Vertrauen in Qualität Unser Großverbraucher Sortiment Our product range for bulk consumers Bio Weizenprodukte / Organic wheat products Bio Weizenmehl Type 405 Organic wheat flour type 405 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370400 Bio Speiseweizen Organic wheat grains VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11391501 Bio Weizenkleie Organic wheat bran VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370413 Bio Weizenmehl Type 550 Organic wheat flour type 550 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370401 Bio Weizenschrot fein Organic wheat groats fine VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370409 Bio Weizenflocken Organic wheat flakes VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20020104 Bio Weizenmehl Type 1050 Organic wheat flour type 1050 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370402 Bio Weizenschrot mittel Organic wheat groats middle VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370408 Bio Weizenkeime (stabilisiert) Organic wheat germs (stabilized) VE / Unit: 300 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11391186 Bio Weizenvollkornmehl Organic wheat wholemeal flour VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370403 Bio Weizenschrot grob Organic wheat groats coarse VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11370407 Bio Roggenprodukte / Organic rye products Bio Roggenmehl Type 997 Organic rye flour type 997 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12370439 Bio Speiseroggen Organic rye grains VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12391601 Bio Roggenschrot grob Organic rye groats coarse VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12370436 Bio Roggenmehl Type 1150 Organic rye flour type 1150 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12370431 Bio Roggenschrot fein Organic rye groats fine VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12370438 Bio Roggenflocken Organic rye flakes VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20030101 Bio Roggenvollkornmehl Organic rye wholemeal flour VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12370435 Bio Roggenschrot mittel Organic rye groats middle VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 12370437 Bio Dinkelprodukte / Organic spelt products Bio Dinkelmehl Type 630 Organic spelt flour type 630 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13370441 Bio Dinkelvollkornmehl Organic spelt wholemeal flour VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13391445 Bio Dinkelschrot fein Organic spelt groats fine VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13391446 Bio Dinkelmehl Type 812 Organic spelt flour type 812 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13391440 Bio Speisedinkel Organic spelt grains VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13391602 Bio Dinkelflocken Kleinblatt Organic spelt flakes small size VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20040101 Bio Dinkelmehl Type 1050 Organic spelt flour type 1050 VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13370442 Bio Dinkelgrieß/-vollwertgrieß Organic spelt semolina VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 13370460 Bio Dinkelflocken Großblatt Organic spelt flakes big size VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20040106 Bio Haferprodukte / Organic oat products Bio Speisehafer Organic oat grains VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 14391481 Bio Haferflocken Kleinblatt Organic oat flakes small size VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20010106 Bio Haferflocken Großblatt Organic oat flakes big size VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20010105 Bio Haferkleie Organic oat bran VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 14391490 Vertrauen in Qualität Bio Gerstenprodukte / Organic barley products Bio Gerstenflocken Organic barley flakes VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20005013 Bio Hartweizengrieß / Organic durum wheat semolina Bio Hartweizengrieß fein Organic durum wheat semolina fine VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391191 Bio Hartweizengrieß grob Organic durum wheat semolina coarse VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391192 Bio Kamutmehl Organic kamut flour VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391197 Bio Weizenpopinos natur Puffed organic wheat, natural VE / Unit: 10 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20051102 Bio Reispopinos natur Puffed organic rice, natural VE / Unit: 10 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20056110 Bio Quinoa-Popinos natur Puffed organic quinoa, natural VE / Unit: 7 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20057120 Bio Dinkelpopinos natur Puffed organic spelt, natural VE / Unit: 10 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20053102 Bio Amaranth-Popinos natur Puffed organic amaranth, natural VE / Unit: 7 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20057119 Gepufftes Bio-Getreide / Puffed organic cereals Bio Saaten und Naturkost / Organic seeds and natural food Bio Kürbiskerne shine skin Organic pumpkin seeds, shine skin VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121108 Bio Leinsamen ganz Organic lin seeds, whole grains VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121059 Bio Hirse Organic millet VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121087 Bio Sonnenblummenkerne geschält Organic sunflower seeds, peeled VE / Unit: 22,68 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121094 Bio Bohnen rot Organic beans, red VE / Unit: 5 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391194 Bio Amaranth Organic amaranth VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121858 Bio Linsen rot, ganz Organic lentils, red, whole VE / Unit: 5 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391195 Bio Quinoa Organic quinoa VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121859 Bio Langkornreis parboiled Organic long grain rice, parboiled VE / Unit: 500 g Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391207 Bio Rundkornreis Organic round grain rice VE / Unit: 500 g Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391210 Meersalz Sea salt VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391196 Bio Naturreis Organic natural rice VE / Unit: 500 g Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391208 Bio Rohrohrzucker braun Organic raw cane sugar VE / Unit: 500 g Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391204 Bio Weizen Gluten (Kleber) Organic wheat gluten VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 11380403 Bio Basmatireis Organic basmati rice VE / Unit: 500 g Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391209 Bio Würfelzucker weiß Organic cube sugar VE / Unit: 500 g Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 31391206 Bio Sesam natur Organic sesame, natural VE / Unit: 25 kg Art.-Nr. / Order-no.: 20121088 Bio Spezialprodukte / Special organic products Auf Anfrage sind die Produkte auch in Big Bags oder lose erhältlich. If requested the products are also available in big bags or in bulk. BioKorn GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 3140 D-73413 Aalen Fon+49 (0) 73 61/91 51 58 Fax+49 (0) 73 61/91 51 10 [email protected] Maßgebend sind die Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen für Mühlenprodukte vom 01.12.1952 in der derzeit gültigen Fassung. DE-ÖKO-006, DE-ÖKO-001
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