ZAU Traffic Flows ORD ARRIVALS O’Hare Airport (ORD), the largest terminal in Chicago ARTCC, accepts traffic flows from 4 main directions. ZMP ZMP ZOB KRENA KUBBS N JVL STAR ORD PMM STAR PLANO BEARZ BDF STAR ZKC ZOB OXI STAR OKK STAR ZID ORD ARRIVALS VIA KRENA Minneapolis ARTCC (ZMP) feeds Chicago ARTCC (ZAU) 2 main streams of traffic. An independent stream is fed over ODI DLL MSN JVL STAR for MSP departures and any international flights. ODI ZMP 30 MIT DLL MCW MSN 30 MIT FOD JVL STAR N KRENA 30 MIT ORD ORD ARRIVALS via KRENA Internal ZAU airports that feed the NW corner post/KRENA fix are: DSM, GRB, CID, ALO, DBQ, MSN, ATW, and RFD. The vast majority of these flights are regional jets. ATW ODI MCW FOD MSN ALO N RFD KRENA DSM CID ORD ORD ARRIVALS via KUBBS Cleveland ARTCC (ZOB) feeds ZAU 1 main stream of traffic via the NE corner post, PMM PMM STAR. ZMP feeds ZAU a stream of international flights via TVC PMM STAR. ZMP N TVC RESTRICTED AS NECESSARY PMM ORD KUBBS PMM STAR 10-15 MIT ZOB ORD ARRIVALS via KUBBS Internal ZAU airports that feed the NE arrival corner post/KUBBS fix are: GRR, LAN, MKG, and AZO. TVC N MKG GRR ORD KUBBS PMM AZO ORD ARRIVALS via BEARZ ZOB feeds ZAU with 1 main stream of traffic via OXI STAR. Indianapolis Center (ZID) feeds ZAU 2 streams of traffic: ROD FWA OXI STAR and VHP OKK STAR. ZOB ORD BEARZ N 30 MIT OXI FWA OKK OKK STAR VHP ZID 15-20 MIT OXI STAR 25-30 MIT ROD ORD ARRIVALS via BEARZ Internal ZAU airports that feed the SE corner post/BEARZ fix are: FWA, DNV, and LAF (ZAU ESPs IND as well). ORD BEARZ N OXI FWA LAF DNV OKK ROD VHP ORD ARRIVALS via PLANO Kansas City ARTCC (ZKC) feeds ZAU 2 main streams of traffic via BDF STAR: J26 IRK BDF STAR and J105 BDF STAR. ZKC has an independent route via CAP PNT PLANO for STL departures and additional offloads if available. ORD N PLANO BDF BDF STAR PNT Each Stream 20 MIT IRK ZKC 30 MIT CAP ORD ARRIVALS via PLANO Internal ZAU airports that feed the SW corner post/PLANO fix are: MLI, PIA, BRL, and CMI. ZAU TMU releases SPI and DEC over PLANO. Most of these flights are regional jets. ORD N PLANO MLI BDF PNT BRL IRK PIA BMI CAP SPI DEC ORD Offload Routes BJB OBK ORD (TEC MKE) ODI DLL MSN JVL ZMP BAE MSN JVL ORD ZMP ZOB BAE ORD RFD V100 KRENA ORD (TEC MKE AOB 120) ELX V100 DEERE ORD TEC RFD or ZAU (TEC SBN) ORD DSM DBQ ORD GIJ V526 MUSKY DPA ORD (TEC RFD OTM BDF ORD (TEC SBN) (ORD Plan X only) DNV BVT OXI ORD ZKC ZID CAP PNT CMI PNT V227 PLANO MDW ARRIVALS Midway Airport (MDW) is a terminal in ZAU controlled by ORD Approach (C90). C90 accepts traffic flows from 2 main corner posts: JOT VOR and CGT VOR. ZMP ZOB MOTIF STAR N C90 JOT CVA GSH STAR MDW CGT GSH BDF PNT PIA FWA BVT CAP ZKC ZID BVT STAR ORD, MDW, and ORD SATELLITE DEPARTURES N TVC ZMP ZMP BAE MCW PETTY PLL FOD ELX ZOB C90 IOW GIJ MZV EON RBS ZKC GUIDO J73 ZID MKE ARRIVALS General Mitchell (MKE) arrival flows feed into MKE Approach from several different ZMP directions. DLL ZMP BJB J34 DBQ BAE SUDDS MKG PMM MKE BRAVE JVL N VEENA STAR JOT V2 ZOB CGT BVT IRK ZKC ZID MKE DEPARTURES General Mitchell (MKE) departures utilize 5 main fixes: BAE, HXF, BJB, SQUIB, and GREAS. TO ATW TO MSP BJB ZMP DBQ BAE GREAS ZMP TO GRB CYNDI TO TVC TO ECK MKG SQUIB MKE J34 OBK PMM ZOB TO CRL N RBS J84 J73 IRK ZKC ZID IND ARRIVALS Indianapolis (IND) arrival flows feed into IND Approach from ZAU via 5 main arrival routes. ZMP J30 GRR MKE ORD ZOB MDW SBN GSH N JOT WORDY EON V305 V11 V24 WELDO VHP VHP311R MIE CLANG JAKKS ZKC FWA IND CLANG STAR ZID MSP ARRIVALS MSP Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) arrival flows enter ZAU from several different directions. ZMP MKG BAE J34 KASPR STAR ALO DBQ MSN RFD CID N GRB EAU STAR EAU STAR RST IOW CAP STL PMM AZO CGT FWA J89 PIA ZKC GRR MKE J70 ORD MDW MLI ZOB BVT VHP ZID MSP DEPARTURES MSP Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) departure flows enter ZAU on 4 main routes. ODI ZMP DLL MKG ZOB RST BAE MSN J30 ALO N DBQ CID IOW ZKC BRIBE CVA MLI JVL J34 MKE GRR ORD MDW JOT BDF PIA DNV TO STL TO ENL J30 TO DTW AZO FWA WHETT BVT VHP TO CVG IND TO TO DAY CMH ZID DTW ARRIVALS Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County (DTW) arrivals enter ZAU from ZMP for the POLAR STAR and from ZID for the MIZAR STAR. J34 ZMP MSN ZOB From GRB BAE MKG POLAR STAR GRR AZO N J94 DBQ MKE BEH ORD RFD GIJ MDW JOT DTW LFD MIZAR STAR SBN FWA LAF IRK From MCI ZKC CMI VHP IND ZID STL ARRIVALS St. Louis Lambert (STL) arrivals enter Kansas City Center (ZKC) from ZAU from 2 main routes: VLA STAR and the RIVRS STAR. From MSP MSN MKE ZMP ZOB GRR ALO OBK CID DSM IOW ORD MDW RBS From DTW SBN FWA MLI PIA BMI BRL CMI V11 CAP RIVRS STAR VHP UIN ZKC BVT N VLA STAR RIVRS STL VLA ZID CVG ARRIVALS Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky (CVG) airport arrival flows enter Indianapolis Center (ZID) from ZAU via 3 main arrival routes: JOT TARNE STAR, FWA TARNE STAR, or FWA RID RADIALS. From LAN From GRR From MSP ZMP CID DSM IOW J30 JOT From ATW, OBK MSN & MKE ORD MDW SBN BDF V340 BVT DNV ZOB FWA EON RBS N AZO RID VHP SHB RID210R ZID CAP ZKC MILAN TARNE STAR CVG CLE ARRIVALS Cleveland-Hopkins (CLE) airport arrival flows enter Cleveland Center (ZOB) from ZAU via 5 main arrival routes. From J34 ZOB MSP GRR LAN ZMP BAE V103 SVM GONNE MKE ORD JOT GIJ ALPHE PLAIN AZO LFD J146 / V6 MDW SBN VWV V14 FWA FDY STAR CLE WAKEM STAR N ZKC ZID
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