Vortrag Juni 2016

(De)Konstruktion von Identitäten
Im Rahmen des Dienstagkolloquiums laden wir ein zur Veranstaltung am:
21. Juni 2016 um 18:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Michael Bamberg, Clark University/Worcester, MA USA
Identität als PositionierungDie Analyse von Small Stories zur Erfassung von Identitätsprozessen
Prof. Dr. Michael Bamberg received a Staatsexamen in German, Politics and
Education from the Universität Marburg, Germany in 1975, an M.Phil. in
Linguistics from the University of York, England in 1978, and a Ph.D. in
Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley in 1985. He has been
at Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA, since 1986.
Dr. Bamberg is currently interested in the narrative construction of identities in real-time social
interaction, particularly with regard to three challenges that are intrinsic to the achievement of these
situated identities. These are (a) the navigation between constancy and change across time, (b) the
differentiation between self and other within the interaction, and (c) the management of whether an
individual’s agency takes precedence over influences from the external world (Bamberg 2011d,
Bamberg, et al., 2011). In this thread of his research, he argues for the deprivileging of biographical
(“big story”) approaches (Bamberg, 2006a, 2006b) in favor of a narrative practice approach that
scrutinizes conversational stories (“small stories”) that are told in everyday interactions (Bamberg &
Georgakopoulou, 2008; Bamberg, 2011b, 2011d). The claim is that it is through the repeated telling
and refashioning of these everyday stories that identities are performed, practiced, and appear preset
Dr. Bamberg is also a proponent of a system of positioning analysis of storytelling that attempts to link
the content and evaluation of story events with how people attend to each other in interactional events
(Bamberg, 1997a, 2003; Bamberg & Georgakopoulou, 2008). Bamberg’s positioning system consists
of three levels. The first level is concerned with how a storyteller positions the characters within the
story being told. The second level of analysis examines how tellers position themselves with respect to
their audience or interlocutors. The third level investigates how tellers position themselves vis-à-vis the
master narratives or dominant discourses in the culture of the telling. This third level transcends the
local context of the telling such that the teller is able to provide an answer to the question “Who am I?”
(Bamberg, 2003, 2011c, 2011d). More recently Michael Bamberg has suggested that his system of
positioning analysis should be a potent methodological tool to uncover the workings of identity
construction in linguistic interaction.
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