British Embassy Seminar: Accelerating Low Carbon Innovation – How the UK can Become Japan’s European Partner of Choice in the Clean Energy Sector? 駐日英国大使館セミナー: 加速する低炭素イノベーション~英国はヨーロッパ最大のビジネスパートナーとなり得るか~ The UK has committed to a legally binding target of reducing carbon and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 80% by 2050 on 1990 base year levels. The existing four carbon budgets set to bring emissions down to 52% by 2025, and the 36% reduction has already been achieved in 2014. The fifth carbon budget setting the next step for the period of 2028-2032 will be legislated later this year. 英国は、CO2 とその他温室効果ガスの排出量を 2050 年を目処に 1990 年比より 80%削減するという、法的 拘束力のある国策を掲げています。現在の炭素予算制度では、2025 年までに排出総量 52%削減を目標とし ており、2014 年度にはその 36%をすでに達成しています。2028 年から 2032 年の排出上限を定める第 5 炭 素予算の制定も 2016 年度内に実施されます。 The UK Government is committed to creating platforms for boosting exports and for investment by global businesses. The market for low carbon goods and services is already growing and low carbon small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are leading the way. Under the Innovation is GREAT initiative, the British Embassy in Tokyo has the pleasure of hosting a seminar to showcase the UK’s strengths in emerging clean energy technologies. The exclusive one-day event will bring together UK’s most promising SMEs and entrepreneurs driving innovative solutions to a low carbon economy. A networking reception will take place immediately afterwards to provide an excellent opportunity to forge new relationships, reconnect with key contacts and discuss how you might benefit from future collaboration. We will also offer you the chance to conduct one-to-one meetings with attending companies during the event or the following day. 英国政府には、企業の競争力を高め、貿易・投資を促進する場を提供する責任があります。とりわけ中小企 業の躍進は目覚ましく、成長を続ける英国の低炭素市場をリードしています。駐日英国大使館はこの度、英 国と創るイノベーションキャンペーンの一環として、エネルギー分野における英国の注目技術イノベーション の発表会を開催致します。英国で最も有望と謳われる起業家・中小企業が、低炭素経済を実現するための 革新的打開策を呼び込むのか、その一端をご紹介できれば幸いです。発表会に引き続きネットワーキングレ セプションもございます。新たな人脈作りを通して、コラボレーションの可能性を見つけて頂ければ幸いです。 企業との個別面談も受け付けております。 Page 1 of 7 Details Date and time: Wednesday 27 July 2016 1000-1645 followed by a networking reception (one to one meetings can be arranged on Thursday 28 July also) Language: English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation Venue: Tokyo 日時:2016 年 7 月 27 日(水)午前 10 時から午後 4 時 45 分(その後ネットワーキングレセプション) ※個別面談は 28 日(木)も可 言語:日英同時通訳 会場:東京都内 To register Please register online at You can also register your interest in one to one meetings on the same page. Please note that we may have to close registration once capacity is reached. Please allow us to contact you only if we aren’t able to offer you a place. All registered attendees will be asked to show official photo ID (passport, driving license etc.) to enter the embassy compound. Please note that company/university IDs will not be accepted. 参加ご希望の方はオンラインにてご登録をお願い致します。個別面談のお申込も同ページにてお願い致しま す。こちら→ 定員に達し次第締め切りとさせて頂きます。ご参加頂けない場合のみメールにてご連絡させて頂きます。 当日は、セキュリティの関係上入館に際しパスポート、日本の運転免許証、保険証、省庁の公務員 ID、在留 カードのいずれか 1 点をご提示頂きます。企業や大学などの ID ではお入りいただけませんので予めご了承 下さい。 Programme 1000-1005 Welcome, British Embassy Tokyo 駐日英国大使館よりご挨拶 1005-1015 Opening remarks, DECC senior official (TBC) 英国エネルギー気候変動省よりご挨拶・質疑応答 1015-1045 Presentation by Madeleine Szeluch, Deputy Head of Investor Relations, Department of Energy & Climate Change 英国エネルギー気候変動省、欧州・アジア地域投資家向け広報活動次長 マデリーン・シャ ロックより講演 1045-1100 Break 休憩 1100-1130 Presentation by Sebastian Blake, Commercial Analyst and Chris Kimmett, Commercial Manager, Open Energi オープンエナジー社、セバスチャン・ブレイク(商務アナリスト)、クリス・キメット(商務マネジ ャー)より講演 1130-1200 Presentation by Anthony Price, Director, Swanbarton スワンバートン社取締役アントニー・プライスより講演 Page 2 of 7 1200-1230 Presentation by Frank Pretorius, Director, Giga Amps ギガアンプ社取締役フランク・プレトリアスより講演 1230-1330 Lunch 昼食 1330-1400 Presentation by Steven Rogers, Business Development Executive, Ceres Power セレスパワー社、事業開発顧問、スティーブン・ロジャースより講演 1400-1430 Presentation by Mike Potter, Managing Director, Fleetdrive Management フリートドライブ社専務取締役マイク・ポッターより講演 1430-1500 Presentation by John Counsell, Managing Director, Advanced Control Partnerships アドバンストコントロールパートナーシップ社取締役ジョン・カウンセルより講演 1500-1515 Break 休憩 1515-1545 Presentation by Ralph Clague, Director, Engineering Technology Innovation Group エンジニアリングテクノロジーイノベーション社取締役ラルフ・クレイグより講演 1545-1615 Presentation by Leon Gielen, Principal Business Development Europe and Asia, DELTA Energy & Environment デルタエナジー&エンバイロメント社業務開発主幹(アジア・ヨーロッパ)レオン・ギーレンよ り講演 1615-1800 Networking reception ネットワーキングレセプション Speakers Sebastian Blake and Chris Kimmett, Open Energi Open Energi is advancing system change in the energy industry through implementing its proprietary demand response technology. Open Energi works with major commercial and industrial energy users to source realtime flexibility within their demand which can then be used to provide valuable grid services to the system operator without impacting business processes. Traditionally the second-by-second balancing of supply and demand has been achieved by shifting the output of large fossil fuel generators with a large associated cost in financial and carbon terms. However this can be done far more economically by harnessing the natural flexibility in the demand of energy consuming assets. Since 2010 Open Energi has continuously provided this service to the system operator and grown its portfolio to over 300 sites. オープンエナジー社は、自社固有のデマンドレスポンス技術を用いてエネルギー業界の制度改革を進めてい ます。大規模商業施設や製造業など需要サイドのフレキシビリティを調整し、業務に支障をきたすことなく、系 統運用へ提供します。既存のシステムでは火力発電プラントの出力調節によって実現されたリアルタイムデ マンドリスポンスですが、コスト面のみならず二酸化炭素排出量の観点からも問題視されてきました。オープ ンエナジー社は 2010 年以来、需要サイドのフレキシビリティを最大限に利用することで低価格を実現、300 以上のユーザーにサービスを提供しています。 Page 3 of 7 Anthony Price, Swanbarton Swanbarton has developed 2 exciting technologies supporting more efficient energy networks and markets. Our Micro Storage Manager controls a battery system or UPS to maximise self-consumption of generation, gain revenue from network balancing services and minimise the use of peak-price electricity. Our Smart Trading Agent enables local energy trading to encourage desirable consumption behaviour, and to cost justify investment in local generation and storage. Swanbarton also offers energy storage project services (technical, regulatory and commercial) and energy storage vendor support (technology selection, regulatory and commercial support and market expertise). We would like to meet companies interested in the application of energy storage at large scale, community and domestic levels. スワンバートン社は電力市場と系統を向上させる2つのテクノロジーを紹介します。マイクロ・ストレージ・マネ ジャは、発電した電力の買取と系統運用者からの収益を自動で最大化、一方ピーク時電力の利用を最小化 することが可能です。スマート・トレーディング・‘エージェントは地域の消費行動を最適化、発電と蓄電におけ る投資の正当化に貢献します。また蓄電プロジェクトや蓄電池販売事業主への技術的な支援、規制やビジネ スのアドバイスを行っています。大規模蓄電から、個人・地域レベルの蓄電など、様々な場面に応じたサービ スの提供を目指します。 Frank Pretorius, Giga Amps Giga Amps has designed and built the world’s most cost effective, resilient and efficient battery to date. The key to achieving $0.10/ kw/h cost with greater than 90% efficiency and significantly increased life span is all down to the creation of a new class of battery capable of simultaneous charge and discharge, internal cooling and thermal management along with a method of construction which shatters the preconceived ideas of how a battery should be manufactured. With applications ranging from automotive through peak demand management to utility / grid size storage solutions, Giga Amps is at the forefront of the next generation of energy storage technology and is keen to engage with potential partners with who possess both the vision and passion to change the way the world stores and uses energy. ギガアンプ社は低コスト、高エネルギー効率、耐久性に優れた次世代バッテリーを開発しました。電力の充電 と放電を同時に行い、バッテリー製造の既存概念を覆す製造方法によって、内部冷却や熱管理を施すこと で、長寿命、90%以上のエネルギー効率、約 10 円/kWh を実現しました。自動車から系統運用まで、様々な 応用が可能です。 Steven Rogers, Ceres Power Ceres Power is a recognised world leader in metal supported SOFC technology (Steel Cell) that provides a cost effective, low emission, high electrical generation efficiency solutions for gas-to-power applications. Ceres licences to and partners with system providers and manufacturers who are wanting to access the residential and commercial markets with improved CHP, CHP add-on and power only products including battery chargers and energy storage solutions. Ceres is interested in engaging with companies who have aspirations to set the standard in SOFC cell production and who are interested in developing world beating products incorporating Ceres Power technology. Such partners can engage at stack, fuel cell module, fuel cell power system or Page 4 of 7 application levels. Information in the public domain shows that Ceres has commercial engagements with a number of Japanese companies. In addition, Ceres has relationships in Korea, EU and US. セレスパワー社は、世界をリードする燃料電池企業です。燃料効率を高め、エネルギー安全保障を改善し、 排出量を削減するという、セレスパワー独自の金属担持固体電解質型燃料電池(SOFC)テクノロジーを開発 しました。住宅、商業用途で熱電併給(コージェネレーション:CHP)設備運営および充電器・蓄電器などの製 品開発を手掛ける企業との連携を目指します。すでに多くの日本企業と契約し、京都に日本支社を持つ。そ の他海外での活動は主に韓国、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ。 Ralph Clague, Engineering Technology Innovation Group Limited ETI Group Ltd is a UK based engineering services provider with extensive capability in automotive PEM fuel cell stack, system and vehicle design and integration. Our team have published several journal papers in PEM and SOFC research, and have significant industrial experience of automotive PEM stack and system design and integration, automotive fuel cell system integration, hydrogen system design and integration, battery design and delivery, vehicle CAN bus integration, and full vehicle powertrain delivery. ETI Group Ltd can support a full range of fuel cell and battery vehicle projects, from detailed cell and microstructure analysis to turnkey fuel cell or battery vehicle integration and delivery. We bring our expertise to technology companies, premier engineering consultancies and OEMs to help them deliver innovative vehicle powertrain projects and build their IP base ETI グループはイギリスに拠点を持つ固体高分子形(PEM)燃料電池企業です。セルスタック、自動車用燃料 電池デザインおよび統合制御技術に優れ数々の論文を発表しています。水素システム統合、バッテリー設 計、CAN バス統合、自動車用駆動装置(パワートレイン)にも精通。機能・構造分析により、アーキテクチャを 設計、電力・情報・機械システムの統合制御に至るまで、燃料電池プロジェクトを総合的にサポートします。 Madeleine Szeluch, Department of Energy & Climate Change Madeleine Szeluch is Deputy Director of Investor Relations, Asia at the Department of Energy and Climate Change. In her role, she leads on stakeholder engagement, inward investment and trade, and contributes to energy policy development. She has over 10 years of experience in investor relations and strategic advisory. Before joining DECC, Madeleine worked at GLG, a global management consulting where she advised large global financial investors on assessing suitable investment projects in the Energy & Industrials sectors, and was responsible for developing new markets in Africa and Eastern Europe. Madeleine holds a degree in International Relations and Spanish from University of Toronto. 英国エネルギー気候変動省では、英国企業の海外進出および対英投資を、政策サイドからサポート。10 年 以上の戦略的投資アドバイザーの経験を持つ。以前はガーソン・レーマン・グループ(GLG)にて、アフリカや 東欧諸国の企業に対し金融投資アドバイスを行う。トロント大学で国際関係・スペイン語の学位取得。 Page 5 of 7 Mike Potter, Fleetdrive Management Fleetdrive Group are leaders in the provision of electric vehicle leasing in the UK with a total fleet of 2300 vehicles 750 of which are either full electric or plug in hybrid sold through its DriveElectric and Fleetdrive Electric brands Trading for over 21 years the expertise held in the company has been utilised to develop a new product for electric vehicle charging called Crowd Charge. Crowd Charge enables aggregated measurement and control of home and workplace charging to provide very fast and granular grid scale load management. While in Japan I am keen to find partners in the utility sector, manufacturers of bidirectional charging equipment as well as automotive OEM’s interested in providing this type of service. フリートドライブ社は英国でシェア No.1 の電気自動車(EV)専門のカーリース企業。2300 台以上の純電気自 動車かプラグインハイブリッドを取り扱う。独自の EV 充電クラウドサービス、クラウド・チャージを開発、家庭・ 職場での充電状況を一括管理、よりスピーディな系統連係を可能にしました。 John Counsell, Advanced Control Partnerships (ACP) Limited ACP is a new start-up company aiming to be an international leader in the simultaneous control of local heating and power supplies for buildings. It is an Intellectual Property (IP) holdings, supplier of software design tools and consultancy company in this specialist field. It has been established 3+ years and all its research income (£3+ million) to date with its clients (e.g. DECC, Glen Dimplex, BRE & ISIM) and its partners (e.g. University of Chester, BRE, Glen Dimplex, Arup and Peel Utilities) has been invested in IP and software tool development. These novel and highly innovative technologies are being applied to promote more sustainable and local energy systems (LES). ACP’s LES technologies include: 1) Control systems using patented Poweriver control system algorithms and topologies for the control of all electric hybrid heating systems. These systems consist of one or more heat pumps, thermal storage boilers, resistive electric heating, electric resistive storage heating, local power generation e.g. PV and use of electric batteries. 2) Control of LES using a hybrid systems approach of Combined Heat & Power (CHP) fully integrated and controlled with local PV generation to create a fully optimised and automatically controlled combined heat with PV (CHPV) energy supply system to buildings. 3) LES design software tool called Poweriver Architect which uses dynamic simulation for the optimisation of LES system design and the design of highly reliable and high performance temperature and power control systems. ACP significantly contributed to the IET’s code of practice on Low Voltage DC (LVDC) power distribution systems and has been utilising Power over Ethernet (PoE) with its patented control system for ICT networks and lighting in buildings using PoE and PV generation as part of a total LES design approach. The company has very close links with its R&D partners to create high value added product development opportunities whilst satisfying market and other stakeholder requirements. ACP’s owner Professor John Counsell is an internationally recognised researcher in advanced control of energy systems and machines has 15+ years experience at board level with new product development and its investment decisions. He was senior product development engineer for Europe with the Japanese owned company Brother where he helped pioneer the A4 landscape inkjet printer engine enabling A4 and A3 printing from the same A4 sized machine, now a £100million category business. He is also now the Head of Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at the University of Chester where he leads an international research group in Engineering Systems Page 6 of 7 Architecture and Advanced Control (ESAAC). The department in collaboration with ACP has ESAAC research applications in autonomous machines and energy systems. アドバンストコントロールパートナーシップ(ACP)社は、エネルギー気候変動省、暖房器具製造のグレン・ディ ンプレックス社はじめ多くの企業と共に、より持続可能な分散型エネルギーシステム(LES)用ソフトウエアの企 画、設計、開発を提供します。独自のアルゴリズムを応用したハイブリッド暖房システムや、太陽光発電(PV) を電源として利用する熱電併給システム(コージェネレーション/CHP)、またモデリング技術を応用すること で、分散型電源を活用した場合の地域特性やパフォーマンスの計算を行うソフトウェアも開発。 通信ケーブル上でデータと電力の両方を 伝送するために採用されているパワー・オーバー・イーサネット (PoE)を使って、系統の電圧変動に対応した太陽光発電システムを構築。既存の市場を損なうことなく、ライ ティングなどの新たな製品開発を進めています。 Leon Gielen, DELTA Energy & Environment Delta-ee is a specialist knowledge-based research and consulting company focusing on market opportunities that are arising in heat, distributed energy and energy services in the B2B and B2C markets. We focus in particular on opportunities arising at the levels of energy networks and of the demand side. Delta-ee has a track record for meeting and exceeding client expectations in delivering compelling insight to European manufacturers and utilities – we only commit to work where we are highly confident we can achieve these objectives. Repeat business accounting for over twothirds of our work is testament to this. Uniquely, Delta-ee brings together insight from the heating, low carbon products & services, connectivity, and utility worlds. These insights, together with our customer, technology and policy expertise, enable us to bring leading insight into markets today and how they will behave in the future. Our main client groups include energy utilities, equipment manufacturers, investors and policymakers. Client feedback confirms that we routinely exceed expectations. For the last 10 years we have been providing our knowledge and insight of these sectors, through our syndicated research and bespoke consultancy, to a wide variety of organisations. デルタエナジー&エンバイロメント社は、熱利用、分散型電源、エネルギーシステム改革における市場調査を 専門とする、企業間取引(B2B)および企業対消費者間取引(B2C)向けコンサルティング会社です。系統の状 況に応じた需要サイドのマネジメントなど、多くのビジネス機会の創出をサポートしています。イギリスを含む ヨーロッパでの活動が主であり、再生可能エネルギー、低炭素サービス、イノベーション、脱炭素政策など、 専門性の深さには定評があります。 Page 7 of 7
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