NITOBE COLLEGE 2016 LECTURE SERIES 1 第1回 新渡戸カレッジ講演会 参加無料 Nitobe Inazo: 事前申込不要 A Bridge between People 5月25日(水)18時15分~ 日 時 2016年 場 所 高等教育推進機構 対 象 新渡戸カレッジ生を含む全学生・教職員 大講堂 (19時45分終了予定) 北海道大学文学部准教授 マクファーソン大学卒業。 北海道大学大学院文学研究科博士 後期課程修了、博士(文学)。 専門分野は、日本における明治・ 大正期プロテスタントキリスト教 思想、宗教学。 Michelle La Fay准教授 Nitobe Inazo is famous for stating that he wanted to be a bridge across the Pacific. Looking at his life, we can conclude that in many ways he was successful in that endeavour. Nitobe is well-known for being outgoing and gregarious with a talent for conversation. I think that part of the reason he was successful was because he was adept at forming and keeping connections with people. Nitobe preferred to talk out problems and this skill served him well throughout his life. Using correspondence and personal writings, we will look at Nitobe from the perspective of the relationships he formed. Through this lens, we should be able to get an idea of what kind of man Nitobe Inazo was and how he was a bridge between people. お問い合わせ:新渡戸カレッジオフィス(内線5414)
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