Interim analysis of an ongoing phase II trial assessing safety and efficacy of R-IDEA as salvage therapy in patients with relapsed/refractory DLBCL: An intergroup study of the society of lymphoma treatment in Japan (SoLT-J) and the west japan hematology/oncology group (WestJHOG) Eisei Kondo1, Kazuhiko Yamamoto2, Taro Masunari3, Katsuhiro Miura4, Jun Takizawa5, Yasufumi Masaki6, Tadashi Matsumura7, Yasushi Hiramatsu8, Jun Murakami9, Hideki Tsujimura10, Naoto Tomita11, Yoshinobu Maeda1, Masatoshi Kanno12 university hospital, Okayama, 2Okayama Citizens' Hospital, Okayama, 3Chugoku central hospital, Fukuyama, 4Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, 5Niigata University Faculty of Medicine, Niigata, 6Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, 7Himeji St.Mary's Hospital, Himeji, 8Himeji Red-corss Hospital, Himeji, 9Toyama university hospital, Toyama, 10Chiba Cancer Center, 11Chiba, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, 12Nara Medical University School of Medicine, Kashihara, Japan Deparment of General medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences ↓↓ ↓↓ Sex Male Female 11 9 Firstline chemotherapy R-CHOP R-CHOP like 18 2 ECOG PS 0 1 2 3 4 10 5 3 0 1 > ULN I-II III-IV 13 8 12 secondary ageadjusted IPI 0 1 2 5 6 9 Disease status Primary refractory Relapse 3 5 (< 1y from Dx) 12(> 1y from Dx) serum LDH Stage HDT/ASCT (n=9) Poor mobilization (n=3) 0 Mobilization adjusted response rate (MARR) 9/20 (45%) Figure 2. Adverse events during R-IDEA 60 1 50 2 3 40 Days of apheresis Total CD34+ cells (x106/kg) No. <2.0x106 /kg 2 2.64 3 (1-6) (0.17-43.7) (15%) 2 Years after relapse Sensitive relapse (CR/PR after R-IDEA: n=12) Non-sensitive relapse (n=8) P=0.0003 0 1 4 30 20 Table 3. Results of CD34+ cell harvests 1 3 4 1.00 59.5 (42-65) SD/PD (n=3) Relapsed from > 1 year after initial diagnosis Refractory or Relapsed from < 1 year after initial diagnosis 0 1 2 P=0.085 3 4 saaIPI = 0 saaIPI = 1 2 3 Years after relapse saaIPI = 2 P=0.044 0 1 2 3 4 1.00 Age Median (range) CR/PR (n=12) 0.00 Table 2. Patient characteristics Progression free survival 0.25 Evaluation (PET-CT) 0.75 div 0.50 750mg/m2 x2 0.25 Ara-C PBSC harvest PD n=2 0.00 ↓ 1.00 ↓ 0.75 ↓ 0.50 div 0.25 150mg/m2 0.00 Etoposide R-IDEA PD n=2 10 0 WBC Nt Hb Plt AST ALT ALP T-Bil Cr FN 0.75 ↓ ↓ Sensitive relapse (CR/PR after R-IDEA: n=12) Non-sensitive relapse (n=8) P=0.002 0 1 2 Years after relapse 3 Relapsed from > 1 year after initial diagnosis 0.50 ↓ Refractory or Relapsed from < 1 year after initial diagnosis 0.25 ↓ 0.00 div Overall survival 0 1 2 4 P=0.023 3 4 1.00 40 mg/body R-IDEA PD n=1 saaIPI = 0 0.75 ↓ 0.50 ↓ saaIPI = 1 0.25 ↓ Overall survival R-IDEA saaIPI = 2 0.00 Eisei Kondo : [email protected] div ↓ div Conclusions R-IDEA is feasible and well tolerated in pts with rel/ref DLBCL. Primary refractory and early relapsed DLBCL pts had a poorer prognosis. New treatment strategy seems to be warranted for the high risk pts. relapsed/refractory DLBCL (n=20) Progression free survival Dexamethazone 5 Probability 0.50 0.75 Ifosfamide 1300 mg/m2 4 1.00 375 mg/m2 3 0.00 This study includes pts aged 18-65 years with primary refractory or first relapse CD20 + DLBCL after anthracyclinecontaining CTx. The R-IDEA regimen consisits of R 375mg/m2 on day 1, IFO 1.3g/m2, ETP 150mg/m2 on days 2-4, Dex 33mg IV on days 2-5 and Ara-C 750mg/m2 twice daily on days 3-4. R-IDEA was administered every 21 days for a total of 3 cycles. PBSCs were harvested after cycle 3. Pts in a CR/PR after R-IDEA and who got successful mobilization (>2 million of CD34+ cells/kg) received HDT/ASCT. Primary endpoint was mobilization adjusted response rate (MARR; [CR] + [PR] - mobilization failure). Rituximab 2 Overall survival 0.25 0.50 0.75 Methods 1 Dose Progression free survival 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 High dose chemotherapy (HDT) with autologous stem cell support (ASCT) has been proven effective in relapsed(rel)/refractory(ref) Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), but the benefit is limited to the patients (pts) who are sensitive to salvage chemotherapy (CTx) and are able to mobilize sufficient peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs). The salvage CTx regimen IDEA was previously reported as effective (ORR; 67.6%) and feasible to mobilize PBSCs (77.8%). (Nishimori et al. Antican Res 2009) Accordingly, we designed a multicenter phase II trial addressing safety and efficacy of IDEA plus Rituximab(R) in rel/ref DLBCL pts (UMIN000004892). Herein, we report the interim analysis on the first 20 enrolled pts. Figure 1. Consort flow diagram Table 1. R-IDEA regimen Cycles Aim 1.00 1Okayama 0 1 P=0.13 2 3 4 適格規準 ・組織学的に確認されたCD20陽性びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫の初回再発ま たは初回難治性例 ・測定可能な病変を有すること。 ・年齢18歳以上65歳以下 ・Performance Status(ECOG):0~2の症例 ・重篤な臓器障害のない症例 ・初回治療にてアントラサイクリン系薬剤を含む化学療法を受けている症例 ・自己末梢血幹細胞移植併用大量化学療法の適格症例である症例 ・本研究への参加について患者本人の同意が得られている。ただし、未成年の場 合は代諾者及び本人から文書による同意が得られていること。 主要評価項目(Primary Endpoint) 末梢血幹細胞採取成功率を補正した R-IDEA第3コース終了時の全奏効率(Mobilization-adjusted overall response MARR) 副次的評価項目(Secondary Endpoints) 2年無増悪生存割合 progression-free survival (PFS) 2年全生存割合overall survival (OS)、治療全体の奏効率(CR,PR)、導入化学療 IDEA)の奏効率(CR,PR) 移植適格割合、移植施行割合、末梢血幹細胞採取効率 有害事象発生頻度、二次がん発生割合 登録患者数の設定根拠・登録期間・観察期間 dose 2 mg/m 1 3 4 Rituximab 375 Ifosfamide (I) 1300 mg/m2 div ↓ ↓ ↓ Dexamethazone (D) 40 mg/body Etoposide (E) 150mg/m2 div div ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Ara-C (A) div ↓↓ ↓↓ 750mg/m2 x2 div 2 5 ・・・・ 21 ↓ ↓ 予定登録患者数:40人 患者数設定根拠: 本試験のprimary endpointはMARRであり、R-IDEA療法に MARRが他の救援化学療法のそれを上回ると仮説した。CORAL study において、 ICE群のMARR 52.3%(奏効率63%、採取不良10%)、R-DHAP群MARR 54.5% 64%、採取不良8%)であることから、 R-IDEA療法の閾値MARRを50%、期待 70%とし、α=0.05(片側)、β=0.2のもとで必要症例数を算出すると37例となり、 脱落例を10%と仮定して40 症例を最終必要症例数とした。中間解析として20例 おいて安全性とMARRを検討し、R-IDEA療法の安全性と効果を確認する。MARR 45%(20例中9例)に達しない場合にはプロトコールは中止される。なお、安全 が確認され、かつ第一段階の20例の評価をおこなった時点で9例以上のMARRが 認されれば最終段階まで症例を集積する。 Eisei Kondo1, Kazuhiko Yamamoto2, Taro Masunari3, Katsuhiro Miura4, Jun Takizawa5, Yasufumi Masaki6, Tadashi Matsumura7, Yasushi Hiramatsu8, Jun Murakami9, Hideki Tsujimura10, 11 1 12 Naoto Tomita , Yoshinobu Maeda , Masatoshi Kanno 1Okayama university hospital, Okayama, 2Okayama Citizens' Hospital, Okayama, 3Chugoku central hospital, Fukuyama, 4Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, 5Niigata University Faculty of Medicine, Niigata, 6Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, 7Himeji St.Mary's Hospital, Himeji, 8Himeji Red-corss Hospital, Himeji, 9Toyama university hospital, Toyama, 10Chiba Cancer Center, 11Chiba, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, 12Nara Medical University School of Medicine, Kashihara, Japan
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