
Focus! 2015
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2016 年7月 9 日発行 vol.8
高校2年生 杉田 美波さん
【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】
I went to Seattle for track training camp after school on April
22nd. We drove about five hours one way. One the way, we went to
Costco to buy big pizzas, and we ate them at the parking area. In
the school bus, someone brought a music speaker, so there was
loud music. It was like party. There were some troubles, so we
arrived at the lodging place at about 12:30 a.m. The track meet
was attended by many schools’ track teams. It was first time for
me to be in a track meet with a lot of people. I was in the 100m
hurdles, 300m hurdles, 400m×1 relay, and 400m×2 relay. There
were many people who can run faster than me, so I was sad a little bit. But I was glad because I got my
personal record in the track meet. Also my coach told me on the bus, “You got top in the 10 x 100m hurdles,”
so I was very surprised and I was so excited about it.
On the second day, we went to a famous market in Seattle. It was the first time for me to go to Seattle,
so I was glad to be able to have this opportunity. I had school the next day after I got back home, so it
was a little hard. Next month, I have the most important track meet ever. Also in the middle of next
month, the track practice will be finished, so I want to cherish the few remaining times. Also, I will
going to a varsity track meet. I want to improve my skills by the track meet, and I want to get good
results. Also I want to cherish the time I can spend with American friends.
高校2年生 小野 朱梨華さん 【スペイン・I.E.S.COMUNEROS DE CASTILLA】
I have stayed for five months in Spain. I think that I am used to life here, because I had a dream in
Spanish. When I went to Australia to study abroad, my English teacher said, “It is good if you have a dream
in a different language.” I remembered that when I came to Spain. At first, I saw my parents and my friends
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
in my dreams, because I think was lonely. When I got used to school, I saw
Spanish friends in my dreams, but they talked Japanese with me.
Recently, I saw Spanish friends and teachers, and they talked in Spanish
with me. Then, I could understand the Spanish language. I can talk with
my Spanish friends more than before. My friends said, “You’ve became
good at Spanish!!” I am so happy, and I want to remember these important
I went to León and Segovia in Castillo de León. First, I went to León.
Leon resembles Burgos. But León is a new city and the land is wide. I
didn't have much time, so I saw only a little. I went to a famous church
called a cathedral. There was a window of glass there. On the day I went,
the weather was good, so it was very beautiful. There is a palace in León. It is used as a hotel now. I was able
to see the front of the interior. The grand staircase was in front. When I got off the stairs, I became a
princess only this one time. The hotel was just like a long time ago. Other old buildings had become banks or
post offices. This street has large shops and has a Roman building. It was unusual.
道府県があります。私の住んでいる地方は Castilla de León です。”レオンの城”という名前の通り素敵なお
城がたくさんありました。私は Castilla de León の中にある León と Segovia に行きました。最初に León は
私が住んでいる街 Burgos にとても似ています。でも、Burgos より新しくとても土地が広かったです。ホスト
マザーのお仕事ついでについて行ったので少ししかまわれませんでした。短い時間の中で教会など León で有
名なところも見ました。Catedral という教会は León でとても有名な教会です。その教会にはガラスで絵が描
いてとても綺麗でした。León には昔使われていた宮殿があります。今ではホテルとして使われています。フ
高校3年生 船橋 陸くん 【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
「Woods と Digital Media の授業」
The classes that I am taking in this term are interesting. One class is called Woods. What I do in this class
is make projects with wood such as cutting boards, bird houses etc. I made a bird house as my first project
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
and now I am making a bowl with a machine called a lathe. The machines
that I am using in this class are same machines that professionals use and
they are dangerous. My teacher gave us a paper that says the school
cannot guarantee one hundred percent safety and it requests our
signature. I was little bit scared when he handed me that paper but it is
pretty fun.
The other class that is interesting is the class called Digital Media. We
make movies in this class. It is not that easy because you need to write
scripts and we have to communicate a lot to give each other ideas about
what the movie is going to be like. Next week, there is May Court which is
like a sports festival. I did not sign up for it. My friend asked me if I
wanted to join it because there were events that had room for more people,
so I decided to do it. I hope it is not a weird event, but I am looking
forward to it.
学校の授業は三学期に取り始めた woods という日本で言う技術のようなクラスがとても楽しいです。その授
業の中では木を使ったもの作りをします。スイートホームには woods と metal と auto というショップがありま
す。Metal では鉄を使い auto では車を加工したりします。私はバードハウスを最初の作品として作りました。
高校2年生 大陸 虹けい さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
This month we had Prom. Prom is the biggest dance party at school. I had a lot of fun. We all dressed up
nice and did make up. I really want to have prom in Japan too. Before prom, some boys asked girls for prom
dates and also some girls asked boys for a date. At Winter Formal, I was asked by a boy, so this time I asked
a boy. I made a poster and asked him.
One of my friends, who I call “brother,” wanted to ask his girlfriend to Prom but he didn’t know how to
ask and he was thinking for a long time. I helped him think about it and gave him some advice. He used a
scavenger hunt to ask her. That was very romantic for me. I always hang out with “brother” and his
girlfriend so I know them very well. They are my best friends in America. Unfortunately they broke up the
day before Prom. I was so surprised. Not only me, everyone was so surprised and shocked so we were all
confused about what happened between them. Now they don’t talk at all. It was like watching a TV show.
There was a lot of drama. Well, I am good friends with both of them so I didn’t know what should do, but now
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
I still talk with both of them, like before. We didn’t have very good plans for Prom but we all had a good time
so that was pretty good. At Prom there was a photo booth and it was free! Can you believe it? I couldn’t
believe it. I took a lot of photos there. But the photo booth was a lot different from a Japanese photo booth.
高校2年生 A さん 【アメリカ・Blanchet Catholic High School(本校提携校)】
On April 10th, I went to the tulip field in Woodburn. A lot of my
friends updated their SNS when they visited the field, so I knew it
was big. But I had never been there and I was really excited to visit.
At first, I saw very big balloons when I arrived and it looked really
fun. I am already sixteen years old but I wanted to try it. The tulip
field was bigger than I imagined and it was so beautiful. It was kind
of hard work to walk the whole field from entrance to the end and
comeback. Our family and some Indonesian students who are my
host mom’s friends took a lot of family photos, portraits, and selfies.
When we arrived there, it was cloudy and some photos were looked
dark. But a few hours later, it turned sunny. It was so nice.
We had some track and field meets this month. There were especially big ones on April 12th, 14th and
23rd. The meets on 12th and 14th were our normal meets but there were a couple of strong high schools so it
was so fun even though I don’t run. But in this month, we had a meet almost every week, so it was busy and
made us really tired. After these days, I had to help at a middle school’s meet and visited the nearest high
school from Blanchet. In the middle of the meet, there was really heavy rain and strong winds. We were
staying under the tent, but obviously it wasn’t working well. The meet on 23rd was the biggest. I have never
been to any meetings like that big. I could not watch it in full but while I was there, my friend broke our
school record. It made me so happy.
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
4月10日に家から少し遠いところにあるチューリップ畑に行ってきました。友だちの SNS で大きなチュー
す。ですが毎週1回は試合で授業を抜けていたのでとても忙しかったです。この2日間のすぐ後に middle high
school の大会の手助けをしに、10人ほどで近所にある高校まで行ったのですが、途中から大雨大風で運営用の
高校2年生 押山 和奈さん 【オーストラリア・CHARLES CAMPBELL (本校提携校)】
I took care of children in a class on March 31st. The children
were cute and noisy. I made a Power Point for them. It was hard
to explain it so that they could understand. We played basketball
at recess. It was very fun. My dream is to be a Child Care Person
(Kindergarten teacher). That taught me a lot of things and I had a
good experience. Also, I’m so glad because I don’t have many
opportunities to experience this in class. An animal breeder came
to the Humanities lesson and they introduced several animals
that live in Australia. I loved the lizard and reptiles, so I was glad
and excited!!
I went to my friend’s birthday party with two girls. We went to the place to see a wild dolphin. I rode a
boat for around three hours. The narrator said that they are seldom seen, but the weather was good and we
were able to watch a lot of wild dolphins. That was a happy thing.We had a pancake party at lunchtime and
ordered many pancakes.
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26