平成28年5月17日 経済学部学生 各位 インターンシップについて インターンシップ参加に際しては、学研災付帯賠償責 任保険への加入、覚書の締結、誓約書の提出等の手続 きが必要となります。手続きには日数を要しますので、 インターンシップへの参加が決定した場合は、速やか に文系教務課(経済担当)まで申し出てください。 ※注意※ 学生個人が直接企業等へ申し込みを行ったインターン シップについても該当します。 文系教務課(経済担当) May 12 , 2016 To: 4th Year Students (G30) Economics Section Educational Affairs Division For the submission of Graduation Theses; theses must be submitted in person during the designated period mentioned below. A student should register for “Graduation Thesis Research on Economics II” to submit their Graduation Theses. A student who did not register for the course has no right to submit them. For the format of the Research, reference should be on page 38 of the Handbook (2015 Fall – 2016 Spring) . Students should read it carefully and should precisely follow the designated format. The color of the flat-file for AY2016 is “Blue”. An example of the file is at Economics window, Educational Affairs Division. (Please visit the Division to see the example.) Submission Period: Wednesday, June 29 – Friday, July 1, no later than 16:00(strictly enforced) Submit your thesis to: Economics Section Educational Affairs Division !CAUTION! “Certificate of Graduation Thesis Receipt” should be submitted with their theses. A student should receive the Certificate from the supervisor, complete necessary information and submit with the Thesis. Correction or replacement of the Thesis is not allowed after the submission. ◇For any reason, the Thesis submission would not be accepted after the designated deadline.
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