban Guingoyon 64 Chriszia Esteban Guingoyon M Student F Student 65 Noriko Bousckri F Teacher 66 Kai Hentona F Student 67 Kazuma Tristen Funakoshi M Student Accomodation for Guest Teachers AUG 22 to AUG 30 (Except AUG 25) Hotel Ruiz Address: 7-5 Morioka Ekimaedori, MORIOKA, IWATE Phone: +81-19-625-2611 Located in front of Morioka Station, about 2 minutes on foot. Map (near the Morioka Sta. & Hotel Ruiz) Places to Visit AEON Sopping Centre Bus 13 to “Minami Aeon” Shopping mall. Bus 10 to “Maegata Aeon” Shopping mall. You can get both buses in front of Morioka station. Morioka Castle(Iwate Park) Walk across the bridge and down the street, or take the “Dendenmushi” bus, which has pictures of a snail on it. Shopping at Morioka Station – 1st floor of the station and Fesan department store. Visit a 100 yen shop. Across the bridge and in the Cross Terrace Shopping centre. Local outdoor market “Yoichi” on Saturday from 3-6pm Coffee shops, bars, and restaurants on “Odori” – the street across the bridge. Kawatoku Department Store Other Information You can use ATMs at post offices, banks, and convenience stores where there is the following sign: Wifi is available at Chuo High School, Morioka Station, Starbucks (in Fesan in Morioka Station, and at the 2 malls, etc.). AUG 25 Hotel Mori no Kaze Oshuku Address: 10-64-1 Oshuku, Shizukuishi-cho, Iwate-gun, IWATE Phone: +81-19-695-3333 Situated in Shizukuishi, this hotel is located beside Lake Gosho and km from Morioka City. Morioka Handi-Works Square and Shizukuishi Ski Place are also less than 20 km from Morioka. Spa Services:Hot springs/mineral springs in spa / Massages Yukata: Please feel free to wear the Japanese clothing (“yukata”) after going to the spa. You are welcome to go to dinner in your Yukata. PARTY INFORMATION WELCOME DINNER (Dress code: Semi-Formal) This is a party to welcome all the guests and to get to know each other. Date & Time August 23, TUE 6:00PM-8:00PM Place Hotel Ruiz Floor Particiopants All guest teachers , and MCHS teachers and staff. Mr. Masaharu Tatsuzawa(Chairman), Mr. Naotaka Tatsuzawa (Direcor), Mr.Tomisawa(Principal), Mr. Chiba(Vice Principal), Mr. Baba, Mr.Kumakura, Mr Obara, Mr.Himi, Mr.Abe(4 Head teachers) Ms.Yukie Sasaki, Ms.Ikuko Nakamura, Mr Dai Murata, Mr. Tatasuyuki Kikuchi, Mr Erik Lutz, Ms. Machiko Otani HOME VISIT (Dress code: Casual) (participating teachers, MCHS teachers and staff) August 26, FRI After school MCHS teachers and staff members will welcome you to their homes for dinner. You can experience life with a Japanese family. More information will be given to each teacher/administrator. FAREWELL PARTY (Dress code: Semi-Formal) This is a party to say thank you to all the homestay families. Also, each participating student will be given a certificate and a gift from MCHS. Date & Time August 28, SUN 4:30PM-7:00PM (After the Forum) Place Hotel New Wing, 2nd floor Particiopants All guest teachers, students , host families and MCHS teachers and staff. Mr. Masaharu Tatsuzawa(Chairman), Mr. Naotaka Tatsuzawa (Direcor), Mr.Tomisawa(Principal), and all of MCHS teachers and staff SAYONARA PARTY (Dress code: Semi-Formal) (participating teachers, MCHS teachers and staff members) Date & Time August 29, MON 6:00PM-8:00PM Place Hotel Ruiz 14th Floor Particiopants All guest teachers , and MCHS teachers and staff. Mr. Masaharu Tatsuzawa(Chairman), Mr. Naotaka Tatsuzawa (Direcor), Mr.Tomisawa(Principal), Mr. Chiba(Vice Principal), Mr.Kumakura, Mr Obara, Mr.Himi, Mr.Abe(4 Head teachers), Mr. Baba, Ms. Yukie Sasaki, Ms. Ikuko Nakamura, Mr Erik Lutz, Ms. Machiko Otani Departure Information MCHS will arrange domestic transportation for you. Please check your flight again. Before you get on Shinkansen(train), make sure you have everything with you. (Especially your passport) Your homestay families are going to take you to the meeting place (where you will leave from). Departing Date August 29 (Guests from Finland) August 30 August 30 Morioka Station 2nd Floor In front of a coffee shop (Near the South Gate of Shinkansen) Morioka Station 2nd Floor In front of a coffee shop (Near the South Gate of Shinkansen) Morioka Station 2nd Floor In front of a coffee shop (Near the South Gate of Shinkansen) Shinkansen Morioka Shinkansen Morioka Shinkansen Morioka Morioka ↓ Tokyo Tokyo(change trains) ↓ Narita *Hotel: Morioka ↓ Tokyo Tokyo(change trains) ↓ Tokyo Narita/Haneda Morioka ↓ Tokyo Tokyo(change trains) ↓ Tokyo Narita/Haneda Meeting Time Meeting Place Departing Time Trains Your flight Who to contact in case of emergencies: Contact numbers in case of Emergency Morioka Chuo High School TEL019-641-0458 FAX019-641-5533 Ms. Yukie Sasaki Manager of International Dept. Tel 090-8787-8279 [email protected] Mr. Masato Maisawa Hostfamily Coordinator Tel 090-9639-5768 Excelsior Vol.18 Request for all participants teachers and students, As you may know, Morioka Chuo High School publishes a commemorative booklet for the Forum entitled “Excelsior” each year. For the publication of this year’s one, I would like to ask you to write your essay of this experience within 200 words by October 10, 2016. Administrative staff and teachers can include events such as tea ceremony, lectures, cookery class, home visit, round-table discussion, sightseeing in Iwate region, the Forum, etc., and as for student participants, homestay, Wankosoba-Noodle, one day study activity, the Forum, etc. It would be great if you could focus on writing one particular event. However, topics are for you to decide Please send your essays to: [email protected]
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