Curriculum Vitae - Institute for Applied Microeconomics (IAME)

Curriculum Vitae
Agnes Vosen
Adenauerallee 24-42
Room 082
53113 Bonn
+49 (0) 228 73-9212
[email protected]
since 10/2011
Ph.D. Programme in Economics, Bonn Graduate
School of Economics
M.Sc. in Economics, Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-University Bonn, grade 1.6
10/2008 – 10/2011
B.Sc. in Economics, Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-University Bonn, grade 1.7
08/2000 – 06/2008
General qualification for university entrance,
Antonius Kolleg Neunkirchen, grade 1.3
Research Interests
Applied Microeconomics, Labour Economics,
Behavioral Economics and Statistics
Academic Honors and
RGS Econ Best Paper Award 2015
fellowship of the German Research Foundation
fellowship of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Dr. Hans Riegel-Fachpreis, University of Bonn
Working Experience
since 07/2016
research associate at the IAME, University of Bonn
03/2011– 10/2011
student research assistant at the Institute of
Financial Economics, University of Bonn
10/2010 – 03/2011
student research assistant at the Institute of
Econometrics and Operations Research, University
of Bonn
Teaching Experience
04/2014 – 04/2016
Tutorials in economics and statistics “Statistik A”,
“Statistik B” and “VWL A” (Bachelor Courses)
Voluntary Internships
08/2010 – 10/2010
internship at the European Parliament in Brussels
at the office of Axel Voss MEP
internship at the Official City Marketing Office,
internship at the office of Elisabeth WinkelmeierBecker, Member of the Bundestag in Berlin
06/2008 – 08/2008
internship at the local office of Elisabeth
Winkelmeier-Becker, Member of the Bundestag
Additional Qualifications
language skills
German (native), English (fluent; CFC grade B),
French (intermediate), Spanish (basic)
further language experience
internship at the European Parliament
(improvement of English and French skills)
computer skills
MS Office Programmes, LaTeX, MATLAB, R,
Mathematica, Stata, Photoshop, Lightroom
Last update: 11th July 2016