Bavarian Golden Series Trail Finalisten 2016 Pferd A Western Melody Aint It The Blues Aquilino Lope For The Blues Only A Glamourgirl Bos Dry Miss Magic Xtreme Asset Disavowed Hes A Hollywood Cody Dont Skip It Up Rin Send My Chex Hot Mover A New Intrigo Bar Sunset Didit BTS Gotcha Covered Reiter Lenz, Carolin Meier-Bidmon, Gesa Müller, Kristina Lohninger, Sabine Leiner, Nina Leiner, Nina Ceusters, Barbara Friedl, Hannah Hoppert, Sabrina Kümmerling, Cora Ranná, Tereza Bauer, Vanessa Fungo, Mauro Vincent, Alan Bögl, Lena Seidel, Andreas Punkte BSC 105 55 120 Punkte BM 105 91 0 120 105 78 78 45 0 28 0 36 0 91 91 0 0 21 55 45 15 36 0 36 Gesamt 210 146 120 120 105 91 91 78 78 66 55 45 43 36 36 36 Bavarian Golden Series Pleasure Finalisten 2016 Pferd Asset Machine Dont Skip It Up HC Ima Good Hot One Only Because Im Cool Ive Got Reservations What Iwant WhenIWant Under The Influence Nitesgonnabeelong Surely Im Invited Zipped N Certain Clearly Open Range Zipp Code Reiter Omodeo, Anna Kümmerling, Cora Kraack, Peer Vincent, Alan Horak, Tanja Fischer, Leonie Henzgen, Lea Korioth, Jacqueline Veskrnova, Klara Gillioz, Sophie Majerus, Marie-Paule Gagnant, Fabrice Punkte BSC 105 36 Punkte BM 91 91 120 120 91 78 55 66 105 10 21 66 55 55 Gesamt 196 127 120 120 105 101 78 76 66 66 55 55 Bavarian Golden Series Horsemanship Finalisten 2016 Pferd Cody Brownbear Disavowed Zippos Pretty Hot Investin Thewildcard Power in the Canyon AAW Krymsuns Legacy Lazyiswhatlazydoes Only Guns N Roses Grand Revolution Aint Gonna Dance CC Rod N Time RR Making Moonshine Luxury Blue Chip Am I A Hot Krymsum Dont Skip It Up Reiter Gürlich, Anna Friedl, Hannah Haupert, Ann-Kathrin Lipps, Pia Gillioz, Sophie De Kousemaeker, Frederique Korioth, Jacqueline Bassing, Mirja Wellauer, Chantale Obermüller, Nina Boni, Laura Jablonowski, Jadasa Morocutti, Alexandra Faro, Francesca Romana Kümmerling, Cora Punkte BSC 120 105 91 78 78 6 55 55 21 36 21 Punkte BM 105 78 36 120 105 0 66 55 3 45 21 15 Gesamt 225 183 127 120 105 78 78 66 61 58 55 45 42 36 36 Bavarian Golden Series Showmanship Finalisten 2016 Pferd Ice Ice Lazy Fashionable Irons Investin Thewildcard Grand Revolution Power in the Canyon Under The Influence A Good Technique AAW Krymsuns Legacy AM Sherlock Holmes Asset Machine Best Zippin Hotrod Miss Chips Dandylion Lazyiswhatlazydoes Jac Flash Orima My Rockstar Romance Reiter Bartke, Franca Pfeifer, Laura Lipps, Pia Wellauer, Chantale Gillioz, Sophie Henzgen, Lea Rohr, Larissa Katharina De Kousemaeker, Frederique Reinfelder, Sophia Omodeo, Anna Behnke, Caroline Schäfer, Katrin Korioth, Jacqueline Priemayer, Nina Reinmuth, Evelyn Punkte BSC 120 91 28 105 91 36 0 66 55 55 3 Punkte BM 91 36 120 78 105 6 55 66 0 0 45 28 28 Gesamt 211 127 120 106 105 105 97 91 66 66 55 55 48 28 28 Bavarian Golden Series Ranch Riding Finalisten 2016 Pferd Mr Twister Mae I Know My Daddy A Lil Bit Surprised Aquilino LV Scater Boy Cash R Cielo CL Olena Doc Badger TC Amy Freckled Jay Bars Peppys Art Attack Laredo Gun Wimpysplatinumblonde TK Seven Sailor Xzibbit Rooster Mescalero Taco Lena Reiter Liesinger, Katharina Falaster, Melanie Hugo, Cordula Müller, Kristina Scholl, Verena Gotthardt, Josef Jäckle, Sylvia Barnsteiner, Vanessa Utescheny, Gottfried Art, Diana Skala, Eveline Bauderer, Thomas Renner-Scharl, Nadine Rieling, Doris Gerstl, Andrea Punkte BSC 45 120 36 66 78 105 Punkte BM 120 36 105 66 28 105 91 66 15 28 3 21 6 15 66 78 45 28 0 10 Gesamt 165 156 141 132 106 105 105 91 81 81 78 73 31 21 16 Bavarian Golden Series Reining Finalisten 2016 Pferd AC Elite Star JP Elwhiz Docs Cieleno SL A Chic Star Wimpysplatinumblonde Mr Chesmu Peppy Boon Spook N Dun Smooth Move Chex JP By A Whizker Black Gold Wimpy Chic N Peppy AR Cielolena Jac Mega Surprise BMS Ice Age Trust Gotta Chex Reiter Baur, Jasmin Reichhart, Timo Lang, Petra Beer, Aileen Bauderer, Thomas Schemuth, Martin Schuster, Julia Wallner, Franziska Lamm, Susann-Isabell Marchiori, Eleonora Fulczyk, Stefanie Goltz, Maren Eigler, Frank Braunger, Ann Schroeder, Sabrina Punkte BSC 120 91 55 55 15 105 Punkte BM 120 91 66 66 91 105 91 28 66 28 55 0 45 28 0 45 21 21 Gesamt 240 182 121 121 106 105 105 91 73 66 56 55 45 21 21
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