HAND-WRITTEN NOTES ON THE STATZER FAMILY FOUND IN A COPY OF Die Kleine Harfe gestimmet von unterschiedlichen lieblichen Liedern oder Lob-Gesa ngen, welche geho ret werden von den Enden der Erden, zu Ehren dem Gerechten. Diese kleine Harfe klinget zwar lieblich, aber doch noch im niedrigen Thon; bis das grosse Harfen-Spieler Heer den Gesang erho hen wird. : Gott und dem Lamm sey die Ehre und das Lob in Zeit und Ewigkeit! Amen. Zum ersten Mal ans Licht gegeben. Published 1792 by Gedruckt bey Samuel Saur in Chesnuthill [Pa.] . Written in German. Edition Notes Also issued as part of: Das Kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions ... Zum sechsten Mal ans Licht gegeben. Chesnuthill, 1791 Compiled by Bill Statzer 2013 2 Title Page 3 A better view of the title page 4 Title: Die Kleine Harfe : Gestimmet Von Unterschiedlichen Lieblichen Liedern Oder Lob-Gesangen, Welche Gehoret Werden Von Den Enden Der Erden, Zu Ehren Dem Gerechten. Diese Kleine Harfe Klinget Zwar Lieblich, Aber Doch Noch Im Niedrigen Thon; Bis Das Grosse Harfen-Spieler Heer Den Gesang Erhohen Wird. Gott Und Dem Lamm Sey Die Ehre Und Das Lob in Zeit Und Ewigkeit! Amen Title, loosely translated: The little harp: in the voice of various sweet songs or praise-singing, that is heard from the ends of the earth, in honor of the righteous. For the first time given to light! Amen This small Mennonite hymnal of 58 hymns was first published bound to an earlier hymnbook, Das Kleine Davidische Psalterspiel Der Kinder Zions, Von Alten Und Nuen Auserlessenen Geistes Gesangen, Allen Wahren Heilbegierigen Gaiglingen Der Weisheit in 1792 by Samuel Saur in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. The title page of Das Kleine Davidische Psalterspiel is missing from the copy owned by the Statzer family, but the title page to the Die Kleine Harfe is still intact as shown earlier. For several years the Statzer researchers thought the photographs were of the Statzer family Bible. But further research indicated that this was a Mennonite hymnbook. And at the end of the hymnbook are several blank pages where our ancestors recorded births, deaths and marriages. For the most part, this is the only documentation we have for these events. The original was eventually passed down to the Edwin Conrad Statzer family. As far as this researcher knows, the hymn book is still in Edwin’s family. The photographs included here were taken by Virginia Statzer Holzman and her husband Val. Virginia was the granddaughter of Edwin C. Statzer. Included in this document are photographs of the pages with the notes written by the Statzer family. Under each of the photographs are the transcriptions of what is on the page as transcribed by Bill Statzer. 5 6 Martin Starcher was born March the 21 day in the year of our lord 1769. Catharine Statcher was born May the 11 day in the year of our lord 1779 and we was Married January the 14 day in the year of our lord 1799. (Since the writer used “we was married”, we can assume that the first entries were written by either Martin or Catharine.) John Startcher was born April the 14 day in the year of our lord 1800. 7 8 Michael Startcher was born May the 27 day in the year of our lord 182. [Written above the date is 1802. The ink is a different color and the handwriting is not the same.] Jacob Startcher was born November the 7 day in the year of our lord 183. [Written above the date is 1803. The ink is a different color and the handwriting is not the same.] George Startcher was born December the 14 day in the year of our lord 184. A[n]drew Startcher was born March the 23 day in the year of our lord 187. 9 10 Elisabeth Startcher was born June the 10 day in the year of our lord 189. Isaac Startch[er] was born November the 22 day in the year of our lord 1817. [It appears that the 7 in the date was made into a 4 with darker ink. Isaac’s birth year is probably 1814.] Martin Startcher was born November the first day in the year of our lord 1815. 11 12 Catherine Statcher was born March the 1 day in the year of our lord 1817. th Martin Statzer died in the year of our lord 1821 Aprile 25 day. th Catherine Statzer died in the year or our lord 1857 December 6 day. John Q Statzer born Aug 20 1844 Married 1867 to Sarepity Vail – Three sons were born to them Jacob Henry Oct. 3 1868, Wm Edward Feb 21 1870, Benj Franklin Nov 24 1871 13 14 Sarepity Ann mother died 1878 John Q Statzer married to Amanda Hurt Jan 14 1891 Benj. F. Statzer married to Flora Victoria Statzer Dec 18, 1896 Two sons were born to them, Harvey T Statzer, born May 7, 1899; Raymond E Oct 27, 1903. Married to Kathryn Pearl Bell McNabb Sept 15 1925 One daughter born to them on June 1, 1926 another daughter born Aug 6, 1930 (Winona Rae) 15 Martin Statcher was born 21 July 1771 The rest of this page is badly faded and very difficult to read 16 A J A[n]drew Startcher ............................................................. 9 Jacob Henry ...................................................................... 13 Jacob Startcher ................................................................... 9 John Q Statzer ............................................................ 13, 15 John Startcher ..................................................................... 7 B Benj Franklin .................................................................... 13 Benj. F. Statzer ................................................................. 15 K C Kathryn Pearl Bell McNabb ............................................. 15 Catharine Statcher ............................................................... 7 Catherine Statcher ............................................................. 13 Catherine Statzer ............................................................... 13 M Elisabeth Startcher ............................................................ 11 Martin Starcher ................................................................... 7 Martin Startcher ............................................................... 11 Martin Statcher ................................................................. 16 Martin Statzer ................................................................... 13 Michael Startcher ............................................................... 9 F R Flora Victoria Statzer ........................................................ 15 Raymond E ....................................................................... 15 G S George Startcher ................................................................. 9 Sarepity Ann .................................................................... 15 Sarepity Vail .................................................................... 13 E H W Harvey T Statzer ............................................................... 15 Winona Rae ...................................................................... 15 Wm Edward ..................................................................... 13 I Isaac Startch[er] ................................................................ 11 17
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