LIEDERBÜECHLI AUFLAGE 2012 Anregungen, Wünsche und Kritik bitte an: liederbü[email protected] INHALT 500 Miles All my loving All nights all days Als der Vater Am Grunde der Moldau An den Ufern Eight Days a week Ein Mann der sich Kolumbus nannt Eine Seefahrt El Paso Es Buurebüebli Aprite le porte Es säged alli Lüüt Go down Moses Good luck charme Have you ever seen the rain Hello Mary Lou Hey Jude Hey Porter Honkytonk woman I ain't going honky-tonking any more I bin än Italiano I rcall a gipsy woman Ich kenne Europas Zonen Irish Molly 'O Arabisch Aux Champs Elysées Banana Boat Banks of the Ohio Beinhart Bella Ciao Blowing in the wind Bolle Ca va pas changer le monde Chevalier de la table ronde Come back Liza Darling Das alte Haus von Rocky-Tocky Die blauen Dragoner Die Nacht ist ohne Ende Donna, donna Don't take your guns to town Down by the riverside Down on the corner Down-Town Drei Zigeuner Dschingis Khan It seems so long ago It's a long way to Tipperary Jamaica farewell John Brown's body Joshua fit the battle of Jericho Kanonensong Katjuscha Kein schöner Land Kriminal Tango La fleur aux dents La jardinière du roi La paloma Lady in Black Lemon Tree Let it be Lodi Lookin' out my back door Lucille Lustig ist das Zigeunerleben Männer sind Schweine Midnight special My bonny is over the ocean My darling Clementine Negeraufstand Nights in white satin Ob-la-di ob-la-da Oh sinner man Oh Susanna Oh when the saints Old Mc Donald had a farm Piano man Put your hand Quando si pianta Ring of fire Rittersong Rolling home Schweizerspalm She'll be coming 'round Shut up your face Si tu t'appelkes mélancolie Sonderzug nach Pankow s'Ramseiers Stifeli muess stärbe Streets of London Sunny afternoon Surfin' USA Suzanne Take me home country roads The animals The Boxer The Boys of the old brigade The Great Titanic The promised land The House of the Rising Sun Tom Dooley (Deutsch) Tom Dooley (English) Travailler c'est trop dur Vieni sulla barchetta Waldeslust Wenn wir erklimmen What shall we do with the drunken sailor When I'm sixty four Whiskey in the jar Who'll stop the rain Wir lagern vor Madagaskar z'Basel uf de Brugg Zwei Affen 500 MILES If you miss the train I am on, you will know that I am gone, you can hear the whistle blow 500 miles. A hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles. Lord, I’m one and Lord I’m two, Lord, I’m three an’ Lord I'm four, Lord, I’m five hundred miles away from home. Away from home, away from home, away from home, away from home. Lord I’m 500 miles away from home. Not a shirt is on my back, not a penny to my name, Lord I cannot go back home this away. 1. Strophe nochmals Inhal ALL MY LOVING Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you tomorrow I’ll miss you, remember I’ll always be true. And then while I’m away, I’ll write home everyday, and I’ll send all my loving to you. I’ll pretend that I’m kissing the lips I’m missing, and hope that my dreams will come true. And then while I’m away, I’ll write home every day, and I’ll send all my loving to you. All my loving I will send to you. All my loving, darling, I’ll be true Inhal ALL NIGHTS ALL DAYS Refr.: All nights all days, angels watching over me my Lord. All nights all days, angels watching over me. Now I lay me down to sleep, angels watching over me my Lord, pray the Lord my soul to keep, angels watching over me. If I die before I wake, angels watching over me my Lord, pray the Lord my soul to take, angels watching over me. Inhalt ALS DER VATER MIT DEM SOHNE Als der Vater mit dem Sohne auf der Landstrasse ging, radaplumerada plumerada plum plum plum, ein alter Gauner am Galgen hing, radaplumerada plumerada plum plum plum, und er wollte wieder aben und er konnte nicht, radaplumerada plumerada plum plum plum, und die Raben hackten ihm ins Angesicht, radaplumerada plumerada plum plum plum. Der Vater zu dem Sohne spricht, an einen Galgen häng dich nicht, denn da willst du wieder aben und das kannst du nicht, und die Raben hacken dir ins Angesicht Doch eh’ ein halbes Jahr verging, der Sohn schon an dem Galgen hing, und er wollte wieder aben und er konnte nicht, und die Raben hackten ihm ins Angesicht. und die Moral von der Geschicht’, an einen Galgen häng dich nicht, denn da willst du wieder aben und das kannst du nicht, und die Raben hacken dir ins Angesicht. Inhalt AM GRUNDE DER MOLDAU Am Grunde der Moldau wandern die Steine, es liegen drei Kaiser begraben in Prag. Das Grosse bleibt gross nicht und klein nicht das Kleine. Die Nacht hat 12 Stunden, dann kommt schon der Tag. Es wechseln die Zeiten, die riesigen Pläne der Mächtigen kommen am Ende zu Fall. Und gehen sie einher auch wie blutige Hähne, es wechseln die Zeiten, da hilft kein’ Gewalt. Inhalt AN DEN UFERN An den Ufern des Mexico-Rivers, zieht ein Wagen so ruhig dahin, und ich bin ja so glücklich und zufrieden, dass auch ich ein Cowboy bin. Bin im Westen von Texas geboren, mit den Pferden da kenn ich mich aus. Seht dort drüben am Waldrand dort steht es, mein geliebtes Rancherhaus. Wenn am Abend die Feuer entflammen, dann schlägt höher dem Cowboy sein Herz, und er träumt von vergangener Liebe, und von Treue und Sehnsucht und Schmerz. Wenn ich einmal muss reiten ins Jenseits, wann gekommen mein letzter Tag, dann gräbt ihr mir Cowboys als letztes, an den Ufern des Rivers mein Grab. Inhalt APRITE LE PORTE Aprite le porte che passano, che passano, aprite le porte che passano i ticines. Refr.: E come la sona ben, la banda, la banda, e come la sona ben, la banda la banda, e come la sona ben, la banda di solda. Fa mal i pè, fa mal i pè, sa marcia mal, sa marcia mal sul marciapè, fa mal i pè, fa mal i pè, sa marcia mal, sa marcia mal sul marcia pè. E vieni alla finestra, oi bruna, oi bella bruna, e vieni alla finestra, oi bruna, farem l'lamor. Siam giovani e siam soldati e per la Patria e per la Patria, siam giovani e siam soldati e per la Patria sappiam morir. Inhalt ARABISCH Dr Sidi Abdel Assar vo El Hama, het mal am morge früe no im pijama, ir Strass vor dr Moschee, zwöi schöni Ouge gseh, das isch dr Afang worde wo sym Drama. S’isch d'Tochter gsy vom Mohamed Mustafa, dr Abdel Assar het nümm chönne schlafa, bis er bim Mohammed, um d’Hand aghalte hät, und gseit: I biete hundertfüfzig schaf a. Dr Mohamed het gantwortet: bi Allah, es fröit mi, dass my Tochter dir het gfalla, doch wärt isch si, my Seel, zwöihundertzwänzg Kamel, und drunder chan i dir se uf ke Fall la. Da het dr Abdel Assar gseit: o Sidi, uf son e tüüre Handel gang i nid y, isch furt, het gly druf scho, e billigeri gno, wo nid so schön isch gsy, drfür e gschydi. Doch wenn es Nacht wird über dr Sahara, luegt är dr Mond am Himmel häll und klar a, und truuret hie und da, de schöne Ouge na, und dänkt: Hätt i doch früecher afa spara. Inhalt AUX CHAMPS ÉLYSEES Je me baladais sur l’avenue le cœur ouvert à l’inconnu j’avais envie de dire bonjour à n’importe qui. N’importe qui il suffit toi, je te dis n’importe quoi il suffisait de te parler pour t’apprivoiser. Refr.: Aux Champs Élysées, aux Champs Élysées, au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit, il y a tout c’ que vous voulez aux Champs Élysées. Tu m’as dit: J’ai rendez-vous dans un sous-sol avec des fous qui vivent la guitare à la main du soir au matin. Alors je t’ai accompagnée, on a chanté on a dansé, et l’on a même pas pensé à s’embrasser. Hier soir deux inconnus et ce matin l’avenue deux amoureux tout étourdis par la longue nuit. Et de l’étoile a la concorde, un orchestre à mille cordes, tous les oiseaux du point du jour chantent l’amour. Inhalt BANANA BOAT Day-o, day-o, daylight break, me wanna go home, daylight break, me wanna go home. Come missa tallyman, tally me banana, daylight break, me wanna go home, daylight break, me wanna go home. Have six foot seven foot eight foot bunch, daylight ... A clerk man a check but him check with caution, daylight ... My back just broke with bare exhaustion, daylight ... Inhalt BANKS OF THE OHIO I asked my love to take a walk, to take a walk just a little walk, down beside where the waters flow, down by the banks of the Ohio. Refr.: And only say that you’ll be mine, in no others arms entwine, down beside where the waters flow, down by the banks of the Ohio. I held a knife against her breast, as into my arms she pressed, she cried: Oh Willie don’t murder me, I’m not prepared for eternity. I started home ’tween twelve and one, I cried my god what have I done, killed the only woman that I loved, because she would not be my bride. Inhalt BEINHART Beinhart wie’n Rocker, beinhart wie’n Schocker, beinhart wie’n Flasch’ Bier, beinhart geht das ab hier. Wir geh’n nicht schick in die Restaurants, und knabbern vor niemand Hummerschwanz. Wir duften nicht nach O de Tolett, bei uns schnuppert man das Kettenfett. Refr.: Wir radeln easy über Berg und Tal, stoppen kann uns nur ein Begrenzungspfahl. Dängeldängeldängeldängeldängel. Beinhart wie’n Rocker, beinhart wie’n Schocker, beinhart wie’n Flasch’ Bier, beinhart geht das ab hier. Stell den Campingwagen nicht dahin, oder Du hast einen Tunnel drin. Mach sie nicht zu, lass sie auf die Schranke, lass uns da durch da sonst gibt das Zanke. An die Kuh und an den Bullen vorbei, überhol’n wir auch die Polizei. Wir sind die Wilden und nicht zu zügeln, wenn wir über alle Pisten bügeln. Inhalt BELLA CIAO Questa mattina, mi sono alzato, o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao, questa mattina, mi sono alzato, e ho trovato l'invasor. 0 partigiano, porta mi via, o bella ciao... o partigiano, porta mi via, ché io mi sento di morir. Se io muoio, da partigiano, o bella ciao ... se io muoio. da partigiano, tu mi devi seppellir. Mi seppellirai là, sulla montagna, o bella ciao... mi seppellirai la, sulla montagna, sotto l'ombra d'un bel fior. E tutti quelli che passeranno, o bella ciao ... e tutti quelli che passeranno, diranno “lo che bel fiore". Questo è il fiore del partigiano, o bella ciao ... questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la liberta. Inhalt BLOWING IN THE WIND How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? How many seas must the white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand? How many times must the cannon balls fly before they’re forever banned? Ref.: The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind. How many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea? How many years can some people exist before they're allowed to be free? How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see? How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky? How many years must a man have up before he can hear people cry? How many dead will it take till he knows that too many people have died? Inhalt BOLLE Bolle reiste jüngst nach Pfingsten, den Pankow war sein Ziel, da verlor er seinen Jüngsten ganz plötzlich im Gewühl, ’ne volle halbe Stunde hat er nach ihm gespürt. Refr.: Aber dennoch hat sich Bolle ganz köstlich amüsiert. Aber dennoch hat sich Bolle ganz köstlich amüsiert. Er nahm den Schirm, zack zack, und schirmte los, zack zack, denn so ein Schirm der ist famos. Er nahm den Schirm, zack zack, und schirmte los, denn so ein Schirm der ist famos. In Pankow gab’s kein Essen, in Pankow gab’s kein Bier, war alles aufgefressen von fremden Gästen hier, nicht eine Butterstolle hat man ihm reserviert. Auf der Schönholzerheide, da gab’s ne Keilerei, und Bolle gar nicht feige, war feste mit dabei, hat’s Messer ’rausgezogen und fünfe massakriert. Es fing schon an zu tagen, als er sein Heim erblickt, das Hemd war ohne Kragen, das Nasenbein geknickt, das rechte Auge fehlte, das linke marmoriert. Als er nach Haus gekommen, da ging’s ihm erst recht schlecht, da hat ihn seine Olle Inhalt ganz fürchterlich verdrescht, ne volle halbe Stunde hat sie auf ihm poliert. Als Bolle wollte sterben, hat er sich’s überlegt. Er hat sich auf die Schienen der SBB gelegt. Das Züglein hat Verspätung, doch vierzehn Tage drauf, da las man unsern Bolle als Dörrgemüse auf. CA VA PAS CHANGER LE MONDE C’est drôle, tu es partie et pourtant tu es encore ici. Puisque tout me parle de toi, un parfum de femme, l’écho de ta voix. Ton adieu, je n’y crois pas de tout. C’est un au revoir, presqu’un rendez-vous. Ca va pas changer le monde, il a trop tourné sans nous. Il pleuvra toujours sur Londres, ca va rien changer du tout. Qu’est c’que ca peut bien lui faire, une porte qui s’est refermée. On s’est aimés, n’en parlons plus, et la vie continue Ca va pas changer le monde, que tu changes de maison. Il va continuer le monde, et il aura bien raison. Les poussières d’une étoile, c’est ca qui fait briller la voie lactée. On s’est aimés, n’en parlons plus, et la vie continue. Ca va pas changer le monde, ca va pas le déranger. Il est comme avant le monde, c’est toi seule qui a changé. Moi je suis resté le même, celui qui croyait que tu l’aimais. C’était pas vrai, n’en parlons plus, et la vie continue. Inhalt CHEVALIER DE LA TABLE RONDE Chevalier de la table ronde, goûtons boire si le vin est bon. Refr.: Goûtons boire, oui, oui, oui, goûtons boire, non, non, non, goûtons boire si le vin est bon. J'en boirai cinq à six bouteilles, une femme sur mes genoux. Si je meure, je veux qu’on m’enterre dans la cave où il y a du bon vin. Les deux pieds contre murailles et la tête sous le robinet. Et les quatre plus grands ivrognes porteront les quatre coins de drap. Sur ma tombe je veux qu’on m’inscrive: Ici gît le roi des buveurs. Inhalt COME BACK LIZA Ev’ry time I’m away from Liza water comes to my eyes. Ev’ry time I’m away from Liza water comes to my eyes. Refr.: Come back Liza, come back girl, wipe the tears from my eyes. Come back Liza, come back girl, wipe the tears from my eyes. I remember when love was new, water comes to my eyes, there was one but want is two, water comes to my eyes. When the evening starts to fall, water comes to my eyes, I need to hear my Liza’s call, water comes to my eyes. Standing there in the market place, water comes to my eyes, soon I’ll feel her warm embrace, water comes to my eyes. In the shadow I stand a while, water comes to my eyes, soon I’ll see my Liza’s smile, water comes to my eyes. Inhalt DARLING Darling, I’m feeling pretty lonesome, I’d call you on the phone some, but I don’t have the time. Darling, you’re so far behind me, tomorrow’s gonna find me farther down the line. I take a piece of paper, pencil in my hand, I’m gonna write ... Darling, you know I feel the cold nights, thinking of the old nights spent along with you. Darling, a tear is in my eye now, I know that I can try now, to make it back to you ... oh darling Darling, I love more than ever, I wish we were together, darling mine. Inhalt DAS ALTE HAUS VON ROCKY-TOCKY Dieses Haus ist alt und hässlich, dieses Haus ist kahl und leer, denn seit mehr als 50 Jahren da bewohnt es keiner mehr. Dieses Haus ist halb zerfallen, und es knarrt und stöhnt und weint, dieses Haus ist noch viel schlimmer als es scheint. Ref.: Das alte Haus von Rocky-Tocky hat vieles schon erlebt, kein Wunder dass es zittert, kein Wunder dass es bebt. Das alte Haus von Rocky-Tocky sah Angst und Pein und Not, es wartet jeden Abend aufs neue Morgenrot. Dieses Haus hat faule Schindeln und der Sturm der macht es krank und die alten morschen Balken waschen Schnee und Regen blank. Dieses Haus hat keine Farbe und der Rost, der nagt und frisst, bis das ganze Haus ein einz’ger Rostfleck ist. Dieses Haus ist voller Stimmen die kein Sterblicher versteht, dieses Haus ist voller Seufzer, wenn der Nachtwind es umweht. Dieses Haus hat viele Türen, doch nicht eine führt hinaus, denn wer drin ist der bleibt drin in diesem Haus. Inhalt DIE BLAUEN DRAGONER Die blauen Dragoner, sie reiten mit klingendem Spiel durch das Tor. Fanfaren sie begleiten hell zu den Hügeln empor, hell zu den Hügeln empor. Die wiehernden Rosse, sie stampfen, die Birken, sie wiegen im Wind. Die Fähnlein auf den Lanzen flattern im Morgenwind, flattern im Morgenwind. Und morgen, da müssen sie reiten, mein Liebster wird bei ihnen sein. Und morgen in alle Weiten, morgen, da bin ich allein, morgen, da bin ich allein. Inhalt DIE NACHT IST OHNE ENDE Die Nacht ist ohne Ende, der Himmel ohne Stern, die Strasse ohne Wende und was wir lieben fern. Refr.: ah ah ah ... Gebeugte Rücken tragen die harte schwere Last, und müde Schritte fragen, wann endlich kommt die Rast? Wann scheint die Sonne wieder, wann wird es hell und Licht, wann fällt der Kummer nieder, wann drückt die Not uns nicht. Geduld, es wird sich wenden, verlasst euch fest darauf, in Gottes weisen Händen liegt aller Welten Lauf. Inhalt DONNA DONNA Inhalt On a wagon bound for market, there’s a calf with a mournful eye. High above him there’s a swallow, winging swiftly through the sky. Refr.: How the winds are laughing, they laugh with all their might, laugh and laugh the whole day through and half the summer’s night. Donna donna donna donna donna donna donna don ... Stop complaining, said the farmer, who told you a calf to be? Why don't you have wings to fly with, like the swallow so proud and free? Calves are easily bound and slaughtered, never knowing the reason why. But who ever treasures freedom, like the swallow has learned to fly. DON’T TAKE YOUR GUNS TO TOWN A young cowboy named Billy-Joe grew restless on a farm. A boy filled with wanderlust who really meant no harm. He changed his clothes and chained his boots and combed his dark hair down. And his mother cried as he walked out Refr.: don’t take your guns to town. Son, leave your guns at home. Bill, don’t take your guns to town. He left and kissed his mum and said, your Billy-Joe’s a man. I can shoot as quick and straight, as anybody can. But I wouldn’t shoot without a course, I’d gun nobody down. But she cried again as he rode away ... He sang a song as on he rode, his guns hung at his hips. He rode into a cattle-town, a smile upon his lips. He stopped and walked into a bar, and laid his money down. But his mother’s words they called again ... He drank his first strong liquor then to calm his shaking hands. And tried to tell himself at least, he had become a man. A dusty cowboy got his side, began to let him down. And he heard again his mother’s words ... Inhalt Billy frayed then Billy-Joe reached for his gun to draw. But the stranger drew his gun and fired, before he even saw. As Billy-Joe fell to the floor, the crowd all got around, and wondered at his final words ... DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE I gonna lay down my heavy load, down by the riverside, down by the riverside, down by the riverside. I gonna lay down my heavy load, down by the riverside. Ref.: I ain't gonna study war no more, I ain't gonna study war no more, I ain't gonna study war no more. I’m goin’ to lay down my sword and shield ... I’m goin’ to put on my travellin’ shoes ... I’m goin’ to put on my long white robe ... I’m goin’ to put on my starry crown ... I’m goin’ talk with the prince of peace ... Inhalt DOWN ON THE CORNER Inhalt Early in the evenin’, just about supper time, over by the courthouse, they’re starting to unwind. Four kids on the corner trying to bring you up. Willy picks a tune out and he blows it on the harp. Ref.: Down on the corner, out in the street, Willy and the poor boys are playin’, bring a nickel, tap your feet. Rooster hits the washboard, and people just got to smile. Blinky thumbs the gut bass and solos for a while. Poor boy twangs the rhythm out on his Kalamazoo, Willy goes into a dance and doubles on kazoo. You don’t need a penny, just to hang around. But if you’ve got a nickel, won’t you lay your money down? Over on the corner there’s a happy noise. People come from all around to watch the magic boys DOWN-TOWN When you’re alone and life is making you lonely you can always go down-town. When you’ve got worries all the noise and the hurries seems to help I know. Down-town. Just listen to music of the traffic in the city. Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty. How can you loose? The lights are much brighter there, you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares. So go down-town, things’ll be great when you’re down-town. No finer place for sure, down-town. Ev’rything’s waiting for you. Don’t hang around and let your problems surround you, there are movie shows down-town. Maybe you know some little places to go to where they never close, down-town. Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle Bossa Nova, you’ll be dancing with’em too before the night is over, happy again. The lights are much brighter there, you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares. So go down-town, where all the lights are bright, down-town. Waiting for you tonight, down-town. You’re gonna be alright now. Inhalt .... .... .... .... And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you. Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to guide them along. So, maybe I’ll see you there, we can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares. So go down-town, things’ll be great when you’re down-town, don’t wait a minute more, down town, ev’rything’s waiting for you. DREI ZIGEUNER Drei Zigeuner sah ich einmal liegen an einer Strasse, als mein Fuhrwerk mit müder Qual schlich durch die sandige Weide. Hielt der eine für sich allein in den Händen die Fiedel, spielte umglüht vom Abendschein sich ein feuriges Liedel. Hielt der zweite die Pfeife im Mund blickte nach seinem Rauche, als ob er vom Erdenrund nichts zum Glücke mehr brauche. Und der dritte behaglich schlief und sein Zimbal am Baum hing, über die Saiten ein Windhauch strich, über sein Herz ein Traum ging. An den Kleidern trugen die drei Löcher und bunte Flicken, aber sie boten trotzig und frei Spott den Erdengeschichten. Dreifach haben sie mir gezeigt, wenn das Leben uns nachtet, wie man's verraucht, verschläft und vergeigt und es dreimal verachtet. Inhalt DSCHINGIS KHAN Inhalt Sie ritten um die Wette mit dem Steppenwind, tausend Mann (Haa, Huu, Haa) Und einer ritt voran, dem folgten alle blind, Dschingis Khan (Haa, Huu, Haa) Die Hufe ihrer Pferde durchpeitschten den Sand Sie trugen Angst und Schrecken in jedes Land Und weder Blitz noch Donner hielt sie auf (Huu, Haa) Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan He Reiter - Ho Leute - He Reiter - Immer weiter! Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan Auf Brüder! - Sauft Brüder! - Rauft Brüder! - Immer wieder! Lasst noch Wodka holen (Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho) Denn wir sind Mongolen (Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha) Und der Teufel kriegt uns früh genug! Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan He Reiter - Ho Leute - He Reiter - Immer weiter! Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan He Männer - Ho Männer - Tanzt Männer - So wie immer! Und man hört ihn lachen (Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho) Immer lauter lachen (Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha) Und er leert den Krug in einem Zug (Haa, Huu, Ha, Hu, Huu, Haa, Hu, Ha, Hu, Huu, Haa, Hu, Ha, Hu) Und jedes Weib, das ihm gefiel, das nahm er sich in sein Zelt (Haa, Huu, Haa) Es hieß, die Frau, die ihn nicht liebte, gab es nicht auf der Welt (Haa, Huu, Haa) Er zeugte sieben Kinder in einer Nacht Und über seine Feinde hat er nur gelacht Denn seiner Kraft konnt keiner widerstehen (Huu, Haa) Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan He Reiter - Ho Leute - He Reiter - Immer weiter! Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan Auf Brüder! - Sauft Brüder! - Rauft Brüder! - Immer wieder! Lasst noch Wodka holen (Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho) Denn wir sind Mongolen (Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha) Und der Teufel kriegt uns früh genug! Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan He Reiter - Ho Leute - He Reiter - Immer weiter! Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan He Männer - Ho Männer - Tanzt Männer - So wie immer! Und man hört ihn lachen (Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho) Immer lauter lachen (Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha) Und er leert den Krug in einem Zug ... (Huu, Haa, Hu, Ha, Ha) EIGHT DAYS A WEEK Ooh I need your love babe, guess you know it's true. Hope you need my love babe, just like I need you. Hold me, love me, hold me, love me. I ain't got nothing but love babe, eight days a week. Love you ev'ry day girl, always on my mind. One thing I can say girl, love you all the time. Hold me, love me, hold me, love me. I ain't got nothing but love girl, eight days a week. Eight days a week I love you. Eight days a week is not enough to show I care. Ooh I need your love babe, guess you know it's true. Hope you need my love babe, just like I need you. Hold me, love me, hold me, love me. I ain't got nothing but love babe, eight days a week. Eight days a week I love you. Eight days a week is not enough to show I care. Love you ev'ry day girl, always on my mind. One thing I can say girl, love you all the time. Hold me, love me, hold me, love me. Inhalt I ain't got nothing but love girl, eight days a week, eight days a week, eight days a week. EIN MANN DER SICH KOLUMBUS NANNT’ Ein Mann der sich Kolumbus nannt’, widi widi wip bum bum, war in der Schifffahrt wohl bekannt, widi widi wip bum bum. Es drückten ihn die Sorgen schwer, er suchte neues Land im Meer. Refr.: Gloria Viktoria, widi widi wip bum bum heirassa, Gloria Viktoria, widi widi wip bum bum. Als er den Morgenkaffe trank ... da rief er fröhlich: Gott sei Dank ... denn schnell kam mit dem ersten Tram der span’sche König bei ihm an. Kolumbus, sprach er, lieber Mann ... du hast schon manche Tat getan ... Eins fehlt noch unsern Gloria: entdecke mir Amerika. Gesagt, getan, ein Mann, ein Wort ... am selben Tag fuhr er noch fort ... Und eines Morgens rief er: Land, wie deucht mich alles so bekannt. Das Volk am Strand stand stumm und zag ... da rief Kolumbus: guten Tag ... Ist hier vielleicht Amerika? Da riefen alle Wilden, ja. Die Wilden waren sehr erschreckt ... und riefen all: wir sind entdeckt ... Der Häuptling rief ihm: Lieber Mann, du bist ja der Kolumbus dann ... Inhalt EINE SEEFAHRT Eine Seefahrt, die ist lustig, eine Seefahrt, die ist schön, denn da kann man fremde Länder und noch vieles andre sehn. Ref.: Hollahi, hollaho, holla hia hia hia hia hollaho. Hollahi, hollaho, holla hia hia hia hia ho. In der einen Hand den Öltopf in der andern Hand den Twist, und dazu die grosse Schnauze, fertig ist der Maschinist. In des Bunkers tiefen Gründen, zwischen Kohlen ganz versteckt pennt der allerfaulste Stocker bis der Obermaat ihn weckt. Komm mal rauf mein Herzensjunge, komm mal rauf du faules Schwein, nicht mal Kohlen kannst du trimmen und ein Stocker willst du sein. Und er haut ihm vor die Fresse, dass er in die Kohlen fällt und die heil’gen zwölf Apostel für ’ne Räuberbande hält. Und der Koch in der Kombüse ist ’ne dicke, fette Sau, mit den Händen im Gemüse, mit den Füssen im Kakau. Mit der Fleischbank schwer beladen, schwankt der Seemann übers Deck, doch das Fleisch ist voller Maden, dass er denkt es läuft ihm weg. Inhalt In der Heimat angekommen fängt ein neues Leben an, eine Frau wird sich genommen, Kinder bringt der Weihnachtsmann. EL PASO Inhalt Out in the west Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl. Night-time would find me in Rosa’s cantina, music would play and Felina would whirl. Blacker then night were the eyes of Felina, wicked and evil while casting a spell. My love was deep for this Mexican maiden, I was in love but in vain I could tell. One night a wild young cowboy came in, wild as the west Texas wind, dashing and daring a drink he was sharing, with wicked Felina the girl that I loved. So in anger, I challenged his right for the love of this maiden, down went his hand for the gun that he wore. My challenge was answered in less than a heartbeat, the handsome young stranger lay dead on the floor. Just for a moment I stood there in silence, shocked by the foul evil deed I had done. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there, I had but one chance and that was to run. Out through the back door of Rosa’s I ran, out where the horses were tied. I caught a good one, it looked like it could run, up on its back and away I did ride. Just as fast as I could from this west Texas town of El Paso, out to the badlands of New Mexico. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back in El Paso my live would be worthless. Ev’ry thing’s gone, in life nothing is left. It’s been so long since I’ve seen the young maiden, my love is stronger then my fear of death. I saddled up and away I did go, riding alone in the dark. Maybe tomorrow a bullet will find me, tonight nothing’s worse than this pain in my heart. And at last here I am on the hill overlooking El Paso, I can see Rosa’s cantina below. My love is strong and it pushes me onward, down off the hill to Felina I go. Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys, off to my left ride a dozen or more. Shouting and shooting I can’t let then catch me, I have to make it to Rosa’s back door. Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel deep burning pain in my side. Though I am trying to stay in the saddle, I’m getting weary unable to ride. But my love for Felina is strong and I rise where I’ve fallen, though I am weary I can’t stop to rest. I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle, I feel the bullet go deep in my chest. From out of nowhere Felina has found me, kissing my cheek as she kneels by my side. Cradled by two loving arms that I’ll die for, one little kiss then Felina good bye. ES BUUREBÜEBLI Inhalt Es Buurebüebli mahn i nit, das gseht me mer wohl a juhe, es Buurebüebli mahn i nit, das gseht me mer wohl a. Ref.: Fidiri, fidira, fidirallala, fidirallala, fidirallala, es Buurebüebli mahn i nit, das gseht me mer wohl a. S’mues eine si gar hübsch und fii, darf keini Fehler ha juhe, s’mues eine si gar hübsch und fii, darf keini Fehler ha. Und Herrebüebli gits ja nid, wo keini Fehler hei juhe, und Herrebüebli gits ja nid, wo keini Fehler hei. Drum blib i ledig bis i Hochzig ha, so het die Lieb es End juhe, drum blib i ledig bis i Hochzig ha, so het die Lieb es End. ES SÄGED ALLI LÜT Es säged alli Lüt, mer heiget Flöh. Was got das andri a, mer findets schö. Ref.: Holt je, holt je, holt ja lalalala, holt je, holt je, holt ja lalalala. Holt je, holt je, holt ja lalalala, holt je, holt je, holt jo, i ah. Es säged ali Lüt, mer seiget Affe. Was got das andri a, si müend nöd gaffe. Es säged ali Lüt, mer seiged Chälber. Was got das andri a, sie sinds jo selber. Es säged ali Lüt, mer heiget Wanze. Was got das andri a, mer lönd si tanze. Inhalt GO DOWN MOSES Refr.: Go down Moses, way down in Egypt’s land, tell ol’ Pharaoh, to let my people go. When Israel was in Egypt’s land, let my people go, oppress’d so hard they could not stand, let my people go. Thus spoke the Lord, old Moses said, let my people go, if not I’ll smite your firstborn dead, let my people go. Oh let us all from bondage flee, let my people go, and let us all in Christ be free, let my people go. Inhalt GOOD LUCK CHARM Inhalt Don’t want a four leaf clover, don’t want an old horse shoe. Want your kiss cause I just can’t miss with a good luck charm like you. Refr.: Come on and be my little good luck charm, uh-huh-huh, you sweet delight. I want a good luck charm hanging on my arm, to have, to have to hold, to hold, tonight. Don’t want a silver dollar, rabbit’s foot on a string. The happiness in your warm caress no rabbit’s foot can bring. Uh-huh-huh... oh, yeah... Uh-huh-huh tonight. I’d found a lucky penny, I’d toss it across the bay. Your love is worth all the gold on earth. No wonder that I say: HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE RAIN Someone told me long ago, there’s a calm before the storm. I know, and it’s been coming for some time. When it’s over so they say, it’ll bring a sunny day. I know, shining down like water. Refr.: I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain, coming down on a sunny day? Yesterday and days before, sun is cold and rain is hot. I know, been that way for all my time. Till forever on it goes, fills the circle fast and slow. I know, and it can’t stop my wonder. Inhalt HELLO MARY LOU Refr.: Hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart, sweet Mary Lou, I’m so in love with you. I knew Mary Lou, we’d never part, so hello Mary Lou, goodbye heart. Passed me by one sunny day, flashed those big brown eyes my way, and ooh, I wanted you for ever more. Now I’m not one that gets around, I swear my feet stuck to the ground, and though I never did meet you before I said ... I saw you lips, I heard your voice, believe me I just had no choice, wild horses couldn’t make me stay away. I thought about a moonlit night, my arms around you good and tight, that’s all I had see for me to stay. I said ... So hello, Mary Lou, goodbye heart, yes hello, Mary Lou goodbye heart. Inhalt HEY JUDE Inhalt Hey Jude, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better. Hey Jude, don’t be afraid, you were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better. And any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, don’t carry the world upon your shoulders. For now you know that it’s a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder. Da da da... Hey Jude, don’t let me down, you have found her, now go and get her. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better. So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, you’re waiting for someone to perform with. And don’t you know that it’s just you, hey Jude, you’ll do. The movement you need is on your shoulder. Hey Jude, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start and make it better.. HEY PORTER Inhalt Hey porter, hey porter, would you tell me the time? How much longer would it be to cross that Mason-Dixon Line? At daylight would you tell that engineer to slow it down, or I’d better still to stop the train ’cause I wanna look around. Hey porter, hey porter, what time did you say? How much longer would it be that like till I see the light of day? When we hit Dixie would you tell that engineer to ring his bell, and ask everybody that ain’t asleep to stand right up in the aisle. Hey porter, hey porter it’s getting light outside! This old train is puffing smoke and I have to strain my eyes. But I ask that engineer if he will blow his whistle please, ’cause I smell frost on cotton leaves and I feel that certain breeze. Hey porter, hey porter, please get my bags for me. I need nobody to tell me now that we’re in Tennessee. Go tell that engineer to make that lonesome whistle scream, we’re not so far from home, so take it easy on the steam. Hey porter, hey porter, please open up the door. When we stop the train I wanna get out first, ’cause I can’t wait no more. Go tell that engineer I said thanks a lot and I didn’t mind the fare, I wanna set my feet on southern soil and breathe that southern air! HONKY-TONK WOMAN I met a gin soaked barroom queen in Memphis. She tried to take me upstairs for a ride. She had to heave me right across her shoulder ’Cause I just can’t seem to drink you off my mind. Refr.: It’s the Honky-Tonk Women. Gimme, gimme, gimme the honky-tonk blues. I laid a divorcee in New York City. I had to put up some kind of fight. The lady then she covered me with roses, she blue my nose and then she blew my mind. Inhalt I AIN’T GOING HONKY-TONKING ANYMORE I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore. I know that I have said the same before. Trouble’s all I’ve ever found, and it almost got me down. I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore! My good girl has really got me wrong, I guess that’s why I hate to stay at home, I gave her ev’ry thing I had, and then she treated me so bad. I ain’t going honky-tonking any more. Somehow life has treated me unfair, but I love a girl that just don’t seem to care. I surely wish that I could loose this, don’t going honky-tonking" blues. I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore. I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore. I know that I have said the same before. Trouble’s all I’ve ever found, and it just about got me down. I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore! Something tells me I had better stopped, for if I don’t adjust might blow my top. I’m gonna change my rowdy ways, and trying to see a few better days. Lord I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore I waked up on the floor beside my bed, I felt it, there was nuts upon my head. Must have gotten two or five, I wonder what I did last night. I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore No, I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore! I know that I have said the same before. Inhalt Trouble’s all I’ve ever found, and it almost got me down. I ain’t going honky-tonking anymore! I BIN ÄN ITALIANO I bin än Italiano, und spielä guet Piano, i gangä i Fabrigg, und mache Stugg um Stugg. Refr.: O mia bella, cara Margareta, wohne dir gerade visavia, bringe dir ä chline Standelio, oi, chum ä bitzeli abä, o söli ufä cho. Du bis ä cheibi netti, häs goldni Uhregghetti, häs vili Geld im Sagg, und eigeni Baragg. Du mues mi nöt uslagge, mit miner Murerjagge, mit miner Murerschurz, sie is mer pocco kurz. Und tues mi nöd eröre, so tuen i mi verswöre, i stürze mi i Fluet, und magge mi kaputt. Inhalt I RECALL A GIPSY WOMAN Silver coins let jingle jingle, fancy shoes, that dancing time, all the secrets of her dark eyes seem to sing a gipsy rhyme. Yellow clover in tangled blossoms in a meadow silky dream, where she held me to her bosom when I’s just a boy of seventeen. I recall a gipsy woman, silver spangles in her eyes. I rescued against the moonlight and the taste of life sweet wine. A gentle breeze from frequent meadows stirs the darkness in my mind. Oh gentle woman, you sleep beside me, and your little no, drew hon’st my mind. Gipsy lady, I hear your laughter, as it dances through my head, while my tender wife and baby slumber softly in their beds. I recall a gipsy woman, silver spangles in her eyes. I rescued against the moonlight, the thrilling taste of life sweet wine. Inhalt ICH KENNE EUROPAS ZONEN Ich kenne Europas Zonen, vom Ural bis westlich Paris, die Händel der grossen Nationen, der Klassen und Konfessionen sind für mich nur fauler Beschiss. Ich bin ein gemeiner zerlumpter Zigeuner, ich habe keine Heimat, kein Geld, nur mein Pferd und die sonnige Welt. Ich streifte von Hollands Grachten bis weit in das russische Reich. Ich konnte die Menschen betrachten und lernte sie gründlich verachten, im Grunde sind alle gleich. Sie schreien: gemeiner zerlumpter Zigeuner. Sie schätzen unsern Wert nur nach Gold, mich, mein Pferd und die sonnige Welt Sie fragten nach meinen Papieren, ich streckte die Zunge heraus. Sie wollten mich nummerieren, in Büchern und Listen führen, ich lachte sie einfach aus: Ich bin ein gemeiner zerlumpter Zigeuner, doch Freiheit ist besser als Geld, für mich, mein Pferd und die sonnige Welt. Inhalt IRISH MOLLY ‘O Molly dear now did you hear the news that’s going round? Down in a corner of my heart a love is what I’ve found. And every time I look into your Irish eyes so blue, they seem to whisper „Darling boy, my love is all for you“ Refr.: Oh Molly, my Irish Molly, my sweet achusla dear. I’m fairly off my trolley, my Irish Molly, when you are near. Springtime you know is ring time, come dear now don’t be slow. Change your name go out with game, begorra wouldn’t I do the same, my Irish Molly O. Molly dear now did you hear I furnished up the flat. Three little cosy rooms with bath and ‘welcome’ on the mat. It’s five pounds down and two a week, we’ll soon be out of debt. It’s all complete except they haven’t brought the cradle yet. Molly dear and did you hear what all the neighbours say. About the hundred sovereigns you have safely stowed away. They say that’s why I love you, ah but Molly that’s a shame, Inhalt if you had only ninety-nine, I’d love you just the same. IT SEEMS SO LONG AGO It seems so long ago, Nancy was alone. Looking at the late, late show trough a semiprecious stone. In the house of Honesty her father was on trial. In the house of mystery there was no one at all, there was no one at all. It seems so long ago, Nancy was alone. A forty-five beside her head an open telephone. We told here she was beautiful, we told her she was free. But none of us would meet her in the house of mystery, in the house of mystery. It seems so long ago, none of us were strong. Nancy wore green stockings, and she slept with everyone. She never said she’d wait for us, although she was alone. I think she fell in love for us, in nineteen sixty-one, in nineteen sixty-one. And now you look around, you see her everywhere. Many use her body, many comb her hair. And in the hollow of the night, Inhalt when you are cold and numb, you hear her talking freely then, she’s happy that you’ve come, she’s happy that you’ve come. IT’S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY Inhalt Up to mighty London came an Irish man one day, as the streets are paved with gold and ev’ry one was gay. Singing songs of Piccadilly, Strand and Leicester Square, till Paddy got excited, then he shouted to them there: Refr.: It’s a long way to Tipperary, it’s a long way to go. It’s a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know. Good bye Piccadilly, Good bye Leicester Square. It’s a long, long way to Tipperary, But my heart is right there. Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish Molly’O. Saying „Should you not receive it, write and let me know“ „If I make mistakes in spelling Molly dear“ said he „Remember it’s the pen that’s bad, don’t lay the blame on me. Molly wrote a neat reply to Irish Paddy’O. Saying „Mike Malloney wants to marry me and so“ „leave the Strand and Piccadilly or you’ll be to blame for love has fairly drove me silly hoping you’re the same.” JAMAICA FAREWELL Down the way where the nights are gay and the sun shines daily on the mountain top, I took a trip on a sailing ship and when I reached Jamaica I made a stop. Refr.: But I’m sad to say I’m on my way, won’t be back for many a day. My heart is down, my head is turning around, I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town. Sounds of laughter ev’ry where and the dancing girls swaying to and fro. I must declare, my heart is there, Tho’I’ve been from Maine to Mexico. Down at the market you can hear Ladies cry out while on their heads they bear, Ackey rice, salt fish are nice, and the rum is fine any time of year. Inhalt JOHN BROWN’S BODY John Brown’s body lies a mouldering in the grave, John Brown’s body lies a mouldering in the grave, John Brown’s body lies a mouldering in the grave, but his soul is marching on. Refr.: Glory, glory hallelujah. Glory, glory hallelujah Glory, glory hallelujah and his soul is marching on. The stars of heaven they are looking kindly down on the grave of old John Brown. He’s gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord and his soul is marching on. John Brown’s knapsack is strapp’d upon his back and his soul is marching on. His pet lambs will meet him on the way and they’ll go marching on. They will hang Jeff Davis from the highest apple tree as they go marching on. John Brown’s buddy has a pimple on his nose And the saint go marching on Inhalt JOSHUA FOUGHT THE BATTLE OF JERICHO Inhalt Refr.: Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down. You may talk about your king of Gideon, you may talk about your man of Saul, but there is no one like Joshua, at the battle of Jericho. Up to the walls of Jericho, he marched with spear in hand, go blow those ram horns, Joshua cried, ’cause the battle is in my hand. Then the lamb ram sheep horns begin to blow, the trumpets begin to sound. Old Joshua commanded the children to shout, and the walls came tumbling down. KANONENSONG John war darunter und Jim war dabei und Georgie ist Sergeant geworden doch die Armee, sie fragt keinen, wer er sei und sie marschierte hinauf nach dem Norden. Refr.: Soldaten wohnen auf den Kanon, vom Cap bis Couch Behar. Wenn es mal regnete und es begegnete ihnen ne neue Rasse, ne braune oder blasse, da machten sie daraus Beefsteak Tartar. Jonny war der Whisky zu warm und Jimmy hatte nie genug Decken. Aber Georgie nahm beide beim Arm und sagte, die Armee kann nicht verrecken. Jonny ist gestorben und Jimmy ist tot und Georgie vermisst und verdorben, aber Blut ist immer noch rot und für die Armee wird jetzt wieder geworben. Inhalt KEIN SCHÖNER LAND IN DIESER ZEIT Inhalt Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit, als wie das uns’re weit und breit, wo wir uns finden wohl unter Linden zur Abendzeit, wo wir uns finden wohl unter Linden zur Abendzeit. Da haben wir so manche Stund gesessen da in froher Rund und taten singen, die Lieder klingen im Talesgrund, und taten singen, die Lieder klingen im Talesgrund. Dass wir uns hier in diesem Tal noch treffen so viel hundertmal, Gott mag es schenken, Gott mag es lenken, er hat die Gnad, Gott mag es schenken, Gott mag es lenken, er hat die Gnad. Nun, Brüder, eine gute Nacht! Der Herr im hohen Himmel wacht, in seiner Güte uns zu behüten, ist er bedacht, in seiner Güte uns zu behüten, ist er bedacht. KRIMINAL TANGO Und sie tanzen einen Tango Jacky Brown und Baby Miller Und er sagt ihr leise Baby wenn ich austrink’ machst du dicht Dann bestellt er zwei Manhattan und dann kommt ein Herr mit Kneifer Jack trinkt aus und Baby zittert doch dann löscht sie schnell das Licht Kriminal Tango in der Taverne Dunkle Gestalten, rote Laterne Abend für Abend lodert die Lunte sprühende Spannung liegt in der Luft. Und sie tanzen einen Tango alle die davon nichts ahnen und sie fragen die Kapelle Hab’n sie nicht was Heisses da? Denn sie können ja nicht wissen was da zwischen Tag und Morgen in der nächtlichen Taverne bei dem Tango schon geschah Kriminal Tango in der Taverne Dunkle Gestalten, rote Laterne glühende Blicke, steigende Spannung und in die Spannung, da fällt ein Schuss Und sie tanzen einen Tango Jacky Brown und Baby Miller Und die Kripo kann nichts finden was daran verdächtig wär’ Nur der Herr da mit dem Kneifer dem der Schuss im Dunkel galt könnt’ vielleicht noch etwas sagen doch der Herr der sagt nichts mehr. Inhalt Kriminal Tango in der Taverne Dunkle Gestalten, rote Laterne Abend für Abend immer das gleiche denn dieser Tango geht nie vorbei. LA FLEUR AUX DENTS J'ai dépensé ma jeunesse comme une poignée de monnaie, j'ai fait un peut de tout, un peut par tout, sans savoir rien faire. La fleur aux dents, c'était tout ce que j'avais. Mais je savais bien que toutes les femmes du monde m'attendaient. Refr.: Il y a les filles dont on rêve et celles avec qui l'on dort. Il y a les filles qu'on regrette et celles qui laissent des remords. Il y a les filles que l'on aime, celles qu'on aurait plus aimer, puis un jour il y a la femme qu'on attendait. J'ai connu des lits de camp bien plus doux qu'un oreiller, et des festins du roi sur le zinc d'un buffet de gare. J'ai connu bien des gens, je les ai tous bien aimés, mais dans leur visage au fond je n'ai fait rien que te chercher. Un jour ici l'autre là, un jour riche et l'autre pas, j'avais faim de tout voir, de tout savoir, j'avais tellement à faire. A me tromper de chemin tant de fois, j'ai quand même fini par trouver celui qui mène à toi. Inhalt LA JARDINIERE DU ROI On dit que la plus belle, c'est toi, c'est toi. La pauvre jardinière du roi, du roi. Et quand le roi regarde, crois-moi, crois-moi. Jamais il ne prend garde à toi. Et quand le soir descend sur nous, sur nous, je cours auprès de toi, de toi, de toi. C'est pour dire à ma belle, crois-mois, crois-mois, je n'aime sur la terre que toi. Le jour de fête la reine, au roi, au roi, lui parle de mes peines de toi, de toi, et nous serons, j'espère crois-moi, crois-moi, jardinier, jardinière du roi. Inhalt LA PALOMA Si a tu venta nallega una paloma trata la con cariño ques mi persona cueñta le mis amores bien de mi vida corona la des flores que es cosa mia ay chinita que si, ay que dáme tu amor ay que vente con migo chinita a donde vivo yo Inhalt LADY IN BLACK Inhalt She came to me one morning, one lonely Sunday morning, her long hair was flowing in the middle winter wind. I know not how she found me, for in darkness I was walking, and destruction lay around me from a fight I could not win. Refr.: Ah ah ah... She ask’d me name my foe, then I said the need within some men, to fight and kill their brothers without thought of love or god and I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemy, so eager was my passion to devour this way of life. But she would not think of battle that reduces men to animals. So easy to begin and yet impossible to end. For she’s the mother of all men, did counsel me so wisely then. I feared to walk alone again and ask she would stay. Oh lady lend your hand I cried, or let me rest here at your side. Have faith and trust in me she said and filled my heart with life. There is no strength in numbers, have no such misconception, but when you need me be assured I won’t be far away. Thus having spoke she turned away. And so I found no words to say. I stood and watched until I saw her black door disappear. My labor is no easier, but now I know I’m not alone. I find new heart each time I think upon that windy day. And if one day she comes to you, drink deeply from her words so wise, take courage from her as you rise and say hello for me. LEMON TREE I’m sitting here in a boring room, it’s just another rainy Sunday afternoon. I’m wasting my time, I got nothing to do, I’m hanging around, I’m waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder. I’m driving around in my car, I’m driving too fast, I’m driving too far. I’d like to change my point of view, I feel so lonely I’m waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder I wonder how, I wonder why, yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue, blue sky, and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. I’m turning my head up and down I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around, and all that I can see is just another lemon tree. Sing, da, da da da da, di da da, da da da da, di da da dap dipedida Fm sitting here, I miss the power, I’d like to go out, taking a shower. But there’s a heavy cloud inside my head. I feel so tired put myself into bed where nothing ever happens, and I wonder. Isolation is not good for me. Isolation, I don’t want to sit on a lemon tree. I’m steppin’ around in a desert of joy. Baby anyhow I’ll get another toy, and everything will happen, and you wonder Inhalt I wonder how, I wonder why, yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue, blue sky and all that I can see is just a another lemon tree. I’m turning my head up and down I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around, and all that I can see is just yellow lemon tree. I wonder how, I wonder why, yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue, blue sky and all that I can see and all that I can see and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. LET IT BE When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me speaking words of wisdom, let it be, Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom let it be. And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree. There will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer, let it be, 5x ... there will be an answer let it be. And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. 5x ... whisper words of whisper let it be. Inhalt LODI Just about a year ago I set out on the road. Seekin’ my fame and fortune, lookin’ for a pot of gold. Things went bad and things went worse, I guess you know the tune. Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again. Rode in on the Greyhound, I’ll be walking out if I go. I was just passing through, must be seven month or more. Ran out of time and money, looks like they took my friends. Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again. The man from the magazine said I was on my way. Somewhere I lost connections, Ran out of songs to play. I came in town a one night stand, looks my plans fell trough. Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again. If I only had a dollar for ev’ry song I’ve sung and ev’ry time I had to play while people sat there drunk. You know I’d catch the next train, back to where I live. Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again. Inhalt LOOKING OUT MY BACKDOOR Just got home from Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy! Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch. Imagination sets in, pretty soon I’m singing, doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door. There’s a giant doing cartwheels, a statue wearing high heels. Look at all the happy creatures dancing on the lawn. A dinosaur victrola list’ning to Buck Owens, doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door. Refr.: Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band. Won’t you take a ride on the flyin’ spoon? Wondrous apparition provided by magician, doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door. Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band. Won’t you take a ride on the flyin’ spoon? Bother me tomorrow, today I’ll buy no sorrows, doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door. Forward troubles Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy! Look at all the happy creatures dancing on the lawn. Bother me tomorrow, today I’ll buy no sorrows, doo, doo, doo, looking out my back door. Inhalt LUCILLE Inhalt In a bar in Toledo across from the depot, on a barstool she took off her ring. I thought I’d get closer so I walked on over, I sat down and asked her her name. When the drinks fin’ly hit her she said "I’m no quitter but I fin’ly quit living on dreams. I’m hungry for laughter and here ever after, I’m after what ever the other live brings." In the mirror I saw him and I closely watched him, and I thought how he looked out of place. He came to the woman who sat there beside me, he had a strange look on her face. The big hands were calloused he looked like a mountain, for a minute I thought I was dead. But he started shaking, his big heart was breaking, he turned to the woman and said: Refr.: "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, with four hungry children and the crop in the field. I’ve had some bad times, I lived through some sad times, but this time the hurting won’t heal. You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille." After he left us I ordered more whiskey, I thought how she made him look small. From the lights of the barroom to a rented hotel room we went without talking at all. She was a beauty, but when she came to me, she must have thought I’d lost my mind. I couldn’t hold her’cause the words that he told her kept coming back time after time. LUSTIG IST DAS ZIGEUNERLEBEN Lustig ist das Zigeunerleben, faria faria ho. Brauchen dem Kaiser kein Geld zu geben, faria faria ho. Lustig ist’s im grünen Wald, wo des Zigeuners Aufenthalt. Faria faria faria faria faria. Sollt’ uns einmal der Hunger plagen, Geh’n wir uns ein Hirschlein jagen. Hirschlein nimm dich wohl in Acht, Wenn des Zigeuners Büchse kracht. Sollt’ uns einmal der Durst sehr quälen, Geh’n wir zu den Wasserquellen. Trinken das Wasser vom mos’gen Stein, meinen es müsse Champagner sein. Wenn wir auch kein Federbett haben, tun wir uns ein Loch ausgraben. Legen Moos und Reisig drein, dass soll unser Federbett sein wenn Zigeuner kein Auto haben, nehmen sie den Kinderwagen. Schmeissen Kind und Kegel rein dass soll unser VW sein. Inhalt MÄNNER SIND SCHWEINE Hallo, mein Schatz, ich liebe Dich! Du bist die einzige für mich! Die andern find ich alle doof, deswegen mache ich Dir den Hof. Du bist so anders, ganz speziell, ich merke so was immer schnell. Jetzt zieh Dich aus und leg Dich hin, weil ich so verliebt in Dich bin. Gleich wird es dunkel, bald ist es Nacht, da ist ein Wort der Warnung angebracht: Männer sind Schweine. Traue ihnen nicht, mein Kind. Sie wollen alle das Eine, weil Männer nun mal so sind. Ein Mann fühlt sich erst dann als Mann, wenn er es Dir besorgen kann. Er lügt, dass sich die Balken biegen, nur um Dich ins Bett zu kriegen. Und dann am nächsten Morgen weiss er nicht einmal mehr, wie Du heisst. Rücksichtslos und ungehemmt, Gefühle sind ihm völlig fremd. Für ihn ist Liebe gleich Samenverlust. Mädchen, sei Dir dessen stets bewusst! Männer sind Schweine, frage nicht nach Sonnenschein. Ausnahmen gibt’s leider keine. In jedem Mann steckt doch immer ein Schwein. Männer sind Säue. Glaube ihnen nicht ein Wort. Sie schwör’n Dir ewige Treue, Inhalt und dann am nächsten Morgen sind sie fort. Yeah, yeah, yeah ... Und falls Du doch den Fehler machst und Dir ‘nen Ehemann anlachst, mutiert dein Rosenkavalier bald nach der Hochzeit auch zum Tier. Dort zeigt er dann sein wahres Ich, ganz unrasiert und widerlich: Trinkt Bier, sieht fern und wird schnell fett, und rülpst und furzt im Ehebett. Dann hast Du King-Kong zum Ehemann, drum sag ich Dir, denk bitte stets daran: Männer sind Schweine. Traue ihnen nicht, mein Kind. Sie wollen alle nur das Eine, für wahre Liebe sind sie blind. Männer sind Ratten. Begegne ihnen nur mit List. Sie wollen alles begatten, was nicht bei 3 auf den Bäumen ist. Männer sind Schweine. Frage nicht nach Sonnenschein. Ausnahmen gibt’s leider keine, in jedem Mann steckt auch ein Schwein. Männer sind Autos, nur ohne Reserverad. Yeah, yeah, yeah ... MIDNIGHT SPECIALInhalt Well you wake up in the morning hear the ding-dong ring you go marching to the table see the some old thing well it’s on the table knife a fork and a pan if you say a thing about it you’re in trouble with the man. Refr.: Let the midnight special shine her light on me let the midnight special shine her ever loving light on me If you ever go to Houston you better walk at right you better not stagger you better not fight Sheriff Benson will arrest you he’ll carry you down and if the jury finds you guilty penitentiary bound. Yonder come little Rosie how in the world do you know I can tell it by her apron and the dress she wore umbrella on her shoulder piece of paper in her hand she goes a marching to the captain says I want my man. MY BONNIE IS OVER THE OCEAN My Bonnie is over the ocean, my Bonnie is over the sea, my Bonnie is over the ocean. Oh bring back my Bonnie to me. Refr.: Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Bonnie to me. Oh blow ye winds over the ocean, oh blow ye winds over the sea, oh blow ye winds over the ocean and bring back my Bonnie to me. Last night as I lay on my pillow, last nights as I lay on my bed, last night as I lay on my pillow, I dreamed, that my Bonnie was dead. The winds have blown over the ocean, the winds have blown over the sea, the winds have blown over the ocean and brought back my Bonnie to me. Inhalt MY DARLING CLEMENTINE In a cavern, by a canyon, excavating for a mine dwelt a miner, forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine. Refr.: O my darling, o my darling, o my darling Clementine, thou art gone and lost for ever, dreadful sorry, Clementine! Light she was and like a fairy, and her shoes were number nine, herring boxes without topses, sandals were for Clementine. Drove she ducklings to the water, every morning just at nine, struck her foot against a splinter, fell into the foaming brine. Rosy lips above the water blowing bubbles mighty fine. But, alas! I was no swimmer, so I lost my Clementine. How I missed her, how I missed her, how I missed my Clementine. But I kissed her little sister and forgot my Clementine. Inhalt NEGERAUFSTAND Negeraufstand ist in Kuba, Schüsse gellen durch die Nacht. In den Strassen liegen Leichen mit aufgeschlitzten Bäuchen Refr.: Umbaumba assa... In den Strassen fliesst der Eiter, der Verkehr geht nicht mehr weiter, an dem Rande hocken Knaben, die sich köstlich daran laben. Auf dem Dache sitzt ein Häuptling und er nagt an einem Säugling, denn er will aus seinen Knochen eine Maggi Bouillon kochen. An den Bäumen hängen Tote, grüne, gelbe, schwarze, rote, die rausgeschlitzten Därme, noch in voller Lebenswärme. Inhalt NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN Nights in white satin, never reaching the end. Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty I’d always missed, with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore. Refr.: ’Cause I love you, yes I love you, oh how I love you! Gazing at people, some hand in hand. Just what I’m going through, they can’t understand. Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend. Just what you want to be, you’ll be in the end. Nights in white satin, never reaching the end. Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty I’d always missed, with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore. Inhalt OB-LA-DI, OB-LA-DA Desmond had a barrow in the market place. Molly is the singer in a band. Desmond says to Molly, girl I like our face and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand. Refr.: Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on bra. La la how the life goes on. Desmond takes a trolley to the jeweller store. Buys a twenty carat golden ring, takes it back to Molly, waiting at the door, and as he gives it to her she begins to sing. Happy ever after in the market place, Desmond lets the children lend a hand. Molly stays at home and does her pretty face, and in the evening she still sings it with the band. Inhalt OH SINNER MAN Inhalt Refr.: Oh Sinner Man, where are you going to run to. (3x) All on that day. Run to the moon, oh moon won’t you hide me? (3x) The Lord said, oh Sinner Man, the moon will be ableeding. (3x) All on that day. Folgende Strophen: Statt moon - ableeding heisst’s nun: 2: stars – afalling 3: sea - asinking Run to the Satan. oh Satan, won’t you hide me. (3x) The Satan said, oh Sinner Man, step right in. (3x) All on that day. OH SUSANNA Inhalt Well I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee. I’m going to Louisiana my Susanna for to see. Refr.: Oh Susanna oh don’t you cry for me, for I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee. It rained all day the night I left the weather was so dry, the sun so hot I froze myself Susanna don’t you cry. I had a dream the other night when everything was still. I dreamed I saw Susanna a coming down the hill. A red, red rose was in her cheek a tear was in her eye, I said to her Susanna girl Susanna don’t you cry. OH WHEN THE SAINTS Oh, when the saints go marchin’ in, oh, when the saints go marchin’ in, Oh Lord I wanna be in that number, oh when the saints go marchin’ in. Oh, when the stars begin to shine … Oh, when Gabriel blows in his horn … Oh, when the trumpet sounds a call … Oh, when the world is revealed … Inhalt OLD MAC DONALD Old Mac Donald had a farm, E I E I O and on this farm he had some cows, E I E E O. And a moo moo here, and a moo moo there, here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo. Old Mac Donald had a farm E I E I O. Old Mac Donald had a farm, E I E I O and on this farm he had some dogs, E I E I O. And a wow wow here, and wow wow there, here a wow, there wow, everywhere a wow, and a moo moo here, and a moo moo there, here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo. Old Mac Donald had a farm, E I E I O. Cats (miaow miaow), ducks (quack quack), birds (peep peep), pigs (hink hoink), sheep (baa baa), goats (mou mou), girls (kiss kiss), turkeys (gobble gobble), hens (gluck gluck), Ford (rattle rattle). Inhalt PIANO MAN It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday, the regular crowd shuffles in. There’s an old man sitting next to me making love to his tonic and gin. He says: “Son can you play me a memory? I’m not really sure how it goes. But it’s sad and it’s sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man’s clothes.” Refr.: La la la, de de da La la, de de da da da Sing us a song, you’re the piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Well, we’re all in the mood for a melody, and you’ve got us feeling all right. Now John at the bar is a friend of mine, he gets me my drinks for free. And he’s quick with a joke or to light up your smoke but there’s someplace that he’d rather be. He says: “Bill, I believe this is killing me." As the smile ran away from his face, “Well I’m sure that I could be a movie star If I could get out of this place.” Now Paul is a real estate novelist who never had time for a wife. And he’s talking with Davy who’s still in the navy and probably will be for life. And the waitress is practicing politics, as the businessmen slowly get stoned. Yes, they’re sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it’s better than drinking alone. It’s a pretty good crowd for a Saturday, and the manager gives me a smile. Inhalt ’Cause he knows that it’s me they’ve been coming to see, to forget about life for a while. And the piano, it sounds like a carnivore, and the microphone smells like a beer. And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say: “Man, what are you doing here?” PUT YOUR HAND Inhalt Refr.: Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water. Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea. Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently, by puttin’ your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee. Ev’ry time I look into the Holy Book I want to tremble, when I read about the part where a carpenter cleared out the temple. For the buyers and the sellers who were no different fellows then what I profess to be, and it causes me shame to know I’m not the woman I should be. Mama taught me how to pray before I reached the age of seven, when I’m down on my knees that’s when I’m close to heaven. Daddy lived his life with three kids and a wife you do what you have to do. But he showed me enough of what it takes to carry you through. QUANDO SI PIANTA Quando si pianta la bella polenta, la bella polenta si pianta cosi. Ah, ah la bella polenta si mh tätä … Quando si resce ... Quando si infiora ... Quando SI cuoce ... Quando sì mole ... Quando si taglia ... Quando si mangia ... Quando si disperge ... Quando si rota ... Inhalt RING OF FIRE Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring. Bound by wild desire, I fell into a ring of fire. Refr.: I fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher, and it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire. The taste of love is sweet, when hearts like ours meet. I fell for you like a child, old, but the fire went wild. Inhalt RITTERSONG Zu Grünwald im Isartal, glaub’n sie’s mir es war einmal, da hamn edle Ritter g’haust, denen hat’s vor gar nichts g’raust. Refr.: Ja so warn’s, ja so warn’s, ja so warn’s die alten Rittersleut’. So ein edler Rittersmann hatte sehr viel Eisen an, manchen Ritter, i muss sag’n, hat desweg’n der Blitz erschlagen. Musst ein Ritter mal verreisen, legt’ er seine Frau in Eisen, doch der Knappe Friederich hatte einen Dieterich. So ein kleines Ritterkindl hat aus Eisen eine Windel, hat’s amoal so richtig gsosst, hat die ganze Windel g’rost. Gsuffa hams, und das wiä, aus die Eimer Wein und Bier. Hams dann alles gsuffe g’habt, dann sans untern Tisch runt’gsackt. Auch für Wein, Weib und Gesang, schwärmte jeder Rittersmann. Schwärmt er für Gesang allein, musst’ er schon ein Vogel sein. Inhalt ROLLING HOME Up a loft a mid the rigging, swiftly blows the favr’ing gale. Strong as springtime in its blossom, filling out each bending sail. And the waves we left behind us, seem to murmur as they rise: “We have tarried here to bear you to the land your dearly prize.” Refr.:Rolling home, rolling home, rolling home across the sea, rolling home to our dear homeland, rolling home dear land to thee. Full ten thousand miles behind us, and a thousand miles to before. Ancient ocean waves to waft us to the well remembered shore. Newborn breezes swell to send us to our childhood welcome skies, to the glow of friendly faces, and the glance of loving eyes. Inhalt SCHWEIZERPSALM Trittst im Morgenrot daher, she’ ich Dich im Strahlenmeer, Dich, du Hocherhabener, Herrlicher! Wenn der Alpenfirn sich rötet, betet freie Schweizer betet! Eure fromme Seele ahnt, Eure fromme Seele ahnt, Gott im hehren Vaterland, Gott im hehren Vaterland. Kommst im Abendglühn daher, find’ ich Dich im Sternenheer, Dich, du Menschenfreundlicher, Liebender. In des Himmels lichten Räumen kann ich froh und selig träumen! Denn die fromme Seele ahnt, Denn die fromme Seele ahnt, Gott im hehren Vaterland, Gott im hehren Vaterland. Fährst im wilden Sturm daher, bist Du selbst uns Hort und Wehr, Du allmächtig Waltender, Rettender! In Gewitternacht und Grauen, lasst uns kindlich Ihm vertrauen! Ja, die fromme Seele ahnt, ja, die fromme Seele ahnt, Gott im hehren Vaterland Gott im hehren Vaterland. Inhalt SHE’LL BE COMING ROUND She’ll be coming round the mountain, when she comes, when she comes, she'll be coming round the mountain, when she comes, when she comes, she'll be coming round the mountain, coming round the mountain, coming round the mountain, when she comes. Refr.: Singing I, I jupee, juppee I. She was driving six white horses when she came … She was wearing red pyjamas when she came … She was drinking Coca-Cola when she came … She was smoking Stella-Filter when she came … Inhalt SHUT UP YOUR FACE Inhalt Hello I’m Giuseppe, I got something special for you. una, due, tre, quattro, When I was a boy, just about an eighth grade, mamma used to say: “Don’t stay out late, with the bad boys, always shoot the pool. Giuseppe go to franka school.” “Boy it makes me sick, all the things I got to do. I can’t get no kicks, I always got to follow rules. Boy it makes me sick, just to make the lousy bucks, got to feel like a fool.” And then mamma used to say all the time: “What’s the matter you, gotta no respect, what do you think you do, why do you look so sad, it’s a not so bad, it’s a nice a place, oh shut up your face!” And soon will come a day, going to be a big a star. Then I make the TV shows and the movies, I get myself a new car, still I’ll be myself, I don’t want to change a thing, still I dance and I sing. I think about mamma, she used to say: What’s the matter you ... SI TU T’APPELLES MELANCOLIE Seule devant ta glace, tu te vois triste sans savoir pourquoi. Et tu ferais n’importe quoi pour ne pas être à ta place. Refr.: Si tu t’appelles mélancolie, si l’amour n’est plus qu’une habitude. Ne me raconte pas ta vie, je la connais, ta solitude. Si tu t’appelles mélancolie, on est fait pour l’oublier ensemble. Les chiens perdus, les incompris, on les connaît, on leur ressemble. Et demain, peut-être, puisque tout peut arriver n’ importe ou, tu seras là au rendez-vous, et je saurais te reconnaître. Inhalt SONDERZUG NACH PANKOW Inhalt Entschuldigen Sie, ist das der Sonderzug nach Pankow? Ich muss da eben mal hin, mal eben nach Ostberlin. Ich muss dort was klären mit Eurem Oberindianer. Ich bin ein Jodeltalent und will dort spiel’n mit ‘ner Band. Refr: Ich hab’n Fläschchen Cognac mit und das schmeckt sehr lecker, das schlürf ich dann ganz locker, mit dem Erich Honecker, und ich sag: Hey Honey, ich sing für wenig Money im Republikpalast, wenn Ihr mich lasst. All die ganzen Schlageraffen dürfen da singen, dürfen ihren ganzen Schrott zum Vortrage bringen. Nur der kleine Udo, nur der kleine Udo der darf das nicht, und das verstehen wir nicht. Ich weiss genau, ich habe furchtbar viele Freunde in der DDR und stündlich werden es mehr. Oh, Erich, hey, bist Du den wirklich so ein sturer Schrat, warum lässt Du mich nicht singen im Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat? Honey, ich glaub, Du bist doch eigentlich ganz locker, ich weiss, tief in Dir drin bist Du doch eigentlich auch ein Rocker. Du ziehst Dir doch auch heimlich mal die Lederjacke an, Du schliesst Dich ein auf’m Klo und hörst West Radio. Hallo, Erich kannst mich hör’n? Hallo, hallöchen, hallo. S’RAMSEIERS Inhalt S’Ramseiers wei go grase, s’Ramseiers wei go grase, s’Ramseiers wei go grase wohl uf de Gümmligebärg. Refr.: Fidiri fidira fidiralalalala, fidiri fidira fidiralalalala, s’Ramseiers wei go grase wohl uf de Gümmligebärg. De Aeltscht dä geit a d’Stange Di angere hingeredri. Er laat die Stange fahre und s’Gras gheit hingere dri. Da chunnt der aut Ramseier mit em Stäcke i der Hand. Cheut ir nid besser achtig gä Ir donners schnuderige Hünd. Wol wol, mir chönd scho achtig gä mir sind kei schnuderigi Hünd. S’STIEFELI MUES STÄRBE S’Stiefeli mues stärbe, s’isch no so jung, jung, jung, s’Stiefeli mues stärbe, s’isch no so jung. Wenn das dä Absatz wüsst, dass s’Stiefeli stärbe müesst, … Inhalt STREETS OF LONDON Have you seen the old man in the closed down market, kicking up the papers with his worn out shoes? In his eyes you see no pride and hands held loosely at his side, yesterday’s papers giving yesterdays news. Refr.: And how can you tell me you’re lonely, and say for you that the sun don’t shine? Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London. I’ll show you something, to make you change your mind. Have you seen the old girl who walks the streets of London? Dirt in her hair and her clothes are all in rags. She’s no time for talking no she just keeps right on walking, carrying her home in two carrier-bags. And have you seen the old man outside the seaman’s mission, memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears? In our wintry city the rain cries a little pity, for one more forgotten hero and a world that just don’t care. In the all-night café at a quarter past eleven, Inhalt same old man is sitting there on his own. Gazing at the world over the rim of his tea-cup. Each tea lasts an hour then he wanders home alone. SUNNY AFTERNOON Inhalt The tax-man’s taken all my dough and left me in my stately home lazing on a sunny afternoon. And I can’t sail my yacht, he’s taken ev’ry thing I’ve got, all I’ve got this sunny afternoon. Save me, save me, save me from this squeeze, I’ve got a big fat momma tryin’ to break me Refr.: And I love to live so pleasantly, live this live of luxury, lazing on a sunny afternoon. My girl-friend’s gone off with my car, and gone back to her ma and pa, telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty. Now I’m sitting here, sipping at my ice-cold beer, lazing on a sunny afternoon. Help me, help me, help me sail away, you give me two good reasons why I ought to stay.’Cause I love to live so pleasantly ... In the summertime in the summertime SURFIN’ U.S.A. If ev’ry body had an ocean across the U.S.A., then ev’ry body would be surfin’ like California. You’d see them wearin’ their baggies, huarache sandals too. A bushy bushy blond hairdo, surfin’ U.S.A. You’ll catch ‘em surfin’ at Del Mar, Ventura country line, Santa Cruz and Tressels, Australia’s Narabine, All over Manhattan, and down Doheny way. Ev’ry body’s gone surfin’, surfin’ U.S.A. We’ll all be planin’ out a route, we’re gonna take real soon. We’re waxin’ down our surfboards, we can’t wait for June. We’ll all be gone for the summer, we’re on safari to stay. Tell the teacher we’re surfin’, Surfin’ U.S.A. At Haggarty’s and Swami’s, Pacific Palisades, San Onofre an Sunset, Redondo Beach LA, all over La Jolla, at Waiamea Bay. Ev’ry body’s gone surfin’, Surfin’ U.S.A. Inhalt SUZANNE Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river. You can hear the boats go by, you can spend the night beside her. And you know that she’s half crazy but that’s why you want to be there. And she feeds you tea and oranges that came all the way from China, and just when you want to tell her, that you have no love to give her, then she gets you on her wavelength, and she lets the river answer, that you’ve always been her lover. And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, and you know she will trust you, for you’ve touched her perfect body with your mind. And Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water. And he spent a long time watching from his lonely wooden tower. And when he knew for certain only drowning men could see him, he said “all men will be sailors then until the sea shall free them." But he himself was broken long before the sky would open. Forsaken, almost human, he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone. And you want to travel with him, and you want to travel blind, Inhalt and you think maybe you’ll trust him, for he’s touched your perfect body with his mind. Now Suzanne takes your hand and she leads you to the river. She is wearing rags and feathers from Salvation Army counters. And the sun pours down like honey on our lady of the harbor. And she shows you where to look among the garbage and the flowers. There are heroes in the seaweed, there are children in the morning, they are leaning out for love and they will lean that way forever while Suzanne holds the mirror. And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, and you know that you can trust her, for she’s touched your perfect body with her mind. TAKE ME HOME, COUNTRY ROADS Almost heaven, West Virginia, blue riche mountains, Shenandoah river. Live is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growin’ like a breeze. Refr.: Country Roads take me home, to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma. Take me home, Country Roads. All my memories gathered ‘round her, miner’s lady, stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty, painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, tear drop in my eye. I hear her voice in the mornin’ hour she calls me, the radio reminds me of my home, far away, and drivin’ down the roads I get a feelin’ that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday. Inhalt THE ANIMALS Inhalt The animals went in two by two. Hurrah! Hurrah! The elephant and the kangaroo. Hurrah! Hurrah! The animals went in two by two, the elephant and the kangaroo. Refr.: And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. three / the wasp, the ant and the bumblebee ... four / the great hippopotamus stuck in the door ... five / and old father Noah watched them arrive ... six / they turned out the monkey because of his tricks ... seven / the little pig thought it was going to heaven ... eight / some were early and some were late ... nine / they made a queue and marched in a line ... ten / if you want anymore you must sing it again ... THE BOXER I am just a poor boy. Though my story’s seldom told I have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises. All lies and jest still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy in the company of strangers, in the quiet of a railway station running scared. Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters where the ragged people go, looking for the places only they would know. Lie-la-lie-la... Asking only workman’s wages I come looking for a job. But I get no offers, just a come-on from the whores on 7th avenue. I do declare. There were times when I was so lonesome. I took some comfort there. Ooolala lala lala. Then I’m laying out my winter clothes an’ wishing I was gone. Going home, where the New York City winters aren’t bleeding me, leading me. Going home. Inhalt In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminders of ev’ry glove. That laid him down or cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame. I’m leaving, I’m leaving! But the fighter still remains. THE BOYS OF THE OLD BRIGADE Inhalt Oh father why are you so sad on this bright Easter morn’? When Irish men are proud and glad of the land where they were born. Oh son I see and mem’ries view of far and distant days. When being just a boy like you I joined the IRA. Refr.: Where are the lads who stood with me when history was made? Oh gramochree I long to see the boys of the old brigade. In hills and farms the call to arms was heard by one and all. And from the glens came brave young men to answer Ireland’s call. ’Twas long ago we faced the foe, the old brigade and me, but by my side they fought and died that Ireland might be free. And now my boy I’ve told you why on Easter morn I sigh. For I recall my comrades all from dark old days gone by. I think of men who fought in glens with rifles and grenade. May Heaven keep the men who sleep from the ranks of the old brigade. THE PROMISED LAND I left my home in Norfolk Virginia, California on my mind. I straddled that Greyhound and rode him into Raleigh and on across Caroline. We stopped at Charlotte we by passed Rock-Hill, we never was a minute late. We were ninety miles out of Atlanta by sundown, rolling out of Georgia State. We had motor troubles that turned into a struggle half way across Alabam’. And that hound broke down and left us all stranded in Downtown Birmingham. Right away I bought me a trough train ticket, riding across Mississippi clean, and I was on that midnight flyer out of Birmingham, smokin’ into New Orleans. Somebody helped me get out of Louisiana, just helped me get to Houston-Town. There, are people there who care a little ’bout me, and they won’t let a poor boy down. Sure as you’re born they bought me a silk suit, they put luggage in my hand, and I woke up high over Albuquerque on a jet to the Promised Land. Workin’ on a T-bone steak I had a party flying over to the golden State, when the pilot told us in thirteen minutes he would get us at the terminal gate. Swing low chariot come down easy taxi to the terminal line, cut your engines and cool your wings and let me make it to the telephone. Inhalt Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia, Tidewater 4 10 0 9. Tell the folks back home this is the Promised Land callin’, and the poor boy’s on the line. THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN There is a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun, and it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God I know I’m one. My mother was a tailor, she sewed my new blue jeans. My father was a gamblin’ man down in New Orleans. Now the only thing a gambler needs, is a suitcase and a drink. And the only time he’ll be satisfied, is when he’s all a trunk. Oh, mother, tell your children, not to do what I have done. Spend your lives in sin and misery in the house of the Rising Sun. Well, I’ve got one foot on the platform, the other foot on the train. I’m going back to New Orleans, to wear that ball and chain. Well, there is a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun. And it’s been the ruin of many a poor girl and God I know I’m one. Inhalt THE GREAT TITANIC The sun shone down on its glory, shone down on the deep blue sea, where the Titanic was swimming, far out on the deep blue sea. The captain was lying down sleeping, when he dreamed a sad, sad dream. He dreamed the Titanic was sinking, far out on the deep blue sea. He rose and he called to the rich men, he told ‘em to come to laugh. And saved their little babies, although their darling vies. The captain must have been drinking, for he knew that he had done wrong. He was trying to win the record, when he let the Titanic go down. Before the news reached the homeland, the great Titanic went down. The women and children and orphans was walking all over the town. The children was crying “dear mother”, dear mother has gone to stay. But maybe it’ll turn to something, that’ll raise the Titanic someday. The band was at its playing, far out on the deep blue sea. While the Titanic was swimming, they played “Never my god to thee”. But while the Titanic was sinking they fell to their knees. And cried “Oh Lord have merci, what’s going to come of me? ” Inhalt TOM DOOLEY (DEUTSCH) Inhalt Sprecher: Das ist die Geschichte von Tom Dooley aus Tennessee und seinem Ende. Er liebte die Frau eines andern und weil sie nichts von ihm wissen wollte, da erdolchte er sie. Ich, der Sheriff, musste Tom Dooley zum Tode verurteilen und morgen, ja, da muss er hängen. Ref.: Alles vorbei Tom Dooley, noch vor dem Morgenrot ist es geschehen Tom Dooley, morgen da bist du tot. Keiner wird um dich weinen auf deinem letzten Gang, wird keine Sonne scheinen, klingt dir kein Glockenklang. Hinter den blauen Bergen wartet ein kleines Haus, hinter den blauen Bergen bist du nicht mehr zu Haus'. Nimm dir noch einen Whisky, trink ihn mit dir allein, das ist ein harter Whisky und wird dein letzter sein. Nie wieder mehr im Leben siehst du das Sonnenlicht. Gnade, die kanns nicht geben, Gnade, die gibt es nicht Willst du noch etwas sagen? Bald ist der Tag erwacht, Hörst du die Turmuhr schlagen? Das ist die letzte Nacht TOM DOOLEY (ENGLISH) Inhalt Refr.: Hang down your head Tom Dooley, hang down your head and cry, hang down your head Tom Dooley, poor boy you’re bound to die I met her on the mountain, swore she’d be my wife. But the gal refused me, I stabbed her with my knife And this time tomorrow, reckon where I’ll be. Down in a lonesome valley, hanging from a white oak tree. VIENI SULLA BARCHETTA Vieni sulla barchetta, vien Morettina vien. Guarda che bianca la luna, guarda che ’l ciel è seren. Sei la mia speranza, non farmi più penar. Vieni sulla barchetta, vieni con me a remar. Sei la mia bellina, vien Morettina crudel. Sorridono le stelle, ma piange il tuo fidel. Inhalt WALDESLUST Refr.: Waldeslust, Waldeslust, oh wie einsam schlägt die Brust. Ihr lieben Vögelein, stimmt euer Lobliedied ein, und singt aus voller Brust die Waldeslust. Meinen Vater kenn ich nicht, meine Mutter liebt mich nicht, und sterben mag ich nicht, bin noch zu jung. Denkst du noch an jenen Ort, wo du sprachst das erste Wort, Schätzchen, ja, du weisst es ja die Lieb' ist aus. Wenn ich dann gestorben bin, tragt mich zum Friedhof hin, legt mich ins kühle Grab, dann hab ich Ruh. Inhalt WENN WIR ERKLIMMEN Inhalt Wenn wir erklimmen sonnige Höhen, streben dem Gipfelkreuz zu. In unsern Herzen brennt eine Sehnsucht, die lässt uns nimmermehr in Ruh. Refr.: Ja, ja, ja, Herrliche Berge, sonnige Höhen, Bergvagabunden sind wir, ja wir. Herrliche Berge, sonnige Höhen, Bergvagabunden sind wir. Mit Seil und Haken, den Tod im Nacken hängen wir in der steilen Wand. Edelweiss’ blühen, Herzen erglühen, vorbei geht’s mit sicherer Hand. Beim Abendglühen Heimwärts wir ziehen, Berge sie lächeln uns zu. Wir kommen wieder, denn wir sind Brüder, Brüder auf Leben und Tod. Refr.: Lebt wohl ihr Berge, sonnige Höhen, Bergvagabunden sind treu. WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE DRUNKEN SAILOR Inhalt What shall we do with the drunken sailor, what shall we do with the drunken sailor, what shall we do with the drunken sailor, early in the morning? Refr.: Hooray and up she rises, hooray and up she rises, hooray and up she rises, early in the morning. Put him in the longboat till he’s sober ... Pull out the plug and wet him all over ... Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him ... Heave him by the leg in a running bowlin’ ... WHEN I’M SIXTY-FOUR When I get older loosing my hair, many years from now. Will you still be sending me a valentine birthday greetings bottle of wine? If I’d been out till quarter to three would you lock the door? Refr.: Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four? I could be handy mending a fuse when your lights have gone. You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday mornings go for a ride. Doing the garden digging the weeds, who could ask f or more? Send me a postcard drop me a line, stating point of view. Indicate precisely what you mean to say, yours sincerely wasting away. Give me an answer, fill in a form, mine for ever more. Inhalt WHISKEY IN THE JAR Inhalt As I was going over the far famed mountain, I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting. I first produced my pistol and I then the produced my rapier, saying stand and deliver for you are my bold deceiver. Refr.: Mush a riggedum diggedum da, whack foldy daddy O’, whack foldy daddy O’. There’s whiskey in the jar. He counted out his money and it made a pretty penny, I put it in my pockets and I gave to my Jenny. She sighed and she swore that she never would betray me, but the devil take the women for the never can be easy I went into my chamber, oh for to take a slumber, I dreamed of gold and jewels and for sure it was no wonder, for Jenny drew my charges and she filled them up with water, and she sent for captain Farrell to be ready for the slaughter. ’T was early in the morning, before I rose to travel. Up comes a band of footmen and likewise captain Farrell. I then produced my pistol for she stole away my rapier, but I couldn’t shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken. They put me into prison without a judge a-writing, for robbin’ captain Farrell on the far famed Kerry mountain. When I couldn’t take my fists so I knocked the jailor down, and I bade farewell to the jail in Limerick town. Now there’s some take delight in the fishin’ and the bowlin’, and others take delight in the carriage fast a-rollin’. But I take delight in the juice of the barley and courtin’ pretty lassies on the mountains of Killarney. WHO’LL STOP THE RAIN Long as I remember, the rain been comin' down. Clouds of myst'ry pourin' confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages, tryin' to find the sun. Refr.: And I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the rain? I went down Virginia, seekin' shelter from the storm. Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow. Five year plans and new deals, wrapped in golden chains. Heard the singers playin', how we cheered for more. The crowd had rushed together, tryin' to keep warm. Still the rain kept pouring, fallin' on my ears. Inhalt WIR LAGEN VOR MADAGASKAR Wir lagen vor Madagaskar und hatten die Pest an Bord. In den Fässern da faulte das Wasser, und täglich ging einer über Bord. Refr.: Ahoi, Kameraden, ahoi, ahoi. Leb’ wohl schönes Mädel, leb’ wohl, leb’ wohl. Ja wenn das Schifferklavier an Bord ertönt, ja dann sind wir Matrosen so still, ei warum? Weil ein jeder nach seiner Heimat sich sehnt, die er niemals mehr wieder sehen wird. Der Heini der war der erste, er soff von dem stinkenden Nass. Die Pest gab ihm das letzte und wir ihm ein kühles Grab. Und jenseits am Ufer des Rheines, da wartet ein Mägdelein still. Sie wartet auf ihren Heini, der niemals wiederkehren wird. Inhalt Z’BASEL UF DE BROGG Inhalt Und z’Basel uf de Brogg mit ein Nastuech im Gnigg und de meterlange umeglitzte Hose, do seit de eint zum andere: Los, häsch, gimmer au en Schigg sösch mue der eini obenabe blose. Refr.: Aber das ist die Garde, die das Basler Trottoir verziert, aber das ist die Garde, die das Basler Trottoir verziert, ja und verschmiert. Und am Mentig macht mer blaue und am Zischtig got mer us und am Mittwoch gopferteckel got de Pulver wieder us, und ein Donschtig suecht mer Arbet und am Fritig fangt mer a und am Samschtig söt mer umsverregge Vorschuss ha. Kommt die schöne Zeit daher wo man muss ins Militär, kann man sie zu keinen Funktionen brauchen. Stellen sie sich als Rekrut ist die Lunge schon kaputt, weil sie täglich 20 Zigaretten rauchen. Und de Schaagi vo Müllhuse isch uf Basel abe cho, hät die neui SBB wöle b’schaue. Do isch er mit em Oepfel zwöschet Puffer ine cho, und die Puffer hend ä gottvergessni Büüle öbercho. ZWEI AFFEN Zwei Affen jagen durch den Wald, der eine macht den andern kalt, die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Refr.: Wer hat die Kokosnuss, wer hat die Kokosnuss, wer hat die Kokosnuss geklaut? Der Affenkoch kocht Apfelmus aus einer andern Kokosnuss. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Die Affenmama lehnt am Zaun, sie hält den Bauch, sie fasst es kaum. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Der Affenonkel sitzt am Fluss, er angelt nach der Kokosnuss. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Die Affentante kommt von fern, sie hätt' die Kokosnuss so gern. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Der Affenhäuptling, welch ein Graus, reisst ganze Urwaldbäume aus. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Der Affenmilchmann dieser Knilch, der lauert auf die Affenmilch. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Die Affenbraut denkt selbst beim Kuss nur immer an die Kokosnuss. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Der Affenpastor predigt laut, wer hat die Kokosnuss geklaut. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Inhalt Das Affenbaby mit Genuss, hält in der Hand die Kokosnuss. Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: Es hat die Kokosnuss, Es hat die Kokosnuss, Es hat die Kokosnuss geklaut!
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