日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Supreme court rules retaining maiden name in marriage not unconstitutional (夫婦別姓は憲法違反ではない) • Public opinion remains split 50/50… • BUT law prohibiting female divorcees from remarrying within six months of their divorce is ruled unconstitutional あん 今年の漢字(Kanji of the Year)は「安」 Abe (安倍); Security laws (安保法制), terrorist attacks (不安) 今年の漢字は「安」 Chinese tourists “explosive” shopping (爆買い)/ Paris explosions 70 year anniversary of WWII/ “War” bills (戦争法)/ War on terror Celebrity weddings /samesex marriage/ different surnames (夫婦別姓) Rugby player Goromaru/ 5 years until Olympics 2005年 2006年 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年 2014年 愛情の「愛」 「悠仁さま」の誕生や、相次ぐいじめ 自殺の「命」 食品に偽:食肉、野菜、菓子、賞味期 限に多くの「偽」(偽物=にせもの) 政治の変:日本の首相の交代、米国 の次期大統領の「change」(変革) 新型インフルエンザ が大流行 記録的な「猛暑」日の連続 絆(きずな)=bonds/ties between people 金(きん)=gold medals, Nobel prize etc 輪(りん・わ)=Olympic bid 税(ぜい)=Sales tax 日本漢字能力検定協 Next Class: Semester Review Test • 25 multiple choice (2 points each) – Select from a, b, c, or d (in groups!) 50pts + • 1 English composition (individually) 50pts – Choose from 8 questions No electronic dictionaries, books, or memos… = 100pts Examples of Multiple Choice Questions In 2050, the Japanese population is estimated to be… a) 145 million b) 120 million c) 100 million d) 70 million Examples of English Composition Questions a) Japan should recognise dual nationality: Discuss b) Permanent residents should be given voting and employment rights: Discuss c) Japan needs to bring in more migrants if it is to survive: Discuss d) Compensation should be given to ‘sexslaves’ and ‘slave-labourers’: Discuss HINTS • DON’T SAY “I THINK…” • Present an argument not your opinion • DON’T SAY WHAT YOU THINK “SHOULD” HAPPEN • DO PRESENT ARGUMENTS & EVIDENCE IN A BALANCED, LOGICAL WAY (like the debate) for against • e.g 1 paragraph each:賛成・反対・まとめ analysis/ summary There are three arguments against dual nationality. First, …..Second,....Third….. There are two arguments for dual nationality. First, …..Second,....Third….. In summary, the main arguments are…XYZ arguments are strong because…XYZ arguments are weak because. Overall, …. Points to Remember • Semester Review (test) Date January 7th (please come on time!) • The test covers the whole semester • Compositions can be as long as you like (assuming you have time to write!) • Questions are almost all from the lecture and powerpoints: you don’t need to review every word of the handouts • If you want to check your test results, please drop by my office later in January (if you want them earlier please contact me by e-mail) FIND SOMEONE WHO REMEMBERS… 授業に関するアンケート 日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess “Many young people have Increasingly inward-looking mindsets” 「今の若者の間 に「内向き志向」 が強まっている」 1. Drop in Japanese studying abroad 80% of peak 2004 figure Drop in Japanese studying in US Japanese students largest group 1994-98… 2. Drop in JICA (JOCV) volunteers (青年海外協力隊) • 4700 Applicants in 2009 was half the number who applied in the 1990s! 3. New Employees prefer to avoid overseas posting (海外勤 務を望まない新入生) 「世界の厳しい現実を見ようとせず、居心地の よい日本に安住する若者を、ガラパゴス諸島 のイグアナに目立ている人もいる。 内向き志向に陥ることなく、もっと危機感を持っ て世界に目を向けてほしい」 読売新聞社説(2011・10.1 p.3) 新成人122万人(1.22 mill.): record low (去年:初めて総人口占める割合が1%を割り込んだ) 2010: Population falls 100,000+ for 1st time! Top News Stories of 2011 1) 3/11 2) Nadeshiko 3) Fukushima 4) Sumo scandal 5) Noda, new PM 6) Tokyo Sky Tree 7) Sept. typhoons 8) Osaka election 9) TV goes digital 10) Electricity restrictions Challenges to Face Japan in 2012 1) Revitalising the Economy (経済活性化) 2) Fiscal Collapse (Debt) (財政破綻) 3) Asia-Pacific Regional tensions (China, N. Korea) 4) Reviving the Farm Sector (農業再生) 5) Nuclear Safety (安全な原発) Yomiuri Shimbun, January 1st 2012 Deadline: February 20th (Mon) 4th year & foreign students: January 27th (Fri) E-mail submission recommended: Word cover sheet can be downloaded ESSAY WRITING • Theme – Something you’re interested in, passionate about, and is easily researchable: there are lots of Japanese studies materials in the library! – Something connected with what we studied ESSAY WRITING • Titles – Last week’s handout listed examples from last year – E-mail me with your title before starting QUOTES (引用) • 字句通りの引用: If you quote from a Japanese book etc, leave the quote in Japanese (no need to translate) • 言い換え引用: If you paraphrase a Japanese book, write in English 字句通りの引用はもちろん、言い換え引用 でも必ず出典注(e.g. (Suzuki 2001: 8))を 入れなければならない ESSAY WRITING • Plagiarism (剽窃・盗用) – 剽窃行為というのは、他人の文章(全部もしくは一 部)を勝手に「盗み」、引用元を明らかにせず自分 の文章として使うことである。直接引用だけではな く、間接的に他人の考え・意見・分析・結論などを 出典注なしで言い換え使っても、剽窃となる – Serous penalties for plagiarism… 「履修要覧」(45ページ)で は、卒業論文およびレポー トに関して、不正行為(盗用 等)ありと認められた場合、 その科目は失格となり不正 行為者は、訓告、停学また は退学に処され、その旨が 学内に周知されることが明 記されています。 ESSAY WRITING: ADVICE – Read the essay guidelines, model essay, and 「1・2年生向け基本学習スキル」 (last week) & other material on HP (e.g. 「より良い学術論文を書くため の学生用手引き」) – Do not use “I” (X “In my opinion…” “I think…”) – Do not prescribe (X “Japan should/has to…”) – Analyse (論点を分析すること) don’t just describe(事実 を記述すること) – Answer the question you set yourself in the title! – Find and use a variety of materials (books, journals, newspapers, government, internet…) Burgess4年ゼミ卒論 • 4年ゼミHP: http://info.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess/Year4Ze mi/ (on campus only) • 卒業論文タイトル一覧 • 2005~2011 graduation theses available • Cite in Bibliography like: Last Name, First Name Year ‘Name of Thesis (English translation)’. [Unpublished BA, Tsuda College]. ヘボン式ローマ字 please! Contact me if you need help! • Come and talk to me – feel free to drop by • Make an appointment or e-mail me – I’m here most days: come and see me! • Missing some handouts? – Come and pick up from my office! • Having trouble finding materials? – Ask me! Clarification? Questions Ideas for a Title?
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