The Third International Collaborative Seminar, 2016 平成28年度 第3回国際連携セミナー Theme of the Lecture フォン・シーボルトと顕 微 鏡 の 技 術 Vo n Siebold an d th e A r t of M i c r o s c o p y Lecturer 細胞診専門医 マティルダ・ブーン氏 M at h ilde E. B oon , M D , P h D , FI A C Summary of the Lecturer 2016 signals the 220th birthday of Philipp Franz von Siebold, a famous physician and botanist who introduced Western medicine to Japan. In celebration of this occasion, we welcome from Leiden, the Netherlands, a famous global cytology specialist (Dr./Prof.) Mathilde Boon and of Siebold research. She is going to discuss Siebold who was the only medical doctor permitted to practice medicine in Nagasaki, his involvement in the development of the microscope, the opening of the Narutaki Private School, and his teaching of Western medicine in Dutch. Profile Until 2013, Mathilde E. Boon was the director of the Leiden Cytology and Pathology Laboratory. She trained in the late 1960s as a cytologist at Ann Arbor (Michigan), then as a pathologist at Leiden, The Netherlands. She has subsequently headed the Departments of Cytology (1972-1978) at the Leiden University and at Delft (1978-1984). In 1972, she founded the Leiden Cytology Laboratory in Leiden. She was the director there until 2013 as well as the head of the Cytology department of the College for Medical Technology at Leiden for 14 years, during which she developed a course in diagnostic cytology. For over 40 years, she has taught general practitioners and their assistants the art of sample taking for cytology and histology. Mathilde Boon has authored more than 400 scientific papers on fixation, confocal imaging, laboratory techniques, the use of microwaves, quantitative microscopy, gender issues, HPV and the relation between vaginal hygiene and anthropology. Her 17 books in English cover the same subjects. She is the recipient of many honors and awards. In 2013 at Paris, she received the triennial prestigious George L. Wied Life-Time Achievement in Cytologic Research Award. Language 英 語 E n gl i s h Date・Time 平成28年6 月6 日 ( 月 ) 17 : 00 - 18 : 3 0 June 6, 2016( M on da y ) , 17 : 00 - 1 8 : 3 0 Location 長 崎大学グロー バ ル ヘ ル ス 総 合 研 究棟 1 階 大 セミナー室( 坂 本 キ ャ ン パ ス ) N agasaki U n iver s i ty G l oba l H ea l t h a nd Ge ne r a l R e search Bu il di n g , 1s t floor , S em i na r R o o m L Global Health General Research Building Institute of Tropical Medicine Pompe Hall Lecture & Practice Room Medical Library Basic Medical Science Building 主催・お問い合わせ:長崎大学国際連携研究戦略本部 TEL : (095)819-7008 Sakamoto Campus Map URL: Commemoration Hall Ryojun Hall Main Gate
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