1. Concept of Algorithm

Concept of Algorithm
• Computer Architecture
• The Concept of Algorithm
• Complexity and Order
• NP-complete Problems
Self Introduction
Name: Takeaki Uno
Affiliation: NII, Sokendai
Age, status: 44, professor
Research Area: algorithm, data mining, bioinformatics, operations
Recent Studies: efficient practical algorithms for basic operations
and basic tasks on huge data in genome science, and data mining, etc.
Goal / Evaluation / Reference
• Algorithms are efficient especially for processing big data
• The goal is to learn the skill and sense of developing algorithms, or
viewing the problems and issues from algorithmic view points
Evaluation: a report, on the end of the semester
Reference: any textbook of title “Algorithm” and/or “Data
structure”, that you feel interesting/understandable
• e-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~uno/index-j.html
(the slides are uploaded)
Contents of the Lecture
Architecture of computer, and the program
CPU, memory, OS, memory management, instruction, register
Data structure (efficient ways of recording/using the data)
stack, queue, heap, binary tree, hash
Basic Design of Algorithms
recursion, divide-and-conquer, enumeration, dynamic
programming, sorting, string matching
Graph Algorithms
matching, shortest paths,…
Connection to Latest Researches
• Algorithms are connected to the many latest researches
(algorithms are studied in the areas, in which algorithm are related)
• Especially, having simple mathematical models and criteria, with
huge data or complicated data
+ Bioinformatics
Human genome is of 3 billion letters. They have only 4 kinds of
letters ATGC, thus computers have advantages. Genes and variations
often have some implicit rules
+ Chemoinformatics
Chemical compounds are networks of atoms, so tractable for
computers. However, the stereographical structures are difficult
Connection to Latest Researches
+ Astronomy
Computer systems of observatories generates huge amount of data,
and those data is accumulated to integrated databases
+ Physics (quantum mechanics)
data from particle accelerators are incredibly huge. Now, we can
only filter and store the data, only
+ Social science
recently, there have been progresses on understanding systems of
societies by simulations with including micro activities
Connection to Latest Researches
+ architecture
other than structural calculations to evaluate the strength of the
buildings, material optimizations and structure optimizations reduce
the costs
+ literature
large amount of literatures allows as to find interesting knowledge
by computer operations
+ other
development of simulation science, that is to understand the real
world phenomenon and mechanisms by simulations
Latest Researches in Japan
• Japanese algorithmic researches are of high levels in the world
+ interior point methods for optimization problems
+ discrete mathematics and combinatorial optimizations
+ compression and succinct indexes
+ database search and database construction
+ data mining
+ computational geometry
• Studies on algorithms are currently on theory, mainly
Engineering theorems would be derived in future
Architecture of Computer
Basic Architecture
• The center of computer is “CPU (central processing unit) that
basically does basic arithmetic operations
• CPU is like an engine of a car
Having CPU would be a definition of computer
• Other than CPU, a computer has memory that records several
(many) values (mostly 0 or 1)
• Monitor, keyboard, mouse etc. are connected to CPU, and
controlled/managed by signals given by CPU
• From CPU, these signal receive/generation seems like memory;
writing some values to a specified memory, signal will be sent
• So, everything is operated by signals, especially 0/1
• CPU can do
+ read value of memory, write to memory
+ arithmetic operations such as addition and division
+ compare the values, and branch the operation
• These are called instructions (values are called operands)
• The order of instructions are written in a part of memory
This is called program
• Execution is to operate instructions according to the program
Execution of Program
• CPU executes instructions written in the program, sequentially
• Instructions are written in numbers, and each function is
assigned to a number
• During the execution, the program can change the memory
place to read the program (jump)
• Branching is done by this; jump or not according to the
comparison (conditional jump)
• CPUの命令は数値。しかも、1つ1つの処理は非常に単純(これ
• これを組合せてプログラムを作るのは、かなり大変
• そこで、通常はもう少し抽象化して、人間に見やすくした「高級言
(C,JAVA,Perl, Basic, シェルスクリプトなど)
• 高級言語で書かれたプログラムを、CPUに実行させるには、プ
1: 場所 15 に 0 を書き込む
2: 場所 16 に 2 を書き込む
3: 場所 15 と 16 の値を足し、それを場所 15 に書き込む
4: 場所 17 の値が 10 以上ならば、8へいく
5: 3へ行く
8: ...
• 2-4のように局所的に繰り返して実行される部分をループ
• メモリは1バイトずつ数値が記憶されている
• メモリには、記憶場所に0から始まる番号がついていて、好きな
• このように、好きな場所に一手でアクセスできるメモリをランダ
• ランダムアクセスでない記憶装置は、例えばCDとかハードディ
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
• メモリは数値を覚えられるが、実は 0 と 1 しか覚えられない
• しかし、大量に 01 の数値を記憶できる
• 実際は、01しか記憶できないのでは用をなさないので、01の
- これを 1バイトという
• 足す引くかけるの算術演算の結果、 2進数9桁目に繰り上が
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
128+32+16+4+1 = 181
• コンピュータに記憶された数を扱うときは、当然、2進数で話
(例えば、1バイトに入る数の最大は 11111111 とか。直感的
• 01 だけで表記すると場所をとる、桁が大きくなる
• そこで、4桁ずつひとまとめにして、24 = 16 進数で表記する
• 10-15 は、abcdef で表記する。例えば、14=d、255=ff
• メモリには、記録されている数値が整数か、文字か、といった、
• つまり、「何のデータはどこに書いた」ということを決めておく。プ
• 常に0か1の値が書いてあるので、「書き込まれていない」という
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
- 整数: 01の数値をいくつかセットにして、それを2進数とみなす。
通常、32ビット = 4バイト。 (0-40億くらい)
- 実数: 整数と小数点の位置をセットで記憶。小数点は2進数の
- 文字: 文字と整数値を対応させたコード表があり、それを使っ
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
128+32+16+4+1 = 181
4+1 + (16+4+1)/32 = 5.65625
- 負の数: 最上位のビットが1になった数は、256を引いて、
例: 255 は-1 になる。1を足すと、
1111111 + 1 = 100000000。9桁目は無視するので、0
これは、実際の -1 +1 の答えと一致する
例: -2 は 254、-5 は 251。両者を足すと、505。256の剰余を
求めると249。これは-7に対応。両者を掛けると 63754。剰
余を求めると 10。
文字コード表 (ASCII)
- 0-255の整数と文字の1対1対応を表したコードをASCIIコード、
そのコードに基づいて書かれた文字をASCII文字という (だい
- コンピュータに文字が記憶されるときは、このテーブルにした
| 20 sp | 21 ! | 22 " | 23 # | 24 $ | 25 % | 26 & | 27 ' |
| 28 ( | 29 ) | 2a * | 2b + | 2c , | 2d - | 2e . | 2f / |
| 30 0 | 31 1 | 32 2 | 33 3 | 34 4 | 35 5 | 36 6 | 37 7 |
| 38 8 | 39 9 | 3a : | 3b ; | 3c < | 3d = | 3e > | 3f ? |
| 40 @ | 41 A | 42 B | 43 C | 44 D | 45 E | 46 F | 47 G |
| 48 H | 49 I | 4a J | 4b K | 4c L | 4d M | 4e N | 4f O |
| 50 P | 51 Q | 52 R | 53 S | 54 T | 55 U | 56 V | 57 W |
| 58 X | 59 Y | 5a Z | 5b [ | 5c \ | 5d ] | 5e ^ | 5f _ |
| 60 ` | 61 a | 62 b | 63 c | 64 d | 65 e | 66 f | 67 g |
• 日本語については、日本語独自のコード表がある(世界規格と
• 歴史的な事情で、いくつかのコードがある
- JIS コード
- shift JIS コード
- EUC コード
- unicode
• 英語は0-127しか定められていないので、128-255の部分にかな
• 漢字については、制御コードという、特別の文字2つが入ったら、
A 唖 娃
B 芦 鯵
C 安 庵
D 威 尉
阿 哀 愛 挨 姶 逢 葵 茜 穐 悪 握 渥 旭 葦
梓 圧 斡 扱 宛 姐 虻 飴 絢 綾 鮎 或 粟 袷
按 暗 案 闇 鞍 杏 以 伊 位 依 偉 囲 夷 委
惟 意 慰 易 椅 為 畏 異 移 維 緯 胃 萎 衣
E 謂 違 遺 医 井 亥 域 育 郁 磯 一 壱 溢 逸 稲 茨
F 芋 鰯 允 印 咽 員 因 姻 引 飲 淫 胤 蔭
• Windows で使われているコード
• 制御文字を使わず、2バイトの文字をあらわしている
• 1文字目が記号だと、次の
• 2バイト目は、改行コード
• 主にUNIX で使われているコード
• 制御文字を使わず、2バイトの文字をあらわしている
• 1文字目が記号、かななら、
• 2文字目も、かな記号なの
• 記号、かなが出せない
• 世界の全ての言語の文字を1つのコードで表す、というもの
• 2バイト1文字を使わず、2バイトの文字をあらわしている
• 漢字など、地域で字体が
• 最近は4バイトで表すようだ
• コンピュータのメモリのアクセス速度は、演算速度よりかなり遅い
• そのため、メモリを読み出すときは、しばらく演算をとめて待つこ
• そこで、メモリを読むときはまとめてたくさん読む
• 読んだメモリは、CPUに直結した速いメモリにしばらく取っておく
• メモリアクセスが、キャッシュに入っている場所ばかりだと計算は
 キャッシュの効率を高めるような保存法が重要
 引き続いて、キャッシュの中を見ることが多い計算をさせると、
• ディスクのアクセスにも、同じようにキャッシュを使う
• 高級言語では、数値を記憶する際に変数というものを使う
• 変数には、何か値が1つ入る
• コンパイルして実行するときに、各変数にメモリの場所が割当て
• 大量のデータを扱う場合、全てのデータに直接変数を割当てる
• そこで、配列を使う
• 配列を使うと、変数+添え字、という形でデータにアクセスできる。
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
• コンピュータは、機種によって、入出力の方法が違う
• ディスプレイに文字を書くためには、文字の形になるよう、データ
• こういった、ハードウェアによる違いを吸収する、低レベルの処
• これをOSという (Windows、UNIXなど)
• 固有の接続機器を、標準的な入出力方法を用いて扱うプログラ
• メモリの管理もOSが行う
• 普通、コンピュータでは、複数のプログラムが同時に実行されて
• そのため、メモリの適当な場所に適当に数値を書き込むと、他の
• そのため、メモリを使いたいときには、OSにお願いして、必要な
Complexity and Order
Ways to Solve
• ”How to solve” and “The solution” are different
+ Stew and the way to cook stew
+ The way to solve a puzzle ring
+ The way to stack the tower of Hanoi
+ The solution to a quadratic equation
x2 - 2x + 1 = 0
• ”Ways to solve” is more abstract than solution;
solution is a solution to just an instance
• Consider ways to solution
Computer Algorithm
set (order) of instructions to do a specified task
Usually, algorithm is that for computers
Algorithm can be considered as a theory of designing the way of
computing, or theory of efficient programs
Summation from 1 to 100:
• 1+2+,...,+100 ‥‥ 99 additions
• (1+100) * (100/2) ‥ 3 operations
Cut a carrot into slices of star shapes
• make slices, then cut the edges of each slice
• make a star shaped stick, then slice it
Algorithms in Your Life
• how to cook
• calculation with figures written down on paper
• car driving skill
• employment interviews in companies
(all are not complete …)
Evaluation Criteria
• How do we evaluate algorithms?
• How simple
 simplicity of programs
• Efficiency (speed, place, cost,…)
 speed and memory usage (electric power consumption)
• Simplicity is difficult to evaluate, but speed and memory
usage can be measured by values
Evaluation of Time
• It is easy to evaluate the speed of a program; just get the
duration of execution
• Of course, the quality of the writing of the program affects this
• But, this is the evaluation of “programmer”
not that of “algorithm”
 Even though the algorithms are the same, the skill of
programmers makes the difference
• We want to have a good model of measuring the efficiency of
Turing Machine
• Making model of algorithms means making model of computers
• We need to have quite basic one
• The base of computer is CPU and memory
The Turing machine is such a model
• A Turing machine is composed of a “tape” that records sequence
of 01 data, and a “head” that reads/writes 01 data, and an
execution unit managing the movement of tape
• A Turing machine can read/write data, move the tape, and change
the internal state of the execution unit
A Model for Computation Time
• The time of Turing machine is evaluated by the number of
read/write operations
• Basically, any operation of a computer can be simulated with
several operations of Turing machine
the number of operations is independent from the time/size of each
• So, both can be evaluated by the same model
 the number of operations executed by an algorithm will be a
good measure
Abstracted Evaluation
• The idea of “the number of basic operations” is good. It is much
abstracted. However, still the skill of programmer affects
• We want to have more abstracted one that is independent from that
• Anyway, what kind of issues do we want to evaluate?
• For example, measure the efficiency on the execution of a specified
task? for a benchmark problem?
then, basically the skill of programming still affects
Evaluation for Input Size
• Computation needs some inputs
The size of input increases, then computation time will be long
• Observe the increase of time against the increase of size
 we will get a function representing this relation
• For the input size n (#bits, in exact), we represent the number of
the necessary operations such as 10n2+5n+2
• This varies among several inputs, use average?
 to assure the time, we use the maximum
Ignoring the Coefficients
• We want to know the increase of operations
 it depends on the largest degree, mainly; 10n2+5n+2
 we focus on 10n2 , and ignore other coefficents
• Programming skills makes simple operations more simpler
 affects to coefficients such as 10n2+5n+2
 we focus only on n2, and ignore all constant factors
• This way of evaluating the cost of computation is called
“evaluation by order”
• ”A function f(n) is O(g(n))” is defined by
< +∞
• We say that the order of an algorithm is O(g(n)) if the function
bounding the maximum number of basic operations for any input
of size n is of O(g(n))
• The order of computation time is called time complexity, or
simply complexity
Summary of Order
Order of computation time: O(f(n))
a (polynomial/exponential) function representing an upper bound
of the computation time in the term of input sizes
+ coeeficients are ignored since it represents the programming skill
+ we focus only on the maximum magunitude
(depends only on the maximum degree for larger inputs)
Find a word in a dictionary of n items
• linear search O(n)
• binary search O(log n)
Sorting n numbers
• insertion, quick sort O(n2)
• merge sort, heap sort O(n log n)
Small order algorithms
are so efficient even
though the computer
and/or programmer is
not good
Advantage / Disadvantage
• When the problem is big, acceleration by algorithmic theory is
• When the problem is small, practical performance is bad due to
sophisticated construction of operations
• Can not represent the average and practical performance
size of million
size of 100
2-3 times
Evaluation of Memory Usage
• The efficiency of memory usage can also be evaluated by the order
and complexity
+ the order represents the worst usage of memory amount for the
input size
+ the complexity is called “space complexity”
• We can also ignore the skill of programming
• For the memory usage, evaluation of the worst case is more
acceptable since the algorithm stops if the memory is short
Fundamentals of
Complexity Theory
Good Design
• When we can decrease the order of an algorithm, we could
“improve” the design of the algorithm
• …, then, some question arise; which algorithm is good/bad?
Where is the boundary
• An idea is to compare the most naïve algorithm
• So, observe the most naïve algorithm
Naïve Algorithm
• We here say non-well designed algorithm  naïve algorithm
• Suppose that here naïve means that to explorer all the possibilities
+ find all numbers from a1,…,an that are less than b
examine all subsets of a1,…,an, and output the one that partitions
the set in the way of the statement
+ sorting
examine all possible orders, and output the one which is
increasing order
+ find the longest decreasing subsequence of a1,…,an
examine all combinations of a1,…,an, and output the longest
among all decreasing sequences
Time of Naïve Algorithms
+ find all numbers from a1,…,an that are less than b
+ find the longest decreasing subsequence of a1,…,an
 computation time is O(n2n)
+ sorting
 computation time is O(n n!) ≒ O(n2n logn)
• The time spent by these algorithms, that spends time exponential in
the input sizes, is called exponential time, and these algorithms
are called exponential time algorithms
In “Good” Ways
+ find all numbers from a1,…,an that are less than b
 scan the numbers, and output those less than b
 computation time is O(n)
+ find the longest decreasing subsequence of a1,…,an
 for each ai, find the longest decreasing subsequence ending at ai 。
Find the longest among those of all ai’s
 computation time is O(n2)
+ sorting
 scan the sequence and swap the pairs of neighboring numbers
with the reverse ordering; repeat this n times
 computation time is O(n2)
“Good” Algorithms
 computation time is O(n)
 computation time is O(n2)
 computation time is O(n2)
• They are not exponential
• These times that are polynomial in the input sizes are called
polynomial time, and the algorithms are called polynomial time
• Any polynomial, even with large degrees, is always smaller than
exponential, for sufficiently large n, thus essentially different
 hence, polynomial is good, in some sense
Difficulty of Problems
• Good algorithms solve problems in short time
• So, the existence of good algorithm means that the problem is
easy to solve (no need of testing all possibilities)
 the difficulty indicates the cost of developing algorithms
 polynomial time means that the problem would be easy
 no polynomial time is found means that the problem would be
• … then, we can compare the difficulties of two problems
Exact Comparison
• We can compare the difficulties of the problems, by comparing
the orders of the algorithms for the problems
• However, in exact, it is not sufficient
 faster algorithms would exist
• So, consider special cases in which we can surely compare,
although it is perfectly general
Problem Reduction
• Suppose that there are two types of problems A and B, and any
instance of B can be transformed to that of A, or any instance of B
can be solved by solving an instance of A plus α
+ find the kth largest value from n numbers
 after sorting the numbers, we can find it in O(n) time
 this problem can be solved by sorting
• Transforming an instance of B to that of A, or solving an instance of
B by solving that of A is said to “reduce problem B to A”
• In this case, A is more difficult, if time is no less than +α
• Input/output always needs O(n) time, thus finding kth largest value
is no harder than sorting
Difficult Problems
• Easy problems are stated by showing fast algorithms
• How to show the difficulty?
• Hard to state that “any algorithm needs exponential time”
• So, find most difficult problems among the problems having
polynomial/exponential time algorithms
 use the way to compare the difficulties; state that any
problems can be reduced to this problem in polynomial time
(hardest in polynomial time/exponential time problems
• Are there any such “useful problems”?
Satisfiability Problem
• There is a such “useful” problem, called satisfiability problem (SAT)
• SAT is to check whether there is an assignment to Boolean variables
x1,…,xn s.t. they satisfy the given formula
 we can assume that the formula is a CNF
• The trick is, any computer circuit is represented by a formula
• A computer circuit (of an exponential size) can simulate a nondeterministic Turing machine that can examine exponentially many
possibilities at once in parallel
• Difficult combinatorial problems can be solved in polynomial time
• SAT is most difficult among them (problem seem to need exponential
time), since all the others can be reduced to SAT
Certification of Difficulty
• SAT is a kind of a landmark of difficult problems
 a problem is “difficult” if it is no easy than SAT
• Such a problem is called NP-hard (SAT is NP-hard)
• Problems that can be solved in polynomial time by nondeterministic Turing machine are called NP problems (SAT is NP)
 the certification of “yes” answer is of polynomial size
• An NP problem that is NP-hard is called NP-complete
• The problem class of NP-complete problems is the one of
composed of problems of most difficult among all NP problems
• SAT is NP-complete even if any clause has exactly three literals
 SAT is reducible to this 3SAT problem
Reduction: for each clause of a SAT instance,
+ if size < 3, generate 2 or 4 clauses by appending slack literals
(x)  (x∨y∨z) ∧ (x∨y∨¬z) ∧ (x∨¬y∨z) ∧ (x∨¬y∨¬z)
+ if size > 3, prepare a slack for each literal, and joint them by using
slack literals
(a∨b∨c∨d∨e∨f)  (a∨b∨x)∧ (¬x∨c∨y)∧ (¬y∨d∨z)∧ (¬z∨e∨f)
SAT  k-Clique
• A clique is a subgraph of a graph in which any pair of vertices are
connected by an edge
 SAT is reducible to determine whether a graph includes a clique
of k vertices
• Prepare a vertex for each literal of each clause
• Draw edges between all pairs of the literals, but not if one is the
negation of the other
• There exists clique of size (#clauses)
 we can choose literals of each clauses with no conflict
Independent Set Problem
Independent set: vertex subset of a graph G s.t. no two its
vertices are connected by an edge
• k-independent set problem is to determine whether the given
graph has an independent set of size k
• The problem is an essence of exclusion constraints
(composed only of exclusion)
• How do we prove NP-completeness?
• Reduce SAT
Simulate Selection by Exclusion
• We can simply simulate the constraint in SAT that is “we can
choose exactly one of xi or ¬xi, for each i
 prepare vertices of xi and ¬xi, and make edge between them
 an n independent set from these pairs is an assignment
• Next issue is satisfiability for clauses
• We want to simulate, like,
“we can choose a vertex corresponding to a clause, if one of the
literal is in the assignment”
how do we do this by making graph?
Representing Clauses
• We first, simply, connect a clause Ci and its literals
• If there is a literal in the assignment,
we can not choose the clause Ci
• If Ci is not satisfied, we can choose Ci,
( not have to choose)
• … This is the opposite of what we want to do
 if everything is reversed, just give size constraint, and done
Reversing the Selection
• Let’s consider the reverse
 we consider the complement of the assignment, so we choose
the negation of the assignment
• When a literal of clause Ci is chosen
 Ci is disabled
• When no literal of Ci is chosen
 Ci is disabled
• Now, we can not choose Ci in both cases (failed!!!)
• One more idea is needed
Transforming Clauses
• Since we want choose a clause if one of its literals is chosen,
we prepare vertices for each literal
• We choose one of these vertices, thus we make them a clique
• … then, we can choose one of
clause vertices when one of its literals
is chosen
Summary of Reduction
• Reduce an instance of SAT
Input: variable x1,…,xn, clauses C1,…,Cm composed of xi,¬xi’s
• Construct the following graph
vertex set: literals xi,¬xi, pairs (Ci, xj) of clause Ci and its literal xj
edge set: {xi,¬xi} for any i, {(Ck, xi), xi} for any Ck and xi
• The graph has an independent set of size n+m
 the SAT instance has true assignment
How Much Can We Do Better?
• Exponential time can be reduced to polynomial time, by deriving
good algorithm
 low degree polynomials are better
• We of course try to derive algorithms with small degrees, but
where is the limit?
 there should be some explicit limits (called lower bound)
• For example, O(n) time for inputting the problem is a trivial
lower bound
Choose a Model
• For establish lower bounds we need model of computation
• For example, consider the problem of finding the maximum
among n numbers
• In usual, we need n time to input, thus it would be a lower bound,
but it is not true for parallel computation
• Extremely, humans can double their number in constant time,
thus after increasing to n humans in O(log n) time, then we can
choose the maximum in O(log n) time
Unit of Operation
• Memory read/write and conditional jump are basic operation of
computer, thus they should be units of operations
• Under this, let’s think about a lower bound of minimum number
of operations that are clearly needed to solve the problem
Search: find the one from n numbers that is maximum, minimum
or nearest to the given k
Sort: re-order the sequence of n numbers in increasing order
The Worst Case
• There would be an observation:
“conditional jump branch the execution to two, thus if a problem has
N kinds of possible solutions, it has at least N branches in the
computation tree”
• Even if we balance the computation tree, the worst case has to pass
through at least log2 N conditional jumps
Search: find the one from n numbers that is maximum…
 n possible solutions, thus we need log2 n time
Sort: re-order the sequence of n numbers in increasing order
 n! possible solutions, thus we need log2 n! = nlog n time
• Fundamentals of compute architecture
CPU, memory, + I/O. Hierarchy of storage
• Fundamentals of algorithm
a sequence of operations with conditional branches
• Definition of order
ignoring constant factors and small degrees, to capture the global
increase by the problem sizes
• Fundamentals of complexity:
polynomiality, NP-complete, lower bounds