June 9th 12:00 - Hokkaido University

June 9th
12:00 - 13:00
PhD students
Lunch Talk
Office of International Affairs
Main Conference Room (#214)
Mr. Juha Tuisku
Mr. Juha Tuisku, from Finland, will talk about his
career in Japan and the Finnish Innovation
platform DEMOLA (http://www.demola.net/).
Finland is famous for creativity and innovation,
and DEMOLA, a model supported by industries,
universities and the government, is the leading
platform for both. You can test your innovative
skills to solve issues presented by the companies
within the constantly growing DEMOLA network,
which, in turn, may lead to establishing a close-tie
relationship between you and your target
Light Lunch
will be
Hokkaido Liaison for
University of Oulu & University of Lapland
* The seminar will be conducted in English
* Open only to PhD students (DC), postdocs
whose native language is NOT Japanese
* Registration required (Seats are limited!)
* 英語でのセミナーです
* 対象:博士後期課程学生 (DC)、ポスドク
* 事前登録要 ( 席に限りあり )
Go to Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development HP
Click on the banner “PhD Lunch Talk” Please also register in Hi-System
人材育成本部 HP 左側のバナーからお申し込みください
Hi-System の登録が必要となります
Next Lunch Talk
I-HoP : Hokudai International Human http://www2.synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp/ihop
Resource Development Program
[email protected]