Carolin Kastner Graphic Design Ruth Murray »Apricot Jam: Paintings 2009–2015« – 148 x 210 mm, 40 pages, coloured paper, 4C, cold glue binding Published in 2015 in Rotterdam. Edition of 40 books – »Apricot Jam« is a c ollection of work created by Ruth Murray b etween 2009–2015. This book was a collabor ative project between artists Ruth Murray and C arolin Kastner. The pair met during a residency period at Kaus Australis in Rotterdam and the book has combined their respective experience, b ackground and tastes. The book features around 20 key paintings, a longside an introductory text by artist and s cholar J acopo B enci (The British School at Rome). Shape shifters The painterly work of Ruth Murray bewilders the beholder with its paradoxes. It has a dreamy appearance, yet dark implications; its imagery has candy colours and ice cream textures but at the same time it can also evoke more disturbing substances; her scenes, quite often set in interiors, have an atmosphere of childlike candour but also the mystery and malice of adolescence. A striking element in Ruth’s paintings is the plasticity of its forms and figures, always in the course of metamorphosing into something else, and seemingly made of soft and ductile materials. Ruth ventures boldly into a bizarre world where everything seems to change shape, a world populated by elfin girls, sometimes engaging in ordinary activities such as playing instruments, but more often inexplicably covered with stuffed animals, surrounded by an excess of audiovisual gadgets, household appliances, porcelain kittens, in strange rooms lined with tin foil or oozing sticky white substances; even in the outdoors scenes, in sunlight, in nature, the girls’ attires and actions, even when playful, remain as mysterious as the puzzling objects around them. Ruth’s iconography is developed from stories, images, places and faces that originate in the everyday; but she also makes use of elements from visual languages over the centuries and across the boundaries between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture; the sharp focus of her images, partly derived from photographic sources, reminds one of certain Symbolist and Surrealist painters. The seemingly naturalistic aspect of her images is contradicted and complicated by their saturated palette, and suspended, eerie atmosphere. Several aspects in Ruth’s works may call to mind the films of [previous page] Untitled (hammock) / see page 27 and tradition; also, much closer to the present, children’s fantasy television and, as she puts it, ‘the bizarre and gothic material the British particularly love to weave into the domestic’. During a recent artist’s residency in the Netherlands, Ruth visited the Mauritshuis in The Hague, where she came across the painting Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds and Pretzels (c. 1615) by Dutch artist Clara Peeters (c. 1580/90 – c. 1621). The original German name of the pretzel – Brezel – refers to its shape, reminiscent of crossed arms (from the Latin ‘brac[c]hia’, arms). Supposedly, this humble bread was invented in the early Middle Ages by monks as a symbol of folded arms in prayer, and given to children as a reward for learning their prayers. ‘It struck me as incongruous to see this contemporary snack in a seventeenth-century painting’, says Ruth, who started to use the pretzel shape as a physical element, replicated in different colours and arranged in rows over a large area to accompany a painting. The repeated pretzel becomes, in Ruth’s words, ‘absurdly totemic’, while the painting in the centre is bizarrely enshrined. ‘My aim was to very loosely imbue an odd, contemporary mystical significance into this otherwise tacky object.’ At the same time, Ruth has been working on a series of paintings in which the arms and legs of young girls are squelching in muddy water. Here, figure and nature merge, and the form of human limbs returns to the formless. These images refer – in the quiet – to myths of creation in which human beings are moulded from mud. Ruth’s imagery, however pleasant it may be to the eye, deals with uncanny issues; and vice versa. Her work accounts for the sense of horror vacui and ‘overfull’ of the twenty-first century, yet it is also imbued with a mixture of curiosity, wonder, and mischief. – Jacopo Benci Jan Švankmajer; but she blends and transforms a number of different sources, some being quintessentially British, grounded in folk mythology 2 3 Bananas each 30 x 40cm oil on canvas 4 5 > Ruth Murray »Apricot Jam: Paintings 2009–2015« Aus dem Antiquariat – 210 x 277 mm, 68 pages, 4C, cold glue binding 2016 – Since 2012 I support the a ntiquarian journal »Aus dem A ntiquariat« in layout and graphic design. The journal, which is a product from the G erman P ublishers & Books ellers Assoc iation (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels) and deals about the current interests and tendencies in the antiquarian genre, owns a long history with several changes in the last 50 years. The intention of the redesign in 2016 is to make an update in v isual and in content way as well. The new journal diverses from the former sober form and offers the reader more aspects and side in formations of the topics. B eside of a new cover d esign which forces a new concept of advertisments, the inside of the journal gets coloured and gives a more intense focus on the rare images. A new squarely format and softer paper gives the journal an association of biblio graphic quality and the appreciati on of a more high-class product. For a better visual orientation b etween the different columns the textes are layouted in a c omb ination of grotesk and serif type. The new layout gives the o pportunity to integrate side informations and to highlight interesting thoughts and ideas for the reader. > Aus dem Antiquariat For realizing the idea of a biblio graphic collection of rare textes and images, the journal changes its colour each issue and makes every issue remarkable. Former Cover before the redesign tip Berlin – new issues, 216 x 290 mm, 164 pages old issues, 203 x 290 mm, 164 pages 2012 – 2015 – Tip Berlin is a weekly city m agazine about Berlin, its trends and its c ultural life. In 2015 we redesigned the ma gazine by using new typography, new information elements and more personal tipps and columns. Beside of the print magazine there was a digital version available as well. > tip Berlin Publications for tip Berlin – tip Extra, 100x 145 mm, 36 pages tip Beilage, 194 x 260 mm, 32 pages 2012 – 2015 – Tip Berlin published other M agazines beside of the w eekly main magazine. These two M ini-Zines were added to the main magazine and gave e xtra tipps in and around Berlin . Publications for tip Berlin – HKW, 100 x 145 mm, 16 pages 2013 – 2014 – The booklet presents the y early program of HKW (Haus der K ulturen der Welt, Berlin) and is published in collaboration with tip Berlin. Publications for tip Berlin / zitty – »Glücklich«, 192 x 260 mm, 148 pages 2015 – »Glüchlich (Happy)« is a special edition published by tip Berlin and Zitty, the two city magazines in Berlin. This edition is about the mindfulness movement showing where and how to relax in busy Berlin. It includes interviews, reports and fact sheets about b ecoming happy. Publications for tip Berlin / zitty – »Vintage in Berlin«, 117 x 168 mm, 160 pages 2015 – »Vintage in Berlin« is the first issue of the booklet serie »Berlins Beste« of tip Berlin and Zitty. This booklet consists of the 150 best adresses in Berlin for getting everything about v intage: design-clothing, records, v intage bikes, antiquarian kid toys or furniture. Outside – Artist book, 148 x 210 mm, 110 pages, 1C digital print, japanese binding 2015 – Collection of urban cut-outs for redefining spaces > Outside Embracing full and empty space – Artist book, 200 x 285 mm, 80 pages, 4C digital print, open binding 2010 – The topic of the book is described by its title »Embracing full and empty space«; a research about inhabited and vacant space. Besides of showing our definiton of (living) space in an abstract and graphical way, the topic is v isually accompanied by a series of p hotos about unused a reas in Offenbach am Main. The neg lection of urban areas grows although once being useful and owning personal stories and m emories In »Embracing full and empty space« the photos of unused areas get opposed to its former entries in the land register which partly shows the stories b ehind the rotten areas. Moments of d evelopment and destruction draft a new view of urban space. > Embracing full and empty space D econstruction as t heoretical base for i nterdisciplinary action – 190 x 245 mm, 92 pages, 1C digital print, cold glue binding 2010 – My thesis about the idea of d econstruction as a theoretical base for interdisciplinary actions. This book consists of the r eflection of Jaques Derrida's literature theory, the a rchitectural interpretation of the idea of d ec onstruction and its change of a new definition of urban space. Hardcore – Poster, 420 x 594 cm, 2009 Flyer, 235 x 135 cm, 2009 Catalogue, 190 x 260 mm, 16 pages, 2009 – Visual design for the soloshow »Hardcore« of Xenia Lesniewski in 1822-Forum, Frankfurt am Main. Divers Posters – »Decay«, 500 x 700 mm, 4C digital print, 2015 (in contribut ion of blank-poster; published in kon magazine) »dig DAB«, 500 x 700 mm, 4C digital print, 2015 (for the c ollaborative e xhibition with Ruth Murray in the offspace »gallerie G allery« in Rotterdam) »625 Jahre Universität Heidelberg«, 420 x 594 mm, offset print with silver, 2011 (published in »Jahresbericht 2010 Universität Heidelberg«) »o.T.«, 297 x 420 mm, offset print, 2010 (serie of poster-flyers for an intermedial exhibtition project in c ollaboration with Melanie Achilles) »Cats lost in space«, 594 x 420 mm, offset print with silver, 2012 (anima tion movie by Eva Münnich) »Smells like a nother baby«, 297 x 420 mm, 4C digital print, 2015 (poster serie for a 90ies party in Clubkeller in Frankfurt am Main) »Verder bouwen (Weiter bauen)«, 420 x 594 mm, offset print, 2009 (workshop for dutch and german architects in Cologne) »Passengers meets Kaus Band Event«, 297 x 420 mm, riso print, 2015 (group exhibition by residencies at Kaus Australis, Rotterdam) »When life was easy«, 420 x 580 mm, 4C digital print, 2008 »Kann denn sieben Sünde sein?«, 297 x 420 mm, 4 C digital print, 2012 (theatershow made by seniors) – GoetheUniversity Frankfurt am Main I – HRZ (Hochschulrechenzentrum) / Corporate Identity, information architecture – HRZ is the coordination center of computer technology at the U niversity of Frankfurt and pro vides several computer and server services for students and scientists. For getting to know this service of the university HRZ started an information campagne consisting of an information stand visualized in the shape of a tetris game. In the context of a g eneral W ebsite-Relaunch of the U niversity the website of the centre HRZ got a new visual conception and a new information architecture. GoetheUniversity Frankfurt am Main II – OLAT / Poster, flyer, internet b anner, screen design, information and w orkshop material Methodenzentrum / Poster, flyer, internet banner, organigram – For an information event there were special give-aways and merchandising designed. As a result of joining the new platform the contributor gets a certificate. For introducing the new E -Learning-Tool OLAT of the G oethe-University a campagne was arranged communic ating the new platform and its v isual identity. The Methodenzentrum is a new part of the methodical s ociology study at the Goethe-University which got introduced by an o pening event with several information materials. The organigram of the new center showing structure and idea behind the new institution. On an opening event the new centre was explained and introduced. hessische Film- und Medienakademie A hessische Film-und Medienakademie H A hessische Film-und Medienakademie A H A A hessische Film-und Medienakademie H H H HFMA A hessische Film-und Medienakademie A hessische Film-und Medienakademie A H A H H HFMA H H A hessische Film-und Medienakademie H A H A A A H hessische Film-und Medienakademie A A hessische Film-und Medienakademie H A HFMA H A H A hessische Film-und Medienakademie Max Mustermann elektronische Medien cross media lb Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] AH FM A H A H A H HFMA A H H H H hessische Film-und Medienakademie H FM A H AH FM A H A A H A hessische Film-und Medienakademie Max Mustermann HFMA AH FM A H A H hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb HFMA A H AH FM A H A H HFMA H FM A HFMA AH FM A H A H HFMA H FM A AH FM A H A elektronische Medien cross media lb Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] HFMA hessische Film- und Medienakademie Max Mustermann hessische Film- und Medienakademie Max Mustermann HFMA H H FM A hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] H HFMA Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] elektronische Medien cross media lb Max Mustermann H FM A hessische Film- und Medienakademie Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] Max Mustermann hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb H FM A Max Mustermann hessische Film-und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] Max Mustermann – Logos, Business cards, Website design – Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb Max Mustermann hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb Max Mustermann Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] hessische Film- und Medienakademie elektronische Medien cross media lb Max Mustermann hessische Film- und Medienakademie Grasshoppers HFMA United smile Max Mustermann elektronische Medien cross media lb Schlossstraße 31 D - 63065 Offenbach am Main Fon +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 71 Fax +49 - 69 - 150 44 88 79 Mobil +49 - 179 - 40 95 839 [email protected] Exhibition proposal for Topographie of Terrors Computersimulation of the exhibitionroom – Exhibitiondesign 2013 – View above the exhibition for declaring the leading system and the different exhibition elements Proposal for a touring exhibition of the Topographie des Terrors about the war correspondent »Hans Bayer« (pseudonym for the pitch). The idea of the exhibitiondesign is to show the two different sites of Hans Bayer: the public one and the personal one. Both sites are built up in different room arrange ments and are divided in colour and typography. The personal layer of the exhibi tion proclaims quotes and ex cerpts of Hans Bayer's diary and his biography. This layer symbo lized Hans Bayer's passion of w riting exposed by a abstraction of a paper line that is the guiding line through the 4 chaptered show. The public line publishes opposi tionally all published textes of Hans Bayer and general informa tions of the »Propagandakompa nie« and their role in World War II. This information is symbolized by common advertisment construc tions. The visuals are adapted by daily adds of public space. Cardboard modell of the exhibition in scale 1:50 On both layers are special media intended like media station, sound station, showcases and a reading station. from left till right: Showcase for original photos / Showcase for Hans Bayer's diary / Sound station with an interview of Hans Bayer's daughter / Reading station with facsimiles / Media station with filmstills of the daily newsshow »Deutsche Wochenschau« / Paperline of chapter 4 > Exhibition proposal for Topographie of Terrors – Beside of the exhibition design I suggested a visual concept for different communication media like exhibition catalogue, invitation and banner. The key image and the visuali zation is adapted on the exhibition idea to show two different layers of meaning and personalties. Hans Hans Bayer Bayer Kriegsberichter im Z weiten Weltkrieg war correspondent in the second world War Concept of a Foyer at Frankfurt LAB – Spatial design 2012 – Visual concept for the foyer at Frankfurt LAB (Laboratory of Contemporary Artistic Expression) The foyer at Frankfurt LAB, a public institution for experimen tal performance and dance art, is used by day for workshops and by night as an entrance hall before performances and theatre shows get started. The main elements for a new identity of the foyer at Frankfurt LAB are the two perfor mance halls in the theatre space; its aesthetic and its materials is to be used as visual base for the foyer presenting as a remix of the surrounded space. The walls of the foyer systematical show a reproduction of the walls of the performance hall no. 1 and no. 2 made by a collage of polygones. The bar pretends to be the main source of light with its big lightbox on both sides. It is printed with the pattern of polygones as the walls and is framed in aluminium which remarks the stages in the halls. Because of the m ulitfunction of the space every element of the inferior has to be flexible to move; so the counter of the c loakroom, the tables and benches are d esigned as folded furniture or equipped with rolls underneath. Modell in scale of 1 : 20 Walls of the showhalls that are used as visual reference for the walls in the foyer. Simulation of the wall collage Studies Job experiences 2015 |July till March 2016| Residency at Kaus Australis, Rotterdam Graphic designer / Freelancer for s everal c lients like »Börsenverein des deutschen B uchhandels«, Raufeld Medien (Berlin), Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and for private clients 2013–2014 Studies in Landscape Architecture at TU Berlin 2010 |October| Master in Art / Dipl. Des. at Prof. Heiner Blum Issue of thesis: Deconstructivism / Deconstruction as t heoretical base of interdisciplinary 2003–2010 Studies in Visual Communication at University of Art and D esign, HfG Offenbach Experimental 3-Dimensional Concepts and Typography 2009 |April till August| Studies abroad in Rotterdam, project work at graphic design studio »Studio Léon&Loes« 2006 |June till August| Studies abroad in Barcelona. Continuation of the photoproject »Interventions in abandoned space« – Publications 2015 [kon] #2: Decay, published by Pia Lobodzinski & Julia Hell, M ünchen 2ha magazine, ISSN 2009-6135, edited by Michael Hayes, Dublin – Curriculum Vitae 2012 |till now| Art direction for the magazine »Aus dem Antiquariat« of MVB, Frankfurt am Main 2012–2015 Layout and graphic design for the city m agazines »tip Berlin« and »Zitty« / Print- and App-Version |January till April 2012| Spatial design for the theater LAB / Forsythe Company, Frankfurt am Main 2011–2012 Layout and graphic design for the magazine »Börsenblatt« of MVB, Frankfurt am Main 2010 |October till April 2012| Graphic design and public relations for HRZ, Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main |May till July| Graphic design for the office of architecture and events J azzunique, Frankfurt am Main 2009 |April| Spatial design for Stadtwerke Offenbach Holding GmbH, O ffenbach am Main 2007 |July till December| Graphic designer in the advertisment agency M.A.D. Communication, Offenbach am Main |March| Illustration jobs for the advertisment agency HiltGriesbaum, Offenbach am Main 2006 |till 2009| Graphic design for the graphic studio StandardRad., Frankfurt am Main |October till June 2007| Team-assistent and office-management in the a dvertisment agency Hilt Griesbaum, Offenbach am Main – carolin kastner Schoklandsestraat 13a, 3083 PB Rotterdam + 6 44 87 18 64 – hello[at]
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