Fakultät für Physik DER UNIVERSITÄT WIEN Arbeitsbereich Teilchenphysik A-1090 WIEN, BOLTZMANNGASSE 5, AUSTRIA EINLADUNG im Rahmen des Teilchenphysikseminars zum Vortrag von Dominik Stöckinger (TU Dresden) über “Fun with regularization and renormalization“ Abstract: The history of regularization and renormalization is full not only of important breakthroughs and fundamental theorems but also of puzzles and paradoxical, inconsistent, or wrong results. Many issues have been clarified in the past years, leading to interesting conceptual insights into quantum field theory and to results of practical importance. The talk will first focus on variants of dimensional regularization, give a brief overview of the historical development and provide a precise definition of all schemes and their differences. New results regarding the infrared structure of QCD and regarding supersymmetry-preserving regularizations will be explained. Then the talk will focus on the renormalization of gauge theories. The role of Slavnov-Taylor identities as tools will be explained. As an application, the renormalization properties, gauge dependence and beta functions of vacuum expectation values will be derived. Zeit: Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016, 16:15 Ort: Erwin Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock gez.: A. Hoang, Y. Wang
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