Professor Dr. Heike Klüver Humboldt University of Berlin, Department of Social Sciences, Universitätsstraße 3b, Berlin, Germany Email: [email protected], Website: Children: Theda Klüver, born 8 October 2015 and Greta Klüver, born 8 October 2015 Current Position 10/2016 - Humboldt University of Berlin Professor (W3) of Comparative Political Behavior Education 09/2007 - 07/2010 University of Mannheim, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences Ph.D. in Political Science Thema: Lobbying in the EU: Interest Group Influence on Policy Formulation Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Berthold Rittberger Grade: Summa cum laude received the Best PhD Thesis Award of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) and the Lorenz-von-Stein Award for the best PhD thesis in Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim 10/2002 - 07/2007 01/2006 - 07/2006 University of Heidelberg Master in Political Science and Economics Visiting Student, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain 09/2005 - 01/2006 Visiting Student, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, France Academic Positions 10/2015 - 03/2016 Parental leave 04/2015 - 09/2016 University of Hamburg Professor (W3) of Comparative Politics 04/2013 - 03/2015 University of Bamberg Professor (W2) of Empirical Political Science 05/2012 - 03/2013 University of Konstanz Juniorprofessor (W1) for Policy Analysis and Public Administration 09/2010 - 04/2012 Nuffield College, University of Oxford Postdoctoral Research Fellow Research College: The Transformative Power of Europe, Free University of Berlin External Research Fellow Mannheim Center for European Social Research External Research Fellow Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Visiting Research Fellow 08/2011 - 08/2012 09/2010 - 08/2012 03/2009 - 06/2009 1 Books Klüver, Heike (2013): Lobbying in the European Union: Interest groups, lobbying coalitions and policy change, Oxford: Oxford University Press Klüver, Heike (2008): Interessenvermittlung in der Europäischen Union: Nationale Verbände auf dem Weg nach Brüssel, Saarbrücken: VDM Edited Volumes Beyers, Jan, Caelesta Braun and Heike Klüver (2016): Legislative Lobbying in Context: The policy and polity determinants of interest group politics in the European Union, London: Routledge Journal Articles Spoon, Jae-Jae and Heike Klüver (forthcoming): Does Anybody Notice? How Policy Positions of Coalition Parties Are Perceived by Voters, European Journal of Political Research Klüver, Heike and Jae-Jae Spoon (forthcoming): Challenges to multi-party governments: How governing in coalitions affects coalition parties’ responsiveness to voters, Party Politics Sagarzazu, Iñaki and Heike Klüver (forthcoming): Coalition governments and party competition: Political communication strategies of coalition parties, Political Science Research and Methods Klüver, Heike and Jae-Jae Spoon (forthcoming): Who responds? Voters, parties, and issue attention, British Journal of Political Science Drüner, Dietrich, Heike Klüver, Ellen Mastenbroek and Gerald Schneider (forthcoming): The Core or the Winset? Explaining Decision-Making Duration and Policy Change in the European Union, Comparative European Politics Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus and Heike Klüver (2016): Bicameralism, intra-party bargaining and the formation of party policy positions: Evidence from the German federal system, Party Politics, 22(3): 405-417 Klüver, Heike and Iñaki Sagarzazu (2016): Setting the agenda or responding to voters? Political parties, voters and issue attention, West European Politics, 39(2): 380-398. Giger, Nathalie and Heike Klüver (2016): Voting against your constituents? How lobbying affects representation, American Journal of Political Science, 60(1): 190-205. Spoon, Jae-Jae and Heike Klüver (2015): Voter polarization and party responsiveness: Why parties emphasize divided issues, but remain silent on unified issues, European Journal of Political Research, 54(2): 343-362. Klüver, Heike (2015): Interest groups in the German Bundestag: Exploring the issue linkage between citizens and interest groups, German Politics, 24(2): 137-153. Lowery, David, Frank R. Baumgartner, Joost Berkhout, Jeffrey M. Berry, Darren Halpin, Marie Hojnacki, Heike Klüver, Beate Kohler-Koch, Jeremy Richardson and Kay Lehman Schlozman (2015): Images of an Unbiased Interest System, Journal of European Public Policy, 22(8): 1212-1231. Zubek, Radoslaw and Heike Klüver (2015): Legislative pledges and coalition government, Party Politics, 21(4): 603-614. Klüver, Heike (2015): The Promises of Quantitative Text Analysis in Interest Group Research: A Reply to Bunea and Ibenskas, European Union Politics, 16(3): 456-466. Klüver, Heike, Caelesta Braun and Jan Beyers (2015): Legislative lobbying in context: Towards a conceptual framework of interest group lobbying in the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy, 22(4): 447-461. Klüver, Heike, Christine Mahoney and Marc Opper (2015): Framing in context: How interest groups employ framing to lobby the European Commission, Journal of European Public Policy, 22(4): 481-498. 2 Journal Articles (Continued) Klüver, Heike and Christine Mahoney (2015): Measuring interest group framing strategies in public policy debates, Journal of Public Policy, 35(2): 223-244. Klüver, Heike and Jae-Jae Spoon (2015): Bringing salience back in: Explaining voting defection in the European Parliament, Party Politics, 21(4): 553-564. Spoon, Jae-Jae and Heike Klüver (2014): Do parties respond? How electoral context influences party responsiveness, Electoral Studies, 35: 48-60. Boräng, Frida, Rainer Eising, Heike Klüver, Christine Mahoney, Daniel Naurin, Daniel Rasch and Patrycja Rozbicka (2014): Identifying frames: A comparison of research methods, Interest groups & Advocacy, 3(2): 188-201. Klüver, Heike and Iñaki Sagarzazu (2013): Ideological congruency and decision-making speed: The effect of partisanship across EU institutions, European Union Politics, 14(3): 388-407. Klüver, Heike and Toni Rodon (2013): Explaining policy position choice of Europarties: The effect of legislative resources, British Journal of Political Science, 43(3): 629-650. Klüver, Heike and Sabine Saurugger (2013): Opening the black box: The professionalization of interest groups in the European Union, Interest Groups & Advocacy, 2(2): 185-205. Klüver, Heike (2013): Lobbying as a collective enterprise: Winners and losers of policy formulation in the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy, 20(1): 59-76. Klüver, Heike (2012): Biasing politics? Interest group participation in European policy-making, West European Politics, 35(5): 1114-1133. Klüver, Heike (2012): Die Macht der Informationen: Eine empirische Analyse von Lobbyingerfolg in der Europäischen Union, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 53(2): 211-239. Klüver, Heike (2012): Informational lobbying in the European Union: The effect of organizational characteristics, West European Politics, 35(3): 491-510. Klüver, Heike (2011): The contextual nature of lobbying: Explaining lobbying success in the European Union, European Union Politics, 12(4): 483-506. Klüver, Heike (2010): Europeanization of lobbying activities: When national interest groups spill over to the European level, Journal of European Integration, 32(2): 175-191. Klüver, Heike (2009): Measuring interest group influence using quantitative text analysis, European Union Politics, 10(4): 535-549. Book Chapters Klüver, Heike (2012): Measuring interest group influence using quantitative text analysis, in: Goodwin, John (Eds): SAGE Secondary Data Analysis, London: Sage Other Publications Klüver, Heike (2014): Les lobbies dans la gouvernance ou la main invisible du marché, Pouvoirs, 149, 121-134 Klüver, Heike (2011): Lobbying in coalitions: Interest group influence on European Union policy-making, Nuffield College Working Papers in Politics, 2011-4, 1-36 3 Reviews Klüver, Heike (2012): Book review “Resolving Controversy in the European Union: Legislative decision-making before and after enlargement” (by Robert Thomson), West European Politics, 35, 4, 942-943 Under Review Klüver, Heike and Mark Pickup: Do governments follow their voters? A longitudinal analysis of government responsiveness in Germany, Under review Klüver, Heike and Radoslaw Zubek: Do governments keep their promises? A comparative analysis of the fulfilment of legislative pledges, Under review Mahoney, Christine, Marc Opper and Heike Klüver: The effectiveness of gains and losses frames in interest group lobbying, Under review Work In Progress Klüver, Heike: Political parties, interest groups and policy issues: A longitudinal study of issue evolution in Germany, Paper was presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions and the EPSA Conference, April/June 2016 Klüver, Heike and Jae-Jae Spoon: Helping or hurting? How governing as a junior coalition partner influences electoral outcomes, Paper was presented at the MPSA Conference in Chicago, April 2016 Klüver, Heike and Iñaki Sagarzazu: Where have all the leaders gone? Evaluating the dynamics of parties’ issue attention, Paper will be presented at the EPSA Conference in Brussels, June 2016 Klüver, Heike and Elisabeth Zeidler: Economic interest groups in Germany: Explaining their density and diversity, Work in progress Krauss, Svenja and Heike Klüver: Portfolio allocation and control mechanisms in coalition governments, Paper was presented at the EPSA Conference in Brussels, June 2016 Giger, Nathalie, Heike Klüver and Christopher Witko: Public opinion, interest group lobbying and legislative votes: Evidence from the US states, Work in progress Klüver, Heike: The survival of interest groups Work in progress 4 Conference Participations 2016 American Political Science Conference, September 2016, Philadelphia 5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, June 2015, Brussels ECPR Joint Sessions, April 2016, Pisa Text Analysis and the Study of International Institutions Workshop, January 2016, Berlin 2015 5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, June 2015, Vienna The Manifesto Project User Conference, WZB Berlin, June 2015, Berlin Interest group populations in comparative perspective Workshop, May 2015, Hamburg 2014 4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, June 2014, Edinburgh Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 2014, Chicago Disenchanted Swiss Democracy, Zurich, January 2014 2013 Dreiländertagung der DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, Innsbruck, September 2013 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, September 2013 3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, June 2013, Barcelona 13th Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Baltimore, May 2013 Influencing EU Politics: Mobilization and Representation of European Civil Society, June 2013 13th Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Los Angeles, May 2013 2012 Conference Transformative Power of Europe 2.0, Berlin, December 2012 Workshop The European Political Project, Geneva, October 2012 Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, September 2012 ESRC Methods Festival, Oxford, July 2012 2nd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, June 2012, Berlin 3rd Annual Transformation of the State Conference, University of Oxford, May 2012 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 2012, Chicago Workshop Position Formation in the EU, Social Science Research Center, Berlin, March 2012 2011 Dritte Offene Sektionstagung der DVPW-Sektion Internationale Politik, Munich, October 2011 University Association for Contemporary European Studies Conference, Cambridge, September 2011 6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, August 2011 1st Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Dublin, June 2011 2nd Annual Transformation of the State Conference, University of Oxford, May 2012 12th Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Boston, March 2011 Dreiländertagung der DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, Basel, January 2011 2010 Conference Quantifying Europe, Mannheim, December 2010 5th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Porto, June 2010 2009 5th ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, September 2009 11th Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Los Angeles, April 2009 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 2009, Chicago 5 Conference Participations (Continued) 2008 4th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations & Public Policy, Jerusalem, December 2008 4th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Riga, September 2008 Transatlantic Graduate Student Workshop on European Integration and Multilevel Governance, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, May 2008 University Association for Contemporary European Studies Student Forum 9th Annual Conference, Canterbury, April 2008 Research Grants 10/2014 - 09/2017 German Research Foundation, Project Title: Bringing policies back in: Explaining payoff allocation in coalition governments, Cooperation Partner: Hanna Bäck (University of Lund), Grant amount: e 334.394 01/2014 - 11/2014 Internal Research Promotion, University of Bamberg, Project Title: Do governments keep their promises? A comparative analysis of the fulfilment of legislative pledges, Cooperation Partner: Radoslaw Zubek (University of Oxford), Grant amount: e 1882 10/2013 - 09/2015 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Project Title: Interest representation in Germany: A longitudinal study of interest groups registered at the Bundestag, Grant amount: e 100.000 08/2011 - 08/2013 American National Science Foundation, Project Title: Framing of Public Policy Debates in the European Union, together with Frank Baumgartner (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Christine Mahoney (University of Virgina), This project is conducted in collaboration with the INTEREURO Project funded by the European Science Foundation, Grant amount: $300,000 09/2011 - 08/2012 British Academy, Project Title: Citizens, interest groups and legislative activity: A longitudinal study of interest representation, Grant amount: £7124 06/2009 - 08/2010 Karin-Islinger-Foundation, Project Title: Interest Group Influence on Policy Formulation in the European Union, Grant amount: e 1000 Awards 05/2013 Best Paper Award of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) 09/2011 Best PhD Thesis Award of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) 07/2011 Lorenz-von-Stein Award for the best dissertation in Political Science, Sociology and Psychology at the University of Mannheim, e 1000 02/2010 Young Scholar Award for outstanding performances and innovative projects of doctoral students in the Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim, e 1000 12/2008 Honorary Mention Award, Best Paper Competition, 4th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations & Public Policy, Jerusalem 6 Talks On Invitation An Introduction to Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Overview and selected applications, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, May 2015 Changing Strategies? How the electoral context influences party responsiveness in Europe, CEU Budapest, March 2015 Coalition governments and party responsiveness in Europe: How past government experience affects issue responsiveness, University of Geneva, March 2015 Lobbying in the European Union: Interest groups, lobbying coalitions and policy change, University of Stockholm, February 2013 Friends in government and foes in elections: Issue attention in coalition governments, Department of Political Science, Lund University, Dezember 2012 Lobbying in der Europäischen Union: Interessengruppen, Lobbyingkoalitionen und Politikwandel, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Stuttgart, November 2012 Lobbying as a collective enterprise: Research Seminar Series, Department of Politics and International Relations, School of Social Science, University of Aberdeen, March 2012 Whom do they represent? Determinants of policy position choice of Europarties, Current Research in European Union Politics Seminar Series, University of Oxford, February 2012 Lobbying in the European Union: Interest groups, lobbying coalitions and policy change, Nuffield Political Science Seminar, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, November 2011 Lobbying successfully: Interest groups, lobbying coalitions and policy change in the European Union, Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, May 2011 Measuring interest group influence using quantitative text analysis, Annual Academic Advisory Board Meeting, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, June 2009 Online consultations in the European Union: Measuring interest group influence using content analysis, Moynihan European Research Centers Speaker Series, Syracuse University, April 2009 Scholarships 09/2010 - 08/2012 Anglo-German State of the State Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oxford, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation 04/2009 Travel grant, 11th Biennial International Conference of the European Union Studies Association, Los Angeles, 23-25 April 2009 03/2009 - 06/2009 Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Program for a Visiting Fellowship at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs in Syracuse/USA 07/2008 - 06/2009 PhD scholarship, State Foundation Baden-Württemberg 05/2008 Travel grant, Transatlantic Graduate Workshop on European Integration and Multilevel Governance, directed by Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks 09/2007 - today PhD scholarship, University of Mannheim 01/2006 - 07/2006 Erasmus scholarshoip, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain 7 Professional Activities Council member Member of the Council of the European Political Science Association, since 06/2014 Editorial board Member of the editorial board of the Journal of European Public Policy, since 10/2013 Editorial board Member of the editorial board of Interest Groups & Advocacy, since 06/2015 Guest editor Guest editor of the Special Issue “‘Legislative Lobbying in Context: The policy and polity determinants of interest group politics in the European Union” at the Journal of European Public Policy, with Jan Beyers and Caelesta Braun Section chair Section: Political Behavior, Parties and Elections, European Political Science Association Conference, June 2015, Vienna (with Mary Stegmaier) Organizer/Chair Workshop “Interest group populations in comparative perspective”, University of Hamburg, 8.-9 May 2015 Workshop “Politische Akteure im europäischen Mehrebenensystem”, Dreiländertagung der DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, Innsbruck, September 2013 (Co-Organizer) ECPR Summer School on Interest group politics, 2013 - 2015 (Co-Organizer) Conference: 3rd Annual Transformation of the State Conference, University of Oxford, 11 May 2012 (Co-Organizer) Conference: 2nd Annual Transformation of the State Conference, University of Oxford, 21 May 2011 (Co-Organizer) Political Science Seminar Series, University of Bamberg, since 2013 Transformation of the State Seminar Series, University of Oxford, September 2010 - August 2012 (Co-Organizer) Panels at EPSA, MPSA, EUSA and the ECPR General Conference Discussant Panels at EPSA, MPSA, EUSA and the ECPR General Conference Committees and representation Co-chair of the Local Organization Committee of the ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques (2015-1018), 04/2014 - 03/2015 Speaker of the Political Science Group, University of Bamberg, 02/2014 - 03/2015 Member of the search committee “W1 Juniorprofessorship in Political Science; particularly International Relations with an emphasis on arms control and disarmament”, University of Hamburg, 2015 Member of the search committee “W3 Chair in Political Science in particular Political Sociology”, University of Bamberg, 2014 Member of the search committee “W3 Chair in Political Science in particular Governance of innovative and complex technical systems”, University of Bamberg, 2013/2014 Member of the search committee “W1 Juniorprofessorship in Political Economy”, University of Konstanz, 2012/2013 Member of the search committee “W2 Professorship in Comparative politics with a particular focus on conflict and democratization research”, University of Konstanz, 2012 Member of the Professorial committee, University of Konstanz, since May 2012 Representative of the Doctoral Students, University of Mannheim, 2009 - 2010 Student Member of the Faculty Council, University of Heidelberg, 2004 - 2005 Student Representative, University of Heidelberg, 2003 - 2005 8 Reviewer American Journal of Political Science British Journal of Political Science ECPR Press Electoral Studies European Integration Online Papers European Journal of Political Research European Union Politics Fritz Thyssen Foundation German Politics German Science Foundation Interest Groups & Advocacy Israeli Science Foundation Journal of Civil Society Journal of Common Market Studies Journal of European Integration Journal of European Public Policy Journal of Politics Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Journal of Public Policy Oxford University Press Party Politics Political Communication Political Science Research and Methods Political Studies Politics & Governance Review of International Organizations Routledge Scandinavian Political Studies Schweizer Nationalfonds Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes Swiss Political Science Review West European Politics Zeitschrift für Politikberatung Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Thesis Supervision and Assessment Supervisor, PhD Candidate Maria-Sophie Thürk, University of Hamburg, since 10/2015 Supervisor, PhD Candidate Svenja Krauss, University of Bamberg/Hamburg, since 10/2014 (DFG-Project) Supervisor, PhD Candidate: (DFG-Project) Christoph Uhl, University of Bamberg/Hamburg, since 10/2014 Supervisor, PhD Candidate: Elizabeth Zeidler, University of Bamberg/Hamburg, since 10/2013 (Fritz Thyssen Project) Co-Supervisor, PhD Candidate: Martin Wirtz, University of Bamberg, since 04/2013 Co-Supervisor, PhD Candidate: Matthias Mader, University of Bamberg, since 04/2013 Member of the dissertation committee, PhD Candidate: Kai Schulze, University of Konstanz, 05/2013 MA Programme Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, University of Konstanz, 2012 - present BA Programme Politk- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, University of Konstanz, 2012 - present MPhil Programme European Politics and Society, University of Oxford, 2010 - 2012 MPhil Programme Politics (Comparative Government), University of Oxford, 2010 - 2011 9 Teaching Experience Summer 2015 MA Course: Political representation and government responsiveness, Universität Hamburg, Language: English Summer 2015 MA Course: Comparative Political Sociology, Universität Hamburg, Language: German; with Kai-Uwe Schnapp Summer 2015 BA Lecture: Regieren in politischen Mehrebenensystemen, Universität Hamburg, Language German Summer 2015 BA Course: Policy-Making in der Europäischen Union, Universität Hamburg, Language: Deutsch Summer 2015 BA Course: Parteien und Parteiensysteme Universität Hamburg, Language: Deutsch PhD Course: Research Design and Research Questions, GIGA Institute, Language: English Summer 2015 Winter 2015 PhD Course: Quantitative Text Analysis, ECPR Winter School on Methods and Techniques, Language: English Winter 2014/15 BA Lecture: Einführung in die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Universität Bamberg, Language German Winter 2014/15 BA Course: Policy-Making in der Europäischen Union, Universität Bamberg, Language: Deutsch Winter2014/15 PhD Course: Research Design in Social Sciences, Universität Bamberg, Language: Englisch Winter 2014/15 BA/MA Course: Oberseminar für Examenskandidaten, Universität Bamberg, Language: German Summer 2014 MA Course: Political representation and government responsiveness, Universität Bamberg, Language: English Summer 2014 MA Course: The European Union and its citizens, Universität Bamberg, Language: English Summer 2014 MA Course: Measuring preferences in Political Science, Universität Bamberg, Language: English Summer 2014 BA Course: The European Commission: Composition, Powers and Relationship to Member States, Universität Bamberg, Language: German Summer 2014 BA/MA Course: Oberseminar für Examenskandidaten, Universität Bamberg, Language: German Winter 2013/14 MA Course: Interest groups in comparative perspective: Mobilization, lobbying strategies and influence, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 1.0 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English Winter 2013/14 MA Course: The European Parliament: Evolution, Organization and Powers, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 1.7 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English Winter 2013/14 PhD Course: Research Design in Social Sciences, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 1.4 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English Winter 2013/14 BA Course: Parteien und Parteiensysteme, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 1.7 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German Winter 2013/14 BA/MA Course: Oberseminar für Examenskandidaten, Universität Bamberg, Language: German Spring 2013 MA Course: Party politics in Europe, Universität Bamberg, Language: Evaluation grade: 1.8 (1=best, 6=worst), English 10 Teaching Experience (Continued) Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Winter 2012 MA Course: Coalition Governments: Formation, Governance and Survival, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 1.9 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English PhD Course: Quantitative text analysis in Political Science, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 1.1 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English PhD Course: Social Science Methodology and Research Design, together with Johannes Marx, Universität Bamberg, Language: English BA Course: Das deutsche Regierungssystem im europäischen Kontext, Universität Bamberg, Evaluation grade: 2.1 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German PhD Course: Data Collection in Political Science Research, together with Stefanie Bailer and Marco Steenbergen, ETH Zürich, Language: English BA Course: Party politics in Europe, Universität Konstanz, Evaluation grade: 1.26 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English Winter 2012 BA Course: Bürokratie und Politik: Ministerialbürokratie in Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, Universität Konstanz, Evaluation grade: 1.67 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German Spring 2012 BA Course: The European Commission: Composition, Powers and Relationship to Member States, Universty of Konstanz, Evaluation grade: 1.0 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English Spring 2012 BA Course: Policy-Making in the European Union, Universty of Konstanz, Evaluation grade: 1.0 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German Spring 2012 PhD Workshop: Methoden der quantitativen Text- und Inhaltsanalyse, GESIS Institut für Sozialwissenscaften, Mannheim, Language: German PhD Workshop: Quantitative Text Analysis in Political Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Evaluation grade: 1.40 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: English BA Course: Governance in the European Union, University of Mannheim, Evaluation grade: 1.83 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German Winter 2011 Winter 2009 Summer 2009 Winter 2008 Spring 2008 PhD Course: Quantitative Text Analysis, ECPR Summer School on Methods and Techniques, Teaching Assistant for Kenneth Benoit and Will Lowe, Evaluation Grade of Teaching Assistant 4.83 (5=best, 0=worst), Language: English BA Course: The Political System of the European Union, University of Mannheim, Evaluation grade: 1.44 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German BA Course: Interest Intermediation in the European Union, University of Mannheim, Evaluation grade: 1.52 (1=best, 6=worst), Language: German Additional Training 06/2011 Longitudinal analysis with the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP) 08/2009 Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, Course: Hierarchical Model Specification in Quantitative Research Methods 07/2009 Workshop: Introduction to Python, University of Konstanz 07/2009 Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Europe Summer Institute, University of Mannheim 08/2008 ECPR Summer School on Methods and Techniques, Courses: Quantitative Text Analysis/Introduction to R 11 Memberships American Political Science Association (APSA) Council for European Studies (CES) Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW) European Legislative Politics Research Group (ELPRG) ECPR Standing Group on Interest Groups European Union Studies Association (EUSA) European Political Science Association (EPSA) Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Media Interviews 04/2015 10/2014 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: “Wer will noch in die Wissenschaft”, 25.04.2015 Radio Galaxy: ‘Die Alternative für Deutschland”, 15.10.2014 05/2014 TV Oberfranken: “Europawahl: So funktioniert das Wählen”, 21.05.2014 02/2013 Deutsche Welle: “Abgeordnete unter Plagiatsverdacht”, 14.02.2013 Language Skills German: Native English: Full professional proficiency, TOEFL-Test: 116 of 120 points French: Professional working proficiency Spanish: Professional working proficiency Computing Skills Statistics: STATA (advanced), R (advanced) Other: MS Office (advanced), LATEX(advanced) Last updated: October 2016 12
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