EINLADUNG zur Teilnahme am 7. AIIC – Dolmetscher-für-Dolmetscher Workshop am 16. Juli 2016 von 9.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr in Berlin-Dahlem Venue: Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin (JDZB) Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 839070 (Across the street from Metro Station Oskar-Helene-Heim Metro Service U3) The event is open to AIIC Interpreters as well as to Pre-Candidates and Candidates, colleagues from the VKD and other Interpreters’ associations and also to graduates from interpreting courses at all universities or training centres. Students may apply as Workshop Assistants. The workshop language is mainly German, however, one presentation will be given in English. There will we interpretation from German into English and if needed also from English into German. The costs of the Workshop (for renting the room, for catering (vegetarian) and the technical equipment) will be shared equally by the participants. The conference fees (incl. VAT) will probably end up being between € 80.- € and € 140.- per participant. Members of AIIC will get a 20 % discount. The workshop fees will be waived for colleagues making presentations or working in teams of two to provide interpretation for any session (1 ½ or 2 hours) of the workshop. Exact information on the cost of the workshop will be communicated about one week before the workshop, once the approximate number of participants is known. Payment is to be made in cash on the day of the workshop. Receipts and participation certificates will be provided. Participants and speakers are kindly invited to bring along any books, DVDs, posters or other interesting material to be displayed on a table for the duration of the workshop (please do not forget to apply a sticker with your name on). Weblinks or other information or hints you would like to share may be written on flipcharts. A couple of days after the workshop all participants will receive digital photographs of the flipcharts and the material displayed To register as participant or interpreter, please contact Almute Löber [email protected], Coordinator for Continuing Education, German AIIC-Region and state 1.) whether you are a member, candidate or pre-candidate of AIIC or not 2.) whether you need interpretation into English. Programme 7th Interpreters-for-Interpreters Workshop on 16th July 2016 in Berlin-Dahlem Main Topic – „Professions or Occupations similar to Interpreting“ Ab 8.15 Uhr 9.00 – 9.15 Sitzung /Session 1 9.15 - 10.00 Eintreffen und Registrierung der Teilnehmer / Arrival and Registration of Participants Almute Löber Begrüßung, Sicherheitshinweise, Kurzvorstellung des Workshopkonzepts, Organisatorisches Welcome and Introduction Katja Schulten Untertitelung und Live-Untertitelung Subtitling and Live-Subtitling 10.00 – 10.30 Bettina Arlt 10.30 – 11.00 11.00 - 11.30 Kaffeepause Coffee Break Andreas Menzer 11.30 – 12.00 Andreas Gründel 12.00 – 12.30 Imke Trainer Sitzung /Session 2 12.30 –14.00 14.00 –14.30 Sitzung /Session 3 Voice-Over Gebärdensprachdolmetschen Sign Language Interpreting Audio Description Mediation und Dolmetschen – Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede Mediation and Interpeting – What the two have or don’t have in common Vegetarisches Mittagsbuffet – Ideenbörse Vegetarian Lunch Buffet – Exchange of Ideas Daniela Eichmeyer Schriftdolmetschen Speech-to-Text reporting 14.30 - 15.00 Silke Smida Visual Facilitation 15.00 – 15.30 Dan Shalit Kenig (E) Intragloss – Booth-friendly terminology management 15.30 – 16.00 Alexander Drechsel Nach Snowden: So bekommt man das digitale Leben wieder unter Kontrolle After Snowdon: How to regain control over our digital life 16.00 – 16.30 16.30 – 17.00 Kaffeepause Coffee Break Ignacio Hermo 17.00 – 17.25 Sylvie Kuenen 17.25 – 17.50 Conrado Portugal 17.50 –18.00 Almute Löber Sitzung /Session 4 Nutzungsrechte für aufgezeichnete Leistungen – wie sie zu berechnen und anzubieten sind. How to calculate what to charge for the legal right of use of recorded interpretation and other services for which you have a copyright. Erfahrungen mit der Tandem-Arbeit Coaching each other as a language tandem Yogaübungen für Sitzberufe Yoga Exercises for anyone with a sedentary occupation Abschluss des Workshops und Hinweis auf ein „After-Workshop-Treffen“ End of workshop and invitation to „After Workshop Get-Together“ Änderungen vorbehalten. Subject to changes Nicht zu weit entfernt vom JDZB liegt direkt am Schlachtensee das Restaurant / Ausflugslokal „Fischerhütte“. Wer nach dem Workshop noch mit Kollegen zusammen sein möchte, könnte den Tag dort gut ausklingen lassen. Fairly close to our workshop venue is a nice restaurant/bistro called “Fischerhütte” Anyone who would like to enjoy the summer evening together with colleagues near lake Schlachtensee can easily get there.
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