平成 28 年度体育芸術エリアにおける防災訓練実施の

June 1, 2016
生 各
To whom it may concern,
Provost, School of Health and Physical Education
Provost, School of Art and Design
Provost, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
平成 28 年度体育芸術エリアにおける防災訓練実施のお知らせ
Notice on the 2016 Emergency Disaster Drill in the Art and Sport Sciences Area
目 的 (Purpose)
(1) 体育・芸術・総合研究棟D棟エリアにおいて、巨大地震発生直後における初期対応訓練を実施し、
To conduct an initial response drill for securing students’ safety, confirming initial responses, and improving
coping ability, in the event of a large earthquake in the Art and Sports Science Area and Laboratory of Advanced
Research D.
(2) 授業終了時に大規模な地震が発生したことを想定し、特に新入生が避難経路及び避難場所を確認する。
This emergency disaster drill will be conducted on a supposition that a large earthquake has occurred after
the lecture had ended. It is aimed especially for the freshmen to confirm the evacuation routes and evacuation
2 参加者(Participants)
学生・教職員等 Students, faculty, and administrative staff
3 実施日時(Drill implementation date)
平成28年6月14日(火)11時25分(第 2 時限授業終了時刻)~11時45分(予定)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016-11:25 (at the end of 2nd period) to 11:45
※雨天時は中止する。In case of rain, the drill will be canceled.
4 災害想定 (Assumed disaster)
(1) 平成28年6月14日(火)11時25分 (11:25 a.m. Tuesday, June 14, 2016)
(Intensity: 6-lower earthquake centered in south Kanto)
訓練内容 (Disaster drill information)
(1) 地震発生直後の安全確保 (Safety procedures immediately after the earthquake)
Take cover for the first two minutes directly after the earthquake occurs at 11:25.
避難訓練 (Evacuation Drill)
Evacuate to the nearest outdoor site by following the teacher’s instruction (faculty members).
(Evacuate without using the elevators.)
You will be notified when the drill ends.
6 その他 (Other matters)
(1) 訓練時間中は、通常の各業務窓口を閉鎖する。University office will be shut down during the drill.
(2) 食堂・売店等は、通常営業とする。Cafeteria and shops are open as usual.
Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area