FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE FOR CERAMIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS IKTS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 2016 Cover cerenergy ® – Assembling of a ceramic high-temperature battery cell for stationary energy storage. ANNUAL REPORT 2015/2016 Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS Winterbergstrasse 28, 01277 Dresden-Gruna, Germany Phone +49 351 2553-7700 Fax +49 351 2553-7600 Michael-Faraday-Strasse 1, 07629 Hermsdorf, Germany Phone +49 36601 9301-0 Fax +49 36601 9301-3921 Maria-Reiche-Strasse 2, 01109 Dresden-Klotzsche, Germany Phone +49 351 88815-501 Fax +49 351 88815-509 [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 1 FOREWORD ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 Dear partners and friends of IKTS, I am pleased to present you our new annual report. We had a successful year and completed a number of exciting projects, in many cases transferring the results to industry. In 2015, two spin-offs were established: ceragen GmbH, created to market the “eneramic®” fuel cell systems developed in a Fraunhofer foundation project, and MPower GmbH, which utilizes our fuel cell stack know-how. Over the last reporting period we performed the standard Fraunhofer evaluations with the support of a panel of experts from industry. All in all, our strategy of covering the entire field of ceramics with technological core competencies while concentrating on the eight business divisions described in this report was clearly followed. IKTS once again proved itself to be a strong team. We are well prepared for the future and can continue to carry out our mission of conducting applied research to serve industry. Once again, I would like to invite you to make use of our expertise. We at IKTS are always available to support you in realizing your project ideas and look forward to discussing these ideas with you. 2 Annual Report 2015/16 We invested overall 5 million euros of the over 54 million euros With the combination of NDE and AM, it should be possible to budget in new equipment to further strengthen and develop predict and avoid defects during the component printing pro- our core competencies at all of our sites. We would especially cess and thereby increase process reliability. By connecting our like to thank the Länder of Saxony and Thuringia for supporting long-term experience and expertise in the development of these investments. printable ceramic materials (pastes and inks) with various AM process technologies as well as established processes, such as We made considerable advances in the field of medical and injection molding or functional ceramic hybrid technology bioceramics. With our partner, Fraunhofer IZI, we opened (LTCC/HTCC) and integrating non-destructive test technology, the Bio-Nanotechnology Applications Lab (BNAL) in Leipzig on we hope to establish unique capabilities in the field of additive October 2, 2015. A new group was established to support manufacturing. Here, too, synergies are created from coop- these activities, with funding provided by the Fraunhofer Attract eration between our three sites and the fields of structural Program. Apart from developing new implantable materials and functional ceramics. and components and equipping them with sensor and actuator properties to make them theranostic, we will draw on our Our 2015 annual report includes a compilation of highlights expertise in materials diagnostics to develop new diagnostic and trends from our various business divisions. I hope that techniques at BNAL. they provide a source of inspiration for new project ideas, which we can discuss with you at any time. As always, I invite Our non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods will also be you to make use of our well-equipped facilities and our out- coupled with our additive manufacturing (AM) activities for standing IKTS team. We look forward to working with you. medical technology and other applications. Sincerely, Alexander Michaelis April 2016 Annual Report 2015/16 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 2 Foreword 4 Table of contents Fraunhofer IKTS in profile 6 Portrait 8 Core competencies 10 Fraunhofer IKTS in figures 12 Organizational chart 14 Board of trustees 15 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Retrospective 16 Events and highlights 20 Trade fair review 2015 – Science meets market 22 Highlights from our business divisions Materials and Processes 24 Quality control of laser cladding by Laser Speckle Photometry 25 Stability of matrix materials for application in MCFC 26 High-performance ceramics for gas turbines – from materials to components 28 Interface investigations in steel-ceramic composite layers 29 Plasmaelectrolytic oxidation of magnesium Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 30 New highly sensitive phased array probes based on PMN-PT composites 31 3D weld nugget characterization by high-frequency ultrasound 32 Vibration analysis – an integral method for testing of ceramic components 34 L100 X-ray line detector for fast in-line applications Electronics and Microsystems 35 Reliable design of SHM electronics for application in harsh environmental conditions 36 Polymer-ceramic housings for high-temperature microsystems 37 Multiscale materials database for 3D IC microelectronics 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Energy 38 Optimization of sodium ion conducting glass-ceramics for solid electrolytes 39 CFY-stacks – progress through design development 40 Ultrasound testing of offshore turbine structures 42 EMBATT biopolar battery – new battery design for higher energy density 43 cerenergy® – low-cost ceramic high-temperature battery Environmental and Process Engineering 44 Ceramic separation module for pathogen diagnostics in untreated and surface water 45 Catalytically functionalized filters for small wood-burning appliances 46 Water treatment using autartec® systems 48 Synthesis of higher alcohols on iron-based catalysts 49 Electrocatalysts for improving the efficiency of alkaline water electrolysis 50 NF membranes for the cleaning of “recycle water” in oil sand extractions B i o - a n d M e d i c a l Te c h n o l o g y 52 Development of nanodiamond-based coatings for titanium alloy implants 54 Process monitoring in additive manufacturing Optics 55 Gemstones made from transparent polycristals 56 Transparent and other optically active ceramics for optical applications 57 Robust read-out unit for optical spectral sensors Materials and Process Analysis 58 High-resolution three-dimensional characterization of ceramic materials 60 Smart fluids – switchable abrasive suspensions for finishing 61 Characterization of superhard materials 62 Electrical and mechanical characterization of materials 64 Cooperation in groups, alliances and networks 69 Names, dates, events 102 Events and trade fairs – prospects 104 How to reach us Annual Report 2015/16 5 FRAUNHOFER IKTS IN PROFILE PORTRAIT The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems End-to-end production lines: from starting materials to IKTS covers the field of advanced ceramics from basic preliminary prototypes research through to the entire range of applications. Superbly equipped laboratories and technical facilities covering 30,000 m2 For any class of ceramic materials, we have access to all the of useable space have been set up for this purpose at the sites standard processes of raw materials preparation, forming, in Dresden and Hermsdorf. heat treatment and finish processing. Where it makes sense, the institute can even conduct phase synthesis. In functional Based on comprehensive materials expertise in advanced ceramic ceramics, we hold a particular core competency in paste and materials, the institute’s development work covers the entire film technology. Multiple clean rooms and low-contamination value creation chain, all the way to prototype production. production areas are kept at the ready, among other things, Fraunhofer IKTS forms a triad of materials, technology and for multilayer ceramics and highly purified oxide ceramics lines systems expertise, which is enhanced by the highest level of of technology. extensive materials diagnostics. Chemists, physicists, materials scientists and engineers work together on an interdisciplinary Multi-scale development basis at IKTS. All tasks are supported by highly skilled technicians. Fraunhofer IKTS can convert developments from the lab into The focus is placed on manufacturers and especially existing the technical standard. There is industrially suited equipment and potential users of ceramics as project partners and and machinery of the latest designs available for all relevant customers. Fraunhofer IKTS operates in eight market-oriented lines of technology, in order for partners and customers to divisions in order to demonstrate and qualify ceramic technol- realize the prototypes and pilot-production series needed for ogies and components for new industries, new product ideas, market launch, to develop production processes, and to imple- new markets outside the traditional areas of use. These include ment quality processes. Thus, residual cost risks and time to Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Electronics and market can be minimized. Microsystems, Energy, Environmental and Process Engineering, Bio- and Medical Technology, Optics, as well as both the con- Synergies between materials and technologies ventional Materials and Processes and Materials and Process Analysis as overall interdisciplinary offers. The institute is therefore The combination of differing technology platforms, of functional available as a competent consulting partner and starting point and structural ceramics for example, allows for multifunctional for all ceramics-related issues: a real “one stop shop” for components and systems that intelligently exploit ceramic ceramics. properties. This enables the production of innovative products with markedly added value at low cost. Among our unique areas of expertise, we offer: 6 Annual Report 2015/16 Electronics and Microsystems Energy Optics Materials and Process Analysis THE BUSINESS DIVISIONS OF FRAUNHOFER IKTS Materials and Processes Environmental and Process Engineering Bio- and Medical Technology Competent analysis and quality assessment Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Standardized management for sustainable quality assurance High-performance analysis and quality control are a decisive factor for market acceptance of products, especially in ceramic Quality, traceability, transparency and sustainability: to us, these production processes. Since we understand materials as well are our most important tools for setting ourselves apart from as ceramic production processes at a fundamental level, while the competition. The IKTS therefore administers a standardized at the same time master the drafting and integration of com- management system per DIN EN ISO 9001, as well as an plex physical testing systems, we can offer our customers environmental management system in accordance with DIN unique solutions for materials issues in production and quality EN ISO 14001. Furthermore, each site of the institute is certified monitoring. according to additional guidelines, including the German Medical Devices Act, and is regularly subjected to a variety of Network creator industrial audits. We are currently associated with over 450 national and international partners in our ongoing projects. In addition, Fraunhofer IKTS is active in numerous alliances and networks. Within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, for example, we work with the Fraunhofer Group for Materials and Components. Furthermore, Fraunhofer IKTS serves as the spokesperson for the Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance, which consists of four institutes that specialize specifically in ceramics. We are in a position to support the development of networks that are needed to develop successful processes, and also to convey and to integrate expertise that goes beyond our own abilities. Our efforts on the front lines of research are based on a wealth of experience and knowledge acquired over many years, which is geared toward our partners´ interests. Annual Report 2015/16 7 CORE COMPETENCIES OF FRAUNHOFER IKTS MATERIALS AND SEMI-FINISHED PARTS STRUCTURAL CERAMICS Oxide ceramics Polymer ceramics Non-oxide ceramics Fiber composites Hard metals and cermets Composite materials Ceramic foams Powders and suspensions FUNCTIONAL CERAMICS Non-conducting materials Pastes and tapes Dielectrics Solders, brazes and glass sealings Semiconductors ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING Ion conductors Precursor-based inks and nanoinks Magnets Composites Substrates -- Granulates -- Plates -- Tubes -- Capillaries -- Hollow fibers -- Honeycombs -- Foams Membranes and filters -- Oxides, non-oxides -- Zeolites, carbon -- MOF, ZIF, composites -- Ion and mixed conductors Catalysts -- Oxides -- Metals, CNT RAW MATERIAL AND PROCESS ANALYSIS, MATERIALS DIAGNOSTICS, NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION Analysis and evaluation of raw materials -- Analysis of particles, suspensions and granulates -- Chemical analysis In-process characterization in ceramic technology -- Characterization -- Process simulation and design -- Quality management Characterized materials -- Steel, non-ferrous metals -- Ceramics, concrete -- Materials of semiconductor industry -- Plastics, composite materials (GFRP und CFRP) -- Biomaterials and tissues Process design, process monitoring 8 Annual Report 2015/16 TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS Powder technology Fiber technology Component design Shaping Additive manufacturing Prototype production Heat treatment and sintering Pilot production and upscaling Wear-resistant components Final machining Coating technology Tools Precursor technology Joining technology Thick-film technology Thin-film technology Multilayer -- HTCC, LTCC Electrochemical machining Aerosol and inkjetprinting Galvanics Design and prototype production Materials separation -- Filtration -- Pervaporation -- Vapor permeation -- Gas separation -- Membrane extraction Biomass technology -- Preparation -- Conversion Samples and prototypes -- Membranes, filters -- Membrane modules -- Membrane plants Optical components Heating systems Medical device technology and implants Filters System definition and plant development Validation/ CE marking Test stand construction Modeling and simulation Support in field tests Photocatalysis Chemical process engineering Catalysis Filtration tests -- Laboratory, pilot, field -- Piloting Modeling and simulation -- Materials transport -- Heat transport -- Reaction Reactor development Plant design Material and component characterization -- Microstructure and phases -- Mechanical and physical properties -- High-temperature properties -- Corrosion Component and system behavior -- Damage analysis -- Failure mechanisms -- Measurement and simulation of component behavior -- Testing in accordance with certified and non-certified standards Technologies -- Micro- and nanoanalytics -- Ultrasound testing -- High-frequency eddy current -- Optical methods -- X-ray methods Components, systems and services -- Sensors and sensor networks -- Testing heads and systems -- Structural health monitoring -- Data analysis and simulation -- Biomedical sensor systems -- Testing in accordance with certified and non-certified standards Component behavior, reliability analysis, lifetime and quality management, calibration Annual Report 2015/16 9 FRAUNHOFER IKTS IN FIGURES FRAUNHOFER IKTS IN PROFILE Budget and revenues Personnel development With an overall budget of 54.1 million euros in 2015, Fraunhofer The employee count at IKTS remained at the level of 2014. IKTS is at the same level as the previous year. At 5.4 million euros, However, the number of scientists increased by 4.2 %. Salary the investment budget for the institute was approximately adjustments in the employment contracts and the associated 1.3 million euros higher than in 2014. Project-specific investment changes in employee grouping resulted in a slight change in the support from the Free State of Saxony totaling 2.76 million euros structure and growth in the group of graduates. At the went towards energy and environmental technology as well as Hermsdorf site, student employment was boosted through the a Bio-Nanotechnology Applications Lab. The Hermsdorf site cooperation with Friedrich Schiller University Jena. invested an additional 1.71 million euros for the battery pilot plant. Expansion of the research basis In line with the strategic realignment occurring at the Dresden- Within the classic working field of IKTS, the area of additive Klotzsche site, the operating budget was reduced to about manufacturing was expanded further. The extended equipment 2.45 million euros while new working fields were solidified basis enables processing of oxide and non-oxide ceramics as through investments and preliminary research projects. Over the well as integration of non-destructive test methods. short term, this means a reduction in the share of revenues from direct industry projects to 24.1 %, but over the long term The Bio-Nanotechnology Applications Lab is operated by it should significantly improve the competitiveness of the site. Fraunhofer IZI and Fraunhofer IKTS, and provides research infrastructure for handling interdisciplinary topics ranging from basic IKTS revenues from industry of 16.1 million euros amounted to biomedical research and process development to validation of a financing share of 33.4 % from direct industry projects (36 % new technologies. With the biological and medical know-how adjusted for the effects of integration). The best result was of Fraunhofer IZI and the expertise in developing new ceramic achieved by Hermsdorf with a share of 43.15 % and absolute materials and innovative measurement techniques of Fraunhofer industry revenues of 5.14 million euros. IKTS, an ideal basis is provided for completion of international projects. Overall, the institute saw a sharp decline in funding from the Free State of Saxony and Thuringia to 1.5 million euros, due in The working field of membrane technology has advanced to part to shifting project start dates to the end of 2015 or to become a core activity in the US through the expansion of 2016. However, this was balanced out by a comparable increase demonstration and test facilities at Fraunhofer CEI. in BMBF project volumes. At 1.25 million euros, the EU project volume share was relatively low for IKTS; increasing this share remains a strategic goal of the institute. The different cost accounting methods used by the various funding agencies proved to be a challenge, causing uncertainty in the calculation of costs and hence in financial planning. 1 0 Annual Report 2015/16 1 Revenue (in million euros) of Fraunhofer IKTS for the budget years 2010–2015 Personnel developments at Fraunhofer IKTS Number of employees 2010–2015, full-time equivalents, personnel structure on December 31 of each year 1 Institute management of IKTS, f.l.t.r.: Prof. Michael Stelter, Dr. Christian Wunderlich, Prof. Alexander Michaelis, Dr. Michael Zins, Dr. Ingolf Voigt. Annual Report 2015/16 11 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Institute Director Prof. Dr. habil. Alexander Michaelis Deputy Institute Director / Head of Administration Dr. Michael Zins Deputy Institute Director / Marketing and Strategy Prof. Dr. Michael Stelter / Dr. Bärbel Voigtsberger Deputy Institute Director Dr. Ingolf Voigt Deputy Institute Director Dr. Christian Wunderlich Materials Sintering and Characterization / Non-Destructive Testing Dr. habil. Mathias Herrmann Nonoxide Ceramics -- Thermal Analysis and Thermal Physics* Dipl.-Krist. Jörg Adler -- Heat Treatment -- Nitride Ceramics and Structural Ceramics -- Ceramography and Phase Analysis with Electrical Function -- Carbid Ceramics and Filter Ceramics Environmental and Process Engineering Oxide Ceramics Dr. Isabel Kinski Nanoporous Membranes -- Materials Synthesis and Development Dr. Hannes Richter -- Pilot Manufacturing of High-Purity Ceramics -- Zeolithe Membranes and Nano-Composites -- Oxide and Polymerceramic Composites* -- Carbon-Based Membranes -- Membrane Prototypes Processes and Components Dr. Hagen Klemm High-Temperature Separation and Catalysis -- Powder Technology Dr. Ralf Kriegel -- Shaping -- High-Temperature Membranes and Storages -- Component Development -- High-Temperature Separation -- Finishing -- Catalysis and Materials Synthesis -- Process Technology and Silicate Ceramics Biomass Technologies and Membrane Process Engineering * certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485 Dr. Burkhardt Faßauer -- Biomass Conversion and Water Technology -- Mixing Processes and Reactor Optimization -- Membrane Process Technology and Modeling -- Technical Electrolysis and Geothermal Energy Chemical Engineering and Electrochemistry PD Dr. Matthias Jahn -- Modeling and Simulation -- Process Systems Engineering -- Electrochemistry 1 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Technische Universität Dresden ifWW – Inorganic-Nonmetallic Materials IAVT – Electronic Packaging Laboratory DCN – Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis Prof. Dr. habil. Alexander Michaelis Jun.-Prof. Henning Heuer Prof. Dr. habil. Ehrenfried Zschech Friedrich-Schiller University Jena Technical Environmental Chemistry Prof. Dr. Michael Stelter Iowa State University Aerospace EngineeringProf. Dr. rer. nat. et Dr.-Ing. habil. N. Meyendorf Electronics and Microsystems Engineering -- Powder and Suspension Characterization* -- Quality Assurance Laboratory* and Mechanics Laboratory -- Chemical and Structural Analysis Smart Materials and Systems -- Hard Metals and Cermets Dr. Holger Neubert -- Accredited Test Lab* * accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 -- Multifunctional Materials and Components -- Applied Material Mechanics and Solid-State Transducers Energy Systems / Bio- and Medical Technology -- Systems for Condition Monitoring Materials and Components Hybrid Microsystems Dr. Mihails Kusnezoff Dr. Uwe Partsch -- Joining Technology -- Thick-Film Technology and Photovoltaics -- High-Temperature Electrochemistry and Catalysis -- Microsystems, LTCC and HTCC -- Ceramic Energy Converters -- Functional Materials for Hybrid Microsystems -- Materials MCFC -- Systems Integration and Electronic Packaging -- Technical Center Renewable Energy HOT System Integration and Technology Transfer -- Ceramic Tapes Dr. Roland Weidl -- System Concepts Testing of Electronics and Optical Methods -- Validation Dr. Mike Röllig -- Mobile Energy Storage Systems -- Optical Test Methods and Nanosensors -- Stationary Energy Storage Systems -- Speckle-Based Methods -- Thin-Film Technologies -- Reliability of Microsystems Bio- and Nanotechnology Systems for Testing and Analysis Dr. Jörg Opitz Jun.-Prof. Henning Heuer -- Biological, immunological and optical Nanosensors -- Electronics for Testing Systems -- Acoustical Diagnostics -- Software for Testing Systems -- Eddy Current Methods -- Ultrasonic Sensors and Methods Microelectronic Materials and Nanoanalysis Prof. Dr. habil. Ehrenfried Zschech -- Micro- and Nanoanalysis -- Materials and Reliability for Microelectronics Project Group Berlin Dipl.-Ing. R. Schallert Annual Report 2015/16 13 BOARD OF TRUSTEES FRAUNHOFER IKTS IN PROFILE The president of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has appointed the following people to the board of trustees at Fraunhofer IKTS: Dr. A. Beck Prof. Dr. Ch. Kaps (emer.) Saxon State Ministry for Formerly Bauhaus University Dr. R. Metzler Dr. K.-H. Stegemann Science and the Arts, Dresden Weimar, Rauschert GmbH, X-FAB Dresden GmbH & Head of Department “Bund- Faculty Civil Engineering, Judenbach-Heinersdorf Co. KG Länder-Research Institutes” Chair of Building Chemistry Managing Director Division Manager Solar Cell and Module, Manager Dipl.-Ing. R. Fetter Dr. W. Köck P. G. Nothnagel Thuringian Ministry for Plansee SE, Reutte Saxony Economic Develop- Economy, Science and the Executive Director ment Corporation, Dresden Dr. D. Stenkamp Managing Director TÜV Nord AG, Hannover Digital Society, Erfurt Business Development Department “Institutional A. Krey Research” State Development Corpora- M. Philipps tion of Thuringia (LEG), Erfurt Endress + Hauser GmbH & MR C. Zimmer-Conrad Manager Co. KG, Maulburg State Minister for Economic Head of Business Division Affairs, Labour and Transpor- Sensor Technology tation, Dresden Dr. habil. M. Gude Thuringian Ministry for the Board of Management Environment, Energy and Dr. R. Lenk Nature Conservation, Erfurt CeramTec GmbH, Plochingen Head of Department “Energy Head of Service Center Dr.-Ing. W. Rossner tion Policy, Technology and Climate” Development Siemens AG, München Funding” Head of Department “Innova- Head of Central Department Dr. P. Heilmann Dr. C. Lesniak arXes-tolina GmbH, Berlin 3M Technical Ceramics, Manager branch of 3M Deutschland Dr. K. R. Sprung GmbH, Kempten AiF Projekt GmbH, Berlin Senior Laboratory Manager CEO A. Heller Landrat of the Saale-HolzlandRegion, Eisenberg Dr. H. H. Matthias TRIDELTA GmbH, Hermsdorf Managing Director 1 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Technology, Ceramics THE FRAUNHOFERGESELLSCHAFT Research of practical utility lies at the heart of all activities pursued As an employer, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft offers its staff the by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Founded in 1949, the research opportunity to develop the professional and personal skills that organization undertakes applied research that drives economic will allow them to take up positions of responsibility within their development and serves the wider benefit of society. Its services institute, at universities, in industry and in society. Students who are solicited by customers and contractual partners in industry, choose to work on projects at the Fraunhofer Institutes have ex- the service sector and public administration. cellent prospects of starting and developing a career in industry by virtue of the practical training and experience they have ac- At present, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft maintains 67 institutes quired. and research units. The majority of the nearly 24,000 staff are qualified scientists and engineers, who work with an annual The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is a recognized non-profit organiza- research budget of more than 2.1 billion euros. Of this sum, more tion that takes its name from Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826), than 1.8 billion euros is generated through contract research. the illustrious Munich researcher, inventor and entrepreneur. More than 70 % of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s contract research revenue is derived from contracts with industry and from publicly financed research projects. Almost 30 % is contributed by the Fraunhofer locations in Germany German federal and Länder governments in the form of base funding, enabling the institutes to work ahead on solutions to problems that will not become acutely relevant to industry and society until five or ten years from now. International collaborations with excellent research partners and innovative companies around the world ensure direct access to regions of the greatest importance to present and future scientific progress and economic development. With its clearly defined mission of application-oriented research and its focus on key technologies of relevance to the future, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft plays a prominent role in the German and European innovation process. Applied research has a knock-on effect that extends beyond the direct benefits perceived by the customer: Through their research and development work, the Fraunhofer Institutes help to reinforce the competitive strength of the economy in their local region, and throughout Germany and Europe. They do so by promoting innovation, strengthening the technological base, improving the acceptance of new technologies, and helping to train the urgently needed future generation of scientists and engineers. Main locations Secondary locations Annual Report 2015/16 15 RETROSPECTIVE 1 2 EVENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS April 20–23, 2015 11th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies CICMT In 2015, for the first time ever, the CICMT was held by Fraunhofer IKTS in Dresden under the auspices of the American Ceramic March 25–26, 2015 Society (ACerS), IMAPS Deutschland, and the Deutsche Kera- Second International Symposium on Optical Coherence mische Gesellschaft (DKG / German Ceramic Society). Over the Tomography for Non-Destructive Testing OCT4NDT last decade the conference series has evolved into one of the foremost international forums for discussion of the latest R&D In March 2015, Dresden was the center of the optical coherence in the fields of ceramic microsystem and ceramic interconnect tomography (OCT) world. More than 60 people from 18 coun- technologies. More than 140 participants from 19 nations tries congregated at Fraunhofer IKTS to exchange information came to Dresden to present their research results. about industrial applications for this non-contact process. The high-level symposium program and the accompanying industrial June 12, 2015 exhibition were well received by the international OCT com- Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka munity. Thanks to the resonating success of the event, it will be visits Fraunhofer IKTS in Dresden continued in the future. The 3 OCT4NDT symposium is rd scheduled for 2017 in Linz, Austria. Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka paid a visit to Fraunhofer IKTS in Dresden on June 12 while in Germany to meet with government officials. Sobotka was accompanied by the Minister President of Saxony Stanislav Tillich, the Saxonian Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig, and the Czech Minister of Transport Dan Tok. At Fraunhofer IKTS, Sobotka was 1 6 Annual Report 2015/16 3 4 RETROSPECTIVE informed about current developments in environmental and September 17–18, 2015 energy research. At the heart of the government talks was the International Symposium on Piezocomposite furthering of the Saxonian-Czech cooperation in matters related Applications ISPA to the economy, transport, science, the environment, and education. The sixth ISPA symposium took place in September 2015 at Fraunhofer IKTS in Dresden. The event focused on scientific August 25, 2015 and technological developments as well as market requirements Thuringians Minister of Economic Affairs, Science, and the and future trends in the field of piezoelectric ceramics and Digital Society Wolfgang Tiefensee at IKTS Hermsdorf their integration into various matrix materials. Over 75 participants and 11 exhibitors from 9 countries made the symposium On August 25, the Thuringian Minister of Economic Affairs, and the accompanying industrial exhibition an outstanding Science and the Digital Society visited the Hermsdorf site of platform for the exchange of knowledge. The successful Fraunhofer IKTS as well as local technology firms to find out symposium series will be continued in 2017 in Dresden. more about the latest research and product developments in advanced and functional ceramics. Ceramic products from Hermsdorf are used, e.g., in environmental and energy technologies, medical technology, optics, test equipment, and the aerospace industry. Minister Tiefensee praised the close networking of companies from diverse industries with Fraunhofer 1 The participants of the IKTS as an important driver of the Thuringian economy. OCT4NDT symposium discussed industrial applications of optical September 16, 2015 coherence tomography. Fraunhofer Industry Day “Smart Materials” 2 For the first time, CICMT took place at Fraunhofer IKTS in Although the range of potential applications for smart materials Dresden. and microsystems is dazzling, smart sensors, energy converters, 3 During the tour through the and piezoelectric actuators are still not yet widely used in many institute: Institute Director industries. The topic of the second Fraunhofer “Smart Materials” Prof. Alexander Michaelis, Industry Day was hence to stimulate cooperation between Saxonian Minister-President engineers and designers in product development and to Stanislav Tillich, Saxonian Minister explore the question of how organizational and network of Economy Martin Dulig and structures can contribute to accelerating technology transfer Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav to industrial production of smart materials and better aligning Sobotka. research projects to the needs of companies. More than 60 4 Thuringians Minister regional representatives from science, economy, and various Wolfgang Tiefensee with associations were updated on the latest research projects Dr. Ingolf Voigt and Dr. Isabel during the program and took the opportunity to network in Kinski at Fraunhofer IKTS in the subsequent get-together. Hermsdorf. Annual Report 2015/16 17 2 1 RETROSPECTIVE September 22–24, 2015 efficient separation techniques in the fields of water and waste Dresden Battery Days water technology, energy and environmental technology, biotechnology, and food technology is met. Secretary of State Fraunhofer IKTS held the first “Dresden Battery Days” in 2015, Maier praised this step as a clear sign of the successful cooper- drawing 85 participants from industry and research. Topics ation between research and Thuringian businesses involved in were low-cost, optimized active materials and components, environmental and process technology. With its service offering, efficient production of electrodes, production-optimized cell the Application Center for Membrane Technology particularly and module designs, and improved product yield in the manu- targets small and medium-sized businesses. Complementing facturing of lithium-ion batteries. The “Dresden Battery Days” the membrane development work performed at the Hermsdorf is the partner event to the “Graz Battery Days” – in the future site, test systems are developed and built according to customer the event shall be held alternately in Graz and in Dresden on a specifications, lab and field tests are conducted, and processes yearly basis and will address specific aspects of the latest for product separation and purification are optimized in battery research and development. Schmalkalden. The application center also offers consulting on water management, membrane testing, and process design October 2, 2015 for waste water purification and water treatment. Fraunhofer IZI and Fraunhofer IKTS open Bio-Nanotechnology Applications Lab in Leipzig November 19, 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS signs MoU with South Korean research On October 2, 2015, the Leipzig-based Fraunhofer Institute for institutes Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) and Fraunhofer IKTS officially presented their new equipment inventory for the interdisciplinary On November 19, Institute Director Prof. Alexander Michaelis management of materials and bioscience issues. Secretary of signed a memorandum of understanding on behalf of Fraunhofer State Uwe Gaul, in Leipzig for the bionection partnering IKTS with Korea Institute of Materials Science and Yonsei conference, attended the opening ceremony. The Bio-Nano- University from South Korea. The partners agreed to cooperate technology laboratory equipment was funded through an in research projects and in joint seminars and publications on investment of three million euros from the Saxonian State materials science, bio- and nanotechnology, environmental Ministry for Science and the Arts (SMWK) under funding from and process technology, and energy. In 2016, a joint research the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE). center will be built on Yonsei International Campus to provide a central point of contact for academic-industry cooperation October 30, 2015 Inauguration of new Application Center for Membrane Technology in Schmalkalden In the presence of the Thuringian Secretary of State Georg Maier and other invited guests, Ingolf Voigt, Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IKTS, opened the extension of the “Application Center for Membrane Technology” in Schmalkalden on October 30, 2015. With this extension, the rising demand for 1 8 Annual Report 2015/16 with companies, startups, and other research institutions. 3 4 RETROSPECTIVE Awards December 14, 2015 October 5, 2015 Germany’s top physics laboratory technician trainee Thuringian partnership receives prestigious trained at Fraunhofer IKTS US Environmental Award Scoring an outstanding 98.50 points in his final exam with the In recognition of their ceramic nanofiltration membranes, Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK), Jan Ullmann was Fraunhofer IKTS and inopor GmbH from Veilsdorf received the the best IHK trainee in Saxony and the best IHK physics laboratory 2015 Corporate Environmental Achievement Award from the technician trainee in all of Germany. The honoring of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). Filtration and treatment of country’s best took place on December 14 in Berlin. Based on water is becoming an important global issue. With porous this success, Fraunhofer IKTS received the title of “Outstanding membranes exhibiting the appropriate pore sizes, microorgan- Training Company in 2015” from the Dresden Chamber of isms, dissolved organic matter, and salts can be separated Commerce and Industry. from waste water with little energy and no additional chemicals. Fraunhofer IKTS succeeded in developing the world’s first ceramic nanofiltration membrane with a pore size of less than 1 More than 75 people from 1 nm. Together with inopor GmbH, the institute is producing nine different countries took part these membranes on an industrial scale and has already realized in ISPA 2015. numerous applications. 2 IKTS project coordinator Dr. Jörg Opitz (center) gives a tour November 23, 2015 of BNAL to Secretary of State Uwe Two IKTS trainees among the top Fraunhofer trainees in Gaul (right), Prof. Frank Emmrich, 2015 Director of Fraunhofer IZI (left), and other guests. Congratulations go out to chemistry laboratory technician 3 MoU signing at Fraunhofer Daniela Möbius and physics laboratory technician Jan Ullmann. IKTS: Prof. Alexander Michaelis They completed their training with the grade of “very good” with Director of the Institute for and were among the best trainees at Fraunhofer in 2015. The Global Convergence Technology ceremony recognizing the top trainees was held on November 23 Muhwan Shin (left) and Director at the headquarters of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Munich. of the Korea Institute of Materials The teams under Beatrice Bendjus and Lars Rebenklau were Science Hai-Doo Kim (right). honored as the best Fraunhofer trainers. 4 F.l.t.r.: Ingolf Voigt and Petra Puhlfürß (Fraunhofer IKTS), Cheryl Brayman (inopor GmbH), and ACerS President Prof. Kathleen A. Richardson at the awards ceremony in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Annual Report 2015/16 19 1 2 RETROSPECTIVE TRADE FAIR REVIEW 2015 – SCIENCE MEETS MARKET The unique properties of high-performance ceramics secure considerably less energy than comparable air separation their competitiveness in diverse applications. Fraunhofer IKTS systems do. Oxygen generators are used, e.g., in hospitals, as one stop shop for ceramics offers partners extensive R&D waste water treatment plants, steel production, biomass services from materials to systems. Last year the institute gasification, and the chemical industry. presented selected research highlights at 41 trade shows in Germany and around the world. In 2015, IKTS continued its tradition of using the platform of the world’s largest industrial trade show, Hannover Messe, to Highlights showcase its structural ceramic technologies and applications for medical technology, optics, mechanical engineering, and Fuel cell systems developed in Dresden enable off-grid power the automotive industry. Great interest was shown in the filigree generation. The “Energy” business division presented trade and customized ceramic parts made by additive manufacturing. show visitors in Germany and Asia the eneramic® power These parts offer exciting new opportunities for use in medical generator which is mobile and operated with liquefied petro- technology, microreactors and microdevices, and the jewelry leum gas, and gave a live demonstration to show the launch industry and can be realized resource-efficiently and tool-free readiness of the system. in the future. In the field of non-destructive testing, IKTS scientists demonstrated a semi-automated measuring device Fraunhofer IKTS debuted at electronica China in Shanghai with for live imaging 2D and 3D ceramic specimens based on optical a booth in the German Pavilion, where the “Electronics and coherence tomography (OCT). Testing is done contact- and Microsystems” business division provided information on the contamination-free in a matter of seconds. Hence, it is suitable production of customer-specific thick-film pastes. An exclusive for industrial-scale application and can additionally be imple- user workshop on power electronics of the future took place mented in existing processes. alongside the trade show. Innovative solutions for the process industry awaited visitors at the ACHEMA World Forum in Frankfurt, Germany. The “Environmental and Process Engineering” business division presented a measurement technique developed in-house for monitoring inaccessible pipes and corrosion-prone components in systems. IKTS researchers also demonstrated the latest generation of a mobile oxygen generator for the first time. With mixed conducting ceramic membranes, these systems generate 250 normal liters of pure oxygen per hour via a high-temperature separation process while consuming 2 0 Annual Report 2015/16 3 4 RETROSPECTIVE Overview 2015 for Nanoelectronics Laser World of Photonics Ceramitec Dresden, April 14–16 Munich, July 22–25 Munich, October 20–23 ThEGA-Forum Cancer Diagnosis & FAD Conference Weimar, April 20 Therapy Congress Dresden, November 4–5 nano tech Tokyo, January 28–30 ChemTech India Mumbai, January 28–31 London, September 3–4 Ceramics Expo Cleveland, April 28–30 Leichtbau-Tagung Oberhausen, February 11–12 Materialsweek SMT Hybrid Packaging Fuel Cell Expo PRORA Fachtagung “ProEuromat zessnahe Röntgenanalytik” Warsaw, September 20–24 Adlershof, November 12–13 ISPA International Sympo- Hagener Symposium sium on Piezocomposite Hagen, November 25–27 Wind & Maritime Rostock, May 6–7 Battery Japan DGZfP DACH-Tagung Applications Salzburg, May 11–13 Dresden, September 17–18 Munich, March 4–5 PCIM Europe Dresden Battery Days Nuremberg, May 19–21 Dresden, September 22–24 Tokyo, February 25–27 Munich, November 10–13 Dresden, September 14–17 Nuremberg, May 5–7 Tokyo, February 25–27 productronica LOPEC Dresdner Sensor-Symposium Dresden, December 7–9 Energy Storage Sensor+Test 200. DGZfP-Arbeitskreis 1 electronica China, Shanghai: Nuremberg, May 19–21 Dresden, October 1 Dr. Eberstein presents the IKTS Show Electrical Energy Storage EuroPM European Powder Cologne, March 10–15 Munich, June 10–12 Metallurgy Congress and Germany: premiere of the Exhibition mobile oxygen generator. Düsseldorf, March 8–11 IDS International Dental thick-film paste range. JEC Composites Show RapidTech Paris, March 10–12 Erfurt, June 10–11 electronica China ACHEMA Shanghai, March 17–19 Frankfurt a.M., June 15–19 Reims, October 4–7 2 ACHEMA, Frankfurt a.M., 3 ceramitec, Munich, Germany: the leading international trade Semicon Europa show for the ceramic industry Dresden, October 6–8 brings together manufacturers, suppliers, and scientists from World of Energy Solutions more than 40 different countries. 4 Hannover Messe: Fraunhofer Hannover Messe Energy Saxony Summit Hannover, April 13–17 Dresden, June 24 Kraftwerkstechnisches technology and prototype de- FCMN Frontiers of Charac- Carbon Kolloquium velopment to application in the terization and Metrology Dresden, July 12–16 Dresden, October 13–14 fields of of fuel cells and batteries. Stuttgart, October 12–14 IKTS offers partnerships from Annual Report 2015/16 21 HIGHLIGHTS FROM OUR BUSINESS DIVISIONS Materials and Mechanical and Auto- Electronics and Processes motive Engineering Microsystems Energy g The “Materials and g High-performance ce- g The “Electronics and g Ceramic materials and Processes“ business division ramics are key components in Microsystems“ business technologies form the basis provides a central point of mechanical and automotive division offers manufacturers for improved and fundamen- contact for all matters related engineering. Due to their and users unique access to tally new applications in energy to development, manufactur- outstanding properties, they materials, technologies, and technology. To that end, ing, and qualification of are often the only available know-how to help them Fraunhofer IKTS develops, high-performance ceramics options. The “Mechanical develop robust, high-perfor- builds, and tests innovative for a wide range of applica- and Automotive Engineering“ mance electronic components. components, modules, and tions. A wealth of experience business division offers Focus is on sensors and sensor complete systems, focusing has been accumulated in high-performance ceramic, systems as well as power mainly on ceramic solid-state all relevant materials and hard metal, and cermet wear electronic components and ionic conductors. Applications technologies, for which parts and tools as well as “smart“ multifunctional range from electrochemical requirement-related functional parts for specific loading systems. With the help of energy storage systems and solutions are developed. The conditions. A new core area innovative test methods and fuel cells, solar cells, energy scope of activities encompasses comprising test systems for systems, Fraunhofer IKTS pro- harvesting modules, and the entire process chain, monitoring components and vides support along the entire thermal energy systems to making this division crucial to production facilities based on value-added chain – from solutions for biofuels and all other business divisions. optical, elastodynamic, and materials to integration of chemical fuels. magnetic effects has also complex electronic systems. been established. 2 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Environmental and Bio- and Medical Process Engineering Technology Optics Materials and Process Analysis g Fraunhofer IKTS develops g Fraunhofer IKTS makes g Fraunhofer IKTS develops g Fraunhofer IKTS offers a innovative materials, technol- use of the outstanding prop- ceramic materials and com- wide range of test, character- ogies, and systems for safe, erties of ceramic materials to ponents for photonics, light- ization, and analysis methods efficient, environmentally, develop dental and endopros- ing applications, and ballistic for materials properties and and climate-friendly conversion thetic implants and surgical protection. Phase synthesis production processes. As a of energy and substances. instruments. In well-equipped, combined with materials and reliable, multiply accredited, Focus is on processes involving certified laboratories, the technology expertise yields and audited service provider, conventional and biological interactions between biological innovative luminescent mate- Fraunhofer IKTS assists in the energy sources as well as and synthetic materials are rials, active optoceramics, opti- investigation of fundamental strategies and processes for investigated and applied cal and decorative elements, aspects of materials science, water and air purification towards the development of and transparent ceramics for application-specific issues, and treatment, and for recov- improved materials, analytics, defense applications. Optical and measurement-related ery of valuable raw materials and diagnostics. In part unique technologies are also used in developments. Characteristic from waste. New reactor de- optical, acoustic, and bioelec- measurement and diagnostic parameters are not only de- signs for the chemical industry trical techniques are available systems in medicine, life termined but also interpreted are made possible by ceramic for this purpose. sciences, and industry. within the context of the technologies. respective application to uncover any potential for optimization. Annual Report 2015/16 23 1 2 M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S E S QUALITY CONTROL OF LASER CLADDING BY LASER SPECKLE PHOTOMETRY D r. Be a t r ic e B e n d j u s , D r. U l a n a C i k a l o va , D r. M i ke Röl l i g In electrical engineering and electronics applications in which the diagram below. Up to 100 contacts per second can be electrical contacts are only selectively required (e.g. grinding recorded and evaluated externally, making 100 % inspection and plug contacts), micro-laser cladding is used for local selective possible in principle. Micro-laser cladding and LSP have been application of contacts with precious metals. Mass production successfully tested in an experimental setup. requires quality control of the contacts with the potential for high-speed inspection. Laser speckle photometry (LSP) can be The project was funded within the Fraunhofer program MEF. used for this purpose. LSP is a contactless inspection method that was developed at Fraunhofer IKTS. It is based on the analysis of temporal changes in optical speckle patterns (interference Calibration curve for contact heights determined by confocal microscopy vs. LSP height patterns) resulting from exposure of test objects to coherent light. In a joint project of Fraunhofer IKTS and ILT, use of LSP for indirect determination of the precious metal content as well as the geometry of the contacts is being examined. The gold contacts are applied by needle dispensing, dried to drive off the binder, and remelted with a laser. In LSP, the necessary temporal and lateral resolution of the interference pattern is achieved through use of a CMOS camera. Interference excitation is simultaneously effected through reheating of the contacts with the machining laser. Pulse processing enables a gold contact with a diameter of about 200 microns and a thickness of several 10 microns to be remelted within 100 milliseconds. By parallelization (e.g., by a cascading beam splitter), dozens of contacts can be functionalized per second. The LSP signals change with the gold content and the diameter and height of contacts and can therefore be 1 Experimental setup at ILT used as a parameter for calibration. Currently an accuracy of Aachen. approximately ± 7 % can be achieved. Exemplified by the para- 2 Speckle pattern of a contact, meter “contact height“ the correlation between the measure- showing an envelope line for ments obtained using a reference method and LSP is shown in estimation of contact heights. 2 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Beatrice Bendjus • Phone +49 351 88815-511 • [email protected] 1 2 2 1 µm M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S E S STABILITY OF MATRIX MATERIALS FOR APPLICATION IN MCFCs Di p l .-I n g. C hr ist oph B a u mg ä rtn e r, Dr. K a tj a Wä tz i g, D r. M i hai l s Kus nez off, Dr. M yk ola V innic he n k o The Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) is presently one of the differential thermal analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. most mature and efficient fuel cell technologies, enabling elec- In the present work, the feasibility of chemically modifying the trical energy efficiencies of up to 48 % for 350-kW to 3-MW initial slurry in order to block undesirable LiAlO2 phase trans- systems. Both the electrolyte storage capacity and the cell life- formations during calcination at temperatures as high as 700 °C time depend on the stability of the key component, the porous was demonstrated. This improvement resulted in a stable matrix made of submicron LiAlO2 particles holding the molten LiAlO2 phase over a wider temperature range and is important carbonate electrolyte by means of capillary forces. Particle for high-temperature application of this material. coarsening and/or phase transformations during long-term operation may reduce the matrix electrolyte retention capability and impact cell life. Phase composition of LiAlO2 prepared from AlOOH and Li2CO3 by solid-state reaction at T = 700 °C without and with two different modifications of the initial slurry Although LiAlO2 nanopowder synthesis has already been reported, the stability in MCFC operating conditions remains an important challenge. The newly established Fraunhofer Attract group “Materials MCFC” works on addressing basic aspects of the effects of synthesis parameters on the coarsening behavior and phase transformations in LiAlO2 to enable more stable and simultaneously cost-efficient material. The research infrastructure covering powder synthesis, matrix preparation by tape casting, materials testing, and materials characterization in cells and half cells was established for this purpose. The solid- state reaction between AlOOH (Sasol Germany GmbH) and Li2CO3 (Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH) was selected as the most promising approach due to its relative simplicity, good scalability, and This study was supported in part by Fraunhofer Attract cost-efficient starting materials. Different mixing/milling and “Innovelle” and BMWi “MCFC_Next” projects. drying approaches using either solvent- or water-based media were tested. Variation of calcination times and temperatures over wide ranges yielded information on the kinetics of the 1 Schematic of the MCFC cell. calcination process. The powders were characterized in terms 2 Granule of an AlOOH-Li2CO3 of crystalline structure, porosity, crystallographic phases, and mixture obtained by spray drying morphology using XRD, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface analysis, of a water-based slurry. Contact Mykola Vinnichenko • Phone +49 351 2553-7282 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 25 Temperature Stress 1 2 M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S E S HIGH-PERFORMANCE CERAMICS FOR GAS TURBINES – FROM MATERIALS TO COMPONENTS D ipl. - Ing. W il l y K u n z , D i p l .-I n g . Jo h a n n e s A bel , D r. Tas s i l o M ori tz , D i pl .-I ng Jens Stoc kmann, D r. H a ge n K le mm Rotor for a micro gas turbine Si3N4 high-performance ceramics are suitable for rotating parts and high thermomechanical loads because of their excellent With the development of renewable energies, the European mechanical properties from room temperature up to 1400 °C. environmental policy aims at decreasing fossil fuel consumption Dependent on chemical composition, sintering and after-treat- and pollutant emissions, thus emphasizing the need for reliable ment, specific properties can be amplified. To adapt the material provision of energy at peak loads. Stationary gas turbines supply properties to the operational stresses and to optimize the power very flexibly and produce comparatively little emissions component design a repetitive adjustment of both is necessary. because of their high efficiency. Micro gas turbines are predestinated for local and independent energy conversion with The illustration of a realistic profile of operational demands via combined heat and power generation. Recent research and simulative coupling of thermal and (fluid-)mechanical loads development activities have been focused on decreasing emis- done by Fraunhofer SCAI was the groundwork for material sions and fuel consumption of such turbomachines. This can development. Based on this data, specific development aims be achieved by increasing the efficiency through a higher could be defined. The adjustment of the material properties operating temperature or a lower amount of cooling. Both was done by a targeted design of the grain boundary. This approaches result in significantly higher turbine component led to high strength as well as high oxidation resistance and temperatures. Metal alloys are already operating at their physical fatigue strength up to 1200 °C. limits in terms of temperature and cannot tolerate any significant increases. Hence, substitution of metal turbine parts by highperformance ceramic materials can offer tremendous benefits. A silicon nitride (Si3N4) rotor for a radial-flow micro gas turbine with a capacity of 30 kWel was developed within the scope of Material data for micro gas turbine rotor Operating temperature Fracture toughness Strength Fatigue strength at 1200 °C 1200 °C 6.8 MPa m1/2 ~ 1000 MPa ~ 500 MPa a Fraunhofer project. The ceramic rotor exhibits long-term stability up to 1200 °C at maximum operating loads and can The near-net-shape process of ceramic injection molding (CIM) be mass-produced. was used for fabrication. This method is very suitable for the production of high quantities with low loss of material. In this This project was a collaboration of five Fraunhofer institutes: process, a heated thermoplastic compound composed of IKTS (material development, fabrication), IPK (tool production, ceramic powders and an organic binder (feedstock) is pressed final shaping), SCAI (simulation, shape optimization), into a mold cavity under high pressure to form a near-net-shaped IFF (testing, lean gas tests), and IWS (bonding, coating). part. The large volume of the rotor (148 cm³) imposed numerous demands on the mold cavity and the feedstock, with the 2 6 Annual Report 2015/16 3 4 M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S E S greatest challenge proving to be the debinding process. This problem was solved by an innovative combination of chemical and thermal treatment of the part to enable sintering of defect-free rotors. Material data for helicopter engine blade Operating temperature Fracture toughness Strength Fatigue strength at 1200 °C 1400 °C 6.1 MPa m1/2 ~ 700 MPa ~ 450 MPa Having undergone minor structural modifications, the Capstone® C30 gas turbine located at Fraunhofer IFF powder is shaped by milling. Despite the filigree geometry of Magdeburg is now ready for installation of the ceramic rotor. the blades, green machining was found to be suitable for fabrication. After finishing the sintering process, grinding was Turbine blades for a helicopter turbine necessary only at the fitting surfaces at the blade roots. Airplane and helicopter engines and stationary gas turbines The fabricated blades will be tested in cooperation with basically work according to the same principle. The difference EURO-K GmbH. is that in the former, the energy from the turbine stage is converted into thrust, not electricity. Also, a jet engine is constructed as an axial turbine, in which the gas stream does not change direction. The rotor is usually not a single part, but rather a ring with several blades attached to it. In another Fraunhofer project, ceramic blades for the first stage of a Klimov GTD 350 helicopter engine were developed and produced. The goal was to make the blade and its material capable for operation at 1400 °C. The first part of the material development process was similar to that of the rotor for the micro gas turbine. First, a predictive simulation of the thermal and mechanical loads was made in collaboration with Fraunhofer IPK Berlin. Small changes were made to the blade geometry based on the requirements of the ceramic material. Because of the very high operating temperature, a material exhibiting very high creep and corrosion resistance was devel- 1 Radial turbine rotor made of oped. silicon nitride. Due to their filigree shape with free-form surfaces, the blades stress distributions at maximum were difficult to fabricate with a 5-axis milling machine. Very load. good mechanical properties (strength and hardness) are bene- 3 Engine blade made of silicon ficial for operation but lead to time-consuming and expensive nitride. milling and grinding processes. Tool wear and process duration 4 Simulated stress distribution can be minimized by green machining, in which compacted at maximum load. 2 Simulated temperature and Contact Willy Kunz • Phone +49 351 2553-7243 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 27 1 2 2 µm 3 150 nm M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S E S INTERFACE INVESTIGATIONS IN STEEL-CERAMIC COMPOSITE LAYERS D r. U w e Müh l e , D i p l .-I n g . A n n e G ü n th e r, D r. Tas s i l o M ori tz , D r. M athi as H errmann Tape casting can be used in a novel way to manufacture metal- ceramics using the experience gained from other categories of ceramic composites with high process and resource utilization materials. efficiency. This process, which includes the conventional sintering process, can be used with a wide range of products, especially This preparation technique was successfully used with various steel-zirconia composites. The combination of Crofer 22 APU combinations of materials, especially densly sintered materials and zirconia is employed in fuel cell technology, a field in which (Figure 2). The stability and feasibility of porous materials were Fraunhofer IKTS researchers are among the leaders. This material achieved through infiltration with an epoxy material and sub- combination can also be applied in the manufacturing of high- sequent curing. temperature filter systems, membranes for gas separation, and tooling equipment. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) in the TEM was mainly used for elemental analysis. Crystallographic structures The second group of suitable materials is the combination of were investigated using electron diffraction. For both applica- zirconia with high-alloy 17-4 PH steel, commonly known as tions, the thickness of the TEM foil was maintained above a “surgical steel“. These composites can be interesting alternatives minimum value for ensuring the robustness of the specimen. for typical surgical instruments, such as bipolar scissors, grippers, and tweezers (Figure 1). The scanning TEM (STEM) was operated in bright field mode to give the best results due to the high beam intensity used The properties of these products can only be improved when (Figure 3). In this mode, EDX spectra and elemental mappings an understanding of the behavior of the incorporated materials of regions of interest were obtained. The alloying elements in at the microscale and the nanoscale is given. A key enabler for the steel formed precipitations of oxidic nature at the interface the further development of co-sintered steel-ceramic composites between the steel and the ceramic layer. The effect of these is knowledge of the mechanical, chemical, and long-term prop- precipitations on the mechanical behavior and under corrosion erties. The established characterization methods (optical and conditions will be the subject of further investigations. scanning electron microscopy) must be supplemented with imaging and analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM). 1 Bipolar scissors made of a la- This requires the development of a proper method for prepa- minated steel-ceramic composite. ration based on the focused ion beam technique (FIB). 2 Steel-ceramic composite TEM specimen prepared by using the The first experiments were focused on the application of a lift- FIB technique. out preparation technique at the boundary between steel and 3 Interface showing precipitations. 2 8 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Uwe Mühle • Phone +49 351 88815-547 • [email protected] 1 1 µm 2 M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S E S PLASMAELECTROLYTIC OXIDATION OF MAGNESIUM Dr. Mi c ha e l S c hne ide r, D i p l .-I n g . K e rs ti n K re mmer The high susceptibility of magnesium alloys to corrosion The oxide layers formed usually exhibit a number of pores or greatly restricts their use in lightweight construction. Previous sinkholes, which can act as sites for initiation of localized cor- attempts to improve the corrosion protection mainly involved rosion. organic coating systems on magnesium alloys. A further option is afforded by plasmaelectrolytic oxidation. This technique is For approximately two years now, the working group on electro- similar to conventional anodizing in terms of the equipment chemistry at Fraunhofer IKTS has been collaborating with used but employs a much higher applied voltage. This leads colleagues at DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut to develop a to dielectric breakdown of the conventionally formed oxide novel procedure that works with a lower breakdown voltage coatings due to the higher field strengths. The electric field and in fluoride-free anodizing electrolytes and that allows for strength causes ionization of the oxygen gas generated on the the simultaneous incorporation of encapsulated corrosion electrode interface, resulting in discharge of microscopic arcs inhibitors into the oxide layer. The aim is to achieve a significant (microsparks) on the surface of the material. The lifetime and improvement in the corrosion protection of plasmaelectrolytic the number of these sparks depend on the conditions, e.g., oxide layers on magnesium alloys. voltage or bath composition, under which the sparks are formed. This process is associated with pronounced localized Funding of this work by AiF (grant no. IGF 472-ZBG) is heat generation, which causes the metals to be locally melted gratefully acknowledged. and thermochemically oxidized. The formed oxides are usually crystalline high-temperature modifications (e.g., MgO) with typical properties of oxides such as high resistance to chemicals. Due to the high resistivity, no electron transfer reactions (e.g., oxygen reduction) take place. Therefore, corrosion reactions 1 SEM images of the surfaces are strongly inhibited. In the past, plasmaelectrolytic oxidation of two plasmaelectrolytic oxide was usually carried out in fluoride-containing electrolytes. (PEO) layers prepared on AZ31 Recent research and development work has been focused on using various electrolytes. using fluoride-free electrolytes, which are less harmful in terms 2 Current density versus poten- of health, safety, and the environment. One drawback of plasma- tial for PEO layers prepared on electrolytic oxidation is the use of high voltages, which is AZ31 using various electrolytes. associated with high energy consumption. Therefore, a further objective of research is to decrease the breakdown voltage. Contact Michael Schneider • Phone +49 351 2553-7793 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 29 1 2 MECHANICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING NEW HIGHLY SENSITIVE PHASED ARRAY PROBES BASED ON PMN-PT COMPOSITES D r. T hom a s H e rz o g , D i p l .-I n g . S u s a n Wa l ter, D r. F rank Sc hubert, Jun.-Prof. H enni ng H euer The single crystals of lead magnesium niobate/lead titanate Echo signals from a back wall at a distance of 18 mm (PMN-PT) are well known for their excellent piezoelectric properties and therefore make PMN-PT a promising material for the development of highly sensitive ultrasound transducers. Furthermore, they can be processed using the dice and fill composite technique as is used for PZT ceramics. Piezoelectric 1-3 composites based on PMN-PT single crystals were developed, characterized, and used for the manufacturing of phased array probes in cooperation with the Korean company IBULE photonics. The goal of this project was to show that the new highly sensitive composite materials can be used for the Frequency spectra of the above signals manufacturing of ultrasound transducers and the conventional PZT-based composites can be replaced without extensive adjustment of the technological process. Phased array probes were manufactured from both composite materials with the same parameters, and then compared. For this purpose, ultrasound tests were performed on a simple polystyrene test body (Rexolite®) with a flat back wall at a distance of 18 mm as well as on a titanium test body with three diagonally situated side drill holes of diameter 0.5 mm. The results showed a sensitivity level that was more than 10 dB higher and a bandwidth that was 20 % higher for the PMNPT-based transducer than for the conventional PZT-based one. 1 PMN-PT-based phased array probe on titanium test body The new PMN-PT-based transducers are particularly interesting with diagonally situated side for applications where low signal-to-noise ratios can be expected drill holes. due to geometric attenuation or long travel paths in the 2 Phased array sector scan material under test. between -45° and +45° with clear indication of drill holes. 3 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Thomas Herzog • Phone +49 351 888155-626 • [email protected] 1 2 3 MECHANICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 3D WELD NUGGET CHARACTERIZATION BY HIGH-FREQUENCY ULTRASOUND Di pl .-I n g. Ra ff a e l H ip p , Di p l .-I n g . An d re a s G o mml i c h, D r. F rank Sc hubert Resistance spot welding represents a well-established industrial ultrasonic matrix array. The large number of channels and the joining technology due to its high cost-effectiveness and process high performance of the measuring equipment needed for such reliability. Traditionally, the quality of a resistance spot weld has an approach are provided by PCUS pro Array II, the newly devel- been tested destructively by the chisel test, in which the button of oped Fraunhofer IKTS in-house hardware platform. It offers 128 the weld spot is measured geometrically. Based on the assumption transmit and 128 receive channels and is fully cascadable so that that constant process parameters, such as material type, welding even more than 128 channels can be addressed. time and electrode force, and other statistically varying parameters lead to similar but not identical results, the process quality can be characterized by the evaluation of random samples. However, for Topography of a resistance spot weld caused by indentation of the welding tong 100 % in-line testing, a non-destructive inspection method needs to be applied. The ultrasonic pulse-echo technique represents such a method. With conventional single-channel transducers, spot welds can be characterized by the evaluation of the echo signals integrated over the aperture of the transducer. However, in order to get a space-resolved evaluation of the spot weld in terms of high-resolution C-scan images, a mechanical scanner or an ultrasonic matrix array is necessary. The latter usually requires high-performance multi-channel electronic measuring equipment. Reference measurements based on high-resolution Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) showed that with this imaging approach, the lateral size of the weld nugget can be measured 1 Color-coded back wall echo for precisely. In contrast to conventional single-channel testing, this estimation of the weld nugget method also allows imperfections and other discontinuities to be thickness, showing the coarse- localized and taken into account in the weld assessment. By grained microstructure in the considering the topography of the weld region and the coarse- interior of the nugget. grained nature of the microstructure inside the weld nugget, it is 2 Photomicrograph of a resis- additionally possible to estimate the thickness of the weld nugget tance spot weld with a coarse- for full 3D characterization of the nugget. The thickness evalua- grained microstructure and a void. tion is based on the attenuation of the back wall echo caused by 3 Typical C-scan of a spot weld ultrasonic grain scattering. In practice, the mechanical scanning with a light area indicative of an of the SAM can be replaced by the electronic scanning of an incomplete fusion. Contact Frank Schubert • Phone +49 351 88815-523 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 31 1 2 MECHANICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING VIBRATION ANALYSIS: AN INTEGRAL METHOD FOR TESTING OF CERAMIC COMPONENTS D ipl. - Ing. Ma rti n B a rth , Dr. Fra n k D u ck h or n, D r. Ber nd Köhl er, D i pl .-M ath. Ki l i an Ts c höke, D r. C onst a nz e Ts ch ö p e , Di p l .-I n g . T h o mas W i ndi s c h Motivation Characteristics The increased application of high-performance ceramics, As an integral testing method, vibration analysis yields a number functional ceramics, and ceramics in composite materials of global parameters such as resonant frequencies and damp- imposes high demands on material properties and the absence ing constants for various vibrational modes. These quantities of defects. Even the smallest of flaws – especially cracks – can are influenced by both intolerable changes in geometry, micro-, lead to total component failure. Very often one is faced with and macrostructure (= defects) and “normal” variations in the task of testing large numbers of components with only geometry and mass. Therefore, reliable defect detection re- moderate efforts and costs. quires the selection and combination of appropriate features. Vibration analysis is a nondestructive method that can be used Application example 1: Ceramic electrolyte tubes to identify a multitude of nonconformities. Any features that influence the vibration properties can be sensed. These espe- Na-ß-aluminate electrolyte tubes (Figure 1) show relevant reso- cially include inner and surface connected flaws in parts other- nance at frequencies above 10 kHz (Figure 3), which can be wise considered to be defect-free. If applicable, the vibration sensed by high-quality microphones. The tubes are excited by analysis yields the information needed rapidly and therefore an automated clapper. For the present investigations, five tubes cost-efficiently. At Fraunhofer IKTS, a wealth of experience in were used: three good parts, one with an increased leak rate, the vibration analysis of (sintered) metal parts and tissue prod- and one with a crack. It was first verified that tube detection ucts is currently being applied towards quality assurance of was possible (detection rate: 99 %), irrespective of the striking ceramic components. position. After that a good/bad decision was made for unknown cups using a statistical model based on two good Challenges and features tubes as references. The remaining tubes (“Good3”, “Leak”, and “Crack”) were compared to this model using two striking A part is usually excited by impact and vibrates freely. The positions (P1 and P2). The following table shows the detection support should not significantly influence the vibration. However, rates, which, with the exception of striking position P1 with a even if it does, some influences can be tolerated, as long as they crack, were higher than 90 %. From this result, it was con- involve vibrational modes that are not necessary for the assess- cluded that differentiation between good and bad parts was ment of the part quality. This requires optimization of the possible. Furthermore, the need for several striking positions positions and the nature of the support. For the same reason, for cups with cracks was recognized. detection has to be nearly free from feedback. 3 2 Annual Report 2015/16 3 MECHANICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Detection rate for good/bad sorting of tubes “Good3“, “Leak“, and “Crack“ and striking positions P1 and P2 Name Good3 Leak Crack Position P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 Selected eigen frequency of a cylindrical ceramic hollow part Detection rate 96 % 98 % 98 % 100 % 16 % 92 % Application example 2: Cylindrical ceramic hollow part As expected, the FEM simulation of the part with a length of only a few millimeters (Figure 2) only revealed significant resonance at relatively high frequencies of more than 100 kHz. Hence, the usual method of mechanical excitation along with vibration detection by microphones could not be used, and wide-band excitation by a laser pulse and detection by a laser Services offered vibrometer were employed instead. After the excitation and detection positions were optimized, significant eigenmodes The applicability of vibration analysis for customers’ parts can could be identified and evaluated. For the sake of clarity, a be examined. If the analysis yields a positive result, the cus- single peak in the full vibration spectrum was selected. The tomer can order the on-site design, setup, and leveling of a complete measurement cycle – including positioning of the testing device. This includes installation of automated data part in the measurement setup – was repeated three times. evaluation systems and appropriate training. The resonant frequency was completely stable for each part, but the good/bad sorting results differed significantly. Further investigations will show how flaws can be distinguished from other (tolerable) variations in the parts. Summary 1 Ceramic cup with automated Vibration analysis must be adapted specifically to each part mechanical excitation and and to each defect type for a given part. This adaptation in- microphone. cludes selection of an appropriate means of signal excitation 2 Cylindrical part with excita- and signal detection, signal preprocessing, and compensation tion laser (green) and detection of tolerable property changes (e.g., mass and geometry varia- laser (red). tions) as well as automated evaluation of signals and sorting 3 FEM simulation of the mode into “good” and “bad” parts. shapes and their eigen frequencies in kHz. Contact Bernd Köhler • Phone +49 351 88815-520 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 33 1 2 M E C H A N I C A L A N D A U T O M AT I V E E N G I N E E R I N G L100 X-RAY LINE DETECTOR FOR FAST IN-LINE APPLICATIONS D r. P e t e r K r ü g e r, M . S c. S u s a n n e Hi l l m a nn, Jun.-Prof. D r. H enni ng H euer In the context of a strategic alliance with Fraunhofer IPMS and The prototypes currently under test have a line length of Fraunhofer FEP, a novel X-ray line detector was developed. X-ray 102.4 mm and achieve a resolution of 100 µm in test condi- detectors are gradually replacing the X-ray films still common tions. in radiography today and are essential for X-ray computed tomography. In conventional indirectly converting detectors, They can be constructed with two different kinds of absorber the incoming X-ray photons are converted into visible light, materials, enabling detection of X-ray photons in energy ranges which is then converted into electrical signals by photodiodes of 30–200 keV and 2–40 keV. Thus, the X-ray line detector for subsequent processing. The intermediate step of converting can be used for both imaging and diffraction applications. The the X-ray photons into light photons has potentially negative minimum counting time of the detector is 20 µs, which makes effects on the detector‘s resolution and linearity. To overcome it possible to examine the test objects at a speed of around this difficulty, the L100 X-ray line detector presented here 50 m/s (dependent on the test design). works as a directly converting detector, which means that the X-ray photons are directly converted into electrical signals in a Combined with the XVision X-ray computed tomography con- kind of a photodiode. trol and analysis software, customized X-ray microtomography systems with intuitive user interfaces can be constructed. The advantages of this concept are a significant improvement in resolution and linearity as well as the possibility of estimating the energy of each photon presented by the single-photon sensitivity, which in turn can be efficiently used for dual-energy applications, such as material sorting. Line detectors are used when moving objects need to be analyzed or if the size of the test specimen only permits the use of a well-collimated illuminating beam for elimination of undesirable scattered radiation. The line detector developed in the present work is assembled using application-specific inte- 1 L100 X-ray line detector, grated circuits (ASICs) to enable low-cost manufacturing and complete system. high configuration flexibility. 2 Close-up of the active area of the L100: absorber (upper left) wire-bonded to the readout electronics (lower right). 3 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Susanne Hillmann • Phone +49 351 88815-552 • [email protected] 1 2 ELECTRONICS AND MICROSYSTEMS RELIABLE DESIGN OF SHM ELECTRONICS FOR APPLICATION IN HARSH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Di pl .-I n g. Robe r t S c h we rz, To b i a s G a u l , Dr. M i k e Röl l i g, Ber nd F rankens tei n Even novel sensors work in conjunction with measurement and conditions, was crucial. Micromechanical investigation of resis- signal-evaluating electronics. Research at Fraunhofer IKTS is tance to crack initiation under bending was performed. Care was focused on developing sensor systems based on ultrasonic also taken to avoid air inclusions and voids in the embedding guided waves for structural health monitoring (SHM). These materials because of their potential to form diffusion pathways. SHM systems are used on safety-relevant structures of machines Underfill materials were applied under the electronic components located in harsh environments. An example is a sensor ring to avoid air gap creation and thus prevent spontaneous cracking system for underwater inspection of weld seams on steel-based under high-pressure loading in underwater conditions. Piezo- foundation structures located in the ocean. ceramic sensor elements to generate ultrasonic waves were successfully embedded in the electronic substrate, thereby gener- Design of sensor systems with robust handling, long-term func- ating cost advantages over isolated external piezoelectric patches, tionality, and reliability is a prerequisite for customer acceptance reducing the number of critical electromechanical contacts, and cost efficiency. Within the scope of the current “Sensor- and contributing to greater system reliability. The final packaged manschette“ project, solutions were found for an SHM system solution was then tested in pressure chambers and released for use at a depth of 20–40 m below the water surface and for testing at the underwater location. with a service life of 10 years. Hermetic encapsulation in water and diverse liquids, pressure resistance of electronics, shape adaptation on curved steel surfaces, and robust handling by deep sea divers were realized. In general, the functional targets of very low ultrasonic signal losses had to be kept sight of in every work step. The inner design of the sensor nodes and the selection of the packaging materials were critical aspects. The encapsulation design was based on significantly enlarged diffusion paths for liquid molecules and use of materials of very low hygroscopicity. Additionally, three barrier levels were integrated for protection from infiltrating moisture: a cover foil (polymer carrier with multiple inorganic layers), an embedding 1 Example foundation node material for the sensor nodes (thermoplastic), and an encapsula- from the “UnderWaterInspect“ tion material for the electronics (epoxy-ceramic composite or project. liquid-resistant polyurethane). Avoidance of interdiffusion path- 2 Layout for reliable sensor ways for liquid media, even under mechanical force and bending electronics. Contact Mike Röllig • Phone +49 351 88815-557 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 35 1 2 ELECTRONICS AND MICROSYSTEMS POLYMER-CERAMIC HOUSINGS FOR HIGHTEMPERATURE MICROSYSTEMS D ipl. - C he m . R a l p h S c h u b e rt, Di p l .-I n g . (FH ) Jeannette Kuhn, M arkus Bey reuther Modern electronic and mechatronic systems have to comply showed an initial reduction in flexural and tensile strength up with strict environmental regulations while simultaneously to 300 °C but a sufficient and stable mechanical strength at facing growing cost pressures. Thus, a higher service tempera- higher temperatures. ture of up to 300 °C is being pursued in many fields, including the automotive industry, power engineering, and industrial metrology. This requires new solutions for the development of Thermomechanical stability of polymer-ceramic housing materials materials and technologies for packaging of integrated circuits, with hermetic housing being a key aspect. Polymer-ceramic composite materials developed at Fraunhofer IKTS are used for the implementation of thermally stable hermetic housings. Polymer-ceramic composites consist of ceramic fillers and a matrix of organosilicon polymers. The polymer matrix can be transformed into a ceramic-like structure by heat treatment, resulting in a composite with enhanced thermal stability. Following the selection of appropriate systems of silicone resins and optimized filler combinations, two composite systems for a two-step housing technology were developed. The first step comprises the encapsulation of the mechanically sensitive microelectronic component and bonding wires with a low-viscosity, cold-plastic pourable material by dip coating and subsequent 1 Primary encapsulation of thermal crosslinking. In the following step, a mechanically microelectronic component stable housing is formed out of a highly filled polymer-ceramic by dip coating with pourable composite by thermoplastic joining and thermal crosslinking of polymer-ceramic system. 2 Highly filled polymer- two housing shells. ceramic composite housing for Investigations regarding the thermomechanical stability of the encapsulated microelectronic polymer-ceramic housing materials during heat treatment components produced by warm pressing/injection molding. 3 6 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Ralph Schubert • Phone +49 36601 9301-1879 • [email protected] 1 10 µm ELECTRONICS AND MICROSYSTEMS MULTISCALE MATERIALS DATABASE FOR 3D IC MICROELECTRONICS Di p l .-I n g. C hr ist oph S a n d e r, Dr. An d ré C l a u s n e r, D r. M arti n G al l , Prof. Ehrenfri ed Zs c hec h The microelectronics industry has been pursuing the strategy influence of heat and the compliance under mechanical loading. of shrinking technology nodes to increase the transistor density In the characterization of the coefficient of thermal expansion, and efficiency for decades now. This trend has been governed the elongation of the specimen on a hot stage is observed in by “Moore’s law”, which states that the costs per transistor are the SEM at a high resolution and is analyzed using automated halved approximately every two years. However, this economic image analysis routines. For determination of the Young’s law has come up against its physical limits, forcing new ap- modulus, the free-standing cantilevers are each loaded at the proaches, such as “More than Moore”, to be taken. These free end with a nanoindenter. During loading, the cantilevers concepts entail further integration of microelectronics elements bend and the loading forces and displacements are recorded through 3D stacking of silicon-based dies (3D-integrated circuits, with a high resolution. or “3D IC“ for short), leading to thermomechanical stresses due to the thermal expansion mismatch between the integrated With these two methods, anisotropic CTE and Young’s modulus materials. To guarantee the reliability of a 3D IC, it is necessary behavior can be investigated for various regions of the BEOL to perform FEM simulations with precise materials properties as a function of copper volume fraction and dominant copper (e.g., CTE, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio). Often, these line direction. Complex BEOL structures can be modeled with materials properties cannot be determined with standard less detail using these effective materials properties, with mean characterization techniques and thus new, advanced methods materials properties replacing distinct BEOL building blocks. In are needed. In addition, the scales of the 3D IC parts differ by FEM simulations of microelectronic devices at the chip package several orders of magnitude, making FEM models of complete or transistor level, these BEOL simplifications enable analysis of 3D ICs very complex. An alternative approach is the simplification larger models or a significant decrease in computing time with of a 3D IC model using mean values for the materials properties the same level of accuracy as that of detailed BEOL models. for distinct parts of the 3D IC. These materials properties form a multiscale materials database. One part of a 3D IC that can be simplified in an FEM model is 1 SEM image showing two the back end of line (BEOL), the on-chip wiring level, comprising free-standing cantilevers for the a mesh of dielectrics and copper. The characterization of the investigation of the coefficient mean values for CTE and Young’s modulus requires specimen of thermal expansion and the sample preparation using the focused ion beam (FIB) technique Young’s modulus. The back end in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Precisely defined of line (BEOL) was excavated regions of the BEOL are excavated in the form of free-standing utilizing the focused ion beam cantilevers to allow investigation of the elongation under the (FIB) technique. Contact Christoph Sander • Phone +49 351 88815-598 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 37 1 20 mm 2 10 µm ENERGY OPTIMIZATION OF SODIUM ION CONDUCTING GLASS-CERAMICS FOR SOLID ELECTROLYTES D r. J oc he n S ch i l m, D r. A xe l R o s t, D i p l .-I ng. D örte Wagner, D r. Katj a Wätz i g, D r. M arc o F ri ts c h The evaporation of sodium at high temperatures (> 1600 °C) and Optimization of the sintering process the formation of a multiphase microstructure make the sintering of typical sodium-conducting solid-state electrolytes (i.e., NASICON and Na-ß“-Al2O3) an arduous task. Glass-ceramic materials in the system Na2O-Y2O3-SiO2 present an alternative that allows sintering below 1000 °C while achieving comparable conductivities. The aim of the present work was to produce dense monolithic and planar membranes by tape casting and pressureless sintering in air. The development of sintering-active glass-ceramic materials with ionic conductivities comparable to those of NASICON and commercial Na-ß-Al2O3 ceramics was the starting point of this work. The sintering process was opti- (Figure 2). The doctor blade process was used for the fabrication mized in order to achieve suitable process control for tape of planar glass-ceramic substrates based on glass powders. casting as an established ceramic shaping technology. A major Adhesion of the glass was avoided through modification of the challenge was the formation of porous microstructures during sintering substrates and the heat treatment step; freestanding sintering at temperatures of above 800 °C due to evaporation substrates with a thickness of 90 µm at the highest density were of gaseous substances (H2O and CO2) in the highly viscous achieved. The dimensions of the sintered substrates were in the glass melt and the resultant volume expansion (foaming) of range of 50 x 50 mm. the components (see diagram). This hindered the formation of the conductive crystalline phase Na5YSi4O12 with a dense mi- Services offered crostructure and promoted the formation of the less conductive phases Na3YSi3O9 and Na9YSi3O18. Optimization of the glass synthesis process through combination of an adjusted grinding -- Development/optimization of ion-conducting glass and glass-ceramic materials and precrystallization step shifted this behavior to higher tem- -- Sintering/shaping technologies for solid-state electrolytes peratures. Furthermore, the average particle size of the prepared -- Characterization of physical and electrochemical material powders was reduced to less than 2 µm, which can be taken as a requirement for preparation of substrates with a thickness of properties -- Manufacturing and testing of cells less than 100 µm (Figure 1). Glass-ceramic materials with an ionic conductivity of 1.4·10-3 S cm-1 at 25 °C in conjunction with 1 Cross section. an increase of the sintered density from 85–90 % to 97 % of 2 Na+-conducting glass-ceramic the theoretical value were realized with the optimized process substrates. 3 8 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Jochen Schilm • Phone +49 351 2553-7824 • [email protected] 1 2 ENERGY CFY-STACKS – PROGRESS THROUGH DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Dr. Ste f a n Me ge l, D r. M i h a i l s K u s n e z o ff, Dr. Ni k ol ai Trofi menko, D r. Joc hen Sc hi l m The development of CFY-stacks is a long-standing focus of R&D activities at Fraunhofer IKTS. With stack design MK351, a good Degradation of 30-cell stack during start/stop cycling in hotbox operation without fuel path purging platform for enabling proliferation of SOFCs in a wide range of applications was created. Stacks with high efficiencies and low degradation rates (0.7 %/1000 h over > 20.000 h) perform as reliable components in a variety of SOFC systems developed in internal and external projects. In close collaboration with Plansee SE, Fraunhofer IKTS was able to improve the MK351 stack design. The new MK352 stacks are more robust, can be easily integrated into SOFC systems, and feature a lower pressure drop along the air path. Moreover, this stack type affords a reduction in production costs and an enhancement in yield, both of which are very important for commercialization of the CFY-stack technology. The new stack is based on a symmetrical interconnect design enabling compensation for tolerances resulting from net-shape pressing technology and simpler stack After completion of successful validation of MK352 design in integration into larger modules. By modifying the tolerance standard testing of performance, long-term stability and start/ chain for all of the stack components, it was possible to improve stop cyclability, the new robust, efficient and cost-efficient stack manufacturing system and performance robustness. In hotbox platform will be available for various SOFC systems. tests with a 30-cell stack, a new benchmark for start/stop cyclability was set. The stack showed a power degradation of Services offered 0.5 %/10 cycles over more than 120 cycles (Figure 1). -- Test of stack components for SOFC/SOEC under real operating Layout changes in the air channels of the interconnect flow conditions field led to a pressure drop that was more than 50 % lower -- Development of stack modules for utilization in SOFC systems than that of the actual MK351 design. Thus, the total SOFC -- Purchase of SOFC/SOEC stacks and modules system efficiency can be enhanced due to the lower energy consumption of the air blower insofar as less power is needed 1 Interconnect of MK351 (back) to supply the air to the stacks. and MK352 (front). 2 MK352 30-cell stack ready for delivery. Contact Mihails Kusnezoff • Phone +49 351 2553-7707 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 39 1 2 ENERGY ULTRASONIC TESTING OF OFFSHORE TURBINE STRUCTURES D r. Bia nc a We i h n a ch t, D r. L a rs S c h u b e rt, D i pl .-M ath. Ki l i an Ts c höke, D r. Peter N eumei s ter, D r. H olge r N e u b e rt Motivation and objectives The first step was to develop the methods to be used as a basis for monitoring the grouted joints by guided waves. This was Due to the growing number of offshore wind parks in the realized by simulations in order to estimate the frequency range North Sea and the Baltic Sea, the demand for adapted and from dispersion curves and determine the necessary acoustic cost-efficient monitoring methods is rapidly increasing. Figure power of the ultrasonic transducer based on an optimum 1 shows the EnBW Baltic 1 wind park, the first commercially receiving level. The accessibility in the turbine and the attenuation operated offshore wind park in the Baltic Sea. caused by the surrounding water and the seafloor were taken into account. The simulation results also yielded information The focus of wind farm monitoring lies on the foundations of regarding the minimum detectable size of defects in the the plants, which are permanently exposed to tidal, wave, and concrete. wind forces. The steel-concrete-steel connection (grouted joint) between the monopile, which is driven into the seafloor, and Transducer layout and design the transition piece, the access and service platform, is a central element in a monopile foundation. Figure 2 shows a service The transducer layout focused on the dimensioning of the piezo- platform, which allows access to the turbine. Maintenance and electric element, where the conversion from electrical excitation inspection are performed from this transition piece. to mechanical wave took place, and on the acoustic wave transmission into the tested structure. In the present case, the Methods for monitoring the concrete hardening process and latter was a thick sheet made of construction steel. Finite for the detection of defects in the grouted joints are currently element (FE) analysis utilizing the FE package ANSYS was used not available for offshore structures. However, techniques and with parametric models generated for this purpose. By varying acoustic methods known, e.g., from bridge construction can the height of the piezoelectric element, the number of piezo- be used for monitoring the concrete hardening process and electric layers, and the geometry of the sonotrode, it was possible the concrete quality. The challenge lies in developing a sensor- to develop a configuration with the maximized deflection at actuator system for a test object with the size, structure, and geometry of a monopile foundation. Furthermore, access to the turbine, which is currently only possible via the transition piece (Figure 2), must be taken into account. 4 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Simulation of transducer radiation pattern 3 4 ENERGY the optimum rate of decay. The simulations showed that in successfully verified by 3D laser vibrometry. Figure 4 shows the transient operating mode, which is typical for acoustic structural laboratory setup. The emitted acoustic power corresponded to monitoring, a backing brings no additional benefit. Further- the simulation predictions. In a further step, it was possible to more, the optimum transducer height was found to depend carry out acoustic measurements on an onshore monopile to on the geometry of the structure under consideration. The confirm the feasibility. Offshore measurements will follow. Figure on the left-hand side shows the axisymmetric FE model of the steel sheet with an induced bending wave. The transducer Summary (not shown) is situated along the rotational axis on the sheet on the left side of the figure. The monitoring and testing of offshore wind turbines imposes completely new demands on measurement equipment and Figure 3 shows the electrical voltage and the resulting displace- the applied technologies. The developed ultrasound test equip- ment at the bottom side of the steel sheet right below the ment can be used for the monitoring of concrete hardening transducer as a function of time. The distinct vibrational decay in grouted joints during the erection of wind turbines and for is indicative of a very clean and concentrated induced signal. defect detection in these joints during operation. The simulation also takes into account the acoustic force over With initial simulations using in-house simulation tools, design time inside the piezoelectric element as well as between the and layout of ultrasonic transducers, and test measurements, sonotrode and the sheet. From this information, the necessary Fraunhofer IKTS offers a complete development chain for preloads in the piezoelectric element and the required contact adapting existing structural monitoring techniques to custom- force of the transducer assembly were derived. The latter formed ized and technically challenging applications or developing the basis for the design of the transducer support. Since per- completely new techniques. The transducers specifically devel- manent installation of supporting structures was not the oped for the monitoring of grouted joints and the corresponding desired solution for the present case, a magnetic mount with measurement equipment can be adapted to requirements permanent magnets was developed. This had the main advan- of various applications. The offer also includes measurements tages of not requiring any additional power supply and being for process development and validation performed by commercially available in various sizes in the form of lifting Fraunhofer IKTS. magnets. The actual transducer assembly consisted of a piezoelectric element and a sonotrode. It was mounted on a baseplate via a rotating pivot mount to enable flexible positioning of the transducer. An interchangeable sonotrode tip allowed for simple adaption of the sonotrode to different curvatures of the contact surface. 1 Baltic 1 offshore wind farm. 2 Transition piece in an offshore wind power plant. Experimental validation 3 Simulation of transducer radiation pattern. The transducer construction and the inspection technique 4 Laboratory setup of a manu- were validated in laboratory experiments and onshore measure- factured actuator for laser ments. The simulation-based design of the actuator was vibrometry measurements. Contact Bianca Weihnacht • Phone +49 351 88815-536 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 41 LiFePO4 Al2O3 LiFePO4 Li4Ti5O12 1 10 µm 2 Al current collector 20 µm ENERGY EMBATT BIPOLAR BATTERY: NEW BATTERY DESIGN FOR HIGHER ENERGY DENSITY D r. Ma re ik e Wo l te r, D r. K ri s ti a n Ni k o l o w s ki , D r. M arc o F ri ts c h, D i pl .-I ng. Stefan Bör ner, D ipl. - C he m . B e a te C a p ra ro Availability of low-cost battery systems and energy densities of the bipolar electrode as well as suitable environmentally higher than 450 Wh/L are prerequisites for wide-scale market friendly and efficient production processes. penetration of electric vehicles. To meet these requirements, the established monopolar Li-ion cell technology employs active Based on the results of studies conducted to determine the materials with increased energy densities or optimized cell and optimal electrode balancing, bipolar electrodes were prepared system packaging. With the EMBATT battery design, Fraunhofer with Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) as the anode and LiFePO4 (LFP) as the cathode IKTS and partners IAV GmbH and ThyssenKrupp System material. Use of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) on the cathode side in Engineering GmbH are taking a new approach. The consortium the future will allow for a further increase in the cell voltage jointly develops large-scale lithium bipolar batteries as well as and hence the energy density of the stack. Studies on the the associated manufacturing technologies and concepts for optimal synthesis conditions of this so-called high-voltage direct integration into vehicle chassis. The EMBATT bipolar battery cathode material are currently underway. consists of stacked cells, in which the current collector of the negative electrode of one cell is in contact with the positive Technologies aimed at simplifying future cell production by electrode of the next cell. Thus, two electrochemical cells enabling a ceramic separator to be applied directly to the elec- connected in series share one current collector – one side of trode are also being developed. This will eliminate the need the bipolar electrode serves as the anode in one cell and the for an additional separator component for the bipolar battery. other side as the cathode in the next cell. In initial tests, bipolar stacks achieved the expected performance Through this simple stacking of cells, the bipolar battery design with the prepared electrodes and separators. does away with complex cell packaging and delivers a stack voltage resulting from the number of single cells in the stack. The advantages of this design are numerous: low internal resistance in the stack, the option to use very large electrode areas, and elimination of the need for extensive cell connections 1 Bipolar LTO/LFP electrode. as are found in conventional battery systems. The EMBATT 2 Ceramic separator directly design thus transfers the high energy density from the cell coated on LFP cathode using level directly to the battery system. water-based process. In the first step of the recently started project, the partners developed a cell design optimized for subsequent manufacturing and vehicle integration. Fraunhofer IKTS developed the design 4 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Mareike Wolter • Phone +49 351 2553-7971 • [email protected] 1 2 ENERGY cerenergy® – LOW-COST CERAMIC HIGHTEMPERATURE BATTERY Dr. Ma t t hia s S c hulz cerenergy® is the Fraunhofer IKTS technology platform for design, mainly consisting of standard components, was devel- “low-cost“ ceramic sodium batteries. Development work is oped, and thermomechanical stresses were checked by FEM focused on use of high-temperature Na/NiCl2 and Na/S batteries analyses. The cell lid was redesigned to replace the conventional for economical stationary energy storage in connection with thermocompression bonding technology. The goal of this renewable energies for increased power generation. With target innovation was to develop a method for sealing the ceramic- costs of €100/kWh (at the cell level), economical battery appli- ceramic and the metal-ceramic joints in a single step. cations in combination with photovoltaics and wind energy will be made possible. The desired system size ranges from 10 kWh for household use up to a few MWh for commercial Sodium ion conductivity of sodium beta alumina from Fraunhofer IKTS and from competitors applications. The defined cerenergy® goals will be realized by: -- Highly efficient mass production of the ceramic core component, the sodium-beta-alumina solid electrolyte -- Robust, cheap cell design based on minimizing costs instead of maximizing performance The production of the ceramic sodium-beta-alumina electrolyte by extrusion is key to the success of cerenergy®. Extrusion yields a much higher productivity than that achievable with (state-of-the-art) pressing technology. Through ongoing optimization of the ceramic processing parameters, electrolyte samples with the desired properties could be manufactured. Dense electrolyte tubes with single-ended capping were obtained. The ionic conductivity and the Na-ß”-alumina phase content were determined experimentally to be 0.21 S/cm and 94 %, respectively. These values are slightly lower than those of pressed beta-alumina samples and hence need some improvement. 1 Extrusion of Na-ß‘‘-alumina electrolyte tubes. Furthermore, the extrusion process has to be scaled up to 2 cerenergy® Na/NiCl2 realize electrolytes with realistic geometries. A robust cell cell design. Contact Matthias Schulz • Phone +49 36601 9301-2327 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 43 1 2 3 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G CERAMIC SEPARATION MODULE FOR PATHOGEN DIAGNOSTICS IN UNTREATED AND SURFACE WATER D r. H olge r L a u s ch , D i p l .-Ch e m . P e tra P u h lfürß, D r. M i c hael A r nol d Motivation protozoa, and metazoans. This was the focus of development work. The setup consisted of large-pored, washable, sliding, The aim of the “ROWdix“ project is to develop a better, faster, theoretically reusable filter units. and more efficient diagnostic tool for detecting pathogenic microorganisms in water and thus better protect the population The challenge consisted in separating the target bacteria from and reduce the costs associated with ensuring water quality. the accompanying materials in the liquid without causing dam- Diagnostics of water samples is currently performing using age and enabling accurate downstream analysis (regulation, time-consuming culture-based or complicated membrane filtra- number of colony-forming units, activity, and genetic stability). tion procedures followed by biochemical and/or serological Besides size-dependent filter membranes with sizes of 5–200 nm identification. The complete culture test, from sampling to for toxins and 300–800 nm for bacteria, prefilter membranes results, takes several days and does not provide the restrictive- with sizes of 3–40 µm were modified. The influence of the ness for first-in, first-out (FIFO) pathogen detection using current respective ceramic material (Al2O3, ZrO2, or TiO2) on the hydro- diagnostic methods. To overcome the existing obstacles to phobicity or hydrophilicity of the filter membranes was also FIFO detection of contaminating microorganisms, an innovative, investigated. PCR-based tool mockup serving as a functional prototype was developed. Application Research approach For the use case of separation and concentration of the bacterium Escherichia coli, a three-stage processing module with FIFO detection requires rapid test processing and a high concen- 40-µm, 5-µm, and 600-nm Al2O3 filters was developed and tration of microorganisms in the water samples. A ceramic tested successfully. dissolution module (CerSep) with a maximum height of 25 cm and a diameter of 5 cm for integration into a sight glass with a detection tool was developed to achieve this. The separation of specific bacteria and the associated toxins from the contam- 1 Isolate at 600 nm inated liquid requires the use of ceramic micro-/nanofiltration (fluorescence). cascades employing mechanical, electrical, and gravitation 2 Filtration cascade with filters gradients to separate successively defined bacterial and broad- of different dimensions and sub- spectrum protein toxins produced by accompanying nuisance strate (membrane carrier). materials such as algae blooms, scums, and mats, fat particles, 3 Filtrate at 600 nm eukaryotic microorganisms, water fleas, single algae cells, (fluorescence). 4 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Holger Lausch • Phone +49 341 35536-3401 • [email protected] 1 2 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G CATALYTICALLY FUNCTIONALIZED FILTERS FOR SMALL WOOD-BURNING APPLIANCES Dr. Uwe P e t a sc h, D r. D a n i e l a H a a s e , D i p l .-K ri s t. Jörg A dl er Wood and solid fuel heating plays a pivotal role in the transition wood-burning appliances. The high catalytic activity remained to renewable energy and has become established as a low-cost, nearly unchanged in long-term aging tests under rated load environmentally friendly alternative to oil and gas heating. The and alternating load conditions as well as with use of non- second phase of the first Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchV), compliant fuels. In addition, no wear or decrease in efficiency in force in Germany since January 1, 2015, prescribes maximum of the catalyzed filters has been found in application tests permissible emissions for domestic wood-fired appliances (wood performed to date. Field tests are currently underway to lay stoves and masonry heaters) of 40 mg/m³ particulate matter the groundwork for market introduction of the catalyzed and 1250 mg/m³ carbon monoxide. State-of-the-art wood filters; the corresponding mass production processes have stoves with “ECOplus“ combustion technology developed already been developed. through a partnership between Hark Kamin- und Kachelofenbau GmbH & Co. KG in Duisburg, the Fraunhofer Institute for Services offered Building Physics IBP in Stuttgart, and Fraunhofer IKTS in Dresden meet these requirements. At the heart of this system is a ceramic foam filter that optimizes combustion and reduces particulate emissions. Catalysts adapted to the specific operating -- Development of ceramic deep-bed filters and ceramicsupported catalysts for exhaust treatment -- Production and analysis of test samples and at small scale conditions of the wood-burning appliance can be additionally used to minimize emission of gaseous pollutants, such as hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). The temperature conditions in the wood- burning appliance during operation strongly affect catalytic activity and aging resistance. In a subsequent research project conducted with Hark, the potential of using catalyzed filters to improve the environmental friendliness of wood-burning appliances was investigated in wood-fired stoves. Based on the temperature and emission characteristics found in investigations to be valid under typical application conditions, suitable catalysts were identified and 1 ECOPlus wood stove by HARK selected for the development of catalyzed ceramic foam filters (Source: HARK GmbH & Co. KG). with efficient reduction of CO and HC emissions. The catalyst 2 Filter with integrated efficiency was investigated in the laboratory and, with the catalyst “ECOPlusKAT“ assistance of Fraunhofer IBP, in real operating conditions in (Source: HARK GmbH & Co. KG). Contact Uwe Petasch • Phone +49 351 2553-7616 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 45 1 2 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G WATER TREATMENT USING autartec® SYSTEMS D ipl. - Ing. F r a n z i s k a S a ft, Di p l .-I n g . M a rc L i nc ke, D r. Burkhardt F aßauer Background and motivation idea of self-sufficiency or autarchy. Funding of 8.2 million euros over a period of three years is being provided by the Federal Autarkic, flexible, decentralized supply and storage technologies Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) to sup- for electricity, heat, and water are gaining in importance in rural port the autartec® alliance. Fraunhofer IKTS has the task of de- areas, where infrastructure often has to be removed as a result veloping and testing non-chemical and non-biological water and of demographic change. These technologies enable growth of waste water treatment systems in line with the latest practices. urban areas in regions around the world with increasing populations without the need for grid expansion. They also support Research objectives efforts to improve urban resilience in the face of increasingly extreme weather-related events. Under these circumstances, the Decentralized waste water treatment systems are already the autartec alliance, an association of 11 corporations and 4 state of the art. Normally, because these systems are based on research institutions, was formed to develop advanced flexible, biological techniques, their performance and availability are decentralized supply and storage technologies for modular inte- limited. Substances such as pharmaceutical residues cannot be gration into building parts, such as walls, ceilings, and staircases. broken down biologically. Biological systems are also inflexible The modular components can be prefabricated at low cost and in that they cannot be switched on and off freely. ® are easy to use in new and existing buildings. autartec® water treatment systems get around these problems The research findings will be demonstrated in the form of a by being based solely on physical and physicochemical processes, floating house (“FreiLichtHaus”, Figure 1) that embodies the such as filtration, electrolysis, and photocatalysis. Flowchart and water cycle of the autartec® water supply and treatment system 4 6 Annual Report 2015/16 3 4 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G The goal of the present research was to develop reactors and autarkic floating house powered with renewable energy sources, process chains combining the above processes in a very confined the requirement of economical use of available energy is espe- installation space and with the highest energy efficiency possible cially difficult to meet. to refine waste water up to drinking water quality. These strict purification standards can be met using functionalized high- Gray water disinfection utilizing photocatalysis strength ceramic materials and components, such as membrane filters and cellular monoliths. Recent results demonstrated the efficiency of these key components in waste water treatment. Results The first challenge was to build test rigs for all process steps in such a way that they could be freely interconnected and operated continuously. With these test rigs, the entire process chain could be examined at pilot-plant scale. Based on compositional analysis of real domestic waste water (gray water), standardized recipes for the generation of synthetic model water fractions (e.g., shower, washing machine, and sink) were developed so that the experiments could be conducted under reproducible The focus of subsequent development work will be on coordi- conditions. The results showed that particle- and bacteria-free nation of the individual components to optimize their operating permeates could be generated in stable operating conditions behavior and cleaning performance. using ceramic membranes during cross-flow and gravity-flow operation. The residual organic pollutants were completely Conclusions and outlook removed in an additional oxidative waste water treatment step. A specific permeate flux of up to 30 L/(m2h) was achieved Integration and demonstration of the new components in a during gravity-flow operation. floating, autarkic house structure are planned for 2017. This attractive and unique advertising platform will provide a spring- The results of gray water oxidation experiments demonstrated board for future performance enhancements and acquisition the applicability of electrochemical and photocatalytic processes of new partners for the application of advanced non-chemical for the energy-efficient breakdown of organic contaminations, and non-biological autartec® water treatment systems. especially persistent trace substances, such as pharmaceutical residues (e.g., Diclofenac). Even intermediate decomposition products generated during water treatment were mineralized 1 autartec® »FreiLichtHaus« completely. In parallel with the practical experiments, a concep- (Source: Fraunhofer IVI). tual design for an integrated, largely closed-loop water supply 2 Domestic gray water fractions. and treatment system was developed based on a detailed use 3 Ceramic membrane module and load case analysis. Because energy is limited in the for submerged application. 4 Photocatalysis module. Contact Burkhardt Faßauer • Phone +49 351 2553-7667 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 47 2 1 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G SYNTHESIS OF HIGHER ALCOHOLS ON IRON-BASED CATALYSTS D ipl. - Ing. ( F H) E ri k R e i ch e l t, M . S c. M a x Sc hal l er, D r. M atthi as Jahn Higher alcohols are important basic chemicals that are used in lowered overall alcohol selectivity but on the other hand detergent production or as fuel additives. Currently these com- increases the selectivity towards higher alcohols. The addition pounds are mainly synthesized by hydroformylation of olefins. of aluminum does not influence the selectivity in the investi- These olefins are generally produced by refining of crude oil. gated range but can have a positive influence on the long- However, not only because of sustainability reasons but also term stability of the prepared catalysts. because of the established route having several complex process steps, the development of a technology for direct synthesis from Besides studies on the alcohol selectivity of different promoted synthesis gas is the subject of current research activities. Besides iron catalysts and the influence of process conditions, the modified methanol synthesis, which mainly produces branched overall process, including synthesis gas production, is consid- alcohols, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis offers a potential pathway ered. Apart from large-scale industrial application of the towards higher alcohols. Here, research is focused on molybde- Fischer-Tropsch-based alcohol synthesis process, small-scale num disulfide-based catalysts. A disadvantage of this route is applications for decentralized production are interesting. Here, the risk of contamination of the product with sulfur. In both the work at Fraunhofer IKTS is focused on the coupling of the cases, the high pressure levels (p = 50–100 bar) are disadvanta- synthesis step with high-temperature electrolysis. By utilizing geous for the application of the process. From early works on the waste heat from the highly exothermic synthesis step for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, it is known that iron catalysts are the vaporization of water, it is possible to achieve a highly active for the synthesis of alcohols with high selectivity under efficient process. Different process designs are compared with certain conditions. Besides process conditions (J ≈ 200 °C, the help of process simulation software in order to identify a p < 40 bar), the low catalyst costs make this type of modified promising concept. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis an attractive alternative to the mentioned processes. The studies on aluminum- and potassium-promoted precipitated iron catalysts show that activity and selectivity strongly depend on pretreatment of the catalyst and on process conditions. High alcohol selectivities are reached at low temperatures 1 Product fractions obtained and mild pretreatment conditions. Because alcohol synthesis is from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. favored at low residence times, the technical realization of the 2 Alcohol fraction in the liquid process necessitates the development of a recycle process. The product for catalysts of differing selectivity can also be influenced by the applied promoters. composition (J = 250 °C, p = 20 An increasing amount of potassium on one hand leads to a bar.) 4 8 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Matthias Jahn • Phone +49 351 2553-7535 • [email protected] 1 2 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G ELECTROCATALYSTS FOR IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF ALKALINE WATER ELECTROLYSIS Dr. Ben ja m in J ä ge r, Dr. R a lf K ri e g e l The extensive use of renewable energy leads to fluctuating at a current density of 5000 A/m² was achieved in the electrol- feed-in of energy to the grid, giving rise to a need for highly ysis test rig using an electrode. This yielded an efficiency efficient storage of excess energy. Conversion into chemical increase of 12 % over that of the standard setup without energy is especially suitable for long-term storage. Water electrocatalysts. Furthermore, the applied coating was chemi- electrolysis is a promising process in the context of “power-to- cally and electrochemically stable. gas” strategies. Services offered The electrolysis process efficiency is proportional to the cell voltage and directly influences the overall storage process -- Development of electrocatalysts efficiency. All real electrolysis units suffer from overpotential -- Electrocatalytic activity measurements in both the anode and the cathode reaction, with the four- -- Coating of electrodes electron anode reaction having the highest overpotential. Electrocatalysts can significantly lower the required cell voltage. Acknowledgments Thus, use of inexpensive electrocatalysts offers great potential for increasing efficiency. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF and Project Management Jülich are gratefully acknowledged Figure 1 shows the decomposition voltage in alkaline water for their financial support. All partners involved in the joint electrolysis without a catalyst (glassy carbon = catalyst support) project “Katalytische Mischmetalloxide” of the innovative as well as for platinum and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (BSCF)-coat- regional growth core “Partikeldesign Thüringen” (grant no. ed electrodes. As the voltage was being raised, a substantial 03WKCN02C) are also thanked. current flux already occurred below the theoretical decomposition voltage of 1.23 V. This was due to oxidation of Fe/Co in the BSCF catalyst. With respect to the oxygen evolution reaction, the required voltage was observed to approach the expensive platinum catalyst level (shift to the left). During use under alkaline water electrolysis process conditions, 1 Linear sweep voltammo- the cell voltage reduction amounted to ca. 100 mV by using an grams of two BSCF electrocata- electrode as shown in Figure 2 at a current density of 1500 A/m², lysts versus platinum. corresponding to an efficiency increase of 4 %. Through adap- 2 BSCF electrocatalyst-coated tation of the coating process, a cell voltage reduction of 300 mV electrode. Contact Benjamin Jäger • Phone +49 36601 9301-1830 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 49 2 1 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G NF MEMBRANES FOR THE CLEANING OF “RECYCLE WATER“ IN OIL SAND EXTRACTIONS D ipl. - C he m . P e tra P u h lfü rß , Dr. Ha n n e s Ri c hter, D r. M arc us Wey d, D r. I ngolf Voi gt Oil sands, also known as “tar sands“ or “bituminous sands“, not possible due to the high residual bitumen and solids can be either loose sands or partially consolidated sandstone contents of the tailings. saturated with a highly viscous form of petroleum. Compared with conventional techniques, extraction of oil from tar sands is expensive and hence depends on oil prices and Current method for preparing boiler feed water: treatment of river water the availability of efficient and sustainable extraction techniques. Oil extraction from oil sands requires a large amount of water for different processes. Hot water used to reduce the viscosity of the oil makes up the largest share. After oil/water separation, Ceramic NF membranes completely remove suspended solids the water is sent to the tailings ponds and can be reused as and residual bitumen and at the same time reject most of the “recycle water“ without any further treatment. River water is multivalent ions, thereby enabling a much higher yield in the primarily used as boiler feed water, but it also finds use as subsequent reverse osmosis process. cooling water in the summer. Due to their resistance to organic matter and oil residues, desalination behavior, and thermal stability, ceramic nanofiltration membranes (NF membranes) New approach for preparing boiler feed water: treatment of “recycle water“. can contribute to the development of new and more efficient recycling processes, including partial heat recovery. In a current project started in 2013 together with partners Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Shell Canada Ltd., and Andreas Junghans - Anlagenbau und Edelstahlbearbeitung The 19-channel NF membranes showed rejection of alkaline GmbH & Co. KG, 19-channel elements with ceramic NF mem- earth metals (Ca and Mg) of up to 80 % and of alkali metals branes are being tested in an oil field in Canada. (Na and K) of up to 55 %. The permeate was free of organic matter. Long-term tests performed over several months The goal of this project is to make the recycle water usable for confirmed the stability of the membranes. other purposes besides the current one (boiler feed water). From an environmental point of view, use of recycle water Economically feasible preparation of the large amount of instead of river water would be beneficial, but this is currently boiler feed water and cooling tower water required is not 5 0 Annual Report 2015/16 3 4 E N V I R O N M E N TA L A N D P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R I N G Desalination of “recycle water” using ceramic 19-channel NF membranes Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ TOC Feed 23 ppm 12 ppm 325 ppm 16 ppm 44 ppm Permeate 5 ppm 2 ppm 137 ppm 7 ppm 1.5 ppm Retentate 26 ppm 14 ppm 368 ppm 19 ppm 70 ppm possible with the 19-channel NF membranes due to the prohibitively high membrane costs. For this reason, Fraunhofer IKTS is looking for ways to reduce the membrane fabrication In lab measurements, the membranes showed the same flux and retention behavior as that of 19-channel NF membranes. Comparison of retention of 19-channel and 163-channel NF membranes determined in lab tests using polyethylene glycol 600 19-channel NF membrane Flux 21 l/(m2hbar) Retention 81 % 19-channel NF membrane 19-channel NF membrane 163-channel NF membrane 163-channel NF membrane 24 l/(m2hbar) 25 l/(m2hbar) 16 l/(m2hbar) 19 l/(m2hbar) 69 % 71 % 80 % 71 % costs. One approach is to increase the membrane surface area per membrane element and thus reduce handling requirements. The next step is to increase the membrane surface area to The ultimate goal is to use honeycomb substrates with a surface approx. 5 m2 per element. This requires the use of new handling area of up to 20 m per element instead of 19-channel tubes. technologies due to the size and weight of the elements. This In the first scale-up phase, ceramic NF membranes were pre- development work started in 2015. 2 pared on 163-channel substrates with a membrane surface area of 1.3 m2 per element, five times as high as it originally Acknowledgments was. The sol-gel process, on which membrane preparation is based, was adapted to the smaller channel diameter and the We thank Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Shell reduced suction of the 163-channel substrate. Canada Ltd., and Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Scale-up of membrane surface area per element (0.25 m2, 1.3 m2, 5 m2). Solutions for financial support. In addition, we thank Andreas Junghans - Anlagenbau und Edelstahlbearbeitung GmbH & Co. KG and the Rauschert GmbH as well as its subsidiary inopor GmbH for a fruitful partnership. 1 “Recycle water“ from oil sand treatment. 2 3.5-m2 module for field tests with 19-channel NF membranes. 3 Samples for field tests (feed, permeate, and retentate). 4 163-channel NF membranes with membrane surface area/ element of 1.3 m2. Contact Petra Puhlfürß • Phone +49 36601 9301 4918 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 51 1 2 700 nm BIO- AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OF NANODIAMOND-BASED COATINGS FOR TITANIUM ALLOY IMPLANTS M. S c . A f na n Q u rb a n S h a i k h , D r. D a ri a Kov al enko, D r. Jörg O pi tz Several million people worldwide suffer from fractures due to Fraunhofer IKTS in cooperation with the “Biomaterial Innovation accidents or systemic skeletal diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. for Medicine and Technology” working group of Max Bergmann This can result in loss of bone tissue and hinder mobility. By Center for Biomaterials at TU Dresden perform surface modifi- means of implants and prosthetics, lost mobility can be largely cations of titanium-based materials for such metal-based restored. biomedical applications with detonation nanodiamonds. The choice of implant is not an easy decision, since bone healing Detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) are carbon-based nanoscale is a very complex and dynamic process. Within the first few materials with excellent properties. Besides displaying typical seconds of implantation, numerous physiochemical reactions diamond properties, such as high thermal conductivity and in which different organic and inorganic biomolecules are extreme hardness, these nanoparticles possess different func- adsorbed on the surface take place. Another important factor tional groups on their surfaces resulting from the purification is the biocompatibility of an implant material. The term “bio- process performed after detonation synthesis. These functional compatibility“ is defined as the ability of a material to perform groups allow biological and chemical tuning of nanodiamonds both structurally and functionally in a specific application with for use in various fields. Nanodiamonds have proven to be an appropriate host response. non-toxic and biocompatible in-vivo, making them favorable candidates for biomedical applications. Titanium and its alloys are normally the first choice for such applications due to their excellent mechanical properties and Methodology and mechanism biocompatibility. In particular, they are the favored material for implants (osteal, dental, and coronary stents, etc.). The presence DNDs are first chemically functionalized with (phosphate) of a native oxide layer on these materials provides a certain anchor groups known for their great affinity with titanium amount of resistance to corrosion. However, in long-term use, oxide surfaces. The functionalized detonation nanodiamonds metals have been observed to corrode, producing metal ions are then immobilized and incorporated into the titanium oxide that diffuse into the surrounding tissue, which can induce surface through the electrochemical process of anodic oxidation inflammation and might lead to implant failure and repeat performed to increase the oxide layer thickness. The hydrosta- surgery. tically stable phosphate group structure supports the formation of monolayers and bilayers. This phosphate-based coordination Various surface modification techniques have been used on leads to nanodiamond-to-titanium oxide layer binding with a titanium-based materials in attempts to enhance their proper- strength that could not be achieved via electrostatic or hydro- ties. gen bridging. 5 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Protective layer Sputtered Au SiO2 Nanodiamonds TiO2 Ti bulk 3 0.2 µm BIO- AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Effects of using nanodiamond-based coatings Cytotoxicity assessment -- Biocompatibility: improvement in surface wettability and surface energy; improvement in hydrophilicity associated with the increased biocompatibility -- Cellular response: increase in cell adhesion, proliferation, and no cytotoxicity -- Corrosion resistance: improvement in corrosion resistance based on capacitive behavior and high impedance values, particularly at lower frequencies (nanodiamond-coated titanium-based material) -- Improvement in wear resistance and strength -- Formation of a barrier layer preventing diffusion of metal ions into surrounding tissues Contact angle measurements Services offered -- Biochemical surface modification of nanodiamonds -- Surface modification of titanium and other valve metals for a variety of applications (aerospace, industrial, and biomedical) -- Antimicrobial coatings 1 DND structure. 2 SEM image of DND on TiO2. 3 STEM image. Contact Jörg Opitz • Phone +49 351 88815-516 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 53 1 2 750 µm BIO- AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROCESS MONITORING IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING D ipl. - Ing. ( F H) C h ri s ti a n Wo lf, Di p l .-I n g . A ndreas L ehmann, D r. D ari a Kov al enko, D r. Tas s i l o M o r it z, D ipl. - Ing. U w e S ch e i th a u e r, Dr. B e r n d K ö hl er, D r. Jörg O pi tz Additive manufacturing is becoming an integral element of Ultrasonic technology has traditionally been used primarily for manufacturing processes for complex components. A shift in non-destructive testing of metal parts, such as hollow shafts, scale from prototyping and small batch production to mass but it can also be used in additive manufacturing. Particularly production is accompanying this development. The range of when water baths are used for 3D printing of ceramic compo- materials that can be used with additive technologies is also nents, application of ultrasonic technologies for reliable detec- expanding as new technologies emerge. Besides different tion of pores and delamination is practical. With ultrasonic polymers and metals, ceramics are now also used in additive technology, it is also possible to detect defects in additively manufacturing processes. With the ever-growing role of additive manufactured metals. manufacturing systems in industrial production, the need for in-line process monitoring technologies is becoming more The different technologies developed and used at Fraunhofer pressing. Monitoring systems must meet a myriad of require- IKTS focus on in-process measurements to allow defects to be ments, and the preferred technologies should also have multi- detected and segregated, and the necessary process adjustments material capabilities. to be made during the manufacturing process. This makes the Fraunhofer IKTS testing technologies the key to achieving highly Established as a medical imaging technique (e.g., in ophthal- efficient certified additive manufacturing systems. Continuous mology and dermatology), optical coherence tomography (OCT) monitoring of different additive manufacturing processes is an is now, for the first time ever, to be applied in process monitoring. important basis for transfer to industrial-scale production and The focus of research efforts at Fraunhofer IKTS lies mainly on for ensuring consistent product quality. the in-line monitoring of additive manufacturing processes. With OCT, analysis of surfaces as well as internal structures of different materials is possible. In the processing of metals (e.g., laser cladding), OCT is restricted to surface imaging, but for other materials, it is also capable of revealing internal structures and detecting defects, such as delamination or inclusions. Thus, for example, it allows for examining the adhesion of the individual layers in 3D-printed ceramics to be examined. 1 OCT surface projection of a By adding other optical technologies, such as Raman spectros- component formed by additive copy, it is possible to monitor additional process characteristics, manufacturing. such as the degree of cure during the curing process for plastics. 2 Cross-sectional image of a component formed by additive manufacturing. 5 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Christian Wolf • Phone +49 351 88815-618 • [email protected] 1 2 OPTICS GEMSTONES MADE FROM TRANSPARENT POLYCRYSTALS Dr. Jens K lim k e Gems and jewelry have fascinated people since ancient times. The ceramic production method offers several advantages. High-quality gemstones are rare and precious due to their New color options and effects arise from the microstructured scarcity in nature. Simple imitations made of colored glass do polycrystals, near-net-shape production is possible due to the not have the effect of gemstones, such as ruby, spinel, and relative ease of processing the green ceramic, and completely diamond, because of the low refractive index and low hard- new design options that were not possible with single crystals ness of glass, making it less resistant. are feasible. The first successfully produced synthetic single-crystal gems The gemstones produced by Fraunhofer IKTS process are were rubies manufactured by Verneuil in 1902. The Verneuil currently being analyzed and cataloged by the German process is still used today, but there are also a number of more Foundation for Gemstone Research in Idar-Oberstein in terms advanced methods of growing single crystals for jewelry appli- of their gemological properties. cations, mostly based on the Czochralski process. These synthesis methods are relatively time-consuming and energy-intensive. Acknowledgements In addition, the crystals must be faceted in a costly manner by hard machining and the maximum size is limited by the Parts of the presented research were supported by dimensions of the single crystals. King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). Fraunhofer IKTS has been developing transparent ceramics for 15 years now. Transparent ceramics consist of a plurality of individual crystals that are essentially fully densified in a sintering process. In conventional ceramics, this succeeds only partially. Because the remaining pores scatter light, ceramics are opaque. Transparent polycrystalline colored “rubies” and “sapphires” were presented and patented by Fraunhofer IKTS several years ago, but the birefringence of the individual crystallites limited the maximum transmission of the ceramics. Therefore, focus of recent development work was on ceramic synthesis of the cubic crystal systems of spinel and fully stabilized ZrO2 to achieve complete transmission with the corresponding effects. 1 Polycrystal of cubic ZrO2. 2 Polycrystals of spinel and ZrO2. Contact Jens Klimke • Phone +49 351 2553-7815 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 55 A B 1 C 3 2 OPTICS TRANSPARENT AND OTHER OPTICALLY ACTIVE CERAMICS FOR OPTICAL APPLICATIONS D r. Isa be l K in s k i , D r. M i ch a e l Ar n o l d , D r. Stefan Barth, D r. U we Parts c h For maximizing luminous and lighting efficacies, the techno- either total or partial conversion of the excitation light through logical approaches used for designing high-performance lighting additive color mixing. applications tend to employ polycrystalline ceramic converter materials. Besides the conversion of the excitation wavelength, other ceramic phosphor properties have been employed in the Fraunhofer IKTS takes different routes in the development of development of diagnostic materials. For example, a reversible phosphor powders and ceramic converter materials. Besides temperature-dependent afterglow can be used in thermal commercially available raw materials, precursors and educts history sensors. are synthesized in bottom-up synthesis processes. Nanoscaled phosphor powders can be produced or further processed according to requirements using the classic ceramic route with shaping and sintering to form ceramic bulk components. High transparencies can be achieved by eliminating defects and secondary phases by controlling the ceramic process. With a defined porosity incorporated in the ceramic, scattering effects can be tailered leading to higher luminous efficacies. Homogeneous dispersion of the phosphor in other inorganic matrices (ceramics) provides a means of adjusting the thermal conductivity and the thermal expansion coefficient. By printing phosphor powders, component labeling can be realized as well. Commercially available phosphor powders have successfully been used in the development of pastes for screen printing as well as inks for labeling components in a hot forming process. 1 Printed phosphor powder for Other phosphor conversion materials developed at Fraunhofer component labeling. IKTS can be excited by standard blue light for white lighting 2 Red phosphor for thermal (e.g. YAG:Ce) but also with UV light or other wavelengths. history sensing with thermally Depending on the thickness of the ceramic, different emission triggered phosphorescence. colors (red, green, orange, or yellow) can be produced, by 3 Transparent YAG:Ce for solidstate lighting applications. 5 6 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Isabel Kinski • Phone +49 36601 9301-3931 • [email protected] 1 OPTICS ROBUST READ-OUT UNIT FOR OPTICAL SPECTRAL SENSORS Di p l .-P hy s. Rola nd Wu ch re r, Dr. T h o ma s Hä rtl i n g Spectral sensors detect environmental parameters, such as Both the light source and the detection element are designed temperature, humidity, gas concentration, mechanical strain, for fiber coupling so as to allow for maximum versatility of the or stress, on the basis of a specific change in their spectral final optical sensor system. properties. The sensors are often based on detection of wavelength shifts or evaluation of ratiometric changes in two peak It is important to note that the resolution of the system is signals. These optical sensors offer unique characteristics, such achieved only if the spectral behavior of the optical signal is as high sensitivity, electrical passivity, and applicability under precisely known. However, this is the case for most of the extreme conditions (temperature, humidity, electromagnetic optical sensors in use, so the versatility of a spectrometer is fields, etc.). The many different sensor types range from single- not needed. point sensors and multiplexed optical fiber versions to twodimensional sensors. Although many of the sensors have been The goals of the next development iteration are to further developed to the application stage, market introduction is often miniaturize the overall circuit board and increase the spectral still hampered by read-out systems that lack the necessary resolution. However, already with the current system, harness- miniaturization and robustness for field application as well as ing of the dormant potential of spectral sensor technology in the required cost-effectiveness. process monitoring, chemical analysis, biosensing, and many other field applications can be envisaged. This situation motivated Fraunhofer IKTS to develop the wavelength-sensitive photocurrent-based detection system for optical signals shown in Figure 1. The core element is a commercially available wavelength-sensitive photodiode (WSPD) that includes two p-n junctions with different spectral sensitivities. The photocurrents of the two junctions are compared electronically on the circuit board shown above. This approach combines the simplicity of an intensity measurement setup with the robustness of spectral readout. The circuitry was tested to detect wavelength shifts in optical signals and revealed a resolution of 0.08 nm in a first development iteration. Hence, subnanometer resolution is possible without the need for a heavy, vibration-damped, and air-conditioned optical spectrometer. The circuit board is completed by a temperature monitor, a stable 1 Sampling unit for optical power supply, and a light source (LED) with an LED driver. wavelength shifts below 0.1 nm. Contact Thomas Härtling • Phone +49 351 88815-550 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 57 2 A 1 10 mm B M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S A N A LY S I S HIGH-RESOLUTION THREE-DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF CERAMIC MATERIALS D r. S öre n H öh n , Dr. Jü rg e n G l u c h , D i p l .- I ng. Kers ti n Sempf Development and optimization of high-performance materials was used to demonstrate the capabilities of the FIB tomography hinge on the availability of high-resolution analysis methods. technique. For the majority of samples, conventional two-dimensional images of cross-sections provide limited information about Principle of FIB tomography shape, stereoscopic layout, and character of individual components. The three-dimensional representation of structures and defects yields additional information about expected material properties. As an example demonstrating the scientific validity of this method, computed tomographic measurements were performed on ceramic foams. The microstructure was geometrically characterized and material data for the component construction were derived from the results. For high-performance ceramic materials, in which structural sizes are in the submicron and nanometer ranges, the lateral resolution of conventional This composite material is usually used for evaporation boats, computed tomography is generally not sufficient. e.g., for evaporation of aluminum. The boron nitride content in this material generates good thermomechanical properties. At Fraunhofer IKTS, two techniques, focused ion beam (FIB) The electrical conductivity, which is needed for the direct heating, tomography and X-ray nanotomography, are established for is provided by TiB2 particles. In order to achieve reproducible three-dimensional structural analysis down to the nanoscale. conductivity, the TiB2 needs to form a three-dimensional network. If the network is disturbed by local inhomogeneities or by aging, FIB tomography is based on the preparation of a series of slices uniform heating of the material is not possible. In order to using a focused ion beam (FIB) and a high-resolution, high-con- understand the performance of the material over time, it is trast image from a field-emission scanning electron microscope important to know the distribution of the TiB2 phase. A (FE-SEM). With this method, structures can be displayed up to prerequisite for efficient material design is appropriate three- a lateral resolution of about 10 nm (scheme on the right- hand dimensional characterization. This was achieved using field- side). Suitable 3D software can produce a volume data set by emission scanning electron microscopy. combining several individual cross-sectional images. In combination with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS), additional By choosing the right imaging conditions, i.e., by using the three-dimensional element distribution images can be created, in-lens detector, it was possible to differentiate between as shown in Figure 1 for a MoSi2/Si3N4 composite material. percolated and isolated TiB2 grains (Figure 3). The electrically A titanium diboride/boron nitride (TiB2/BN) composite material conducting percolated TiB2 phase appeared bright in the FE-SEM 5 8 Annual Report 2015/16 3 10 mm 4 A B 10 mm M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S A N A LY S I S image, whereas the non-conducting isolated particles were shows the three-dimensional visualizations of an Al2O3 granule dark. A three-dimensional representation of the TiB2 network recorded by X-ray nanotomography. A FIB tomography generated was produced using FIB tomography. The three-dimensional structure belonging to the same granule batch is shown in slicing technique (Figure 4A) confirmed the assumption that Figure 2A and 2B. dark TiB2 particles are not incorporated in the three-dimensional network. This technique verified the results that were obtained Services offered by two-dimensional FE-SEM imaging (Figure 4B). -- Generation of high-resolution 3D data sets for 3D microFraunhofer IKTS has established X-ray nanotomography as a modern non-destructive method for the analysis of structures and defects in ceramic materials. The method permits the non- structural analysis composition (EDS) and failure analysis -- High-resolution 2D and 3D X-ray microscopy with a pixel resolution of 32 nm destructive investigation of structural and functional materials -- Investigation of kinetic processes, in-situ experiments: tem- at a microscopic level with a resolution down to 50 nm. If the perature chamber, chemical reaction chamber, mechanical X-ray absorption contrast between the components of a material tests is too low, contrast enhancement is achieved through Zernike -- High-contrast imaging with various detection methods phase contrast. This accentuates interfaces and surfaces as well -- Recording and reconstruction of 3D and 4D data sets (tomog- as delamination and cracks. Through use of in-situ test stages, raphy, laminography, time-lapse imaging, and time-resolved various experiments can be carried out under direct observation. tomography) This enables the recording of four-dimensional data sets in the -- Data evaluation, segmentation X-ray microscope to supplement the three-dimensional infor- -- Characterization of devices and materials mation. With miniaturized thermal and mechanical equipment, which are positioned in the beam path of the X-ray microscope, experiments can be performed on a microscopic level and their effects can be observed. The 3D figure on the left-hand side 3D visualization of the micro-structure of an Al2O3 granule by X-ray nanotomography 1 3D-EDS of a MoSi2/Si3N4 sample (magenta: Yb, red: N, blue: Mo). 2 3D visualization of the microstructure of an Al2O3 granule by FIB tomography (A) and reconstructed 3D volume (B). 3 FE-SEM image of BN/TiB2 composite material recorded by in-lens detector. 4 Reconstructed 3D volume (A) of an isolated TiB2 particle (B) in the BN matrix. Contact Sören Höhn • Phone +49 351 2553-7755 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 59 2 1 4 µm M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S A N A LY S I S SMART FLUIDS – SWITCHABLE ABRASIVE SUSPENSIONS FOR FINISHING D ipl. - Ing. T in a B re me rs te i n , Dr. An n e g ret Potthoff In many industries, abrasive machining methods are utilized particles, which align themselves along the field lines when a for finishing (deburring, polishing, and rounding) of complex magnetic field is applied and thus increase the solidity or components. For example, in abrasive flow machining (AFM), viscosity. In the case of type B, the abrasive particles themselves a highly viscous polymeric carrier medium containing abrasive are magnetizable, and they hence move to the work piece particles is alternately extruded through the top and bottom of when a magnetic field is applied and intensify the removal of the work piece, thus acting as a deformable “grindstone”. In material. contrast, hydro erosive grinding (HEG) employs low-viscosity suspensions of fine abrasive particles and oil, which are pumped with high pressure through microscopic holes and round the Increase in viscosity of an AFM paste (left) and an HEG oil (right) due to the application of a magnetic field edges due to erosion. In both machining processes, high surface quality is achieved through removal of material with particle sizes in the micron range. However, up to now the processes have been non-directional, yielding dead zones or regions with undesired material removal. In the BMBF project “SmartStream”, both processes are being developed to enable specific local finishing by the use of magnetic fields and magnetorheological fluids (smart fluids), Due to the switchable strong increase in solidity (see diagram), a thus increasing process selectivity, performance, efficiency, significant and specific increase of material removal efficiency and reproducibility. is expected in both machining processes. In the design of the switchable low- and high-viscosity abrasive The authors give thanks to the BMBF for the funding (Project media, various characterization methods (rheology depending number 02PN2164). on the magnetic field, particle size, particle shape, and composition) that are also used for conventional abrasive suspen- 1 Schematic illustrating the sions are employed. working principle for smart fluids of type A and type B. Two basic types of smart fluids are being developed (Figure 1). 2 Magnetizable abrasive For type A, conventional abrasive media are mixed with iron particles. 6 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Annegret Potthoff • Phone +49 351 2553-7761 • [email protected] 100 µm Impurity Epoxy resin 1 5 µm 2 50 µm 3 M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S A N A LY S I S CHARACTERIZATION OF SUPERHARD MATERIALS Dr. Ma t hia s H e r r m a n n , D i p l .-I n g . B j ö r n M a tth e y , D i pl .-I ng. A nne-Kathri n Wolfrum, D r. A ndre C l aus ner Superhard materials of hardness > 45 GPa are typically com- Improvement of nanoindentation techniques to allow integration posed of wear-resistant materials based on diamond and cubic of an in-situ indenter into the SEM has created the possibility boron nitride (cBN). Commercially available superhard materials of detecting distributions of elastic properties and hard-ness in include PCD (polycrystalline diamond) and PCBN (polycrystalline materials with submicron resolution. This in turn enables investi- cubic boron nitride). In addition, wear-resistant ceramic-bonded gation of grain boundary phases in multiphase materials. Figure 3 cBN and diamond materials have been developed at Fraunhofer shows a hardness map for a boron suboxide (B6O) material. IKTS. These materials are prepared in ambient pressure condi- The high hardness of the B6O grains and the pronounced drop tions, allowing for geometries that are unattainable in high- in hardness at the grain boundaries and in the oxide binder pressure processes. The possibilities for SiC-bonded diamond phase regions are evident. This drop in hardness is also the materials are especially diverse and include such geometries as reason for the extreme differences in hardness between B6O pipes, seals, and bearings. single crystals and sintered materials (< 33–38 GPa). The strong effect of interfaces and damage to the metastable Services offered hard materials in the material preparation stage on the properties of superhard materials spurred the development and testing of suitable preparation and characterization methods at -- Microstructural and failure analysis of materials and components Fraunhofer IKTS. Besides methods for determining mechanical -- Characterization of diamond and cBN powders and materials properties, damage-free methods for preparing superhard -- High-resolution mapping of elastic properties and hardness powders, materials, and hard component-matrix interfaces were developed for subsequent analysis of microstructureproperty correlations. Scanning electron microscopy can be employed, e.g., for detection of defects in diamond or CBN grains (Figure 1). The use of an EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) detector enables determination of twinning or the precise grain size distribution of diamond grains in PCD. 1 Ion beam preparation for de- Epitaxial growth of SiC on diamond in reactively produced tection of defects and inclusions diamond-SiC composites can also be detected using these in superhard powder particles. methods. Transformation of cubic boron nitride to the stable 2 EBSD analysis for detection hexagonal boron nitride modification or of diamond to graphite of twinning in CBN grains. can be verified by micro-Raman spectroscopy with local internal 3 Hardness map of LPS-B6O stress analysis. (hardness given in GPa). Contact Mathias Herrmann • Phone +49 351 2553-7527 • [email protected] Annual Report 2015/16 61 2 1 3 M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O C E S S A N A LY S I S ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS D ipl. - Ing. Roy To rk e Use of materials and components in industrial and household loading of up to 200 g for component, structure, and real applications requires extensive characterization of their properties simulated mechanical load testing and failure prediction. and application behavior. The accredited quality and reliability laboratory at Fraunhofer IKTS is specialized in testing electrical Environmental effects can also be determined in accordance and mechanical properties of tools and components. Diverse with DIN 60068, MIL, or other standards. Typical tests include unique test setups, which can be customized for specialized thermal cycling from -80 °C to 200 °C and classic thermal measurement tasks, are available. shock for ceramics, as well as aging in hydrothermal conditions or in salt spray tests. Characteristics, such as dielectric strength, permittivity, and specific volume and surface resistance are determined in the Services offered lab using accredited procedures for materials including those developed at Fraunhofer IKTS. The information thus yielded can be applied toward making well-founded estimates of -- Simulation of environmental influences according to relevant standards material or component suitability, following the degradation -- Safety testing process during use, and understanding degradation mechanisms. -- Informational testing according to customer‘s specifications Safety tests can aptly support declarations of conformity for -- Determination of electrical and mechanical material properties the issuance of VDE and TÜV marks. -- Mechanical load testing -- Calibration of various parameters Accredited measurement methods for calibration of various electrical properties are currently under development. Tensile strength, compressive strength, uniaxial flexural strength, biaxial flexural strength, impact strength, fracture energy, fracture toughness, shear strength, torsional strength, and adhesion are well-known terms of mechanical strength of materials that are determined in the lab using the appropriate methods. Structure and component testing is also possible with the 1 High-voltage equipment for extensive test equipment available in the lab. dielectric strength testing Special methods can be employed, e.g., to simulate aging of (100 kV AC, 130 kV DC). components and systems. The lab is equipped with a vibration 2 Environmental test chamber. test stand with vibration loading of up to 100 g and impact 3 Shaker. 6 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Contact Roy Torke • Phone +49 36601 9301-1918 • [email protected] 6th International Congress on Ceramics From Lab to Fab August 21–25, 2016 Dresden, Germany, International Congress Center The ICC conference series has been established as a global high-level platform for scientists, engineers, business leaders and ceramists to discuss the latest innovations and scientific achievements in the field of advanced ceramics. Congress & Exhibition Local organizing committee [email protected] For more information visit: DKG International Ceramic Federation Annual Report 2015/16 63 COOPERATION IN GROUPS, ALLIANCES AND NETWORKS ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 Membership in AMA Association for Sensors Competence Network on Ernst Abbe University of Fraunhofer Groups, and Measurement Optical Technologies (Optonet) Applied Sciences Jena, Alliances and Networks university council American Ceramic Society Scientists at Fraunhofer IKTS Cool Silicon (ACerS) European Powder Metallurgy DECHEMA – Society for are active in numerous thematically oriented networks, Association Competence Chemical Engineering and alliances and groups. There- Center for Aerospace and Biotechnology fore, our customers benefit Space Technology Saxony/ from having a coordinated Thuringia (LRT) able to them. European Rail Innovation Center Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft (DGG) range of joint services avail- Association (EPMA) Association for Manufacturing European Research Association for Sheet Metal Working EFB) Technology and Development DIN – German Institute for (GFE) Standardization European Society of Thin Films (EFDS) Association of Electrochemical Deutsche Keramische Gesell- Research Institutes (AGEF) schaft (DKG / German Ceramic Expert Group on Ceramic Society) Injection Molding in the Association of German Engineers (VDI) German Ceramic Society DKG/DGM Community Committee Association of the Thuringian Economy, Committee of Expert Group on High-Temperature Sensing Technology DRESDEN concept Research and Innovation in the German Society for Materials Science Dresden Fraunhofer Cluster Association of Thermal Nanoanalysis Spraying (GTS) Fraunhofer Adaptronics Alliance Dresdner Gesprächskreis der biosaxony Wirtschaft und der Wissen- Fraunhofer Additive Manu- schaft facturing Alliance Dual Career Network Central Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance Carbon Composites (CCeV) Ceramics Meeting Point Germany Dresden Fraunhofer Battery Alliance Energy Saxony 6 4 Annual Report 2015/16 Competence Center for Nano Fraunhofer Cluster 3D Evaluation nanoeva® Integration Fraunhofer Energy Alliance German Society for Materials Nanotechnology Center of Research (DGM) Excellence for “Ultrathin Fraunhofer Group for Mate- Functional Layers“ rials and Components – German Society for Non- MATERIALS Destructive Testing (DGZfP) Fraunhofer Group for Micro- German Thermoelectric Society electronics (DTG) ProcessNet – an Initiative of DECHEMA and VDI-GVC Research Association for Diesel Emission Control Fraunhofer Lightweight Hydrogen Power Storage & Design Alliance Solutions East Germany Fraunhofer Nanotechnology International Energy Agency Measurement Technology, Alliance (IEA) Implementing Agreement Sensors and Medical Technol- on Advanced Fuel Cells ogy Dresden (fms) tion of Products and Processes International Zeolite Associa- Research Association on Weld- Alliance tion ing and Allied Processes of Technologies (FAD) Research Association for Fraunhofer Numerical Simula- the German Welding Society Fraunhofer Textile Alliance KMM-VIN (European Virtual (DVS) Institute on Knowledge-based Fraunhofer Water Systems Multifunctional Materials Alliance (SysWasser) AISBL) German Acoustical Society Materials Research Network (DEGA) Dresden (MFD) SmartTex Network German Biogas Association medways Society for Corrosion Silicon Saxony smart³ Protection (GfKORR) German Electroplating and Meeting of Refractory Experts Surface Treatment Association Freiberg (MORE) (DGO) Wasserwirtschaftliches Energiezentrum Dresden Micro-Nanotechnology German Energy Storage Thuringia (MNT) WindEnergy Network Rostock Association (BVES) NanoMat – Supraregional German Engineering Associa- Network for Materials Used tion (VDMA) in Nanotechnology Annual Report 2015/16 65 GROUPS, ALLIANCES, NETWORKS FRAUNHOFER GROUP FOR MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS – MATERIALS The Fraunhofer Group MATERIALS integrates the expertise of 15 Fraunhofer Institutes working in the field of materials science. -- Improving the biocompatibility and functioning of medical materials and materials used in biotechnology Fraunhofer materials research covers the entire value chain, from -- Increasing integration density and improving the usability char- new material development and improvement of existing materials acteristics of microelectronic components and microsystems through manufacturing technology on a quasi-industrial scale, to the characterization of properties and assessment of service behavior. The same research scope applies to the components -- Enhancing the utilization of natural resources and improving the quality of products made with them -- Development of recycling concepts made from these materials and the way they function in systems. In all these fields, experimental studies in laboratories and technical Members are the Fraunhofer Institutes for institutes are supplemented by equally important numerical simulation and modeling techniques – across all scales, from individual -- Applied Polymer Research IAP molecules up to components and process simulation. As far as -- Building Physics IBP materials are concerned, the Fraunhofer MATERIALS Group covers -- Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF the full spectrum of metals, inorganic non-metals, polymers and -- Chemical Technology ICT materials made from renewable resources, as well as semicon- -- Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM ductor materials. The Group’s expertise is concentrated specifically -- Wood Research, Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut, WKI in the fields of energy and environment, mobility, health, machine -- Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS and plant construction, building construction and living, micro- -- High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI systems technology and safety. Innovative systems are developed -- Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS using materials and components customized for specific applica- -- Silicate Research ISC tions, and based on the assessment of the behavior of a material or -- Solar Energy Systems ISE component under specific conditions of use. Strategic forecasts -- Systems and Innovations Research ISI promote the development of novel, future-oriented materials and -- Mechanics of Materials IWM technologies. -- Non-Destructive Testing IZFP -- Wind Energy and Energy System Technology IWES Objectives of the Group are: -- Industrial Mathematics ITWM (assoc. institute) -- Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB (assoc. institute) -- Enhancing safety and comfort and reducing resource consump- -- Integrated Circuits IIS (assoc. institute) tion in the fields of transport, machine and plant construction, building construction and living Group chairman -- Increasing the efficiency of systems for energy generation, energy conversion, energy storage and distribution Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Elsner, Fraunhofer ICT 6 6 Annual Report 2015/16 1 GROUPS, ALLIANCES, NETWORKS FRAUNHOFER ADVANCER ALLIANCE Systems development with high-performance ceramics Fields of cooperation The usage of high-performance ceramics allows for new applica- -- Materials development for structural and functional ceramics, tions in energy engineering, mechanical and plant engineering, fiber-reinforced ceramics, cermets and ceramic composites and medical technology. Well-known examples are highly -- Component design and development of prototypes efficient tools and coatings, new material and manufacturing -- Systems integration and verification of batch-production technologies for medical-technical products as well as creative capabilities solutions for energy and resource saving industrial processes. -- Development of powder, fiber and coating technologies At present, AdvanCer is working in a joint project developing -- Materials, component and process simulation systems solutions and test methods for the oil and gas industry -- Materials and component testing as well as for deep sea mining. It is the objective to develop new -- Defect analysis, failure analysis, quality management diamond-ceramic and hard metal materials as well as the appro- -- Analysis of energy demand for thermal processes and to priate manufacturing technologies. So, components may be realized which allow for the maintenance-free operation in up to improve energy efficiency -- Increase of efficiency using ceramic components 6000 m depth in the sea. Services offered Four Fraunhofer Institutes (IKTS, IPK, ISC/HTL and IWM) have joined together to form the Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance. It -- Development, testing and evaluation of materials is the aim of AdvanCer to develop individual systems solutions -- Prototype and small series production with advanced ceramics for industry. The research activities of -- Technology development and technology transfer the Fraunhofer Alliance extend along the entire value-added -- Process analysis and design chain from modeling and simulation through application- -- Consulting, feasibility studies, training programs oriented materials development, production and machining of ceramic parts to component characterization, evaluation and Spokesperson of the Alliance non- destructive testing under application conditions. Development work is conducted and supported by modeling and Dr. Michael Zins simulation methods. [email protected] Furthermore, AdvanCer has established a comprehensive range of training and consultancy services to support small and medium- 1 Test stand for the tribological sized companies in solving complex tasks ranging from proto- testing of ceramic materials and type development to technology transfer. components (Source: Dirk Mahler/Fraunhofer). Annual Report 2015/16 67 1 GROUPS, ALLIANCES, NETWORKS CERAMICS MEETING POINT – CERAMIC APPLICATIONS The Ceramics Meeting Point is an integral part of the public In the workshops and training courses of the Fraunhofer relations activities of Fraunhofer IKTS. The closed production AdvanCer Alliance and the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft chain from powder to component is displayed, not only from (DKG / German Ceramic Society), the Ceramics Meeting Point is a scientific point of view but also as a mirror of technologies used to present the state of the art in industry and to show and capacities available in the industry. The visitor gets an the practical relevance desired by the participants. Thus, a impression of current focal points in research and is simulta- project forum particularly for small and medium-sized companies neously informed about which manufacturers offer certain has developed, facilitating contacts to project initiators and product types commercially. With respective touchable models, research institutes. By visiting the Ceramics Meeting Point the trust in the economic feasibility of new ideas is strength- within the framework of numerous events taking place at ened and the initiation of new projects facilitated. Fraunhofer IKTS, more than 1500 visitors informed themselves about ceramic product innovations and manufacturers in 2015. Ceramic Applications of the Goeller Verlag, which took over the TASK GmbH business, embodies the new label of the The highlight in 2015 was the “Technical Ceramics Day” at cooperation with its currently 43 partners and members. The the ceramitec in Munich, Germany. All together 1214 visitors opportunity to see the latest research topics up to systems participated in the event, making it the most visited at the testing in one room and to get into contact with possible forum. The Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance together with suppliers will be extended. The members of the Fraunhofer Ceramic Applications was responsible for the scientific organi- AdvanCer Alliance also benefit from this infrastructure. zation of the lecture program. 1 Forum “Technical Ceramics Day” at ceramitec 2015. 6 8 Annual Report 2015/16 NAMES, DATES, EVENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 Granted patents 2015 Adler, J.; Richter, H.-J.; Lenk, R.; rial and method for the produc- Heuer, H.; Herzog, T. components with ultrasound tion thereof Ultrasonic transducer for excit- waves EP 2 205 774 B1; IN 270318 ing and/or detecting ultrasound DE 10 2010 032 117 B4 Petasch, U.; Holdschuh, C.; of various frequencies Rahn, T.; Rembor, H.-J. Gräbner, F.; Capraro, B.; Töpfer, J. Assembled honeycomb Method for producing a tape EP 1 897 603 B1 for lining of body housings Herzog, T.; Heuer, H. Transparent polycrystalline DE 101 46 805 B4 Ultrasound sensor for recording aluminium oxide and/or scanning objects and EP 1 521 729 B1 Albrecht, O.; Lohse, T.; Metasch, R.; DE 10 2012 003 495 B4 Krell, A.; Hutzler, T.; van Bruggen, M.; Apetz, R. Oppermann, M.; Schroeder, A.; Grzesiak, A.; Refle, O.; corresponding manufacturing Zerna, T.; Krüger, P. Richter, H.-J.; Lenk, R. method Krell, A.; Strassburger, E. Direct conversion x-ray detector Device and method for feeding DE 50 2010 009 090.8; JP 5734673 Transparent composite pane for with radiation protection for a material layer onto a construc- B2; EP 2 348 503 safety applications electronics tion platform, or onto at least US 8 963 098 one material layer located on the Jia, Y.; Hillmann, S.; Heuer, H. US 9 012 045 B2 construction platform, for pro- Eddy current probe Kusnezoff, M.; Eichler, K.; Otschik, P. Eberstein, M.; Feller, C.; Furche, S. ducing an object in the course of DE 10 2008 027 525 B4 Interconnector for high-tem- Reference electrode with a a generative production method porous ceramic membran US 9 120 269 B2 DE 10 2012 007 854 B4 perature fuel cell unit Joneit, D. EP 1 665 431 B1 Method for determining electriGusek, C.; Eisner, F.; Hülstrung, J.; cal conductivities in samples by Kusnezoff, M.; Reuber, S. Ehrt, R.; Johannes, M. Jindra, F.; Willeke, B.-H.; means of an eddy current sensor High-temperature fuel cell system Veneering ceramic for dental Blumenau, M.; Kovac, M.; DE 10 2013 004 990 B4 EP 2 449 617 B1 restorations made of yttrium- Jendrischik, G.; Peitz, A.; stabilized zirconium dioxide and Schönenberg, R.; Adler, J.; Köhler, B.; Barth, M.; Bamberg, J.; Kusnezoff, M.; Sauchuk, V.; method for applying said Heymer, H. Baron, H.-U. Trofimenko, N. veneering ceramic Device for pressure reduction in Destruction-free and contactless Material for protective coatings JP 5 826 272 hollow bodies in media at high inspection method and inspec- on high-temperature resistant temperatures tion apparatus for surfaces of chromium oxide-forming sub- DE 10 2011 078 878 B4 components with ultrasound strates, method for the produc- waves tion thereof and use thereof US 9 194 844 KR 10-1516835; JP 5735800 Endler, I.; Höhn, M. Coated bodies made of metal, hard metal cermet or ceramic Heddrich, M.; Marschallek, F.; and method for coating of such Beckert, W.; Pfeifer, T.; Stelter, M.; bodies Jahn, M.; Pönicke, A.; Lorenz, C.; Köhler, B.; Barth, M.; Bamberg, J.; Kusnezoff, M.; Trofimenko, N.; RU 2563080 C2; IN 270350 Belitz, R. Baron, H.-U. Belda, C.; Dietzen, E.; Guth, U.; Solid-oxide fuel cell system Destruction-free and contactless Vashuk, U. US 9 178 228 B2 inspection method and inspec- Method for production of a unit tion apparatus for surfaces of for high temperature applica- Endler, I.; Höhn, M. Bodies coated with a hard mate- Annual Report 2015/16 69 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S tion, with this method produced having a start burner Härtling, T.; Zeh, C. Lausch, H.; Herrmann, M.; Gronde, B.; component and use thereof DE 10 2009 037 145 B4 Method of direct marking of Töppel, T.; Petters, R.; Rotsch, C. work pieces and marked work Composite body with at least piece one functional component und DE 10 2011 108 620 B4 Schreiber, J.; Opitz, J.; Gerich, C.; Kusnezoff, M.; Trofimenko, N.; Fehre, J.; Salomon, G.; Nanke, R. Dietzen, E.; Belda, C. Method and device for detect- Härtling, T.; Zeh, C. Method for producing solid ox- ing tumorous living cell tissue Laser-based method for direct ide fuel cells having a cathode- US 8 981 317 B2 part marking of work pieces a metal substrate, and use of Schubert, L.; Klesse, T.; Röder, O.; Herrmann, M.; Matthey, B. radiation in the UV wave length said solid oxide fuel cells Frankenstein, B. SiC-diamond composite material range, method for exposure with EP 2 619 834 B1 Device and method for monitor- und method for production a body and use of the body ing an object in an explosion- thereof method for production a com- electrolyte-anode-unit borne by posite body Lausch, H.; Wätzig, K.; Kinski, I. Body emitting electromagnetic Lausch, H.; Arnold, M.; Brand, M. protected zone by means of Arrangement for topical stimu- ultrasound Hofacker, M.; Weidl, R.; Schulz, M. High temperature brazed com- lation of ossification/osteogene- DE 10 2013 020 896 B4 High temperature accumulator posite and method producing with at least one cell material bonding between com- sis/soft tissue formation and/or Martin, H.-P.; Triebert, A. suppression of microbial inflam- Trofimenko, N.; Mosch, S.; mation, and for osseointegration Sauchuk, V.; Lucke, K.; Kusnezoff, M. Joneit, D.; Walter, S. of implants Functional layer for high-tem- Method for the detection of de- Megel, S.; Schadt, L.; Kusnezoff, M.; EP 2 714 186 B1 perature fuel cells and method fects in components using ultra- Schilm, J.; Trofimenko, N. for production sound transducers Arrangement of electrochemical Luthardt, R.G.; Rudolph, H.; US 9 153 824 B2; KR 10-1555978; Johannes, M.; Voigtsberger, B. JP 5706161 Process for producing implants ponents cells and use of thereof Kinski, I.; Spira, S.; Eberhardt, G. Device and system and method Moritz, T.; Ahlhelm, M.; Lausch, H.; and components by directing Wagner, W.; Burmeister, U. for conversion of monochromatic Günther, P. shaping Fuel cell arrangement light in polychromatic light Shaped bodies, method for pro- US 9 034 225 B2 DE 10 2010 047 478 B4 duction thereof and use thereof Köhler, B.; Schubert, F.; Lieske, U. Pfeifer, T.; Nousch, L. Solid oxide fuel cell system and Patent applications 2015 Arrangement for Non-Destructive Moritz, T.; Günther, A.; Herfert, H.; Materials Testing Hofmann, M. method for operation of solid Metal-ceramic composite and oxide fuel cells Adler, J.; Petasch, U.; Haase, D.; Kriegel, R. DE 10 2011 121 691 B4 Hark, W.; Hark, U. Method and device to operate a Device and process for treat- gas turbine with wet combustion Reinlein, C.; Beckert, E.; Peschel, T.; ment of exhaust gas in single Damm, C.; Gebhardt, S. combustion furnaces Adaptive deformable mirror for method for production thereof Neubert, H.; Ehle, F.; Ziske, J. Actor array with a magnetic Kunz, W.; Steinborn, C.; Finaske, T.; shape memory alloy Brückner, F. compensation of defects of a Barth, S.; Ludwig, H.; Oberbach, U.; Method for production of ceramic Opitz, J.; Lapina, V.; Pavich, T.; wavefront Rösler, S.; Rösler, S.; Kempfert, W. fiber composite materials Pershukevich, P.; Belyi, V.; EP 2 269 106 B1 Luminescent material composite Reuber, S.; Barthel, M.; Wolter, M.; Schreiber, J. ceramic and method for produc- Lausch, H.; Brand, M.; Arnold, M. Nanodiamond covered with one tion thereof System for wireless transmission or more coordination com- of energy and/or signals, the pounds of rare earth metals, Koszyk, S.; Belitz, R. System having high-temperature Gall, M.; Zschech, E.; Dietsch, R.; transformation of energy and/or and the use of said nanodia- fuel cells Niese, S. signals in other energy types mond as a luminescent material US 9 005 833 B2; JP 5820873 Laboratory X-ray microscopy at and/or signal types as well as their in layers and molded bodies photon energies > 9 keV for application und detection in pe- Reuber, S.; Schlemminger, C.; investigation of microelectronic ripheral regions of the system Wolter, M.; Pfeifer, T. products High-temperature fuel cell system 7 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Partsch, U.; Goldberg, A.; Ziesche, S.; Manhica, B.; Lohrberg, C.; Dürfeld, W.; Arndt, D.; Kern, W. Method for producing a compo- Zschippang, E.; Wolfrum, A.-K.; Banerjee, S.; Löffler, M.; Mühle, U.; Kusnezoff, M.; Michaelis, A. nent made of ceramic materials Herrmann, M. Berent, K.; Weber, W.; Zschech, E. CFY-stack technology: The next Material with embedded diamond TEM study of schottky junctions design Rebenklau, L.; Gierth, P.; Wodtke, A.; or cBN particles in a silicon nitride in reconfigurable silicon nano- ECS transactions 68(2015), Nr.1, Niedermeyer, L.; Augsburg, K. matrix and method for produc- wire devices p.2159–2168 Thermoelectric element and tion the material Advanced Engineering Materials method for production thereof Reitzig, M.; Härtling, T.; Opitz, J.; Books and periodical Scheuerer, Z.; Liebmann, A. contributions Packaging material and method of (2015), doi:10.1002/ Birke, V.; Schuett, C.; Burmeier, H.; adem.201400577, online first Friedrich, H.-J. Impact of trace elements and Belda, C.; Dietzen, E.; Kusnezoff, M.; impurities in technical zero-va- Trofimenko, N.; Vashook, U.; lent iron brands on reductive package production and quality Abidin, A.Z.; Kozera, R.; Höhn, M.; Michaelis, A.; Guth, U. dechlorination of chlorinated control of a radiation process Endler, I.; Knaut, M.; Boczkowska, A.; Interaction of perovskite type ethenes in groundwater Czulak, A.; Malczyk, P.; Sobczak, N.; lanthanum-calcium-chromites- Naidu, R.(Ed.): Saeltzer, G.; Tschöpe, C.; Wolff, M. Michaelis, A. titanates La1-xCaxCr1-yTiyO3-d with Permeable Reactive Barrier: Sustain- Device and method for assessing Preparation and characteriza- solid electrolyte materials able Groundwater Remediation a medical health parameter of a tion of CVD-TiN-coated carbon Ceramic Engineering and Science Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press (2015), person by voice analysis fibers for applications in metal Proceedings 35(2015), Nr.3, Chapter 5, p.87–98 matrix composites p.41–53 Schilm, J.; Kusnezoff, M.; Rost, A.; Thin Solid Films (2015), Nr.589, Wagner, D. p.479–486 Sodium ions conducting element Bläß, U.W.; Barsukova, T.; Berger, L.-M.; Trache, R.; Toma, F.-L.; Schwarz, M.; Köhler, A.; Schimpf, C.; Thiele, S.; Norpoth, J.; Janka, L. Petrusha, I.A.; Mühle, U.; Rafaja, D.; for use in electrochemical cells Ahmed, R.R.; Ali, O.; Faisal, N.H.; Development of cost-effective Kroke, E. and method for production Al-Anazi, N.M.; Al-Mutairi, S.H.; hard metal coating solutions for Bulk titanium nitride ceramics – thereof Toma, F.-L.; Berger, L.-M.; high-temperature applications Significant enhancement of Potthoff, A.; Goosen, M.F.A. part one: Feedstock powders, hardness by silicon nitride addi- Schönfeld, K.; Martin, H.-P. Sliding wear investigation of cost-effectiveness and coating tion, nanostructuring and high Method for production of dense suspension sprayed WC-Co properties pressure sintering components made of zirconium nanocomposite coatings Thermal Spray Bulletin 8(2015), Journal of the European Ceramic carbide and components made Wear (2015), Nr.322–323, p.133–150 Nr.2, p.126–136 Society 35(2015), Nr.10, Ahmed, R.R.; Faisal, N.H.; Berger, L.-M. Schuster, C.; Härtling, T. Al-Anazi, N.; Al-Mutairi, S.; Hard metal coatings based on Böhning, D.; Beckmann, M.; Method of retrieving a radiation Toma, F.-L.; Berger, L.-M.; Potthoff, A.; TiC – Alternatives to the state of Kriegel, R.; Richter, J.; Ma, M.; dose and product Polychroniadis, E.K.; Sall, M.; the art? Müller, M.M. Chaliampalias, D.; Goosen, M.F.A. Thermal Spray Bulletin 8(2015), Combined catalyst and oxygen Uhlemann, F.; Hillmann, S.; Structure property relationship Nr.2, p.110–117 carrier system for the treatment Schiller-Bechert, D.M.; Bor, Z. of suspension thermally sprayed System and method for non-de- WC-Co nanocomposite coatings Berger, L.-M. gasification via catalytic partial structive testing of metal fusion Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Tribology of thermally sprayed oxidation welds at thin-walled pipes 24(2015), Nr.3, p.357–377 coatings in the Al2O3-Cr2O3-TiO2 Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik system 87(2015), Nr.4, p.457–465 with this method p.2733–2744 of tars in fuel gas from biomass Wätzig, K.; Kunzer, M.; Jordan, R. Banerjee, S.; Mühle, U.; Löffler, M.; Manish, R.; Davim, P.R.: Opto-electronic elements and Heinzig, A.; Trommer, J.; Zschech, E. Thermal sprayed coatings and their Bolelli, G.; Berger, L.-M.; Börner, T.; method for producing opto- Preparation and characteriza- tribological performances Koivuluoto, H.; Lusvarghi, L.; electronic components tion of silicon nanowires using Hershey/Pa.: Engineering Science Lyphout, C.; Markocsan, N.; SEM/FIB and TEM Reference (2015), p.227–267 Matikainen, V.; Nylén, P.E.; Zeh, C.; Härtling, T. International Journal of Materials Method of direct marking of Research 106(2015), Nr.7, Bienert, C.; Brandner, M.; Skrabs, S.; Tribology of HVOF- and HVAF- work pieces and marked work p.697–702 Venskutonis, A.; Sigl, L.S.; Megel, S.; sprayed WC-10Co4Cr hardmetal piece Sassatelli, P.; Trache, R.; Vuoristo, P. Beckert, W.; Trofimenko, N.; Annual Report 2015/16 71 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S coatings: A comparative assess- loying: An investigation of Al tivity of insulators using high- Effect of internal current flow ment electrical activation in relation frequency eddy-current devices during the sintering of zirconi- Surface and Coatings Technology to structure and charge trans- IEEE Transactions on Instrumenta- um diboride by field assisted 265(2015), Nr.15, p.125–144 port limits tion and Measurement (T-IM) sintering technology Thin Solid Films (2015), 64(2015), Nr.8, p.2227–2238 Journal of the American Ceramic Bremerstein, T.; Potthoff, A.; doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2015.11.059, Michaelis, A.; Schmiedel, C.; online first Uhlmann, E.; Blug, B.; Amann, T. Society (2015), Gäbler, S.; Heuer, H.; Heinrich, G.; doi:10.1111/jace.13931; online first Kupke, R. Wear of abrasive media and its Dirnstorfer, I.; Schilling, N.; Körner, S.; Quantitatively analyzing dielec- Günther, C. effect on abrasive flow machin- Gierth, P.; Waltinger, A.; trical properties of resins and Entwicklung von Sodalithmem- ing results Leszczynska, B.; Simon, D.K.; mapping permittivity variations branen für die Gastrennung un- Wear (2015), Nr.342–343, p.44–51 Gärtner, J.; Jordan, P.M.; in CFRP with high-frequency ter industriellen Bedingungen Mikolajick, T.; Dani, I.; Eberstein, M.; eddy current device technology Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2015, Busch, J.; Meißner, T.; Potthoff, A.; Rebenklau, L.; Krause, J. 41st Annual Review of Progress in XV, 146 p., XXIII Bleyl, S.; Georgi, A.; Mackenzie, K.; Via hole conditioning in silicon quantitative nondestructive Evalua- (Dresden, TU, Diss., 2014) Trabitzsch, R:; Werban, U.; Oswald, S. heterojunction metal wrap tion (2015), doi:10.1063/1.4914628, (Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.): Kompetenzen A field investigation on trans- through solar cells p.336–344, online first in Keramik. Schriftenreihe, 27) port of carbon-supported nano- Energy Procedia (2015), Nr.77, scale zero-valent iron (nZVI) in p.458–463 groundwater ISBN 978-3-8396-0864-7 Garrett, J.C.; Sigalas, I.; Wolfrum, A.-K.; Herrmann, M. Günther, C.; Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Ebert, L.; Roscher, M.; Wolter, M. Effect of cubic boron nitride Michaelis, A.; Tzscheutschler, H.; (2015), Nr.181, p.59–68 Schnellere Serienproduktion von grain size in the reinforcing of Krause-Rehberg, R.; Serra, J.M. Lithium-Ionen-Batterien a-Sialon ceramics sintered via SPS Synthesis and characterization Clausner, A.; Richter, F. ATZ - Automobiltechnische Journal of the European Ceramic of a sulfur containing hydroxy Determination of yield stress Zeitschrift 116(2015), Nr.4, p.60–63 Society 35(2015), Nr.2, p.451–462 sodalite without sulfur radicals from nano-indentation experi- Microporous and Mesoporous ments Ernst, D.; Bramlage, B.; Gebhardt, S.; Giaconia, A.; Monteleone, G.; European Journal of Mechanics – Schönecker, A. Morico, B.; Salladini, A.; Shabtai, K.; A/Solids (2015), Nr.51, p.11–20 High performance PZT thick film Sheintuch, M.; Böttge, D.; Adler, J.; Herrmann, M.; Sempf, K.; actuators using in plane polari- Palma, V.; Voutetakis, S.; Kremmer, K.; Schneider, M.; Clausner, A.; Richter, F. sation Lemonidou, A.; Annesini, M.C.; Michaelis, A. Usage of the concept of the ef- Advances in Applied Ceramics Exter, M.; Balzer, H.; Turchetti, L. Electrochemical corrosion of sili- fectively shaped indenter for the 114(2015), Nr.4, p.237–242 Multi-fuelled solar steam re- con-infiltrated silicon carbide forming for pure hydrogen pro- ceramics in aqueous solutions determination of yield stress Materials (2015), Nr.214, p.1–7 from Berkovich nano-indenta- Fabijanić, T.A.; Alar, Ž.; Pötschke, J. duction using solar salts as heat Ceramics International 41(2015), tion experiments Potentials of nanostructured transfer fluid Nr.3 Part B, p.4422–4429 European Journal of Mechanics – WC-Co hardmetal as reference Energy Procedia (2015), Nr.69, A/Solids (2015), Nr.53, p.294–302 material for Vickers hardness p.1750–1758 International Journal of Refractory Hess, A.; Roode-Gutzmer, Q.; Heubner, C.; Schneider, M.; Conze, S.; Veremchuk, I.; Reibold, M.; Metals & Hard Materials (2015), Giuntini, D.; Räthel, J.; Herrmann, M.; Michaelis, A.; Bobeth, M.; Matthey, B.; Michaelis, A.; Grin, J.; Nr.50, p.126–132 Michaelis, A.; Olevsky, E.A. Cuniberti, G. Advancement of tooling for Determination of state of charge- Kinski, I. Magnéli phases Ti4O7 and Ti8O15 Feng, B.; Martin, H.-P. spark-plasma sintering dependent asymmetric Butler– and their carbon nanocompos- Charakterisierung von Borcarbid Journal of the American Ceramic Volmer kinetics for LixCoO2 elec- ites via the thermal decomposi- als Material für Hochtempera- Society 98(2015), Nr.11, trode using GITT measurements tion-precursor route tursensor p.3529–3537 Journal of Power Sources (2015), Journal of Solid State Chemistry Keramische Zeitschrift 67(2015), (2015), Nr.229, p.235–242 Nr.4, p.219–220 Speer, K.; Liu, L.; Räthel, J.; Heubner, C.; Schneider, M.; Cornelius, S.; Vinnichenko, M. Gäbler, S.; Heuer, H.; Heinrich, G. Knapp, M.; Ehrenberg, H.; Bram, M.; Michaelis, A. Al in ZnO – From doping to al- Measuring and imaging permit- Guillon, O. Investigation of charge transfer 7 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Nr.299, p.156–161 Gonzales-Julian, J.; Jähnert, K.; kinetics of Li-Intercalation in tive track geometry affected by Jurk, R. steel LiFePO4 ink rheology and composition Synthese von Edelmetalltinten Powder Metallurgy and Metal Journal of Power Sources (2015), Microsystem Technologies für den Inkjetdruck funktionel- Ceramics 53(2015), Nr.11–12, Nr.288, p.115–120 21(2015), Nr.6, p.1363–1369 ler Schichten mit dem Anwen- p.680–687 Heubner, C.; Schneider, M.; Himpel, G.; Herrmann, M.; Höhn, S. metallisierung kristalliner Körner, S.; Kiefer, F.; Peibst, R.; Michaelis, A. Comparison of the high-tem- Solarzellen Heinemeyer, F.; Krügener, J.; Local heat generation in a single perature corrosion of aluminium Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2015, Eberstein, M. stack lithium ion battery cell nitride, alumina, magnesia and IV, 180 p. Basic study on the influence of Electrochimica Acta (2015), Nr.186, zirconia ceramics by coal ashes (Dresden, TU, Diss., 2015) glass composition and Al con- p.404–412 Ceramics International 41(2015), (Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.): Kompetenzen tent on the Ag/Al paste contact Nr.7, p.8288–8298 in Keramik. Schriftenreihe, 30) formation to boron emitters ISBN 978-3-8396-0924-8 Energy Procedia (2015), Nr.67, dungsbeispiel der Frontseiten- Heubner, C.; Langklotz, U.; Schneider, M.; Michaelis, A. Hofmann, M.; Herfert, H.; Analysis of the counter-elec- Günther, A.; Moritz, T. Jurk, R.; Fritsch, M.; Eberstein, M.; trode potential in a 3-electrode CerMeTex - Metall und Keramik Schilm, J.; Uhlig, F.; Waltinger, A.; Krell, A. lithium ion battery cell wachsen zusammen. Metallfa- Michaelis, A. Comment on “High-pressure Journal of Electroanalytical ser-Keramik-Verbundwerkstoffe Ink jet printable silver metalliza- spark plasma sintering (SPS) of Chemistry (2015), für verbesserte und multifunkti- tion with zinc oxide for front transparent polycrystalline mag- doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2015.10.037, onelle Bauteileigenschaften side metallization for micro nesium aluminate spinel online first avr – Allgemeiner Vliesstoff-Report crystalline silicon solar cells (PMAS)” by M. Sokol, S. Kala- (2015), Nr.5, p.108–109 Journal of Micromechanics and bukhov, M. P. Dariel, N. Frage Microengineering 25(2015), Nr.12, [J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 34 (2014) 4305] Art.125021 Journal of the European Ceramic Heuer, H.; Schulze, M.; Pooch, M.; p.20–30 Gäbler, S.; Nocke, A.; Bardl, G.; Hohlfeld, K.; Gebhardt, S.; Cherif, C.; Klein, M.; Kupke, R.; Schönecker, A.; Michaelis, A. Vetter, R.; Lenz, F.; Kliem, M.; PZT components derived from Kappes, W.; Hentschel, D.; Bülow, C.; Goyvaerts, J.; Mayer, T.; polysulphone spinning process Oelschlägel, T. Petrenz, S. Advances in Applied Ceramics Potential improvements of the Krell, A. Review on quality assurance 114(2015), Nr.4, p.231–237 presently applied in-service Comment: The effect of grain inspection of wheelset axles size on the mechanical and opti- along the CFRP value chain - Society 35(2015), Nr.8, p.2433–2435 Non-destructive testing of fab- Jänchen, J.; Herzog, T.H.; International Journal of Fatigue cal properties of spark plasma rics, preforms and CFRP by HF Gleichmann, K.; Unger, B.; (2015), sintering-processed Magnesium radio wave techniques Brandt, A.; Fischer, G.; Richter, H. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.014, Aluminate Spinel MgAl2O4 Composites Part B: Engineering Performance of an open thermal online first (Rothaman et al.) 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Michaelis, A.; Eckert, J.; Giebeler, L. applications continuous hydrogen-producing (Dresden, TU, Diss., 2015) SEI-component formation on Journal of Applied Physics photobioreactor by optical simu- (Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.): Kompetenzen sub 5 nm sized silicon nanoparti- 117(2015), Nr.22, Artikel-Nr.224102 lation and computational fluid in Keramik. Schriftenreihe, 28) cles in Li-ion batteries: the role ISBN 978-3-8396-0921-7 of electrode preparation, FEC Kolesnichenko, V.G.; Biotechnology and Bioengineering addition and binders Zgalat-Lozynskyy, O.; Varchenko, V.T.; 112(2015), Nr.12, p.2439–2449 Hildebrandt, S.; Kinski, I.; Mosch, S.; Physical Chemistry, Chemical Herrmann, M.; Ragulya, A. Waltinger, A.; Uhlig, F.; Michaelis, A. Physics (PCCP) 17(2015), Nr.38, Friction and wear of TiN–Si3N4 Kunz, W. Non-contact printing: Conduc- p.24956–24967 nanocomposites against ShKh15 Entwicklung eines Siliziumnitrid- dynamics Annual Report 2015/16 73 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Werkstoffes für Rotoren in Liao, Z.; Gall, M.; Yeap, K.B.; and operational behavior Mühle, U. Mikrogasturbinen Sander, C.; Clausner, A.; Mühle, U.; Journal of Electronic Materials (2015), Spezielle Anwendungen der Keramische Zeitschrift 67(2015), Gluch, J.; Standke, G.; Aubel, O.; doi:10.1007/s11664-015-4115-8, Transmissionselektronenmikros- Nr.4, p.225–226 Beyer, A.; Hauschildt, M.; Zschech, E. online first kopie in der Siliziumhalbleiterin- In situ time-dependent dielectric dustrie Kusnezoff, M.; Beckert, W.; breakdown in the transmission Mastropietro, T.F.; Brunetti, A.; Freiberg (2015), 187 p. 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Neumeister, P.; Schönecker, A.; Micro Powder Injection Mould- Evidence-Based Complementary Integration of CaCu3Ti4O12 capac- Gebhardt, S. ing: Processes, materials and and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) itors into LTCC multilayer modules Effect of dopants on the electro- applications (2015), Artikel-Nr.130513, Journal of the European Ceramic caloric effect of 0.92 Powder Injection Moulding Interna- doi:10.1155/2015/130513 Society 35(2015), Nr.11, Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.08 PbTiO3 tional 9(2015), Nr.3, p.63–70 p.3043–3049 ceramics Journal of the European Ceramic Poetschke, J.; Richter, V.; Michaelis, A. Sander, C.; Mühle, U.; Gluch, J.; Luthardt, F.; Adler, J.; Michaelis, A. Society 35(2015), Nr.7, Fundamentals of sintering nano- Standke, Y.; Aubel, O.; Vogel, N.; Characteristics of a continuous p.2065–2071 scaled binderless hardmetals Hauschildt, M.; Beyer, A.; direct foaming technique Engelmann, H.J.; Zschech, E. 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Ceramic Applications 3(2015), Nr.2, brazed seals for SOFC TiOx-based thermoelectric mod- p.44–47 Fuel Cells 15(2015), Nr.5, ules: Manufacturing, properties, 7 4 Annual Report 2015/16 p.735–741 Prasad, R.M.; Jüttke, Y.; Richter, H.; Reichel, U.; Schubert, R. plastic 3D-printing (3DTP) gläsern unterschiedlicher Kom- Voigt, I.; Riedel, R.; Gurlo, A. Innovative concepts of ceramic Journal of Ceramic Science and position durch Bestrahlung mit Mechanism of gas separation materials and processes for new Technology 6(2015), Nr.2, Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen through amorphous silicon applications in optical and elec- p.125–132 Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2015, oxycarbide membranes tronic industry Advanced Engineering Materials Keramische Zeitschrift 67(2015), Scheithauer, U.; Schwarzer, E.; (Dresden, TU, Diss., 2015) (2015), Nr.5–6, p.292–295 Tscharntke, F.; Schmidt, T.; Jegust, S.; (Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.): Kompetenzen Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. in Keramik. Schriftenreihe, 29) Reuber, S. New lightweight kiln furniture ISBN 978-3-8396-0922-4 Ein systemtechnischer Ansatz made by combination of ceramic Qiu, Y.; Wang, H.; Démoré, C.; zur ein- und multikriteriellen green tapes and extrudates Simon, A.; Seyring, M.; Kämnitz, S.; Hughes, D.; Glynne-Jones, P.; Optimierung von Energiesys- Interceram 64(2015), Nr.4/5 (Special Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Rettenmayr, M.; Gebhardt, S.; Bolhovitins, A.; temen am Beispiel der SOFC- edition: Refractories), p.204–208 Ritter, U. Poltarjonoks, R.; Weijer, Kees C.; Prozesssynthese Schönecker, A.; Hill, M.; Cochran, S. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2015, Scheithauer, U.; Schwarzer, E.; nanofibers fabricated on tubular Acoustic devices for particle and 231 p. Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T. porous Al2O3 substrates cell manipulation and sensing (Dresden, TU, Diss., 2014) Thermoplastic 3D printing – An Carbon (2015), Nr.90, p.25–33 Sensors 14(2015), Nr.8, (Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.): Kompetenzen additive manufacturing method p.14806–14838 in Keramik. Schriftenreihe, 25) for producing dense ceramics Thiele, M.; Herrmann, M.; Müller, C.; ISBN 978-3-8396-0825-8 International Journal of Applied Gestrich, T.; Michaelis, A. Ceramic Technology 12(2015), Nr.1, Reactive and non-reactive p.26–31 preparation of B6O materials by doi:10.1002/adem.201500380, online first Qiu, Y.; Wang, H.; Gebhardt, S.; 176 p. Carbon nanotubes and carbon Bolhovitins, A.; Démoré, C.; Richter, H. Schönecker, A.; Cochran, S. Large-scale ceramic support fab- Screen-printed ultrasonic 2-D rication for palladium membranes Schilm, J.; Pönicke, A.; Kluge, M.; Journal of the European Ceramic matrix array transducers for Doukelis, A.: Sichert, I.; Martin, H.-P.; Society 35(2015), Nr.1, p.47–60 microparticle manipulation Palladium membrane technology Michaelis, A. Ultrasonics (2015), Nr.62, for hydrogen production, carbon TiOx based thermoelectric mod- Toma, F.-L.; Potthoff, A.; Berger, L.-M.; p.136–146 capture and other applications: ules – Manufacturing, properties Leyens, C. FAST/SPS Principles, energy production and and operational behavior Demands, potentials, and eco- Räthel, J.; Hennicke, J.; Herrmann, M. other applications Materials Today: Proceedings nomic aspects of thermal spray- Potential Applications of Hybrid- Amsterdam: Elsevier (2015), p.69–82 2(2015), Nr.2, p.770–779 ing with suspensions: A critical heated FAST/SPS Technology (Woodhead publishing series in en- cfi – ceramic forum international ergy 68) 92(2015), Nr.9, p.E13–E16 review Schneider, M.; Schubert, N.; Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Höhn, S.; Michaelis, A. 24(2015), Nr.7, p.1143–1152 Rödel, C. Anodic dissolution of cobalt in Ravkina, O.; Räthel, J.; Feldhoff, A. Beitrag zur Aufklärung moleku- aqueous sodium nitrate solution Voigtsberger, B.; Rossner, W.; Influence of different sintering larer Wechselwirkungen von at high current densities Stelter, M.; Töpfer, J.; Eichler, J.; techniques on microstructure organischen Additiven in techni- Materials and Corrosion 66(2015), Voigt, I.; Voss, H. and phase composition of oxy- schen Korund-Suspensionen Nr.6, S.549–556 Hochleistungskeramiken für gen-transporting ceramic Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2015, Journal of the European Ceramic IV, 130 p. Schneider, M.; Weiser, M.; Machinen- und Anlagenbau Society 35(2015), Nr.10, (Dresden, TU, Diss., 2014) Schrötke, C.; Meißner, F.; Endler, I.; High-performance ceramics for p.2833–2843 (Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.): Kompetenzen Michaelis, A. power, chemical, machine and in Keramik. Schriftenreihe, 26) Pulse plating of manganese plant engineering ISBN 978-3-8396-0839-5 oxide nanoparticles on aligned cfi – ceramic forum international MWCNT 92(2015), Nr.10–11, p.D37–D40 and p.E187–E190 Reichel, U.; Kinski, I. Optische Funktionsschichten. Energie, Chemie sowie Antireflex-Beschichtung auf Scheithauer, U.; Slawik, T.; Surface Engineering 31(2015), Nr.3, transparenten Keramiken Schwarzer, E.; Richter, H.-J.; p.214–220 Magazin für Oberflächentechnik Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. 69(2015), Nr.1/2, p.16–19 Additive manufacturing of metal- Seuthe, T. Joachim, K.; Lenk, R.; Hartmann, M. ceramic-composites by thermo- Strukturelle Änderungen in Silicat- Future potential of high- Voigtsberger, B.; Rossner, W.; Annual Report 2015/16 75 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S performance ceramics International Journal of Precision Anwendungen 1st European Conference on Metal cfi – ceramic forum international Engineering and Manufacturing AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Organic Frameworks and Porous 92(2015), Nr.9, p.E27–E28 16(2015), Nr.5, p.1003–1010 Einführung in die Hochleistungske- Polymers – EuroMOF 2015, ramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Verfahren, Potsdam (11.–14.10.2015), Presentation, Poster Voigtsberger, B.; Rossner, W.; Zschippang, E.; Martin, H.-P.; Anwendungen, Dresden Lenk, R.; Lindemann, G.; Koch, T.; Lankau, V.; Klemm, H.; Herrmann, M.; (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation Alkemande, U.; Schweinzger, M.; Michaelis, A. Höge, M.; Fischer, H.; Kelnberger, A.; Strukturkeramik für elektrische Adler, J.; Kriegel, R.; Petasch, U.; Schwarzer, E.; Scheithauer, U.; Oberbach, T. Anwendungen Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Weyd, M. Lausch, H.; Moritz, T. High-performance ceramics for Kriegesmann, J.(Hrsg.): Keramik für Filtrationsanwend- Neuartige keramische Schaum- mobility, electrical engineering/ Technische Keramische Werkstoffe ungen strukturen für individualisierten optics and life science Ellerau: HvB Verlag (2015), 34. Hagener Symposium Pulverme- Knochenersatz cfi – ceramic forum international Kapitel, 14 p. tallurgie, Hagen (26.–27.11.2015), Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesell- p.303–320, Presentation schaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM), 92(2015), Nr.12, p.E29–E35 Ahlhelm, M.; Günther, P.; Freiburg (11.–14.11.2015), Voigtsberger, B.; Rossner, W.; Presentations and poster Lenk, R.; Kinski, I.; Scheffler, M.; Ahlhelm, M.; Günther, P.; Presentation, Poster Scheithauer, U.; Schwarzer, E.; Kollenberg, W.; Guillon, O.; Abel, J.; Moritz, T.; Kunz, W.; Moritz, T. Ahlhelm, M.; Scheithauer, U.; Danzer, R.; Wampers, H.; Zschech, E. Klemm, H.; Michaelis, A. Bonefoam and innovative shap- Gorjup, E.; von Briesen, H.; Cross-sectional technologies Extraktive Entbinderung am ing approach to next-generation Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. cfi – ceramic forum international Beispiel von spritzgegossenen bio scaffolds Novel foam structures for per- 92(2015), Nr.12, p.E36–E40 Siliziumnitrid-Bauteilen für COST Workshop NEWGEN, Sofia sonalized bone replacement Mikrogasturbinen (13.–14.10.2015), Presentation materials Weil, M.; Meißner, T.; Busch, W.; 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, Springer, A.; Kühnel, D.; Schulz, R.; Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Ahlhelm, M.; Günther, P.; Advances in Functional Materials – Duis, K. Presentation Scheithauer, U.; Schwarzer, E.; AFM 2015, Long Island The oxidized state of the nano- International Conference on Bergner, A.; Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. (29.6.–3.7.2015), Presentation, composite Carbo-Iron® causes no Abel, J.; Moritz, T.; Kunz, W.; EU-Network BONEFOAM and Poster adverse effects on growth, Klemm, H.; Michaelis, A. recent activities in manufactur- survival and differential gene Large ceramic components for ing ceramics and metal-ceramic Aleksandrov Fabijanić, T.; Alar, Ž.; expression in zebrafish high thermal and mechanical composites for biomedical appli- Pötschke, J. Science of the Total Environment loads made by ceramic injection cations Nanostructured WC-Co hardmetal (2015), Nr.530–531, p.198–208 molding Advanced Research Workshop as reference material for high 14th International Conference of “Engineering Ceramics: Materials hardness range Wennig, S.; Langklotz, U.; Prinz, G.M.; the European Ceramic Society – for Better Life“, Slomenice Euro PM 2015 – Powder Metallurgy Schmidt, A.; Oberschachtsiek, B.; ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), (10.–14.5.2015), Presentation Congress & Exhibition, Reims Lorke, A.; Heinzel, A. Presentation The influence of different (4.–7.10.2015), Poster Ahlhelm, M.; Günther, P.; pre-treatments of current collec- Abidin, A.Z.; Wolf, M.; Krug, M.; Schwarzer, E.; Scheithauer, U.; Banerjee, S.; Baldauf, T.; van Dorp, W.; tors and variation of the binders Endler, I.; Knaut, M.; Höhn, M.; Moritz, T. Löffler, M.; Heinzig, A.; Trommer, J.; on the performance of Li4Ti5O12 Michaelis, A. Innovative shaping approach for Weber, W.; Zschech, E. anodes for lithium ion batteries Evaluation of alumina as protec- manufacturing personalized Strain analysis for reconfigu- Journal of Applied Electrochemistry tive coating for carbon fibers in bone replacement materials rable silicon nanowire devices 45(2015), Nr.10, p.1043–1055 magnesium-based composites Bionection – Partnering Conference Electron Microscopy and Analysis 20th International Conference on for Technology Transfer in Life Group Conference – EMAG 2015, Yoo, Y.-M.; Park, J.H.; Seo, D.-H.; Composite Materials – ICCM 2015, Sciences, Leipzig (1.–2.10.2015), Manchester (30.6.–2.7.2015), Eom, S.; Jung, Y.J.; Kim, T.-J.; Kopenhagen (19.–24.7.2015), Presentation, Poster Poster Han, T.-Y.; Kim, H.S. Paper Nr. 4412–2, Presentation Activation of mTOR for the loss Ahlhelm, M.; Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T. Bendjus, B.; Cikalova, U.; Sudip, S.R. of skeletal muscle in a hind- Adler, J. Manufacturing methods for Laser-Speckle-Photometrie – limb-suspended rat model Keramische Schäume und ihre achieving macroscopic MOF parts Optische Sensorik zur Zustands- 7 6 Annual Report 2015/16 und Prozessüberwachung Cikalova, U.; Bendjus, B.; Dörfler, S.; Piwko, M.; Strubel, P.; nitride 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Lehmann, A.; Gommlich, A. Wisser, F.M.; Althues, H.; Kaskel, S.; 14th International Nanotechnology Dresden (7.–9.12.2015), Presentation Laser-Speckle-Photometrie zur Schädlich, S.; Beyer, E.; Krause, A.; Exhibition & Conference – nano- integrierten Qualitätskontrolle Grube, M.; Mikolajick, T.; Jaumann, T.; tech 2015, Tokyo (28.–30.1.2015), Berger, L.-M. des Mikro-Laserauftrags- Herklotz, M.; Giebeler, L.; Eckert, J.; Presentation Oxide ceramics and hardmetals schweißens Langklotz, U.; Schneider, M.; as sintered materials and ther- Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Michaelis, A.; Freitag, A.; Stamm, M.; Eberstein, M. mal spray coatings - commons (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Socher, S.; Potthoff, U. Use of alumina nano powders and differences Neue Materialien und Zellkon- for shrinkage control in silver 7th Rencontres Internationales sur Cikalova, U.; Hillmann, S.; zepte für Lithium-Schwefel- powder firing la Projection Thermique – RIPT, Schreiber, J.; Holweger, W. Batterien 14th International Nanotechnology Limoges, France (9.–11.12.2015), Non-destructive subsurface dam- i-WING 2015 – Vom Material zur Exhibition & Conference – nano- Presentation age monitoring in 100Cr6 steel Innovation, Dresden (27.–29.4.2015), tech 2015, Tokyo (28.–30.1.2015), bearings using of Barkhausen Poster Presentation Bergner, A.; Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. Noise Interface phenomena of co-sin- 11th International Conference on Eberstein, M.; Seuthe, T.; Petersen, R. Ehrt, R.; Johannes, M. tered steel-zirconia laminates Barkhausen Noise and Micromag- Decal technology for low cost Kristallisation und Grenzflächen- 20th Symposium on Composites, netic Testing, Kusadasi, Türkei ceramic thick film sensors on effekte beim Verblenden von Wien (1.–3.7.2015), S.289–296, (18.–20.6.2015), Presentation variable devices 3YTZ-Gerüsten mit Lithium- Germany-Japan Joint Workshop disilikat-Glaskeramik Presentation Cikalova, U. “Organic Electronics and Nano 13. Treffen der DGG-DKG, Arbeits- Bergner, A.; Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. Novel approach for material Materials”, Tokyo (27.1.2014), kreis “Glasig-kristalline Multifunkti- Phase formation and corrosion characterization using Barkhau- Presentation onsstoffe”, Presentation phenomena of co-sintered sen Noise technique metal-ceramic multilayers Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Eberstein, M.; Reinhardt, K.; Endler, I.; Höhn, M. 11th International Symposium on (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Körner, S.; Kiefer, F.; Peibst, R. Fortschritte und Entwicklungs- Ceramic Materials and Components Glass phase alignment in front trends bei CVD-Verschleißschutz- for Energy and Environmental Clausner, A.; Zschech, E.; Gall, M.; side pastes for P- and N-type schichten Applications – CMCee 2015, Kraatz, M.; Kopycinska-Müller, M.; solar cells V2015 Vakuumbeschichtung und Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Standke, Y.; Mühle, U.; Moayedi, E.; 2015 China Semiconductor Tech- Plasmaoberflächentechnik: Indust- Presentation Yeap, K.B.; Pakbaz, K.; Mahajan, S. nology International Conference rieausstellung & Workshop-Woche, Combined nanoindentation and (CSTIC), Shanghai (15.–16.3.2015), Dresden (12.–15.10.2015), Capraro, B. AFAM for mechanical characteri- p.585–589, Presentation Presentation Neuartige Verbindungstechni- zation of ultra low-k thin films ken zwischen Silizium und LTCC Frontiers of Characterization and Eberstein, M.; Körner, S. Eßlinger, S.; Geller, S.; Hohlfeld, K.; 13. Treffen der DGG-DKG, Arbeits- Metrology for Nanoelectronics – High performance PV pastes by Gebhardt, S.; Michaelis, A.; kreis “Glasig-kristalline Multifunkti- FCMN, Dresden (14.–16.4.2015), Ag precursor equipped glasses Gude, M.; Schönecker, A.; onsstoffe”, Presentation Presentation 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Neumeister, P. Conference, New Orleans Novel poling method for sensory Cikalova, U.; Schreiber, J.; Dugan, S.; Decker, R.; Heinrich, M.; Tröltsch, J.; (14.–19.6.2015), Poster active fibre-reinforced polyure- Schäfer, R.; Klauss, H.J.; Hillmann, S. Rhein, S.; Gebhardt, S.; Michaelis, A.; Damaged state evaluation of Kroll, L. Eberstein, M.; Seuthe, T.; Petersen, R. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium Fe-C alloys during uniaxial and Development and characteriza- Keramische Schiebebilder als des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden multiaxial cyclic deformation tion of piezo-active polypropyl- vorkonfektionierte Dickschicht- (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation using the fractal behaviour of ene compounds filled with PZT sensoren für variable Bauteil- Barkhausen Noise and CNT oberflächen Eßlinger, S. 11th International Conference on 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Polarisation of PZT ceramics Barkhausen Noise and Micromag- des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation under biaxial pressure netic Testing, Kusadasi, Türkei (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation (18.–20.6.2015), Presentation thane composites 13th European Meeting on Eberstein, M.; Trofimenko, N. Ferroelectricity – EMF 2015, Porto Thick film pastes for aluminum (28.6.–3.7.2015), Poster Annual Report 2015/16 77 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Fahrenwaldt, T.; Prehn, V.; Sittig, D.; dation von flüssigen organi- 3D Electrode design with metal ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Richter, H.; Puhlfürß, P.; Pflieger, C.; schen C-14-Abfalllösungen - Eine foam collectors for LiB Presentation Weyd, M.; Voigt, I. künftige Alternative zur klassi- Batterieforum Deutschland 2015, Ceramic nanofiltration mem- schen Verbrennung? Berlin (21.–23.1.2015), Poster branes of large specific mem- 12. Internationales Symposium brane area “Konditionierung radioaktiver Be- Fritsch, M.; Trofimenko, N.; Jurk, R.; joint reliability of rapid thermal 5th Dissimination workshop of the triebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle” – Mosch, S. firing thick film pastes Nano4water cluster, Barcelona Kontec 2015, Dresden Metal nano-inks for inkjet and 20th European Microelectronics (21.–21.1.2015), Presentation (25.–27.3.2015), Presentation aerosol printing and Packaging Conference & Exhi- 14th International Nanotechnology bition – EMPC 2015, Friedrichshafen (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation Gierth, P.; Rebenklau, L. Solder wettability and solder Feng, B.; Martin, H.-P.; Michaelis, A. Friedrich, H.-J.; Müller, W.; Exhibition & Conference – nano- Borcarbid als Material für Hoch- Knappik, R. tech 2015, Tokyo (28.–30.1.2015), temperatursensoren Elektrochemische Verfahrens- Presentation 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, entwicklung zur Reinigung von Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Poster organischen, C-14-belasteten Garitagoitia, M.A.; Rosenkranz, R.; transmission x-ray microscope Abfall-und Reststofflösungen Gall, M.; Zschech, E. 23rd International Congress on Feng, B.; Martin, H.-P.; Schreier, M.; 12. Internationales Symposium Potential of the EsB detector in X-ray Optics and Microanalysis – Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.; “Konditionierung radioaktiver Be- the low voltage scanning elec- ICXOM23, Upton (14.–18.9.2015), Michaelis, A. triebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle” – tron microscopy (LVSEM): Presentation Development of ceramic ther- Kontec 2015, Dresden Application in microelectronics moelectric modules based on (25.–27.3.2015), Presentation Frontiers of Characterization and Gluch, J. Metrology for Nanoelectronics – Multiskalige Röntgenmikrosko- boron carbide and titanium Gluch, J.; Niese, S.; Röntzsch, L. In-situ experiments in laboratory suboxide Friedrich, H.-J.; Sander, F. FCMN, Dresden (14.–16.4.2015), pie/-tomographie 34th International Conference on Membranelektrolyseverfahren Poster ZEISS Future Technology Forum & Thermoelectrics / 13th European zur Behandlung von Bergbau- Conference on Thermoelectrics – wässern und zur Beseitigung Garitagoitia, M.A.; Rosenkranz, R. Oberkochen (19.–21.5.2015), ICT 2015 / ECT 2015, Dresden schwer abbaubarer organischer Untersuchungen zur Leitfähig- Presentation (28.6.–2.7.2015), Presentation Verunreinigungen keit von Keramiken mittels Crossbeam-XRM Workshop, 11. Aachener Tagung Wassertech- Nanoprobing Gluch, J. Fischer, G. nologie – AWT 2015, Aachen ITG-Tagung “Fehlermechanismen Nano X-ray tomography – Novel Plasma spraying of nitride (27.–28.10.2015), Presentation bei kleinen Geometrien”, Grainau concepts and applications for (12.–13.5.2015), Presentation energy storage materials 11th International Symposium on Friedrich, H.-J. Ceramic Materials and Components Technische Elektrochemie in der Gaul, T.; Frankenstein, B.; sium, Dresden (17.4.2015), for Energy and Environmental Wasser- und Wertstofftechnologie Weihnacht, B.; Schubert, L. Presentation Applications – CMCee 2015, CIO Campus “Wasser und Wert- Überwachung von offshore Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), stoffe - Kreislaufwirtschaft als Gründungsstrukturen mittels ge- Gluch, J.; Niese, S.; Kubec, A.; Presentation Wachstumsimpuls”, Hermsdorf, führter Wellen - Technologische Braun, S.; Zschech, E. Thüringen (20.1.2015), Presentation Umsetzung eines Manschetten- X-ray tomography for process konzeptes development and failure analysis Fogel, S.; Deutschmann, A.; 3rd Dresden Nanoanalysis Sympo- Jobst, K.; Michaelis, A. Friedrich, H.-J. DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, Frontiers of Characterization and Online and non-invasive investi- Wasserbehandlung im Bergbau Salzburg (11.–13.5.2015), Poster Metrology for Nanoelectronics – gation of bubble columns with mittels Membranelektrolyse- electrical resistance tomography verfahren Gebhardt, S.; Ernst, D.; Bramlage, B. (ERT) Internationales Bergbausymposium – Micro-positioning stages for ACHEMA 2015, Frankfurt WISSYM 2015, Bad Schlema adaptive optics based on piezo- Gommlich, A.; Schubert, F. (15.–19.6.2015), Presentation (31.8.–3.9.2015), Presentation electric thick film actuators Focal Law-Berechnung für 11th International Conference and Phased Array Prüfköpfe mittels FCMN, Dresden (14.–16.4.2015), Presentation Friedrich, H.-J.; Müller, W.; Fritsch, M.; Sauchuk, V.; Böttge, D.; Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect 4D-CEFIT-PSS Zschornack, D.; Knappik, R. Standke, G.; Jurk, R.; Langklotz, U.; and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, Salzburg Die elektrochemische Totaloxi- Nikolowski, K.; Hauser, R. ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ (11.–13.5.2015), Presentation 7 8 Annual Report 2015/16 Greiner, A.; Neumeister, P. Herrmann, M.; Räthel, J. Einführung in die Hochleistungske- Kopenhagen (19.–24.7.2015), Multi-scale material modelling Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der ramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Verfahren, Paper 5206–4, Presentation of glass-ceramics hybridbeheizten FAST/SPS Anwendungen, Dresden 11th International Workshop Direct Technologie (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation and Inverse Problems on Piezoelec- Workshop SPS/FAST Technology, tricity, Paderborn (21.–22.9.2015), St. Petersburg (19.5.2015), Herrmann, M.. ponents for use in production – Presentation Presentation Fehlerquellen bei der Herstel- Industry 4.0 lung keramischer Werkstoffe Ceramitec 2015, München (20.–23.10.2015), Presentation Heuer, H. Sensors for safety-critical com- Günther, A.; Mühle, U.; Moritz, T. Herrmann, M.; Klimke, J.; Thiele, M.; AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Grenzflächeneigenschaften von Michaelis, A. Einführung in die Hochleistungske- co-gesinterten Stahl-Zirkonoxid- B6O-Ceramics – A potential ma- ramik Teil III: Konstruktion, Prüfung, Hillmann, S.; Bor, Z.; Laminaten terial for ballistic applications? Freiburg (12.–13.11.2015), Schiller-Bechert, D.-M.; Uhlemann, F. 20. Symposium “Verbundwerkstof- 39th International Conference and Presentation Entwicklung und Validierung fe und Werkstoffverbunde”, Wien Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics (1.–3.7.2015), Presentation and Composites – ICACC 2015, Herrmann, M.. Verfahrens zur Prüfung dünn- Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), Gefügedarstellung und Bewer- wandiger Rundrohrschweißnähte Presentation tung Symposium “Zerstörungsfreie Prü- AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm fungen in der Energieerzeugung” Günther, A.; Slawik, T.; Moritz, T.; Mühle, U.; Michaelis, A. eines Ultraschall-Phased-Array- Phasenbildungsmechanismen Herrmann, M.; Sempf, K.; Einführung in die Hochleistungske- 2015, Hamburg (17.–18.11.2015), in Stahl-Keramik-Werkstoff- Kremmer, K.; Schneider, M.; ramik Teil III: Konstruktion, Prüfung, Presentation verbunden Michaelis, A. Freiburg (12.–13.11.2015), 49. Metallographie-Tagung, Corrosion of silicon carbide Presentation Dresden (16.–18.09.2015), ceramics in aqueous solutions Presentation Advanced Research Workshop Herzog, T. Entwicklung und Validierung Hillmann, S.; Schiller-Bechert, D.-M.; Bor, Z.; Uhlemann, F. “Engineering Ceramics: Materials High sensitive ultrasonic phased eines Ultraschall-Phased-Array- Härtling, T.; Schuster, C.; Reitzig, M. for Better Life”, Slomenice array probes based on PMN-PT Verfahrens zur Prüfung dünn- Optical nanosensor technology – (10.–14.5.2015), Presentation composites for non-destructive wandiger Rundrohrschweißnähte evaluations Werkstattseminar 2015, IT-Service Leipzig (10.12.2015), Presentation From basic research to industrial applications Herrmann, M.; Matthey, B.; ISPA 2015 – International Sympo- Sensor + Test 2015, Nürnberg Kunze, S.; Blug, B.; Hörner, M.; sium on Piezocomposite Applica- (19.–21.5.2015), Presentation Lauer, A.; van Geldern, M.; Weiß, R. tions, Dresden (17.–18.9.2015), Hillmann, S.; Heuer, H.; Kostengünstige verschleißfeste Presentation Schulze, M.H.; Joneit, D.; Klein, M.; Han, T.-Y.; Schubert, F.; Hillmann, S.; SiC-Diamantwerkstoffe – Werk- Meyendorf, N. stoffe mit vielfältigen Anwen- Heuer, H.; Walter, S.; Herzog, T.; High resolving eddy current Phased array ultrasonic testing dungsmöglichkeiten Schubert, F.; Lee, S.-G.; Chae, H.M.; imaging for the characterization of dissimilar metal welds using Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Joh, C.; Seo, H.-S. of thin-film solar cells geometric based referencing (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Investigations of PMN-PT com- Smart Materials and Nondestructive posites for high sensitive ultra- Evaluation for Energy Systems, delay law technique Patsora, I.; Foos, B.C. Smart Materials and Nondestructive Herrmann, M.. sonic phased array probes in NDE San Diego (9.–10.3.2015), Evaluation for Energy Systems, Hochleistungskeramik für Hoch- IEEE Sensors 2015, Busan Presentation San Diego (9.–10.3.2015), temperaturanwendungen (1.–4.11.2015), Presentation Artikel Nr.943904, Presentation AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Hillmann, S.; Schiller-Bechert, D.-M.; Einführung in die Hochleistungske- Heuer, H.; Schulze, M.; Pooch, M.; Bor, Z.; Uhlemann, F. Hentschel, D. ramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Verfahren, Gäbler, S.; Kupke, R. H.U.G.E.-NDT – New ultrasonic Energy harvesting for sensor- Anwendungen, Dresden Process monitoring for resins, phased array method for charac- near electronics – Challenges (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation carbon fiber fabrics, preforms terizing circumferential welds at and solutions and consolidated CFRPs by HF thin-walled pipes Semicon Europa, Dresden Herrmann, M.. radio wave techniques Smart Materials and Nondestructive (5.–8.10.2015), Presentation Hochleistungskeramik für korro- 20th International Conference on Evaluation for Energy Systems, sive Anwendungen Composite Materials – ICCM 2015, San Diego (9.–10.3.2015), AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Presentation Annual Report 2015/16 79 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Hillmann, S.; Bor, Z.; Nürnberg (14.–17.9.2015), Huang, J.; Löffler, M.; Mühle, U.; ACHEMA 2015, Frankfurt Schiller-Bechert, D.-M.; Uhlemann, F. p.508–511, Presentation Möller, W.; Mulders, H.; (15.–19.6.2015), Presentation Möglichkeiten zur Effizienzstei- Kwakman, L.; Zschech, E. gerung im Revisions- und Stör- Hipp, R.; Gommlich, A.; Schubert, F. A study of gallium FIB induced Jäger, B.; Kriegel, R. fall-Management im Kraftwerk Quantitative Charakterisierung silicon amorphization using Applikation katalytisch aktiver 47. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloqui- von Punktschweißverbindungen TEM, APT and BCA simulation Mischoxidpartikel um 2015, Dresden (13.–14.10.2015), mittels Ultraschallmikroskopie Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015 PADES – Partikeldesign Thüringen Presentation unter besonderer Berücksichti- Meeting – M&M 2015, Portland Symposium, Weimar gung von Oberflächentopogra- (2.–6.8.2015), Presentation (19.–20.11.2015), Poster Hillmann, S.; Schiller-Bechert, D.-M.; phie und Gefügedämpfung Bor, Z.; Uhlemann, F. DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, Huang, J.; Löffler, M.; Möller, W.; Jäger, B.; Richter, J. Neuartiges Ultraschall-Phased- Salzburg (11.–13.5.2015), Poster Zschech, E. Prozessmöglichkeiten beim Ein- Array-Prüfverfahren zur Unter- Study of Ga ion induced amor- satz katalytischer Membranen suchung von dünnwandigen Höhn, S. phization in Si during FIB using Fachkolloquium des VDI-Arbeits- Rohrrundschweißnähten: Probencharakterisierung am TRIDYN simulation kreises Verfahrenstechnik Mittel- HUGE-NDT Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden Frontiers of Characterization and deutschland, Hermsdorf 5. CNS-Symposium, Schwielowsee DGM Arbeitskreis “Quantitative Metrology for Nanoelectronics – (11.6.2015), Presentation (30.04.2015), Presentation Gefügeanalyse”, Friedberg FCMN, Dresden (14.–16.4.2015), (1.9.2015), Presentation Poster Hillmann, S.; Uhlemann, F.; Jahn, M. Heterogeneous catalysis with Schiller-Bechert, D.-M.; Bor, Z. Höhn, S.; Pötschke, J.; Herrmann, M. Hwang, B.; Hillmann, S.; ceramic Ultraschallprüfung an sehr Probenpräparation und Schulze, M.; Klein, M.; Heuer, H. Mitteldeutscher Katalyse-Lehrver- dünnwandigen Rundrohrschweiß- Möglichkeiten der quantitativen Eddy current imaging for electri- bund, Leipzig (13.–17.7.2015), nähten – Herausforderungen und Gefügeanalyse an Hartmetallen cal characterization of silicon Presentation Lösungen (HUGE-NDT) Arbeitskreis “Hartmetall”, Berlin solar cells and TCO layers DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, Salzburg (24.9.2015), Presentation Smart Materials and Nondestructive Janka, L.; Norpoth, J.; (11.–13.5.2015), Presentation, Poster Evaluation for Energy Systems, Rodriguez Ripoll, M.; Katsich, C.; Hohlfeld, K.; Zapf, M.; Shah, G.; San Diego (9.–10.3.2015), Trache, R.; Toma, F.-L.; Thiele, S.; Hillmann, S. Gebhardt, S.; Gemmeke, H.; Paper Nr. 94390D, Presentation Berger, L.-M. Zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden Ruiter, N.V.; Michaelis, A. für keramische Werkstoffe: Fabrication of single fiber based Ihle, M.; Ziesche, S.; Külls, R.; carbide based HVOF and HVAF Aktuelle Entwicklungen piezocomposite transducers for Partsch, U. thermal spray coatings up to 1. Sitzung DKG-Fachausschuss 3D USCT Aerosol jet micrometer-scale 800°C “Material- und Prozessdiagnostik”, 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium printing of electronics and 56. Tribologie-Fachtagung, Berlin (9.12.2015), Presentation des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden sensors on ceramic and flexible Göttingen (21.–23.9.2015), (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation substrates Paper Nr.31, Presentation Hillmann, S. Wear properties of chromium 11th International Conference and Zerstörungsfreie Werkstoffprü- Hoyer, T. Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect Jobst, K.; Lomtscher, A.; fungen an neuen Materialien und Organisch-anorganische Nano- and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- Deutschmann, A.; Fogel, S.; Verbundwerkstoffen – Technische kompositschichten in der Elek- ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ Rostalski, K.; Stempin, S.; Möglichkeiten und Grenzen tronik und Sensorik ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Brehmer, M.; Kraume, M. Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden 23. FED-Konferenz, Kassel Presentation Optimierter Betrieb von Rühr- (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation (25.9.2015), Presentation systemen in Biogasanlagen Inayat, A.; Klumpp, M.; Freund, H.; FNR/KTBL-Biogaskongress, Potsdam (22.–23.9.2015), Presentation Hipp, R.; Gommlich, A.; Schubert, F. Hoyer, T.; Barth, S. Schwieger, W.; Petasch, U.; Gleichzeitige Vermessung der lat- Spezielle Materialien für die Adler, J.; Semu, D.T.; Michaelis, A. eralen und vertikalen Linsenaus- Elektronik: Nanokomposite und Periodic cellular metallic struc- Johannes, M.; Ehrt, R. dehnung sowie Charakterisierung Keramiken tures & porous ceramic foams – Lithiumsilikat-Verblendkeramik von Punktschweißverbindungen Regionalgruppentreffen Fachver- Novel structures and manufac- 36. Internationale Dental-Schau, mittels Ultraschallmikroskopie band Elektronik-Design (FED), turing processes for catalysts Köln (10.–14.3.2015), Poster DVS Congress + DVS Expo 2015, Hermsdorf (8.12.2015), Presentation and reactors 8 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Johannes, M.; Schneider, J.; Phosphor Global Summit, Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Kraatz, M.; Clausner, A.; Gall, M.; Tschirpke, C. San Francisco (16.–17.3.2015), Presentation Zschech, E.; Butterling, M.; Yttrium-stabilisiertes Zirkonoxid Presentation mit besonderen Eigenschaften Anwand, W.; Wagner, A.; Klemm, H.; Kunz, W.; Steinborn, C.; Krause-Rehberg, R.; Pakbaz, K. 36. Internationale Dental-Schau, Kinski, I.; Oberbach, T. Schönfeld, K. Positron annihilation lifetime Köln (10.–14.3.2015), Poster Funktionalisierung von Partikeln Keramische Faserverbundwerk- spectroscopy (PALS ) on ad- für Hochleistungskeramiken stoffe für Anwendungen in vanced, self-assembled porous Jüttke, Y.; Reger-Wagner, N.; PADES – Partikeldesign Thüringen Heißgasturbinen organosilicate glasses Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Stelter, M. Symposium, Weimar Werkstoff-Kolloquium 2015: Kera- Frontiers of Characterization and Carbon containing silicium (19.–20.11.2015), Presentation mik im Triebwerk, Köln (1.12.2015), Metrology for Nanoelectronics – Presentation FCMN, Dresden (14.–16.4.2015), based inorganic membranes preparation and their applica- Kinski, I. tion for gas separation Pulversynthese, Dispergierung, Klemm, H. Annual World Conference on Beschichtung Oxidation und Korrosion von Kremmer, K.; Schneider, M. Carbon – CARBON 2015, Dresden PADES – Partikeldesign Thüringen keramischen Werkstoffen Erste Ergebnisse zur plasmaelek- (12.–17.7.2015), Presentation Symposium, Weimar 6. Sitzung GfKORR Arbeitskreis trolytischen Anodisation von (19.–20.11.2015), Presentation “Korrosion keramischer Werkstoffe”, Magnesium in einem fluoridfrei- Dresden (3.12.2015), Presentation en Elektrolyten Jüttke, Y.; Reger-Wagner, N.; Poster Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Stelter, M. Kinski, I.; Wätzig, K.; Arnold, M.; High selective thermal stable Oberbach, U.; Ludwig, H.; Klemm, H. “Elektrochemie in Sachsen”, membranes containing silicium Eberhardt, G.; Spira, S. Keramische Turbolader – Werk- Freiberg (2.2.2015), Presentation carbide Synthesis and properties of color stoffe, Prototypen, Serienfertigung 27. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung, conversion phosphors for differ- Symposium Ceramics Vision, Kriegel, R. Oldenburg (25.–27.2.2015), Poster ent applications from sub µ-me- Dresden (15.–16.1.2015), Hochreiner Sauerstoff für die ter powders to bulk ceramics Presentation lokale Versorgung von Kleinver- 22. Seminar des Arbeitskreises Jüttke, Y.; Reger-Wagner, N.; 11th International Symposium on Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Kinski, I.; Ceramic Materials and Components Klimke, J. Fachkolloquium des VDI-Arbeits- Stelter, M. for Energy and Environmental Defektvermeidende Herstellungs- kreises Verfahrenstechnik Mittel- Polymer derived ceramic mem- Applications – CMCee 2015, technologien für transparente deutschland, Hermsdorf branes on tubular alumina sub- Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Keramik (11.6.2015), Presentation strates for tailored gas separation Presentation Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden 11th International Conference of brauchern (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Krug, M.; Endler, I.; Abidin, A.Z.; Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies – Klemm, H.; Kunz, W.; Abel, J.; PacRim-11, Jeju, Korea Zschippang, E. Klimke, J.; Binhussain, M.A. ALD coatings for applications as (30.8.–4.9.2015), Presentation Ceramic turbo charger of silicon Transparent oxide ceramics with permeation barrier and protec- nitride – Material development specific absorption tive layer in fiber-reinforced Kharabet, I.; Patsora, I.; Heuer, H.; and fabrication International Conference on materials Joneit, D.; Tatarchuk, D. 11th International Conference of Ceramic Science and Technology – Symposium of the ALD-Lab: Work- Study of carbon-fiber-reinforced Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies – CST 2015, Shanghai shop on Atomic Layer Processing, polymers conductivity‘s depen- PacRim-11, Jeju, Korea (19.–21.7.2015), Presentation Dresden (6.10.2015), Presentation dence on a mechanical strain (30.8.–4.9.2015), Presentation Kovalenko, D. Kubec, A.; Melzer, K.; Niese, S.; 38th International Spring Seminar Barth, S.; Fahlteich, J. Electronics Technology – ISSE 2015, Klemm, H.; Schönfeld, K.; Kunz, W.; Micro-raman spectroscopy for Braun, S.; Patommel, J.; Eger (6.–10.5.2015), p.26–29, Steinborn, C. nano- and micro-structured Burghammer, M.; Leson, A. Presentation Design of CMC for application in materials investigation Focusing with crossed and hot gas atmospheres Second International Symposium wedged MLL Kinski, I.; Klimke, J.; Wätzig, K.; 11th International Symposium on on Optical Coherence Tomography 12th International Conference on Ludwig, H.; Oberbach, U.; Ceramic Materials and Components for Non-Destructive Testing – Synchrotron Radiation Instrumenta- Eberhardt, G.; Spira, S. for Energy and Environmental OCT4NDT, Dresden tion – SRI 2015, New York City Development of ceramic con- Applications – CMCee 2015, (25.–26.3.2015), Poster (6.–10.7.2015), Presentation verters and characterization Annual Report 2015/16 81 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Kunz, W.; Klemm, H.; Abel, J.; Akkumulatoren auf Basis von Anwendungen, Dresden Strömungssensor zur Messung Michaelis, A. quasi cobaltfreiem HE-NCM und (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation geringster Gasgeschwindigkeiten Entwicklung eines Siliziumnitrid- Metallschaumstromsammlern Werkstoffes für Rotoren in i-WING 2015 – Vom Material zur Lieske, U.; Pietzsch, A.; Schubert, L.; Mikrogasturbinen Innovation, Dresden (27.–29.4.2015), Tschöpe, C.; Duckhorn, F. 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, Poster Technologie zur automatischen Lomtscher, A.; Jobst, K.; Fogel, S.; Dresden (7.–9.12.2015), Poster Erkennung von Schadinsekten Deutschmann, A.; Rostalski, K.; Langklotz, U.; Rost, A.; Wagner, D.; bei der Getreide- und Saatgut- Kraume, M. Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Presentation 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Freitag, A.; Michaelis, A. lagerung Qualification and quantification Kunz, W. Lithium ion conductive glass 5. Grünauer Tagung, Dresden of mixing processes of highly Environmental barrier coatings ceramic filled polymer separa- (19.–21.3.2015), Presentation concentrated suspensions using with self-healing abilities tors for lithium sulfur batteries 20. Symposium “Verbundwerkstof- Batterieforum Deutschland 2015, Lincke, M. 7th International Symposium on fe und Werkstoffverbunde”, Wien Berlin (21.–23.1.2015), Poster Energie- und rohstoffeffizientes Process Tomography, Dresden Entschwefelungssystem für Biogas (1.–3.9.2015), Presentation (1.–3.7.2015), Presentation electrical resistance tomography Langklotz, U.; Schneider, M.; 24. Internationale Jahrestagung & Kutukova, K.; Gluch, J.; Zschech, E. Michaelis, A. Fachmesse für erneuerbare Energie Lomtscher, A.; Jobst, K.; Combining micro-indentation Microelectrochemical capillary durch Biogas – BIOGAS 2015, Deutschmann, A.; Rostalski, K. with high-resolution X-ray experiments in energy material Bremen (27.–29.1.2015), Poster Skalierung von Mischprozessen microscopy and tomography for research the characterization of compos- EMN Cancun Meeting 2015, Lincke, M.; Poss, R.; Tillmann, A.; Extraktion und Mischvorgänge, ite materials Cancun, Mexico (8.–11.6.2015), Klöden, B.; Gläser, S.; Faßauer, B.; Heidelberg (16.–17.3.2015), 8. PRORA - Fachtagung “Prozessna- Presentation Michaelis, A.; Gaitzsch, U.; Presentation he Röntgenanalytik”, Berlin Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Walther, G. Leiva Pinzon, D.M.; Börner, S.; Materialentwicklung und ver- Martin, H.-P.; Triebert, A. Nikolowski, K.; Wolter, M. fahrenstechnische Erprobung Brazing of ceramics for high Lämmel, C.; Schneider, M.; Influence of water based slurry eines neuartigen energie- und temperature applications Michaelis, A. formulation on rate capability rohstoffeffizienten Entschwefe- 11th International Symposium on Laterally resolved temperature and cycle stability of LiFePO4 lungssystems für Biogas auf Basis Ceramic Materials and Components measurement on aluminum cathodes for lithium ion batteries metallischer Schäume for Energy and Environmental during hard anodizing Kraftwerk Batterie, Aachen 10. Biogastagung “Anaerobe biolo- Applications – CMCee 2015, VII Aluminium Surface Science & (27.–29.4.2015), Presentation gische Abfallbehandlung”, Dresden Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), (29.–30.9.2015), Presentation Presentation (12.–13.11.2015), Poster Technology – ASST 2015, Madeira (17.–21.5.2015), Presentation Lenz, C.; Kappert, S.; Ziesche, S.; Neubert, H.; Partsch, U. Lincke, M.; Faßauer, B. Martin, H.-P.; Pönicke, A.; Lali, A.; Richter, H.; Villwock, M.; Investigation of inhomogeneous Vom Grauwasser zum Trink- Dannowski, M.; Rost, A.; Schilm, J.; Mundt, P.; Petcar, M.V. shrinkages of partially crystalliz- wasser – kompakt und autark Wätzig, K.; Conze, S.; Michaelis, A.; Design of selective nanoporous ing Low Temperature Co-fired Virtuelles Richtfest “autartec® – von Sichert, I. membrane bioreaktor for effi- Ceramics (LTCC) der Idee zum Entwurf”, TiOx based thermoelectric mod- cient production of bio-butanol 11th International Conference and Dresden (16.9.2015), Presentation ules – Manufacturing, properties from Lignocellulosic sugars - Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect SeNaMeB and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- Lohrberg, C.; Ziesche, S.; 34th International Conference on IGSTC (Indo-German Science & ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ Petasch, U. Thermoelectrics / 13th European Technology) Annual Meeting, ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), LTCC-Strömungssensor mit inte- Conference on Thermoelectrics – Bernried (1.–3.2.2015), Presentation p.242–248, Presentation grierten 3D-Mikrostrukturen ICT 2015 / ECT 2015, Dresden 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, (28.6.–2.7.2015), Presentation and operational behavior Langklotz, U.; Sauchuk, V.; Jurk, R.; Lenzner, K. Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Fritsch, M.; Nikolowski, K.; Pulveraufbereitung Presentation Schneider, M.; Michaelis, A. AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Entwicklung von neuartigen Einführung in die Hochleistungske- Lohrberg, C.; Funke, H.; Reuber, S.; Titanium suboxide based Kathoden für Lithium-Ionen- ramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Verfahren, Ziesche, S. thermoelectric modules 8 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Martin, H.-P.; Pönicke, A.; Rost, A.; Wätzig, K.; Conze, S.; Schilm, J. 11th International Symposium on Evolved Gas Analysis” / Selber Tinten mittels Zentrifugalsepara- Michaelis, A. Ceramic Materials and Components Kopplungstage – SKT 2015, Selb tionsanalyse Smart advanced ceramic materials for Energy and Environmental (14.–16.4.2015), Poster 6. Anwenderseminar 2D/3D Rheo- for energy and environmental logie und Stabilität von dispersen technology Applications – CMCee 2015, Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Meinl, J.; Gestrich, T.; Kirsten, M.; Systemen, Potsdam (4.–6.5.2015), International Conference and Expo Presentation Cherif, C.; Michaelis, A. Presentation on Ceramics, Chicago, USA Kinetics in the stabilization of (17.–18.8.2015), Presentation Matthey, B.; Herrmann, M.; polyacrylonitrile Michaelis, A. Motylenko, M.; Rafaja, D.; 9. Aachen-Dresden International Smart systems Michaelis, A. Michaelis, A. Textile Conference, Aachen Strategieworkshop des DGM/DKG Advanced ceramics for energy Properties and interface charac- (26.–27.11.2015), Presentation Gemeinschaftsausschusses and environmental technology Hochleistungskeramik (GA HLK), 4th Serbian Ceramic Society Con- Bonn (20.1.2015), Presentation ference Advanced Ceramics and terization of pressureless sintered superhard diamond-silicon Metais, B.; Kabakchiev, A.; carbide composites Maniar, Y.; Guyenot, M.; 14th International Conference of Metasch, R.; Röllig, M.; Michaelis, A. the European Ceramic Society – Rettenmeier, P.; Buhl, P.; Weihe, S. Future potential of advanced ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), A viscoplastic-fatigue-creep ceramics and contribution of Michaelis, A. Presentation damage model for tin-based Fraunhofer for technology Zukunftspotentiale von Application IV, Serbia, Belgrade (21–23.9.2015), Presentation solder alloy transfer to industry (Invited) Hochleistungskeramiken Megel, S.; Kusnezoff, M.; Beckert, W.; 16th International Conference on 39th International Conference and Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Trofimenko, N.; Dosch, C.; Thermal, Mechanical and Multi- Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Michaelis, A.; Bienert, C.; Physics Simulation and Experiments and Composites – ICACC 2015, Brandner, M.; Skrabs, S.; in Microelectronics and Microsys- 2nd European Union - USA Molin, C.; Gebhardt, S. Venskutonis, A.; Sigl, L.S. tems – EuroSimE 2015, Budapest Engineering Ceramics Summit, PMN-8PT Device Structures for Progress in design and perfor- (19.–22.4.2015), p.214–218, Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), Electrocaloric Cooling Applications mance of CFY-stacks Presentation Presentation 13th European Meeting on Ceramic Materials and Components Metasch, R., Röllig, M. Michaelis, A. for Energy and Environmental Methoden zur zuverlässigen Potential and challenges for the Applications – CMCee 2015, thermischen und mechanischen application of smart advanced Moritz, T.; Richter, H.-J.; Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Auslegung von Elektroniken in ceramic materials Scheithauer, U.; Ahlhelm, M.; Presentation der Geothermie SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Sympo- Schwarzer, E. Der Geothermiekongress 2015, sium 2015, San Diego, California Additive Fertigung hochleistungs- Essen (2.–4.11.2015), Presentation (8.–12.3.2015), Presentation keramischer Komponenten - von nents on an organic substrate Meyendorf, N.; Hillmann, S.; Michaelis, A. Workshop “20 Jahre GeSiM - Bioin- with a thick copper core for Cikalova, U.; Schreiber, J. Ceramic materials and technolo- strumente und Mikrofluidik”, power electronics applications The legacy of Heinrich Barkhau- gies for energy systems and TEG Dresden (29.–30.9.2015), 16th International Conference on sen at the Dresden University 34th International Conference on Presentation Thermal, Mechanical and and todays importance of his Thermoelectrics / 13th European Multi-Physics Simulation and Exper- ideas – The Dresden Barkhausen Conference on Thermoelectrics – Moritz, T.; Scheithauer, U.; iments in Microelectronics and Award 2015 ICT 2015 / ECT 2015, Dresden Schwarzer, E.; Poitzsch, C.; Microsystems – EuroSimE 2015, 11th International Conference on (28.6.–2.7.2015), Presentation Richter, H.-J. Budapest (19.–22.4.2015), Barkhausen Noise and Micromag- Artikel-Nr.7103160, Presentation netic Testing, Kusadasi, Türkei Michaelis, A. tungskeramiken mittels Lithog- (18.–20.6.2015), Presentation Advanced ceramics for energy raphy-based Ceramic Manufac- 11th International Symposium on Meier, K.; Röllig, M.; Bock, K. Ferroelectricity – EMF 2015, Porto Reliability study on SMD compo- (28.6.–3.7.2015), Poster gezielt porös bis multifunktionell Meinl, J.; Gestrich, T. Additive Fertigung von Hochleis- systems turing (LCM) Coupling techniques for the in- Meyer, A.; Potthoff, A.; Fritsch, M.; International Conference and Expo Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden vestigation of PAN stabilization Jurk, R. on Ceramics, Chicago, USA (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation 6th Coupling Days on Hyphenated Untersuchungen der Stabilität (17.–18.8.2015), Presentation Techniques “Thermal Analysis to von metallischen Nanopartikel- Annual Report 2015/16 83 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Moritz, T.; Günther, A.; Herfert, H.; Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden tion of phase boundaries in Schubert, L.; Windisch, T.; Barth, M.; Hofmann, M. (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation ferroelectrics with respect to Röllig, M.; Heuer, H.; Zschech, E.; Metalltextilien in Keramik – grain interactions Kovalenko, D.; Härtling, T. Möglichkeiten als Struktur- und Müller-Köhn, A.; Mannschatz, A.; ISPA 2015 – International Sympo- Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Funktionswerkstoffe Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. sium on Piezocomposite Applica- for ceramics and ceramics for Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Injection molding of alumina tions, Dresden (17.–18.9.2015), NDT – A short review (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation and spinel powders for produc- Presentation 39th International Conference and tion of translucent ceramic parts Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics Moritz, T.; Günther, A.; Mühle, U.; 11th International Conference of Niese, S.; Krämer, M.; Holz, T.; and Composites – ICACC 2015, Slawik, T.; Michaelis, A. Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies – Krüger, P.; Braun, S.; Zschech, E.; Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), Phasenbildungsmechanismen in PacRim-11, Jeju, Korea Dietsch, R. Presentation Stahl-Keramik-Werkstoffver- (30.8.–4.9.2015), Presentation High precision x-ray multilayer bunden mirrors for customized solutions Opitz, J.; Wunderlich, C.; Bendjus, B.; Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Müller-Köhn, A.; Mannschatz, A.; Frontiers of Characterization and Wolf, C.; Hillmann, S.; Köhler, B.; (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. Metrology for Nanoelectronics – Schubert, L.; Windisch, T.; Barth, M.; Powder injection molding of FCMN, Dresden (14.–16.4.2015), Röllig, M.; Heuer, H.; Zschech, E.; Moritz, T. translucent ceramic parts Poster Kovalenko, D.; Härtling, T. Formgebung 11th International Conference of AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies – Nikolowski, K.; Leiva Pinzon, D.M.; zial der Zustandsdiagnose für Einführung in die Hochleistungske- PacRim-11, Jeju, Korea Wolter, M. Hochleistungskeramik ramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Verfahren, (30.8.–4.9.2015), Presentation Technologieentwicklung für die BMBF-Strategieworkshop umweltfreundliche Herstellung “Zukunftspotenziale von Hochleis- Müller-Köhn, A.; Reichenbach, B.; von Lithium-Ionen Batterien tungskeramiken”, Bonn Eisert, S.; Lohrberg, C.; Lenzner, K.; 3. Sächsisches Forum für Brenn- (20.1.2015), Presentation Mühle, U.; Huang, J.; Löffler, M.; Fries, M.; Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. stoffzellen und Energiespeicher, Than, A.; Kwakman, L.; Mulders, H.; Recycling of ceramic-noble Leipzig (28.1.2015), Presentation Zschech, E. metal-composites and monoliths Determination of the Ga pene- 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, Nikolowski, K.; Seidel, M.; Wolter, M.; manufacturing tration during FIB machining Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Wätzig, K.; Kinski, I.; Michaelis, A. ISPA 2015 – International Sympo- using Atom Probe Tomography Presentation The influence of the synthesis sium on Piezocomposite Applica- route on electrochemical prop- tions, Dresden (17.–18.9.2015), erties of spinel type high-voltage Presentation Anwendungen, Dresden (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation and ToFSIMS Smart Quality – Zukunftspoten- Partsch, U. 3D Integration – Additive Microscopy Conference – MC 2015, Neubert, H. Göttingen (6.–11.9.2015), Poster Simulation of solid state actua- cathode material LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 tor systems by lumped element for lithium ion batteries Patsora, I.; Hillmann, S.; Heuer, H.; Mühle, U. network models 11th International Symposium on Foos, B.C.; Calzada, J.G. Transmission electron microscopy: ISPA 2015 – International Sympo- Ceramic Materials and Components High-frequency eddy current Imaging and elemental analysis sium on Piezocomposite Applica- for Energy and Environmental based impedance spectroscopy down to atomic scale tions, Dresden (17.–18.9.2015), Applications – CMCee 2015, for characterization of the per- European Advanced Training Presentation Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), colation process of wet conduc- Presentation tive coatings Course “Nano-scale Materials Characterization - Techniques and Neumeister, P. Applications”, Dresden Beispielszenario: Realisierung Opitz, J. quantitative nondestructive Evalua- (9.–11.6.2015), Presentation einer Zusatzenergieversorgung Fast evaluation of biopsy for tion, Boise, Idaho (20.–25.7.2014), für Ebook Reader mittels piezo- prostate cancer diagnosis by p.414–423, Presentation Müller-Köhn, A.; Lenz, C.; elektrischer Generatoren Fraunhofer IKTS Michaelis, A.; Moritz, T.; Ziesche, S. Fraunhofer-Industrietag “Smart Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Petasch, U.; Kunze, S.; Adler, J.; Herstellung von keramischen Materials”, Dresden (16.9.2015), Congress, London (3.–4.9.2015), Michaelis, A. Drucksensoren aus LTCC über Presentation Presentation Development of carbon materials Neumeister, P. Opitz, J.; Wunderlich, C.; Bendjus, B.; Material mechanical investiga- Wolf, C.; Hillmann, S.; Köhler, B.; 41st Annual Review of Progress in kombinierende Pulverspritzgussvarianten 8 4 Annual Report 2015/16 from recycled graphite powders Annual World Conference on Carbon – CARBON 2015, Dresden Advances in Materials and Process- Rebenklau, L.; Partsch, U.; Meißner, S. Reichelt, E.; Grünberg, I.; Jahn, M.; (12.–17.7.2015), Presentation ing Technologies – AMPT 2015, Development of sensor elements Michaelis, A.; Lange, R. Madrid (14.–17.12.2015), for monitoring of process gas Mass transfer characteristics of Presentation 11th International Conference and packed beds at low Reynolds Petasch, U.; Adler, J.; Striegler, U. Katalysierte Filter für Einzel- Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect numbers raumfeuerstätten Pötschke, J.; Richter, V.; Mayer, M. and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- 48. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Kataly- 6. Fachgespräch “Partikelabschei- Nanoskalige Hartmetalle als ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ tiker, Weimar (11.–13.3.2015), der in häuslichen Feuerungen”, Werkzeugwerkstoffe für neue ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Poster Straubing (25.2.2015), p.98–106, Fertigungstechnologien Presentation Presentation Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Pfeifer, T.; Reuber, S.; Hartmann, M.; Reichelt, E.; Grünberg, I.; Jahn, M.; Rebenklau, L.; Irrgang, K.; Wodke, A.; Lange, R. Augsburg, K.; Bechtold, F.; Gierth, P.; Mass transfer in diluted and Barthel, M.; Baade, J. Potthoff, A.; Kühnel, D. Grießmann, H.; Lippmann, L.; undiluted packed beds SOFC system development and Adaption of new tools and Niedermeyer, L. European Symposium on Chemical field trials for commercial procedures by industry Novel thermoelectric tempera- Reaction Engineering – ESCRE applications MARINA and NanoValid Interna- ture sensors 2015, Fürstenfeldbruck 11th International Symposium on tional Conference, Paris 11th International Conference and (27.–30.10.2015), Poster Ceramic Materials and Components (29.–30.9.2015), Poster Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect for Energy and Environmental and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- Reichelt, E.; Scheithauer, U.; Applications – CMCee 2015, Potthoff, A.; Meyer, A. ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ Ganzer, G.; Kaiser, S.; Jahn, M.; Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Characterization of nanoparticles ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Michaelis, A. Presentation European Advanced Training p.285–288, Presentation Novel approaches for ceramic Course “Nano-scale Materials microstructured reactors Pfeifer, T.; Reuber, S.; Barthel, M.; Characterization - Techniques and Rebenklau, L.; Gierth, P.; Paproth, A.; ACHEMA 2015, Frankfurt Hartmann, M.; Baade, J. Applications”, Dresden Wodtke, A.; Niedermeier, L.; (15.–19.6.2015), Presentation SOFC system development and (9.–11.6.2015), Presentation Augsburg, K.; Bechtold, F.; Irrgang, K.; field trials for commercial Lippmann, L. Reichel, U.; Krahl, T.; Kemnitz, E. applications Potthoff, A.; Kühnel, D. Temperature sensors based on CaF2 bulk ceramics made of Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposi- Research meets industry thermoelectric effect nanoscopic CaF2 powders tion, Los Angeles (16.–19.11.2015), 7th EuroNanoForum, Riga 20th European Microelectronics 14th International Conference of Presentation (10.–12.6.2015), Poster and Packaging Conference & Exhi- the European Ceramic Society – bition – EMPC 2015, Friedrichshafen ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation Poster Pippardt, U. Potthoff, A. Herstellung sauerstoffpermeab- Wie grenzwertig sind Nano- ler BSCF-Membranen im Cofiring materialien? Reger-Wagner, N.; Kämnitz, S.; Reichel, U.; Herold, V.; Notni, G.; 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, CVT MIC Frühjahrsseminar Materi- Richter, H.; Voigt, I. Duparré, A.; Claussen, I. Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Poster alcharakterisierung, Karlsruhe Adsorptionsselektive Kohlenst- Comparative studies of (8.–9.4.2015), Presentation offmembranen auf keramischen monocrystalline and polycrystal- Trägern line transparent hard materials Formation of carbide segrega- Rebenklau, L.; Gierth, P.; Thüringer Werkstofftag, Weimar for optical applications tions in nanoscaled hardmetals Grießmann, H. (11.3.2015), Poster 2nd European Seminar on Precision Euro PM 2015 – Powder Metallurgy Electrical characterization of Congress & Exhibition, Reims thick film materials Reger-Wagner, N.; Richter, H.; (4.–7.10.2015), Poster 11th International Conference and Kämnitz, S.; Voigt, I.; Michaelis, A. Pötschke, J.; Mayer, M.; Richter, V. Optics Manufacturing, Teisnach (14.–15.4.2015), Presentation Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect Manufacturing of carbon mem- Reichel, U.; Müller, F.; König, S.; Pötschke, J.; Höhn, S.; Mayer, M. and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- branes with tailored properties Herold, V. Microstructural evolution during ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ for gas separating processes Hochtemperatur-Geometriever- sintering of cermets studied ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Annual World Conference on halten von transparenter Spinell- using interrupted sintering p.138–143, Presentation Carbon – CARBON 2015, Dresden Keramik (12.–17.7.2015), Presentation 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, experiments and novel 2D- and 3D FESEM based techniques Annual Report 2015/16 85 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Michaelis, A. Kuratoriums des Bundesverbands Ceramitec 2015, München Presentation Application-oriented design and Regenerative Mobilität (BRM) und (20.–23.10.2015), Presentation field trial of the LPG-powered der Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Reichel, U.; Klimke, J.; Kinski, I. eneramic® power generator Energien (FEE), Helmsgrün Richter, H.-J.; Scheithauer, U.; New ceramic materials for inno- ECS Conference on Electrochemical (26.10.2015), Presentation Ahlhelm, M.; Schwarzer, E.; vative micro photonics Energy Conversion & Storage with applications SOFC-XIV, Glasgow (26.–31.7.2015), Richter, H.; Günther, C.; Möglichkeiten der additiven 14th International Conference of p.131–141, Presentation Kühnert, J.-T.; Weyd, M.; Voigt, I.; Fertigung von Keramik mit pul- the European Ceramic Society – Moritz, T. Michaelis, A. ver- und suspensionsbasierten ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), Richter, H.; Kämnitz, S.; Schwarz, B.; Zeolite membranes for energy Verfahren Presentation, Poster Voigt, I.; Michaelis, A. efficient separation processes in Seminar des Institutes für Neutro- Carbon membranes for H2-sepa- bio fuel production and power nenphysik und Reaktortechnik, Reichel, U. ration and biogas upgrading generation Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Terahertztechnik und kerami- 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, 11th International Symposium on (3.6.2015), Presentation sche Werkstoffe Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Ceramic Materials and Components 2. Fachseminar Mikrowellen- und Presentation for Energy and Environmental Richter, H.-J.; Ahlhelm, M.; Moritz, T.; Terahertz-Prüftechnik in der Praxis, Applications – CMCee 2015, Niemeyer, H.; Schieferstein, E. Kaiserslautern (12.3.2015), Richter, H.; Faßauer, B.; Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Shaping of MOF-Monoliths, Presentation Reger-Wagner, N.; Kämnitz, S.; Presentation -Pellets and -Composites Lubenau, U.; Mothes, R. Workshop “Metal-Organic Frame- Reinhardt, K.; Eberstein, M.; CO2-Abtrennung aus Biogas mit Richter, H. works for Industry: Up-scaling and Hübner, N.; Saphiannikova, M. keramischen Membranen Zeolithproduktion hautnah – Shaping”, Dresden (15.10.2015), Rheological properties of silver 10. Biogastagung “Anaerobe biolo- Die Herstellung von Zeolithen in Presentation filled polymer suspensions and gische Abfallbehandlung”, Dresden Theorie und Praxis their effects on printing perfor- (29.–30.9.2015), Presentation ProcessNet Workshop Zeolithmem- Saft, F.; Lincke, M.; Schulze, E.; branen – Stand der Entwicklung Faßauer, B.; Michaelis, A. mance 10th Annual European Rheology Richter, H.; Kühnert, J.-T.; Weyd, M.; und Anwendung, Hermsdorf/Bad autartec® − Technologien zur Conference – AERC 2015, Nantes Voigt, I.; Lubenau, U.; Mothes, R. Köstritz (8.–10.4.2015), Presentation autarken Wasserver- und (14.–17.4.2015), Poster Enhancement of natural gas entsorgung drying by dewatering of glycol Richter, H.-J.; Scheithauer, U.; 11. Aachener Tagung Wassertech- Reinke, C.; Nikolowski, K.; with zeolite NaA-membranes Schwarzer, E.; Moritz, T. nologie – AWT 2015, Aachen Wolter, M.; Michaelis, A. Euromembrane 2015, Aachen, Additive Fertigung von Keramik (27.–28.10.2015), Presentation Electrochemical impedance spec- (6.–10.9.2015), Presentation und Keramik-Metall-Verbunden troscopy as a tool to investigate Rapid.Tech 2015, Erfurt Sanlialp, M.; Shvartsman, V.; (10.–11.6.2015), Presentation Lupascu, D.C.; Molin, C.; the formation process of Li-Ion Richter, H.; Kämnitz, S.; Günther, C.; cells Weyd, M.; Jäger, B.; Richter, J.; Kraftwerk Batterie, Aachen Voigt, I. Richter, H.-J.; Scheithauer, U.; Direct electrocaloric measure- (27.–29.4.2015), Presentation High temperature water separa- Schwarzer, E.; Moritz, T. ments using a differential Gebhardt, S. tion with nanoporous inorganic Additive manufacturing of scanning calorimeter Reinke, C.; Nikolowski, K.; Wolter, M. membranes ceramics using powder bed and 2015 Joint IEEE International Sym- Electrochemical impedance spec- 12th International Conference on suspension methods posium on the Applications of troscopy as a tool to investigate Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, 14th International Conference of Ferroelectric (ISAF), International the formation process of Li-Ion Szczecin (22.–25.6.2015), Poster the European Ceramic Society – Symposium on Integrated Function- ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), alities (ISIF) and Piezoelectric Force Presentation Microscopy Workshop (PFM), cells 8th International Workshop on Im- Richter, H.; Faßauer, B.; pedance Spectroscopy – IWIS 2015, Reger-Wagner, N.; Lubenau, U.; Chemnitz (23.–25.9.2015), Mothes, R. Richter, H.-J. Presentation Methananreicherung im Biogas Möglichkeiten der Additiven durch Verwendung CO2/CH4-selek- Fertigung keramischer Bauteile Schaller, M.; Reichelt, E.; Beckert, W.; Reuber, S.; Megel, S.; Jürgens, C.; tiver anorganischer Membranen am Beispiel pulver- und suspen- Scheithauer, U.; Kragl, U.; Jahn, M. Bednarz, M.; Wunderlich, C.; 20. Treffen des BMK BioMethan- sionsbasierter Verfahren Ceramic foil structures as support 8 6 Annual Report 2015/16 Singapore (24.–27.5.2015), p.159–162, Presentation for highly exothermic reactions and mixers Spritzen Electrochemical Machining Technol- European Symposium on Chemical 11th International Conference and Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden ogy – INSECT 2015, Linz Reaction Engineering – ESCRE Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect (14.–17.9.2015), Poster (12.–13.11.2015), p.27–34, 2015, Fürstenfeldbruck and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- (27.–30.10.2015), Poster ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ Scheitz, S.; Toma, F.-L.; Kuntze, T.; ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Leyens, C.; Thiele, S. Schneider, M.; Lämmel, C.; Presentation Surface preparation for ceramics Hübner, R.; Gierth, U.; Michaelis, A. functionalization by thermal TEM investigation of barrier like Schaller, M.; Reichelt, E.; Scheithauer, U.; Beckert, W.; Presentation Kragl, U.; Jahn, M. Scheithauer, U.; Schwarzer, E.; spraying anodic oxide films on aluminium Ceramic Tapes as support struc- Reichelt, E.; Ganzer, G.; Körnig, A.; International Thermal Spray Confer- VII Aluminium Surface Science & tures for catalytic applications Moritz, T.; Beckert, W.; Jahn, M.; ence & Exposition – ITSC 2015, Technology – ASST 2015, Madeira 48. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Kataly- Michaelis, A. Long Beach, California (17.–21.5.2015), Presentation tiker, Weimar (11.–13.3.2015), Micro-structured reactors and (11.–14.5.2015), p.684–688, Poster mixers made by lithography- Presentation based ceramic manufacturing Schneider, M.; Schubert, N.; Simunkova, L.; Junker, N.; Schaller, M.; Reichelt, E.; Männel, D.; (LCM) Schilm, J.; Moritz, T.; Mannschatz, A.; Michaelis, A. Jahn, M. 11th International Symposium on Müller-Köhn, A. The effect of solvents on the Production of higher alcohols Ceramic Materials and Components Glass powder injection moulding surface quality during ECM of from synthesis gas for Energy and Environmental – A ceramic high throughput tungsten carbide DGMK International Conference Applications – CMCee 2015, production technology applied 227th ECS Meeting, Chicago “Synthesis Gas Chemistry”, Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), to glass components with sharp (24.–28.5.2015), Presentation Dresden (7.–9.10.2015), Presentation edges and complex geometries p.205–208, Poster 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, Schönecker, A. Scheithauer, U.; Slawik, T.; Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Funktionen, Technologien und Schaller, M.; Reichelt, E.; Jahn, M. Schwarzer, E.; Moritz, T.; Presentation, Poster Anwendungsbereiche piezo- Production of long-chained alco- Michaelis, A. hols from syngas on iron catalyst Planar and tubular refractories Schmidt, R.; Reinhardt, K.; Seuthe, T.; Fraunhofer-Industrietag “Smart 48. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Kataly- with graded microstructure Schwab, O.; Feller, C. Materials”, Dresden (16.9.2015), tiker, Weimar (11.–13.3.2015), 11th International Symposium on Shrinkage controlled pastes for Presentation Poster Ceramic Materials and Components bulky silver and copper thick keramischer Komponenten for Energy and Environmental films in power electronics Schönfeld, K.; Martin, H.-P.; Scheithauer, U.; Schwarzer, E.; Applications – CMCee 2015, 48th International Symposium on Michaelis, A. Slawik, T.; Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T.; Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Microelectronics: “Advanced Pack- Druckloses Sintern von ZrC ohne Michaelis, A. Presentation aging & the Internet of Things: The Additive Additive manufacturing of Future of Our Industry” – IMAPS Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden ceramic- & metal-ceramic com- Scheithauer, U.; Slawik, T.; 2015, Orlando (26.–29.10.2015), (14.–17.9.2015), Poster posites by thermoplastic Schwarzer, E.; Tscharntke, F.; Presentation 3D-printing (T3DP) Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. 11th International Symposium on Production processes for new Schneider, J.; Johannes, M.; Michaelis, A. Ceramic Materials and Components lightweight kiln furniture Tschirpke, C. ZrC - A potentially material for for Energy and Environmental 11th International Symposium on Manufacturing of Y-TZP ceram- ultrahigh temperature heaters Applications – CMCee 2015, Ceramic Materials and Components ics using smallest grinding media 11th International Symposium on Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), for Energy and Environmental 14th International Conference of Ceramic Materials and Components Presentation Applications – CMCee 2015, the European Ceramic Society – for Energy and Environmental Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), Applications – CMCee 2015, Presentation Poster Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T.; Jahn, M.; Scheitz, S.; Toma, F.-L.; Thiele, S.; Schneider, M.; Safonow, E.; Michaelis, A. Kuntze, T.; Klotzbach, U.; Leyens, C. Schubert, N.; Michaelis, A. Schott, C.; Bley, T.; Steingroewer, J.; Additive manufacturing of Beschichtung von technischen ECM of a SiC-based ceramic Bendjus, B.; Cikalova, U.; Werner, T. ceramic micro-structured reactors Keramiken durch thermisches 11th International Symposium on BioSpeckle: Development of a Scheithauer, U.; Reichelt, E.; Schönfeld, K.; Martin, H.-P.; Schwarzer, E.; Ganzer, G.; Presentation Annual Report 2015/16 87 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S non-invasive sensor for determi- Schulze, E. Schwarzer, E.; Scheithauer, U.; femtosecond-laser based micro- nation of biomass in biotechno- Schallemissionsanalyse zur Zu- Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T.; Relfe, O.; structuring logical processes by Laser-Speck- standsüberwachung von heißen Lobe, J. 11th International Conference and le-Photometry Metallkomponenten Entwicklung und Anwendung Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung 20. Kolloquium Schallemission, von UV-vernetzenden Suspensio- and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- “Scale-up and scale-down of bio- Garmisch-Partenkirchen nen für die additive Herstellung ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ processes”, Hamburg (18.–19.6.2015), Presentation von ZrO2-Keramik ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, p.47–53, Presentation (11.–13.5.2015), Poster Schulze, E.; Saft, F.; Faßauer, B.; Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Schreiber, J.; Opitz, J.; Lee, D. Adler, J.; Michaelis, A. Presentation Materialdiagnostics for new Spurenstoffelimination und Des- bio-ceramics infektion mit immobilisiertem Schwarzer, E.; Moritz, T.; Structural changes and relax- 39th International Conference and Titanoxid Michaelis, A. ation phenomena responsible Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics 11. Aachener Tagung Wassertech- Untersuchung, Entwicklung und for the permanent refractive and Composites – ICACC 2015, nologie – AWT 2015, Aachen Quantifizierung des Tiefziehens index change of glasses after Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), (27.–28.10.2015), Presentation als Verfahren zur Umformung fs-laser modification Seuthe, T.; Mermillod-Blondin, A.; Grehn, M.; Bonse, Jörn; Eberstein, M. von Grünfolien Glass & Optical Materials Division Schuster, C.; Reitzig, M.; Härtling, T. 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, and the Deutsche Glastechnische Schubert, F. Particle-based dosimeter for low- Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Gesellschaft Joint Annual Meeting – Ultraschall zur Werkstoffprüfung dose electron beam irradiation Presentation GOMD-DGG 2015, Miami und Materialcharakterisierung RadTech Europe Conference & Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Exhibition, Prag (13.–15.10.2015), Schwarzer, E.; Scheithauer, U.; (14.–17.9.2015), Poster Presentation Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. Simon, A.; Reger-Wagner, N.; Untersuchung, Entwicklung und Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Ritter, U. Presentation (17.–21.5.2015), Presentation Schubert, L.; Bach, M.; Berger, U.; Schwarz, B. Quantifizierung des Tiefziehens CNT and CNF for application in Buethe, I.; Fritzen, C.-P.; Jung, H.; Prozesskette zur Effizienzsteige- als Verfahren zur Umformung environmental engineering Lieske, U.; Raddatz, F. rung bei der Vergärung von von Grünfolien 27. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung, Towards the development of Geflügelmist unter Nutzung Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Oldenburg (25.–27.02.2015), acousto-ultrasonics-based SHM modifizierter Strohfraktionen (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Poster in industry 6. Statuskonferenz Bioenergie – 10th International Workshop on Mehr als eine sichere Reserve?!, Seidel, M.; Nikolowski, K.; Kinski, I.; Simon, A.; Reger-Wagner, N.; Structural Health Monitoring – Leipzig (11.–12.11.2015), Wolter, M.; Michaelis, A. Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; Ritter, U. IWSHM 2015, Stanford Presentation Characterization of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Growing of carbon nanofibers synthesized using different and carbon nanotubes inside of Schwarzer, E.; Scheithauer, U.; acetate/nitrate precursors porous tubular substrates for Richter, H.-J.; Moritz, T. Lithium Battery Discussions: application in membrane Schubert, R.; Kuhn, J.; Entwicklung und Anwendung “Electrode Materials” – LiBD 2015, technology Beyreuther, M.; Kinski, I. lichtvernetzender Suspensionen Arcachon, France (21.–26.6.2015), Annual World Conference on High temperature stable poly- für die additive Fertigung kera- Presentation Carbon – CARBON 2015, Dresden mer-ceramic composite-structure mischer Komponenten 11th International Conference of 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, Semu, D. Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies – Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Poster SiSiC foams as catalyst substrates Simon, A.; Richter, H.; Voigt, I.; for oxidation of CO & C3H8 Ritter, U. Schwarzer, E.; Moritz, T.; 48. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Kataly- Growing of carbon nanofibers (1.–3.9.2015), p.2004–2011, Presentation PacRim-11, Jeju, Korea (30.8.–4.9.2015), Abstract (12.–17.7.2015), Presentation Richter, H.-J.; Scheithauer, U. tiker, Weimar (11.–13.3.2015), and carbon nanotubes on po- Schubert, R.; Kuhn, J.; Beyreuther, M. Entwicklung und Anwendung Poster rous substrates for application Polymerkeramische Komposit- lichtvernetzender Suspensionen werkstoffe und deren Anwen- für die additive Fertigung kera- Seuthe, T.; Grehn, M.; catalysis dungsmöglichkeiten mischer Komponenten Mermillod-Blondin, A.; Bonse, J.; Annual World Conference on elmug4future, Friedrichroda Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Eberstein, M. Carbon – CARBON 2015, Dresden (30.6.–1.7.2015), Presentation (14.–17.9.2015), Poster Requirements on glasses for (12.–17.7.2015), Presentation 8 8 Annual Report 2015/16 in membrane technology and Slawik, T.; Günther, A.; storage for commercial applica- Toma, F.-L.; Potthoff, A. Trofimenko, N.; Kusnezoff, M.; Scheithauer, U.; Scholl, R.; tions Development of advanced Klemm, D.; Schimanke, D. Moritz, T.; Michaelis, A. 3rd Dresden Conference “Energy in ceramic coatings using suspen- Development of electrolyte Adapting the co-sintering behav- Future” & 4th Workshop “Lithium- sion spraying processes supported cells based on a thin ior of metal-ceramic composites Sulfur Batteries”, Dresden 11th International Conference and 3YSZ substrate: Through opti- Euro PM 2015 – Powder Metallurgy (10.–11.11.2015), Presentation Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect mized contact layer to high and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- power density Stelter, M.; Schulz, M.; Dohndorf, H.; ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ ECS Conference on Electrochemical Congress & Exhibition, Reims (4.–7.10.2015), Presentation Weidl, R.; Capraro, B. ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Energy Conversion & Storage with Stadermann, J.; Schubert, R. Low cost ceramic battery Presentation SOFC-XIV, Glasgow (26.–31.7.2015), Kompositwerkstoffe mit hoher components and cell design Additivbeladung 11th International Symposium on Toma, F.-L.; Scheitz, S.; Trache, R.; PADES – Partikeldesign Thüringen Ceramic Materials and Components Langner, S.; Leyens, C.; Potthoff, A.; Trofimenko, N.; Kusnezoff, M.; Symposium, Weimar for Energy and Environmental Oelschlägel, K. Michaelis, A. (19.–20.11.2015), Presentation Applications – CMCee 2015, Effect of feedstock characteristics Electrolyte-supported cells with Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), and operating parameters on the high power density: Progress Standke, G.; Adler, J. Presentation Ceramic foams – Multifunctional p.1933–1942, Presentation properties of Cr2O3 coatings pre- through material and paste pared by suspension-HVOF spray development player in the world of cellular Sydow, U.; Schulz, M.; Haß, E.; International Thermal Spray Confer- 3rd Germany-Japan Joint Workshop materials composite pellets for Plath, P. ence & Exposition – ITSC 2015, “Organic Electronics and Nano fixed beds Diagnostic method for the state Long Beach, California Materials for Energy”, Tokyo ACHEMA 2015, Frankfurt determination of accumulators (11.–14.5.2015), p.329–334, (26.1.2015), Presentation (15.–19.6.2015), Presentation Symposium Complexity and Syner- Presentation Trofimenko, N.; Fritsch, M.; getics, Hannover (8.–10.7.2015), Steinborn, C.; Schönfeld, K.; Krug, M. Poster New fiber coatings for high-tem- Toma, F.-L.; Potthoff, A.; Langner, S.; Kusnezoff, M. Kulissa, N.; Trache, R.; Leyens, C. From powders, inks and pastes perature applications made of Seuthe, T.; Mermillod-Blondin, A.; Suspensionsgespritzte kerami- to advanced functional elements ceramic matrix composites Grehn, M.; Bonse, J. sche Schichten: Das Potential 14th International Nanotechnology 20. Symposium “Verbundwerkstof- Relaxation phenomena in fs- einer neuen Spritztechnologie Exhibition & Conference – nano- fe und Werkstoffverbunde”, Wien laser modified glass Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden tech 2015, Tokyo (28.–30.1.2015), (1.–3.7.2015), Poster Glass & Optical Materials Division (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Presentation and the Deutsche Glastechnische Steinke, N.; Wuchrer, R.; Härtling, T. Gesellschaft Joint Annual Meeting – Trache, R.; Toma, F.-L.; Leyens, C.; Trofimenko, N.; Fritsch, M.; Aufbau und Biofunktionalisie- GOMD-DGG 2015, Miami Berger, L.-M.; Thiele, S.; Michaelis, A. Kusnezoff, M. rung einer LSPR-Sensorikeinheit (17.–21.5.2015), Poster Effects of powder characteristics From powders, inks and pastes and high velocity flame spray to advanced functional elements Stockmann, J. processes on Cr3C2-NiCr-coatings AMIC Int‘l Seminar: Ceramics Tech- Verbindungstechnik International Thermal Spray Confer- nology for Next-Generation Power Stein, S.; Schmidt, M.; Wedler, J.; AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm ence & Exposition – ITSC 2015, Electronics, Yokkaichi (2.2.2015), Körner, C.; Rhein, S.; Gebhardt, S.; Einführung in die Hochleistungske- Long Beach, California Presentation Michaelis, A. ramik Teil III: Konstruktion, Prüfung, (11.–14.5.2015), p.988–995, Investigations on the process Freiburg (12.–13.11.2015), Presentation chain for the integration of Presentation 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden (7.–9.12.2015), Poster piezoelectric ceramics into die Tschirpke, C. Influence of grain size and aging Trache, R.; Berger, L.-M.; Norpoth, J.; on the microstructural and casted aluminum structures Toma, F.-L.; Potthoff, A.; Leyens, C. Janka, L.; Thiele, S.; Toma, F.-L.; mechanical surface properties of 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium Demands, potentials and eco- Michaelis, A.; Leyens, C. Y-TZP, as well as ATZ and ZTA des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden nomic aspects of thermal spray- Thermisch gespritzte Hartmetall- dispersion ceramics (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation ing with aqueous solutions schichten für Hochtemperatur- 90. DKG Jahrestagung 2015, Thermal Spray of Suspensions & anwendungen Bayreuth (15.–18.3.2015), Stelter, M. Solutions Symposium – TS4, Montreal Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden Presentation Cost-effective stationary energy (2.–3.12.2015), Presentation (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation Annual Report 2015/16 89 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Tschirpke, C.; Schneider, J.; Tschöpe, C. Voigt, I. zu Energiespeichermaterialien – Johannes, M.; Herold, V.; Müller, F.; Klanganalyse mit akustischer Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der ESTORM 2015, Freiberg Kinski, I. Mustererkennung Anwendung keramischer Mem- (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation Manufacturing of Y-TZP ceramics Sitzung des Fachausschusses Luft- branen in der chemischen und using smallest grinding media fahrt der DGZFP, Ottobrunn Prozessindustrie Weiser, M.; Meyer, A.; Schneider, M.; 14th International Conference of (16.4.2015), Presentation VDI Fachkolloquium des Arbeits- Potthoff, A. kreises Verfahrenstechnik Mittel- Aluminiumoxid-Nanopartikel für ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), Villwock, M.; Hoyer, T.; Richter, H.; deutschland, Hermsdorf galvanische Goldschichten Presentation Stelter, M. (11.6.2015), Presentation 22. Seminar des Arbeitskreises the European Ceramic Society – Mixed-matrix-membranes for “Elektrochemie in Sachsen”, Tschirpke, C.; Schneider, J.; the separation of alcohol from Voigt, I.; Richter, H.; Weyd, M. Johannes, M.; Herold, V.; Kinski, I. water mixtures Nanoporous inorganic mem- The dependence of grain size 27. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung, branes for gas separation Weiser, M.; Meyer, A.; Schneider, M.; and hydrothermal treatment on Oldenburg (25.–27.2.2015), Poster ACHEMA 2015, Frankfurt Potthoff, A. (15.–19.6.2015), Presentation Aluminiumoxid-Nanopartikel für the reciprocating wear behavior Freiberg (2.2.2015), Presentation of Y-TZP/Al2O3 composite ceramics Villwock, M.; Hoyer, T.; Richter, H.; 14th International Conference of Stelter, M. Voigt, I.; Pflieger, C.; Weyd, M.; Aktuelle Schmucktechnologien the European Ceramic Society – ZIF-8 mixed-matrix-membranes Richter, H.; Fahrendwaldt, T.; 2015, Pforzheim (5.2.2015), ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), development for CO2/CH4 sepa- Wölfel, T.; Prehn, V. Presentation Presentation ration pH-stabile keramische Nanofilt- galvanische Goldschichten 1st European Conference on Metal rationsmembranen zur Wasser- Weiß, M.; Ilg, J.; Hohlfeld, K.; Geb- Tschöke, K.; Weihnacht, B.; Organic Frameworks and Porous reinigung und Kreislauferschlie- hardt, S.; Rupitsch, S.; Schulze, E.; Frankenstein, B.; Polymers – EuroMOF 2015, ßung im Produktionsprozess Lerch, R.; Michaelis, A. Schubert, L. Potsdam (11.–14.10.2015), Poster Industrietage Wassertechnik, Inverse Method for determining Frankfurt/M. (10.–11.11.2015), piezoelectric material parameters Presentation of piezoceramic fiber composites Zustandsüberwachung an kritischen Komponenten von Off- Voigt, I. shore-Windenergieanlagen Ceramic membranes and mem- DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, brane reactors for process inten- Wagner, D.; Rost, A.; Fritsch, M.; des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden Salzburg (11.–13.5.2015), sification Schilm, J.; Kusnezoff, M. (14.–16.9.2015), Presentation Presentation Expert Workshop on Process Inten- Na+-conducting glass ceramics sification for a Greener Industry, for high temperature batteries Weißgärber, T.; Pacheco, V.; Grimstad (11.8.2015), Presentation 39th International Conference and Recknagel, C.; Pöhle, G.; Kieback, B.; Tschöpe, C.; Duckhorn, F.; 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics Martin, H.-P.; Schilm, J.; Pönicke, A.; Akustische Mustererkennung Voigt, I.; Michaelis, A. and Composites – ICACC 2015, Feng, B.; Michaelis, A. zur automatischen Schädlings- Design of pores in inorganic Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), Thermoelektrische Werkstoffe und erkennung membranes for efficient separa- Presentation Generatoren – aktueller Entwick- DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, tion of liquids and gases Salzburg (11.–13.5.2015), 39th International Conference and Wedekind, L.; Schweniger, B.; ziale für die Abwärmenutzung Presentation Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics Johannes, M.; Schneider, J.; 34. Hagener Symposium Pulverme- and Composites – ICACC 2015, Begand, S.; Oberbach, T. tallurgie, Hagen (26.–27.11. 2015), Tschöpe, C.; Duckhorn, F.; Wolff, M.; Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), Erforschung einer neuen Gene- p.259–284, Presentation Saeltzer, G. Presentation ration von keramischen Gelenk- Pietzsch, A.; Lieske, U. lungsstand und zukünftige Poten- prothesen Weyd, M.; Pflieger, C.; Richter, H.; voice samples – A preliminary Voigt, I.; Puhlfürß, P.; Richter, H.; Thüringer Werkstofftag, Weimar Voigt, I. study Wolfram, A.; Weyd, M. (11.3.2015), Poster Trennprozess auf molekularer The 2015 International Conference Low cut-off ceramic membranes on Computational Science and for OSN Weidl, R.; Schulz, M.; Hofacker, M.; branen Computational Intelligence – 5th International Conference on Dohndorf, H. DGMT-Tagung 2015 “Neue Entwick- CSCI‘15, Las Vegas (7.–9.12.2015), Organic Solvent Nanofiltration – Low cost, ceramic battery com- lungen in der Membrantechnik”, Paper OSN2015, Antwerpen ponents and cell design Kassel, (11.–12.2.2015), (18.–19.12.2015), Presentation 2. Internationale Freiberger Tagung Presentation Estimating blood sugar from 9 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Ebene mit anorganischen Mem- Windisch, T.; Köhler, B. Wolfrum, A.-K.; Herrmann, M.; Wuchrer, R.; Liu, L.; Härtling, T. IEEE International Ultrasonics Sym- Anwendungsbeispiele und Abbil- Michaelis, A. Modular spektraloptisches Faser- posium – IUS 2015, Taipei dungsgrenzen der kontaktlosen Effect of superhard particles on sensorsystem im Scheckkarten- (21.–24.10.2015), 4 p., Presentation Ultraschallprüfung mit breitban- the mechanical properties and format digen Signalen von bis zu 20 MHz wear behavior of silicon nitride 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Ziesche, S.; Moritz, T.; Lenz, C.; DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, ceramics produced via FAST Dresden (7.–9.12.2015), Poster Müller-Köhn, A. Salzburg (11.–13.5.2015), 14th International Conference of Presentation the European Ceramic Society – Wunderlich, C. and ceramic injection molding – ECerS XIV, Toledo (21.–25.6.2015), Positioning OCT as an industrial A technological combination for Presentation quality assuranca tool the manufacturing of 3D func- Wolf, C.; Lehmann, A.; Unglaube, G. Semi-automated inspection unit Multilayer ceramic technology Second International Symposium tional LTCC-components for ceramics Wolfrum, A.-K.; Zschippang, E.; on Optical Coherence Tomography 11th International Conference and 39th International Conference and Herrmann, M.; Michaelis, A.; for Non-Destructive Testing – Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics Haas, D. OCT4NDT, Dresden (25.–26.3.2015), and Ceramic Microsystems Technol- and Composites – ICACC 2015, Verstärkung von Siliciumnitrid- Presentation ogies – CICMT 2015 – IMAPS/ Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), werkstoffen durch kubisches Presentation Bornitrid und Diamant: Herstel- Wunderlich, C.; Heuer, H.; Krüger, P.; lungswege und Materialeigen- Herzog, T.; Schulze, M. Wolf, C.; Lehmann, A.; Unglaube, G. schaften Advanced technologies for qual- Ziesche, S.; Rebenklau, L.; Partsch, U. In-situ optical coherence tomog- Werkstoffwoche 2015, Dresden ity inspection in ceramic materials Robust and temperature stable raphy inspection of thermal bar- (14.–17.9.2015), Presentation 11th International Symposium on sensors for automotive applica- Ceramic Materials and Components tions rier coatings ACerS, Dresden (20.–23.4.2015), Presentation 11th International Symposium on Wolter, M.; Leiva Pinzon, D.M.; for Energy and Environmental 2. Internationale FachSensoren zur Ceramic Materials and Components Börner, S.; Nikolowski, K. Applications – CMCee 2015, Abgasreinigung und CO2-Reduction, for Energy and Environmental Development of environmentally Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Nürnberg (24.–25.6.2015), Applications – CMCee 2015, friendly and low-cost technolo- Presentation Presentation Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), gies for lithium ion battery Presentation production Wunderlich, C. Zins, M. 11th International Symposium on Qualitätssicherung und Material- Anwendungen und Lieferanten Wolf, C. Ceramic Materials and Components diagnostik am Fraunhofer IKTS – keramischer Hochleistungskom- Quality inspection of high-per- for Energy and Environmental Ein Ausblick ponenten formance ceramics by OCT Applications – CMCee 2015, 200. Sitzung DGzfP AK Dresden, AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm Second International Symposium Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), Dresden (1.10.2015), Presentation Einführung in die Hochleistungske- on Optical Coherence Tomography Presentation ramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Verfahren, Wunderlich, C. Anwendungen, Dresden OCT4NDT, Dresden (25.–26.3.2015), Wolter, M.; Börner, S.; Nikolowski, K.; Technology readiness of SOFC (11.–12.6.2015), Presentation Presentation Leiva Pinzon, D.M. stack technology - A review Environmentally friendly and 11th International Symposium on Zschech, E.; Gluch, J.; Niese, S.; Wolfram, A.; Fahrendwaldt, T.; low-cost production of lithium Ceramic Materials and Components Lewandowska, A.; Wolf, J.M.; Pflieger, C.; Prehn, V.; Voigt, I.; ion batteries via water based for Energy and Environmental Röntzsch, L.; Löffler, M. Weyd, M.; Wölfel, T. processes Applications – CMCee 2015, Anwendungen der Röntgen- Ceramic nanofiltration mem- Batterieforum Deutschland 2015, Vancouver (14.–19.6.2015), mikroskopie in der Mikroelek- branes for stable filtration of Berlin (21.–23.1.2015), Presentation Presentation tronik und Energietechnik for Non-Destructive Testing – organic solvents: Characteriza- 49. Metallographie-Tagung, tion and application Wolter, M.; Börner, S.; Zapf, M.; Hohlfeld, K.; Shah, G.; Dresden (16.–18.09.2015), p.3–11, 5th International Conference on Leiva Pinzon, D.M.; Nikolowski, K. Gebhardt, S.; van Dongen, K.W.A.; Presentation Organic Solvent Nanofiltration – Environmentally friendly manu- Gemmeke, H.; Michaelis, A.; OSN2015, Antwerpen facturing of Lithium ion batteries Ruiter, N.V. Zschech, E.; Niese, S.; Löffler, M.; (18.–19.12.2015), Poster Advanced Automotive & Stationary Evaluation of piezo composite Wolf, M.J. Battery Conference – AABC Europe based omnidirectional single Multi-scale X-ray tomography 2015, Mainz (26.–29.1.2015), Poster fibre transducers for 3D USCT for process and quality control Annual Report 2015/16 91 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S in 3D TSV packaging Nanotomography” Prof. Meyendorf, N. TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- 47th International Symposium on Materials Weekend, Warschau Lecture and practical training wissenschaft (WS 15/16) Microelectronics: Future of Packag- (19.–20.9.2015) “Mikro- und Nano-Zerstörungsfreie ing – IMAPS 2014, San Diego Prüfung” Dr. Moritz, T. (13.–16.10.2014), p.184–187, Dr. Härtling, T. TU Dresden, Institut für Aufbau- Lecture Presentation Lecture and seminar und Verbindungstechnik der “Keramikspritzgießen” “Nanotechnologie und Nanoelek- Elektronik IAVT (WS 15/16) TU Bergakademie Freiberg Zschech, E.; Gluch, J.; Kutukova, K.; tronik” Klemm, H.; Röntzsch, L.; Behnisch, T.; TU Dresden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik Prof. Meyendorf, N. Gude, M. und Informationstechnik (SS 15) Lecture Dr. Moritz, T. Nano-XCT – Eine neue Methode (17.6.2015) “NDE and SHM” Lecture series zur prozessnahen Fertigungs- Jun. Prof. Heuer, H. University of Dayton, UD- “Grundlagen der Technischen und Qualitätskontrolle: Anwen- Lecture Fraunhofer Project Center (2015) Keramik” dung auf Funktions- und Struk- “Sensorsysteme für die zer- turwerkstoffe für Energietechnik störungsfreie Prüfung und Struk- Prof. Meyendorf, N. und Leichtbau turüberwachung” Lecture 8. PRORA - Fachtagung “Prozessna- TU Dresden, Institut für Aufbau- “Nanocharacterization” Dr. Mühle, U. he Röntgenanalytik”, Berlin und Verbindungstechnik der Elek- University of Dayton, UD- Lecture (12.–13.11.2015), Presentation tronik IAVT (WS 15/16) Fraunhofer Project Center (2015) “Spezielle Methoden der Kunsthochschule Halle, Burg Griebichenstein (SS 15) Mikrostrukturanalytik” (SS 15) Dr. Höhn, S. Prof. Meyendorf, N. “Industrielle Halbleiterfertigung” Teaching activities of IKTS Lecture Complex lecture (WS 15/16) employees “Keramographie”, im Rahmen der “NDE and SHM” TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät Lehrveranstaltung “Metallografie” University of Dayton, General Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werk- Dr. Eberstein, M. TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- Electrics Cincinnati (2015) stofftechnologie Lecture wissenschaft (2.2.2015) “Dickschichttechnik” Prof. Michaelis, A.; Dr. Neumeister, P. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Dr. Jahn, M. Dr. Kusnezoff, M.; Lecture Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Lecture and practical training Dr. Neumeister, P.; “Bruchkriterien und Bruchmechanik” Baustofftechnik (5.6.2015) “Technische Chemie II/Reaktions- Dr. Rebenklau, L. TU Dresden, Institut für Festkörpermechanik (SS 15) technik” Lecture Dr. Fries, M. HTW Dresden, Chemieingenieur- “Keramische Funktionswerkstoffe” Lecture wesen (SS 15) TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- Dr. Opitz, J. wissenschaft (WS 15/16) Lecture “Granulationsverfahren und Granulatcharakterisierung in der kera- Dr. Jahn, M. mischen Industrie” Lecture and practical training Prof. Michaelis, A. “Introduction to Nanotechnology” TU Bergakademie Freiberg “Brennstoffzellensysteme und Lecture and practical training TU Dresden, Max-Bergmann-Zentrum, (10.6.2015) Elektrolyse” “Keramische Werkstoffe” TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft (WS 15/16) “Biomolekulare Nanotechnologie” im Rahmen des Studienganges TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- Dr. Fries, M.; Bales, A.; “Regenerative Energiesysteme” wissenschaft (SS 15) Dr. Eckhard, S. TU Dresden (WS 15/16) Practical training Dr. Rosenkranz, R. Prof. Michaelis, A.; Lecture “Demonstrationspraktikum Pulver- Prof. Meyendorf, N. Dr. Kinski, I.; Dr. Herrmann, M.; “Physikalische Fehleranalyse in der aufbereitung: Technologie – Granu- Degree course Dr. Klemm, H.; Dr. Moritz, T.; Halbleiterindustrie” latcharakterisierung – Instrumen- “Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung” Dr. Potthoff, A.; Dr. Gestrich, T.; TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- tierte Pressverdichtung” M.Sc. (NDT) Dr. Kusnezoff, M.; wissenschaft (25.11.2015) IKTS Dresden (16.–17.6.2015) Studiengangsleiter Dr. Neumeister, P.; Dr. Partsch, U. DIU Dresden International University Lecture Dr. Schneider, M. (2015) “Prozesse – Gefüge – Eigenschaf- Lecture ten keramischer Werkstoffe” “Rastersondenmikroskopie/AFM” Dr. Gluch, J. Lecture “Tutorial ‘3D Characterization‘: 9 2 Annual Report 2015/16 im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung “Materialdiagnostik” methods classes” TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- Master course in English Non- wissenschaft (9.7.2015) Destructive Testing M. Sc. (NDT) Prof. Stelter, M. (2015) -- KMM-VIN, European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Participation in bodies and (SS 15; WS 15/16) technical committees Bodies Lecture Dr. Berger, L.-M. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena -- Editorial Board of the Journal -- IEEE Transactions on Device and Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (WS 15/16) Materials Reliability – TDMR, Editor Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.); Schneider, M.(Hrsg.), Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, Start 2009 -- AGEF e.V. Institute at Heinrich- (Hrsg.), Dresden: TUDpress, Heine-Universität, Arbeitsge- Start 2010 meinschaft Elektrochemischer -- Materialforschungsverbund Forschungsinstitutionen e.V. Barkhausen Award Committee -- Ceramic and Glass Industry Technology Conference – IITC, -- Arxes-Tollina GmbH, Member of advisory board -- DGM Industrie Beirat “Werk- Prof. Heuer, H. “Keramische Verfahrenstechnik” -- SPIE Involvement: Conference, Program Committee Fachbereich SciTec (WS 15/16) stoffwoche” -- DGZfP - German Society for Non-Destructive Testing -- Dresdner Gesprächskreis der Dr. Härtling, T. Wirtschaft und der Wissenschaft -- AMA Verband für Sensorik und e.V. Messtechnik e.V., Representative “Metalle, Kunststoffe, Keramiken − -- The American Society for Nondestructive Testing Technische Keramik als Leichtbau- Dr. Kinski, I. stoff” -- American Ceramic Society – ACerS TU Dresden, Institut für Werkstoff- -- Materials Research Society – MRS wissenschaft (WS 15/16) Prof. Zschech, E.; Prof. Stamm, M.; Beiträge zur zerstörungsfreien trochemistry in Material Science”, -- IEEE International Interconnent Lecture and practical training Lecture -- Publication series “Dresdner -- Publication series “Applied Elec- -- American Ceramic Society – ACerS Technical Committee Dr. Zins, M. Nondestructive Evaluation”, Dresden e.V. MFD, Chairman: Dr. Voigt, I. Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Start 2008 Meyendorf, N.(Hrsg.); Heuer, H. “Energiesysteme – Materialien und Design” Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, Prüftechnik”, Wolter, K.-J.(Hrsg.); Dr. Gall, M. in Keramik und Umweltverfah- -- Editor-in-Chief of the “Journal of Publishing Lecture Start 2006 -- Publication series “Kompetenzen Prof. Meyendorf, N. “Surface Engineering”, Maney Prof. Stelter, M. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, renstechnik”, Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.), Springer Verlag “Technische Umweltchemie” Göller Verlag -- Publication series “Competencies in Ceramics”, Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.), Dr. Martin, H.-P. “Technische Chemie I / II” (SS 15; WS 15/16) Scientific Advisory Committee DIU Dresden International University Lecture Prof. Stelter, M. -- European Fuel Cell Forum –EFCF–, -- SPIE - the international society for optics and photonics Foundation (CGIF), Member Board of Trustees CGIF -- DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology -- DECHEMA working group “Angewandte Anorganische Chemie” -- Deutscher Hochschulverband -- DGM German Society for Materials Research -- DKG Member of executive board and chairman of the research community of the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft, Research advisory -- Joint Labs Berlin, Technical Safety board, Director of the scientific -- Network “Prognostik, Prüfung works Dr. Köhler, B. und Sicherheit von Verbund- -- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal werkstoffkomponenten für den -- DPG-Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Dr. Mühle, U.; Dr. Rosenkranz, R.; “Case Studies in Nondestructive Leichtbau und Verkehrstechnik”, -- DRESDEN concept e.V. Dr. Kopycinska-Müller, M. Testing and Evaluation”, Elsevier Director -- Dresdner Gesprächskreis der Wirt- Lecture and practical training Verlag “Physical Characterization of tungselektronik”, Director Organic and Organic-Inorganic Dr. Kusnezoff, M. Thin Films” -- Fraunhofer Energy Alliance, TU Dresden, Institut für Angewandte Photophysik (WS 15/16) Dr. Kopycinska-Müller, M. Lecture “Microscopy for Nondestructive -- UD-Fraunhofer Joint Research Center, Co-Director Representative -- SOFC Symposium of ICACC Conference Series organized by Prof. Zschech, E.; -- Network “Zuverlässige Leis- American Ceramic Society in Daytona Beach, Organizer -- VDMA Working Group High Temperature Fuel Cells, Coordinator schaft und der Wissenschaft e.V. -- Energy advisory council of the Wirtschaftsministeriums Sachsen -- EPMA European Powder Metallurgy Association Prof. Michaelis, A. -- Editorial Board of the “Interna- -- Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance, Spokesperson tional Journal of Materials -- Fraunhofer USA, Board of directors Research”, Hanser Verlag -- Company Roth & Rau, Member -- Editorial Board of the “Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology”, of supervisory board -- Evaluation team “Interne Pro- Annual Report 2015/16 93 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S gramme” of the Fraunhofer Dr. Voigt, I. “Information technologies and Gesellschaft, Chairman -- BVMW German Association for microelectronics” -- GreenTec Awards, Member of the jury -- Helmholtz-Zentrum DresdenRossendorf -- IFW Dresden e.V. -- Materialforschungsverbund Dresden e.V. MFD, Executive board -- NOW GmbH, Member of advisory board -- Silicon Saxony e.V. -- Solarvalley Mitteldeutschland e.V., Executive board -- “World Academy of Ceramics” WAC Small and Medium-sized Businesses -- Cool Silicon e. V., Dresden, Member of executive board -- Wasserwirtschaftliches Energiezentrum Dresden – e.qua impuls e.V. -- Fachverband “Biogas” -- DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology -- DGM/DKG/DGMT/ProcessNetworking group “Keramische Membranen”, Director -- DKG, Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft / German Ceramic Soci- Dr. Zins, M. Freund, S. -- Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance, -- Fraunhofer AdvanCer Alliance, Spokesperson -- Editorial Board of the Journal “Ceramic Applications”, Göller Dr. Fries, M. Verlag, Chairman -- DKG working committee ety, Member of executive board -- American Ceramic Society – ACerS “Hochleistungskeramik”, Technical committees -- DGM German Society for Materials Research -- University council of Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena Dr. Richter, H. Central office working group “Verarbeitungseigenschaften synthetischer kera- Dipl.-Krist. Adler, J. -- DGM technical committee “Zellulare Werkstoffe” -- FAD-Förderkreis “Abgasnach- mischer Rohstoffe”, Director -- DKG specialist committee FA 3 “Verfahrenstechnik” -- ProcessNet technical group -- International Zeolite Association Dr. Wunderlich, C. behandlungstechnologien für “Agglomerations- und Schütt- -- American Ceramic Society – ACerS -- Fuel Cell Energy Solutions GmbH, Dieselmotoren e.V.” guttechnik”, Member of advisory Dr. Schneider, M. -- Energy Saxony e.V., Member of advisory board -- Publication series “Applied Electrochemistry in Material Science”, Michaelis, A.(Hrsg.); Schneider, Deputy chairman -- European Fuel Cell Forum, International board of advisors board Dr. Beckert, W. -- Fraunhofer Numerical Simulation of Products and Processes Verlag, Start 2009 Prof. Zschech, E. Dr. Berger, L.-M. -- Federation of the European Ma- -- DVS technical committee 2 terials Societies – FEMS, Member “Thermisches Spritzen und Auto- vano- und Oberflächentechnik, of executive board, President gentechnik” Chairman schaft für Korrosionsschutz e.V. Prof. Stelter, M. -- Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry CEEC, Jena, Member of directorate -- MNT Mikro-Nano-Technologie Thüringen e.V., Member of the executive board -- Clusterboard, Free State of Thuringia -- RIS3 working group “Nachhalti- of advisory board Dr. Gall, M. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gal- -- GfKORR Fachbeirat der Gesell- “Trocknungstechnik”, Member Alliance NUSIM M.(Hrsg.), Stuttgart: Fraunhofer -- DGO-Bezirksgruppe Sachsen der -- ProcessNet technical group 2014/2015 -- European Society of Thin Films – -- Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance -- Europäische Forschungsgemeinschaft Dünne Schichten e.V. (EFDS) -- DIN/DVS joint committee NA 092-00-14 AA “Thermisches Dr. Gestrich, T. EFDS, 2010-2015, Chairman of Spritzen und thermisch gespritz- -- Working committee “Pulverme- scientific advisory board te Schichten” -- SEMI 3D Stacked Integrated Cir- -- GEFTA working group “Thermo- cuit – 3DS IC Committee, Inspec- Dipl.-Math. Brand, M. tion and Metrology Task Force -- Technical committee “Schall- -- European Alliance for Materials – A4M, Member of executive board -- The European Platform on tallurgie”, expert group “Sintern” physik” emissionsprüfung (SEP)” of the Dipl.-Ing. Gronde, B. German Society for Non-Destruc- -- Community “Thermisches tive Testing DGZfP Spritzen e.V.” Advanced Materials and Technologies – EUMAT, Member of the Dr. Eberstein, M. Dr. Hentschel, D. steering board -- DGG technical committee 1 -- DGZfP technical committee “ZfP -- Institute of Lightweight Con- “Physik und Chemie des Glases” in der Luftfahrt”, Deputy director ge Energie und Ressourcenver- struction and Hybrid Systems at wendung”, Free State of Thuringia University Paderborn, Member of “Glasig/kristalline Multifunktions- Dr. Herrmann, M. scientific advisory board werkstoffe” -- DGM technical committee “Field -- VDMA, Working group Research and Innovation in Medical Technology -- Center of Advanced Materials Assisted Sintering Technique / and Technologies, Warsaw, Poland, Dr. Faßauer, B. Member of executive board -- Fraunhofer Water Systems -- DRESDEN concept consortium 9 4 Annual Report 2015/16 -- DKG/DGG working group Alliance (SysWasser) Spark Plasma Sintering” -- GfKORR working group “Korrosion keramischer Werkstoffe” Dr. Kaiser, A. -- GEFTA working group “Thermophysik” -- DGM technical committee “Thermodynamik, Kinetik und Konstitution der Werkstoffe” -- InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena/Funding initiative -- EPMA-Additive Manufacturing Group “Forschungscampus – öffentlichDipl.-Phys. Mürbe, J. tionen” of the BMBF -- VDI-Bezirksverein Dresden, working group “Granulometrie” Medizin Dr. Kinski, I. -- DGK working group “FestkörperNMR-Spektroskopie” -- DGK working group “AK13 -- DGM technical committee “Biomaterialien” -- FAD-Förderkreis “Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien für Dieselmotoren e.V.” Pulverdiffraktometrie” Dr. Martin, H.-P. Dr. Potthoff, A. -- German Thermoelectric Society -- DGM/DKG working group “Pro- -- DGM/DKG joint committee “Hoch- -- DVS committee for technology, leistungskeramik”, working group working group W3 “Fügen von “Verstärkung keramischer Stoffe” Metall, Keramik und Glas” -- DIN committee for standardization “Materialprüfung NMP 291” “Materialprüfung NMP 294” -- Carbon Composites e.V., working group “Ceramic Composites” -- Working group “Spezialbibliotheken” zessbegleitende Prüfverfahren” -- DECHEMA/VCI working group “Responsible Production and Use of Nanomaterials” Prof. Meyendorf, N. -- DGZfP technical committee “Materialcharakterisierung” -- DIN committee for standardization NMP NA 062-08-16 AA “Chemische Oberflächenanalyse -- DGZfP technical committee und Rastersondenmikroskopie” “Zustandsüberwachung” -- DIN committee for standardization -- DGZfP technical committee Kunath, R. -- DIN/VDE, Referat K 141, DKE “Luftfahrt” -- DGZfP technical committee “Hochschullehrer im Lehrgebiet -- VDI-GME division 1 “Werkstofftechnik” FA101 “Anwendungs- Deutsche Kommission, “Elektro- nahe zerstörungsfreie Werkstoff- technik Elektronik Informations- und Bauteilprüfung” technik” -- DIN/VDE, Referat K 384, DKE -- DGZfP working group Berlin -- European Network of Material und Verbindungstechnik für Research Institutes (ENMat), Director of working group AVT -- VDE/VDI Gesellschaft Mikroelektronik, Mikro- und Feinwerktechnik, GMM technical committee 4.7 “Mikro-Nano-Integration” -- VDE/DGMT/BMBF Begleitforschung “Intelligente Implantate”, External member -- biosaxony – Verein für Biotechnologie & Life Sciences e. V. -- DKG expert group “Keramik- ing Alliance Dr. Richter, V. -- VDI technical committee “Schneidstoffanwendung” -- DECHEMA/VCI working group “Responsible Production and Use of Nanomaterials” -- DGM working group “Materialkundliche Aspekte der Tribologie und der Endbearbeitung” “Werkstofftechnologie” (NWT), Alliance AA “Probenahme und Prüfverfahren für Hartmetalle” -- DIN committee for standardization Pötschke, J. “Materialprüfung” (NMP), AA -- VDI technical committee “Nanotechnologien” “Schneidstoffanwendung” -- EPMA working group “European Hard Materials Group” -- DGM/DKG working committee “Pulvermetallurgie”, expert group “Sintern” -- Fraunhofer Nanotechnology -- DGM technical committee “Field Assisted Sintering Technique / Alliance -- EPMA working group “European Hard Materials Group” Spark Plasma Sintering (FAST/SPS)” President -- DECHEMA technical committee “Nanotechnologie” Dr. Lausch, H. “Additive Fertigung” sundheits- und Umweltaspekte” -- Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Dipl.-Ing. Räthel, J. Dr. Moritz, T. -- DGM working group “Aufbau- Hochtemperatursensoren”, working group “Biokeramik” -- DGM technical committee -- DIN committee for standardization -- ASNT Miami Valley Section Deutsche Kommission, “Brennstoffzellen” “Hochleistungskeramik”, NMP NA 062-08-17-03 UA “Ge- ZfP” Dr. Kusnezoff, M. Dr. Richter, H.-J. -- Fraunhofer Additive Manufactur- Dr. Klemm, H. -- DIN committee for standardization Spark Plasma Sintering (FAST/SPS)” -- DGM/DKG working committee Dr. Petasch, U. Dipl.-Ing. Ludwig, H. -- DGM technical committee “Field Assisted Sintering Technique / private Partnerschaft für Innova- -- Deutsche Plattform NanoBio- Dr. Reichel, U. Dr. Rost, A. Dr. Rebenklau, L. -- VDE/VDI Gesellschaft Mikroelektronik, Mikro- und Feinwerktech- -- DVS committee for technology, working group W3 “Fügen von Metall, Keramik und Glas” spritzguss”, Chairman of nik, GMM technical committee executive board 5.5 “Aufbau- und Verbindungs- “Glasigkristalline Multifunktions- technik” werkstoffe” -- Editorial board of the cfi/Ber. DKG, Chairman -- Management Committee of COST action MP1105 “Flameretardant Materials” -- DKG technical committee III “Verfahrenstechnik” -- DKG/DGG working group -- Working group “Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik für Hoch- Dr. Schilm, J. temperatursensoren” -- DGG technical committee 1 -- DVS working group A 2.4 “Bonden im DVS” “Physik und Chemie des Glases” -- DKG/DGG working group “Glasigkristalline Multifunktions- Annual Report 2015/16 95 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S werkstoffe” -- DVS committee for technology, -- DGM/DKG joint committee “Hochleistungskeramik”, work- Freund, S. ing”, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland -- AdvanCer-Schulungsprogramm (27.–29.5.2015), working group W3 “Fügen von ing group “Keramische Mem- Einführung in die Hochleistungs- Metall, Keramik und Glas” branen”, Chairman keramik Teil I: Werkstoffe, Ver- -- DGM/DKG joint committee Conference committee fahren, Anwendungen, Dresden Dr. Klemm, H. Dr. Schneider, M. “Hochleistungskeramik”, working (11.–12.6.2015), Organization -- 11th International Symposium -- GfKORR working group “Korro- group “Koordinierung”, Director and moderation sion keramischer Werkstoffe”, Chairman Dr. Schubert, F. -- DGZfP technical committee on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environ- Dr. Weidl, R. Dr. Gall, M. mental Applications – CMCee, -- EFDS Europäische Forschungsge- -- 18th IEEE International Intercon- Session T2S2 “Advanced Ceramic sellschaft Dünne Schichten e.V. nect Technology Conference – Coatings for Power Systems”, IITC/24th Materials for Advanced Vancouver, Canada -- BVES German Energy Storage “Ultraschall”, subcommittee Association, working 2 “Road- Metallization Conference – MAM, (14.–19.6.2015), “Modellierung und Bildgebung” map der Energiewende und Rolle Grenoble, France (18.–21.5.2015), Session organizer -- DGZfP technical committee “Ultraschall”, subcommittee “Phased Array”, Deputy director der Energiespeicher” -- Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry CEEC, Jena Dipl.-Chem. Schubert, R. ICC6, Dresden (21.–25.8.2016), Conference committee, Dr. Weyd, M. (19.–23.4.2015), International advisory board -- DGMT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technical committee Membrantechnik e.V. Dr. Wunderlich, C. “Brennstoffzellen” -- VDI-Entwicklung, Konstruktion, Vertrieb Standke, G. -- DGM technical committee “Zellulare Werkstoffe” -- DGM technical committee “Werkstoffe der Energietechnik” -- medways e.V. (The industry association for Medical Technology and Biotechnology) -- Optonet e.V. (Photonics Network Thuringia) -- 34. Hagener Symposium Pulver- Effiziente Prozesse - besondere Scientific program committee Eigenschaften”, Hagen “Nano-Technologies and (26.–27.11.2015), Chairman of the program committee turwerkstoffe Fachausschüsse” schinen-/Anlagenbau”, Chairman “Pulvermetallurgie” -- Deutsche Messe AG, Advisory board “Industrial Supply” -- Messe Munich, Advisory board “Ceramitec” on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environ- -- Second International Symposium mental Applications – CMCee, on Optical Coherence Tomogra- Session T4S11 “Materials Diag- phy for Non-Destructive Testing – nostics and Structural Health OCT4NDT, Dresden Monitoring of Ceramic Compo- (25.–26.3.2015), Organizer nents and Systems”, Vancouver, -- Second International Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomogra- Canada (14.–19.6.2015), Session organizer -- Institut für Prozess- und Anwen- phy for Non-Destructive Testing – dungstechnik Keramik, RWTH OCT4NDT, Session 1 “OCT tech- Dr. Krell, A. Aachen, Executive board nology” (Part 2), Dresden -- Symposium Ceramics Vision 2015, Committees for symposia -- GTS community “Thermisches Spritzen e.V.” High-Resolution NDT” -- 11th International Symposium Dr. Härtling, T. (25.–26.3.2015), Session chair Dipl.-Min. Thiele, S. destructive Testing – WCNDT 2016, München (13.–17.6.2016), -- DKG coordination group “Struk- -- DKG division 1 “Chemie-/Ma- -- 19th World Conference on Non- metallurgie “Pulvermetallurgie - Dr. Zins, M. -- DKG working committee Prof. Stelter, M. Dr. Köhler, B. Dr. Gestrich, T. -- VDI technical committee Dipl.-Ing. Stahn, M. Ceramics – From Lab to Fab – Monterey, CA, USA -- DKG expert group “Keramikspritzguss” -- 6th International Congress on ty Physics Symposium – IRPS, -- DGZfP working group Dresden, Director Technical committee -- 2015 IEEE International Reliabili- Dresden (15.–16.1.2015), Organizer Jun. Prof. Heuer, H. Dr. Eberstein, M. -- IMAPS/ACerS/DKG 11th Interna- Dr. Voigt, I. tional Conference and Exhibtion -- ProcessNet technical group on Ceramic Interconnect and -- Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VII, SPIE Conference, Dr. Kusnezoff, M. -- 11th International Symposium Barcelona (4.–6.5.2015), on Ceramic Materials and Com- Conference committee ponents for Energy and Environ- “Produktionsintegrierte Wasser- Ceramic Microsystems Technolo- und Abwassertechnik” gies – CICMT 2015, Dresden on Science and Technology Session T1S1 “High-temperature (20.–23.4.2015), “Technological Systems of Infor- Fuel Cells and Electrolysis”, Local organizing committee mation in Production Engineer- Vancouver, Canada -- ProcessNet technical group “Membrantechnik” 9 6 Annual Report 2015/16 -- 12th International Conference mental Applications – CMCee, (14.–19.6.2015), Session organizer -- 39th International Conference nostics and Structural Health Dr. Rölling, M. -- 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Monitoring of Ceramic Compo- -- Second International Symposium and Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites – nents and Systems”, Vancouver, on Optical Coherence Tomogra- Ceramics and Composites – ICACC 2015, Daytona Beach Canada (14.–19.6.2015), phy for Non-Destructive Testing – ICACC 2015, Daytona Beach (25.–30.1.2015), 2nd European Session organizer OCT4NDT, Dresden (25.–30.1.2015), S3: 12th Inter- Union - USA Engineering Ceramics national Symposium on Solid Summit, Advanced Ceramic and Exhibition on Advanced Technologies: Current Status and Ceramics and Composites – Dr. Schilm, J. Future Prospects II, Session chair ICACC 2015, Daytona Beach -- 39th International Conference -- Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC): Materials, Science and Technology, Degradation, Modeling and Sim- -- IMAPS/ACerS/DKG 11th Interna- -- 39th International Conference (25.–26.3.2015), Organizer (25.–30.1.2015), FS3: Materials and Exhibition on Advanced ulation / Novel Processing and tional Conference and Exhibition Diagnostics, Nondestructive Eval- Ceramics and Composites – Design, Symposium chair on Ceramic Interconnect and uation and Structural Health ICACC 2015, S3: 12th Interna- Ceramic Microsystems Technolo- Monitoring of Ceramic Compo- tional Symposium on Solid Oxide Dr. Martin, H.-P. gies – CICMT 2015, Dresden nents and Systems, Session chair Fuel Cells (SOFC): Materials, Sci- -- Industry Day “Charakterisierung (20.–23.4.2015), -- Second International Symposium ence and Technology “Electrical mechanischer Eigenschaften bei Conference committee, Chair on Optical Coherence Tomogra- and Mechanical Reliability Elec- hohen Temperaturen”, Dresden -- 90th DKG Annual Conference & (1.–2.6.2016), Organizer Dr. Megel, S. -- 11th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Com- phy for Non-Destructive Testing – trochemical Performance and Symposium on High-Perfor- OCT4NDT, Session 2 “OCT appli- Stability”, Daytona Beach mance Ceramics 2015, Bayreuth cations”, Dresden (25.–30.1.2015), Session chair (15.–19.3.2015), Member of (25.–26.3.2015), Session chair program committee -- 11th International Symposium Dr. Schneider, M. Dr. Partsch, U. -- 8th International Workshop on ponents for Energy and Environ- on Ceramic Materials and Com- -- IMAPS/ACerS/DKG 11th Interna- mental Applications – CMCee, ponents for Energy and Environ- tional Conference and Exhibition Session T1S1 “High-temperature mental Applications – CMCee, on Ceramic Interconnect and Fuel Cells and Electrolysis”, Vancouver, Canada Ceramic Microsystems Technolo- (14.–19.6.2015), Co-chair gies – CICMT 2015, Dresden on Electrochemical Machining (20.–23.4.2015), Technology – INSECT 2015, Linz Local organizing committee (12.–13.11.2015), Advisory board Vancouver, Canada (14.–19.6.2015), Session organizer -- 6th International Congress on Ceramics – From Lab to Fab – Prof. Meyendorf, N. ICC6, Dresden (21.–25.8.2016), -- SPIE Conference “Smart Materi- Conference committee, Chair als and Nondestructive Evalua- Impedance Spectroscopy – IWIS 2015, Chemnitz (23.–25.9.2015), Program committee -- 11th International Symposium Pfeifer, T. Dr. Schönecker, A. -- 11th International Symposium -- Symposium Ceramics Vision 2015, tion for Energy Systems 2015”, Dr. Moritz, T. on Ceramic Materials and Com- Dresden (15.–16.1.2015), San Diego, California -- DKG-Symposium “Additive Ferti- ponents for Energy and Environ- Organizer (9.–10.3.2015), Conference chair gung: Verfahren und Anwen- mental Applications – CMCee, -- SPIE Conference “Sensors and dungen in der Keramik”, Session T1S1 “High-temperature posium on Piezocomposite Smart Structures Technologies Erlangen (1.–2.12.2015), Fuel Cells and Electrolysis”, Applications, Dresden, Germany for Civil, Mechanical, and Aero- Program committee Vancouver, Canada (17.–18.9.2015), (14.–19.6.2015), Session organizer Conference organizer space Systems”, Las Vegas, -- IMAPS/ACerS/DKG 11th Interna- -- ISPA 2015 – International Sym- Nevada (21.–24.3.2016), tional Conference and Exhibition Program committee on Ceramic Interconnect and Dr. Richter, H. Dr. Schubert, F. Ceramic Microsystems Technolo- -- 11th International Symposium -- 19th World Conference on Prof. Michaelis, A. gies – CICMT 2015, Dresden on Ceramic Materials and Com- Non-Destructive Testing – -- Symposium Ceramics Vision 2015, (20.–23.4.2015), Chair ponents for Energy and Environ- WCNDT 2016, München Dresden (15.–16.1.2015), Organizer -- 39th International Conference mental Applications – CMCee, (13.–17.6.2016), Scientific Dr. Opitz, J. Session T3S4 “Porous and Cellu- program committee “Structural -- 11th International Symposium lar Ceramics for Filter and Mem- Health Monitoring” and Exhibition on Advanced on Ceramic Materials and Com- brane Applications”, Vancouver, Ceramics and Composites – ponents for Energy and Environ- Canada (14.–19.6.2015), Prof. Stelter, M. ICACC 2015, Daytona Beach mental Applications – CMCee, Session organizer -- 11th International Symposium (25.–30.1.2015), Co-chair Session T4S11 “Materials Diag- on Ceramic Materials and ComAnnual Report 2015/16 97 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S ponents for Energy and Environmental Applications – CMCee, International advisory board für Technische Chemie, Institut für Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut -- 11th International Symposium Chemische Technologien und Analytik für Werkstoffwissenschaft Session T4S3 “Novel, Green, and on Ceramic Materials and Com- Strategic Processing and Manu- ponents for Energy and Environ- Brandt, Björn Füssel, Alexander facturing Technologies”, mental Applications – CMCee, Modellierungsansätze und neue Untersuchungen zum Hochtempe- Vancouver, Canada Session T1S1 “High-temperature Brennhilfsmittelkonzepte für die raturverhalten von Siliciumcarbid- (14.–19.6.2015), Session organizer Fuel Cells and Electrolysis”, T1S1- LTCC-Drucksintertechnologie Schaumkeramik für Brenneranwen- 07. SOFC & SOEC System Concept Dissertation 2015 dungen Dr. Voigt, I. Analyses, Test and Demonstration, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Dissertation 2015 -- 39th International Conference Oral, Vancouver, Canada Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, (14.–19.6.2015), Session organizer für Werkstoffwissenschaft – BAM Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut Bundesanstalt für Materialfor- für Werkstoffwissenschaft and Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites – ICACC 2015, Daytona Beach Dr. Zins, M. (25.–30.1.2015), S9: Porous -- 90th DKG Annual Conference & schung und -prüfung Niese, Sven Ceramics: Novel Developments Symposium on High-Perfor- Eckhard, Susanna Lab-based in-situ X-ray microscopy and Applications, Membranes mance Ceramics 2015, Bayreuth Experimentelle und modellbasierte – Methodical developments and and High SSA Ceramics II, (15.–19.3.2015), Member of Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der applications in materials science Session chair program committee Granulatstruktur auf die mechani- and microelectronics schen Granulateigenschaften Dissertation 2015 on Ceramic Materials and Com- Ceramics Day, München Dissertation 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – Brandenburgische ponents for Energy and Environ- (22.10.2016), Moderator Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Hamburg- Technische Universität Cottbus -- 11th International Symposium -- ceramitec 2015, Technical mental Applications – CMCee, Harburg, Institut für FeststoffverfahSeuthe, Thomas Session T3S4 “Porous and Cellu- Prof. Zschech, E. lar Ceramics for Filter and Mem- -- 3rd Dresden Nanoanalysis Sym- brane Applications”, Vancouver, posium, Dresden (17.4.2015), Hildebrandt, Stefanie gläsern unterschiedlicher Komposi- Canada (14.–19.6.2015), Scientific coordinator Entwicklung und Evaluierung von tion durch Bestrahlung mit Femto- renstechnik und Partikeltechnologie Strukturelle Änderungen in Silicat- Metallisierungen mit partikelfreien/- sekunden-Laserpulsen Frontiers of Characterization and haltigen Tinten mit Inkjet- und Dissertation 2015 Dr. Wolf, C. Metrology for Nanoelectronics – Aerosol-Druck Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, -- Second International Symposium FCMN, Dresden, Germany Dissertation 2015 Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut (14.–16.4.2015) Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, für Werkstoffwissenschaft Session organizer on Optical Coherence Tomogra- -- 2015 International Conference on phy for Non-Destructive Testing – Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut OCT4NDT, Dresden (25.–26.3.2015), Organizer für Werkstoffwissenschaft Theses 2015 Dissertations 2015 Mühle, Uwe Dr. Wolter, M. Ahlhelm, Matthias Spezielle Anwendungen der Trans- Becker, Arnulf -- Dresden Battery Days 2015, Gefrierschäume – Entwicklung von missionselektronenmikroskopie in Festkommaportierung des generali- Dresden (22.–24.9.2015), zellularen Strukturen für vielfältige der Siliziumhalbleiterindustrie sierten Mel-Cepstrum Organization Anwendungen Habilitation 2015 Bachelor‘s thesis 2015 Dissertation 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Bergakademie Fraunhofer IKTS - BTU Cottbus- Ceramics – From Lab to Fab – Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Clausthal, Freiberg, Fakultät für Werkstoffwis- Senftenberg, Fakultät Maschinenbau, ICC6, Dresden (21.–25.8.2016), Fakultät für Natur- und Materialwis- senschaft und Werkstofftechnologie Elektrotechnik und Wirtschafts- Conference committee, senschaften, Institut für Nichtmetal- International advisory board lische Werkstoffe -- 6th International Congress on ingenieurwesen Jurk, Robert Synthese von Edelmetalltinten für Chen, Lili Dr. Wunderlich, C. Berger, Lutz-Michael den Inkjetdruck funktioneller Crack detection of ceramics based -- Second International Symposium Carbide und Oxide als Verschleiß- Schichten mit dem Anwendungs- on the method of Laser Speckle on Optical Coherence Tomogra- schutz – Von der Synthese zur beispiel der Frontseitenmetallisie- Photometry phy for Non-Destructive Testing – thermisch gespritzten Schicht rung kristalliner Solarzellen Master’s thesis 2015 OCT4NDT, Fraunhofer IKTS Habilitation 2015 Dissertation 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – DIU Dresden Dresden (25.–26.3.2015), Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Wien, Fakultät Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, 9 8 Annual Report 2015/16 International University, Master Institut für Siedlungs- und Indus- Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut Course in Non-Destructive Testing triewasserwirtschaft Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und für Werkstoffwissenschaft Fröhlich, Selina Harms, Stefan Herstellung und Charakterisierung Untersuchung zur zerstörungsfreien Kronsbein, Antje Studies on the probe area- and de- feinskaliger 1-3 Piezokomposite Detektion von Rissen an Rohrstruk- Beiträge zur Charakterisierung des vice stiffness functions for the calibra- mittels Soft-Mold-Technologie für turen mit geführten Wellen Prozessablaufes und der Verbind- tion of nanoindentation experiments die Entwicklung hochfrequenter Master’s thesis 2015 ungsbildung beim Mikroschweißen Bachelor’s thesis 2015 Ultraschallwandler Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Bergakademie für Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Master’s thesis 2015 Freiberg, Fakultät Geowissen- Diploma thesis 2015 Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwis- Fraunhofer IKTS – Ernst-Abbe- schaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, senschaften, Institut für Festkörper- Hochschule Jena Institut für Geophysik und Geo- Institut für Aufbau- und Verbin- physik informatik dungstechnik der Elektronik (IAVT) – Umwelttechnik Gaska, Florian Niehues, Mark TU Dresden, Zentrum für mikro- Paustian, Dirk technische Produktion (ZmP) Hydrophobierung keramischer Messung der Lumineszenzantwort Heilmann, Stefan an Einzelpartikeln von Aufkonver- Charakterisierung von co-gesinter- sionsmaterialien ten Metall-Keramik Verbundfolien Küttner, Marco eine Membranreaktoranwendung Bachelor’s thesis 2015 Diploma thesis 2015 Sinteruntersuchungen am Glas- Master’s thesis 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – Berufsakademie Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, keramik-System LATP Fraunhofer IKTS – FSU Jena, Sachsen, Staatliche Studienakade- Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut Bachelor’s thesis 2015 Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche mie Riesa für Werkstoffwissenschaft Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Bergakademie Fakultät Membranen und Evaluierung für Freiberg, Fakultät Maschinenbau, Gerner, Norman Hermsdorf, Manja Die Eignung von keramischen Pul- Prüfstand zur Untersuchung des fer- vern und keramischen Formstoff- roelektromechanischen Materialver- Kuzeyeva, Nataliya Infrarotspektroskopie an Polymeren kombinationen beim Stahlgießen haltens an piezokeramischen Probe- Charakterisierung von Rührreib- Master’s thesis 2015 von Gussprodukten körpern unter Mehrfeldbelastung schweißmischverbindungen von Fraunhofer IKTS – DIU Dresden Master’s thesis 2015 Diploma thesis 2015 Leichtbaumaterialien mittels Ultra- International University, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Clausthal, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, schall Masterstudiengang ZFP Institut für Metallurgie Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Institut für Master’s thesis 2015 Festkörperelektronik Fraunhofer IKTS – DIU Dresden Presser, André International University, Entwicklung und Modellierung Masterstudiengang ZFP eines Verfahrenskonzepts zur Gößel, Martin Verfahrens- und Energietechnik Pohl, Andrea Spektroskopische Ellipsometrie und Basaltfaserkomposite mit polymer- Kidszun, Claudyn keramischer Matrix – Entwicklung, Labortechnische Untersuchungen Herstellung und Charakterisierung zu Möglichkeiten der bedarfsge- Liu, Luhao und Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese für die hinsichtlich mechanischer und rechten Biogaserzeugung durch Design and implementation of a Herstellung chemischer Produkte korrosiver Beanspruchbarkeit zielgerichtete Verfahrensführung read-out electronics for a plasmonic Diploma thesis 2015 Bachelor’s thesis 2015 Diploma thesis 2015 sensor Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Fraunhofer IKTS – HTW Dresden, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Master’s thesis 2015 Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut Fakultät Maschinenbau/Verfahrens- Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, für Energietechnik technik Institut für Abfallwirtschaft und Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Infor- Altlasten mationstechnik, Institut für Festkör- Raufeisen, Sascha perelektronik Untersuchungen zum pyroelektro- Gyenes, Adrian Kopplung von Biogaserzeugung Entwicklung von reproduzierbaren Körnig, André Modellsystemen unterschiedlich Modellgestützte Konzeption und Müller, Christin von Lithiumniobat und Lithiumtan- belasteter Grauwässer für die labor- Aufbau eines Demonstrators für Untersuchung zur Rolle von B2O3, talat im aquatischen System technische Bewertung von AOP- neuartige keramische fluidische Kohlenstoff und SiO2 auf die Ver- Master’s thesis 2015 Prozessen Mischerstrukturen durch Folien- dichtung und Eigenschaften flüssig- Fraunhofer IKTS – FSU Jena, Master’s thesis 2015 technologie phasen-gesinterter B6O-Werkstoffe Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Diploma thesis 2015 Diploma thesis 2015 Fakultät Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, katalytischen Oxidationsvermögen Annual Report 2015/16 99 N A M E S , D AT E S , E V E N T S Schäfer, Paul Diploma thesis 2015 Erprobung von zellulären kerami- Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, schen Bauteilen zur photokatalyti- Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut schen Wasseraufbereitung für Werkstoffwissenschaft Master’s thesis 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Weiße, Maik Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Evaluierung einer in situ Hydropho- Institut für Siedlungs- und Indust- bierungs-Methode zur Auftrennung riewasserwirtschaft von Öl / Wassergemischen mittels keramischer Membranen Schaller, Max Master’s thesis 2015 Synthese höherer Alkohole an Fraunhofer IKTS – FSU Jena, promotierten Eisenkatalysatoren Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche im Festbettreaktor Fakultät Master’s thesis 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – Universität Rostock, Institut für Chemie Schneider, Annemarie Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen an Co- und Fe-basierten Katalysatorsystemen für die FischerTropsch-Synthese Diploma thesis 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut für Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik Striegler, Maria Korrosion von SiC-Diamantkompositen in wässrigen Lösungen Bachelor’s thesis 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – Hochschule Fresenius - University of Applied Sciences, Fachbereich Chemie und Biologie Téllez Villamizar, Camilo Eduardo Preparation and characterization of a low temperature resistor paste based on Carbon/Polymer composites using screen printing technique Master’s thesis 2015 Fraunhofer IKTS – TU Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft Tscharntke, Franziska Entwicklung einer extrudierfähigen kaltplastischen Masse auf Basis von Aluminiumoxid 1 0 0 Annual Report 2015/16 Annual Report 2015/16 101 EVENTS AND TRADE FAIRS – PROSPECTS Conferences and events Participation in trade fairs Girls Day MedTec Europe April 28, 2016, Dresden, Maria-Reiche-Strasse Stuttgart, April 12–14, 2016 Joint Fraunhofer booth Industry Day: Characterization of mechanical properties at high temperatures Wind & Maritime June 1–2, 2016, Dresden, Winterbergstrasse Rostock, April 13–14, 2016 Researcher’s Night Dresden Powtech June 10, 2016, Dresden, Winterbergstrasse Nuremberg, April 19–21, 2016 6th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC6) Control Congress and Exhibition Stuttgart, April 26–29, 2016 August 21–25, 2016, Dresden, International Congress Center Joint Fraunhofer booth Symposium: Anodizing – oxide layers from hard to smart Hannover-Messe November 24–25, 2016, Dresden, Winterbergstrasse Hannover, 25.–29. April 2016 Joint booth Fraunhofer Adaptronics Alliance, Hall 2 Ceramics Vision Joint booth Ceramics Applications, Hall 6 January 17, 2017, Dresden, Winterbergstrasse Joint booth Energy Saxony, Hall 27 Please find further information at Printed Electronics Berlin, April 27–28, 2016 Seminars and workshops ACHEMAsia Beijing, May 9–12, 2016 AdvanCer training program: Introduction into advanced ceramics PCIM Europe Nuremberg, May 10–12, 2016 Part I / 2016: Materials, technologies, applications Joint booth ECPE European Cluster for Power Electronics June 16–17, 2016, Dresden Sensor+Test Part II / 2016: Design, testing Nuremberg, May 10–12, 2016 November 10–11, 2016, Freiburg Joint booth “Forschung für die Zukunft” Please find further information at 1 0 2 Annual Report 2015/16 Mittelstandstag WorldPM Bischofswerda, May 24, 2016 Hamburg, October 9–13, 2016 IFAT World of Energy Solutions Munich, May 30 – June 3, 2016 Stuttgart, October 10–12, 2016 Joint Fraunhofer booth and joint booth Fraunhofer SysWasser Joint booth Fraunhofer Battery Alliance Alliance World Cancer Congress Cancer Diagnostics Conference & Expo Paris, October 31 – November 3, 2016 Rome, June 13–15, 2016 Electronica WCNDT Munich, November 8–11, 2016 Munich, June 13–17, 2016 Medica Actuator Düsseldorf, November 13–17, 2016 Bremen, June 13–15 Juni, 2016 Joint Fraunhofer booth Joint booth Fraunhofer Adaptronics Alliance Hagener Symposium Rapidtech Hagen, November 24–25, 2016 Erfurt, June 21–23, 2016 Joint booth Fraunhofer Additive Manufacturing Alliance FAD Conference Dresden, November 2016 EFCF Lucerne, July 5–8, 2016 Composites Stuttgart, November 29 – December 1, 2016 Ostthüringische Kooperationsbörse des verarbeitenden Joint Fraunhofer booth und produzierenden Gewerbes Dornburg, September 15, 2016 Academix Erfurt, Dezember 2016 AM Expo Lucerne, September 20–21, 2016 Please find further information at Innotrans Berlin, September 20–23, 2016 Joint booth Saxony Economic Development Corporation World Cancer Conference London, September 26–28, 2016 Annual Report 2015/16 103 HOW TO REACH US AT FRAUNHOFER IKTS Please find further information and direction sketches at How to reach us in Dresden-Gruna By car -- Highway A4: at the three-way highway intersection “Dresden West“ exit onto Highway A17 in direction “Prag“ (Prague) -- Exit at “Dresden Prohlis/Nickern“ (Exit 4) -- Continue 2 km along the secondary road in direction “Zentrum“ (City center) -- At the end of the secondary road (Kaufmarkt store will be on the right side), go through traffic light and continue straight ahead along Langer Weg in direction “Prohlis“ (IHK) -- After 1 km, turn left onto Mügelner Strasse -- Turn right at the next traffic light onto Moränenende -- Continue under the train tracks and turn left at next traffic light onto Breitscheidstrasse -- Continue 3 km along the An der Rennbahn to Winterbergstrasse -- Fraunhofer IKTS is on the left side of the road -- Please sign in at the entrance gate By public transport -- From Dresden main station take tram 9 (direction “Prohlis”) to stop “Wasaplatz“ -- Change to bus line 61 (direction “Weißig/Fernsehturm”) or 85 (direction Striesen) and exit at “Grunaer Weg“ By plane -- From Airport Dresden-Klotzsche take a taxi to Winterbergstrasse 28 (distance is approximately 7 miles or 10 km) -- Or use suburban train S2 (underground train station) to stop “Haltepunkt Strehlen” -- Change to bus line 61 (direction “Weißig/Fernsehturm”) or 85 (direction Striesen) and exit at “Grunaer Weg“ 1 0 4 Annual Report 2015/16 How to reach us in Dresden-Klotzsche How to reach us in Hermsdorf By car By car -- Highway A4: exit “Dresden-Flughafen” in direction -- Highway A9: exit “Bad Klosterlausnitz/Hermsdorf” (Exit 23) Hoyerswerda along H.-Reichelt-Strasse to Grenzstrasse -- Maria-Reiche-Strasse is the first road to the right after Dörnichtweg and follow the road to Hermsdorf, go straight ahead up to the roundabout -- Turn right to Robert-Friese-Strasse -- The 4th turning to the right after the roundabout is -- From Dresden city: B97 in direction Hoyerswerda -- Grenzstrasse branches off to the left 400 m after the tram Michael-Faraday-Strasse -- Fraunhofer IKTS is on the left side rails change from the middle of the street to the right side -- Maria-Reiche-Strasse branches off to the left after approximately 500 m -- Highway A4: exit Hermsdorf-Ost (Exit 56a) and follow the road to Hermsdorf -- At Regensburger Strasse turn left and go straight ahead up By public transport to the roundabout -- Turn off to right at the roundabout and follow Am Globus -- Take tram 7 from Dresden city to stop “Arkonastraße” -- After about 1km turn off left to Michael-Faraday-Strasse -- Turn left and cross the residential area diagonally to -- Fraunhofer IKTS is on the left side Grenzstrasse -- Follow this road for about 10 min to the left and you will By train reach Maria-Reiche-Strasse -- From Hermsdorf-Klosterlausnitz main station turn right and -- Take suburban train S2 to “Dresden-Grenzstraße“ walk in the direction of the railway bridge -- Reverse for ca. 400 m -- Walk straight into Keramikerstrasse (do not cross the bridge) -- Maria-Reiche-Strasse branches off to the right -- Pass the porcelain factory and the Hermsdorf town house -- Turn right, pass the roundabout and walk straight into By plane Robert-Friese-Strasse -- After 600 m turn right into Michael-Faraday-Strasse -- After arriving at airport Dresden use either bus 80 to bus -- Find Fraunhofer IKTS after 20 m stop “Grenzstraße Mitte” at the beginning of Dörnichtweg and follow Grenzstrasse for 150 m -- Or take suburban train S2 to “Dresden-Grenzstraße“ and walk about 400 m further along Grenzstrasse Annual Report 2015/16 105 EDITORIAL NOTES Editorial team/layout Institute address Press and Public Relations Fraunhofer Institute for Marketing Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS Specialist Information Winterbergstrasse 28 01277 Dresden, Germany Printing Phone +49 351 2553-7700 Fax +49 351 2553-7600 ELBTAL Druckerei & Kartonagen Kahle GmbH Michael-Faraday-Strasse 1 Photo acknowledgments 07629 Hermsdorf, Germany Phone +49 36601 9301-0 Fotograf Jürgen Lösel, Dresden Fax +49 36601 9301-3921 Fraunhofer IKTS MEV Verlag Maria-Reiche-Strasse 2 01109 Dresden-Klotzsche, Germany Phone +49 351 88815-501 Fax +49 351 88815-509 [email protected] Contact Press and Public Relations Dipl.-Chem. Katrin Schwarz Phone +49 351 2553-7720 [email protected] Reproduction of any material requires the editors’ consent. © Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden 04/2016 1 0 6 Annual Report 2015/16
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