Recommendations for neuro

Recommendations for neuroscience seminars
Summer semester 2016
1. From Cajal to Kandel
Klaus-Armin Nave, Max-Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Göttingen
weekend seminar in the ZMBH
contact: [email protected]
2. Causes and consequences of neurodegeneration: lessons from current cellular and animal models
Rosanna Parlato, Dept. of Anatomy, IZN; block seminar
contact: [email protected]
3. Neurobiology of drug addiction
Rainer Spanagel, Stephanie Perreau-Lenz; Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, IZN
contact: [email protected]
4. Seminar in Neuropharmacology
Rainer Spanagel, Anita Hansson; Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, IZN
contact: [email protected]
5. Biostatistics for Neuroscientists
Hamid Noori, Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim,
1st meeting: April 14, 4 pm; seminar: Thursdays 4:00 pm, seminar room 4.20 lab building
contact: [email protected]
6. Body weight and fat tissue - regulated by the hypothalamus
Viola Nordström, DKFZ; 1st meeting: April 27, 2016, 6:30 pm,
seminars: Wednesdays: 11.5./ 18.5./ 25. 5./1. 6./ 8.6. 2016; 6:30 - 8:00 pm
contact: [email protected]
7. Regenerative approaches for spinal cord injury
Beatrice Sandner, Spinal Cord Injury Center, Heidelberg University Hospital, Clinic for Paraplegiology
1st meeting: April 19th, 2016, 5:30pm, Spinal Cord Injury Center, HD
contact: [email protected]
Winter semester 2016/17 (preview, not yet scheduled):
1. Neuronal stem cells and cancer (Francesca Ciccolini, Neurobiology, IZN; [email protected])
2. Calcium-signalling in learning, survival and death (Hilmar Bading, Neurobiology, IZN; [email protected])
3. Transgene Methoden und Tiermodelle neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen (Ulrike Müller, IPMB / IZN;
[email protected])
4. Molekulare und genetische Grundlagen neuro-psychiatrischer Erkrankungen (Klaus-Armin Nave, MaxPlanck Institute, Göttingen; [email protected]),
5 Labrotation Seminar (Stephan Frings, COS, IZN)
by demand of neuro students