Fakultät für Physik DER UNIVERSITÄT WIEN Arbeitsbereich Teilchenphysik A-1090 WIEN, BOLTZMANNGASSE 5, AUSTRIA EINLADUNG im Rahmen des Teilchenphysikseminars zum Vortrag von Reinhard Alkofer (Univ. Graz) über „From gauge fields to physical particles“ Abstract: In this talk I will outline a program to calculate the properties of gauge-invariant physical states in quantum gauge field theories by employing functional methods. After briefly revisiting some respective non-perturbative properties of gauge theories the nature of gauge-invariant relativistic bound states of the elementary fields will be discussed. The status of currently possible calculations will be exemplified by discussing (i) the influence of the infrared properties of three-point vertex functions on mesons and (ii) nucleon properties resulting from the solution of a covariant Faddeev equation. Zeit: Dienstag, 12. April 2016, 16:15 Ort: Erwin Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5, 5. Stock gez.: H. Hüffel
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