SWISS INDEPENDENCE DAY YOGA FESTIVAL@ 1 Workshop CHF 65.00 2 Workshops CHF 120.00 3 Workshops CHF 165.00 Day Pass: CHF 190.00 Saturday & Sunday only! Let’s celebrate our great country and the fortune to live in freedom and in peace, by doing Yoga together from Saturday, July, 30th to August, 1st 2016! Local and international teachers, are offering different, exciting Yoga Workshops at Yogalives“enjoy the flow“. All are welcome and we’re looking forward to hosting you at our lovely Shala for the Workshop(s) of your choice. Registration: [email protected]/[email protected] SATURDAY, 30th OF JULY CHANTAL HAUSER 9h00 - 11h00 Forrest Yoga „Hanuman Flow - Highway to Hamstrings „(E) OLIVE SSEMBUZE & EGON CASTLUNGER 11h15 - 13h15 „Changing Perspective/Traveling from Yang to Yin “ (E) This class focuses on the pelvic-floor, thighs and hips to find freedom in your hamstrings. A steady Standing Pose sequence will get your hips moving and leaving you rejuvenated. We will use the wall to prepare us for poses like; Hanumanasana, Koundinyasana, Diving Osprey and many more. Let's unlock the pleasure in your hips to find space for the path ahead. Expect lots of fun and play. All levels are welcome. Being upside down and changing perspective, is a disturbing thought to many. Taking the feet off the ground and standing on your forearms or hands, is unusual for most. However, there are more benefits than dangers to inversions, if taught respectfully. Olive is going to assist you in overcoming fear and extending self made boundaries, to try „scarry“ asana. We’ll start with a heating and toning Vinyasa Flow and work on different arm balances & inversions with partners and at the wall. Stimulating the Yang side in us. Chantal Hauser is a full time yoga teacher in Zurich and the founder of Hanuman Shala; a yoga project focused on creating community in Zurich and around Switzerland. She is a certified Forrest Yoga teacher, a dedicated Ashtanga practitioner, and a Lululemon ambassador. In the second part of the class, we’ll cool down and regenerate our bodies with a Zen Shiatsu/Yin yoga sequece lead by Egon. The sequence will focus on the spine and neck. We will be playing the role of the giver and receiver (both perspectives). learn how to assist, and at the same time, how to surrender, let go and allow the body to restore. We finish with sound and mantra singing. Level: All are welcome. No need to bring a partner*** CHRISTINA EGGENSCHWILER -13h30 - 15h30 „Reboot Your System“ (D) Reboot your system for more clarity, energy and brightness Diese wunderbar wärmende und herzöffnende Yogastunde wird dir Mut machen spielersch deine Grenzen zu entdecken und gibt dir abgerundet Raum dafür dich zu erholen. ANYA PORTER 16h00 - 18h00 Fly High & Rest Deep/ Arm Balances and Restoratives(E) Arm balances are an incredibly rich and varied family of postures that require a sense of clarity in the core and fearlessness in the heart. Together we will look at the components of most traditional arm balancing asanas using the Breakti® Method, a system which draws from yoga and basic elements of breakdance. In Breakti, a slightly different placement of arms and head in the asanas allows more ease and freedom, and ultimately playfulness and joy can unfold in practice. After our exploration of these rigorous and fun postures, we will settle into a soothing and calming restorative practice to balance and energize with deep, restful holds and breathwork. This workshop is suitable for all levels. SWISS INDEPENDENCE DAY YOGA FESTIVAL@ SUNDAY, 31ST OF JULY NATHALIE NOBS 9h00 - 11h00 Pranayama & Yoganidra (D) Wörtlich übersetzt Meisterung der Lebensenergie, bedeutet Pranayama das Auslösen der Lebensenergie aus seiner Bindung. Dafür braucht es Vorbereitung, insbesondere müssen die Atemmuskulatur und das Nervensystem gestärkt werden, aber auch der Geist muss in der Konzentration (Dharana) geübt sein. Danach geht es über ins feinstoffliche Gebiet, wo Prana (über dieses trainierte Bewusstsein) verstärkt aufgenommen und gelenkt werden kann. Der Geist beruhigt sich und es entsteht die Möglichkeit einzutauchen in die erweiterte Wahrnehmung unseres Seins. Yoganidra ist eine alte tantrische Technik, welche in jüngster Zeit dank der Verbreitung von Swami Saraswati von der Bihar Schule, weitgehend Anerkennung und Beliebtheit gefunden hat. Sie erlaubt es dem Körper auf einer tiefen muskulären Ebene Entspannung, Regeneration und Heilung zu finden. In diesem Workshop werden wir uns auf eine faszinierende Reise in die innere Welt begeben. CLAUDIA GEUX 13h30 - 15h30 Core Awakening with Shakti (E) DEDDOU BURKHARD 11h15 - 13h15 Creative Asana Workshop (D) Shakti – the dynamic female and We will connect with the healing Shakti (the manifest principle. In Hinduism creative force of the universe) by going through a Shakti stays for the female force of dynamic, creative Flow, to benefit from the the universe, which means it unlimited source of energy and vitality. represents the active energy. Shakti isSuitable for all levels with a regular yoga practice. therefore the mother goddess, the source from which all the universal principle of energy, power and creativity comes from. Shakti represents the great power of physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Wie lässt sich meine kreative Energie mit meiner Asana Praxis kombinieren? Deddou, Yogalehrerin und Gründerin von POP UP YOGA, vermittelt dir in diesem 2stündigen Workshop Ideen, Tipps und Tricks für mehr Kreativität in der eigenen Yogapraxis. Wir entdecken ganz neue Yogaposen und würzen die Yogapraxis mit inspirierenden Mudras und Dance-moves. Nach einer theoretischen Einführung in die Welt der kreativen Asana, gehen wir in eine Metamorphose von der Moving Meditation bis hin zum ekstatischen Tanz. MONDAY, 1ST OF AUGUST Für Alle DAVID SUIVEZ 16h00 - 18h00 Concious Unknowing (D) In diesem Workshop wird so lange alles hinterfragt,bis Ruhe im Auge des Orkans gefunden wird.Wer ist und woher kommt unsere innere Stimme, die bestimmt, was für uns stimmig ist? Wo ist das Glück zuhause? Die Yoga Matte als Basis für Auswärtsspiele in KontaktImprovisation, Körper Geometrie Forschungen und Experimente mit der Fluidität von Körper, Geist und Seele. Meditation und Anti-Meditation im spielerischen Kampf um lückenlose Aufmerksamkeit. Gefordert werden Körper, Geist und Selbstreflexion. Geeignet für Anfänger wie auch Fortgeschrittene. Bitte mitbringen: Langarmshirt, kniebedeckende Hosen für Bodenübungen und eine offene Haltung. JOAN HYMAN - Arm Balances & Inversions with Transitions 9h00 - 12h00 Learn tips and tricks to open your wings and get your body off the ground. Face this exploration of arm balances and inversions with courage, breath, and playfulness. Joan will guide you on an exploration that is safe, effective and accessible for everyone. This invigoration practice integrates deep core and shoulder girdle work and we will break the component parts down that are needed to lift off and take flight. We will then play with arm balances transitioning from inversions using work at the wall and with partners. Practicing these advanced postures can leave you feeling more alert and energized gaining a deep understanding of how your body works. All levels welcome as this sequence will build and everyone will gain something to take away and add into their practice! JOAN HYMAN Workshop 3 Hours CHF 90.00 Registration: [email protected] 1 Workshop CHF 65.00 2 Workshops CHF 120.00 3 Workshops CHF 165.00 Day Pass: CHF 190.00 Saturday & Sunday only!
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