日本語 英語 φ ' 辻1 0Υ PRIZE^ Ist prize\ 2nd prize\ 3rd p"ze\ E什ot war \ ¥500000 "0門鵬0'.0" ¥30 ■ 000 ',0・OMO'.00, ^1 ^■^^^{forseveralpieces} ^^^^^^(forseveralpieces) 2016年度外国人留学生向け論文募集 Ten apP11Cants wi heve a chence to receive a ¥5,ooo bookstore 'ft cert"ca e. DEADUNE匪珂 2016/9/30 "Ⅱ" The essays must be sent by ema羽 to essay falia.jp alon窟 With the a plication f rms wh'oh are ava11able from our website. THEM歪^ Any top cs that are relevantt011fe insurance. We expectthet many students who study lnsurance schemes or even those who are unfamⅡiar W仕h insurance WⅡI cha11en e themselves to enter this competition With their rich lma inations and free ldeas. we accept a wide variety of viBwpoints and method010窟icel epproeches when it comes tothe essays. 1泥11尾 f浬亙,尾公益財団法人国際保険振興会 The Foundation forthe Advancement of L廿e & 1nsuranceAround the ゛10"d 【publio ln也rest1打C0叩ora也d Foundatio"] APPUC厶NTEUG1引UTY 応格等 Mustbean unde aduateora duate internationalstudentlivi indapan 日本語 Whose status ofresidence is "C0Ⅱe e student"(学). 英語 As a eneral rule, must be a national of a country that sends particlpants to φ FAUA seminars. {countrles whlch have sent participantsto FAUA include china, cambodia,1nd恰, Indonesia, south Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, the ph"ippines, sln目apore, sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, uzbekiS始n, and vietnam. For more details, Please referto the FAUA website or inquire directly.) Must sti11 be e student when we hold the award ceremony and mU雪t be able 如 at畑nd 吐, (Theawardceremony isscheduled inthebe innln of2017, wew"1announcethe "xed schedule 恰ter on our webslte.} GUIDEUNES 旦ユニエ玉至 Essays must be wr1せen in En lish or Japanese. Essays must beori nal and unpublished. CO.authored essays wiⅡ be accepted, but each member must satisfy the applicant e"山ility requirements explained above. Essay could be 40oo words t050oo words ln En 11Sh, or 40oo t0 12000 Characters ln dapanese. 5. A re iS廿ation form must be sent with the essay. 6、 when 口Uotin others, please properly lndlcate the source. フ. The copyrlehtfor aⅡ essaysentered W111 be assigned to ourfoundation. 8. we may introduce winnin esseys,includln details about the authors {name, nationality, university) on ourhomepa e orby some other method. ANNOU CEMENT 発表 Prize winners WⅡl be lnformed direotly in December 2016 and publicly announced On our webS詫e a什erthe award ceremony in the be innln底of 2017. 2016年度外国人留学生向け懸論文募集 審責委員 Chair Professor Takau Yoneyama HltolsL心ヨS川 Universlty Committee members Professor souichiro Moridaira Vvasoda universlty Professor Haruko Amano Jaoan vvomen's unive田itY SL TO CI 審査基準 Objectivity, ori目inality,10目icality, creativity *vve may interview the candidates. O RIST CT S その 1. vve may use personalinformation received via this competition solely for our foundation's use. 2. For the awards ceremony, vve vvi" cover the transportation expenses and accommodation expenses in Japan. CONT厶CT^ 回'回 リ ^ι_,^' The FOU"detlonfortheAdvancementofL藷θ& 1nsurancoAroundt"B world ma [email protected] Tel 0458272671(Essaycommpetition 8roup/懸論文側 回'
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