Literatur zur Prüfungsvorbereitung im Modul Arbeits

Prof. Dr. Renate Soellner, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mojzisch
Literatur zur Prüfungsvorbereitung im Modul Arbeits- und Gesundheitspsychologie
(Stand Sommer 2016)
In der Klausur wird Wissen über Theorien und deren Transfer auf beispielhafte Anwendungen erwartet.
Die angeführten Themen unter 1. Theorien sind verpflichtend. Die Themen unter 2. Beispielhafte
Anwendungen sind zur optionalen Vertiefung für den Transfer.
Die angegebenen Texte sind als Vorschläge zu verstehen.
1. Theorien
a. Stress
Gesundheitsbezogener Stress und Coping
Thayer, J.F. & Brosschot, J.F. (2010). Stress, health and illness: The effects of prolonged physiological activity and perseverative
cognition. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman (Eds.), Health psychology (pp. 247-258). Chichester, West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Smyth, J. M. & Filipkowski, K.B. (2010). Coping with stress. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman (Eds.), Health
psychology (pp. 271-282). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Berufsbezogener Stress und Stressmodelle
Leka & Houdmont (2010), chapter 2
Wittchen & Hoyer (2011), chapter 14, pp. 311-330
Methoden und Studiendesign
Leka & Houdmont (2010), chapter 10
Resilienz, Pathogenese, Salutogenese
Franke, A. (2010). Modelle von Gesundheit und Krankheit. Bern: Huber.
Ch. 2: Was ist Gesundheit?
Ch. 3: Was ist Krankheit?
Ch. 9: Gesundheitsmodelle
Soziale Identität, Soziale Unterstützung und Stress
Häusser, J.A., Kattenstroth, M., van Dick, R. & Mojzisch, A. (2012). We are not stressed: Social identity in groups buffers
neuroendocrine stress reactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 973-977.
Frisch, J., Häusser, J., van Dick, R., & Mojzisch, A. (2014). Making support work: The interplay between social support and social
identity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 154–161.
Van Dick, R. & Haslam, S.A. (2012). Stress and well-being in the workplace: Support for key propositions from the social identity
approach. In: J. Jetten, C. Haslam, & S.A. Haslam (Eds.), The social cure: Identity, health, and well-being (pp. 175-194). Hove and
New York: Psychology Press.
Wright, A. J. (2010). The impact of perceived risk on risk-reducing behaviours. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman
(Eds.), Health psychology (pp. 111- 121). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Prävention und Früherkennung
Brain, K. (2010). Screening and prevention. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman (Eds.), Health psychology (pp. 220231). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Carneiro, I., Howard, N., Bailey, L., Vardulaki, K., Langham, J., & Chandramohan, D. (2011). Introduction to Epidemiology. Maidenhead:
Open University Press.
Folgende Kapitel, jeweils ohne Activities:
Ch. 1: Principles of epidemiology
Ch. 2: Measuring the frequency of outcomes
Ch. 11: Prevention strategies
Ch. 12: Surveillance, monitoring and evaluation
g. Verhaltensmodelle
Health Belief Model
Champion, V.L. & Skinner, C.S. (2008). The Health Belief Model. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health Behavior and
Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 45-65). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Protection Motivation Theory
Prentice-Dunn, S. & Rogers, R.W. (1986). Protection Motivation Theory and preventive health: beyond the Health Belief Model. Health
Education Research, 1(3), 153-161.
Social Cognitive Theory
McAlister, A.L., Perry, C.L. & Parcel, G.S. (2008). Social Cognitive Theory. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health Behavior
and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 169-188). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Theory of Planned Behavior
Montaño, D.E. & Kasprzyk, D. (2008). Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Integrated Behavioral Model. In
K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 67-96).
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Transtheoretical Model
Prochaska, J.O., Redding, C.A., Evers, K.E. (2008). The Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer & K.
Viswanath (Eds.), Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 97-121). San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.
Precaution Adoption Process Model
Weinstein, N.D., Sandman, P.M. & Blalock, S.J. (2008). The Precaution Adoption Process Model. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer & K. Viswanath
(Eds.), Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 123-147). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Health Action Process Approach
Schwarzer, R. (2008). Modeling Health Behavior Change: How to Predict and Modify the Adoption and Maintenance of Health
Behaviors. Applied Psychology, 57(1), 1–29. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2007.00325.x.
Beispielhafte Anwendungen (optional)
a. Rauchen
Kerr, S., Woods, C., Knussen, C., Watson, H., & Hunter, R. (2013). Breaking the habit: a qualitative exploration of barriers and
facilitators to smoking cessation in people with enduring mental health problems. BMC Public Health, 13, 221. doi:
10.1186/1471- 2458-13-221.
Shahab, L., & West, R. (2010). Smoking. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman (Eds.), Health psychology (pp. 33-46).
Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Gøtzsche, P. C., & Nielsen, M. (2011). Screening for breast cancer with mammography. Cochrane Database Systematic Review, 1,
Keen J.D., Jørgensen K.J. (2015). Four Principles to Consider Before Advising Women on Screening Mammography. J Women’s Health,
24(11), 867-74.
Aksoy, S. (2001). Antenatal screening and its possible meaning from unborn baby’s perspective. BMC Medical Ethics, 2(1), 3. doi:
Dormandy, E., Michie, S., Hooper, R., & Marteau, T. M. (2005). Low uptake of prenatal screening for down syndrome in minority ethnic
groups and socially deprived groups: a reflection of women’s attitudes or a failure to facilitate informed choices? Int J Epidemiol,
34(2), 346–352. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyi021.
Mah, T. L., & Shelton, J. D. (2011). Concurrency revisited: increasing and compelling epidemiological evidence. J Int AIDS Soc, 14, 33.
doi: 10.1186/1758-2652-14-33.
Shelton, J. D. (2007). Ten myths and one truth about generalised HIV epidemics. Lancet, 370(9602), 1809–1811. doi: 10.1016/S01406736(07)61755-3.
Silberschmidt, M., & Rasch, V. (2001). Adolescent girls, illegal abortions and ”sugar-daddies” in Dar es Salaam: vulnerable victims and
active social agents. Soc Sci Med, 52(12), 1815–1826.
Thomsen, S., Stalker, M., & Toroitich-Ruto, C. (2004). Fifty ways to leave your rubber: how men in Mombasa rationalise unsafe sex. Sex
Transm Infect, 80(6), 430–434. doi: 10.1136/sti.2004.010421.
Gender, Migration und soziokulturelle Einflüsse
Uskul, A. K. (2010). Sociocultural aspects of health and illness. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman (Eds.), Health
psychology (pp. 347-359). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Hunter, M. S., & Rosairo, M. (2010). Gender, health and illness. In D. French, K. Vedhara, A. A. Kaptein, & J. Weinman (Eds.), Health
psychology (pp. 360-371). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell and British Psychological Society.
Alternative allgemeine Literaturvorschläge (Lehrbücher)
Knoll, N., Scholz, U. & Rieckmann, N. (2011). Einführung in die Gesundheitspsychologie. München: Reinhardt.
Ogden, J. (2012). Health Psychology: A Textbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Renneberg, B. & Hammelstein, P. (2006). Gesundheitspsychologie. Heidelberg: Springer.
Stroebe, W. (2011). Social Psychology and Health (3rd ed.). Maidenhead: Open University Press.