嵐の中のエネルギー戦略 :持続可能な原子力とは

Stormy Energy Future and Role of Sustainable Nuclear Power
田中 伸男
Nobuo Tanaka
公益財団法人 笹川平和財団 理事長、国際エネルギー機関(IEA)前事務局長
President, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation / Former Executive Director of International Energy Agency(IEA)
長期的に安定して電気をつくることが大きな課題となっており、3つの「E」(安定 供給、経済効率
性の向上、環境への適合)と1つの「S」(安全性)(=3E+S)の視点をバラ ンスよく実現するため、エネ
The issue of energy security, and the economic growth with long-term sustainability is
becoming a serious issue for energy-resource-poor Japan. Accordingly, the country is
formulating a Strategic Energy Plan for a balanced realization of the “3E+S” concept (Energy
security, Economic efficiency, Environmental suitability, and Safety).
Against this background, it is necessary to keep in mind the concept of energy security for
Asia and the rest of the world, and consider a well-balanced energy mix for Japan combining:
thermal power, which almost entirely relies on fuel imports; nuclear power, which excels in
stability and economy of supply; and solar, wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal, and other forms
of renewable energy power, which emit no greenhouse gases.
Furthermore, the majority of the Japanese public oppose the restart of nuclear power plants
despite the passage of four years since the Fukushima accident, which suggests there would
probably be many who would remain unconvinced by the 3E+S explanation. This lecture
considers the conditions for sustainable nuclear power from a new technological perspective.