Geographical Perspectives on “Development” - Summer School for PhD students 3rd to 6th October 2016 – Bonn, Germany Monday 3.10. 9.00 Tuesday 4.10. AG 1.1 continued: (De)colonizing Geography? (Neuburger/Schmitt) AG 2.1: Science & Technology in/for Development (Verne/Kleine, tbc) 11:00 Registration AG 2.2 ‚Participation’ in times of/for Societal Transformation – sociopolitical & methodological challenges intertwined! (Tröger/Mistry) Wednesday 5.10. AG 3.1: Umwelt und Entwicklung (Bauriedl) AG 3.2: Theorizing, researching and (re)politicizing “economic” “entanglements” in the Global South (Ouma/ Stenmanns/Gemählich) AG 3.3 Migration, Translokalität und Entwicklung (Steinbrink/Sakdapolrak/ Sterly) Thursday 6.10. AG 4.1: Manoeuvring Challenging Research Contexts (Doevenspeck/Gebauer) AG 4.2: Arbeit und ungleiche Entwicklung (Berndt/Etzold) AG 4.3: 3 Things They Never Told You about Culture(s), Risk and Disasters (Geiselhart/Krüger/Titz) AG 4.4: Accessing social and spatial ordering, negotiating practices (Gebauer/Haferburg) AG 2.3 Spatial Patterns of ‘Alternatives to Development’ (Koop) AG 2.4 Nature in Capitalism (Reis/Weisser) 12.00 Welcome address & introduction LUNCH Detlef Müller-Mahn “Development geography today – struggling with ambiguities” 13.00 14.00 15:00 16:00 LUNCH (provided on site) AG 1.1: (De)colonizing Geography? à Session in German! (Neuburger/Schmitt) AG 1.2: Community owned solutions for sustainability challenges videography aiming at true participation and empowerment' ATTENTION: The workshop calls for your active participation! We need 4 hours and will thus start at 13hrs. Participants are invited to bring their lunch. (Mistry) Stand:05.08.2016 LUNCH A prolonged lunch break shall allow all workshop organizers and conveners to be flexible in their planning. Keynote A AbdouMaliq Simone Keynote B Christian Berndt Post-Colonial Perspectives on the Urban South Economic perspectives in development geography PLENARY WRAP UP Walks & Visits We came up with a number of activities to leave the classroom and ‘go out there’. You will be able to register for one of them at the reception desk on day one. AG 3.1 continued: Umwelt und Entwicklung (Bauriedl) PLENARY WRAP UP & Outcomes of the last three days... AG 3.2 continued: Theorizing, researching and (re)politicizing “economic” “entanglements” in the Global South (Ouma/ Stenmanns/Gemählich) AG 3.3 continued: Migration, Translokalität und Entwicklung (Steinbrink/ Sakdapolrak/Sterly) COFFEE BREAK Geographical Perspectives on “Development” - Summer School for PhD students 3rd to 6th October 2016 – Bonn, Germany AG 1.3: Politicising Global Chain Governance? (Fuchs/Bußler/Lopez Ayala/Tessmann) 17:00 PLENARY WRAP UP & RECEPTION, open end (supper provided) PLENARY WRAP UP PANELDISCUSSION ‘Theory meets practice’ & GET TOGETHER (supper provided) Stand:05.08.2016
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