英語演習IIIG ビジネスの基礎理論とテクニカルターム はじめに • プレゼンテーションの目的 • 自己紹介 授業概要 • 本講習で,受講生は以下の技術・能力の向 上に努める。1)現代のビジネスを理解するた めに不可欠なキーワードを選び,その意味を 学ぶ。2)英文のビジネスに関する記事やレ ポートの読解力を習得する。3)英文でビジネ スレポートの作成技術の習得。4)英語での ショート・スピーチの技能の習得。基本的に, 受講生の英語のレベルによって講座の進め 方を決める。 授業計画 第1週 第2週 第3週 第4週 第5週 第6週 第7週 第8週 第9週 第10週 第11週 第12週 第13週 第14週 第15週 Orientation Lecture (Important Business Terms) 〃 〃 〃 Reading and Discussion of Business Articles 〃 Presentation Method 〃 Short Speech & Discussion 〃 〃 〃 〃 Conclusion 授業概要 • 教材 – 適宜配布する • 成績評価の方法 – Final Exam + Report + Class Activities • Report + Class Activities – 英文のビジネス雑誌等から自分の興味のある記事を選 んで、その記事の内容をまとめて、さらにあなた自身の批 評を加えてレポートを作成してください。 – 同じようにその記事ついてクラスでプレゼンテーションを 行います。 – レポートの形式やプレゼンテーションの方法については 追って授業で指示します。 Business Communication • The famous scholar, Henry Mintzberg, claims that 10 most important roles of business managers are ; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. • FIGUREHEAD: the manager performs ceremonial and symbolic duties as head of the organization; LEADER: fosters a proper work atmosphere and motivates and develops subordinates; LIASION: develops and maintains a network of external contacts to gather information; MONITOR: gathers internal and external information relevant to the organization; DISSEMINATOR: transmits factual and value based information to subordinates; SPOKESPERSON: communicates to the outside world on performance and policies. ENTREPRENEUR: designs and initiates change in the organization; DISTURBANCE HANDLER: deals with unexpected events and operational breakdowns; RESOURCE ALLOCATOR: controls and authorizes the use of organizational resources; NEGOTIATOR: participates in negotiation activities with other organizations and individuals. To accomplish these roles, managers must have effective communication skills. Business Communication • Business communication has futures that distinguished from other types of communication. It has clear goals such as convincing other to do something. This leads to few considerations to make effective communications. That include; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 結論を導き出した思考の過程にではなく、結論に焦点を絞ること。 初めに目的をはっきり言い、強調すること。 見出し、太字、斜体や、箇条書きにして各項目の頭に番号を振った り、黒丸記号をつけ、自分の言いたいことの要点を強調すること。 直接関係する相手の個人や組織に対して自分の提案のメリットを 強調して述べる。 英語が色々な場所で使用される言語であることを理解し、確実に自 分のメッセージがあまねく理解され伝わるようにする。 Value Chain Value Chain • Michael Porter published the Value Chain Analysis in 1985 as a response to criticism that his Five Forces framework lacked an implementation methodology that bridged the gap between internal capabilities and opportunities in the competitive landscape. This framework focused on industry attractiveness as a determinant of the profit potential of all companies within that particular industry. • Value Chain Analysis helped identify a firm's core competencies and distinguish those activities that drive competitive advantage. The cost structure of an organization can be subdivided into separate processes or functions assuming that the cost drivers for each of these activities behave differently. Porter's strength was to condense this activity based cost analysis into a generic template consisting of five primary activities and four support activities. Value Chain • Primary activities: 1. inbound logistics: materials handling, warehousing, inventory control, transportation; 2. operations: machine operating, assembly, packaging, testing and maintenance; 3. outbound logistics: order processing, warehousing, transportation and distribution; 4. marketing and sales: advertising, promotion, selling, pricing, channel management; 5. service: installation, servicing, spare part management; Value Chain • Support activities: 6. firm infrastructure: general management, planning, finance, legal, investor relations; 7. human resource management: recruitment, education, promotion, reward systems; 8. technology development: research & development, IT, product and process development; 9. procurement: purchasing raw materials, lease properties, supplier contract negotiations.
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